
Conrad uploaded a new video of him pissing off slavs in Arma.
General griefing thread I guess.

Grow up

Ayy, we have one already.

I love watching some screeching retard's character being blown off with a shotgun.

Posting the classic.

Fuck off, you fucking shithead. I am sick and fucking tired of trying to play games online and having to deal with fucking cocksuckers like you who intentionally try to ruin the game for everyone else so that they can make an unfunny video for the rest of the degenerate shitheads. What do you get out of doing this shit? A few cheap laughs? Is it worth it? Do you sleep well at night knowing what you've done? How you've ruined the enjoyment of countless people who are just trying to have a little fun amidst the madness that is life? Go fuck yourself, kill yourself, suck a shotgun and die, you worthless piece of shit. That goes for any other shiteaters that might be lurking this thread. Fuck off.

what's stopping you from going to other server?

Filtered, autismo

meant to reply to

He bumped and I'm pretty sure that's a copypasta.

I love Grumpy Cat I collect all of his memes xD



I love retards like you, because all I need to do is put in bare minimal effort, maybe act really annoying over the mic and people like you go off like a boiler under a lot of pressure.

I do love griefing when it's less planned and more "Hey let's do this stupid shit and see what happens."

Top kek

Anyone have that video of the CSGO guys teasing that one woman? The "Does your daughter do anal?" one.
Also Team AVO was pretty cool when they actually did stuff. Most Minecraft stuff I see nowadays is just adults teasing little kids and overreacting, which is sad because a game like Minecraft has amazing griefing potential.

i fucking love seeing manifestations getting fucking smacked by cars. fucking retards think they can ruin the day for innocent hard working people by doing this garbage, they all deserve to fucking die.

do you have any more?

Not all of them are protests, for example one of the clips was someone running over refugees that were pulling people from their cars

thats even worse. so all the better for them to get run over.

Is it really easy to get a driving license?

Yes; you don't even have to parallel park in my state.

Go back to fucking >>>/reddit/


whats going on in this gif?

That one is a fucking classic

He is probably just shilling his own video, since the Team Gamerfood video for Barotrauma very nicely coincided with the threads on the board

Take a look at his hand.

he's holding a piece of paper? so what?

He is holding a meat cleaver, the woman is laughing because she is behind reinforced glass and because he is talking on the phone in the middle of a fucking robbery

What do you mean?
The video I posted is an absolute classic
The chick was batshit insane and they jut ripped her a new non overused asshole.

I still don't understand, he seems to be stuck since his movements are janky, but I don't see much else, just a chink holding a clever.

Thats a cleaver dumbass

Barely any context for us to figure that out guy.

I don't have the context either, it is extremely fucking obvious. It isn't that there is too little context, it is simply that you are blind.

oh i didnt see the handle.

the camera resolution is so bad it looks like a piece of paper

Sure thing buddy
How about posting something thats not complete garbage mext time?

I didn't post it though. In case you hadn't bothered checking the options menu or the FAQ, this website features IDs for each thread assigned to each individual user's IP. In order to make it easier to distinguish users, I would recommend going into [Options] in the top right corner of the window and ticking the box that says "Color IDs", this will help distinguish individuals without the need to memorise the character string associated with each user's ID.

Oh, my bad

This thread is some hot garbage. On top of that everyone knows no one and properly be a dick to people anymore.


shut up retard

in this era of sensitive feelings, moderators are much quicker to ban everyone they don't like. so its harder to get some decent griefing unless you ARE the moderator

Griefing women is beyond the pale. Kill yourself.


This, dev teams are now much more aware of how griefing happens and a lot of the shit that used to work well in the past gets shut down fast, assuming it even works at all anymore.


Sorry woman wanted equality, and they got it. In any case I found the souls games to be great griefing games considering how fucking serious pve players take the game.

Honestly, shit communities and griefing are why I avoid multiplayer games.

how is griefing even a thing? hell, in fact, everytime i play an online game, its usually the other way around, you have to watch what you say because oversensitive pussy mods will permaban you for saying "fag" or "nig"

This puts me in the mood to go griefing

Your salt is delicious but I kind of have to agree with you.

Griefing used to be funny to watch/read about. Shit like the infinite slime monster in UO, or killing lord brittish, or the bard that would train sand giants around in EQ. Or the TF2 poltical quiz spawn prison.

Now that youtube has made everyone think they can be an e-famous griefing has become just screaming obscenities at people and team killing. There's still good stuff out there, but OPs video aint it. And it's harder and harder to find good quality griefing.

Like everything, it became popular and it became lessened as a result.

Yeah, we need faggots such as DanielfromSL and Britbong along with all the Call of Duty and Survival game shitters, right?

The gradual screams and moans of slavs as they fall for their death ain't enough for you?
The userbase of this fucking imageboard gets shittier by the minute, fucking hell.


Now explain to me how I'm shittier than you because I require more than just screaming to be entertained.

I don't know who any of those E-celebs are, BTW. Please tell me more about how the userbase is shittier now while also citing some no-name youtube-famous nobodies.

You showing up sure didn't help.

Give me an example of quality griefing then you absolute faggot.

Been here for 2 and a half years now bub and I ain't going anywhere.

Well thats embarrassing,
Enjoy your shitty thread then.

Griefing is an art form. Deal with it.

Griefing, being an art, there is good art and there is bad art. The best form of griefing requires intricate planning and intimate knowledge of the game. All of the best griefers had a love and affinity for the game they griefed. And some took up griefing as a way to save the game from casuals and assorted faggots.

Why you talking shit bout DanielfromSL?

Enjoy your thread on /cow/

Hes an unfunny one trick pony

Absolutely. I'm just saying that with the popularisation of gaming in general and thus griefing that the "bad art" has become way more common place than the good. And people like Op keep propogating it.

esteban is good. I also cited a few good greifing stories in my first post.

Now… Tell me more about your E-celebs and how much more sophisticated you are than me because you enjoy watching people scream. You absolute casual.

Griefers are not supposed to be funny, they are supposed to piss people off and get funny reactions out of them in creative ways.



People like you make me want to keep griefing.

There lies the problem, most faggots arent creative and just put out le epick greefin video thats them just fucking something up with no finesse. Its like running over, kicking down someones sandcastle and yelling in their face how fucked up they got.

If anyone has anything better please share.

Thats pretty funny
Why are you even in this thread you fuck?

I love how you niggers bitch and whine without actually contributing with anything.

You're the equivalent of a person who says they like horror games and cites FNAF as the scariest because of the jump scares. You're the guy who thinks "that's what she said" is hillarious.

We're not bitching and whining, we're discussing.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me about how much more cultured you are because of your knowledge of E-celebs from youtube and your love of people screaming.

I think the main problem is that, like in OPs video, people now think good griefing is doing something anyone can do. Crashing a chopper isn't interesting or entertaining. Anyone can do that shit. It's boring and rote. If you play any game with a chopper you will see that shit. Screaming into a mic untill people get annoyed isn't interesting to watch. It's mundane.

But as you said, most faggots aren't creative.

Shit like the afore-mentioned infinite slime grief in UO is interesting. It's funny. Washing over the server with enough slimes to crash it, in and of itself, is worth hearing about. The fact that the guy had the balls to walk into town and demand a ransom or he'd crash the server is brilliant. Getting in a chopper and holding down "S" with fraps running in the background isn't.

You have yet to post a single video I don't need to prove a single thing to your pathetic ass, especially when I never implied that my taste in comedy was better than yours which you for some reason think is what happened.

Oh of course, reddit is here.

He was funny until he decided to paywall his previously free videos on patreon.

God damn, brings me back. They don't make stuff like this anymore.


People like you who take online games seriously is why I grief. It's honestly too easy to bait you fags, all I need to do is go into a niggerfield 1 server, spam NIGGER in the chat and I have 20 people all trying to virtue signal fighting me it's hilarious.

Always pissed me off in ARMA that you could do that with a rifle

Daniel is good but britbong is manlytears, a massive faggot who still lives with his parents and bums for donations. Fuck him



Someones triggered it seems

Bet part is the drifter actually was playing eurobeat.

Remember user, if an asian woman can get a drivers license, so can you.

What's up with greifing threads attracting so many faggots?
This seems to be a fucking trend, as I've noticed the exact same shit happening in the previous threads
Is the reddit presence on here this strong?

oh shit, he was?


that was perfect
I gotta break the American tradition of learning how to drive automatic in case I ever get trapped by rioters.


A dozen or so cuckchan retards
Don't mind them

Fucking burgers

basic reading comprehension motherfucker
as in

Depends on you get as an instructor. Some guys will deliberately try to mess you and give you misleading instructions just to see how well you can handle driving under stresseither that or the guy I got the first two times was really bad at his job., while others just want to get it over with as quickly as you do and will let you pass as long as you don't do something like run a stop sign or drive on the wrong side of the road.

We are both saying automatic is too simple to require any learning, you're the one lacking reading comprehension here friendo.

*who you get
Man, my writing has been getting worse and worse lately. Maybe I need to take a break from shitposting so much.

The fucking irony
Holy shit my sides

Thanks for the pasta

The second half of vid related is fucking gold.

Webm for reference

I like britbong


Fresh from last night.

Why do these idiots pile in front of a car? Do they think they're going to beat it up or break a window faster than a person can fucking floor it?

shit vid but damn that SVU fine

Why does anyone do anything? Modern human culture is a race to the bottom, and luckily, we're all retarded.


you either learn how to drive automatic or your learn how to drive manual

that guy wants to learn how to drive with a manual transmission you fucking retards


No he wasn't, that was edited in. The original is still on YouTube.

i miss minecraft griefing, but you can't play that game in >current year without being considered an autist or pedophile.
The playerbase is like 99% kids now. It sucks that they had to ruin a game that was legitimately pretty fun.

ooooohhhhhh yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

so they are all robbers ?

eat shit

you mean this one :^)

he's an expert
i bet he's like a school teacher that gets his laughs by griefing

i think we have found their weakness:


Well there's a Convoy mod that needs to be made.

Just suck my cock like the good little whore you are.


See It's less about having fun at the expense of others now and more people trying to make a quick buck off it. Awhile back Team GRN released a vid more or less explaining why they didn't want to stream themselves greifing, because there is a fair bit of effort that goes into shit. People are used to the final product of those 10-15 second moments stitched together.

Another issue is there are more systems in place to protect servers now than there used to be. TTT is a good example as now there is a report system in place that sends the admin damage logs and everything if one is on (and this is modern GMod so there are 7 admins on and 4 VIP donators with admin powers who are also on) so even subtle kills end up with being slayed or out right bannings.


nah you'd be surprised some people genuinely don't like griefing. sucks to be them is all I can say

Hey Manlet tears, get outta here.

Actually, no. If women wanted equality in gaming they'd actually go ahead and start griefing themselves. Too bad they're too dumb to actually know how, though. Lol

The fact that it is called "greifing" now is hilarious. I mean shit nigga, just walk away from the computer.

There's something amusing about the rage at the griefer before the question and the calm reaction afterwards when being let out after answering it correctly.

Would be interesting to a multiplayer game have a optional trivia mode when respawing to get out faster And prevent dumb underage players from playing


Yes. For my driving test I was practicing parallel parking between cars, driving on the freeway (some of you might call it a highway), and other stuff I needed to be more comfortable with. I ended up doing none of that. Turns out it was just a 15-20 minute drive around the neighborhood near the DMV and parking along a curb of an empty street. My instructor even admitted it's not about driving skill, but rather about driving safely. You can also miss a lot of points and still get the license. I was surprised at first until I realized how many bad driver there are on the road here. It made a lot of sense after that. I still somehow failed my first test.
You also don't take a driving test (written or behind the wheel) after that unless you don't renew your license in time, you have reported medical issues that legally affect your ability to have a license, or if you break certain driving laws/break too many. I think you may take one again at a certain age, but that's when you're old.

I thought this was always the case.
