So what does non-East Asian gaming have going for it now?

It's not a coincidence that it's shieet Jap game companies like Capcom that pander to Amerifats, Eurocucks, and Canaderps. Western gaming is far below Japanese gaming for sure.

Asians don't do FPS, sandbox, or western RPGs.

You mean SJW brand games like Biocuck's?

There's a lot of good hidden games like dominion, Ss13, Stalker, rimworld. I think you need to rephrase the OP into "what does mainstream western gaming have?"

Did FFXV have any black characters?

avadon was fun, gets kinda boring near the end when you can't level up anymore.

One of the blandest games I played in a long time.

Both industries are decadent and bleeding money, games are harder and harder to make, teams are getting expensive and large in size, "seniors" of the industry, who have a name for themselves are dragging down new projects and, finally, Consoles have achieved a level of technological retardation that is hurting new developments like never before, be it regarding expense and difficulty of cross-platform porting, having to relearn every generation how to program efficiently for a niche software and hardware (this adds cost of training and slows down everything, to the point of developers only mastering the system at it's end of life-cycle, truly a waste) and the so-known outdated hardware.
New models are arising and the future is uncertain: While the West keeps relaying on AAA one-hit wonders, the Japanese are starting to decentralize and focus on Microtransactions.
Mobile shit is also growing.

In my opinion, really, we could go back to Simple 2D tier of games, but modernized (something that many do).

no niggers
and no women

best FF ever

Those games are neither hidden, new or good without heavy modding. Nothing special even then.

Not much

Make no mistake. Niggers are appearing more and more often in Japanese media and not in a stereotypical or comedic light. Five years, they'll be as common as rainbow-colored hair.

Jeez its like 8/v/ is scared of everything

That's subjective, user.

Westerners don't even do western RPGs anymore. Not really.

I was having that hunch too a few years ago but as it turned out, in hindsight I may have not analyzed too deep.
The Japanese are xenophobic (read: racist) as fuck. They're like a bunch of less aggressive stereotypical rednecks. They sure as fuck are not going to walk on the same path as a nigger. The culture is different, the appearance is different, Japanese hate difference, hell, they even hate the Korean and Chinese and to a certain extent the entire East Asia/South East Asia region even though some people of those regions are very similar to Japanese.
One signal for a nigger takeover is interracial porn. Every single culture that adopts and accepts the black cock is better meme will fall for nigger flood, and likewise the ones that refuse it will survive.
The Japanese WILL refuse the nigger meme culturally. They were full "burn coal, pay toll" before it was even a thing.

Naturally, but they're hardly a shining example of western gaming. More so since Stalker is slavmade and SS and RW are EA shit.

The mechanic was all the women the game needed

Not our fault they wont just build for pc. Make it and they will come

Consider either shortening that to "RPGs" (short for "role-playing games") or changing that to "CRPGs" (short for "computer role-playing-games", as opposed to tabletop role-playing games).


supiriya japanizu gemingu

Not for long, when they have to clean up in preparation for the Tokyo Olympics.

So what does east asian gaming have going for it now?


Founfld the feminist.

Whitewomen are more attractive than all other women and East Asian men are more attractive than Niggers.

Hey Yahtzee.

Found the feminist.

Unlike the West of course. Blizzard's games surely don't keep making monsters into Dindus.


All faggots though.

Someone post the Insomniac webm

And how exactly does that refute any of his arguments?

West does the same, pointless to argue.
Not real.
White women are more attractive than asian women, like the other user said. Also they keep asian men in because japanese men like to self insert. Stupid, I know, but not much of a point.
Completely untrue of fightan games. Go fucking play one against someone that isn't a toddler. Shit argument.
Who cares?
Leftists plots all over western games too. Who cares?
Western MMOs do the same thing. Pointless fucking argument.
I agree that all games should be on pc along with their console counterparts but not all console games are shit.

It's bait anyway so call me a faggot for responding.

biocucks has only ever been associated with wrpgs by normalfags, my poor ribbitor.

Actually, the mainstream of both are incredibly bad. But weebs are in denial and will never admit this alien culture they adopted is flawed.
Each side has it's flaws and strengths.
Eastern Europe is perfect all around though.
In the end this is a shit fucking bait thread and you should kill yourself, OP.


Cindy is a man?

Yeah they'll have slot machines instead for the tourists

Weebs being in such denial that either of the markets is in good/better shape is sad but alas such is the existence of fucking weebs.

For fuck's sake, these "people" get excited about persona 5.

say what you will but look at all those GETS just laying on the floor.

What the fuck are they going on about

They're just confirming once again why you should never ever listen to the media for any reason.

She's a girl (male).

The worse part?
MH: Stories and MHXX are likely not coming to the west.
Fuck me.

Truly terrible news.

Holy fuck, literally all of those except number 6 apply to every single WRPG I've ever played.

I get MH:Stories but isn't MHXX the port of MHX for the Switch

No it's generations with g rank, returning bosses from old games, more hunter arts and two unique bosses.

If all wrpgs you've played had forced romances then you must have pretty shit taste. Let me guess, by wrpgs you mean bioware shit?

What are some good Unity based games to come from eastern Devs?

There's something charming about them.

Remember to dismiss retards. Kill yourself.

Sure maybe MGSV but not really for MGS2

Why do people keep pretending that gooks and chinks actually contribute? Just say Japan.

I sometimes wish you smug faggots wouldn't provoke weebtards all the time. Crusading against retards is a thankless job on Holla Forums.

But it has to be done.

Unless race is specified they can pass for both. I know that SE deliberately makes their characters to look either white or East Asian.

They retconned Cloud and other characters to be Japanese looking.

I wish pachinko was a thing here. I could definitely see myself getting mildly intoxicated and spending far too much money on those things.

Then again, maybe I should be glad things are the way they are.


its this thread again


Take a guess yourself, OP. Non-East Asian doesn't necessarily mean Western.

2nd worse kind of thread next to Console wars tbqh

Fluff wise Japs are absolutely shit.

Looks kinda japanese with that silly headband and beard out of kurosawa samurai flick tbh.

Designed by a pajeet.

It has to be asked, but what games do whites actually enjoy? Remove any kind of political aspect in any game and found out what games are enjoyed by whites. What is sold most, what enchants us most. I suspect that the motive is not the same between Japs and whites.

TES is a thoroughly western game. Full pledged freedom, finding player's role in the universe instead of being assigned to one, exploration and discovery of knowledge, and shaping of the world according to the player's will. It's basically colonization and nietzsche in video game format.

As if the mainstream of the east asian gaming market was any better.
You are also shit out of luck if you want some more niche genres.

Why don't you just buy good games irrespectively of where they are from?

You mean like call of duty, minecraft and witcher? Yeah, nothing of value.
not like the asians are any better nowadays, but just sayin'

The few women it has are gold. Cindy, Iris, Aranea are better than XIII's cast combined.

Luna is boring tho.

Memester hunter was never good, get over it.

Are you fucking retarded?

Do you have autism user?
When people say west, they don't actually mean "everything on the western hemisphere" otherwise almost everything would be "eastern" culture since the only big guys in the west are the americans. when people say "eastern" they mean chinks and the eastern parts of russia.

this is what happens when anons workaround console war bans

No your a fucking idiot, when someone references "the west" as it's being used ITT it has an actual definition which has nothing to do with geography (New Zealand and Australia are part of the West) former Warsaw pact countries (slavland) are most explicitly not apart of the west.

Stay buttmad when this beats the ever living shit out of anything the west has released in the past 10 years.

Enjoy your "cinematic narratives", "freedom and choices", and "open worlds" with shallow combat and ultimately a whole lot of nothing.

I'll be busy enjoying the superior gaming experiences of the motherland.

Forgot my image. nb

Don't forget the West's lust for Niggers and uggo women.


Sheeit you really do have the tism.

Forgot to mention this upcoming masterpiece.

What do you have to say, whites?

Lots and lots of money. Pretty much it.