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What did he do?
Disclosed something, you dumbass
how is this a bad thing?
Zenimax getting half a fucking billion, that's worse
Well I am surprised. I thought this would turn into a long legal battle where both jews would fight with their pockets instead of come to a decision.
What did he disclose was the question my friend.
Looks like gamergate just got BTFO
GlabberGoopers BTFO
2017 was supposed to be a good year.
Oh boy, can't wait for the colonel to push out more TESO expansion packs.
inb4 20 years of appeals
Did they support kikebook or Palmer Luckey?
Do you think Zenimax will fund a good game now?
TES VI just got financed.
He deserved it honestly
Since when did Zenimax have a VR project?
Are they talking about the VR carmack was doing in his spare time?
What do you think?
Didn't GG die years ago? What does this have to do with GG?
Yeah, a free $500 million they can throw down the drain. And when they're short of money next they can just asset strip another few promising studios.
Look at this btfod g*merg*tor
Just goes to show, anything is possible.
It sounds like ZeniMax was going for a couple billion on grounds of stolen trade secrets. They would have offered to settle for like 1-2 billion, facebook's retainer lawyers probably took one look at it and realized Zenimax didn't have a leg to stand on, and this is how it played out. With a small fine of five hundred million dollars.
Lol this is some of the scummiest shit I have ever seen. Couldn't have happened to a better person, though.
Gamergate is like anthrax. The outbreaks might stop but the spores forever linger in the soil, waiting for poor womyn to harass.
G-d Howard you truly are my greatest ally
Oh, and something tells me the higher ups are not happy with Carmack about now.
choose one
Facebook gets a $500 mil slap in the face but Zenimax gets no intellectual property or patents to troll Valve and their soon-to-be-many SteamVR hardware partners with. Overall this was a very, very good outcome for the field as a whole.
No it's not. Zenimax got 500 gorillions.
I wonder if they'll use that 500mil to make ESO a good game.
From Facebook. Enemy of my enemy and such.
Fucking what? You remember the last time they tried partnering with hardware companies? Valve isn't the same company anymore. The only thing they know how to do is milk off micro-transactions of already successful games. They will probably do the same thing they did with the steambox. Trust a bunch of retards who will overprice out the ass, and realize it's more work than it's worth and shit it out with no notice because of contractual obligations.
You want to say that zenimax is my friend?
How do they fuck this up?
Why should we care? This should at least put another nail in the coffin of VR.
Facebook is worth around 200 billion, half a billion isn't much and it's going to keep it's datamining operation on normalfags like nothing happened. Zenimax was worth 1.2 billion before this, it's a very big boost of money which will all go towards fucking up videogames.
Looks like Sindoll but I might also be retarded
Don't they know he's a guy?
Me right now
fug off
Shills and cucks eternally buttmad
Good shit mang
The only connection between goobergate and oculus was the fact Palmer's gf dressed as Vivian and that they called out the press when they were attacking Palmer over his pro Trump thing.
VR is garbage and just a meme gimmick. it will die off.
It's funny and all but I would laugh more if that was a real oekaki and you hadn't just renamed a regular drawing to "Oekaki.png"
how do you btfo a corpse
With a stick of dynamite.
you guys stick out like a sore thumb
How the hell did THAT happen!
u wot
kill yourself kike
god fucking damn fams
Fuck you i'm an oldfag.
â–˛ â–˛
i hope it works lel
Wow no need for antisemitism, user. Don't worry, I'll let you off this time if you promise to donate half your property to the local Holocaust Museum.
you forgot your anime smug image reaction kike
Prove it, show me your dick.
daily reminder that violence is the only solution for dealing with aGGro cucks and shills
Good catch, make it one quarter.
no u
Why the fuck should i care about this?
Low quality bait
I found it pretty funny
top asshole deliverer
Edgy CephalopodDarling.
How much money is Palmer Lucky gonna lose?
Disgusting Pussy Massacre
Erect Cock Sucker lol
If he disclosed that then HE would have to pay $50 million
This will get appealed for 20 years and be reduced to under 10m you faggots
Top Banana Man
Dank Ass Creampie
/zoo/ here I come
You're not prepared
Someone needs to make a new one i'm tired of this name.
tasty ogre fucker
Fuck yeah! More money to make expansions for ESO!
Unless Zenimax is planning to make it's own facebook i don't see the problem.
No matter who wins, we all win anyway
Tropical BananaSmasher
I prefer BananaSlamma
Fill in the blank
That is a fucking happy meal in a low income household to them.
Nah, neoneo/pol/ still uses it to trigger some leftist when they're bored.
It still is seen as the ultimate boogyman, although Trump is a close second.
But doesn't that mean we also lose?
Oh yeah, right after they use that money to pay Obsidian's bonus.
I don't give a fuck about a normalfag social media bs. I give a fuck about vidya. And guess who's ruining vidya of the two?
Well I have to make sure no I know sees this chart.
Dunno but Zenimax does publish out quality games sometimes. But their jewry practices are scary as fuck, and so many canned games that could have been something.
Its sorta amazing, some of the stories will always just be told on imageboards.
The VR shit, I'm not even interested, I don't even know how and what one could do to produce a real game on it.
Uh huh.
Just make a normal game and take care to never drop framerate or take camera control away from the player. That's it. Other "comfort options" can help but aren't strictly necessary.
wow that's cool famililiamiliamiliamiliamily
â–˛ â–˛
do I fit in yet? >_>
Oh shit so Palmer's girl friend was that disusing Jew?
Considered suicide yet?
when you tell each other on the goon irc to post on the thread but you both accidentally post at the same time which outs you as gay lovers.
thank you my oldfriend! I will be sure to look up the helium technique.
Not entirely sure what to think of this
why did he think it was a good idea
I'm the boss of this image board.
check mate
What the fuck happened to this place
4chan's anti-bethcuck new vegas force invaded.
Jews fear the samurai
-If he signed anything
I'll take zenimax over oculus rift any day of the year.
You think oculus has damaged vidya more than zenimax?
I do.
Zenimax is shit but I'd say facebook has hurt the world (which vidya is a subset of) more then Bioware, Bethesda, Id and Blizzard combined.
Fuck off hippie
Rather than making anything good they take every opportunity to rob consumers & each other.
That's how the rats operate.
Why couldn't people just stop being pussies just bomb Bethesda?
I hate Jewbook more because i'm a fascist who opposes globalism. Hate a video game company less because while its cancer its a fucking video game company. How do you interpret hippy from that? Kill yourself kike
And kikebook is just a fucking social media company, m i rite
Bethesda does infinitely more damage than Oculus.
Guess I'm a gay retard
A vide game company is not wores than people who work with governents to jail people who said the wrong things on the internet. Facebook is fucking cancer
Just like zenimax is just a harmless little video games company, you retarded double liberal.
Dude its relative. In the grand scheme of things Video games are less influential than Social Media. I bet Robert A. Altman is 100% Jewish but if I could ether lynch Zuckerberg or Altman I would kill Zuckerberg 100 times over.
Pretty pointless.
I'm on fucking Holla Forums, I care about vidya. Shitholes like US are shitholes not because of social media but because of retarded people. And blacks.
I want o kill you now too? Happy?
Zenimax isn't even in the same league as Facebook.
Get your priorities straight.
Facebook is literally satan.
What has facebook ruined so far?
The internet.
That's funny, you're funny.
they have a lawyer as a CEO
Zenimax argued that Luckey used "Code and Technology developed by Zenimax" -which means the stuff carmack did on the sideline while under employ by Zenimax- and shared this knowledge with his fellows at Occulus, thus breaking the NDA.
Long story short Zenimax just got paid half a billion for one of Carmacks autistic sideprojects they really had nothing to do with.
Did we meme this into happening through constant Toddposting?
My turn.
Zenimax's list: id, Fallout, Star Trek vidya, TES (always was shit but at least kept acoustic people busy), Prey, "sandbox", Arkane.
I'm acoustic but I always found TES games rather boring.
Obviously you're not acoustic enough to go
But TES lore is garbage and there's much better lores to get acoustic about.
I know that but they don't.
Did Zenimax avenge your waifu, or are kikes just $500M richer, either way?
Fair enough.
Limited amounts of Toddposting produce limited mountains of money. Toddpost moar and Todd will get closer to the 4 billion dollary doos he rightfully deserves.
I can't even be bothered to argue with someone like you who is either completely retarded or an actual shill because the well documented collusion of Facebook with the NSA and GCHQ alone should be enough to get everybody mad.
When you try to argue that making Skyrim is somehow worse than datamining idiots or lobbying against goverments then just fuck off. Fuck. Off.
Why should anybody bother giving you links to hundreds of articles, court testimonies, testimonies by EU Ministers and testimonies by former Intelligence Operatives from as far back as almost a decade?
Fucking Spaghetti Revenge
I don't give a fuck about them. I give a fuck about vidya, that's why I'm on Holla Forums and not Holla Forums
It gets better
But wait it gets better
If facebook ties this up in court they're going to lose again, probably for more money, and the whole time they won't be able to sell Rifts. All because they didn't want to pay for technology they knew they stole from Zenimax.
Sleep snug, smug
Shit you not user. The details came out years ago and it was pretty cut in dry that for once the stars aligned and Zenimax was in the right still a horrible company, filled with no talented hacks, but they were right.
Worse is that Facebook bought a company that was already going to get sued because they promised to give a shuttered VR Doom game with every oculus.
Zuckerberg was in such a hurry to corner a niche at best market, he royally screwed himself. Doesn't help him that Oculus is a piece of crap that every manufacturer has been able to surpass easily. (Yes he was butthurt over the whole thing, that's why oculus has exclusivity deals)
Only in a retarded 3rd world country such as USA working on something on the side be considered property of the corporation.
rectal ass creampie
Very nice friendo. Would be perfect if it was a human doing the fucking though.
she will surely impregnate you Holla Forums
o i am laffin
Oy vey.
Here's a comparison between leftist fantasy and leftist reality.
O-okay then…
wew, indeed.
lots of people accusing GG of just being white cis straight males. Naturally this was false but despite all the proof to the contrary they still believe GG was just a bunch of white straight males harrassing poor womyn.
you have to go back
Snug snug snoog
Back to your containment thread and stay there.
Rat you don't even know what the hell you are talking about.
Because terrorism is for faggots with shitty ideas.
Horseshoe theory Commie Faggots and NeoNazis can't actually argue the merits of both of their identity politics based ideologies which is why they both insist on calling eberyone their opposition and try to justify terrorism
I might want Holla Forums dead, but what I want even more is fence shitter like you to suffer before you die.
I'm not a fence sitter.
Identity politics is literally designed to divide up voting bases because the actual merits of the leaders are fucking repugnant, and it's used by authoritarian dickheads that the overwhelming majority of people either can't stand because they meddle with everyone's life or alternatively are in power and of the military and opposition is declared a crime, and if you knew jack shit about the black community in america you would know this identity politics is fucking heavily entrenched and the majority of the reason there is so much violent behavior in the group, you gay retard.
Eight more years you cocksucking shitstain. Keep counting the days.
I don't dislike trump you mentally stunted faggot
I do have an erection right now but i'm not gay i swear
Am i a futa now?
don't lie bb
I fucking wish.
This isn't going to hurt Facebook by much but it going to help Bethesda.
Maybe they will make Skyrim 2 with this money
Kinky BobbySauce Massacre
keep them doggies rollin
as long as vive is untouched who gives a shit, rift is the inferior platform
Man i wish. Maybe we finally get to see Morrowland.
Anybody spotted the usual suspects gloating over Luckey?
Tropical Scrotum Smasher
Completely misunderstood what the chart was based on the thumbnail.
I thought it was a roll chart. This is bullshit.
But breast expansion is an awful fetish.
How can politics not be about identity? Peoples and cultures are so different they need different political systems too meet their needs. Different people want and need different systems. Your Political Universalism is more myth than anything else.
Fuck off satanist.
The former CEO of Oculus voted for Trump. This caused leftists too boycott Oculus even though he has nothing too do with the company anymore.
Yeah didnt he sell it to facebook for a massive payoff or some shit? That's kinda hilarious an anti-trump jew got jewed by a pro-trump goyim.
This is the most ingenious way to screw SJW companies over I have ever seen.
Beth's games are the most decent games on the market right now tbh. That's how bad the modern industry is.
Top schlong boner
Stop having shit taste.
4d chess
I guess you're right though. Dishonored is "stealth" in name only.
It's like anons here like sjw companies to float.
now now, they are both equally mediocre.
I don't get who you assumed stealth was a qualifier for that broad category. But yes you are correct, if we where exclusively talking "stealth" games.
MGSV is best tbh
I'm just angry because
1) This isn't going to hurt Facebook that much. While this is going to help Bethesda a lot.
2) If Facebook dies, something similar would that its place. While Zenimax is uniquely cancerous.
3) Normalfags are even more excited for to TES6.
The only way to salvage this is to paint Zenimax as a greedy company that killed VR.
I'm shitposting a bit, but you get my point. Maybe you shouldn't instigate a political argument if you don't want to discuss politics. Fuck, I'm sick of politics here as well but you're just begging to be called out on this shit.
Very accurate tbh, I remember this from about a year ago.