((Steam)) UI makeover

Looks like shit.
Here's the proof

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you realize Steam supports skins, right?

the UI does not matter, it can be changed

the stability of the client and browser, though? fuckin thing can't embed videos without crashing, drives me insane.

I'm surprised they didn't do this earlier

I know Valve replaced most of it's staff with Australians, but god damn.


Is Microsoft going to start selling their old games on Steam?

why is everything blue?

If that's the case, what Microsoft games do you wanna see on PC?

Halo 3

I'm also afraid of the "resume playing" thing.
That has strong streaming vibes and that is not a good thing.

Image is called placement guide, so maybe it's for front-end dev reference rather than being a VD mockup.

This and Horizon 3.

you realize nobody uses skins, right?

But why though?

I'm surprised I didn't stop using it earlier.

Looks like a big picture UI to me.

The first thing I thought of when I saw that image was embed related.
Yes I know it's cyan not blue

goyphones are to blame for this disastrous development. Remember when webpages were designed to be browsed from a computer? It was tidy, clean and easy to navigate. Now there's this sliding shit everywhere.

I fucking hate this shit. Worst part is I'm slowly getting used to it thanks to normalcy bias.

Just imagine those sweet mods and maps, playing with Holla Forums on a comfy CTF server. Life would be worth living.

Looks like anal sludge

Were not going to have another user who fucked a 13 year old like planetside 2 are we?

Original is not great either anyway.

The steam client is a web/file browser + irc/xmpp chat that does weird things.


you just lost your right to call people newfags




I don't like the sound of that one bit.

Looks legit.

You ready for paid online and "free" games user?

That's my guess.

This is the test account in the image (It has since been set to private), notice how the account owns 108 games, but doesn't have a single badge?

I created a steam skin once, after the new style i didn't make it again.

Skins just retexture things though, if they completely screw it up they won't fix it.

The only good skin that ever existed, Pressure V1 is dead.
Now everything is the same shitty Material Design/Metro shitshow, see: Pressure v2, Air for Steam, Metro for Steam.

B- Call of duty: Advanced warfare
E- Dishonored
F - Disney
M -Shadow of mordor
L - mortal combat
K -Metro
T - Doom

It's a mockup, not a working thing. If you check out the first picture you'll notice all his downloads are textures and links are to UI development pages. Normally I'd say this is fake, but the files were sent through an official beta update by accident.

The first one looks like it's for big picture mode. The second one is more worrying. Of course it's as good a reason as any to just stop using Steam, I haven't bought anything new from Steam for two years now.

Steam works as a music player and also has movie buying/renting and has had for a while.

So they're turning into netflix? what the fuck is that even in the second pic?

The thing is nobody with a brain actually uses the steam client to browse a fucking webpage. The client is only for launching vidya.

Steam store/community loads faster in my browser and has all my tabs and enhanced steam plugin.

You mean when the guy who maintains Steam left Valve? Surprising. I feel like I should be surprised that they're foing to make Steam look useless and like a video streaming service frontend but I guess that speaks volumes for the type of people Valve hires.

I can't watch full screen videos with the steam client, they take an eternity to load yet when I watch the same vid using firefox it works fine.


At the same time I hate being logged in twice.

Really, every part of Steam that isn't the game library or the download tab is utter shit.

Why do you even give a shit? Don't tell me you fuckers actually spend time looking at Steam?
Literally the only interactions I have with steam is a friend tab, chat boxes, my library, and maybe store once in a while to see if Butterlord is out yet. Why the fuck would you want to actually go on the forums, or read Dota 2 updates?
This bitching is fucking facebook-tier. If it's usable, then who the fuck cares.

Don't you fucking put this on us. We just want to be left alone to get drunk and play in the ocean and shitpost. What tech companies do with our expats is none of our fucking business.

Making 12 year olds chimp out.

Isn't that, like, super dangerous around Australia?

Yeah but we're used to it. Being born here you get lessons about jellyfish and sharks drilled in to you from birth so it's like a +10 to Perception racial bonus. Also we're drunk, so who gives a shit.

12 year olds will chimp out no matter what you do, it's their natural state.

Change frightens and alarms me.


Don't they break every fucking time Valve pushes a Steam update or something?
And those updates are like once every week.

I've been using the same skin for two years now and the only problem I've had is the Steam VR options menu, and it's not like i'm going to be using that shit any time soon.

fuck literally everything else, my xbox ate shit and emulator progress is slow as fuck
inb4 windows 10 exclusive