Last LOL thread is on page 14, mark, you fucking jew
Have your thread, but you should know that there are many who think you are cancer, you perpetrators of shitposting. My hands are tied, but if I could, I'd gently murder you with a plastic baseball bat.
thanks, that's nicer than most
It doesn't matter how many times. The progressive faggots that shit up everything they touch need to protect their sacred cows somehow.
Lmao get outta here u loser
You could say the same thing for literally every thread on here that isn't gaming news about how the industry is failing.
what's the point of a lol thread if there isn't even a webcomic fuck you
People will believe anything if they hear it enough times, or if it suits their narrative.
Way to ruin the joke
I got hit pretty hard in the feels with that one. Just because I'm dealing with the same shit right now with my Computer Science degree, except everyone is just the stereotypical redditor gamer. When I first came here I actually was hoping there would be a small group of people to hang out with and shit but no. Everyone is so god damn cringe worthy that I find myself locked in my room again. If you want to know how low the bar is set, the fucking Melee Tourneyfags are the chillest people here, but literally the only thing they do is play god damn melee.
I guess I have the same amount of cringe that user has to deal with, but it's just less dilute and drawn out more.
But you're here, posting on Holla Forums, so who's the real winner here?
Not us, that's for sure.
Also they can program as well as the faggots in that story can speak Japanese. The stereotypical redditors literally want to grow up to become the stereotypical java-programmer college grad
mercedes amg master race
Then fucking leave you special snowflake.
It is pretty nice. Before, I tried 101 at my community college and THAT'S where you get all the fucking fresh-out-of-high-school idiots. By the time one would get to 201 the autists will be weeded out. But if college isn't an option, and if you live in an area with a decent amount of Asians then there's probably a not-college place you can find classes.
While you can learn stuff by yourself I felt that these classes help to apply that knowledge more and help you get used to actually working with what you're learning. You learn much faster than sitting on your ass reading an imageboard all day and wishing you were some swanky computer-language or foreign-language master.
kill me
If you're a foreigner to begin with all shitposting on imageboards is English practice.
The whole "mu wage gap" was a marketer's godsend.
"Do you mean I we can advertise that we are doing something we have always been doing and people will celebrate us for it? Sing me the fuck up."
Also, how much do you want to bed that her dad built that sop box car and taught her how to drive it?
as should you
Good one
There's people who think every thread on here is cancer. Whop-de-fuckin'-do
Welcome to the internet.
not an argument etc
How are they just realizing this? Samus is one of the first characters people point to as a strong female character in videogames.
Someone post the Hitler quote of arguing with the jews.
The TL;DR is that if a jew loses an argument with you, he will have forgotten he did the next day.
polygon has downs.
It's because "da evil misogynists goobergabers sed so, so it must be a lie!!!111"
Also, Ben being a dumb fuck as usual.
that's fake right?
lol slut
Do you think he realized how retarded he was, or was it the "evil sexist alt-right" picking on him?
It's obviously fake you mongs. You can tell because Polygon doesn't actually play videogames.
Ironically that girl wasn't entirely incorrect. Still taking a language as anything other than a single throwaway elective is absolutely moronic.
There are entire courses and books online relating to topics like quantum physics, you can actually learn that shit just by using the internet mate.
oh boy
you know what i like in my video game webcomics
half-assed political commentary
You mean…
I don't know why I find that so fascinating, but I do.
I like this touch with the hair.
Never got what the fuck was hiding in the bushes on sonic 3 cover though.
I just don't understand.
Its funny they associate Donald with Robotnik. Trump promoted Sega Genesis back in the day.
Fucking come on! At least get the fucking meme right about the Wall.
Do you seriously think people browsing Holla Forums have the willpower to actually learn anything on their own without being forced to in a formal setting?
Robotnik did nothing wrong.
Geez… It's like they got all of their political information from the shitshow that was the last season of South Park. And, like, how is it even video games?
so hol up
did I miss anything?
Its fucking sonic.
Knock knock it's Knuckles.
I want to fuck White Korra.
With my daughteru watching.
stop drawing vivian as ugly
holy fuck
sadly, that's what gingers actually look like
Is Mein Kampf a good read?
It contains a lot of red pills but reads like fanfiction.
It's the ultimate red pill from the ultimate red pilled leader, of course it is.
Regardless of your political leanings I would say its a must read.
Not even wrote by Hitler himself, but by Hess and Haushofer
Well, to be honest. Well, to be honest otaku is more akin to "nerd", but whereas our "nerd" default is "basement dweller" theirs is "animé/manga loving faggot". So if someone just says otaku, that's most likely what they mean; however context is everything in Japanese.
oh no
My family won't shut the fuck up about how Trump is le ebil racist Hitlerman and has been racist to Obama 24/7 it pisses me off more than liberals themselves sad thing is I don't know how to prove them wrong.
You know, you post these a lot, but, I've yet to really see much impact.
I guess the stuff's just gotten stale, what with people pony-izing literally everything.
They transcribed it from Hitler's speeches. Hitler wrote it.
Eh. Read Revolt Against the Modern World by Evola instead.
Dont be a doctor you faggot
Well she's supposed to be your daughter.
see for yourself faggot
Maybe you should take a hint
The trick is getting them to prove he is a racist shitter.
You can't prove a negative, after all. Or, at least, it is much harder.
Ask them what he's said or done what's racist.
That was kinda hot. I got kind of a holy moly vibe from that.
It makes some interesting points, but it's not written terribly well. If you really want to see Marxism dismantled piece by piece, read Solzhenitsyn.
They're not thick enough. I'm talking about the sweaters. The fabric looks too thin
This, only those with love in their hearts for all races and creeds should be doctors
The VGCats author is a shitskin btw. Not sure if he's beaner or not.
Why the croatian translation? i wonder how many croatians ever are here
wtf i hate vgccats now
The word "otaku" is the literal word for an obsessive person. And it's not strictly anime. You can be otaku about just about anything.
Might as well be, then it has an excuse to run at 24 frames per second.
you're probably right, goddamn furrys and ponies ruin even parodies of themselves
At this point, if there wasn't a furry or pony parody of something, I'd be worried.
I don't get it. You removed one odd line. Why does that fix it?
I need an edit of this with the comatose space pirate getting a stiffy when the tubes are mentioned.
My guess is the thought that you shouldn't say too much in a comic. Don't see why it needs to be taken out though.
It's weird, right? I remember it with the stiffy. And with the red eyes, as well. Is this a Berenstine Bears kind of deal?
pic related
I remember it that way as well. It's probably just that an edit made shortly after became far more popular, and this is just the ancient original.
Not the same thing. Learn how to read.
Cock cock, it’s cuckles.
Defensive Racism is probably better, because it’s more modern and covers more topics.
Why the fuck would you want to correct them? He’s getting more Hitler-y every day, and liberals are killing themselves left and right.
Here’s what actually fixes it.
Oh hey, it actually does. Good job.
I think this needed a slight adjustment.
Edits are like half the OC on here m8.
It's okay if you have autism too.
I didn't get that context. I just assumed she didn't want to give herself any feminine curves lest you somehow decide to fap her shit art. Or E-rape her as she would put it.
Check your spectrum, high functioning scum.
I'll check those quads
what'cha casting there?
Does someone have the audio(webm or whatever) of the song that plays in the backgroud but with a ear-ripping scream at the start?
I know it's from one of the sonic adventures games. The entire soundtrack for all of them is speed metal
You almost got me there fam
As Japanese I agree Latino women are hottest. Mentally and physically they lot of appeal.
Latino here, when you say latino, there's a lot of mystery hues of skin in between.
A venezuelan isn't like a Cuban nor like a Mexican, and neither do Puerto Ricans look like Guatemalans. So, what type, Taro?
My parents, most aunts/uncles, and everyone in my grandparents generation (grandparents, their brothers/sisters, etc) on both sides of my family all hate Hillary with maybe half supporting Trump. Feels good. Half my cousins are apparently lost to liberalism, but I rarely see or hear from them anymore.
Uh this makes more sense now
where's the degenerate porn that you totally don't fap to
I wonder if anyone actually masturbated to this
I'll never understand how some actors can act so retarded and not feel ashamed. I'm not saying they should feel ashamed, because otherwise we wouldn't get masterpieces like that, but I would die of embarrassment if I starred in that porno.
Have you seen 100% Taxes by Bombstrap?
I guess you have a point, but even in movies like comedies, it must be hard to distance yourself enough to not laugh at what a retard you're acting like or not feel embarrassed that thousands of people are laughing at you acting like a retard.
How do the think the people whose jokes revolve around them being fat and ugly feel?
You sound like a small guy
Post resources, faggot. Any time I look 'em up I just Wikipedia articles. It's especially hard when you don't even know what you need to Googling because you aren't taught any of the basic concepts in that field of study.
I have stop whispering and typing at the same time.
Noone noticed my oc
Probably because it was spoilered, darling.
Wasn't Vivian meant to be a couch-potato sort of character? Why do you think she wears the sweater?
there I made a things
She's not ugly, you just have shit taste.
The closest to hating Trump anyone in my immediate family comes is my brother who voted 3rd party just so he has a right to complain if Trump doesn't go over well.
I have an aunt who might be Trumphurt, but we don't really contact her much because she's got a ton of annoying little habits that pile up to make an extended visit with her unbearable.
Nothing in any part of Asia even comes close to qualifying as human.
At best, you get reskinned jews.
jews can't make good vidya, but japan can though
I'll give you that.
That guy seems based, what are some books of his?
Problem is, the way it was drawn, those two look like old woman.
The freckles compound that.
It's seriously disgusting is what it is.
Look if you're just going to start posting things I've jerked off to this thread has clearly lost its way.
More than enough reason that video games are just a shitty tool made to kill off whites.
What the fuck is this, whoever made this probably has some serious mental issues. Jesus.
my fetish. Or actually, whenever this happens in 2d it's my fetish. it's the most realistic, natural thing
If it's so realistic and natural then why do you only like it when it happens on 2D?
because it never happens in 2d, yet it's a vital, hot real world reference, if anime was completely devoid of them then it would be just gray aliens
But you said that you like it because it's realistic and natural yet you only like it when it happens on 2D which is not real.
well I didn't make any sense. I watch 3d porn too and like it there too. And it's not a fetish either, it's just especially arousing/hot. I just wanted an excuse to post about this subject so I used the retarded "this is my fetish" phrase
It is a fetish, most people dont find someone puking arousing.
Yeah, that's what people refer to as a fetish.
it's not really about the puking, more about the fact that humans shouldn't be able to handle violent skullfucking effortlessly without the body succumbing to its bodily functions and reflexes, so it's more about pain and how that's hot. What's interesting is the diarrhea/stomach vacate after anal/vagina fucking is way more common than puking from violent throatfucking in hentai
The Gulag Archipelago, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, and 200 Years Together. Though the last one has yet to be fully translated to English because it says some less than flattering, but truthful, things about the role of Jews in The Soviet Union. However, some guys from Holla Forums are trying to translate it on >>>/200/
Who is this?
why did they draw their rape in an erotic fashion
No idea but the plot reminds me of many hentai doujins with hilarious blackmail scenarios.
The fine young gentleman/Mickey Mouse impersonator in this webm.
Also, is this version censored (amazon.com
My face is cringing into another dimension.
plz be my gf, sarah.
It's completely delusional, full of fallacies and generally inaccurate.
But I recommend giving it a read regardless to see how the proletariat can be influenced to your will by pretending to be a part of it.
Commit suicide, you motherfucking retard.
As far as I know, the only book of his that got banned/censored was 200 Years Together.
plz be my gf, sarah.
What are jokes?
Hm, it seems there is a choice to be made. Hips, tits, both?
Commit suicide, you motherfucking retard.
I don't think that you are just pretending, sorry.
we can make an agreement here sir
You'd go to
for that.
Strangely, I don't think I've seen a thread for that on /d/, though. Maybe once there was a misplaced genitals thread, but I never saw that specific corroboration in an image from there.
Yeah, what's up with that? You always find them in the strangest places, like the fridge.
Truly the saddest of feels.
Horse pussy, nice ass, not a horse technically so she wont throw you off, can make out with the human parts, fondle her sweet large mammaries.
The cons are she's still half horse.
Well where else are you gonna keep your rocky mountain oysters?
Why not both?
How about kangaroo loli pussy?
Yeah, that one was pretty fucking amazing. But for some reason pretty much all loli monstergirls are snakes, fish. birds or demons. And the birds often only look loli. Shame on you, japan.
Alright, I guess I'll get those two and wait for the Holla Forums translation. Thanks again, user.
Wait where is this coming from, its not on his dumblr or HF
I'm guessing it's coming from this thread.
Eltonel posted it in the GG threads a while ago
Oh, anyone have the rest of what he's done "recently"?
The weird body details he draws makes them look old and wrinkled. What the fuck Eltonel.
I think the backless sweater is the most recent one
I dont save them, sorry
the sweater was christened virgin killer
pretty fitting
They don't listen to rebuttals, it fucks with their narrative.
I never used Samus, because I had an SMS and PC growing up. My examples were always Alis Landale and Rosella of Daventry - but they apparently don't count either
I'm replying to you because I agree.
That, or they're covered in cut marks like some kinda /soc/ camwhore.
jewtube now allows gay porn
As in, they seriously allow it, or as in they just haven't found and removed it all?
Its been listed as art so it might not even get taken down
Can't have any sexual suggestive nudity on Kiketube, that would be bad for the children. This is different, though. It may look like hardcore gay assfucking, fisting and scat, but it's actually educational art. Wew, so progressive.
So first they push that pedophile shit I cant remember the name of and now this?
100% progressive