Why haven't you bought Atelier Sophie & Nights of Azure bundles Holla Forums?
Why haven't you bought Atelier Sophie & Nights of Azure bundles Holla Forums?
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Beat Nights of Azure on PS4 and I think Ill wait to see on performance/price for Atelier Sophie.
Because I only want Nights of Azure.
Because I want to see how shit the port is before spending money on anime games.
Because its not Totori
Because I hate JRPGs
I'm not a weab, and the Japanese video game industry is inferior.
Because I don't play faggy weeb-bait, let alone pay for it.
This, Japanese video games are sexist and promotes sexual objectification of women and pedophilia. Hopefully one day United Nations will bring western value in Japanese video games industry.
Is atelier going to sell in gog or humble bundle store?
I will get nights of azure when its cheap in ps4
Just wow, there's literally nothing wrong with having sex with children. It is endorsed by the holy books and the Prophet (pbuh). Your intolerance of this diverse cultural value is deeply problematic.
Atelier is boring as fuck.
Because I don't support homosexual propaganda.
Just because it's in the holy scripture doesn't mean we're allowed to do it. That's like saying just because something isn't illegal that we should do it.
Because I don't play weebcuck anime slideshows, they are not vidya.
cucksage negated
Don't care about lesbians
/cuteboys/ JRPG game when? :^)
Because they're fucking garbage.
would buy them for support weeb games on pc but just bought disgaea 2 for the third time
ps2/psp versions and i have them both still
pc version aint half bad but knowing how some shitty weeb games have been in the past i waited till a day after to get disgaea 2 and it works fine, i'd wait to see how these two games handle
Because it's not out yet?
Nah, I'm fine.
Because I own the PS4 versions and KT's track record of PC ports hasn't been good. Call me when they make a PC port of Atelier Escha & Logy+ tho.
Is halfcuck down or something?
Is the Atelier game actually any good?
Hey man, KoF XIV's pc port isn't out yet, the yakuza series is console exclusive and Disaster Report 4 is a PS4 exclusive. I gotta do what I gotta do to enjoy the series I love.
is nights of azure good? seemed like a mediocre version of the dragon quest heroes game (which i wasnt a huge fan of).
can somebody sell me on this game? preferably in an autistic manner?
they say that if you like comfy jrpg, with alchemy and girls, you will do fine, totori is a good start
Is halfcuck down or something?
yes. its a very solid entry in the series. though some dont like that clock timing was replaced with picking up items causes time to pass which i can understand. i was never a fan of that mechanic, so it doesnt bother me.
it has a really great crafting system, cute light story, and if you want to get into the harder stuff, the endgame bosses require alot of strategy, planning, and very purposeful crafting to beat.
it also is full of qt girls doing qt things
Its a somewhat basic action-slasher with RPG elements and AI-controlled allies revolving around lesbian sideboob saving the night.
Different types of allies fight in different ways and each have automatic skills they use with one command action. Pairing up and creating certain teams leads to some interesting combo potential.
Monster growth is somewhat randomised as they learn passives at certain levels which benefit the party and theres a bit of loot rolling if youre into that.
Multiple endings based on actions and NG+ stuff.
Thats a big bed
sounds alot like dragon quest heroes. so you dont run around with a large army, you run around with a few companions based on which are different types?
does the game have any strategy element like dynasty warriors? this was completely missing from dragon quest and made the game turn into a button masher for me.
No wild strategies outside of pairing up certain monsters.
Toy Soldiers, for instance, chase anything that gets knocked away and Dolls automatically throw things about so they make a pair.
Wood golems taunt enemies, Arachnes slow them down and then Bombs do a huge suicide attack for another good combo.
Mix in useful passives and thats about as complex as it gets outside the final boss.
wait, so your "companions" are the monsters you summon? youre pretty much alone other than that? what about the other lesbian? they dont play together? they just switch between?
She's the plot lesbian. Arnice (the player character) is her guardian.
These two at least have some meat unlike the flat shit from before.
oh… well, thanks for the info. if you like that you should pick up dragon quest heroes. it has the summoning monsters and you can bring allies which different combinations of them give different results. (for example mixing support mage, tank, damage dealer, and CC)
not my thing, though i typically love dynasty warriors games. i'm waiting on the berzerk title.
I'm waiting to see how the port turns out.
I already did.
Maybe we'll get it one day. At least I hope so.
This, also wait for sale.
I'm so sorry
No money
Why? My father taught me not to be ashamed of my vidya collection
I don't preorder and I'll probably just rent it on PS4 when I eventually get around to playing it unless there's a great sale on it at some point in the near future. I don't want more weebshit PC ports until Denuvo is officially dead.
Better than Shallie but not as good as older games is what I hear.
It's not 2016 anymore, user.
I am new to Atelier series, can anyone give me tips and what i should know before starting out with Sophie. I have always been put off by the series due to the whole time aspect, but i wonder if it might be overatted anyways.
Dont give a fuck about the time limit, you can play the NG+ with all your shit and finish everything 100%, just get comfy
The last Atelier to have a unforgiving time limit was Rorona (PS3). After that, ever release has had a progressively lenient timeframe. By Sophie, you should be able to fuck around with your hand on your dick and still complete pretty much everything.
Settle down, put on your yuri-goggles, rev up your autism, and go craft items as you please.
Totori is more unforgiving, since it's more open ended and the time limit isn't made as clear. Rorona is easy.
No monie. Also, if I want it I will just pirate it.
Is either game censored in any way? I've heard some people discussing it and the topic was brought up, but no one said anything conclusive. If I'm going to vote with my wallet I'd rather make sure exactly what it is I'm voting for.
Sophie and iirc Shallie don't have time limits, just calendars.
You have to wait for someone to pirate/buy it and play it all.
Sometimes you know when they censored shit with trailers and stuff
Waiting for the Plus version of Atelier Sophie.
I fucking hate playing incomplete games just to come back years later and play the game of the year version.
Haven't played Dark Souls 3 for the same reason
It has a plus version? I remember one of those games not having a plus version
It doesn't have one yet, but sooner or later all modern Atelier games get a plus version with all the DLC included.
Neither game was censored on PS4, so it's unlikely that they'd be censored for PC.
but muh western sensibilities!
Seeing the robot every game makes me so sad. They're all dead, but she's still there.
Because I have no fucking money because I need a new GPU
because I don't like japanese games
Because unsee.cc
I bought Sophie but don't give a fuck about the other.
If any Anons want to know it's worth it I'll give a review in this thread or whatever when I play it.
Considering Sophie's not just a case of having been console prior and having an inevitable Vita port, but was instead PS3, PS4, AND Vita from the start, I have to wonder how a Plus version for it would actually work out, or if they even will. I mean, with the prior games the Plus versions exclusively went to a system that hadn't seen the base version, aside from Rorona Plus as that was an actual remake (it also got a physical retail release in the west no less).
Should maybe specify that I meant the PS3 version of Rorona Plus; TK seems to abhor doing standard physical Vita releases for Gust's stuff, and only a handful of the games on it even got a limited print (distributed by NISA no less).
Sophie Magnet:
Don't worry, Sophie and Nights of Azure eats up CPU instead of GPU.
Oh vey! Dont you want more nip games, goy?!
So you can't rebink keyboard controls? That's fucking stupid. I'll pass for now.
Oh, it's out now? I preordered it and then totally forgot when it when it was supposed to actually be released.
Steamspy only updates once a day, so it takes a day or two to see accurate stats.
I've already tried reinstalling Sophie and Visual C++ Redistributable 2012.
Is sophie any good? I only played Escha & Logy
Fucking Steamcucks
Fixed it. It wanted the 32-bit version of C++ 2012.
Yeah these games aren't made for 64bit since they still run on ps3 and vita.
Also getting weird framerate issues in cutscenes or playing above 1080p
So, like, the dyke thing is just a meme, right? I'd consider buying it that were the case.
Conception IV?
In Atelier it's just bait, Nights of Azure is more upfront about it.
Sophie and Azure already have the DLC included.
Alright. I'll pick up Atelier Sophie then. I haven't played one since PS2, I think.
It changes by region Burger user
Is this honey?
No, this game.
Nice dolphin porn
Holy fuck they better fucking fix this
You brought this shitty thread on yourself.
Get 100% CPU usage on both games. Glad I pirated first. I mean, they run fine but I'd rather not burn my house down.
You have a fucking processor, USE IT.
In other games i wish they were using all of my CPU.
that is not how computers should work
how could this happen?
For Nights of Azure, the port seems okay other than the weird CPU usage issues people are getting (I haven't had this issue, so I can't say much about it). Default controls are broken and need to be rebound through the launcher's settings menu. I've been playing at 1920x1200 and 60 fps (this requires a registry edit, the game doesn't offer 16:10 resolutions in settings but they work fine) and haven't seen any drops in gameplay or in-engine cutscenes. Prerendered movies are broken badly, the game completely shat itself when trying to play one and I couldn't skip it. Fortunately, from what I remember on PS4 there's only one of these.
It was topping out at 80% for me.
I would rather extend its lifetime and not burn it for no reason at all. An i7 2600K should have no problem with games like these.
I read that in heavy's voice.
Because i don't have money.
Same reason i still haven't bought EDF and Dragon's Dogma.
I've never played any those Atelier games, what's the deal with them?
Cute girls, crafting, great music.
Is there grinding involved?
I didn't a shit about this series and I still don't.
Is the Despair difficulty actually challenging or just tedious?
Comfy, good music, cute girls, cool guys. The combat is just alright, but the crafting system is fun and complex enough to satisfy my autism.
Because I'm not a Steamcuck and my backlog is large enough already.
That's from the Steam website. It's even higher up in the top sellers of my Steam client for some reason.
Also it's #10 in the global top sellers list, which I assume is the same for everyone.
Because I am a huge moron who paid about 2x the bundle price on Azure alone one month before it was announced on the PC, so I'll just pirate Atelier to compensate my loss.
Nevermind, I just figured out why. Everything you marked as "not interested" doesn't even show up in the list.
Its on top sellers now
There's your problem. And even if I did decide to buy something, I will never ever pre-order/pre-purchase/pre-play/pre-buy/pre-early-purchase. I wish this pre-order cancer just gone from this earth.
Same reason why i haven't shoved a cock up my ass.
Faggot shit.
Let me guess, steam only?
If a game doesn't have enough guys for you, I think you might be the fag, user.
Pretty sure it's on GOG
Missing three .DLLs needed to run.
you gay or something
How did you play it? I get cockblocked by steam.
Possible in the Steam version?
Was this not possible on console English version?
It's not.
It was possible on the console english release, I don't see why they would change it for the PC version
I don't really know why I thought it was.
Neptunia is on GOG, maybe its relevant because they're both weebshit?
Personally, I was bored to tears by Sophie. I put a few hours in and I didn't get the appeal. The battle part was boring, the crafting seemed inconsequential and the goal was boring. I sorta see the appeal if you like a game with a focus on day-to-day crafting/item farming. Would rather play Tokyo Mirage Sessions.
I also usually think stuff on steam will be on gog
gog doesn't have a lot of old games that it should
Shallie is the last Plus version you'll ever see. You want the bargain Sophie, you buy the PC version.
Because I'm poor
I am a dumb nigger
I got the PS4 ver for the same price last December, it would've been more expensive overall since you had to buy the DLC separate. Good thing I was able to return it after it was announced for PC.
Someone please tell me I change the voices to Japanese.
Wonderful, I can.
I miss Escha's cute bloomers.
Good job, user. I'd tabbed the freebies when Sophie first released, but hadn't been able to buy the PS4 version just yet. I want to say this is a lucky break, but that CPU hogging issue actually has me wary.
I thought I didn't have this problem but it turns out I do. Game runs perfectly smooth (I've tried at both 1920x1200 and 2560x1600 downscaled) but CPU usage shoots up to 100% for no apparent reason any time you're not in a menu or loading screen. It doesn't seem to be a 3D issue, the deck menu that shows your servans' 3D models works fine. It's not a gameplay issue, because this happens even during cutscenes and when standing around the hotel. Somebody at TK broke something.
Bloomers should be mandatory for all cute girls.
I'm not finding the option to do that anywhere. These controls are absolute fucking shit.
It's in the launcher, not the game. The controls aren't shit, they're literally broken–stuff isn't bound to what it's supposed to be bound to.
Do Japanese developers know that they can use the GPU for their games now instead of dumping all the load onto the CPU like old consoles?
I'm probably being a brain challenged faggot again.
I was talking about Nights of Azure. I haven't tried Sophie yet.
Is Nights of Azure better than Sophie?
Based off this Nichegamer review, it looks like the characters are all shit, (I thought these games sold on their cute characters?), the story is shit, the combat is okay, and the alchemy is good.
Sophie has a cute jacket, that was enough for me
Stopped reading right there.
Japanese people who know how to code for computers are in their 40s now and they're managers now despite being PC9801 gods 20s years ago, and they don't touch dev machines anymore.
I'm gald we're getting Vita ports though
OK, is this nep tier memeshit or are either of these games actually worth torrenting?
Post more pixel lesbians
The Altier series is much better than Neptune games. Neptune games are horrible and the only thing from them that turned out good was Fairy Fencery F. Altier games are short JRPGs where you figure out mysteries in a timeline and do a lot of crafting. The battle system is simple and they never get hard so they're like short stories instead of an epic adventure. They're comfy and if you were able to play Legend of Heroes you'll like these even tough the two dev teams share no notable staff.
Of course they will become meme games because there are lolis who show pantsu.
Nights is pretty comfy, but it's not for everyone. I'd say it plays kinda like Raidou Kuzunoha, but as a dungeon crawler.
Atelier Iris was an epic adventure. And then the Iris games got progressively worse while somehow also improving the base battle mechanics.
Memeshit? In-universe, nope. Outside, pic related. Atelier game stories are mostly not about saving the world, they are pretty down to earth and right in the balance. Not too pleb, not too grand story about adventuring into a big big world, journey of self-discovery, and solving mysteries and problems around the main girl circumstances (missing family members, getting out of responsibilities). Gameplay revolves around completing missions within limited timespan and autist-tier crafting.
I would but that's forbidden:^)
OK anons, I'll trust you. I definitely could use some comfy yuri shit right about now and Legend of Heroes was a pleasant surprise.
He wasn't asking for PC Jap developers, he was asking for Jap devs who could effectively use the GPU.
The PC98 didn't have a GPU. Nor did the PC-FX.
Not to mention programming for the PC98 was Assembly/C for DOS/V, which is worthless knowledge for today's market. If these devs did no learning at all they'd be vastly outclassed by any modern console dev, even with a win64 PC game.
Besides, most PC98 games were not programming technical masterpieces like Doom or Ultima Underworld were for the West. Many of the games were simple VNs or turn-based RPGs. It was the artists who were actually making the games pop out.
Falcom was probably one of the only Jap developers who pushed the PC98 to it's technical max with action games.
I'm just saying jap devs don't know anything about computer computers no mores.
I don't think you'll regret it. I'm going to pirate these titles myself once they patch the CPU thing or if the price gets down to $20.
The entire Dusk series is about the world ending and everyone just going about their day to day lives.
It honestly sounds like some kinda middleware issue or something, it doesn't happen for me immediately when I launch Sophie, only after a minute or so. Someone left in some nasty do while?
My friend who is playing this on a toaster (think old ass c2d) doesn't have any problems like this. It seems it mostly affects higher tier Intel CPU's which is obviously some kind of massive fuckup. A game like this should not use 4 cores and all 8 threads at max capacity.
A work around seems to be disabling all but 1-2 cores in Task Manager.
It's no workaround at all. It just puts the load off the disabled cores and leaves the rest with 100% load anyway.
Have you even checked the temperatures? Is it even a problem?
My temps are fine. This disproportionate waste of resources is a problem, never mind the power bill, it will also shorten component lifetime for no reason at all. I don't have this i7 solely so it can be used up by piece of shit port.
Not even worth a pirate. If this isn't fixed, I am probably never playing this game.
I love these people
Do I still have to worry if my CPU usage only reaches 83%~ while playing?
You are. Works fine for me.
yes please sauce that
why arent traps this attractive in real life?
You dont like having it physically?
because they are in fact guys and you can't draw them to be suggestive. only winner with traps are actual homosexuals
a winrar is you?
It didn't come with a manual or anything extra, and I would've had to pay for the DLC. Having a physical copy is nice, but I like playing games on PC more.
That's up to you and whether you think that's acceptable. 83% certainly is more reasonable than full load though.
Did they fix the translation?
83% is higher than these games should be, but not something to be really concerned about like like 100%.
What CPU do you have?
Thank god for steam refunds
Looks like some nerds figured out why it does the 100% CPU thing, there's a partial fix that I haven't tried yet too:
Quality KT code as always.
I haven't tried either version of the patch yet, but it sounds like the 2CPU version just leaves you with one core running at 100%, which will look less retarded but still isn't great. The 1CPU patch looks like an actual fix but the poster says it might affect performance, so I'll have to test it for a while.
Yep. Also someone in the thread said DOA5 and Tales of Berseria both put a single core to 100% (can anyone with those games confirm?). It seems to be something KT do on the regular.
So does Azure have any of the same problems Sophie does?
Tyler is not trustable around RPGs, so take his opinion with a grain of salt.
Can confirm that the official patch that just dropped for Nights of Azure does not fix the CPU issues. Going to try the fan patch now.
Tried the 2-CPU fix for Sophie, seems like it worked. CPU usage dropped from 80-90~% to 30%.
The problem is those 2 cores are most likely still using 100% of the core
Ah, I should probably have actually read the thread. Going to try out the one core fix, then.
I'm fukken jealous of those 8 cores
AMD FX 4300, according to some steam discussions, the problem is mostly due to bad hyper threading compatibility. Strangely enough mine is single-threaded, but the 1-CPU fix that mentioned worked.
Now it doesn't even consume 20%, runs just like it did before (minor stuttering when in menus), and no individual core seems to be getting any usage spikes.
Fan patch (1-CPU version) works. Went from constant 95-100% usage to 20-30%, and it's not just assraping one core (one core will get up to 80% at maximum, usually closer to 60%, with another core around 20-30%). Much more in line with how other games behave.
Forgot to mention I haven't seen any impact on performance yet. Still maintaining 60 FPS at 2560x1600.
The 2-CPU patch seems to work differently than I thought, at least for Nights of Azure. I'm getting 50% usage spread evenly across all cores. 1-CPU will still give you lower overall usage, but if you have performance issues with that 2-CPU is safe.
Yes, same problems. Same fix should work for it too, as in, it will just burn one of your cores.
Those are just 4 cores.
Still have not tried it but my friend was getting bugged 3D models with the 1 core thing. Then again, his toaster has been behaving a lot differently from my PC so who knows.
Seems to be working fine but I do get the same glitch from time to time. Not a big deal though, now it's at least playable.
I don't know if that model bug is caused by the CPU fix, I got that a few times before I ever installed it.
In particular, I'm pretty sure I had that exact glitch in
the first time I launched the game.
I see. Good to know.
So which fix do I use and do anything of them actually solve the problem or do they just fuck up fewer cores?
1-CPU gives you the lowest usage, but may cause performance issues.
2-CPU gives you somewhat higher usage, but also possibly better performance.
I did not notice a performance difference between the two.
From my testing on Nights of Azure, neither one took a core to 100% like the unpatched game does. 1-CPU ran one core 60-80% and another 20-30%, 2-CPU ran all cores around 50%.
Getting the same mouth Glitches, but I'm pretty sure I got them without using the patch yesterday.
I remember playing some on the PS2 and GBA, but this one seems to have a lot more enjoyable alchemy system. Also like the way it's pretty open in the way you progress through a non-branching story.
So anyone who played more of the atelier can enlighten me on which ones are worth playing?
I'm thinking of buying Nights of Azure.
Try before buying. Wouldn't give them money even if it's fun. They did a bad job porting this.
Every single Kekmo game has some new stupid problem on PC. I'm starting to wonder if they do it on purpose.
Nights of Azure didnt interest me when I saw it on PS4. It looked pretty simple and shallow. Maybe my first impressions were wrong, What do you guys like about it?
As for Atelier Sophie, I have actually been meaning to get into that series for a while. I keep seeing its games around and they peak my interest a bit. As a collectorfag I want to see if I can grab em in order (used and for cheap hopefully), then I would love to give em a whirl.)
The Arland trilogy is my favorite.
It's not actually that bad. Once you fix the CPU issue with a 100kb download the game runs fine.
Lol good luck, Sophie is the 17th game in the series, and Firis, the 18th game, is coming out in less than a month.
I think it's just excessive laziness
that explains why I keep seeing so many different ones everywhere!
Well, guess I better get cracking. Gotta nab em up when I see em then, but man now that you said that I bet getting the full set would feel super rewarding and look great on the shelf!
Cant wait to start!
Kecmo Toei and the devs under their wing cut a lot of corners in general.
Except when it comes to the girls. The MC of this game and her waifu are gorgeous. This is why the japanese game industry is superior.
How forbidden is this? Also, what's the general quality?
Also, keep an eye out for retards still trying to force yuri being shilling against males or in favor of tumblr cultist retardation.
Just post actual good games with anime tiddies in them and the rest will sort out itself.
Not hard at all.
Because they look like shit that I would have absolutely NO fucking interest in.
Apparently they'll be patching the CPU issue today.
At least they're trying.
Fix soon. Hopefully it won't break anything else in the process.
you blind and stupid motherfucker
Yes indeed. Fuck me.
Thank you KOEI FUCKING TECHMO thank fucking god I didn't buy your stupid shit ports as I learned my lesson from previous ones. Just went from nice and calm to being pissed off the moment I started the fucking game. Holy fucking shit keep your fucking ports.
Numpad 0 skips the intro for whatever fucking reason. I have no idea why as that key doesn't seem to do anything else.
That would explain when I autistically pressed every button on my keyboard to fucking skip the intro and alt tabbed back I was staring that the game start screen.
Haven't they ported a lot of other games to PC and this wasn't an issue? I guess this is Gust's fault? I think Gust is another one of those devs that has a floor in some 5 story building as an office and their only computers have been hobby buys in akiba.
tfw when no good stock photos of japanese computer stores
I'm pretty sure Gust got nothing to do with the port.
But Koei has already brought a lot of games to PC. This is the first Gust game.
Yes and as far as I know all of those games have been ported by third parties and not the studios who originally made them.
You asked for it senpai.
How upfront?
You have to play the game.
I loved Fairy Fencer F and would like to play more games like this, but I can't get into nep or any game that has female MC. Call me a self-insert fag, and it's probably true.
As long as you're not the kind of faggot that would bitch or get delusionally triggered by yuri.
no I just don't play them
That loli actually has a gargantuan cock for no reason, doesn't she?
Nope. Pure femdom.
Glad I got my refund. Will probably have to pick this game up a month from now hoping they fixed it.
I blame weebs for allowing these shit ports to happen
That's a relief. Can't even stand futashit unless it's purely something funny to laugh at and call degenerate shit otherwise.
Altier games are good though, I haven't planned a single bad Gust game. Nep games are HORRIBLE though, so are senran tbh. They've been around for a decade and are still such shallow boring experiences with some girls pasted to it to sell the shitty games. I've played Gust games for a long time, since PS1, and they're good games. You really should try these out.
The Iris games got progressively more boring as fuck to play despite improving the core mechanics. You play those?
Yeah. They're mediocre JRPGs. I would just mill through them like .hack.
Patches are out.
Patch notes would be nice.
Because I'm not made of money and it's $53 CAD for two games. Better deal than retail console games but still too pricey in Castro's Canada.
pluck 1, pluck 2, pluck three, video
>>11891846Arukādo Feb 7 @ 8:55am[FIX] Sluttering and CPU issues dll fixAs you saw there are currently 2 major issues on the game:- 100% used CPU, causes overheating- Sluttering, framerate dropsAs some people found out, the CPU issue only occurs when 3D models are shown. First real fix from Lily, thanks a lot!drive.google.com
838697612a3370fab2c104f57cd66168d8236011 *A17_Synthesis_8t.nz46367dfe9d14d49136fedd90845a045acbf61737 *A17mod_Win7_SynthesisFix_VERY_EXPERIMENTAL_D3D9.zip3707f8b719f9b50ce78147a8f5803bcd9ab1bdd4 *A17modV2_OneTweakNG_Experimental_Fix.zip53a86a5ea7ea731e8fa36fdbd1d724c1a78797b6 *apitrace-msvc-latest-09Feb2017.7zfab36c7d133b1554c39a27cf1041bb259a2fcaa1 *KTGPUMenuIssue.docx3213f32e0a059d3d62963144fc832f820dc75108 *nz09_64.exe342dd3dde0360592caac026a95409aceebea11b1 *vcomp110_Atelier_Sophie_mod.zip96149aa9f4395b686a05e178ad50424c3fb3129a *vcomp110_Nights_of_Azure_mod.zip
Too l8 if you ask me. It's like buying a car which uses it's full tank of gas in 9 minutes of usage. Wouldn't even pay a dime until newer models come straight. I mean, who likes to cause traffic accident?
[citation needed]
Lily's patches are extremely experimental:
Just launched it and loaded into a field.
It's 1AM here.
Looks like there's still slowdown in the menus.
I don't buy games at full price. I'll get to it when it's on sale. And I mean a real sale, not 20%.
Because the Atelier games have mastered the cute girls aspect, but still have a lot of work to go before their gameplay good enough to be worth playing. I'll give it another ~10 ateliers.
Because I'd rather have them as physical copies instead of just another digital title in my Steam library.
This is a good reason to not buy the PC versions as well
Considering the size and all
If you've only played Escha & Logy, go play Ayesha+, it's the best one
They've already made 19 of them…
They've been doing this since 1997. I don't think Gust has any ambition to make the games bigger than they already are. Possibly the biggest and most polished game they have ever made is Ar Tonelico and that was decade ago.
Good luck with that
Thank god for that. If they tried to go bigger they might start thinking they need to 'appeal to a wider audience'.
Is the game fixed yet?
"Appeal to a wider audience" is exactly what people here, and many other people in hobbies, do not want at all.
The CPU usage bug was patched out. Still no keyboard binding and apparently there's still some weird issue with synthetizing where selecting ingredients makes the FPS drop the more you select. Someone made a fan-patch for that too though.
That's a reason not to buy from them so early, not a port they fucked up. And how they did it, angers me.
Trying to find now the patched ISO.
I call bullshit on this one. Gust probably want to make bigger and better games but KT just won't let them. Just look at how sharply the quality of their games declined post acquisition.
CPU - fixed
Slowdowns on menus - nope, but they're aware of the issue
Low resolution 2d assets - nope
Anything related to keybindings, etc. - wouldn't even expect a fix on that front
Some good news for pirate first fags tho: My save files were compatible with the Steam version no problem and apparently they still work just fine even if you didn't change the steamid in the codex wrapper.
However, I still appreciate the fact Holla Forums isn't as retarded as Steam users:
I could read past Alexandros.
Looks exactly like some threads I see on Holla Forums.
mmm, the only torrent older than 2-10 is 56247c128d8d7b5848c73e30c7913540f5e59a22, but I have to assume that's CODEX's 2-7th old ISO.
I assume you mean you had bought&installed the game prior to CODEX release, played it a bit, then uninstalled, got CODEX, copied the save files, and it worked. By brain froze for a second there if you had implied you got the save files from PS[3,4,V].
I guess no patch, only a temp solution: going to registry.
You mean Lily's 3707f8b719f9b50ce78147a8f5803bcd9ab1bdd4 *A17modV2_OneTweakNG_Experimental_Fix.zip?
If so, none have taking a bit to download away from google.
Fuck, just read steamcommunity.com
shit, they won't get a fucking dime yet. Downloading and making another torrent. Deleting since nobody torrents anymore.
then those are retards. It became an opinionfest. It should have ended exactly at Grandork's OP. 85 posts of raw opinion, not one developer approaching.
There's a word for them, and it's a taboo, even here.
Is the combat turn based and is there a lot of grinding?
No, I pirated the game first to see how bad the port is. Then after KT fixed the most glaring issue (the CPU one) I bought it on Steam.
Yes and certainly more grind than in the older games.
Thanks, I'll pass then. Don't like turn based games and if I wanted to grind i'd play wow or something
Originally posted by Ogami: Unpack the archive, copy all those files into your Atelier Sophie installation folder. There is an folder there called DLC. Put them all inside, and start the game. After you loaded your save game you should get several popup messages about unlocked stuff. The bonus dungeon is only available after the main story, the DLC costume for Sophie can be used when she gets her second costume at around the midway point of the story. And the rest are new doll body transformations for Plachta. You need to have Doll Making unlocked to use them. That also unlocks later in the story. drive.google.com
Permission to post on Steam granted. For 15KBs, they could have hosted it as a simple QR, which I may just do for lulz.
I read this like three times and I still don't get what the fuck you're trying to say.
IC, could you repatch the _fix_ to the CODEX ISO, any glaring diffs? if CODEX had a site/IRC/XMPP
Also tell me if the DLC works. It is strange to me it has 0 bit files, as if they where some sort of key.
Could? Sure, if I knew which files got fixed. Which I don't cause I downloaded the Steam game post fix. Perhaps it's just the exe, it seems to be 1KB bigger than the one from Codex.
Try it: mega.nz
Don't feel like reinstalling the Codex release just to check which files got changed, this'll have to do.
Dunno - I'm not far enough in the game to see the DLC stuff. Only played it for a couple hours so far, a bit preoccupied playing Bloodborne. Once I unlock the Doll Making stuff, I'll see if the DLC works by itself. Maybe they'll patch it before I get to that point.
It means what it means: anyone has my permission to repost the magnet link to Ogami's patch on Steam, or any other forum.
For the QR code, since it's only 15KB, they can host the entire file as a QR. e.g. although this is a link to the file.
Thanks, it's going to take a while. Basically you have to diff the files byte and checksum from Steam vs CODEX's ISO, and see which got "patched".
Don't have to, just mount the ISO, it's a file image, and browse&compare the files. You can even let your diff and sha1sum run on the background while you play. like I do with all my seeds
according to Ogami, everything except the bonus dungeon should work before in game unlock.
I admire your hopefulness. I lost that years ago.
Nigga, you dumb? The image has all the relevant files packed inside a .bin, the .exe being the sole exception.
Less hopefulness and more me being slow as fuck at playing games.
nvm, I've been helping Atelierfags, when I'm only here for Land without Night.
See above, been conflating 2 separate games.
lit. retarded. But I guess that makes 2 of us.
Right. It's hard to understand what you're saying. I can upload the YNNK exe for you too, if you want. Its .iso is the same as the Atelier one, though with the one large .bin file containing everything.
English is second language, but I think I expressing myself precisely.
just nvm, I don't want to help any longer: none downloaded a bit, as in 0 bytes, of the torrents I posted, and this entire thread is KOEI TECMO shilling. I'm only here for Gust & Land wo/Night.
Yoru no Nai Kuni or Nights of Azure.
what the fuck is even going on in this thread anymore
If you are, don't use mega. There sites are compromised. It's also why I am primarily using bittorent.
We are trying to fix Koei Tecmo's fuck ups. Plus, soon it will be time for another thread: R: 274.
Maybe a Gust general thread.
Anyone know if CODEX released the CPU fix for Atelier Sophie yet?
Currently waiting on this as well. Thinking of just getting it on Steam
Maybe this was KT's plan all along; fuck the pirates over by releasing a buggy piece of shit on day 1.
Can't use bittorrent cause that's compromised for me. Nothing illegal about uploading an exe by itself anyway.
3DM Update 1 works fine, you just have to replace steam_api emulator and start the game from launcher, you can skip that if you use SmartSteamEmu then just drop in the original files and play
Updated files:
Different steam_api crack if you're unable to find something better to use:
Forgot to mention that the updated files include menu hack which will make your game crash if you alt tab while playing fullscreen, just delete dinput dll if you're fine with having 30 fps in menus
Thanks, user. By "menu fix", you're talking about Lily's one on Steam Discussion?
You're going to have to post some proof to this. Yeah their games aren't as big as Ar Tonelico or Mana Khemia anymore but Altier has stayed pretty much the same. I'm just a little bit more skeptical in thinking that KT has told them to do anything since it's obvious they struggle with 3D (many developers said they have) and that's probably the reason they can't make big games anymore.
I do get a kick out of what it says on wikipeida (where I only went to find a date since their data is often wrong) in that KT bought gust to make social media games from alteir intellectual property.
Also, can confirm the 3DM update solves CPU issues on a CODEX release. CPU usage is now a steady 20% on a i5 4670k.
is atelier sophie a grindy game? I dont really care about turn based games but i'm willing to give this one a try
Yes it's grindy. If you don't like turn based combat I doubt Atelier games are for you unless you can cover the dislike with like of cute anime things.
It's not grindy at all.
I reached max level halfway through the game and encounters are super fast when you can craft bombs, which also get cheaply and automatically refilled later on.
Everything can be duplicated within a few minutes and a bit of money.
The closest thing to a grind is scrolling through a rapidly inflating item list.
Works like a charm, thanks.
Something gameplay related.
The the ultimate critical trait is so overpowered it feels like cheating.
It's already incredible with just the crit chance bonus.
I also wish I had figured out how those stacking traits work before I finished 90% of the game.
That's the one.
You can also avoid the crashes when alt tabbing by using windowed mode and borderless gaming.
It still has another annoying problem of reading your keyboard inputs while out of focus so you may start deleting random items while typing.
It has grind but not much that I would say it's grindy. You barely have to do any fighting battles over and over if you have to do any at all, and only will have to if you're lazy.
lol @ this:
Also don't take the term "cute girls" or "cute games" too much to heart here. These aren't games which only has a selling point because it shoves anime girls in, like senran or nep, because there is a game behind the cute fecade. Unless it's the mobile entries the girls aren't in there as to advertise to the lowest common denominator.
That got nothing to do with the fixes, the game always captures all keyboard inputs.
It took me bandwidth to deduct you were talking about A17. I had thought 3D made a separate release.
Could you be kind enough to elaborate?
Exactly why I asked.
there's also pomf clones
Anyway's I think I'm satisfied on my end: