Link a cute

Link a cute.


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Salvaging this shitty thread.

Nice try but that's Christina.

the shitty Nintendo Mechanics Collection Arwing doesn't count

Who here wants to fuck Link anyway?

I certainly don't.

I just want to tie him up and tickle him all over

What if Zelda was a girl?


then she'd tie you up and fuck your boipussy with her ten inch woman meat

why not

Manage to get this alien boost for $40 shekels total in ebay back in the day

I still have no idea what pose to put her in because all of the weapons and do-dads she comes with.

Requesting a qt checkem pose

Are these good?
Have one with a confused Geara Zulu too.

Also, since this now apparently vidya figure thread. Can anyone help me with two things:

1. See pic 4, she appears to have a butt scuff mark. I've never really taken her out of her box before, so I assume this was factory made. Does anyone know how I can clean it?

2.The glue holding her box together gave out while I was trying to put her back in. I was able to "fix" it for now, but I know it will fall apart again if I take her out again. Should I attempt to re-glue it?

I want an Aigis fig so bad.

I'd use a small amount of superglue, but then again I don't know shit about figurine care.

Great taste.

Doing gods work, user, can you take another picture but with a white background? Doesnt look good with a black background
Like extra plastic sticking out?

I'll try that, but with normal glue for now.

Thank you.

Here you go, the best I can do is just a desert sand color background.
And have variant with her sitting on my PS1 games.
No, look at pic 3. I mean that black mark on the back of her thigh.

R-101 a shit

I am contemplating buying one of the blizzard ripoff figs from china that are $50 bootlegs because I prefer the look compared to the official statue, but how often do the chinese figs you buy look like the photo at all? I've never bought a fig before but I'd like one for my new desk, i'd just rather his face not look like Raper instead of Reaper
also how long until 3d printed statues don't look like shit? Sandboxr's figurines look like someone came all over them

Giving more money to those Blizzard kikes would be a mistake, buy the bootleg.

my brother got one for christmas they look fucking gross, i was looking for a figure for my brithday and all i could find was fucking funko shit

Wow, it really does look better than the official, and your not giving money to Blizzard, so it's a win-win.

I don't own any Chinese bootlegs, but I do know that they try to look like the officials, but with some minor differences and sometimes use cheaper materials. I've heard a story of this one Miku bootleg figure that had her head snap off naturally because of the weight of her pigtails.
Anyway, here's an example I know of: 1st pic related is an official and 2nd pic is a bootleg. See the difference? It's her hair, the official has her hair draped over her shoulders like her in-game model.

Yeah the blood is what sold it for me, I tihnk they're using the mould that Blizzard didn't go with, but I'm worried it's gonna look like the mcree figure. Paint jobs don't bother me but weird deformities do.
I haven't seen any online posts that have bought the bootleg figurines though so I'm not sure what to expect, if anything I can ask for a refund from ebay I guess.

I like that bootleg figure more, I might just bite the bullet on this one and see what I get, thanks for the input and examples

this is the only figure ive ever wanted

That and it's not like anything officially licensed is good
fuck this garbage

I was about to spam it
Good job user


Aggressive marketing towards the "omg im such a nerd xD" market, mainly sold in shitshops like Gamestop, FYE, Hot Topic, etc., licensed properties are mostly pop culture icons. It's not that hard to understand it.

Why do people like these fucking things?

You're not welcome here
Get >>>/out/

You're trying way too hard to fit in here, user.


Back to your containment thread.

Go >>>/back/

That's a really good fucking Nendoroid right there. And I thought the WW Link was good.

You can't even use "muh waifu" as an excuse. Get the fuck out of /toy/. I wish 8/toy/ wasn't dead.

It's like sonic recolors of deviant art got their own massively produced product line
Funko pops are the worst thing to happen to figures, if you want cheap figurine licenses I don't get why the don't just go with NECA

God, this "a cute" meme is such complete and utter cancer. Kill yourself pls

They really are an absolute cancer, and they're everywhere. It's not just game stores, if you go to one of the shitty overpriced "such a weeb lol" anime import stores even they've got those fucking things instead of actual imported figmas or statues.

It honestly makes me nauseous.

That meme is probably older than you.

I have that one, its pretty fucking cool

Did you buy her new? If its new you could take a knife used for modeling and cut it, but I I were you I would live it alone.

Where did you get it?
For how much?
Could you please post pics?

ITT: gays
aka americans

I got it when it first came out a few years ago I think I payed somewhere around 60
I don't have it with me, I left all my figures at home when I left

But heres a brown elf I bought

Most get them because "I'm a huge nerd for buying these things even though I never heard of the series until last week". If you're retarded, you'd collect them with the excuse that they're "cheaper than the normal figma".


My dad and brother know not to touch another mans stuff

How dare you remind me of these pieces of shit

Alright user, wheres the glue?

Why do people find this abomination attractive? It doesn't look remotely human. Looks more like an Ayy then anything.

Thanks, man.
That's a pretty nice slut you posted.

user I think you need some sleep.

I thought I was weird for hating that trash.
Glad to know I'm not the only one.


Should I go for it? Its $40.

You wouldn't?

Fuck, got some more of that?

How about you kill yourself?

Oh fuck.

You betcha.

Doesn't even look like him
Seen that one a bunch of times already.

Don't be afraid to post more tho.

If you got the cash then you should.

I could never get aroused by SK baloon tits.
Asses and Mirai did the trick for me.

Why do faggots ruin everything?
Check a booru for your gay porn instead of shitting up threads, you insufferable pricks.

second looks like a chemist from fft

Neat, though the only vidya related stuff I have are the Pokemon figurines and the Splatoon amiibos (I just like Callie and Marie, okay).

They're underaged, it's as simple as that.

Well, what did you expect will happen when someone makes a thread that has something to do with Link?

I see you respect the robot, but your Pokémon figures don't really fit well with them.
I'd say have them on different shelves.

I'm into their fetish, but these faggots are inssuferable, they're shitting up constant threads and pretending like its vidya related while derailing said threads.

I don't personally mind, mostly because there are other threads where different type of porn is posted and no one cares. Besides, most of the time only a few images are posted. The only time i've seen a thread spammed with this stuff is when the thread is absolute garbage and Link get brought up somehow.

It would be preferable to see semen spilled over cute Link than seeing all this salt spilled over it.

They post gay shit because Zelda is symbol of white hate. :^)

kek, what will all those faggots with tri-force tattoos do now?

Isn't that the ADL?
They're a bit of a joke nowadays.



Yeah, go away Alphablaster.

Hyrulians and oak trees are just racist nazis.

what did he mean by this?

It looks like Damian Thorn more then Mcree.

Took me a while to figure out that was suppose to be a Soul Calibur 1 Nightmare, never remembered him having horns coming off his hands.

Need to clean my ayylium, she looks dusty

Why don't we have a Ganondorf action figure yet

You can kill yourself also.


I bought her "new" last year. The box was unopened, but had some sun damage on the side. I assume she was sitting at a store display window for a long time.
Fug, do you think that's the only way to get rid of it? I tried wiping it off with a paper towel with all purpose cleaner but that did nothing.

Also here's a cropped version of her dub checking for you fags to use later.

I'd get my waifu if there were any figma of her rather than statues.

I did recently pick up a very nice like-new PSP Railgun game plus limited Kuroko figma for really cheap. The box had been opened before, but the figure had been pretty much untouched and the game was still sealed.

Man, if you don't know what are you doing, and you obviously don't, leave her alone. No fig is perfect and you are only going to fuck her up even more if you start scratching or using chemicals.

I think I have this exact figure and t-elos. I don't put them on display because they are so low quality. A shame they are about all that there is of MKIII KosMos which is the best. That's why I got them originally.

Yeah, your right I really don't. If I put her up on display, it's not like I'm going seeing that spot anyway since I actually have to look for it just to see it.

The cleaner didn't have bleach, so at least my attempt to clean won't screw her up any more, right?

I think you may be talking about the Figma version.
Mine's made by Alter, you can tell since she comes in a fancier case, has more weapons and is taller than the figma. Only downside is that Alter only did Ver4 KOS, not her other verisions or T-ELOS.
See pic 3, it's a comparison. Mine's on the left.
I really didn't want the figma after seeing how her hair looks white and is stuck on that whole "flowing in the wind" mode. I think the Alter captures her personality better.


what am i reading


Oh shit I bet so many SJWs have triforce tattoos back when they were younger and less fat and could still try and be gamergrrrrrrrrl whores.

Time to start some shit on Twitter with that database page

They will be fine. Their fat has caused the triangle to morph in to an octagon by now.

Just because you fuck it does not make it female.

The xenos from alien are all female

Sorry anons, but I don't have a whole lot of VIDEOGAMES.
Sonico has some games right?

You also don't have a lot of dick.

Hotglues are always nice.

Those dicks don't even look the same, what makes you assume they're mine?

So you have a bunch of dicks saved to your computer?

Please don't do that. Do you really want figures you possibly payed $100 and up for to smell like semen? I heard it can also screw up the paint too. But whatever, it's your money.
And no, Soinico is not video games.

Maybe he's not like you and isn't an expert at looking at dicks.

I'm surprised there isn't a "thin your semen!" meme



I've done it before. As long as you clean up immediately there shouldn't be any apparent damage or smell.
I've never hotglued a figurine, user. I don't even have any lewd ones. Hell, my fetish is for minigirls so figurines aren't even all that good, just the only non-art option.


I also love minigirls and figma can cater to that somewhat.

thanks for reminding me I still need to watch Fourze


this thread had potential then toy autists had to derail it





You should expect this of every Zelda thread just as you expect furfags to shit up every Pokemon thread.

There's already another Zelda/Link thread for you to enjoy. /sof/ on the other hand is pretty much dead.

relevant post

Projecting Swede detected!

Americans are the ones putting SJW and homosexual shit in games while censoring heterosexual elements. You can't ever pretend America isn't full of queers because you export that gay bullshit everywhere. Feminism too.

Best taste.

kill yourself faggot.

I'm torn. I love Yuuka, but I'm a pennypinching niggard and she doesn't come out on a month where I can combine monthly orders.

I want her, but I don't want to pay extravagant shipping. Feels bad man.