games with Pretentious too deep for you Endings

games with Pretentious too deep for you Endings

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Braid. The whole fucking thing was pretentious wank. Johnathan Blow is a pretentious wanker.

Kill yourself

Actually off the rumors are true. Braid started out just being a mario tribute with time puzzles until Phil fish wrote the anti-nuclear power ending.

This piece of shit
and bastion along with it

What pretentious about the ending of Crysis? It's straightforward.

100% this


The most frustrating (non gameplay) part of Crysis 3 is that a lot of the VA work on it is excellent, but it's wasted on such a mediocre game and story.

Any of the games that leave the ending to interpretation. Especially when its clear the writers were unsure of how they wanted to end it or were too beta to give a conclusion.


Ez, Spec Ops The Rhine.

I really thought the ending was really strong in a series where the plot and characters are meh at best. It has a really good "fuck you, aliens, humans forever" vibe but you don't give a shit about any human in the series so what's the point?
The Marathon trilogy. The final game is confusing as fuck because the player flits between different timelines or something, and then the ending makes what was actually happening ambiguous. It isn't clear if he was dreaming, going through rampancy like the A.Is in game did, actually shifting across timelines with Jjaro technology, or if it was some kind of meta reference to the fact the player is essentially immortal.

People are still discussing story elements on the main fansite for it to this day.

because it's literally ruin your waifu, ruin your laifu

It's also a shame that the most interesting worldbuilding in 3 is in the form of easily missable intel pickups.

Lame. It's such a shame, this series could've been much better.

For me it was kind of soured knowing that the main character fucked over the protag from 2 and was currently using his body as a meat puppet.

Not really, I've met him in person NOT AT A CONVENTION PLUGGING HIS GAME and he's actually a pretty chill guy who cusses and stuff.

It's the press that likes to depict him as some feng-shui stereotype (I have no idea why every mention of him by some journalist involves tai-chi in some way), but my impression of him is that he simply likes certain things and makes puzzle games based around them.

Of course, if you really want to make fun of him, just mock his demeanor whenever he goes on about Jai.

If I had only played Braid I might agree with you, but unfortunately I have also played The Witness

Yeah, Alcatraz was a pretty cool mute and it was a shame he got mindjacked. I didn't mind Prophet though, he was an interesting character in his own. I also feel that had he been a protagonist of another game in the series, he would've been better received.

kek. Have the real one just for a point of reference.

The whole game is a pile of pretentious garbage tbh, not just the ending.

I thought Braid was actually pretty clever overall.

What? The endings to those games are pretty straightforward. Nothing pretentious about them.

How the fuck do you not like Alan Wake?
Are you fucking stupid?

Nobody mentioned Bioshock: Infinite?

Transistor's soundtrack is good. The rest is just bleh.

It's literally a dumbed-down Resident Evil 4 in forest-cabin world with a shit wannabe-a-tv-series flavor to it. It's painfully clear the hacks behind it just were more concerned with telling some shit thriller story than making a good game. Why they decided to make it a game instead of just a tv series is honestly beyond me.

There's nothing wrong with a well written story with serviceable and standard gameplay.
Not everything needs to be Devil May Cry, and it wasn't as shit as Gears of War.

You're just a fag

She dies and lives in a perfect paradise inside the Transistor with her husbando and all the other absorbed data made from the destroyed real world.

It's barel7 a game. Corridor cover shooter garbage.

Like the Order 1823 and Last of shit, Uncharted, etc etc etc

Fuck that.

Except you actually have to move around and can't stay behind cover

Braid is the only game I ever saw where the full ending was worse than the regular ending.

Source it, faget.

After seeing his Twitter faggotry and The Witness, I'd say he's a douche with or without mock-orientalism.

At one point, he, a fucking game developer, said that games actually cause violence. When Notch called him out, he said that no no what he meant was just that FPS players are more likely to be violent. This is the man journos paint as the intellectual of vidya.

Unfortunately I have met him at a gaming convention and had a good talk. He is just a man who never really had any thing good to say. I ragged on him for ripping off sands of time and trying to come off as a indie Jesus. He was pretty funny about it, but in the end he said he never really wanted to make games, just art.

Hey, if you enjoy it, that's great.

Meanwhile I'd rather replay a superior game in almost every regard like… Resident Evil 4, which even came several years before it.

You are dreaming but your dreams affect your reality and the reality is part of a dream.


Kill yourself.

I reject your smug and replace it with my own.

it's not an amazing game, but it nails the Steven King/inna woods vibe and the twilight zone parodies and such are charming
the combat is decently solid, nothing amazing but as far as TPS go you could do much worse
the story really does start to shit the bed near the end though, and the game wraps up as anticlimactically as possible and doesn't satisfy at all
but its an incredibly comfy game to just relax and get into with all the extra content it has

It's a good game though

Posting the obvious

Do you understand what this word means?

Friendly reminder that pretentious means attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

People like to call anything they don't understand pretentious, and it's fucking stupid.

2/10 got me to reply

I can at least agree to that. It managed to be more interesting than almost everything else in the game.

Not gunna lie, I enjoyed some of that game, but it certainly felt lacking in many ways. The story was okay-ish until you learn that all choices made throughout the game are pointless barring the first, which determines if you get free shit or not. This in spite of it telling you later that, for every potential choice made, innumerable amounts of parallel universes are spawned; and then compounds that with plot holes out the ass for the time-travel abusing ending that ignores its own logic among a whole host of other dumb shit.

I know you shouldn't trust trailers, but there were loads of things shown that were advertised as important elements, that only ever appeared once in a blue moon. The big imposing bird thing only shows up twice, then suddenly at the end its under your command. The necromancing ghost is treated as a miniboss that only appears once. The blind kids with metal ear things only show up in one level, behave like the cameras from the other games, and they detect you with sight (not sound) regardless. The sky lines have limited appearances, later on their placement makes less sense, and you only ever take down an airship using them once. The upgrade system for guns and powers lacks all the fun and interest of the previous games, make no cosmetic changes, are bought with money, and they don't make sense in-universe. The clothing upgrades off some slight differences in gameplay styles, but their existence is unexplained and feels out of place. There are no competing factions, everyone with a gun is against you; there are some instances where an area is full of civilians, but as soon as a shot is fired and you turn your back, they all disappear and the level quickly becomes quiet and devoid of life as if the Rapture fucking happened. Also, most of guns are useless, especially the rocket launcher and damn near every "alternate" version of the normal weapons.

It was pretentious, and you weren't getting anything close to what you were paying for. It had its moments, but certainly not to earn a 10/10.

Metal Gear Solid V

The games less shit when you realize that after the beginning you are in a coma trying to justify your actions and were never sent int to help anyone, but were there from the start.

Then your suffering from massive heat stroke and dehydration. Main game even tells you it's story is shit and is really that simple by saying "It takes a strong man to deny the truth right in front of his face." Took me two days to puzzle all that out because the games fucking horrible meta narrative makes it so damn confusing.


That is the textbook definition of pretentious.

Infinite's story was such complete shit
the first half is just railroading "racism and zealotry are bad" down your throat in the most toothless inoffensive way possible, nothing truly terrible is ever actually done to any minority, and the classic americana christian tones that were obviously intended are completely lost since the whole city holds an entirely different prophet up as deity
and then of course later on it abandons almost all of that for timey wimey adventures with tragic disney princess
whats worse is that it retroactively ruined the one part I thought was okay through goddamn DLC apparently
I liked that by the end the resistance movement had turned into a straight up remorseless massacre condoned by the leader, because it felt like the message was that even the truly oppressed could become hypocritical monsters if given the power to
but I guess Levine got a few too many black dicks to the wife and actively retconned it so that the leader was told to play the villain so Elizabeth could have character growth or some shit like that


I'm not sure I would call it that, especially when I couldn't understand anything that was fucking happening at the end.

Chill user, I loved that game back in its prime.
Warriors touch their ass…

I'm still mad.

Can you name a video game which uses themes that are legitimately too complex to be understood by the typical player?

Of course people are going to use the term pretentious for games they couldn't understand, if the only reason the game was hard to understand was that it was being intentionally incomprehensible in an attempt to come across are more complex or intellectual than it actually is. Which by the very definition you've posted, is pretentiousness.

I'm all for defending story-driven games but why would you choose fucking alan wake to be the hill to die on?

Did he get super buttfrustrated because Soulja Boy played his video game? Sounds like a fagout to me.

Undertale, Pause Ahead, and The Stanley Parable.
I really hate the whole "Do you really think you're in control?" trope.

Not even 10 seconds in they start quoting fucking Stephen King. That game is so far its own ass I had to quit after 15 minutes because it was getting obnoxious.

The main flaw was the lack of focus. The story has much flaws apart from that, but it just jumps from one topic to the next, and the convoluted nature of the game's second half (especially the ending) only goes on to show that Levine had no fucking clue what he was doing, nor any idea of what he really wanted the story to be.

If he wanted to make a commentary of nationalism and racism taken to the extremes, he should've stayed on topic the whole game; if he wanted it to be about constants/variables and the nature of choices, why not make the game about that instead? But no, the game goes full stop from one thing and full throtle on the next, the instant you learn about portals the whole social commentary gets dropped like a ton of bricks, the same with the nature of choices bullshit when the game shifts focus to Elizabeth, and then the ending which reeks of "I have no fucking clue of what I'm doing and didn't think it through so let's pull a bioware now".

Then the DLC breaks shit even further instead of being an attempt to fix up that convoluted mess that was vanilla, all for a stupid ass twist that attempted to top the impression of the original bioshock but at that point it's so far up its own ass that it's nothing short of frustratingly dissapointed, all because Levine just couldn't commit to one solid theme.

wew lad

Why did Alcatraz turn into the black guy from the first game?

Inside is a perfect example as nonsense being peddled as something deep and meningfull, when in reality it means less than hobo shit.

I thought I was the only person that thought this
That cliffhanger at the end of 2 made me lose interest, Alcatraz was one of the only good parts of that game's story

It had an ending
It was just one of those secret "true" endings that's supposed to come after a ton of other shit

You mean like all their games? Limbo was the same kind of trash too.

Haven't played it but I wouldn't doubt it one bit


Yeah, it actually gives the regenerating health shit a good explanation. Your character is basically on life support while simultaneously tearing shit up. It's a shame that it's such a linear slog because I liked the parts where you have to use the defibrillator because your suit is disabled.

It's a third person shooter with a dodge mechanic and no cover at all. You're encouraged to be aggressive until your battery runs out, and even then you're not defenseless.

Xbox ruined Alan Wake. It was meant to be open-world and at the time one of the most graphically impressive games. The open world was removed and there graphics were dumbed down because Xbox couldn't handle them.

I am aware of the ending. The execution was just incredibly pretentious

As a matter of fact, the entire game reeks of pretentious with unecessary "badass" comments and "heh..I'm so cool" narrator that really just talks for the sake of talking.

One of the only story bits I can actually remember from Crysis 2 was when the plot device doctor character was horrified to see from xrays how fucked up Alcatraz was, and that the suit was growing into his wounds to stop him from falling apart like the Berserk armor
Surprisingly metal as fuck for a mainstream AAA shooter

god that sounds so retarded no matter who says it.

Alan Wake was changed from being an open world game to a linear shooter (for the better tbh - open world games are shit) because the game they wanted to make fit better in the mold of a linear shooter. Stop making shit up, condiment faggot.

Yeah, the suit is basically Venom I found that kind of cool. Clingy with abandonment issues, no wonder all those other people had "problems" with their suits it never wanted to let them go.

Pretentious and pointless yes, but also humorously macabre

talos principle
it was entry level philosophy but people are morons

it was clever. niggers just like getting mad at anyone smarter than they are

Untrue you are a retard.
There is no proof of that, and games arent developed like that in the first place. back to halfchan with you

SJW have become so desperate they're eating each other just to virtue signal.


ending of Limbo is essentially u think u got 2 heaven and found ur sister, but u actually died in her arms and the both of u are long-dead corpses lmao, or you were a dead corpse all along for a more succinct version.

I am curious, did anyone sent this shit to (((Neil Kikemann))) in the end?
He represents everything wrong in theindustry and deserves to be triggered.

what was the ending?

Mass Effect 3: Mary Sue Child, the Defier of Logic

What's wrong with that?
I watched pewdiepie's gameplay of the whole game it seems great tbh.

I disagree.