Stop buying games not made by the United States.
Stop buying games not made by the United States
Just assoon as they are on par with Jap games
Make fun games then amerilard.
Make a good game and we'll talk about it, mister president.
The industry is shit but it isn't that shit yet.
I will when you purge the industry of the marxists making them and the jews funding them
We're gonna make video games great again folks, America is gonna make the greatest games. We're gonna win in the gaming industry again, we're gonna win so much that you'll be begging me to stop winning so much. But I won't care, because we're gonna keep winning because we're gonna make video games great again.
He already did.
Only if you make vidya great again.
Is this actually a good game?
It's meh at best.
Yeah nah I'll stick to my Jap games I think, they haven't completely cucked out just yet.
If Trump could do something about cleaning up the American video game industry that would be great, but I don't see it as being a high priority for him.
I used to say something like this back when Gordon Ramsay memes were fresh, but now I'll say, when are we going to get our very own Donald Trump of vidya? Someone who obviously cares about the industry they work in. Someone who isn't afraid to call shit out when they see it. Someone good at making what their industry is best known for. Doesn't vidya deserve something as great as that?
When can we make vidya great again?
>when are we going to get our very own Donald Trump of vidya?
You are.
John Romero.
He already did the first round of culling dissidenters from the government with that "muslim ban". Next he'll start probably start turning the education and entertainment (including gaming) into politically correct brainwashing system. By the next election he can just fabricate his own victory and there's no way to stop it. Enjoy becoming Russia 2.0, trumpanzees.
Euros can't insult anyone
California - 1
Autistic manchilds - 0
This is why the slav game industry is superior.
Really, you pathetic false flagging retard?
You forgot to get asshurt over 2D porn again.
If you want to make US Vidya great again you would have to burn it all to the ground and restart from scratch, not support the current jewish shitshow.