Grand Strategy Games /gsg/

Grand Strategy Games


First for Ebin Germany.

What should I play? CK2, DH or HoI3?



Play HoI4, it's the most up to date and modern grand strategy experience.


Literally never seen rebels actually help me before.

Should I use any mods?

No, the vanilla game is fine enough as is.

Historical Immersion mod is pretty neat but I haven't played it since it was called DWI. Biggest change is bigger more historical divisions with shit like logistics companies, plus a fuck ton of events.


Was Hitler jewish?
Also sick of seeing Eu4 posted.


No, Hitler was a proud black man and descended directly from the royal line of the KANGZ tribe.

Who's telling the truth?

Post non-EU4 then Jew.

Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis.

Ethiopians are basically black Jews, so…


Some of my best victories.

So you be saying…



We can blob if we want to, we can leave AE behind. Because -RCC is OP and when you're OP the AI can't decline.

Sorry mate. Just wanted to fuck around for once and was astonished by how easymode the game is if you get lucky.

Fookin noice.

I never even bothered to pirate Eu4, with all that mana and bullshit fuck that. Same thing for Eu3, wasn't interested in the game, didn't like a lot of the mechanics.

This needs to be /gsg/'s next musical piece.


What should I turn off when playing CK2?

Coalitions, shattered retreats and sunset invation.
Do not start at charlemagne.

If you have to ask what to turn off in CK2, you probably want to turn off Conclave too.

Conclave takes getting used to but it's handleable.

It makes the game harder in a pleasing way for me, i like the political intrigue.

I agree, but I don't think it goes far enough. And having a favour on someone is often completely useless.


hmm, of the three kingdom tier viceroys I have, sweden uis the most unruly and is often in faction, tho' at the moment I got him out of factions by making him counsillor. I'm wondering if I just should destroy the title when it comes back to me. I've already destroyed the title kingdom of danmark. I still have the title king of norway (and emperor of danmark, obviously). in addition to sweden, I also have kingdom of pomerania and kingdom of poland as viceroys, but they haven't caused much trouble. also, one of the duchies of pomerania managed to de jure drift to kingdom of danmark, before I remembered to stop it. So, Should I keep the titles as is, or should I destroy some/all of them?

Finally united HRE as France
need to clean up boarders a bit. All central Italy except Rome, remove crumpet and finish off all the Austrians. then all i have to do is repeatedly fuck the ottomans until they are utterly destroyed.

Fix it.

WAD, california is supposed to be inhabited by people who deserve to be slaughtered

It's not supposed to be, but art is imitating life here.

My kebab removal will definately occur in north america and will include that most definitely



Reminder that Stalin did nothing wrong, and those of you who play as Hitler are nothing, but sore losers who can only imagine your idol won.

Finngolians are going to get you for this



What's the most difficult thing you've achieved on a grand strat game, anons?

I summoned up the energy to continue playing EU4

I forced myself to try HoI4

What did Stalin do right?

Got a lot of Sl*vs killed

Just about anyone can do that when leading a Slav horde.

Claim the Clay

Now convert your save files to EU4 and colonise Canada to finish the cuck empire.

Rome herself will be kept by the pope as im a good catholic emperor. Don't have much of an interest in southern Italy, I've been allied to castille since the start of the game and don't wanna wreck my alliance for no good reason. Im roman in the sense that im carrying on the mantle of the roman empire through Charlemagne, after he was crowned roman emperor by the pope.

user, please, the HRE is black and everybody knows that.

how do i enable random new world in vef?

You're missing Schlesien, Polen, Westpreußen, and Ostpreußen. Get your shit together and drive the polekikes out.

A good Catholic emperor would force the Italian Anti-Christ from the papacy and have him torn to pieces for his heresies.

Someone let Martin Luther out of Wartburg Castle again.

La Plata

I'm getting bored of Vicky 2. What should I play instead?

The things I like most from V2 are that I can set my own goals and RP any way I want and the gameplay includes other activities beside war and conquest.

Hearts of Iron 4

kill yourself



This is far from being a believable world.

looks like it's mostly mexicans doing it though

good question

I think I'm done with CK II, I just don't get this fucking game

I just don't get this game, most of the time it's boring doing nothing (a lot worse than in other Grand Strategy games), and should things ever go well you get fucked up by some asshole and can't do shit to prevent it

Based Erdogan

You can try destabilizing and grabbing power inside your kings realm if you're a vassal. If your opinion of your liege is low enough you can start a claim intrigue or a faction, too.

Other than that I guess you have to go with the flow in CK2, going from king to count and back is part of the game I suppose.

CK2 is fun since it's a combination of the sims and very light GS elements. Intrigue and fabricating claims isn't fun, the fun comes from seduction and then dueling everyone you cucked afterwards. If you want to break the game, any kids you don't legitimize at birth will have the culture and religion of their mother.

Just tried to play Supreme Ruler 1936 again. And jesus is that game a mess

Give V2 NWO a try.

Not that guy, but you just peaked my interests. Will have a look.

In CK2 the most fun stems from intentionally fucking up by roleplaying. Giving land to your beloved ambitious brother so he will fuck over your son, or your insane friend, is more fun than breeding claimless second cousin dynasty members to be land holders. If you do everything optimally you end up with a very slow paint bucket tool.


What the fuck user? Is this some sort of a weird slide?


It's cancer from 4/gsg/, not sliding. Seems like they're coming here more often now.


Must be an outsider if they think Holla Forums is fast enough in off hours to need bumps.


"Don't use the Charlemagne start" they said. "It's bad" they said.


Why didn't you believe them?

more like

To be completely fair, the fucked up France is par for the course but the Muzzies in Spain converting seems funny and interesting for once. I was fully expecting the usual Islamblob in Aquitaine.

well, you are not entirely wrong
decided to continue for a bit though, still think this is probably my least favorite gsgame, but eh… trying to give it a chance
meanwhile, after the murderous lunatic that was my old character died, I'm now playing his amazing son, who is so awesome he was voted King of Éire.
Scotland, on the other hand, got culturally enriched.
Now I know why people suggest to turn off that nonsensical Sunset Invasion event

I completely lost my drive to play. Somebody hold me.

How the fuck do you lose your save? Also there was some small mod for the game, though I haven't played it or the mod to be able to tell you what it is, but it should be some small fixes and stuff.
Also there is a mod with the same name for CK2 that turns the game into Japan. Not sure how good that is either.


Check your local save folder. Maybe they got misplaced somehow.

Yeah, the mod for Sengoku is called Monumenta Iaponiae Historica. It basically enhances the gameplay by giving more traits, tweaks events, income ration etc.

Does the game have two different save folders?

Actually they usually do have different save folders for every mod. Maybe you forgot to turn on the mod today or even yesterday?

Holy shit, you were right. The mod was unchecked for some reason, but my saves are safe. I would kiss you, but the screen is in the way.

As you can see, I have conquered quite a lot (I am the Nanbu clan leader), but Shimazu is almost strong enough to claim Shogunate. The Ikko-Ikki are rebels, and have already claimed 2 of my tiles.

Those are aztecs, they arent even in the same hemisphere user, get your shit together.

her name is huehue you retard

Are these proper Großhungaricums borders?

wew this really is better than halfchan /gsg/

Looks like ass with Bosnia and Slovenia m80.

Add Galicia, Lodomeria, Serbia, Montenegro, and maybe even Romania if you really want to stretch it. The Balkans belongs to the strongest.

Looks like a grasping jew with his nose sticking out in Transylvania.


You don't shit in your own backyard right? Those 15 sons you make with seduction go to that kingdom title you just won and those 30 titles you need to give out. After that you make them independent and check up on them every 10 or so years.

The entire site is better than halfchan.

This is your perfect Hungary.

I've played it but only briefly. What countries are the most fun to play in that mod?

European conquest in Vicky 2. Pretty much have to be at constant war from day 1 and carefully plan and time all your wars so you'll have enough time to annex the big countries like France.

South Africa and Germany are good ones.

I had fun

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong scenario. The Wilhelm club is a few decades down.

I'm doing an Uesugi>Japan game, not really sure what to do next since the vassals are all allied to each other and I'm not sure how an indepence war would turn out since it could only work if the vassals didn't actually do anything like they did when my ally declared war on Japan.
Also, I found something interesting on the western part of the map.

>>>Holla Forums

Post more? I'd like to see how it goes.

I'm getting closer, I'm gonna take Shiba's province in the north and declare war on Japan afterwards.

The game is going in an interesting direction.
Instead of an East/West cultural and national split this is more of a North/South kind of deal.
The Avars never fell (No small thanks due to me) so there's a blob of PUREST WHITE GENES IN EUROPE where Hungary ought to be.

Mubarak the """Visigoth""" ended up quite insane too. I'm not sure but it seems like due to the non-Iberian culture of the former Muslims the Iberian group can't split like it usually does so I might actually see a pure Visigothic Spain.

Why do people keep doing this?
Do you not realize how much cringe seeing visigoths past their era is?
The same for lombards.

Where's the cultural line between a Visigoth anda Spaniard, historically?

The ruling class where visigoths, while the normal people were iberian mixed with roman culturally.
With time, the ruling classstarted integrating with the iberian people, speaking their bastardized latin (wich later became the iberian lenguages).

The Visigoths were a Germanic speaking people who invaded the Iberian peninsula. However, very few people within Visigothic Iberia ever spoke Gothic or any variation of it. Gothic was only really used by the Elite classes of the the Visigothic kingdoms, and the lower classes of the peninsula remained nearly ethnically and culturally unchanged from 400 AD to 760 AD.

I can't believe I'm winning this in 1940.

He is still alive m8

Does anyone have the steamfix for stellaris?


I like how there's a whole lot of vestigial visigothic words, names and surnames still present in modern spanish.


Call 911, user just had a stroke.

Why would they want to be forestniggers?


Perhaps they'd be as autistic as the rest of the Kraut sphere. Spaniards aren't known for their 'Spanish engineering' or 'Spanish punctuality', but rather for stuff such as 'Spanish laziness and incompetence'

If Spain had more Kraut than Roman, perhaps spics wouldn't be as shitty or wouldn't exist at all; imagine a whole fucking continent populated by kraut mongrels, Latin America wouldn't be as fucked up as it is right now.

Nah, I'm just wondering how differed would the world be with Germanic Spaniards, as silly as that might sound.

I like how you ignore the fact that spain was a relevant world power for more time than germany.
And the problems of latin america arent racial, they exist because their whole society was build as colonies, not nations, so after the independence there was little to no industry and the literacy rate was abysmal, shit only got worse from there.

That's only come up recently in history and partly due to their former colonies. It's like assuming the French are terrible at war for WW2
Spain was THE European power for centuries before they got eclipsed by France and Perfidious Albion

But that's also part of the whole problem along with being a collection of post-colonial shitholes. Most of their society enjoy being told what to do, having literal hotpockets ruling the country and receiving gibsmedats from the nanny state; despising (or praising in an overly-exaggerated manner, there's no middle ground) anything 'european' or 'gringo'. A horrible inferiority complex, with the lower strata acting like literal ghetto niggers (a culture of ignorance, huwitey oppressed me, spain give back our gold, thuggish behavior, etc) whereas the upper classes seek to either get a career and migrate out of the country or become part of the next generation of populist hotpockets. Any attempts at educating the populace are halted by the same populists in power, who'd rather rule over a bunch of ignorant puppets than to have an educated society where proper values can be implemented.
A good example of LatAm's social situation could be explained with a similar event: The rise of 'PC culture' and social justice in america and europe, simply replace the memes of 'privileged white people' with 'educated latins and privileged white people'. Latin American countries are multicultural societies, which don't work at all, especially when you combine the mestizo native population with immigrants from all over the globe.
Really, race and post-colonial societies are pretty much intertwined when it comes to Latin America.

Again, I'm simply wondering how different would the world be with Germanic Spaniards, not taking Spain's rise and downfall in consideration. Those pejorative terms are simply a consequence of their post-imperial irrelevancy.

user, shut up, you have no idea of what is going on in latin america or how the hell its society work.
The moment you said they enjoy getting told what to do you started shitting your pants.
Hitory and sociology arent a bunch of buzzwords ducktaped together.

¿Donde coño vives?



Do not bring his putrid memory to the cozyness of GSG.


No seas tan marico, chico, que al marginal le gusta que le digan que hacer y pensar. 50 y pico años de demagogia populista joden a cualquiera, mas aun cuando el venezolano 'chevere, pania y echao pa' lante' ha existido desde la época colonial. Esa verga esta en la sangre nojoda.

Aquí lo que llego fue pura puta y presidiario, usted mismo lo dijo, colonias sin intenciones de convertirse en naciones.

Are the Colombians the modern day Reislaufer?

t. pitiyanqui

Marginal no lleva a las muchedumbres ano ser que sea un demagogo como el galactico.
De todas maneras, no llenes el hilo de español, thats rude to everyone else.


mamense un güevo vale

Pa' eso eran los dinosaurios de COPEI y AD, perejilmeme y hasta los Monagas, Cipriano y Gómez hacia esa vaina, controlar a la pobredumbre con migajas/usar al pais de hacienda.
Al latino le encanta que le digan que hacer, y al que no, estudia y se va pal coño.

Ok, I'll stop, spanish is disgusting anyways.



Is it just me or is Austria boring to play?

Which game?

Shit, V2. I couldn't be bothered to do my civil duty and REMOVE kebab, I just got bored playing Austria.

Jealous anglo detected.


Well the thread started nice, then the worst latin language started to be spoken and now its a shithole.

Like mexico. Way to go /gsg/


Reminder that cuckchan /gsg/ is not an accepted culture on 8ch.

Why have there been so many refugees lately?

k lad

That he will not divide us Shia Leboof protest brought a bunch over. Also haven't been to /gsg/ in over a year but I'd imagine that out of a 750 post thread, 700 are the posts you're seeing here.

Holla Forums brought some of them because they weren't allwed to talk about Shia and his art project on cuckchan, Holla Forums brought actual redditors to this place that were banned on some socialist subreddit in the hope that they could become the largest board by sheer numbers alone.

I have to wait a decade before my truce with Shiba ends, after that I can finally take their fucking province in the north.
I got this event which made Japan give one of their two provinces which they had at the time to me for free because I had a claim on it which is pretty nice.

Holla Forums is just ironic Holla Forumstard shitposting, so inviting redditors is well according to plan.

No, the people on that shithole are mentally ill NEETs who actually believe a communist society would somehow make their lives better.
Also, the fact that you use the term "Holla Forumstards" proves that you're one of those cuckchan refugees as well, go back to your own shithole.

You should propably lay of memeing for a while as you are starting to identify as a member of a gutter trash board.




Kill yourself filthy nigger.

Wow you sure showed me.

How new are you? Holla Forums spawned into existence due to leftists getting BTFO on Holla Forums, they got assmad and set up their own little safespace.


There are a bunch of /lit/ and cuckchanners on Holla Forums who need to have flags along with their posts in order to try to be funny but there are freelance shitposters who ruin entire threads.

For instance >>>Holla Forums1332359

That user is clearly joking but he isn't wrong which brings out "true"" Holla Forums users who disagree with the concept of eliminating race entirely in a 21st century communist system and subtly have to say they're race realists by disagreeing.

So I've been doing Prussia game, Teutonic order start.
Okay early game but now that I'm a superpower there's not that much to do besides cutting the other countries to shit by releasing countries and taking their monies since I'm trying to build as tall as possible.
Pretty nice spessmuhreens but I don't know, I expected more.

Stop eating cake you fat fucking piece of shit.

Welp, Scandinavia just got a PU with Russia.
I suppose the goal now is to fuck them over.

these fucking leafs dont even try to attack london. what the fuck.

Became independent, conquered the ainu provinces and am currently colonising some Siberian provinces. I don't really have any interest in going to America.

Why aren't you in India yet?




>>>Holla Forums


Some more of my "Interesting Europe" game.




The AI managed to reform Tengri.
Was pretty ridiculous.




Still triggered over Trump's victory?

le drumpf ecksdee ecksdee

Seems like we're currently being raided, report and ignore.

Can someone please tell me what this shit does in DW:U? I don't know what to google but nothing brings anything relevant up. The XXX K box on the left I have absolutely no clue what that does in regards to research.

Finally formed Japan, the catholic rebels are a huge pain in the ass.

The higher the research cost the slower the game will progress in general.


What kind of alternative history events does the newest version of The Grand Campaign for DR have?

I remember it was pretty boring when I tried AAR a few years back. There was no point in even playing one of the Central Powers because there were no ww2 events for a German ww1 victory. There was little point in playing through the interwar period as one of the allies too. Nothing of interest ever happened. Has this changed?

right guys? heheheh RIGHT??


It's still the shitty "Germany loses no matter what the war's outcome is"
the Grand Campaign's problem is that it's just too much of a time period and they're not autistic enough to go full Kasierriech. Even with shorter ones, like NWO where they do the cold war, the game slows down significantly in the post war era and even more after the 60s

no u

That's a pity. I normally stay far away from these expanded time period mods but I have just been itching for something new in DR lately. Autism really is required for a good DR mod. A short but detailed scenario is miles better than decades of nothing.


heheheh GAS THEM hehh

I was more asking about the box on the right (I said left earlier but thats because I'm retarded) but I figured it out. It sets what the "base" technologies cost and the rest follow that base cost

CK2 dev diary, map updates.

Is it anything?

Urals now unpassable terrain, Greece slightly bigger, Hungary slightly adjusted to fit the Pannonian Basin more.

The best thing to come out of HOI4.

Get the fuck out.


The Touhou mod is interesting, or would be if the game wasn't broken.

so while playing ck2, I decided to check ledger and noticed that the papacy had about twice the score of the score of the nation with second largest score. how on earth is this possible? papacy hasn't even ever expanded or anything? is it because papacy is wealthy and prestigious, or something?

It really is the truth though. A game so bad needs mods that are even worse, which would make it better to play just as a joke.


The great part about HoI4 is that you can watch a LP world conquest in about 10 mins when the LPer cuts out all the irrelevant stuff like actually conquering the world and simply fills the video with memes.





Cut half a second off at the end and you almost get a perfect loop.

That's some truly awful bait. It's like you've never even been to /gsg/ before.


Look at the bottom, he's a cuckchanner.

You laughed the fascist dog being Blondi, admit it.

Pretty much. All the money that your temple vassals aren't giving you flows to the pope, after all.

Someone who hasn't played any GSG ever before here. Is EU4 good babby's first grand strategy?

Yes and no. It's very easy to play, learn and get into. It has very little depth, but lots of bells and whistles. Don't get any DLC and play as like, Spain or Portugal and immediately make big allies.

Vanilla EU4 might be, but with all the DLC shit it's bloated as fuck now.

Try CK2 or EU3.

It'll ruin your taste, start with EU3.


Should I use the DLC / expansion stuff in EU3 or first play without it?

EU3 definitely play with everything. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to play EU4 up to 1.71.1 with all the DLCs either. Paradox games are not as hard as people think of them. You just have to spend a game to learn the mechanics. Or you can always just spend a few hours watching the tutorials in the OP too, though honestly they could have been a lot shorter if they were thought through properly before recording them.

How doable are the 'worse' starting countries? I'd like to start with some shithole and then carve my way to domination. Is it doable or should I just take country like Spain and Portugal. I don't mind fucking up and losing as long as I learn something from it.

It depends. The smaller you start, the harder it is to get the ball rolling properly, especially in the HRE. Anything that isn't a one province minor country should be fine though.

Guys, any idea what is going on with the Putin Mod? I can't find any information if they moved somewhere else or just gave up on life.

Ultimately do whatever you want, I can't tell you how easy or hard it will be to do it in your first playthrough, but it is more than achievable if you are asking that. Castile is a good choice for a first timer, though.

The biggest problem with small countries will be your economy. Keep your military maintenance low when possible. be very careful with loans. A cheesy way to get money is to spam cheap advisors, which the AI will always hire.

I tend to keep my military maintenance all the way down except in time of war. I'll usually keep my income in the negative and let it eat away at the big chunk of money i get in january, just to keep inflation from rising too much. Inflation is ALWAYS going up no matter what I do. Is it even worth it to try so hard to reverse it, or am I doing something wrong?

I think everybody does that.
The tooltip tells you precisely why inflation is going up, it's either minting or gold mines. It doesn't go down by itself, unless you centralize, hire an advisor or get the national idea.

I know. The problem is that, without advisers and the national bank, the best I can do is get my inflation to 0.0. I can never reverse it without those things and I always need t be minting a little to keep from going into debt. So I guess here is my predicament: I can never maintain a navy to keep my safe against the giants like England and I'm baffled as to how I manage to have the fastest rising inflation, when my army and navy are a third of the size of these other countries. I don't have much less provinces than them and my provinces are all upgraded and I am top competitor in all the trade centers I have access to. (I'm playing as Morocco at the moment).

Do you really need to get into a naval race with England as Morocco?


that's because HOI4 is a laughably shallow game, and you can infer what he's doing because it's the only strategy in the game.

I have no intention of fighting England ever, but here is what my Morocco looks like currently so you can understand my dilemma. I want to control Iberia, initially, and eventually the whole western Mediterranean. I have a holy war cassus belli on castille and a few other cassus bellis on some of those italian nations that I eventually intend to devour. Problem is that England will defend them all. They are defender of the Catholic faith and have guaranteed most of Italy. I cannot expand without pissing off England.

At least you will be able to occupy some provinces when you do eventually fight them. Perhaps ally with the Ottomans and wait until England is in a war with their navy outside of the Mediterranean.

I was allied with Ottomans and I threw them under the bus when England became too much for me. Gave them Smyrna so I could keep all my territory. Now, half of Asia Minor is English and it'll take some buttering up to get another alliance with Ottomans. I do have an alliance with the Mamluks though.

I'd tell you to downsize your army, but you look like you really need it. Don't spread your investments, focus on a single thing, which should be stability first.

I can bring my stability to 3 in an instant by going back one autosave. I did something stupid and changed my idea to explore new world because I didn't realize muslims can't get colonists.

What was it before? How much time would it take it to get to government 8?

It was military drill before. I think I will reach government 8 by the 1500's, but the tooltip is telling me I need government 9 for a second idea.

This gives (10-12%) + 10% + 10% = up to .32 reduction a year.

If you want to really abuse the game, just mint forever and then go bankrupt when you get around 50-80% inflation or so. Bankruptcy will hurt a ton, but it immediately cuts your inflation by half. The -morale can be countered by the +morale idea and it doesn't last too long.

Really a bad idea to stay over forcelimit. Go over it as you please during war, but don't stay over it.

Expanding next to Castille and France is a really poor choice since they can both kill you at any time. You should be taking on Algiers. You don't particularly need a CB, just declare war and pay the toll. Or be on the lookout for instances in which you can PU them.

Also tech-wise you are better off focusing one thing at a time, usually Land tech.

Just hire an explorer and conquistador, explore what you want, then you can switch to a +colonist idea.

I need a colonist in the first place to hire a conquistador. Also, Castille is very weak right now.

BTW: watch this indicator. Marrying and claiming thrones is amazing. Algiers starts able to be PUed like this, and since they are your culture group you'll inherit them quickly with full cores and all buildings kept. I also have Tunisia as a vassal and Tripoli PUed, and am colonizing downwards a bit.

I have failed two attempts to inherit Algiers. I am building up my prestige to claim their throne again. Tunis is a temporary ally. I plan to swallow them up next.

question about ck2:
if you are catholic emperor, is it possible to have king level rteligious vassals, by giving them kingdom title? if it is, what are the benefits and downsides as opposed to feudal vassal king? I kinda want to give the title king of poland to one of the bishops in poland

You can't give king level titles to vassals of republic, merchant republic or theocracy government. That said, you can vassalise independent rulers of those government types such as the pope or the Doge of Venice.

Are you claiming throne and just waiting around hoping to inherit?

You want to declare war immediately with the CB.

Here I am going to 2x my forcelimit to PU kebabbies.

Literally all he has to do is to feint and make the AI navigate their entire army on one front while he lets just one or two divisions march right into the capital of the target nation.

Some more years into my weird europe game. Seems like this will be a true alt-history Europe where the southern Germanic cultures never ended. Also Hindus at the Black Sea.

This looks cool and all until you realize just how often it happens.

Yes but try an older version of it, one without the corruption system, I think 1.5 or 1.4 would be good.

well that sucks. I was hoping that I could (eventually) give poland to a bishop. About vassalization, I know how you can vassalize pope, But how can you vassalize other king level vassal? being king they wont accept peaceful vassalization, and I'm not sure what casus belli vassalizes instead of straight up conquers their province. de jure casus belli?

I have played a reasonable amount of EU4 and want to try Crusader Kings II but the interface is so fucking confusing, I have no idea how simple things like recruiting soldiers and fabricating claims are done.

Just watch some Jewtube video of someone playing it, shouldn't take long to get it down.

well, in ck2 you don't really have a standing army (apart from retinues). During war times you can raise personal and vassal levies from the army thing in the interface. to fabricate clames, gp to council interface. there should be five councilors. each coucillor has three things he can do. cancellor can fabricate claims. choose fabricate claim and choose provinxce you want claim on. This might be obvious, but you want to have councillors with high relevant stats. also, the fabricate claim is purely based on chance unlike in eu4. But there are other ways to get claims

If I play Transcaucasia, will Russia just annex me eventually? Victoria 2: HPM

I want to play a good feudal simulator but I do not want to have to fuck with Crusader Kings II again. Are there ANY enjoyable games like that other than Crusader Kings II that I can play?

Is that really any more weird than a confederation of Christian and Pagan horsemen burning China, gutting the Arab kingdoms, and advancing into Europe

Nah I don't think so.

How dead is this general?

I always heard Sengoku was shit. Is it good with that mod?

How new are you?


WE WUZ KANGZ!!!!!!111

I think they are actually saying that they were not, in fact, kangz

Jesus fucking christ. Those lazy Paradox kikes can't even bother making a flag.

I think its a mod.
I could probably confirm that too if I wasn't so lazy.

Only thing good to come out of HoI4 was the equipment system tbh

Everything else is extremely lazy.

Is there any mods for V2 that lowers the rate of war justification detection? It fucking sucks playing as a nobody in nobody's land just to get your shit bullied hard by an ass backwards Spain, because you want to annex that slightly smaller nobody with a score of 0/0/2 that nobody gives a fuck about.

I gave up playing Victoria 2. It was either too easy or impossible. PDM didn't make it better either. NWO was fun, but crashed frequently and is largely incomplete.

Just savescum if it bothers you that much. I'm pretty sure the highest possible infamy penalty for a CB is less than 25 anyway.
UnHPM had an event that could reduce infamy really fast. I really miss that ol' mod.

Got any recommendations for Vicky II mods then?

Fuck off back to cuckchan you underage idiot

What do you think the infopic is for?

Hmm some how I skimmed over the mods for Vicky II.

I've been playing for years now and have never seen the HPM mod…

Dont worry its garbage.

What's the problem? UnHPM adds a lot of fun stuff that HPM lacks. Does fun trigger you?

HPM pretty much improves the game in every way. Be sure to get HPNNM too.

And how can you spread your religion in the game? I tried playing as Zunbils and kept getting notifications that some Hindu guy was converting my family members, how could I do something like that?

well, you can ask your vassals or people in your court to convert to your religion and they may or may not accept, depending on some factors.

Sometimes you can send your chaplain equivalent to proselytize in other nations. But this rarely works and its best to just conquer people, then do that.

The übermegagrossgermania wet dream of an autistic 14 years old edgy croatian nazi is a shitty mememod, nothing more. Stop shilling these garbage here and stay on cuckchan or in your discord with the other teenage memers.

UnHPM covers a lot more than just Germany.

r8 my pagan empire

Rate my monetary policy on a scale from 1 to 10.

NWO crashes a lot less these days. The only outstanding bug is that total MAD doesn't really work, but that's actually a good thing IMO because it lets you wage wars.

Well if you want to make something stupidly overpowered sure.

OH! That happens normally? I thought maybe my game was bugged or something from some of the changes I’d made to defines and static_modifiers. Geez, I thought I’d really screwed things up.

Depends on which country you are. How the fuck am I supposed to tell?

Where does Kekistan have cores even?

Around egypt.

That at least makes more sense than Sargon's forced meme.

Fresh out of the box new.

Aztec, Norse and Romuva have all reformed.

So if am a character with baltic graphics and my wife was also a character of baltic graphics, then if my son has the typical Germanic graphic does that mean I was cuckolded?
And if so why can I not just disinherit the fucking son when he looks nothing like me?

That's a possibility. Also, I think there's an option to inherit one of your sons, but I don't remember where; I think it's in the inheritance window when checking your son's stats and stuff. Haven't played CK2 in ages.

Because you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference without the portrait pack.

Portraits are dependent on genetics. Basically if your wife had a baltic parent and a germanic parent, there's a chance that he'll have a germanic portrait. His adult appearance will be a mix though.

How? Is there an event that makes it magically show up in one province or something? You can’t have units without an established country on the map, so they couldn’t even exist as a nation to come over and conquer in the first place.

Sunset Invasion. DLC where news of the Danes landing in North America somehow makes its way to central America, the Aztec Empire forms several centuries early and they muster enough of a fleet and army to threaten all of Europe

Well, the mod mostly tweaks gameplay and economy, but the main game mechanics remain the same. It´s kind of like barebones CK2, but it´s alright.

Oh. Retarded politically correct bullshit. Fair enough.

From a pure gameplay perspective, it balances the mongol invasion by having a mongol invasion on boats come from the west. I think anything PC about it was subconscious at worst.

Genetics in ck2 is pretty shit and because everyone almost looks exactly the same you're better off cheating to find out if that kid is yours. But if you want to avoid getting cucked in the future then just take the seduction focus and fuck anyone you like so you can legitimize your favorite bastard.

It´s kind of funny if the Aztects land around Gibraltar and force kebabs to convert and change their names.

i wish i couldn't read that
oh god why would you post this? why?

What does it say?

you do not want to know, really
not even Carlos would call that a pun

The joke is that he's grills a bell, assa un sino

I don't know hue speak but some roots are shared from spanish, so from context I will make the equivalent joke in english:

thats a cute mistranslation user

Am I expanding fast enough for getting all of Germany? Had Austria cuck me hard last time I tried.

What mod is this? Or just name changes?

A Rev. Font Mod - Vanilla White, A Revolutionary Borders Mod, and Stellaris UI Font. They're only on steam workshop though, so you'll have to use some other site to download it from steam.

There are only a few panels, but I still forget about the slider.


conquered prince-bishopric of bremen from hre, while they were distracted with moderately sized rebellion. Aloso conquered areas of duchy of finland controlled by pagans. created the duchy of finland. So now when I feel bored I can go kick that cathilic king in finland's butt. tho' originally I didn't plan to ezpand this far north and east, I changed my mind. Sorry, no picture was feeling lazy. Gotta try get claims on those wealthy northern german provinces.

May as well quit now and save yourself the inevitable suffering.

No, its obviusly a retarded "what if" scenario made for reverse conquistadors.

Ebin, also, checked those trips.


Supposedly Paradox actually made sunset invasion as a counter-PC thing to troll their fanbase because at the time it was early in EU4's development and the forums were literally littered with SJW fucks complaining that the American Indians were so advanced and needed buffs in EU4.

Now of course Americans in EU4 are massively OP, so I guess the SJWs won in the end.

Why would SJW fucks complain about that and why do they need buffs if they are so advanced?

Actually it's an effective strat in EU3 since Bankruptcy removes half your inflation, as I stated here . Chinese tech group is so bad and I'm expanding so fast that tech is basically useless anyway, and if you are OK with holding off on most tech until westernizing then inflation doesn't hurt much at all.

Best way to cheese it is by waiting at +3 stability until you have a +2 stability event, force yourself bankrupt to -3 stability and use the event to get back to -1, which is mostly bearable (this is also a great strategy to get mostly free NI changes, losing only 1 stab effectively). Also make sure you spam royal marriages and get a rank 5 or 6 +legitimacy advisor, you can get 10-15 legitimacy a year and avoid most of the rebel problems.

SJWs claiming that indians were advanced in RL and needed buffs in EU4 to make them functionally equivalent to European majors.

You could make a case for Aztecs being equivalent to dark-ages Europe, but certainly not Medieval and definitely not native americans.

> dark ages
Go ahead an make the case.

The 'dark ages' refers to the early medieval period.

My mistake in believing they were two eras, but I did mean what user said; early times before full plated armour was popularized. Though now that I'm looking it up it looks like they weren't even up to the standard of Greeks for military equipment/

the game

Not really.

No horses. Not their fault, but its a huge disadvantage both militarily and in terms of being afraid of alien creatures.

No real metalworking. Obsidian is a joke material.

No concept of a unified state apparatus to wage war, like Europe had with the divine mandate, which led to their own people being willing to turn on each other the instant things looked bad or the Spanish bribed someone with a flintlock.

Even if the Americans took up the first two before being conquered (like the North American tribes did, along with gunpowder) the last one was a huge dealbreaker and was never rectified.

what a mod


After I had conquered a good deal of the pagan tribes the catholic countries kept declaring HWs on me, and I kicked their asses a bunch. Thanks to that they lost most of their religious authority and heresy kicked in.

Uuuuh… Can educators spread insanity to their wards?

What does this mean for me?

congratulations, you just lost the game. enjoy being ethiopias bitch

Actually, I'm in charge here.

Syria and Armenia got drunk.

Do you feel in charge?

They had advanced spearchucking in the form of the atlatl, but at the end of the day, it's still spearchucking.

So I noticed that at some point the emperor of hre had embraced cathar heresy. How very nice of him. I holy warred brunswick from him.

The atlatl wasn't exclusively invented by the native americans, there were similar techniques used in Greece and the rest of the ancient world where you would attach a leather strip to a javelin and your hand so it travels farther, similar in concept to the atlatl. However, their cities were quite advanced, especially Tenochtitlan with the floating gardens, but that doesn't fend off invaders.

I'm a big guy

Alodia loyalty for a hired gun!

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