4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite spy game?

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Morning everyone!

Back on way of samurai 4. Might just break out cheat engine to get some crap thats going to take me a retarded amount of hours to unlock so I can have fun finally.

Having a hard time deciding what to get with my amazon funbux from xmas. Considering getting my first onahole.

Went to listen to a friend's gig at a small hole in the wall music bar. Had a nice Tool sound to their acoustics.

The moment I came back home though I heard of the rioting in Berkeley and I'd have been tempted to ride out and kneecap some fucking antifa's if I actually lived in the area.


Why are you up at this ung-dly hour?

Also why is linux so not user friendly? Updated a package on linux mint and now my browser takes 10 seconds to launch. I'm gonna have to reinstall it now.

You won't regret the onahole. You'll wonder how you've lived this long without one.

Because I woke up 2 hours ago.

They might have beaten a Trump supporter to death earlier. They're getting more violent as they keep working themselves into total delusion. If you do go, be careful and record fucking everything.

too many fucking games releasing right now tbh

Better than no games at all.

50$ is a lot of money though.

Chaos Theory which is obviously the best spy game.

So ihave to work 40 hours a week now but I'll be making 400 dollars a week. I don't know how I should be feeling

The philosophy behind linux being free as in freedom is great, the execution not so much. If I could, I'd stop using windows completely because new updates spy on your ass and I haven't updated my system. But at the same time I don't want steam touching linux. ReactOS needs to launch tomorrow.

Like I said, I'd go if I actually lived in the area. Alas, I'm on the opposite side of the country. I've legitimately never felt actual anger toward antifa like I did tonight, though. People getting beaten, pepper sprayed, and in the case of one of Milo's earlier shows, shot and possibly killed. These people don't deserve death for having a different opinion. It's sickening. Just thinking about it infuriates me the same way Josuke would feel if someone insulted his hair.

howdy fellas
spy vs spy

Ayy yo fam, what's gucci

Alpha protocol was pretty baller. I never got to complete it, but I enjoyed what I got to play of it

How often you usually work? You in college too?

Honestly I'd be all over linux shit if I didn't hate computers as much as I do. But I already get frustrated enough dealing with typical shit on computers, anything else and I wouldn't use them at all really.

We're at war. We have been ever since we Revolted against our King. Democracy always results in civil war. Are you on the right side who like the perks of civilization like law, order, and high-speed internet, or with the crazies who want to loot and pillage until there is nothing left? Time to decide.

Need an anime or game or something.

Do anything fun today?

I never really understood spy vs spy as a kid, but god damn do I wish I could play it with friends now.

Hows life fam?

Not in college but usually like 20-30 hours

That's shit pay.

Civil war soon, leftists will be purged.

I played 2 splinter cell games, didn't like either of them.

Are you running windows 10?

I meant the trump supports that have suffered at the hands of these radicals likely didn't deserve what they got. I'd gladly run over any of these shitheads that are going around pillaging everything.

undertale 3

Ahhh sounds comfy. Hopefully I can grab a job like that. What is it?

Hell no. 7 on desktop and 8 on laptop. Never update anything so hoping I don't get any of those later win10 update spyware crap.

Did you play Chaos Theory? Because that's unfortunately the only good one.


Cunt coworker called in sick again, fucking liberals I swear

Evil Genius

50 bux on its own is worthless. Might aswell spend it on something that will vastly improve your quality of life like an onahole rather than a frivolous novelty.


how much you got left, and is this the same funbux we talked about when I recomended the SNES security bit tool?
bad idea

You're vulnerable to malware and shit, it's a trade-off

Yes and I thought it was awful. Incredibly linear boring designed levels. Don't understand why Holla Forums loves it so much.

You saying anime figs are frivolous novelties?

Do anything fun lately?

Ayy, reminds me, I still have to beat that.

def 2 spies

also dis 1 2 tbh monica

wuz gucci

if u ain't been forced into ten yet u should be gud on da update tip tbh monica

yui n quake been gon awhile tbh i'm worried monica

Nah this is a new one. And 100$

Meh yeah but unless you are an idiot you are safe from malware 99% of the time anyway.

They both be up in college monica, they are fine. Talked to them earlier today.


that's above minimum wage
use it to achieve your goals

where do you live, commiefornia?
I make about 1200 a month and I can afford an appartment

Not really, just drowning my sorrows in overmeme. Still falling apart and considering dropping out/suicide on a near daily basis, but eh.

A friend is trying to get my into the fate anime, even gave me an order and everything. I'm trying to figure out if I should start with the non canon adventures of the littlest rapist here, or the mainline series, starting with a prequel directed by none other than the urobutcher himself

Yea monica shit's lit fam

bathhouse, n bank just off da top of mah head wasn't linear fam. first level wuz tho. still pretty gud. sc is hard not 2 put in a box tho monica.

das gud fam i b relieved n shit nao

As nice as they are, they won't change your quality of life to the same degree.

What did he mean by this?

What up fellas?

I'm currently reading a book assigned by my history teacher. It's somewhat interesting but I have some trouble understanding the language since it was written in the mid-1800's. Kind of drags on at points. Falling behind on the reading and just skimming it at this point.

Good shooting, fantastic stealth, great story, good graphics and lighting that still hold up today.

I can understand not liking it though, it's probably just not your genre.

ye ye fam a nigga been woke tho fo'real

ye ye dis tbh cast off yo material shit monica asceticism is how a nigga rolll tbh w/u fam

You'll make it through fine, keep your head up!

And ain't that the show with all the lewd yuri shit in it?

Fine can I have yours then?

Ayy whats the book?

played Destiney and DMC4
not much in the way of fun to be honest
Destiney takes time and DMC 4 is nice and hard but I'm not feeling the satisfaction
housesitting my dads this past week had me hanging out with his 3 greyhounds and his GFs tanky medium size dog
I think I got more fun out of hanging out with the dogs than the 2 games tbh

me too

well you want anime and vidia shit probably, how bout flash carts for consoles?
you own any consoles?
which ones?

it's a bad idea

Huh what?

Think you called the wrong number fam

Canada unfortunately. Can't live off minimum wage. Wish I could get out of this shithole.

I don't remember the game, it was forgettable tbh.

Ded thread.

Allegedly. According to my friend, the white haired girl is still pure though.

If it gets all moldy and crusty sure I'll mail it to you instead of throwing it out.

How so?

Nah dude, I love stealth games too bad there aren't that many of them. I just didn't think they were good games.

I sometimes daydream about winning the lottery and forming a dev team comprising of the original Thief devs and making a proper Thief game.
Proper Thief spiritual successor when?

Ohhh yeah. I did want to get my wii all modded up so I can play gc games. How much you think that'll run me?

And that sounds fun. Greyhounds those ayy looking dogs right?

It got any male characters?

Your anime figs!

Libery and Other Essays by John Stuart MIller. Basically talks about how it's bad for any government to make somebody do something they don't want to or to stifle their opinions in any way. I'm just gonna take a break from reading. I need to do a better job of keeping up with my reading.



I'd be a one man wrecking crew, blasting synth and fighting like I'm in Hotline Miami.

Surprised libtard colleges would want you reading that honestly.

Hows the hunt for pussy going fam?


I did, did, was supposed to be

I don't know how I fucked that one up duder.

Never ever

Have you tried Styx?

Not to my knowledge, just yuri

The best way the government can motivate the dregs is to stop with all the gibs. This way they're forced to participate in order to eat and lessen the burden on the people who like living in functional societies.
If someone is delusional then their opinions are meaningless. They should be locked away in hospitals like in the good old days. Only sane opinions matter imotbh.

evil genius

shiiiiiiiiiiiet I might have to try that out.

I didn't say that! I said certain important things in life should be prioritized other less important things!

No, but read good things about it. I should pirate and if it's decent I'll buy it.

wew tbh imo fam

Are you banned yet?

is styxx gud monica?

how u doin monica

americas minimum varies depending on the state
oregon is decent
if I made a little more, regularly, I could probably afford more expensive shit

because it means you are giving up

well I don't know man, you can get it softmodded to play wii for the cost of a decent SD card and an external HDD
and based on this link
I would say you could probably do the same with gamecube on
I would not say that


Fuck Yes


You know what I mean ya baka

I find this one particularly fitting, I think.

You trying to hack my wii?

Those dog looks gross honestly.

You've made yourself pretty clear.

It's funny because my teacher is a libtard and talks about Trump all the time. Yet we have this reading that says that stifling opinions of anyway is bad, while we try our best to stifle opinions in commiefornia.

I have an email of my school saying that they are going to stand up against trump and his "#muslimban". Anyone want to see it?

One of the arguments is that we can never really know what is truth and what isn't. When Socrates was sentenced to death by his government because they believed he did not believe in God, they were basically stifling his opinion and they killed a great philosopher in the process.

Another argument is that we can never find the truth unless there is constant opposition to the truth. If somebody looks at all sides of an argument and is able to refute it using sound reasoning then that brings us closer to the truth.

That's what I'm getting from it so far. You can read it for free on the internet so maybe check it out.

I'd be going crazy if I were in a cali college right now. Don't see how you don't go full v tech tbh

And yeah just make sure you crop it to hide any info about the school or you.

The problem with that is that few people actually care about what is true. We need sane people who do care about things like truth at the top to tell the crazies how it is.

It's flawed, but if you like stealth games, and like the idea of being a thieving little gremlin mothafucka that fucks shit up, I certainly think it's at least worth a pirate.

gud, you?

Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Angrily.

yo a nigga luh slinkin round in da dark n puttin hands on niggas n materials one would not otherwise acquire thru legal channels monica

shieeeeet u already been kno monica


I'll kill you last, if it's any consolation.

Good enough for me

initial d is lookin lyk da next long manga i'ma read monica…


I don't know if I could read that one honestly. The weird fish face art style and the lack of eurobeat kinda kills it for me.

i'ma prolly dig up sum flacs of da sound track dependin. gonna look fo' a good translation too. seem like if shit got anime made b4 a certain date manga fan translation becomes mo' unlikely tbh monica.

It's at lowes, it's a pretty good job so far. Just pick up shit old people can't lift and put it in trucks. I thought it was hilarious when at the orientation the loss prevention agent was just dropping low key racism by saying "we don't want you to profile anyone but you'll see some people that you know won't be shopping" referring the obvious meth heads and crazy niggers around the store. Also the head manager was answering questions about stock options and was laughing saying that home depots stocks are going to plummet "due to recent changes"

Practising my drawing lads

getting better I think, i'll be drawing HOT anime waifus soon!!

I've made it, boys. Livin' large.



He was referencing trump and illegal workers at home depot lol

ah, forgot about that I'm a non burger but I've heard before that Home Depots are spic hangouts

Why is 4am dying each and every day it's 5:36 and we only have 90 replies

Nobody bothers goes going to the thread when the irc/cytube/discord gets them more attention? Nobody gives a shit?

There's a 4am discord now?

I only show up here and there but would be down for a discord with you fuckers

buddy showed up, got occupied

Brunt is decent, but of a libshit coward tho

you can soft mod the Wii fam
they are built to run at 40 miles per hour fam
they are one of like 2 or 3 breeds with a double jointed back, you want SANIC dogs those are the ones


good luck

There's been one for a while nobody says anything about that's owned by Spider last I remember.

What's the link for it?

keep in mind it's mid week

You'll have to find the handful of people who use it in order to ask them if they'll give you the link. From what I've heard, it would be smarter to go to the irc in order to ask because there's some amount of crossover.

What's the IRC then, I don't know shit about this thread's culture beyond Ritsu posts a lot DMX likes roleplaying and manly anime, spider is a pedo and some guy avatar fags some obscure 90s cartoon

#4amgeneral on Rizon. It's mainly a circlejerk for the avatarfags of old and Ritsu. Don't have any other link because I couldn't be assed to give a shit, and at this point, they'd probably be pissy I showed up tbh.

went shopping have lots of goodies, no you're not having any

I made it and gave ownership to someone else. I don't own it and I'm not even in it anymore

The night

Never ends