Is there such a thing as a realistic female protagonist in video games?
They're either too smart, too strong, too rich, too charismatic or just too capable in general.
Pic most definitely unrelated
Is there such a thing as a realistic female protagonist in video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
cooking mama
Too charismatic and too capable. It's impossible for women to be that nice and they can't cook for shit either.
Super Princess Peach. She gets power from her irrational female emotions.
Nah, now that's beyond unrealistic in every sense and probably designed by some proto-SJW who thought GRRL power was cool.
>>>Holla Forums
Why wants to play some weak faggor in a game? Of course they are going to drop kick five guys in a room.
Life is Strange
ironically, its the most realistic depiction of a woman i've seen in videogames.
she's a retarded insufferable cunt with dyed hair. can't get any more realistic than that.
The horror games starring those Japanese girls.
Protagonists are usually exceptional, its fucking boring playing a game as a 2 bit trader roaming around that gets attacked by bandits and barely makes it out with 2 bags of their trading stuff after almost bleeding to death on the side of the road.
Not saying there isn't an audience for that, but you are selling like 500 copies for a "Life sucks then you die" game.
Games are about exceptional people.
Holy shit Cooking Mama makes me so fucking hard
I want to play a game with REALISM, you cuck.
Fuck that noise
Not even borderline realistic
Japanese women are frail as fuck and I expect them to die as such
I don't have a problem with exceptional protagonists, I just have a problem with exceptional women since they never existed at any point in history.
What the fuck do you want?
Well there's your problem.
Women in vidya are normally a representation of what men wished women were truly like. Strong, brave, loyal, with a sense of justice and sexy. Why make a real woman in vidya when the majority of real women in the 21st century are so shit?
Anons say it's politics that shits up Holla Forums, but let's be honest, it's always /r9k/ one way or another. robots who can't seem to stay on their own board instead of infesting every single board with their debbie downer blogposting and screaming 'NORMALFAG SHILL CUCK NORMALFAG NORMALFAG NORMALFAG CUCK REEEE' when told to fuck off.
He wants a game where women are not simply unpresent but protrayed as the conniving, stupid, manipulative, irrational, weak, backstabbing bitches that they are while somehow not being contradictory in any way.
Clearly this is the realistic protrayal and not in any way schizophrenic.
If there were realistic women in video games they would bitch constantly and get men to do all the work for them.
Did your mother never hug you, or something?
Never in history have their been alien killing commandos that singlehandedly saved the earth. Where were you in the 90's?
My problem is that I have taste
No they don't, you pathetic waste of estrogen. REAL MEN want submissive and weak women. MUH STRONG WOMYN meme is the reason why they suck now.
Don't you have some shitty memes to copy in your dead commie board?
Now someone FINALLY gets it
I never let my mother touch me in general. My dad gave me all the love I needed.
Ok now I get you. You're either shitposting or beta.
Hello /r9k/. Nice to see you're still alive.
Why the fuck would you want that? You play vidya to avoid real women.
Yeah, I bet he did
Look into Bioware games, you might like them.
But that's wrong. "Real men" want a loyal and emotionally strong wife to raise their children. A submissive, weak doormat is going to be a shit mom, which means you're going to have shit kids.
Your problem is that you are one of the cancers that are killing vidya.
Please leave.
No One Lives Forever. bam great game, great female protag. /thread
Cuter and smarter than real, but still believable.
Naturally. What exactly is the problem with your mom?
Quints of truth.
Why do people focus on "realism" so much when it comes to vidya characters?
I just want good fucking games to play.
And you're either a faggot or a cuck
I'm tired of playing as a guy, but I don't to play as a feminist ego stroking character
Gr8 joke, faggot
Women are just breeding machines, kids only need a father to be raised just right.
I want quality in realism, you want more feminist pandering
Already terrible
Realism is cancer. It's the justification we see in devs for giving us ugly female characters with grandma tits, see every bioware game in past 7 years.
You dont talk to women, eh OP?
I was calling you a faggot
Then why not play as a character that's better than realism?
Even if I was faggot and cuck incarnate, I would STILL be better then you aspie :^)
I want fun games.
Are you that dumb motherfucker from the pixel art thread last night?
Which Tomb Raider game is this?
Kek. Little guy starts curling 20s and thinks his balls hang low now.
Recettear, you play as a girl that send mercenaries to die for her own profit.
Now get the fuck out.
Here you go OP, a perfect game for you!
If your idea of a properly written female character is a catty, vindictive bitch with no real determination, why would you want to play as one? Do you hate fun?
I beg to differ.
She's kinda dense, not particularly strong, initially. Even then, her father still makes her look like a joke. She isn't rich, she is fairly charismatic, but not in a "I can make people do stuff just by asking" sort of way, and is fairly capable but is almost never not working with a partner or group.
Now, this game is still pretty fucking anime, so 'realistic' is pretty much out the question, but for what its worth, Estelle isn't put on much of a pedestal, at least not until hours and hours of being a green horn who is doing oddjobs at best.
Your train is going to be in real trouble once it gets past the tied up jews and nigs.
And very few realistic male protagonists exist as well. As a general statement, fiction exaggerates.
Jesus Christ dude quit your sperging. If you want realistic female characters, watch one of those shitty slice of life anime or something.
My white aryan brother.
I wonder if that water bird does this everyday?
This thread is shit. Someone dump Laura lewds
Because some niggers don't have the ability to suspend disbelief for anything beyond the existence of human beings.
I think we've done it folks.
We've found the most retarded faggot on the planet.
Good work everybody.
I'll be banned anyways.
Thanks user
Porn dump time?
I wish there was more western style quality hentai
people who do this sort of thing are assholes. people who used to be good and not assholes are rare.
Had to get that off my chest, no more meta
That second one looks familiar, is it from a comic or something?
The board has become shit since mid-2015 man.
It never really made sense to me.
Only time porn dumping even did anything was the glorious derailing of evolve threads and some guy who'd cap off LOL threads with vanilla doujins.
I miss him
That webm is great but I searched up that name and got nothing
Metroid : Other M
Evolve threads were fun because I'm into alien chicks. So I loved all the art, I'm a vanilla guy myself.
I did eventually.
Because fuck the Americans who made Metroid prime. Not grorious nippron.
Did you try going to his tumblr?
Fuck I hate this shit. I have a bigger dick than half of the SFM models too.
Too be fair, are there any "realistic" male protagonists?
Quite a few, quite a large amount of them overall actually.
Fuck female protagonists. fuck them so hard they have your children
Why have that when you can have this?
no shit. I'm still looking though
Man if I had her I'd fuck her everyday and impregnate her for sure. Still she's not real, nor is Lara Croft.
She's the epitome of your average spunky teen girl of jrpg's.
We all know. Is there even a way we can fix this? Every other alternative seems to be much more worse and most of the people here such as me are too stubborn to move.
Same here. We cannot fix this user, I am a young man myself, compared to the men of old Holla Forums, I am nothing to originals I have been here since I was 13, on 4chan I mean. I'm 22 going on 23 now. Old Holla Forums is dead, 8ch Holla Forums is dead, they're all redditors now. I just feel sad now. end of whatevr I knew, I miss talking video games with intelligent people, it was so fun learning aspects I never knew. 4chan made me so curious.
I've come to believe that imageboards can only exist on a continuum from dead to bad and the brief honeymoon period only happens when an imageboard moves between the two. To make a board good it must either be dead on its way to bad or bad on its way to dead, and either way it'll be gone soon enough.
I wish I didn't like imageboards so much.
where can people like us even go? to an even more obscure chan where everyone is a fart-sniffing hipster? to the normalfag sites where we'd die of cringe poisoning?
this is the only place we got left. let's just try to not shit it up any further.
Maybe Heather from Silent Hill, she dies in like 3 hits an gasp and moans the whole game, also gets scared in every corner. If she uses a rifle then hipfires, has terrible aim with a pistol, and is mostly innefective at close combat unless swinging a pipe. But that is the reason i like her, she's so realistic.
Mate I plan to leave this place. It is not what I want, it is not what it used to be. We are alone, get used to this. It is what united us before, it is what we have to desire now.
Someone forgot his meds today.
any examples from games that aren't shit.
Better question: Why do you want realistic female protagonists in the first place? Reality is boring as fuck; isn't that the reason people play vidya? For the outrageous and over the top scenarios? For the escapism?
You are not leaving, stop lying.
That's exactly it. This place use to be comfy, there was little shit posting, no shills, and we would have Vidya hunt threads every Thursday.
But where can we even go to at this point?
I guess that's the point, maybe the train is filled with more undesirables.
You realize that there's hardly anything "real" in games right? Be it a man or a woman or whatever else.
Also, there's no need for it, VGs are fantasy, fiction, and can bear no ties to anything related to reality.
sure if you don't mind this
Men create women who are beautiful, strong, capable and the ideal woman, they have flaws of some kind but they can overcome their flaws through struggle and can become better.
Women see this ideal beautiful woman as a threat since they can either never become this woman or think it's too much effort to become. women are lazy disgusting fat and ugly.
it's like complaining to a fit person they should look ugly and fat so they don't have to be compared to them.
women create mary sues who are homely and ugly because they self insert themselves into these roles and picture themselves and wish that they can do everything and that they are perfect.
That is why they picked such a Homely looking bitch for star wars and she is perfect in every way and never fails.
We cannot go anywhere. If you want someone to talk to, I got Steam. I am a young guy but this is the best we get, nothing. We get nothing in the world user. That is our place, we are nothing. I need to quit browsing this asinine bullshit, this place is just filled with redditors and idiots. I am not a redditor, I never was.
Nigga. place was ddos'd to hell and back during the exodus. Also full of ircfag drama among board owners.
Perhaps you're the shill.
Why don't we strive to make it better?
This place's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. You can't consolidate chaos, and I'd argue that you wouldn't want to. Point being, if you can't get people here to agree on specific actions that must be taken to make this place change for the better, and then actually get moderators and The Jew to cooperate, then nothing will change. For every user who protests waifu threads, 4am threads, friday night threads, lol threads, and all the other shit, you're going to get push back from the people who think these things are worthwhile. As long as the BO doesn't care about your concerns, then you may as well be cumming in your mouth.
Stop being so overtly dramatic jesus christ
She also barely reacts to any of the spawns of Satan's asshole she encounters, and eventually starts cracking jokes right in front of them. I don't know, I guess it's better than a protagonist who screams and whines every two minutes.
Cry me a river bitch, a good woman is a good woman no matter its race.
I like Kat from gravity rush. Shes not too far out there and very homely.
is it wrong I want to just snuggle with her in her pipe all day?
Forgot pics
You can strive for better all you want but Reddit has taken over.
I will do whatever I want fuck off.
how is she homely? she's pretty cute.
76chan exists, I'm sure if you bitch at dddudeman hard enough, he'll make you a board. /sp/ and /int/ seem pretty happy there.
No. A good girl is a good girl. Despite how crzy our society is we desire good women as males. The issue is her red eyes, and brown skin. I'm blue eyed myself, how does this mix well with a red eyed and brown skin huh?
76chan doesn't sound any fucking better. I would rather leave.
Now I'm wondering, is there -any- brown-skinned woman that looks good AND doesn't look like a nigger?
Don't you mean Batman? Superman gets beaten all the time now. It's Batman who is unstoppable.
Oh, you're one of those dramatic faggots.
Fucking this.
The birth of mimetic fiction (slice of life) made people forget something very important about every piece of literature written before then: the MC of non-mimetic fiction doesn't do amazing things because he's the MC, but rather he's the MC because he's someone who does amazing things.
Purple eyes do not exist user.
Yes and?
fuck you. You have no idea what that image even means.,
No ylu wont you fuckin dumb ape
Red + Blue = Purple
Furry is not a race. Its a zoophilia fetish.
Don't post my waifu around here in the future please.
And yet you post a mixed-race monkey. Besides
It means fuck you, that's what it means.
I wanted to say, "she's a cute" but then I remembered that these days you can't be sure whether or not she's an actual woman or she's packing some meat.
You do have a point, there really are no better alternatives. The only imageboards (excluding country-specific ones, and most of them are pretty dead) with any sort of activity are 4chan, Holla Forums, 76chan and maybe 7chan on a good day. Holla Forums's golden age is over, and the competition is just as bad.
You do have a point, there really are no better alternatives. The only imageboards (excluding country-specific ones, and most of them are pretty dead) with any sort of activity are 4chan, Holla Forums, 76chan and maybe 7chan on a good day. Holla Forums's golden age is over, and the competition is just as bad.
fug you.
Eh. I would assume indigo eyes. Standard skin color. The issue I have with any woman is her eye color. I'm blue eyed, related to blonde hair. If I fuck a woman for kids she has to produce similar genes.
You do have a point, there really are no better alternatives. The only imageboards (excluding country-specific ones, and most of them are pretty dead) with any sort of activity are 4chan, Holla Forums, 76chan and maybe 7chan on a good day. Holla Forums's golden age is over, and the competition is just as bad.
holy fuck what happened
Except they do. There's about 600 people in the world at any given time with purple eyes. Elizabeth Taylor is one of them, but her eye color was so easily altered by lighting that people still debate it. Simple fact is that you don't want what's realistically possible. You want what's realistically probable.
a server stroke. the Berkeley super-happening at Holla Forums must be straining the mayor servers right now.
Shes not brown
shes tan
If you think she looks good, why does it matter if she looks like a nigger?
I am pretty sure OP is a mudslime.
i would fuck Shantae too man. Even if it's red eyes. Shantae has muy blue ess at least.
I can appreciate beauty when it's there, but nigger facial features completely kill any and all interest in me.
what's the problem with red eyes?
Whats wrong with being albino?
Silveria has brown eyes actually.
Faggots being faggots
This. It's video games. Things don't have to be realistic or make any sense and why should they? Let's just have a sexy bikini clad blonde girl running around killing zombies with a chainsaw! Why is she wearing that while fighting the undead? Because it's cool looking! Who cares if it doesn't make sense? Fuck realism!
Why have her wear anything at all? Make it like the 90s and get her going topless.
Think we got something here..
No one wants to play as a "realistic" female.
Oh boy, surviving wasn't hard enough, now I just need 20 years and hundreds of child support to completely blow right by me before I even think of what to do next.
Expecting complete realism in fiction is futile.
No one would give a shit if there was no worthwhile plot or inspiring characters.
Solution usually is to be striving for balance of things, to be compelling and make the most with characters/story you can. Push it as much as you can but not expect to completely copy real life, just be inspired by it.
Hard pill to swallow when you're blue. Red are rare though.
?That game sucked. Juliet was good though.
Luke Skywalker was a homely cuteboi before his face got fucked up.
You could say the same thing about males in games. Besides, who cares about realism in fiction, especially video games? It's fun to bend bullets and summon improbable weapons and fight crazy lovecraftian monsters in strange dream worlds with a team of cool friends. As long as it's fun and coherent within itself.
Do you even know what homely means?
Tell us more big boy~!
You two realize homely's a nice way of saying ugly, right?
Who do you thinks the top between them?
I bet they just rub their dicks together.
We've already covered Heather Mason, so naturally pic related.
What does "realistic" characters mean here? Do we mean characters that are really believable, or have ordinary capabilities? It seems like the entirety of the thread is an excuse to go on about all the shit women can't do, or that women can't be pleased with female characters with admirable qualities, despite demanding them.
Unfortunately doublethink sjws use "strong" and "realistic" interchangeably for aspirations for female characters, and this is how you get shit like Rei. Just a humble smalltown girl who knows everyone, learns everything instantly, can find crucial plot items scattered across the galaxy with little trouble, and everyone loves her and she can never be hurt.
Natalie is usually the top.
Who's bigger?
I've seen people post these two since there was MGS V hype everywhere, but no ones ever posted a webm or embed. Just stills, and this is the first gif. Why is that?
Well, that answers that then.
that's a benis :DDDDDD
You mean you've seen me post that since MGS V hype everywhere.
Most of their videos are behind paywalls and I'm a stingy bastard who doesn't want to pay for them. Especially since I can't into webm.
It's pretty funny to see the dresses and hair and coyness and makeup and then the shirt comes off and suddenly there's no denying that it's a dude in a wig.
For you
I prefer it that androgynous to be honest, I don't like my traps with fake tits.
why, why?
Why not?
….Was this part of the plan?
Why not?
go to your containment board.
Androgynous? There's no way you can mistake that chest for a woman's!
I meant the shoulders mostly. All the clothing she wears is designed to conceal them but those are man shoulders.
You didn't answer his question.
But I did. My thought process was "well, why not?".
palette cleanser
Androgyny isn't just limited to the chest. Slim figure, slightly feminine features is all I need.
I ain't complaining.
Yes we benis.
Please post more, at least let this thread have some dignity before it dies.
Goddam trap fags, we were actually having an important conversation about this site.
Never played a Tomb Raider game.
I got Tomb Raider: Legend and Tomb Raider: Underworld in my library, probably from an old humble bundle. Which one should I play first?
Thank you.
Pick one.
Lara's actual animations are fairly noice.
Everyone gets white hair at some point in their life fam.
First, never give trannyfags an inch by calling them trapfags. If they're going to be degenerate, the least they can do is be self aware. Second, that conversation was going nowhere. We can't go back, we don't want to make a new place, and the place we're in is bad, but not as bad as the other two prospects. The best thing you can do is be good posters. Never give in to the shitposters and hopefully others will follow. Probably not, but it's the best thing you can do, and you'll attract others to do the same.
When will tranny persecution end? We should be past this and love all porn equally.
Julia's still better than traps, no?
Julia's not much better than anything. I'd take Hana Yurika over her even. And scream REEE all you want, there's nothing wrong with liking Traps.
I'll give them more than an inch, I'll give them a few inches. :^)
Your absolutely correct on both of those things. I just hope that one day things here will get better.
Daily Reminder that Old Lara will never return due to Crystal Dynamics overdosing the SJW Kool-Aid
It hurts
Personally i didn't like old lara's design, it was too 90's. i even hated her shitty red round glasses.
and i didn't like her braided hair.
I always thought they would eventually make her tits and ass bigger as she aged since the reboot was of her when she was young.
Fuck off and die, normalfag.
Is Op the same faggot who thought women on the battlefield should be nerfed and that female mages weren't realistic? We basically caught him in a corner so that the only complaint he could have was that incredibly realistic combat sims that don't nerf women, even though these sort of games would have to be so fucking realistic that it would only make up a percentage of a fraction of games currently out now.
same, drawings are better than real people.
God asian penises are so tiny. It's like looking at a midget trying to act tough.
Why don't you spend your autistic rage on the literal traps and gays trying to erp that post here?
I'd bet money on it. Though this time at least he told us what his problem was with this line.
as if the autism politics proxy wars weren't enough
this board is beyond saving
Oh boy here come the autistic volunteers to delete all the Lara porn because they made the mistake of doing three posts instead of two and leaving up all the derail shit.
No because there are no games about either being a housewife, cooking, and raising your kids, or being a mentally unstable failure.
get over yourself
Women are portrayed like that since a lot of beta males get off on fantasies of women being strong and all that. The demand is therefore met. Of course, a lot of women always enjoy playing those games to live vicariously through the female characters, and the cuck nu-male game developers have no problem constantly churning out such unrealistic female characters.
I'm starting to think you're right
unless you're talking about weebs because then you're full of shit
Been playing too much of his trainers because that seemed obvious to me
Best female protag is a man with boobs.
I'm 30
Holla Forums has always been shit save for late night
this is not the first time anons have talked about how shit things are and asked where can we go, that's where 7chan got most of its traffic, because 4chan was so shit and still is shit but i grows and improves a little and people went back
rinse repeat
tl;dr you're not as much of a newfag as you think
but why would you remove lara porn?
is there such a thing as a good thread about politics?
no there is not
Politics is about people whether you like it or not..
Always thought it ment wife material O.O
That's about as realistic as it gets.
Your problem is quality control.
Stop letting shitters out of their containment boards like r9k or pol.
Kat is not realistic at all. She's cute, but Raven is much hotter, much more confident, and (on the surface) much more capable. By all rules of women, she should be Kat's mortal enemy - but they are best friends. Even behind the scenes. Raven isn't just using Kat as "the ugly one" to make herself look even better, and Kat isn't using Raven as a proxy to pick up her beta scraps and then constantly bitching about how how shit she is behind her back.
They both eat like fucking pigs and never gain a pound.
They are pure fantasy inventions, and that's fine. That's why they're great characters.
How is kat not realistic. How high ate you?