Multiplayer Shooters

Are there any good multiplayer shooters anymore? It seems like every venerated franchise has found some way to go to the shitter.

I used to really enjoy playing the various Battlefield games but since BF3 all of them have sucked massive cock. Call of Duty hasn't been good since United Offensive. The new Battlefront is one of the shallowest games I've ever seen. It just seems like this is the lowest point for the genre in a long time.

Other urls found in this thread:!P51hWSZS!K_SV_M5KPwcKlD9T0aMeiji0ESjl6JtsVlNCyhb7JsU

Titanfall 2

Battlefield 3 is a guilty pleasure for me. But usually if I have the urge to splurge it's L4D2.

Theres always project reality

What's that tactical shooter that Holla Forums and /k/ orgasm over? I want to try it our.

I am outraged there is no titan porn

pull the trigger

I'm enjoying rainbow six siege. Worth the 17€.

This. Grappling hook is the best, makes me feel like I'm playing sanic because I'm going so fast. Shame EA pretty much killed it by releasing it right between cod and WE WUZ WWI SOLDERS N SHEIT.

I really need me some pics of female robot pilots thicccc ass.

As much as I'm going to get shit on, BF1 is actually fun so long as you can suspend your disbelief. Operations is great fun

But don't buy it at full price. Get it on sale if you can.

I don't really want to support EA/DICE's progressive-virtue-signalling historical revisionism though

Once Trump starts the vidya tariffs they'll get fucked since DICE is a Sweden yes company at least.

Consider suicide

I was just wondering if Quake 3 is still alive today

400 players last time I checked.

Should be more than enough to find an alive server at any time. Would I need a cd key or can I just pirate the game though? I had a cd key but I'm sure I lost it like a decade ago

Otherwise I can just try Unreal or something I guess

You can pirate it I think.

Thanks, I'm downloading the "Quake III Arena 1.32c" atm, if someone else feels like playing it we can try it sometime

I haven't tried UT4 yet. Is it any good? How complete is it?


Its pretty good even if I don't agree with some of the shit they're pulling.
Still in Pre Alpha but plenty of content to go around and last you plenty of weeks.
Its also free

What shit is that? Forcing the community to develop the game for them?

By adding maps, gamemodes and content of their own monthly?
I don't think so

Heres an example though, they removed the Secondary Fire mode because they though that redirecting rockets was too OP and added a shitty grenade launcher thats fucking useless and borimg as shit to use.

Just saw that R6 Siege is having a free weekend on Steam so I might give that a shot

I didn't realize they were steadily releasing their own content for it. I just played it for a little bit and it was fun. Playing CTF on Facing Worlds was very nostalgic for me.

i'm not even trying to shit on you for it but i honestly don't understand how any human with a brain in their head can like it. every match plays out exactly the same as battlefield 3 or 4 except with a new orange filter on everything. we wuz kaizer shit is absolutely infuriating simply because it's so goddamned unnecessary. the flight sucks, the weapons suck (except the shotguns), the fact that only ONE CLASS IN THE ENTIRE GAME gets bolt-action rifles and all of them will slap some magical 12x scope on it and hide in the hills to stack their sick K/D is unbelievable. the entire game just fucking sucks and i honestly and truly fear, as a 30 year old loser, that there are kids who played it and think even for one second that it's even remotely accurate to history you're goddamn right i mad

Hey guys, which Call of Duty is your favorite? Mine's CoD 4.

There was always 800 ping

If you don't mind having to join at a specific time and you like fast paced games then try Tribes 2 (I sound like an ad lol)

Seriously, it might have like 15 to 25 people playing in a few hours from now, but the game is 16 years old so it's amazing it's still played in the first placed. Try this link for an already updated version of the game + the required maps to play on most servers and some tweaks. Join the server Snap Crackle Pub in about 4 to 6 hours from this post and then have fun Shazbotting!P51hWSZS!K_SV_M5KPwcKlD9T0aMeiji0ESjl6JtsVlNCyhb7JsU

There are no good shooters being made period

Fuck, why not just removed it from the rocket launcher and leave it on everything else.
There goes half of the strategy.

Siege, but despite being a first person shooter the shooting bits are probably one of the least important parts about it. Extremely low TTK + 1 headshot being instantly lethal coupled with the information warfare style of gameplay and destructible environment means that a lot of times you've either won or lost a firefight before you actually start firing. It's something that tests your situational awareness and decision-making a lot more than twitch reflexes.

Deleted and reposted because I compressed the shit out of my jpeg accidentally.

How's pic related?

STALKER is made by a bunch of people who have no grasp of the fundamentals of level design and open world design. It's an extremely sloppy game with tons of wasted potential due to the poor direction. Just look at the last level of Shadow of Chernobyl and the whole of Clear Sky, it's like they were trying to overdo Half Life for no reason. Call of Pripyat is an extremely vast emptiness. The GOAP programmed A-Life is interesting but poorly implemented.

That said, the FPS aspect of STALKER is pretty much perfect. Especially in CoP when they have finally toned down the hit probability mechanics, removed the bullet sponge, and added a lot more responsive animations and tracer rounds for all guns. Shame such excellent FPS mechanics has to be wasted on such a poorly designed game.

no stronger bond than a pilot and their titan


Armcuck is shit.

I really enjoy Reflex and UT4. I always see a lot of new dudes trying to get in on it, but get stomped by dudes way better than them. Quite a shame, but the only thing you can really do is try to make groups where people are of similar skill and challenge others in said group.

Insurgency master race here

its fun, not tactical
a casual shooter for racists at best

BF4 was the last shooter I played and that was a long time ago.

How is it cod at all faggot?

Dirty Bomb

everything you said in your post, except for
is cod
stop being so defensive, its cod

AKS-74U and laser sight were here, you're a bitch

cant in cod either
lol learn to fucking aim you scrub, sighting in close range will get you killed
90% of the maps are awful
NOPE YOU FUCKING DUNCE its the source engine, a 1 unit large wall will defend you from all explosives you fucking retard
ah yes this highly difficult way of killing someone when faced with a full automatic fire arm being pretty much useless, thus invalidating a mechanic to be useless sure is a good thing
this doesnt make the game good
shit mechanic

insurgency is fucking terrible and literally the only fun you can have is barely participating in the game and just getting yourself into well hidden/unexpected positions and mowing down packs of the enemy team.

Joint Ops

Planetside 2 is ok.

Meme game, literally. At least it's free.

Bait to an extreme degree.

Are you a faggot?

none of it is untrue, newfag

Yeah, I'm a newfag, right. And you've been here since 2014.

Don't you like bullying kebabs, albanians and pajeets, user?

Yeah they even tried really hard to push the "we wuz historical accuracy and shit" meme by saying historians like the game and helped developping it.

you aren't fooling anyone. fuck off.

Well fucking tell me since you seem to have played Call of Duty for the last decade.


Red Orchestra 2 was the perfect mix of mechanics imo. Suppression was fucked, which is maybe the worst part of the game apart from the au/nz community dying

i remember playing at launch and from the first month on the aus/nz community was dying. as far as I can tell it may never have been alive

what do you want to know? the last cod i played was from 10 years ago and insurgency is very similar once you get over the superficial differences

no thanks

It's good, most of the lacking content is just in visauals since only about 1/3 of the maps are properly textured. Like said they aren't handling the gameplay as well as they could (link gun primary fire has an overheat mechanic, rocket grenades removed and put on useless grenade launcher, everyone starts with 25 armor for some reason) but ultimately it's still pretty fun and I think I might like it more than UT99 just because of the new parkour mechanics and levels designed around them (mainly Batrankus).


I'm still waiting for a game that does the stuff in that webm on purpose as a core gameplay-element

Pick 4 of those letters.

Any good FREE shooters?

Xonotic, if it's still alive.

I tried it and Quake 3 mp works when pirated. I guess other old games like UT would work too

Nigga, are you for real?

Well then, I guess it's alive.

the superb quality of timing of the clips on that webm always gets me
whoever made that, keep it up

Rainbow Six: Siege, Insurgency

Halo 5's multiplayer is surprisingly great. The single player is trash but the PC version is MP/map editor only and is free.

It's also the only arena shooter to come out in the past, like, 3 years, which is pretty depressing.

3 years since it launched I should say. So 5 years now.

IIRC it was only W10 or something?

As much as I enjoy the game, I barely ever get a good match. It's either my team totally dominating the other or vice versa and it's not very fun for either team.



Does UT4 count as having "come out"? It's fully playable and is really just missing fancy gwafix on a bunch of maps (and they need to revert some of the recent weapon changes). Anyways I'm not installing Winblows 10 just to play Halo.

a fucked up part of me wants to say rainbow 6:six is incredibly solid despite ubisoft publishing it

theres a free weekend right now to try it, but never buy it for the insane full price ubisoft charges

just 12 players tho


I'm reinstalling Project reality. Squad has a long way to go still.

Team Fortress 2

The only fear i have for squad is that its on steam. PR you gotta find yourself so to speak. But then again ARMA is on steam too and the milsim on that seems to be doing fine.

Insurgency is the only good shooter that came out recently, but the developers are getting into e-sports cancer and they have already casualized the game to pander to the CS:GO crowd. Also updates are basically life support by now and they break more than they fix, and it has the world-famous shit source netcode. The PVP has never been good anyway, but it's starting to spill over into the co-op missions.

We won't fall for your shilling, marketer-senpai.

I'm watching you too, ubisoft.

/k/ here.
STALKER series.
7.62 hard life
Arma for the more autistic good goyim
SWAT series
Operation Flashpoint: Elite
Cold Winter (heavily underrated ps2 shooter)
There are more but i don't feel like diging up memories and finding what i don't want to remember.

Unreal tournament 4

open arena is pretty gud

.t linuxfeg

Why not xonotic?

You want Insurgency? Here's your fucking Insurgency.
God I miss 2009.

Verdun is bretty good.

What about SOCOM?


Turn the gore all the way up and hear your enemies gurgling as they struggle to breath, or flailing about on the ground as they scream for 2 fucking minutes. 10/10

What went wrong? Who on their right mind would make their follow up game in the same fucking engine? Were they high?

I thought PVP was supposed to be the main mode, but I never really got into it. What do you mean by casualization?

you posted a screencap from one of the best, project reality, check it out

Empires source mod

This right here. TiF2 is like tribes meets quake. Then they go have drinks with mechwarrior, vanquish and spiderman.

I mean for fucks sake the game has wall running, wall jumping, double jumps, grappling hooks, sliding physics, sanic button and now they are adding ziplines to make you go even faster.

And now even muda muda muda.

It's not that they made it in the same engine, it's that they made CS:GO with ironsights. Plus they can't seem to make a map without sunbleached color and visual clutter everywhere.
Day of Infamy is the WWII iteration of the new Insurgency and it's relatively cancer-free because its in EA and they haven't impemented matchmaking or garbage like that yet.
The old game also had 10/10 OST, too bad the guy didn't return for the full game. Maybe that's what I don't like about the new one, it's just so damn bland. Instead of fighting as a Marine or an Iraqi in an actual city circa 2004, you're either a dude wearing a skimask or a dude with a shemagh in desert_town_no4.

The #1 factor of me not bothering is this, and this alone.

There's no "even match". Just stomp or be stomped, and if it's the latter, I can fuck off and play something else more satisfying.

Why are there so many people sucking TF2 dick?

how novel, webm related

As someone who has never played that before, wallrunning across two walls to gain height like that looks pretty fucking cool.

Ground speed is the same as titanfall 1.

It's the wall running that was made slower, but you get a big speed boost at the start of your wall run so it's faster for the first few seconds, slower for the remainder.

I found the titans too vulnerable at the start too, but you have to play them a bit differently from titanfall 1. In tf1 pilots only ever rodeoed you or launched archers which could be dodged so you didn't care about pilots as much as you must in tf2.

I agree about the maps though. I miss that particular map in the webm most of all.

I'm going to behead you and then i'm going to fuck your trachea do you understand?

Fuck off, the middle east is more than constantly blowing newspapers, plastic bags and empty convienence stores you piece of shit

No, using the term "visual clutter" means you are the piece of excrements.

The maps look like CSGO but with "random" cover and junk scattered fucking everywhere.
They took Sinjar….and removed all the long range combat. How do you do that? Put a fucking construction site with 3 half built buildings over the large field in the center of the map and remove two objectives from even existing, cutting half of the map off from 90% of player's minds.

I really wish Titanfall 2 had badass robot voices I could choose from like the first game.

I still really enjoy the coop modes from the last two Operation Flashpoint games.

Coop Arma will always feel like a fucking turkey shoot.

You're right but fuck you

Honestly wouldn't mind Holla Forums reviving this game for a minute, like it has for SWAT4 and Joint Ops. One more full server on Baghdad, Almaden, Buhriz or yes, even Sinjar would be amazing. Years ago I think the game finally died when the final active server owner who had semi-full games going on at least once a week shut down.
also why is the texture work in the old game so much better, everything in the full game looks very bland and there aren't many color palattes besides bright tan desert or bright blue interior area

Honestly there's few coop games out there that don't do that. Either it's a turkey shoot or enemies have triple the health like Sven Coop.

It doesn't have even starts or weapons/powerups on map. It does have platforming as a focus, I guess, but that's pushing it.

It's like alpha at this stage, so no.

Blops 2, mostly because I haven't played anything else. Multiplayer, anyway.

Reading through this and not seeing the original Americas Army makes me feel old and outdated. I loved that game, no respawn and fairly realistic. It sure eliminated the majority of little bunny hopping kids trying to run and gun. Sadly my toaster couldn't handle the 2.0 update and I have not played it since then due to toaster to toaster upgrades.

If I ever get a better toaster I'll try whatever the newest one is. I only pray they didn't put respawn in, that shit is cancer. Something special about having every round you fire count and knowing if you fuck up you're stuck watching until that round is over.

Is there a good online co-op shooter with enough people these days?

Titanfall 2 is just another futuristic Call of Duty now.

Screaming on the right, arty exploding on the left, NCO is dead and some krauts shouting "Schnell!" are over the parapet.

-Gave me PTSD. Would get it again.

Too bad it's Unity

so.. garry's mod?


Squad is a pretty cool game that's a spiritual successor to Project Reality.
You have to work as a team and have some angry asshole give you orders while the other team uses actualy tactics and captures all of the objectives up to your spawn point.

It's in its Alpha stage and is updating pretty consistently, but I wouldn't recommend a purchase just yet mainly based on it being early access.

The gameplay is as janky as the animations, the forced retreat/attack phases are a good idea poorly implemented, shoehorned bot-fights are boring as shit with only one squad of people, "muh progression and unlock system" is a fucking joke, no matter what rig you have the game can decide at the flip of a coin to run like shit with constant frame drops, and

Does Rainbow Six Seige run good on toasters or lower end PCs? All I got is an R7 260x and an FX-6100

git gud

Used to play the shit out of Black Hawk Down multiplayer, and played the fuck out of the demo for Joint Ops. By the time I finally got a copy of the game, no one was playing anymore.

I've been able to play a few times with some people here, but it's usually very few people.


Actually the MW2 co-op missions with my big cousin were pretty fun

It's literally standalone on Steam right now with a 22/32 server you dip.

Is there such a thing as a shooter with a high TTK still? I'm tired of one shot or be one shot.

Dino D-Day

The five hours I have invested into it were from two sittings and I haven't reinstalled it since.

If the server you're talking about is the EU one, that server is run by autistic krauts who permaban you for firing RPGs into areas that you can't see or for leaning around corners.
I'd rather have the game stay dead in my mind than play with a bunch of butthurt madmins at 250 ping.
I'm surprised that it had a server up in any case.

DF:BHD was the shit.

That's probably the best part of MW2. The game is what, $2.50 now? Pop it in the console and have some split screen coop fun for the same price as a coffee.

there are 4 servers up

Every server except the autistic kraut ones have 0 players in the last month.
Now I want to buy a server just so there's an alternative

those games are like quite the opposite of each other.

I play arms of telos every once in a while, it's real nice but never caught any traction and barely has any player.

When you get down to styles and the nitty gritty, sure. But they're still both arena shooters and they're still really fun. They do what they do well and I can appreciate both flavors.


Seriously not. If you are a Quake fan unreal is to slow for you.


Unreal Tournaments movement system is VERY different from Quake, it is just very unlikely that you play both and like both. UT's movement system is so strange, that even UT players have a hard time getting used to.


What about Serious Sams? Any of their MPs still alive?


Bleh. After playing things like Reflex, Xonotic, CPM, I can't go back to other arena shooters. Anything Quake Live-tier or slower is just too slow; I enjoy the movement far too much. :^)

Whiny faggot trash

Fucking dropped

Anybody here miss bad company 2?

I miss playing a slow shooter like bad company.

If I had space on my SSD, I'd probably reinstall it. I had decent enough fun with it. Load times are unbearable on normal drives, though. And I can't afford a new SSD, I'm using a 5-year-old 120gb OCZ. Seriously considering installing a RAID card in my desktop so I can use the dozen 15k RPM SAS drives I have lying around.

It gets better
muh moderate rebels

Does any exist at all?

If it was made before 2005 it might still be good.

Yes. Everybody misses Bad Company 2.

Since when did Insurgency go from a casually-realistic military shooter to a pretentious art project?

Every time I try opening the Linux build, the framerate is incredibly low with my 750 Ti and the textures don't load in properly so I end up with this blurry turd running at 10fps or lower.


I think their office is in Stockholm, and their lead developer is a Canadian.
What kind of fucking monstrosity can a Canadian living in Sweden create?
Also, is it just me or does half the "concept art" look exactly like the fucking game they already made?

Say goodbye to that, this game is gonna be on Xbone and PS4.

Nah mate, their all fucking trash now its fucking great life is so great now that we have all the same game all the time.

I do not miss Operation Hideforever Wookiee Company 2: Magnum Ammo Body Armor Edition

nice argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

i'm not trying to convince you of anything. if you were happy with the game having around 50% of each team, every single round, playing as unmoving wookiees, each with the exact same loadout, taking up valuable space and making advancing to/defending the objective nearly impossible for each side, that's your call man. i thought it was total bullshit and got tired of it real fuckin fast, but then again i played rush nearly exclusively

Man, I was always the Engineer dropping rockets right ont wookiee hiding spots while racking up close quarters kills with the 9A-91

What did he mean by this?
Into the trash it goes. Why did they slap Insurgency on the name?
Can't imagine many fans of the current game being pleased with this shit.

They recently moved to Amsterdam, bro.
It's not any better.


Now that I take a second look at recent updates, it seems they added BattleEye anti-cheat to the game as well on top of being VAC protected.
What the fuck are they doing?

Because it actually improved upon TF1's core and fixed most of the complaints about it, and in return got released at at the worst point in time by EA because EA saw talented people and can't let that happen without crushing their soul and buying them up.

I have 300 hours in the game and I don't remember that being enough of an issue to sway my opinion.

The only frustrating things in BC2 were:

1. Carl Gustav spam
2. Saiga spam
3. Medics rezzing you when you're guaranteed to die again immediately

If you're busy bitching about your team's wookiees, you probably just need to git gud

Well, fuck. You just know the end message is going to be some pro refugee crap.

I don't think making Titans out of paper was the right call to change the player vs. titan dynamic. I mean, a fucking squad of grunts can take a chunk out of your health with their rifles. The whole point of the shields was to build the concept that Titans are invulnerable to small-arms fire, and to actually damage them you needed heavy weaponry or a way to shoot directly into the delicate internals. They're supposed to be tanks with legs.

I've yet to hear of a modern MBT that can be destroyed by a squad of soldiers shooting their rifles at it.
