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Oh I forgot to include

Nah. Its a weeaboo game.


Where do you think we are?

Alex should have brown hair not red hair.

Why would you do this to a Kunio game?

You act like strong females (technically "of color" by your tumblr standards since she's Japanese) haven't been in a Kunio-kun game before.

I think that's a record for how fast I could get hyped up and then drop interest in a game.

Also why does it look like every character in the game has a cold?

BIG difference between badass sukeban bitches and "strong womyn of colour who don't need no chubby balding hipster dude to beat up misogynerds for xer"

total shit
maybe that it is kinda cool.


Unlike you spergs, I'm gonna wait for the game to come out and see if there are any gameplay issues before deciding to buy or drop it.

Actually there isn't because that's pretty much exactly how sukeban came to be in Japan during their height. But keep being triggered over a video game that's going to have it's engine become open source so instead of crying like a bitch at a bunch of pixels you can make your pure white nigger beat em up.

The Kikestarter has been over for almost 2 years now.

99.9% of what comes out of kickstarter is shit, maybe this is the 0.01% but I doubt it

You know sage isn't a downvote, right? Why are you saging a thread about a video game?

We've been over this shit so many times that I may as well just call you faggots and leave it at that.

Prove it's SJW bullshit first before sperging out.

a 27 year old nes game

But this isn't a 27 year old NES game

River City Ransom is a 27 tear old nes game you dumb cunt. Sage is also used for for off topic comments

Give me a good reason to do that shit in the first place. If they just wanted to make a revival of RCR, there's no excuse to give it the [CURRENT YEAR] treatment. So the simplest explanation is that they wanted to use this opportunity to push their diversity and feminism "strong female character" meme.

And you also know its not a downvote so cry more.

Fucking SJW bullshit investing our videogames, into the trash the moment I saw.

Calling it now: they'll shoehorn Trump in as an enemy somewhere.

Come on, if they made the character because they were SJW's, do you really think a break-dancing nigger would be their way of going about it?

Now if they remove said character because "the lone PoC character is a poor stereotype of the black communtiy", then you'll have a point. But as of right now, your chromosome count is through the roof.

Yes. SJWs are people who make games full of gay characters, talk endlessly about how great it is that they're gay, and then insist that gayness doesn't define their character. They are not intelligent people.

See trailer

I might pirate but there are issues

Yes and this has what to do with Underground?
And nothing we've been talking about is off topic.

See here's your first problem: it isn't a game about Japanese thugs. This is based off River City Ransom, where it's American thugs. This has been official canon for awhile too, River City Ransom and any games with Alex and Ryan take place in America, and games with Kunio and Riki are in Japan, sharing the same universe.
But they didn't.
I don't see any proof from you saying that's the case.

If you're talking about the sauna that was in the fucking original Kunio-kun game, you fucking mongoloid.

Show me an SJW approved character who talks like he's straight out of a minstrel show and then you'll have a point.

You're retarded also.

Le strong niggress aside, did you see that fucking tumblr "artwork"? It's modern Marvel-tier.
I wouldn't even pirate this piece of shit.

No? Where?

still desperately trying to sell you shitty SJW clone of a 27 year old nes game.

But it isn't a SJW clone of a 27 year old NES game. You really need to quit trying so hard to downvote this thread.

Was the artwork artist a navel fetishist?

sage is not a down vote

I want to like the game, but Arc System Works outsourcing it like this and Reddit-looking shills like this have me wary.

Then why are you trying to use it as one? You're posting about a video game in a video game thread so you don't need to sage.

You're a retard user. Just want you to know that.

& check my dubs.

I guess we'll see around release date, huh?

Except Arc System Works didn't outsource anything, all the development has been done by Conatus since day 1. Arc System Works only became involved with the licensing because they got the Kunio-kun IP when they acquired it and other IPs from Million.
And with Nintendo's recent fan game hate how is it bad that Arc System Works is officially licensing it?

Says the guy shitposting in a video game thread.

No, you and your shitposter friend do, and only you two do, that was my point. Maybe try learning how to read sometime, nigger?
Also checked

Good point, I was thinking of it more in terms of Capcom's outsourcing than anything else.


Honestly the only reason I've been waiting for this game is because of the engine and the fact they're releasing the source to it. The engine looks great and handles a side scrolling beat em up beautifully.
Who are you quoting?

Oh, how moddable will it be?

Infinitely moddable

The only person you could even remotely blame for outsourcing the game is Yoshihisa Kishimoto as he was a creative consultant for the game since it's kickstarter.


i'm glad i was here to see a paid shill in action.

you sure had that link and quote readily available, dr. goldstein, phd.

Did school get out early today? Snow day maybe?

yeah the shill have zero self awareness its so funny

in this thread we can see a bunch of people making a fuss about pic related

holy shit why did you post that

Holy shit not only do you think sage is a downvote you want people to actually buy games. You're clearly not from here are you?

Just filter him already and move on.

Please stop Americans from developing japanese games. Thank you.

Seems neat. Classic Beat 'em ups are always welcome.

It's like it's fucking autism hour in here. It's ridiculous.

I thought morning Holla Forums would be a better time to post this thread but I guess not. Guess Yurop is full of retards.

Friendly reminder

OP if you're wondering why there's a zealot shitposting in your thread, it's because we don't like kikestart around here.

Shill less.

How am I shilling when the kikestarter has been over for like 2 years now and the only reason I linked kikestarter was to share the news of the release date? And no, this thread is being shitposted because there are 2 retards. That's it.

ITT:Shills from Conatus and their plebbit, tawtter, and Holla Forums friends try to hock a shitty looking kikestarter game that relies solely on nostalgia.

Just for the sake of fairness: The kikestarter is long over (and long overdue for that matter)

The game does look competently made. If it plays well and you can actually pull of satisfying combos by mastering the systems and gittin' gud, then it might be worth pirating.

That said, OP is a faggot, he's trying WAY too hard, and this shit reeks of poz, which I'm sure will be validated, yet again, when some blatant pronoun and feminism bullshit is inevitably discovered moments after its release.

The game looks fun at least. I'll wait for launch to see what it's like.

So it actualy has a chance to come out for Loonix? Nice

Only thing I'd accuse OP of is getting defensive and replying to the rampant shitposting.

How? By trying to talk about a video game on a video game board? If you want someone who is trying too hard look at

If you watched the video in the OP you'd see they are already releasing on GNU/Linux. DRM free too, I think.

blatant shilling is kosher
suck cock kike

Why did you post the kikestarter then?

Did you even read the post you quoted?
I mean should I have maybe archive.is'd it? Sure, but I forgot and archive.is is usually meant to archive clickbait and kosher (((journalist))) websites that rely on ads in order to block them. Plus I really doubt it would have avoided any sort of shitposting that we've seen in this thread so far. I just want to talk about vidya games man.

Eh im giving him the benefit of doubt and just assume he was too lazy to actually make a decent OP. Him being (22) out of 70 total is the kind of shit that makes people call them out though

Why does it make any difference? You can't fund a closed kikestarter, you dipshits.

I don't get this mentality. Would you rather me be a (1) and done OP? Wouldn't THAT scream shill more?

The game looks good but I wonder if the dialogue bubbles when fighting will be in it.

Also this board has seriously become trash. Every character in your game needs to be white, blonde and blue eyed for your game to be 8ch approved and not SJW.


The problem is that people reply to those posts, they're just as guilty.

Nice, hope it turns out nice since it takes forever for Kunio-kun games to get localized.

Check this clip out. I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're talking about but they do show speech bubbles when they talk like they do in the newer Kunio-kun games.

Have you played Tokyo Rumble yet? It's pretty nice.

I know your tricks you fucking shill and they don't work.

I don't know how I feel about Tokyo Rumble. It feels a little smaller than the original game thanks to the sectionalized map. Also no visual customizations as far as I could find.

You can't donate, it's closed, you dumbfuck.

Yeah I sorta felt that too regarding the map, literally railroading. But the combat is pretty nice and the bosses are fun. I wonder if they'll try to get those two medieval and feudal Japan spin-offs over here as well. Probably not with the Switch on the horizon, since they were 3DS games. I tried playing them but got lost since I don't know how to read moon.

Yeah, the only thing I didn't like about it was that there was no co-op. Hope it sold enough so that Riki Densetsu or the medieval fantasy spin off get localized tho.

bro the game got funded years ago

Oh yeah that was a thing too, not that I have anybody to play it with. Also didn't the 3DS VC re-release of River City Ransom feature wireless co-op?

not this shit again
those fucking proportions and faces are not pleasing to the fucking eye
they look like ass

Except it isn't, you dumb fucking shit. And they look great and are just grungier, more animated, versions of the Kunio-kun sprites.

so will the winged fox fursona be in this one?

never forget who holds those ip rights


no fucking shit

He's not even working on this game you dumb fucking kike. At this point you're just choosing to be retarded.

hahahhahaa i knew this shit was tumblr as fuck.


yup, it had download play so only one person needed the game

That's cool. Too bad I can't find a .cia for it on 3DSiso or anything. At least one that's the VC re-release and not just a ROM injection of the NES game.


itt:muh sjw boogeyman

But we most hate it! Only whites and gooks are allowed in vidya!

I agree, they should have continued to use the same old NES sprites for another 30 years instead of improving on them significantly.

If you go left you better go full left. No niggers, just slavs.

Please explain. Is it one of those characters that were bought in through autismbucks that plague every kikestarter project?

Yeah, just because there's a nigger in a game doesn't mean that it's SJW.

If there's SJW ideology talking about how the white characters have privilege or how white men are all evil then it's a retarded as SJW game, maybe good for a laugh, since it would be self parody at that point, but everything they do these days seems like self parody to me.

If the black character talks like a normal fucking person, as well as isn't a retarded fucking criminal, it's fine. Unless it's satire of niggers, in which case it's funny.

But yeah
Niggers in a game =/SJWs

I don't know how to feel about this.

lol, nobody's buying your turd, whoreson ;)

Good trailer, been looking forward to this for a while. Looks like there's a good variety of moves and styles between the characters. I'm eager to hear the soundtrack.

It's sort of surreal that it's sharing market space now with actual Kunio-kun games since Tokyo Rumble got a localized release on 3DS recently. But I think the work put in justifies it as an independent product. Now it just needs a Japanese localization and the bizarre circle will be complete.

You're 30 fucking years late, you fucking slowpoke.

I believe it is getting one

they already did that ,it wasok
and no kikestarter
also on GOG which this game isn't

Who cares? It's as bad as Steam now. This is getting a DRM free GNU/Linux release and the engine will be open source.

It's fucking ridiculous. Hopefully the game will be fun though.

Heeeeeellooooooooo, current year plus 2 here!

you cared enough to respond
i think tripsanon is on to something here (checked)


Stop using the internet ,goy, if you dont like it

Fuck you, I'm behind 7 proxies

And, what else is new?


I'd make a webm of this but I'm on my phone.

It feels so wrong.

Aside from the "muh strong female nimble nigger character", I don't really like any of the designs. I don't think they fit in with the "guys in wifebeaters and leggins going around town beating goons" concept of the first "localization". Also there seems to be an over reliance on two minutes long animations for takedowns.


Why does this thread keep attracting this much low energy shitposting. Are we being raided by goons?

HWNDU brought another wave of halfchan refugees.

I think that tinfoil hat is cutting off the circulation of your brain.

That explains the retardation I've been seeing lately

is that kuwabara?

I watched the video until the steam logo appeared

hahahahah what a shitfest

Paul and Glen look like fun characters, I don't really care about the rest though

There's also something off about the animation style and I can't tell what