What's the odds making T rated games based on 80s and 90s cartoons becomes a popular trend among Triple A publishers and indie Devs?
Predicting the next gaming tend
If Cuphead would ever fucking come out we could gauge interest in playable cartoons.
Overwatch clones
Fuck 80's and 90's cartoons. Where's my Top Cat vidya at
My fucking nigger
Pseudo-nostalgia shit like NuDoom? It would pretty much be what the movie industry does with all the constant remakes.
Top Cat is a pussy
Since superheroes are all the rage right now, I'd love to play a cell shaded Super Friends beat em up with all the camp preserved.
I'd be down for a little bit of camp
Playing as Batman would just be Crazy Taxi with Adam West and Casey Kasem talking.
Friendly reminder after Power Rangers. It's Captain Planet turn for dark & edgy reboot
By why I'm witnessing on this board and in real life the next trend will be games about androgynous homosexuals. Companies are going to take notice about how so many millennials and teens are batshit insane for traps and fembois. I'm not gay so I'm not in to this shit but it is a large portion of IRL and online with anyone under 30. I think it will be simple real world meets fantasy industrial techworld in the background and it's all about people characters know at school being a bad guy but it's full of traps and fembois and anthropomorphic tomboy homosexual garbage.
They turned fucking Archie comics into a teen sex drama series on CW. There really is no bottom.
next to none, theyve been doing something like that for years and the result is always shovelware.
My bet is that VR is gonna get cheap and popular soon.
Do you mean indie as in the clique or indie as in actually independent games?
Considering the popularity of Overwatch I would assume more mascot games coming out. Shooters, platformers, whatever.
You realize the faggots are just a loud minority like furries right? Then again being a loud minority has worked wonders for SJWs so who knows
Dear God, it'll be like moeshit 2.0
I can't wait
How unrealistic, a girl playing a game and enjoying it
adapted cartoons transformed by SJW…
Gender fluid protagonist with xer own powers against white devil
*Is not out*
*teleports asterisks around you*
When will (((Hollywood))) be burn to the ground? This shit is not funny anymore.
Is that shit for real?!?!?
it'll probably have something to do with VR.
i'm okay with this as long as it's nothing actually gay, just fujoshit teasing.
this seems like a fair prediction, especially if studios pick up on advertising their characters rather than the gameplay, it worked well with TF2s "meet the" videos and blizzards big budget character videos for overwatch reeled lots of people in
even smaller games with character-classes are starting to sprinkle in needless character lore like over at rainbow six siege, where the characters were really just who carried what tool and had a little blurb are now starting to add character fluff into their updates and stuff.
its a solid strategy actually because you can make a funny video that doesn't actually show gameplay and get away with it, but also bait fools in with waifus
You can't make this shit up.
I'm still waiting for a josh trank body horror themed reboot of street sharks or extreme dinosaurs.
Thats already this trend
And many others, same shit with films from Stars Wars, Ghostbusters, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Blade Runner
People liked that shit because of their quality and these companies make average as fuck if not terrible shit with these loved franchises/IPs for nostalgiabucks.
People associate the brand and legacy with quality but what we get is a passable normalfag pandering movie that makes references to older movies when most of these are written/Directed by California L.A GenY/Millenial hipsters that will shit the bed or do everything their investors/production executives want.
You know why George Millers latest Max film was hauled as the greatest shit ever even though its an 8/10 action movie?
Because he actually gave dedication to his work, worked with older and new systems/cinematography and didn't suck the cock of his investors so he didn't have to pander to shit like the Chink market so that every movie is a politically correct barren insiped boring mess thanks to these globalist kikes wanting to pander to every single fag for money.
Same shit with Doom but that garbage was 6/10 at best being a consolized Painkiller clone, at least Doom 3 was fucking ambitious and not a rushed attempt at a game after their Call of Duty clone failed.
We're lucky if we get more of the same or a good hybrid of old and modern conventions while never anything ambitious or truly unique.
Marketing a shitty/average product is what sells nowadays.
People are fucking dumb, normalfags are fucking dumb and have taken hold of what used to he more obscure media/hobbies since people get better life conditions and cheaper hardware while middle/low class becomes ever increasingly blurred and shit is made to pander to this new flock who before stuck to sports or other social activities due to no money or exposure.
This is what I mean
Do you really not think that companies haven't noticed undertale being popular and a lot of focus on fembois and traps? They took a big fucking notice. Watch a lot of games not too unlike Life is Strange mixed with undertale and a lot of androgyny.
No it will be about gays and it will be western games not japanese.
You can always make your own.
That's what I'm trying. I'm just scared of being too late before I finish my projects or the possibility I may not even finish them.
Hey man, the Revenant was pretty good even if the narrative and CGI use weren't the best.
Theres always some gems
Problem is ratio, before we would get like 5/7 good truly good movies/games per year in the torrent of average/terrible shit.
Now we're lucky if we get one or 2 and more ppppoften than not they're not popular or profitable.
Its like people here and outside here keep saying, studios focus on one big product instead of using their workforce in various lesslesser budgeted movies that could actually take risks.
What's the odds neatherrealm studios will make a big budget Power Rangers fighting game on consoles? Judging from the posstive comments and likes the power rangers trailers gotten. Sounds like ow ow edgy rangers will become the new Bayformers.
If you didn't notice, Overshit itself is a clone, retard.
Gacha shit
Sports gacha shit, FPS gacha shit, Fighting Games status effects for online game modes gacha shit, GSG gacha shit, even platformers are going to have it
Why would you even want a Power Rangers fighting game? The number of combatants is tiny. And if it has to be based on the movies, which I'd assume is part of the deal to make the thing in the first place, we'd be subjected to the questionable character design choices you see when NR is left to their own devices redesigning 99% of the bad guys.
Nostalgiabucks, I still remember seeing all those shitty remakes in the mid/late 00s and thinking that Hollywood was really desperate as most were office and box office bombs.
And now they're the norm.
Yeah, but everyone else is going to be basing themselves around it and not the OG.
I know chuckle fuck. But Overwatch is the one that was most successful in the current climate. Meaning that every other western dev is gonna try to emulate it.
I don't think that is necessarily true, since Battleborn flopped so hard it is bound to make Suits somewhat anxious to clone.
Battleborn came out before overwatch. At most we might see Battlefield 1 clones.
After the nostalgia trend that's running I think we're going to see games get less mainstream. Or at least during it.
That's at least my hope.
I predict it will be "waifus are real" games. Not a shitty VR kind of thing, I mean the ability to leave this god damn fucked planet and physically go into a virtual utopia where you can have your waifu for real.
Just hang there men, we have been fighting for this for generations, and it's only a matter of time.
Trump doesn't give a shit about you or your waifus. Keep venerating him as your savior come down from Heaven itself.
Yeah. Waifu Heaven.
If only
Even after Battlefields 3 and 4 success all we've gotten so far has been an indie title in Early Access in UE3.
That besides Dust 514 which was DOA
It's like they hate money.
Is that a fish rifle?
Yeah, its the H&K XM8 which everyone though would be the next US SI rifle back in 2004-2008 instead the US Army refused and now its used only by Malaysia.
Got shittons of media use back then though as it was slick and futuristic looking.
A shame really
I hate that thing, the p90, steyr AUG, and fn200 all are more futuristic and slick but that got all the press.
Honestly if someone were to do an edgy Street Sharks movie or new comic I would read it. It probably would be ten times better than the shitty cartoon was.
I tried to marathon it a few days ago and only got 4 episodes in. Extreme Dinosaurs was painful for the first episode.
Though we did a call back to 90s shit with the comic Jurassic Strike Force 5 (fourth image). Too bad it never picked up beyond 2 volumes with the second becoming hard as fuck to find.
But the p90 was used all the time in Stargate.
never watched stargate
Stay triggered Belgian fuckface
Wasn't it a terrible piece of shit that melted during sustained fire? Also, IIRC, it was basically a G36 except more expensive and with a propietary accessory system that came out during the adoption of Picatinny rails.
I'm going to enjoy Sony's inevitable demise.
G36 is still my raifu
Why was it rejected?
excellent taste.
How does this happen? Do they wait for the original author to die first?
Sony is a multi media billionaire multinational company whose market share has remained pretty much the same since the late 00s.
They aren't going anywhere soon unfortunately.
Shit like this always gets me hype
A shame that Gate anime was fucking trash, nothing but wasted potencial to pander to teenagers and otakushits unfortunately.
Y-you too
whats your favorite rifle/firearm user?
More splintering of content in retail price games and charging extra for it as usual, but less focus on things that are strictly mechanical and more cosmetic and "optional" things. The justification for this that will be pushed by the media and "fans" will be "it's just optional, stop complaining".
CS:GO, OW, and other games have shown you can trick goys into believing it, now we'll see how far it can go and how many more "optional" things AAA publishers will cut out.
Stop reminding me
If that's the case Tetsuya Nomura will be a very busy man.
bets on it being that one Robot Chicken skit played dead straight.
What are you talking about? Their primary income is CCD chips and they have had their ass kicked hard by the Japanese tsunami and other manufacturers. Add to this that Sony Pictures keeps pissing money down the drain as they try to push bullshit no one wants.
I get this is Holla Forums and when you say "Sony" all anyone thinks of is PS but remember that the PS is about as much of their business as the XB is to MS.
Judging by that video, if Holla Forums got together could we take captain planet just by standing around?
The galil and AUGI won't deny that Upotte had a hand in getting me to like them thoughAlso I'm a lefty so the ambidextrous options on the AUG are nice
Maybe, photo, mobile and TV shit is down.
Movie is average/mediocre.
Robotics is successful
Music is successful
Medical is successful
Gayman is successful
I'm not expecting them to stay around forever, but they won't go away soon unlike Microsoft who is a sinking ship and won't stay afloat for much longer if they keep this up, especially now that they can hire every Pajeet they find in the street.
They're even begging for exceptions to the emmigration law.
Sony was really close to going under only 2 years ago, they are still on the edge and will be for a few more years.
As for MS I have to ask again what the fuck are you talking about? They might pull the pin on the XB soon but that won't change the fact they have 90% of the OS marketshare and 95% of office software.
Steyr Aug is pretty cool, I despise the Galils boxy design however
It won't stop at sprays.
It's all optional bro, why are you complaining?
I wish we'd have more games with "furries" but without the furfaggotry. Just imagine, we could have old-animated-movies-tier games with anthro animals for the kids, and Altered Beast tier games for the rest.
but alas, furfags will furfag
Yeah, like I said, Sony will still hold out for a while.
Just saw their stock, what the fuck?
Their mobile division is a disgrace with their tablets only being alightly better, prebuild computers are in decline, their latet OS which was "free" for a year still only has 25% of the marketshare even which with even NSA money shouldn't bring them that far.
Companies are worried about their security due to this and their gaming division is crumbling.
Who the fuck buys Operating Systems?
Who the fuck still buys Office?
How do thy do it?
What the fuck?
The Gates Foundation has secured Microsoft's continued existence by the feds, economics be damned.
The story I remember was that the US commissioned a huge number of them before they were designed. There were tons of weird restrictions("the gun has to have as little metal as possible") which explain the poor performance and funny shape. The order was completed, but then the US backed out.
Supposedly the USA was never really going to honor the contract. They just wanted to see if the German industrial machine was still strong enough to worry about.
Perhaps their soon-to-be world's first trillonaire suggar daddy Gates is giving them some allowance to stay healthy.
The next trend will be furry.
But why?
The latest iteration of Office Business barely if even raises productivity.
What about the Golden Boy in the White House?
uncle soros is feeding them his tit
Every AAA studio begins to follow valve and starts making movies instead of games.
Christ, I keep forgetting
I think half life was good in the sense than it was less show than tell (still had show). Now it's all just tell and if a little arrow doesn't tell you where to go the game breaks completely.
That's the true face of transexuality. Get ready for more of that in games. I'm telling you muh feels and tranny shit will be the central focus making bioware look like a kawamori studio.
That would be too good. Imagine a Western industry where developers don't have to make dark, serious, pretentious games that appeal to edgy 13 year olds.
I think the industry is going to improve in 2017, but not the audience. We're going to have to face the reality that unapologetic Skyrim/Fallout 4 fans are going to keep playing video games, but I think they will be playing and enjoying superior games in 2017. It's just a matter of whether or not they'll know what hit them.
Any good changes made to the industry in upcoming years is going to be viewed by the casual audience as, being brought by the developer's grace. The general consensus outside of Holla Forums is that anyone who complains about the state of the industry being too casual is entitled. They'll tell you these developers are just doing whatever they can to keep making money, and that targeting a minority like you would only LOSE them money. If any AAA game came out today and it didn't hold you by the nuts with quest markers and excessive hints, Holla Forums would praise it for being a good game. Meanwhile, the Skyrim audience would praise it for being brave enough to stand out in a market full of casualized nonsense.
I have faith in the ability of modern gamers. Most of them, despite having shitty standards and garbage priorities, seem capable of at least playing an older game that doesn't hold your hand. Bethesdrone Redditors all seem to have experience playing games like Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Morrowind, Doom, and Quake. They just think that newer games are better because of "muh technological progression" and "muh emotions". I think a non-casual modern AAA game would do well in a modern market.
I feel like the next trend in vidya is going to be a return to its roots. Breath of the Wild, while it does seem to have a quest marker, I think will respect the player's intuition enough to let them tackle problems their own. As evidenced by the huge, tutorial-less shrines we've seen so far. Mario Odyssey is a return to Mario 64 where you seem to tackle the level using your own sense of direction and how you're going to get that next star. These are 2 Nintendo games, but I feel like they will impact the modern gaming audience enough to at least contribute to the birth of a new market.
Yooka Laylee is a small-studio game that seems to be gaining momentum among normalfags, and I think it will be a strong return to Banjo Kazooie's formula of open 3D platforming. The fact that it has a following as big as it does proves there is a market for it. Kingdom Come Deliverance appears to be marketing towards a core gamer audience and actually move FORWARD at the same time. It's not hindered by a a desire to stay "classic" or "retro".
Say what you will about 2007-2016. Worst years ever, vidya aside. But now Trump is President and he's gonna make vidya great again. You mark my fucking words, things are gonna start turning around.
Only if Zootopia managed to influence for shit.
Or japs starts to push more kemono in vidya
there were a lot of video game companies bitching about his travel ban so I don't see it happening any time soon. you'll see his business policy allow companies outside of the southCal cabal to flourish but it'll take a while for that to bear any real fruit.
I haven't watched yifftopia, but I'm going to make a game with human and furry characters because science fiction mixed with fantasy is fun as fuck. It will take me a while, but I'll do it.
I hate this trend of games becoming "all inclusive" package so you can't fuck with the files or customize anything. Take overwatch for example, one of the biggest MP games as of right now, it has sprays but only preapproved ones the devs made so no customizing your spray, they don't have any community servers so you will never find something as cool as warioware in overwatch, only preapproved lel so random servers where there are reduced cool downs or only certain characters, you can't modify ANY of the files or you get b& because god forbid you change your hud or put a skin in the game that the devs didn't. It pisses me off to no end.
then we need to fucking meme good games into existence
Like so,
Nah, it'll be muh thicc for a while. also I want kemono to stay hidden, taking a remote glance at western furries says everything about why seret club mentalities are good
No, things are getting better but thats due to the fact that more people are moving to niche games, AAA aside from EA and Bethesda shit sells less, less companies are going the Call of Duty way and are actually interacting with core fans and more companies are sprouting out thanks to easily accessible tools.
Normalfags are a waste and the scum who buys majorly buy FIFA, Fallout, Call of Duty and Battlefront/Battlefield give no shits and will pay out their ass if need be.
Can't Wait to see fat acceptance gay Barbie and all female men in black reboot to flop. The shitstorm will be beauitful.
Overmeme is an ASSFAGGOTS in FPS form, nothing but a game so the kikes at Blizzard can push Esports and skins with no fun allowed, much like GTA V multi and sharkcards.
You're a fucking idiot if you bought it and you deserve anything negative that comes towards you.
MS had a net income of 16 billion for the 2016 financial year, they are in no troubles, maybe some investors can pressure the shutting down of the Xbox Division because it has only ever lost money, but experimental ventures will eventually pay off just like Azure.
It's just an example, look at the most popular multiplayer games today, Rainbow six siege, DOTA, LoL, Overwatch, etc. all of them are no fun allowed with no community servers or customization at all just so they can jew you with paid skins and sprays. I've only played two of the games I mentioned, guess which
DOTA 2 has mods and so does CSGO alomg with dedicated servers which most shit like Cowadoody and Battlefield also have.
Make it like the original Dragon Ball universe.
Could normalfags be slowly vidyapilled into getting standards? It seems to work with crowbcat videos, it even got some normalfags to shit on CS:GO skins and TF2 items.
Fair point, but nothing has the level of TF2 or CS 1.6 customization, with sprays skins, custom game modes etc.
Never said that, I just have faith in the audience. They have shit priorities and shit taste, but they are more than capable of beating a game without excessive handholding and dumb AI.
Nintendo of America is dead for me, but Nintendo of Japan still makes good games despite Jewey business practices which is why I have faith in them.
Nihilistic attitudes will get us nowhere. Progress is made by red pills, not black pills.
wanting bad companies to fail and replaced by good ones isn't nihilism.
They could, but my theory would have to work in order for that to happen. Meaning, BoTW and Mario Odyssey would have to be commercial successes, and games like Butterlord and Kingdom Cum will have to be a LITTLE more than just a "small niche audience". Even the most hardcore Bethesdrone acknowledges TES games have dumbed down, the real issue is getting them to admit it's a problem. Even if a new TES game came out with the freedom of Skyrim and the mechanical depth of Daggerfall and everyone loved it, your average Bethesdrone will say,
How do you argue to someone that a game is shit when they had fun?
I think the best case scenario would be what I said earlier, but I'll sum it up better because I think my last paragraph was all over the place.
Normalfags will grow to appreciate complex, challenging games, but they will still see no issue with casual/unchallenging games and still sympathize with the dumbing down
And, even if Trump's economic policies don't immediately fix the vidya industry, Trump is going to take the fluoride out the water which is gonna cause a huge Testosterone boost in the US population, leading to less cuckoldry and "take it up the ass" attitudes from people.
You shouldn't wait, you should just do it. Meme the industry into a better condition. Fax GabeN a bunch of penises. Bully Pete Hines on Twitter. Anything YOU can do to make the industry better. Whining isn't gonna do a damn thing.
Sign me up!
I'm waiting for Swat Kats to come back
I think the people behind the upcoming Megaman cartoon are working on a Heathcliff series. So no, not going to happen.
friendly reminder Power Rangers was just cashing in on the Voltron fad but Voltron 1981 was cashing in on Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger 1975
Pretty much. The future is money infesting everything you love. One day "hardcore gaming" will just be swiping your credit card, and the player with the larger bank account is adjudged the winner.
I've learned the hard way over the years that "reboot of well-liked older media" and "decent chance of being good like the original" are two phrases that rarely-if-ever can be said in the same sentence.
im pretty sure tf2 was way more successful
It is. Or was. The community has been bleeding for a while I think.And the implementations in the later updates by Valve have been cancer. Either way OW is relevant or *popular* enough to discuss when brought up.
I really liked Hardcore Henry. Had a great sense of humor and was a pretty good action movie with a gimmick.
You can defeat Captain Planet just by throwing a Banana peel at him. Dude is practically wet toilet paper.
SJW get a hold of her. She's this fat rainbow haired Squirrel Girl artist troglodyte.
i dont wanna hear that crap
The next trend will be sinking farther down.
This isn't cuckchan.
Then they'll do even worse than they are now. SJWs and other Leftys don't play vidya.
Leftys are by nature self-defeating and suicidal. Hence the support for fags, trannies, and feminists.
Take pleasure in the act of working on your game, user, rather than agonising about completing it. To create with passion is to touch the face of god.
The next logical step is a collection pre-orders/season passes. You pay an annual fee for Playstation Plus style free content of a game series/company; games, DLC, avatars, skin, etc.
I was actually kind of hyped for that game. I really enjoy the Trials series and, at the time, I wasn't burned out on the MUH 80s shit. The actual tracks themselves are mediocre and are almost zero challenge and then it turns into a fucking twin stick shooter totally at random. But people loved it because it was 'progressive'.
Hentai and porno games become mainstream with hordes of furrys
Because despite being made of "super lightweight polymer materials" the thing weighed more than a small moon. It's a shitty meme rifle and thank fuck the US army never adopted it.
Nobody is really saying otherwise.
The point is Overwatch took the framework of TF2 and managed to take it to the next level. People arguing over if Mercy should be shipped with Hanzo or S76, Gremlin D.Va, whatever. The TF2 fanbase could be autistic, but Overwatch managed to bring it into the mainstream.
The new Max movie is godawful and a complete rape of the character and franchise. I raged the whole 2h of the movie and regret watching it to the end.
It could have been a halfway decent film if Miller completely ditched Max and any relation to the frachise, and made Nux the main character
My body is ready :^)
I'd like to, but it's a really boring, stressful, process. Especially the programming.
I guess I care more about the product being good than the amount of work put into it. Sometimes I'll be programming for 2 days and not see any progress because I'm working on a complex system and I'm either not sure how to approach some problems or I haven't gone through the tedious process of gluing them all together.
I'd like to be happy with the development process, but when I'm not seeing a fun game I get a little impatient.
I'd almost pay money to see that. Captain Planet was always preachy politically correct environmental Greenpeace communist propaganda trash anyway, so it's a good fit for Hollywood to begin with
Holy shit, I made that joke when I saw a preview and just assumed it was a coincidental name
Feels good man
It's less about the effort you put in, and more about the process itself. If you could learn to enjoy programming for its own sake, you would find that instead if having to bring yourself to work on your game, you would naturally gravitate towards programming it without any extra willpower being required.
Whether that's possible is another matter. Good luck, anyway.
But user, Nux wasn't in Beyond Thunderdome.
It is true that it's nowhere near the customization TF2 had in it's prime
If Valve gets the stick out of their asses and fix their compatability with the mods.
Hero shooters like Overwatch but with a hook of a licence. Expect WB to do a DC Hero shooter or someone to do a Marvel version (Eidos Montreal is doing a a story based Guardians Of The Galaxy game with co-op elements. Unknown if it's TPS or FPS yet though)
A lot more "Survival" games except casualed down a bit for quick pick up and play along with major sessions (Something like Sea Of Thieves)
A lot more Ayyyyyysemetric games like Dark Souls.
E-Sports in wildly different genres because E-Sports sells. It's rumored the new NFS is an E-sports take on it. So expect a shitload of bolt on E-sports on everything
They sold Medical/Pharma to the Japanese government a few years back, user. Sony had two years of turnaround due to the PS4 and better updake on their divisions but it flatlined over the past 12 months to the point they had to write down a $1bn impairment on the pictures division and Hirai becoming co-CEO of pictures to try unfuck it and find a new CEO.
Games are fine but the other segments are starting to have a fall with Pictures being a disaster and Mobile expected to post a year loss on their yearly financial.
Holy shit you are autistic.
Xbox division just put the division in the black historically, for the first time last quarter as long as you don't count their decision to call the Xbox Huge a sunk cost they took a $6bn write down on (Business wise, they were in the black since 2010 and have been ever since. "M$ never made any money on Xbox" is a meme)
And believe me. I want to see consoles die and PC's take over. But neither side are going away any time soon.
Trannies and feminists will probably destroy LGBT in our lifetimes
I miss 80s girls and 80s fashion……