#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Song Of Hope Edition



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7. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.


- youtube.com/watch?v=7AL__CptUSQ
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- youtube.com/watch?v=KcDVvqv93CM
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- archive.fo/y5mGL


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
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Other urls found in this thread:

robotictechnologyinc.com/images/upload/file/Presentation Military Memetics Tutorial 13 Dec 11.pdf

Why aren't you watching this progressive anime about a lesbian couple raising a manipulative loli lesbian rapist?



You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”
Remember to always be a big guy


I demand bara Holla Forums on white kora. NOW!



This is my kind of dragon.

Previous bread




You'd be surprised, he even recreates his own daughter when it's possible in games like Dragon's Dogma or eroge.

So, about that Milo privilege grant…

source: it's benis. it is always benis

Good morning, faggots!

Is there hdouj of her yet on sadpanda?


It gets better (nuttier).

"Alex Jones is off the rails." - Joe Rogan



so where did this sweater style come from. I have seen a lot of artwork with it lately?


Japan obviously. Some cosplayer posed with it, and then it started trending.

Reminder to keep emailing all of Gawker's advertisers!




He's a shill. Look at his name. He did the same thing yesterday.



race war when

What next, telling people to stop consuming dihydrogen monoxide because Hitler did it?

I'm not a shill


That's a pretty weird-looking Gilda if you ask me.




user, I see you breathe, do you know who also breathed in his life? HITLER, GRAND GAMERGATER OF THE NAZI SCHOOLSHOOTING PARTY


Are they still unironically trying to claim that?

He's really making a serious run at the senate, isn't he…
Patreon must be drying up, he's really getting desperate

Is that the dude who's going to be the campaign manager or roadie for batwu's run at public office?

The one and the same. Also he's a high-up in the EFF.

I think he's got an adviser role.

He's not even trying to do anything different with it. Literally all he's doing is screaming "GAMERGATE GAMERGATE GAMERGATE" and hoping that will magically get him a senate seat. He's even throwing anyone who could possibly help him under the bus while he's at it, he hasn't learned a damn thing running that sorry excuse of a gaming studio.

Keep in mind that Scooby Wu is ostracized even by fellow SJWs.

To be fair, Reddit is always that way, even the relatively uncucked parts of it are pure cancer. That is what happens when you have a SJW infested site where you can buy whatever consensus you want and actually have the retards start preaching it as if it were the word of God.

robotictechnologyinc.com/images/upload/file/Presentation Military Memetics Tutorial 13 Dec 11.pdf

Maymays are serious business.

This is gonna go great for them, I'm sure of it.
Do you think >she'll scream "Gamergate" at the top of >her lungs when >she'll fail at getting a seat?

Incidentally, for any of you with plants or fakes or whatever, these fracture points are the perfect point of attack. Wu fell out with the clique but Doctorow didn't, so attack him for still associating with her.

Oh boy, here we go with Applied Memetics LLC again

I can't stop thinking of this picture while I listen.

Previous thread recap.
May the lord forgive me for growing up with Nintendo & giving Nintendo of America money…

Hitler ate food too, and spent lots of money on it.

Obviously cooking and buying food shouldn't be tolerated in a free and civilized society.

Good evening GamerGate, hope you have had a comfy week so far.

I don't remember seeing people exploring the fact Katherine Trans was actually monitoring Wu's steps and then sending reports to CON. Trans was (is?) one of Wu's greatest allies.


Is good for those with a back fetish


I need to know which folder to put this in. Help.

If we're talking about food, we should probably mention that the fascists were pretty keen on environmentalism and conservation. So if Trump starts passing any animal welfare or environmental protection acts, I expect Hitler comparisons.

I have a strong back fetish. Wish fit girls was more popular.

Hol up, I barely remember something with the EFF but let me check. Sheeeit, he is, and he's anti DRM, if I read that right at least. Well, this should be interesting. I think I gotta sitdown, this timeline memetics is making me dizzy.




Huh, I didn't know that.


Utawarerumono will have a scene censored due to "physical discipline to a minor". What games have shown similar things UNCENSORED?








Yea, Katherine was giving them these reports on what Wu was up to and being told by them to try convincing Wu to change this or that or not do X or Y.

did she trigger the sjweebs yet?

Hello, fellow Holla Forums otaku friends, I watch anime everyday. My favorite anime is Doraemon.

Nozoemon is superior in every way.

Was that seriously the first time he heard of it? Looked like it blew his mind.

Plebbit banned the alt-right sub, so don't be surprised if you start seeing newfags soon.

gookanon is cute

What did I miss, did the SJW shoot themselves in the foot again trying to out-victimize each others?

Looking at the arguments in the previous thread, it's clear we need more open discussion on the ESA and to verify if the info being presented is true and not overblown. I think calling people shills (or that retard going on about "Dirty Dan") if they disagree with the info presented is not helpful to root out the accurate and inaccuarte info. Just my opinion

Margaret & Fart on suicide watch?

you mean Gizmodo?


How come they didn't nuked T_D yet

these threads are getting dangerously gay the past months

I was really hoping to get in on this. Starting college in May, probably.





The fallout if they do that might actually destroy reddit.


That site hickup should have been turned into a feature.

Just do it faggot, being a neet sucks in the long run. A man need purpose.

Good luck

I've only been neet a little while but it feels pretty bad. I just can't work my old job anymore because I'm in my 20s and my body is completely falling apart. Bad knees, bad hands, bad brain, bad everything. I need something I can still do.

IMO that's something of a 2 steps forward 1 step back at best, since Clinton has not to date changed her tune or her pattern regarding the 2nd Amendment right. And pokaymon go name drop aside, based on her remarks and hateboner for breitbart during the campaign, I'm not convinced she's changed her spots regarding 1st amendment right and vidya either.
I still say it's questionable just how non partisan the ESA is, but I'd agree if it's said that the ESA have given money to both libtards and cuckservatives. :^)
Ok more serious now. A few things the ESA did ok to good, which they should do more of. Some are very questionable, some needs serious debate whether it should be continued. Some they should just outright stop doing. (ie: stop hanging around MPAA and RIAA. They're not a good influence.)

Remember to invest in a waifu anons! And what better waifu than an Ouya!

I was a neet until 23. I got fed up of doing nothing all day and smooching off my twin sister. I got up, when back to Uni and got a real life. There is always a way out.

Your brain still work? Try programming.

I was thinking CS. There's a program at the college that my brother's just finishing up. I forget what it's called. I've got brain problems but I can still do muscle memory shit like typing. I just have trouble with actual thinking, among other things.

Sounds like you're qualified to write for The Guardian

He's a huge baka though. One minute hes flirting with me, the next he's talking about liking marche. He's a promiscuous lad.

for her

Unfortunately I don't have bad morals, too.

Post it as a suggestion on /sudo/ or direct message codemonkey about it on twitter.

what did he mean by this?

Don't bother with CS unless you do engineer level stuff in university otherwise you'll end up as some poor codemonkey working your ass off for shit pay. If you go CS, pair it with another field, people will kill for you, it drop their reliance on IT departments.

Galko is transexual. Time to dump.

galko has a feminine benis?

>go to Career Opportunities

Galko has a benis, and is apparently a big guy.

That's still better than most of what I can do right now. I can't even get a job stocking shelves because I have trouble holding things properly now and I can't stay balanced properly. This is the program I was thinking of

for you

Isn't that just a generic "we're good goys" disclaimer?

they need to write at least 2 articles to be able to pay the SA toll



Guys the guardian needs help;.

Rip Holla Forums

holy shit


Isnt that the guys who had their leader married to a jew, with a black dude as his best man at his wedding and a coal burning faggot for a best friend, but wanted to be best buddies with Holla Forums?

Yeah, but I find that hard to believe considering how hard they want to push diversity (After all "It's not good enough, and we know it's not good enough.")

This looks like what I did, I was in Quebec, I went to uni after. Did you look for government and financial aid? If you could get classified as disabled this would make it practically free I think.

It seems focused on networking, it's pretty cool but I never could get my head around it.

I remember this, this class sucks.



I can get financial aid, but I'm in a spot where I'm not quite bad enough to be considered disabled, but I can't actually work most jobs safely. My brother took an elective about gender studies or something because he needed one more class and that was all that was available, and he said so far it's just been the teacher ranting about Trump and making up childish names for genitals.


The process is digging and sifting, verifying and sorting. Most of the digging seems to be done, now it's onto mostly sorting and analysis. The info that is ESA material directly like their annual reports and official websites and interviews are good to go for immediate sifting.
It was mentioned that emotional reaction can override rational thinking, in context of what would happen if say an ESA member who has no clue about Gamergate at all stumbles on to a heated GG discussion \ dig about the ESA. Well you know it kinda cuts both ways. This whole thing seems to have started with the ESA sark tweet. It was deleted, and the ESA gave a somewhat spun explanation. But you understand after 2 years and ongoing, how winged faggots here can have a visceral reaction to that. And IMO what has been dug so far about the ESA at least post 2007 while not entirely all bad, is not entirely all good either with respect to how the ESA sees and behaves towards the customers and devs.

If the situation can be improved without hostilities, great. If it needs a corrective measure by asking hard questions and bringing up concrete examples of the ESA inconsistencies. I'm fine with that too.



Oh sheeeit.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Was there nothing else to take? Gardening? At least something like that can help grow you food.

please stop outing me
we already have the gommie drawfag making lewds of me
the shame I feel is immeasurable

Before you know it theres going to be a drawing of Holla Forums having you bent over a table in your boypussy

Getting classified as disabled is rather hard if your spine still work. If you can walk, you're alright according to the government. I encourage you to try it, tuition fees are not that bad and you would do something of your life. Not like those gender studies major who have no other prospects after graduating than 24/7 twitter shitpost and mcdonald's.

Don't forget about mixing it with another field, it will make you way more attractive to employers. Also if you get financial aid look into if you get hired back by the government if they waive some of it, that's how it worked for me.

>tfw now anons impersonating me

And Freya as Fafnir, I guess.

I can definitely imagine her playing Demon Souls and getting autistically angry

But Twitter told me women had it hard in life.



I can endure you detective anons finding me and make me a virtual tripfag, having fucking /cuteboys/ fantasy, or making gay as fuck OC draws but impersonating me is gone too far
I don't wanna be hated like Val or Marche, this has to be stahp
Apparently you detective anons now have new task, finding the fake gook
I don't know what is going on


The only one properly dressed is the one on the left.

And I know plenty of women in construction its not that odd, men of course always out number them, in the end its a job not a lot woman take, most women just want something a bit more comfortable or usually in care giver roles.


people are impersonating me now too
fake princesses are multiplying and hunting fake gooks
what have i done

Now do one without the sweater.

Prove you're the real one. Do something gook-user would only do.


W-Who's the real Gookanon?

The ESA LOFT stuff is imo stronger evidence of inconsistency when it comes to the ESA biased preference. The equal opportunity employment they can probably waive off as boiler plate stuff.

You could probably make the higher tiers on this list as an entertaining user like Colombianon

I am

What happened to psychfag? Haven't seen him in months.

God, we're missing a lot of anons.

Also found pic related on the ESA's site.
>The new generation of gamers, many whom identify as environmentalists and social justice warriors, has ushered in an era of video games that combine advocacy and pleasure for a deeper player-experience.

Looks like you're gonna have to make a trip


Isn't he writing for TR now?

He got kicked out of his program for bullshit reason, I think he writes for techraptor now but I might be thinking about the wrong user.

We lost a few on the way.



It's like you have misunderstood the meaning of anonymous, you circlejerking faggot.

Uhhh… I can make quick short gookfair sitrep.
The infamous ex-UN Secretary-General Zionist Ban just declared withdrawal his next presidential running and not actually gonna run for election. This happened yesterday.
And apparently ILBE Park Defense Force is recruiting people to make mass jump at the Han river.
And I can type Korean words like 우왕ㅋ굳ㅋ


I miss pshychfag, he was a good user
Also miss aranon
Also monanon

All I want is peacefully shitposting, that's all


aranon is gone?



A mass jump into a river? Well, it's one way to get attention at least.


And I thought they made a typo because they were talking about ICO

Do they really need to be so blatant with the propaganda pushing


I am pretty sure WTC7 is the one which collapsed. or was it WTC5?

reported for roleplaying

I'm at a loss for words. All I feel is a seething rage and the urge to purge the liberals.

Pity. I haven't read his other books, but from what I've known of (((Howard Schultz))), he would not have made the statements the company made with regards to the recent POTUS' EO. A lot like Disney now as opposed to Walt's vision.

Her twitter's been inactive since 2015. twitter.com/arabased

These sweaters are fucking awful.
The simple cleavage window not only protected the body from most of the cold but it was also sexier and more asthetically pleasing to the eye.

Fucking otakushits pushing this garbage should be lined up and shot.

We all know when you posting, just didn't feel necessary to out you

yea she kinda stopped showing up around that time saying she is really busy irl
kinda a shame, she was breddy good in the DM group

>they're still trying to say that SJWs are the "real" gamers

When are you updating your twitter?

But i was promised to be bullied back then!

Found the user without a Back fetish

Definitely file that one under solid info regarding the ESA ideological boner for bringing questionable 'social change' through vidya. Sheeeit, even if I do want clean air clean water, there's only so much that vidya can practically do. I know it's a lobby group for publishers, but it reads like an out of touch how do u do fellow sjw earth warrior kids infomercial.



Of course their little clique gets special attention when they could've been shilling this 11/10 game.

Jesus, they cannot be more ignorant


Not serious enough, not environmentally enough, not social justice warrior enough. Possibly too jap. :^)

Tree looks like it has boobs as well, and that's ugh, gross.

well ok then, here's one without the sweater, and it's gay as fuck OC draws as gookanon himself requested, and involves Holla Forums, it's just missing the table


Its not like they haven't been pushing their shit down people's throats so even intelligent people are being fed so much false information that they can't form proper conclusions.

I'm surprised publishers haven't cut them off yet for the lost profits.


I don't know, I'm just a pieces of a man I used to be before the Megalian shit happened
And I also now have literal PTSD about Twitter after I saw bunch of dead fetus pictures and cursing words on their aborted boys on there
After Megalian shit I pray for god for about half an hour every night before bed
I want to recover from this but apparently psychological trauma is different than physical, it's hard to be myself before
I promised Robin at TGG months ago for writing article about Megalians but I couldn't even start it because everytime I think about them I feel my soul tearing into million pieces
At this point I must take care of myself first before thinking about return to the Twitter front
I'm sorry but I will someday return
I am very fragile man who can't even deal with the internet


I think I'm getting old, I don't understand shit anymore.

Possibly more propaganda on the ESA's sites regarding "Games: Improving X"
I'm not getting my hopes up for good intentions in their PDFs…this one is "Games: Improving Social Issues"

That makes 2 of us friend

PDF in question

Not to be confused with "improving the situation".

You got something similar for press agencies (who owns them, and which outlets uses them)?

But that true! Or maybe have you forgotten the cult-classic-all-time-best-seller Sunset, a real game for real gamers! oh wait

Okay, G-user. I believe you.


Just always remember gook-user. Women are fucking crazy.



I knew it was gonna be benis but I had to make sure since Polygon is that fucking bad

Why is polygon still around?


I knew it was benis the moment it said they "played Metroid".

Sounds like gamification peddling as well tbh.
Ok then.
If I want to donate, wouldn't it be easier to go donate instead of mixing vidya + guilt tripping for a donation.

Your post reminds me of a patent someone made (I think it was Sony) where if you wanted to keep playing your game, you had to sit through advertisements until they were done or you said "I love McDonalds!" Combine that with all the info on the ESA, their implication of what video games should be is fucking horrifying.

Eesh, gook-user gets hornier and hornier with every picture.

I'm not really sure what to mix it with. All I'm good at is computers.

He said it was pretty much all they had left.

I found it. It's seriously as Authoritarian as one could guess.

I always wanted to be a meme but this ain't the one I dreamed of


Look on the bright side user. tonight someone will be thinking about you. Even if its lewd thoughts theyre still thinking about you.

No user that's not a bright side at all

…Well, that explains a lot of things.


What the Hell is going on at the Milo Protest? All hell has broken loose!

Is Milo okay?

But user fujoshits are not women

Wh.. what was happened?

Soundtrack :^)

I wish I were a woman, would probably find a guy easier than right now

With constant escalation, antifa are finally reaching European levels, is what's going on. Antifa are, as usual, shit.

He probably is, all this was before the event itself.

It really pains me to see MGTOW images having an ounce of sensibility in them.

Law and order is about to come back to town and daddy soros is not going to bail these cucks out of jail


shit is getting ridiculous

Damn, Milo's a big boy now.

Isn't it already past time he chimped out and burned this persona too?


You brought this on yourself, faggot.

Let them keep pushing how far they can go. Give Trump a second term with all that rioting

Holy fuck they're destroying their own campus.

We need law and order back.

So, i mean, where the fuck are the cops during all of this? I mean really now, this is nuts.

Schopenhauer is always right,His essay on women is fucking hilarious

Not exactly sure what there is to understand.

I call it like I see it.


Theres a swat team standing by, those guys are gonna get fucked pretty bad soon.

Year of the fire cock will not be shown up. This is keks year of chaos, and he aims to be productive.

At least you wont be forgotten.

I want to pat your head

Yeah, but I want to believe that women aren't just fucking parasite on society but seeing shit like camwhores with their chads doesn't help. I don't want to be a lonely virgin wizard


I want to bully you tenderly and lewdily, gook, and take you away from that crazy place you're in



I've seen chads fall for loose sluts and become pussy-whipped into fat, out of shape losers. No one is safe from women, user. you can find someone, user, but it she as hell won't be easy. definitely not in the U.S. or other western countries.

Please bully me instead!!

The time has come and so have I.

Unrelated, but I don't understand this part in They Live. The other parts are supposed to be Authoritarian (Consume, No Independent Thought, Sleep, Submit, etc.) but I don't see the problem with pic related.

2017 still?

Suck it up and help perfectly preserve 2D.

After a while you'll learn not to give a fuck just like I did since childhood.

Not everything is perfect and this film was made during a different era, you are stupid.

Yeah that's the pic. Orwellian was supposed to be a bad thing, a warning of what not to do or to become. Not a set of instructions or what to aspire to.
Now I'm wondering though. It might be a chicken and egg thing, it's been mentioned that gamification can potentially at least, be lucrative, and done with low effort low level craftsmanship product and not having to deal much with entitled gamers. Both mobile and gamification seems to be what the industry is looking at and pushing for. Looking at the recent prices of some AAA it's 70-80$+, more if it's special edition. Some people here have not so jokingly called current gen console suffering from nogameitis. And PC might not be doing that yugely better either.

I do wonder and call me slowpoke, is current era vidya industry is going through a slow motion crash. It will likely never experience an Atari age crash again, but I wonder about the slow crash.

What if you don't want to marry or have kids? It becomes inherently authoritarian in being ordered onto you. Nothing more to it, user.

You're pandering them so that makes not a human

They just want to peacefully share ideas user, ignore the current and past acts of violence from the left

> Timeless

the what?

This is the age of revelations
Mankind brought to degree where making violent riot cause some gay man said mean things

There are a lot of ways to view it so here are some,
1. One who has married and reproduced is less likely to rebel and more likely to submit because they have something to lose, and a lot more to gain from juts sleeping
2. The aliens need more livestock
3. Marrying and having kids leads to becoming overweight and tired, so less likely to rebel.

>still bitching about GamerGate being the most evil boogeyman

I'm so sick of such patheticness.

The ones you will see the most of online are the ones that are the biggest attention whores, because surprise-fucking-surprise those are the ones that try the hardest to be seen. It's actually not that bad if you know how to socialize.

Since Games became the new Hollywood level money spinner, especially in mobile games, like TV and radio before it, corporations and thinktanks and governments want to make sure it delivers the "right" messages.

He's an impersonator, user

Is someone aiming to replace Kotaku?

And aside from that personal experience only affirms what the cam whores tell me, that women only participate in vidya and anime to become the center of the social circles due to lack of competition.

No, but a certain user is aiming to get bullied


I got that, when did this happen? And why?


Couldn't the same be said of Huxley's Brave New World?
Well I can say for sure it has declined pretty hard.

This philosopher guy looks like hes on to something

That too for sure. I definitely remember when gamification hit it big and broke mainstream, with every taintlick "tech" columnist trying to sell it as the next sliced bread. But that shit is not showing signs of dying yet.

Because you have to perpetuate the cycle, of course. Create little slaves of your own.


Let's forget about those gook draws with some mongolian rock art

Just trying to start a debate, such as for example, what is the best type of riot control grenade.

She actually came out and apologized, helping Harmful Opinion with his Candid vids.

The link, click it. Don't you want to read this abomination in detail? You should.

How many people are going to be posting sexy dating sim girls to spite retarded feminazis on Valentine's Day?

shame armoured skeptic doubled down and called harmful opinions a tinfoil hat wearer for thinking it was off

Yep. I don't have it saved but you probably saw it before anyway. That comparison pic of Huxley vs Orwell, and the conclusion that it's not necessarily an either or situation, since it is more than possible to have both types of dystopia simultaneously or working together. Brave Nu84.

I think most people expected such a time to be more serious.

Part of the problem is that they work, which is why it is horrifying. The people in power don't give a shit if its fucking people over as long as they stay in power.

What if gookanon was a shill hired to make Park look bad and to derail threads with lewdposting?

How could real women even compare?

Can't explain away the crowds/guillotines they made

I have no idea. This is shitty meme. Now I must vigil breads to out fake gooks. Seems like the impersonating user is the original detective user who started to out me with sleeping castle princess images. I successfully laid low past few days and now he's impersonating me cause he got bored.
A skilled detective is now fallen into identity stealing thief. I'm afraid he might misuse his amazing detective skill to imitating gook in future.
I don't wanna be hated

What a twist!
I never started intentionally derailed any breads ever but I feel guilty now


Depends what you're looking for, and what you have personally to bring to the relationship. If it's pic related, then stick to 2D.

I think the philosopher from 200 years ago might be right.


And there goes the antifa cucks attacking a woman

Like I said before, I wouldn't have a problem with what games are made if the assholes weren't trying to fuck certain people over just because they know their talent is dried up, act like racist pricks, or deliberately censor shit even though we live in an age now where we can bypass their bullshit and different stores can cater to new audiences if they wanted to (Course there's the problem that people like the ESA might not like what they're doing like if one wanted to set up an all-out unrated store and allowed anime tits, the ESA would probably pocket people some money by autistically screeching at how "That game is racist and inappropriate for kids & women, shut down your store!" ) I'm wondering if there's even any hope left for Publishers & Developers to drop them & have their own storefront or whatever so that they can actually interact with the customers…but with how jewish many of them act like Square-Enix putting Dual Audio behind DLC, it looks grim.



SJWs are the gift that keep on giving.

Don't worry gook-user, I couldn't possibly hate you! You already own my heart.

That show is shit.

I was actually talking about Orwell and Huxley's nightmare scenarios and the things used by the elites in them.

Wow, lefties are fuckin butthurt over there

Churchill was a prophet

These ones I believe. Also pretty scary that while people are familiar with Orwell's 1984, I don't know if many are with Huxley's Brave New World.

Oh. Well, point still remains on vidya.

Who is this semen demon?

meh i got my account locked on my first post criticizing a lefty.

I just want someone who likes what I like, isn't an SJW, and isn't retarded. Is that too tall an order?

Jesus fucking christ

Quote wasn't from Winston.

Yes, now die alone

They jelly the SS have the best parties.

Reading this reminds me of that one shill who got cucked and then dumped by his lesbian girlfriend, causing him to go on a crusade against women and homosexuality.

Good to know its SOP. No wonder twitter is dying kek. Can't even let users make wrongthink comments.

Speaking of Candid, actually, they've got Maddox shilling it on his shitty podcast nobody listens to (which cost him 30k to make a site for). They're his only sponsor left

I'm seeing more and more Men around with Asian wives, no the Japanese or South Korean mind you.

But the way Men are raised these days, to not question Women at all, lest they bear their wrath, I think the entire Western generation is just a wash really.

Depends on how much baggage you're carrying. If equal amount or less than potential partner, then you should be fine as someone who is now married to someone who plays more vidya and is more antisocial than I am.

Trump lied. I havent got tired of winning. Or being smug. This is great.

I literally do it all the time not even hesitating to say "cultists" or use profanity.

when will Trump make season 3 of Haruhi real?

biully me

define baggage.

I don't care unless Kyon fugs long haired Haruhi while the original makes Mikuru her slutty bitch.

Looks like r34 bestiality with Disneys-Pixars Rapunzel

Youd have to get the ask trump digits pic out to find out.

You must make a lot of new accounts.

These talks of Orwell & Huxley remind me…E3 is coming up soon, as most of us know, normalfags & people always tune in to E3 for their hype and announcements. The Huxley part comes in where many of the viewers are so eager to see their favorite publishers unveil their stuff behind or see what kind of fuckup they got up their sleeves, many of them are either gullible to hype or they're so cynical that they need to laugh at someone trying to spout memes. But the thought of crashing E3 by dropping redpills on the ESA during the biggest convention for games…
I think it might be the best E3 ever, should it come to fruition!

Shoe mailing love cookies to skeptic through restraining order when?

Shit your partner wouldn't like, "emotional maintenance costs", how argumentative you are vs. how willing you are to find compromise. It's all about getting along with another human being, and even if you love them most of the time, there are going to be miscommunications, assumptions, general mismatches of mood on occasion, and shit you may not even consider now that WILL make you feel like you hate them. On those occasions, it's walking a fine line between persevering in the relationship and fucking everything up.

Finding a shut-in g/f that is not only available and interested and attractive, but also not a tumblr SJW?

I think Gen Z will be the Hikikomori Generation, Japan was just ahead of the curve
Thats like

I don't get the thing about a shut-in gf. Wouldn't you want one that's outgoing and can help you break out of your shell?

Trust but verify. You faggots still remember that, don't you? The thread is still there.

Hire a Personal Trainer or Life Coach then.

You don't have any post telling us about your user persona, so fuck off plebbitor.

Any links to the stream?

People are getting too damn trusting in these threads.

One user posts something juicy/shocking and everyone loses their shit before someone thinks to question whether it's bullshit or not.

Haha, yeah.

Wasn't it deleted before? Their Twitter bot says it was.

Just fap into a sock and call it good.




What did I miss?

He cancelled his appearance, someone broke a window.

You were lucky she had the intelligence and self-determination to do that.

So really you are talking about Unicorns.
Time to hit the mail order bride sites


the thing I don't get is how you meet someone who is a shut-in and antisocial. it seems like a contradiction to me.

No he didn't, he was there but had to be evacuated.

online, but probably not through tumblr, and stay away from these types.

Yeah, it's kind of like a modern porcupine's dilemma.

It's a riot

The tolerant left went on a "peaceful protest" by smashing windows, lighting fires, throwing baricades and bricks left and right. They managed to cancel Milo's speech (you know, "speech", something nazis do), he's safe. Police had to show up and use tear gas. After the damage done, they will probably wonder why their tuition fee is so high… the usual.

look the popular girls loser friend.

I don't understand half of what is written there.

The great (and terrible) thing about availability is that it's so flexible.

Holla Forumsfags please go

Online, gaming. Chatting in text, I assumed it was a guy pretending to be a girl because that is a good rule of thumb to go by. Month or two goes by, they're still a decent bud, have fun gaming together, start using voice. Lo and behold it is a girl. At that point she expresses interest in me, and one thing leads to another. Key point, we had a wide amount of shared interests, and because I figured she was 'taken' I kept just treating her as another bud, while at the same time proving myself to be much more likeable than the guy she was living with (which wasn't that hard).

das the pics mayne.
Might be the scale, perspective and location. Huxley might be familiar to people but not as easily identified if they are living in a more Huxleian environment. Because they are living in one. Or they have no problem living in a Huxley dystopia in order to get a mental respite since they know they live in a close to an Orwellian dystopia as well. Sheeit I say they but really I'm not immune to wanting some mental escape if things are that bleak. INB4 it is. It's close in some ways, but not ogre just yet.

>>>Holla Forums

Where is the proofs?

Post her nudes.


You first you statist shill.

The protest is out of hand and all, but I'd just like to remind you that a week ago a peaceful protestor was shot by a Milo fanboy.

you mean the antiFA that shot another antiFA because he thought it was a milo supporter

But thats wrong, an antifascist shot one of his own thinking he was a Nazi.

Anyone have good clips from the protest? I've been jumping around the stream but can hardly find any of this alleged violent protesting.

These threads were always dangerously homosexual.

Sounds like the good life user. Is she 2D?

Title got a kek out of me.

I thought it was a protester who shot another lefty out of self defence? Or was GG lying to me.


Well some of it is on you, I assume you are a guy thats confident in himself, doesn't worship the ground a girl walks on if they pay attention, and has no mental illnesses and is decently self sufficient. If you are a guy and you have most of those issues then probably should an hero, like I will do soon.

Boy, that was hard

Correction, an Asian Fascist shot a Neo-Nazi.

I did just see some random bitch get pepper sprayed because she's on the wrong side of history.

No the guy who shot the other guy was a Milo fan. He posted on Milo's Facebook page asking for an autographed MAGA hat a few hours before the shooting.

Shit Fox 10 just closed, i need a new stream.

Lolwut? The guy shot was IWW.

I wasn't following twatter you nigger, I was jumping around the livestream.

A Trump supporter who wanted Milo to sign his new MAGA hat. Just google "milo shot".

the looser friend is still going to places with the popular girls. she is just a looser not antisocial or anything.


thanks for correcting the record

Prove me wrong.

How (((Convenient))


That reporter is really mumbling into the mic. How does he even have a job if you can't understand his interviews?

Your saying the shooter was a Jew? Huh?

I'm seeing various liberal media sites backing your claim with shaky evidence at best, some of them without any sources. Last I saw it was a leftist fearing being trampled by the crowd and shot in self defense.


Then you can explain to me all these Korean "untimely deaths" happening in my country instead of gookanon.


There were more reports from last year I can dig up–the 2 that caused the most noise was the public suicide attempt at a mall and at a high-rise condo.

The guy he shot also had a swastika tattoo with a cross through it. The guy who shot didn't see the cross

archive.is/ZPQQX - Seattle Times.


Stop being a cockgobler and post your counter-sources.

Da fuck happened?

Industry news, Todd's bosses had to go to Dallas Texas for their extortion racket with Kikebook and Oculus.



Pretty good stream

I already did.

guy above gave two sources to your one

she's giving an interview, gets sucker-pepper spray'd in the end

Once again, not an argument, please, kill yourself and get back to leddit.

>reportedly asked the Breitbart editor to autograph a “Make America Great Again” hat.
No proof, no sources for the claims in the article. Shit bait/10

Best part is on how to identify this as a shill, didn't fucking bothered to archive his bullshit.

Google is not a source.

Yeah, nice disinfo attempt there.

These riots aren't even about protesting Milo anymore, just a bunch of anarchists destroying themselves.

I don't get your angle?
Are you trying to justify violence with you fake news?

Fine, here's 2 more.


He's trying to distract. Post forehead porn in retaliation

Whatever you think of Milo, it can't be denied he puts his own skin in the game.

A guy jumped onto a car which then ran over him and people went to attack the wrong car/driver

forehead a shit
eyebrows best

I'm seeing a pattern here.

He was a Trump supporter before the shooting.


I want leftpol to go and stay go. Your side harbors terrorists who riot, light cities on fire and attack people. You can't just come here and shill your excuses

>Only source used to prove he's a Trump supporter is the same Seattle Times article with no sources or evidence.

Fucking shills.

Yes it is.

Eyebrows are the tits of foreheads, anons.


I told you to google the words, I didn't say anywhere that he was shot.

Jesus fucking Christ, and you fags say SJWs keep falling for confirmation bias. This is fucking ridiculous.

Shooter wanted Milo to sign his MAGA hat according to the fucking police: seattletimes.com/seattle-news/crime/uw-shooting/

Victim was member of IWW: please use archive.is/us-news/2017/jan/25/shooting-milo-yiannopoulos-speech-seattle-charges

Victim's tattoo had a black swastika with a red line over it, kinda hard not to see it: dailywire.com/news/12708/protester-shot-outside-milo-event-shooter-thought-james-barrett

Not to mention the fact that, you know, he still fucking shot someone for his political opinion regardless. Weren't you crying Tears of Ultimate Sadness just a few days ago for Richard Spencer?

inb4 no archive, you faggots bitched for them, now you can cram them up your ass

God damn it, GG, you're supposed to be better than this.

I found another website like Opensecrets where it tells you who gave what amount of money, the ESA is still on there and it still shows Reggie Fils-Amie of Nintendo.

The ST chose not to directly link to his Facebook (and reveal his identity because he hasn't been charged yet.

Also the original claim up thread was that the shooter was antifa. Still waiting.

Are we about to witness another 119 run?

"No Holla Forums. You are the SJWs."

So you are trying to justify violence.
I hope you justify your own suicide asap.

When people are excluded from open discussion areas, then tend to have to form their own discussion areas, and so the echochamber mentality begins, albeit not intentionally at first.

Thanks for your hard work, CREW.

We were just called that, hours ago for diggin ESA.

**anyone defending antifa is retarded and I'm amused at the idiots on Holla Forums missing the point and going "SHOULD'VE STAYED AT RICHARD SPENCER"

still gonna post here and post alunyas :^)**




No I wasn't. Are you drunk?

You got any sources on that shill-kun?

Yesterday, a shill came in here arguing the ESA was a gudboi whu didndu nuffin, and we shouldn't alienate the ESA. He used actual flaws in our digging and jumping the gun to support this erroneous argument and was still spotted as a shill. You're not even half as good at this as he was. Step it up shill-kun.

is leftypol just full of reddit newfags or are you going to get your spoilers right next time?

pls bully

Subhuman garbage.

dumb fucking commie

Already posted. You got a source for the shooter being antifa, disinfoshill?


There's a difference at this point?

pic related

sorry I just wanted to post the video

But you're the shill.

No, you're the shill for spreading false information.

Once they start attacking the car, running them over to escape becomes a legal via self-defense.

I'm not sure if this was already posted but I found another ESA member Tim Johnson.
Found him from this article
His Campaignmoney.com page
Unsurprisingly, he gave money to Obama, Clinton, and Rubio.

Are you this fucking shilly?

I never claimed that, I only said he was a lefty.
Fucking unethical tactics shill-kun, I expect no less of you.

Okay, crisis over, you can all go home now. And get back to work doing digs, infographics, and emails.

Your "proof" has no legitimate evidence, kek. The sources given already show the person shooting believed he was a "nazi" and the victims family claim he isnt. Why dont you go search for the actual evidence of him asking milo, instead of demanding more evidence when you have none to give fam.

Do I really need to explain the definition of "we"?

Hell, are you sure you aren't the one who is drunk?

Seriously man, how does that even make sense?

Well shit. I'm sorry, I never realized giving shit sources from fake news written by tumblrkin special cases was ok. My bad fellow neogaffer.

Than back up that claim.


Why do I have to back up some random user's claim?

pic related

Either I'm getting memed on or you're the Redpanels retard.

Oh fuck off you disingenuous faggot. It's neither more nor less sourced than literally any other fucking news.

Take that, you fascist windows! Earlier they were on ATMs (still no cops)

You do know they will never… ever watch this video. The most you can get out of them is 3 seconds before they go "UGH I JUST CAN"T STAND HIS FACE, CLOSED"

I've been hoping for a dialogue at some point, that maybe they would wake up to themselves.

Michael Gallagher's page


How about you answer the questions asked you screaming queermo.

Milo is looking worse and worse for wear. Has he got the aids?

Seattle times fam. Not police department. You got that evidence of him asking milo yet? Were still waiting on evidence seeing as the media oh so loves to post bullshit stories without evidence. Seattle police department never mentions trump or even anything remotely similar.

NOW, about that facebook post evidence fam, where it be at?


this thread

have to*

It has no EVIDENCE, other than the journalists "word". Because were definitely going to just trust someone on their word right? Cause the media would never lie to us, would they?

Sorry. I didn't know the SPD subcontracted their report department to Seattle Times. Must be hard times when they decide to let subhumans take care of the filing.

Gas these kikes.

It has no EVIDENCE, other than the journalists "word". Because were definitely going to just trust someone on their word right? Cause the media would never lie to us, would they?>>11845341
Methinks we're getting our first taste of shareblue shilling, trying to misdirect. I'm feeling positively motivated.

(119) brought friends

Methinks we're getting our first taste of shareblue shilling, trying to misdirect. I'm feeling positively motivated. Fixed

Shills user. One or two of them.

Live stream: youtube.com/watch?v=XDthOCU-mBk

A diet of cheap American fast food will do that to anyone.

easy to ignore the obvious shilling.

Pretty unusual the ESA has mentions in Wikileaks, gonna look in there.

I'm sorry, I have terminal autism.


Fucking damn it.

Do you miss Stephen Harper, Canadanons?

I don't know whether to fap or do laundry.


Why yes we all know it's perfectly common for police news journalists to make videos of a shooter logging into his Facebook and letting the whole world see his messages.

What the fuck else do you want as proof? The news are absolutely full of information "according to the accused's social media's account", to say nothing of the "according to the accused's relatives" they always had. The Seattle Times are doing what literally every news source does: staking their reputation on their claims. If you decide to use Goatfuck Gazette as a source I won't tell you to prove they have good rep, it'll be on me to find out if they're legit or not. And by that token, do you have the smallest reason to doubt Seattle Times' statements? No of course you don't, because you're grasping at fucking straws.

Idiots drunk on self-righteousness triggered because they can't accept the falibility of their "tribe". Sound familiar?

Now cue the kafkatrap about how saying this proves I'm a shill.

Fap on your laundry.

Another bookmark for my politics folder. Thanks.

They're gonna regret this in the morning when they can't get their coffee



I wouldn't go to America if you paid me, I wouldn't eat anything from there, I had a softdrink imported from america once and it tasted like lollipop ass.

Which is why I don't know why people are mad about being kept away from immigrating America, its a trainwreck. Maybe it was nice back in the 70's and 80's, but not now.

I'd say they're just stealing the ingredients to make it themselves but the majority of those looters are probably lazy fucks that have no idea how to make a simple glass of chocolate milk.

Watch that pledge to hire 10k illegals to spite Trump going to be withdrawn very soon.

uh why?

Makes sense. All that sodium can't be good for the body. That's why I just get mine from the news.

Then…probably, clean the laundry, or something.

You're right about the shooting, but your inability to shut up or take a little bullying without sperging is what makes you sound like a shill.

And a cancerous one at that. Just reset your router and chill the fuck out. Nobody is going to praise you for Being Right On The Internet when you act like this.

Harper was just as bad, but in the other direction. That said, I threw my vote away because every option that election was shit.

Oh look, more lack of evidence. I guess I should trust their "credibility" just like I should trust CNN's "credibility" and every other news site. WHERE IS THE PROOF OF HIM ASKING MILO. DO YOU HAVE PROOF?

Seconding that. I don't get the appeal of imported Dr. Pepper, either. Unless they were going for DFC flavor–flat and tasteless.
Imitation American food made locally tastes great, tho. But just not made for regular human consumption.

I've cut my salt intake in my actual meals. Exposure to twitter gives me more than enough sodium than the recommended FDA dosage.

Oh, also, I linked the SPD article. At NO POINT does it mention trump, nazi, or any other bullshit. So stop trying to gain credibility with that. Post evidence that he asked milo like you and the other one kept claiming or fuck off back to wherever you came from.


Yeah, tell me about it man, the salt levels this year alone have passed the last couple years combined.

…Girls' Scouts no longer exist?

People think that you're a shill because your posting in this thread was nothing but stupid shitposts followed by bringing up old news for no reason other than to stir shit.

His proof also has no actual evidence, and relies on "alleged" evidence. Feels very russian hacker-y. Clearly we should trust the media at their word without any actual evidence, cause they'd never lie, right?

And also because he made a claim that he can't prove.

The Girl Scouts already allowed trannies back in 2015.


Oh but user, obviously it's on us to find the proof he didnt show! It's not his job to prove his claims! :^)

Another mention of the ESA from Wikileaks, apologies for not archiving the links I posted.
>Amazon opened its new customer innovation center with a reception honoring the Washington State Congressional delegation on Thursday night before today's traditional Potlatch dinner. Among the attendees were: senior staff from offices of Sen. Patty Murray, Reps. Suzan DelBene, Jim McDermott, Derek Kilmer, Jamie Herrera Beutler and Adam Smith, Missy Foxman and Nika Nour with the Entertainment Software Association, Katherine Lister and John Mulligan from Monument Policy Group, Tim Day with the U.S. Chamber, and Jay Carney, Brian Huseman, Steve Hartell, Shannon Kellogg, Kate Viar, Ashleigh de La Torre, Naomi Duprey, and Jill Kerr with Amazon.



That cunt went out of his way to throw everything and the kitchen sink to the wall just to see what sticks.
He doesn't need your help on how to be a complete sissy faggot, he's already a master of that art.

Girlscouts already exist. What's the point? So that girls who think they're boys can get in? How many of those even exist?


Fucking hell

That reminds me, I've been thinking

Buzzfeed reporter got enriched on the riot

yea I know

Disney was a good man. Even japan had good respect for him I personally love how while claiming he was an idea guy, he claims to be the idea guy who refines and improves those around them.

Canadas parliment is every one of historys greatest villians given absolute power.

Lauren southern has done what canadian Holla Forumsacks should have done.

How so? I know she ran in her riding and didn't win, but that's about the extent of my knowledge.


Between this and the two trannies glorifying violence from their keyboards has me afraid to go outside



Same shit, different day.
They're getting desperate. They realize that they're losing but still have no idea who they're even fighting.

Man, my less-than-proud activity in imageboards knows I often catch a lot more shit than this, but I hardly need to quote the genuine retards here who fail at Trust But Verify 101, and GG deserves better than that. I now see why we attract so many sliders and derailers: this denialism is exactly how they thrive.

The fact that shit got stirred at all is the problem in the first place. Next time I'll have faggots up my ass demanding that I prove the Earth orbits the sun.

Oh look, he still cant provide evidence to corroborate his claims. We should just listen to his media and believe without evidence. Are you turned on by being bullied, or do you just like looking like an idiot?

Is this guy well known or something? Doesn't sound familiar.

Nice taste desu ne


I ment abusing canadas shitty laws. Holla Forumsacks getting declared legally female would piss off leftists and drive normalfags to hate the law too.

He helped ruin giantbomb so theres that

You too

Shit happens when you party naked, my nigga.

Don't double down. Doubling down is for journos and SJWs. Reset, Reconsider, and Reapproach.

I don't get that privilege because I'm a tripfag. Seriously, use it.

The problem is I would have to explain to my family that I had my gender legally changed as a prank.

Thanks, Satan.

That probably won't work in my old alma mater, based on a recent anecdote I overheard:
And they lived happily ever after. :^)

Unless they are christfag rightists who dislike leftists, they woulf not be able to say shit unless they want to violate the anti tansphobic speech laws.

But user, the Seattle Times article links to a report that does not mention anything about the identity of the suspect. Surely you are merely pretending.

I just don't want to come out as something I'm not because I'd never hear the end of it, and I don't want my parents to think I'm the kind of person who would legally change their gender just for a joke.

The Seattle Times' source was the police, the shooter's identity has not been made public.

The same police that were ordered to stand down when the riots started. Sure, they are credible.


Oh yes, clearly we should trust the lying media over the police. Because obviously the police gave them information we dont know about, while they're investigating the situation and most likely playing it all close to the chest. It's not like the media lies, or that they couldnt black out his name and put the maga hat signature request in the article. Naw, we just gotta BELIEVE IN THE MEDIA. Cause they'd never lie to us, nope, never. We can always trust the media.

On an entirely unrelated note, you hear gamers are dead fam, spooky stuff.

The fact that you won't let this go makes me think you a derailment shill. *eyes you suspiciously*

I believe the difference is that I can prove the Earth is round. It requires a bit of physics knowledge though.

What is at stake there, Juddy boy, other than the rights that the rioters are opposing?

No one is letting it go, because you havent provided any proof other than "allegations". It's not like a screencap from facebook with his name inked out is hard. You made a claim, your source has no evidence. And you keep insisting were the unreasonable ones for demanding actual evidence.

Get out

Uh, no. That's a fucking riot.

Holyshit, you're also cancer.

Nonsense. That's a fucking rebellion.

Your first problem is that you are going to tell your parents what you are doing. Second is defining it as "trolling" and not "demonstrating the flaws in a law and how easy it is to abuse said law." The third is my bad in forgetting to explain that you should do this when you have become independent.

When trump gets term 2, rub it in their faces that it is their own fault.


^Shill for the classroom globe industry.

Even if this were provided to you, you would just wave it away for reasons. Post proof the shooter was antifa or leftist or gtfo.


Rebellions tend to not include harming bystanders or the property of the uninvolved.

Nah, a rebellion has a specific goal. Literally all they're doing is breaking shit and stealing things because a conservative gay man said their ideas are lame.

Think he already deleted that tweet. Maybe he realized he should actually be informed about something before giving an opinion.

They're gonna find out eventually if I do anythign with it, man. What's the point of doing it if I'm just going to hide it? I live in bumfuck nowhere. Word gets around about everything.

I looked for it as well and couldn't find it.
This is why you archive things when screencapping them.

It's more like the actions of a bunch of spoiled brats who have never been told 'no'.

What was this slut form again?

Nigger, you claimed that he was pro trump and asked for a maga signature. I didnt claim he was leftist. Where is the proof user? I'm still waiting.

The initial police report often only describes what happened from the reported action forwards. Background on the involved parts shows up in posterior court documents, or on the news. It boils down to the paper's reputation, and it seems reputable enough to me.

Keep going, you still have 100 posts to go to beat your old (119) record.

I already have the perfect reaction picture just for them.

Or in other words, listen and believe goyim. We have evidence you can't see and you just need to believe us.


lately there's a lot of DMCA shit happening, I don't know if legit or if it is goons sending fake requests

>>>Holla Forums9108898


It is an active investigation, that's how these things are. The police will only let so much slip out to the press.

And when they do, I'm prepared to believe them. Until then, the seattle rag can ram their claims up their asses.

Is this related to supposed evidence of a Trump supporter killed during the riots vanishing all at once, like I'm hearing on >Twitter?

Shutting it down again, fuck, checking all archives of the threads since the first day of the exodus.

did the police also confirm this or did you pull it out of your ass?

Fine. And I'll tell anyone claiming the shooter was leftist or antifa to do the same with their claims.

Media blackout on the riots that would make them look fucking bad, who the fuck is issueing the DMCAs?!? nothing in those threads were fucking copyrighted.

Yeah, I'm hearing

Well yeah. That's just how it works for any news source, be it Guardian or Breitbart.

I'm trying looking for the offending Facebook post on Milo's page, but the site's interface is beyond awful.

He claimed he didn't see the red line over the swastika tattoo of the victim, which seems extremely unlikely.

If the point you're trying to make is that we don't have all the info yet to make a clear statement (like on whether they shooter was a Milo fan or antifa) then just say that instead of claiming something else to be a fact and wasting everyone's time.

The ESA is known to throw DMCAs too, get all that shit downloaded!


A circle slash is a pretty universally understood symbol.

If you live in the bumbfuck nowheres, you wont be influencing normalfags anyways. Now if you lived in toronto…

Not even close to it, and I have no desire to go there and be surrounded by mouthy, holier-than-though asshats.

I should stay out of this but hell, the shooter could have been a nervous neutral party who sides with neither group.

I don't have any problem with this statement, so long as you realize it applies to everyone.

The paper seems to be okay, but fair enough.

Yes, but it looks like it's the most likely scenario.

I agree, living in the boonies myself. I dread whenever I have to go into halifax.

Holyfucking kek. Good night GirlGulaggers.

Well thanks for the chat and sorry for spazzing out earlier but I'm calling it a night. Sorry I got mad at you, GG. Good night.

Polite sage.

The Seattle Times was founded in 1891 and has won 10 Pulitzers. And they have contacts in the Seattle police. What more do you want with out compromising an active investigation?

Yes, and everyone who falls into this mindset is equally wrong for it too. Not to say I'm any sort of exception so this goes as a reminder for me as well.

At any rate, let's at least make sure that something in a report is verifiable and if not, include that as a disclaimer. Something as simple as "the source only goes as far as here and there's no official statement of such and such from whomever so take it with a grain of salt." Of course we're all going to forget this life lesson in the next ten seconds so whatever.

You are beyond retarded.

No offense your reasoning so far has been abysmal.

So fuck off and take your retarded friend with you.

You have clearly lost the argument if this is the best you've got.

Are you referring to Katherine Cross, who is trans?

Have you recited the self esteem phrases today?

The Seattle Times isn't comprised of a single entity or is immune to any sort of bias or agenda-pushing infiltration from anyone of any political affiliation. If you're here then you should know this by now.

Even ignoring that, what I want is is what I've said in other posts. If it's not verifiable, don't claim something to be a fact. It's not a problem with the Seattle Times specifically but with you. Treat anything you can't fully back up through your own research with skepticism.

What argument?
I just wanted to check if that other faggot had any basis for his words, and lo and behold he didn't.

>>>Holla Forums1322270
>>>Holla Forums1322294

Really makes you think…

Arthur Gies from Polygon advocating for violence


time to rev up OpDisnod and ask their advertisers if they have the same opinion as Gies

Yes, Katherine Trans = Katerine Cross

And obama has a peace prize while he banned iranians from the united states for 6 months. Awards are not a great merit and have been since the 80s. And the midia pushing a lie hear and there is not uncommon, remember the whole "fbi source said they looked into hillary" thing one of the news teams claimed, only for the fbi to state "what? Since when have we ever said that?" The media can lie at any moment, about anything, and they do love to do so to push a narritive. And this narritive is very clear, "evil right wingers shoot peaceful protester" and do not take this as me saying you are right or wrong, only that you need to stop "listen and belive" otherwise you may as well go do that with the claims against gg. "Trust, but verify everything, with your own eyes." And if ou need to be patient if the info is taking a while.

We should.

Leftardpol being retarded and couldn't even managed to Co-opt GG? yeah.

The 11th pullitzer is in the fucking bag already.

I can fire off a few. Do we have a list of their advertisers handy or do I need to turn off ublock and go to their site?

That was a New York Times interview.



Has Shia Labouf given up on this art project?

Nope. I just know how to play this field.

On Youtube you can go full force saying how much you want douse esjaydubyas in scalding gasoline before trying to be cool flipping a cigarette over to finish e job and get likes for it. In fact I upboated one of those exact angry motherfuckers.

I am pretty sure hes still in custody.

He's a weasel

Well, I stand fucking corrected. they can't even publish their own trashy clickbait. Quality fucking rag right there.

Look, I'm not saying gassing the Jews is a good idea, but it works.

News papers pick up stories off the wire and always have.



Stunning and brave!

That assuages my fears. Thanks. I trust them now that I know they collect trash from TNYT.



Gas everything.


Don't think so


And I doubt charges were pressed, which they should have been.

How does that even work?



Whatever. All indicators point away from the shooter being antifa or leftist. My point stands.

It doesn't have to work when you can just block anyone who presents you with the actual facts. I get called a homophobe and a transphobe and all that shit all the time. The few friends I have left are basically all trans. I met them through my ex who is a trap. Nazi is the best one to get, as if I wouldn't be lynched next to them for banging crossdressers in the ass.


Yes he turned himself in unlike antifa or other leftists

Not even trying to be edgy. I just feel the need to mention just how hateful people are getting. I'm seeing comments about killing and when shit comes to outright fighting in the streets, I'm rooting for the people who just haven't learned to healthily channel that rage. And have had enough.

They hate evil and want to straight up do worse than what's ever threatened to them? They have my support.

Except that just show what pathetic little bitches these cultists are. And it doesn't look good to the normalfags who are already insulting safe spaces.



No they don't because the indicators cannot be verified.

Did I miss the fucking thread again because I fell asleep? Damn it.

They don't care how it looks to normalfags, because everyone outside their little cult bubble is a nazi or a shitlord or a pissbaby to them.

Oh, you don't know the half of it. I've got some stories, man.

Than provide a counter-indicator. (You can't.)


Counter's in the thread in previous responses to you. If you say those aren't verifiable then refer back to .

Still butthurt after Milo called out his failing rag.

he did? lol

You are 30 posts in and the only thing you manage to do was to conjecture that maybe he wasn't a leftist. I personally believe he wasn't, but neither claim can be proved to a degree of consistency acceptable to both parties.

And they don't take kindly to that shit.

I keep seeing just how much people are getting pissed off and fed up with this bullshit and I have to say it's glorious.

Now I just need to somehow start fanning those flames of ridicule in the hearts of Japanese who love their own media and the results will speak for themselves on top of Trump support from the country.

They're definitely making more enemies than friends. Imagine being one of the people who just had their business ruined and being told by the media that it was a "peaceful protest" the next day.
I'd go out and buy a gun, illegally if I had to, and gun down the next guy who tries to mess with me or my stuff. Thankfully the worst we've had out here in years was an old man having a stroke in his car while smoking, plowing into a field, and his car catching fire after he died. That and the occasional pro-life folks standing on street corners with signs, quietly and politely.

And do the retards apologize? Of course not. Just double down every fucking time and say it was justified or even blame the ones that made them so asshurt over nothing.

And this doesn't work. And these brain damaged overgrown infants don't care.

The Lord Pendragon should smite them for embarrassing the name.

There seems to be this mindset with a lot of them that if you cede any point, you're the same as "them" and you're agreeing with "them" on everything. You can't say "Okay maybe dropping out of the TPP is good" because a lot of these people hear "God I love Trump so much. MAGA!"

He's not getting another wife with that attitude

What exactly did Milo say while I was sleeping?

This is important because I'm going to milk it to piss even more people off. Was it asshurt over mudslimes?

And he's newly single, ladies!

He didn't say anything, the event was cancelled.

The actual talk was cancelled.

Tucker Carlson interview:
Milo addressing the rioters:

Phil Kiko from Smith Free - Temporary leave to head up House Select Committee on Benghazi
>Kiko first came to Capitol Hill in 1997 as a senior member of Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner’s (R-Wis.) staff. He stayed a decade and then moved to Foley and Lardner, a Milwaukee-based law firm, where he remained until 2010. In December 2010, after House Republicans took the majority, Kiko became staff director at the House Administration Committee under Chairman Dan Lungren of California. After Lungren lost in 2012, Kiko joined the Smith-Free Group, a lobbying firm, where he represented entities like Mastercard, Sony Pictures Entertainment and Entertainment Software Association.

And? You've been unjustly wronged by being accused of being evil just for agreeing with sense and have absolutely every right to retaliate angrily and verbally trample the delusional retard that provoked you.

Plenty of people would immediately go "Alright, fuck off, I literally didn't say any of that".

That's why I don't interact with that type of person. I don't want to be smeared so I'll just tell them to blow it out their ass and go get drunk or something.

Gowdy hates hilldogs guts. And he made that crystal clear at every opportunity he had.


Did you post pizza?

No idea
guess well see in 12 hours if I can be fucked buying a throw away simcard

Another brave warrior for justice is struck down by the corrupt fist of the man



First Trump hung up on your faggy cunt faced PM and now this.
Best day ever.

And when you or anyone else who thinks that is forced directly into a confrontation? You inevitably strike back with your own words and others see that.

And then they try it.

ye what was that about? I saw some shit about our PM but didnt bother lookin more into it

Post porn next time, faggot.

I didn this :^)

Burch's name should be used as some kind of scale for being cuckolded, kinda like the Old Man Henson scale

Is that the broad he supposedly casting couched?

Eventually, yeah. Hopefully more often. Don't care for these people spitting blatant lies and just blocking out everyone who knows they're lying, and letting that lie keep going.

On a tangent, anyone else taking notes on the UC Berkeley anti-Milo riots? I'd play a video game using the happening as the basis. This would make for a better story than Watch Dogs 2, for one.

I still love that shit, Burch tried convincing Brote to side with them by literally saying "look, I know she's full of shit, but we can't let the fact that fake geek girls actually exist get out."

Kxuk'j nxuk 0ei wok veh roadw u vihh0 Marche.

See that kek all the way up there, at the tip of that mountain? It's mine.

boat people, what else

The onomatopoeia for laughing in Korea is "kekeke" and with how Starcraft took off there, battle.net players who'd never experienced another culture found themselves getting owned by people who would only type "gg, kekeke"

"Kekeke zerg" became a meme too, because of the overpowered "zerg rush" tactic.

Kek is just a bastardization through several decades of internet culture.

That's just a fun fact.

There needs to be more Baneposting with that first quote by her from Assault.

nobody wants these boatie fucks


And he doesn't have the balls to agree with Trump on immigration and refugee policies.

How's Vesperia PS3 going?

You're laughing now, but Obama said okay. Trumps dismantalling that deal

You mean saying illegals only hurt opportunities for everyone who actually deserves them and that mudslimes need to be kept the fuck out for the sake of everyone in the country?

Baker? It's 650

I'll bake something up, fam.

Also, meanwhile at Berkeley

Oh, for fuck's sake, really? Is that why the violence is getting blacked out super hard?

Oh, wow, it really is a video game plot brought to real life. (tweetsave isn't working)

How about trying to meme niggas and tacobros into starting a war with mudslimes?

Libshits will be anally napalmed.


Man, we've been way faster lately. I gotta say, though, these constant protests are getting annoying. I hope most of the people doing that shit get bored and leave soon. I want to go back to the smug days.


Btw, do you think I could take at least one current task out of the header? IIRC the Vice campaign has been dead for months

You realize this is perfect for shills, right?


ESA and Sony Computer Entertainment America - RECEPTION - April 2
RE: ESA and Sony Computer Entertainment America - RECEPTION - April 2
Another name to look up: Diana J. Lawson.


Rules for radicals make your cause fun. We get out laughs from looking at the liberals meltdown and become laughing stocks and digging. The protesters/rioters are a group of diminishing returns and they're going to stop going once they get turned on each other

You're misusing Galko pics, marche. That's a happy galko

SFA could have been an amazing game if the difficulty were turned up a lot higher. Even the lategame bosses couldn't damage you for more than like a quarter-heart per attack as I recall.

I legitimately enjoyed every part of it, but it was baby-easy and the flight areas weren't nearly long enough. If it had been ball-bustingly hard with more and longer flying zones with bosses it would be on my GOAT list.

Anyway, new bread ready. Shitpost to 700 you faGGots

that aint me loser


Oy vey what a coincidence

Fuck midnight, if it's half past nine
That means it's

True, but some nice people are actually getting hurt. Plus, I miss when the protesters were people like that girl who threw her back out trying to lift that trash can or triggly puff. These hordes of screaming people are not as easy to meme. But at least there was Shia.

Even still I want their numbers to dwindle because the media can claim "all of America is against Trump!" with shit like this, rather than just having paltry numbers.

What? How many people are posting Galko now?

When's the steamy feminazi smiting wet pussy grinding?

looks like about 5

Nobody trust the media now that they were all wrong about the election and stories about fake news. People joke about trump playing 4D chess but sometimes you have to admit that the dude is fucking playing the media and his dissenters into destroying themselves

I don't know who the real marche is anymore

I made you guys a present.

Thanks for StarFox posting with me. The original SF on SNES is one of my best memories from my childhood.

You had a sad and lonely childhood.

Aww, I wasn't even lonely though. Not really.

Your mom kept me company. She said I was her favorite.

how? Starfox snes was revolutionary for it's time

Therapists always say that to raise their client's self-esteem



I almost completely associate Rea with being a smug sexy bitch and I haven't even watched the anime yet.

All the nasty sex took care of that. It is user's mom we're talking about here.

Have any of you faggots found anything interesting that would piss off retards in Next Order like all that yuri subtext and lewd design in Cyber Sleuth?

I'm just one smug, poetically vulgar son of a bitch. Actual Rea is sweet and nice all around in the show/manga

After the thread is archived, can you bully me with your huge vocabulary
Nobody will be watching

I know, but you've conditioned me to make that subconscious association.

Some other stuff I found on the ESA from Wikileaks includes Cablegate which I'm not too familiar with myself.

Doesn't he have a #performancematters boycott to attend, or is that VA strike over?

I'm beginning to wonder why anyone goes to talk at colleges anymore. You get booed, canceled, threatened, and now riots for wrongspeak. Jerry Seinfeld doesn't want to give talks at colleges. Anita gets paid to say that she would go talk at colleges only to "back out due to threats".

How did college campuses become the "bad side of town"?

The MSM themselves admitted they were played. It's no secret.

As long as you say pretty please and pull apart your asscheeks for my homies at AnonsGoneWild

Dear Acid:
What is the old fashioned rifle grip called (as opposed to a pistol grip). Is it just called a rifle grip?

I saw an AR lower with one a while back but I'm having difficulty searching for it. I found the Ares SCR lower but was wondering if there were others.

What's the new bread title?




please bully me, reanon

Here, since you asked like such an obedient little bitch.

Bring your tight little ass over here, you stupid fucking whore. I know you've been trying to scientifically replicate our messy sodomy by fucking yourself with a jug of milk, but not even that can make you feel as shameful and dirty as I can. I almost pity you, you poor, pathetic bitch. I've seen whores die with more dignity than you could muster in 20 minutes of your miserable life without me pounding your ass like a SWAT team breaking down Nyberg's door.

Shh shh, don't cry, my sweet little faggot. This Valentine's Day, I'll give you the best surprise of your life, a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a warm, throbbing cock down your fucking throat. Just go ahead and lay down on the heart-shaped bed with your ass up while you practice putting on your fucking make-up, because the only way you'll ever make it in this world is if you become a rent-boy.Your ass will look like Verdun by the time I'm done blitzkrieging through its soft fucking defenses.



Utterly fucking shameful.

I almost feel as if you should just kill yourself and I should hook the corpse up to electrical wiring to make your joints jerk me off while your ghosts watches and jacks off. If you're an angel by then, your dumbass will end up going to hell for your insatiable, faggot lust for me, the person you know you need, the man you know can dominate the living fucking shit out of you.

But alas, you're pathetic. Get out of my sight. Die alone. Set yourself on fire. You're not worthy enough for me to storm through the fleshy barriers of your lips with my iron fucking cock like the Mongols stormed through China, or Alexander the Great through Asia Minor.

Fuck yourself, and try not to think of me.

The technical term would be a gripstock or semi-grip stock.

Thank you.

I'm sorry

No one gave you permission to apologize, you fucking idiot. You can apologize to me, at my authority, by smashing your fucking car into the nearest gas station. Hey, maybe you'll enjoy the fumes of petrol as you take your last breath when the car becomes a flaming, steel coffin.

Until then, try your best to prevent your asshole from clenching from the mere thought of me

Any sane man would hit the gas, why are they even surprised?



user, stop bullying me and just fuck me already

I'm sorry. I don't have the skills required to make someone cum through text.
Just ask Reanon to bully you, like I did.
I've already fapped to his posts twice

I just wanted to play games ;_;