Mother Basefus
Mother Basefus
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Just why.
Why don't you like fun, user?
End you fucking life.
I play it when I listen to podcasts.
Let the game die the dignified death it was meant to.
I like fun which is why I can't play a game that just constantly reminds me of how fun it could have been if konami wasn't cartoonishly evil.
It makes sense. No female is capable of battle.
You guys talking about Metal Gear?
Fuck you.
Wasted on a survival steam EA type fame instead of a rad tacticool coop stealth game.
Men have objectively superior taste.
You know, one of those early access survival games on steam.
Army of Two maybe? They were great coop "survive these waves of enemies" games.
What EA type shit are they pulling with it?
Are you just throwing out buzzwords? Be honest.
EA = Early Access
I'm aware of that user.
It's okay. Kojima is coming back with death stranding and it's going to be great.
This just means more Stefanie streams, which I'm down for.
Stefanie Joosten is just Taylor Swift in disguise
You know it's true
Not that there's anything wrong with that
It's what he would've wanted
So she's a bitch?
I wouldn't mind having a female or two in my base, need to keep the men from turning gay and no one them even want to see quiet. Shit, I'd be rubbing one out every day during her daily shower and lunch.
Her clitoris is strong enough to pierce through steel. She'll knock you the fuck out by repeatedly gyrating her hips into your face, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I think broodmare is more appropriate.
Why do you cucks keep falling for the (((heterosexual))) meme?
user what was that video?
please let it happen. It wont happen.
You have better chance getting to admit that they work for the yakuza then to sell the Metal Gear IP.
He has been working on the Metal gear games for almost 30 years, he wanted to stop making them but the god damn fans kept him doing it just let him make something else.
kojima is sick of metal gear. he has been for years. why do you want him to make something halfassed and unenthusiastically so badly? move on already.
I just want the game to be finished; there's so much stuff even within the game's files that have been cut out.
Announcing his retirement after MGS3, then subsequently announcing it after each game thereafter should show just how little interest he had in the franchise. By MGS3 hed accomplished all he wanted to do. I almost wonder where MGS would be today if ZoE had really caught on.
You mean
Look at how many people were begging for more ZoE and even a Snatcher sequel.
The Jew has you. Congratulations on being a good goy.
i'd put money on kojima preferring the yakuza taking one of his joosten fapping fingers to being chained to metal gear again. at some point you have to respect that and let him make something else for once.
Am I the only one who think Metal Gear Online isn't terrible?
If I were Kojima, I'd just retire. Motherfucker's probably loaded, and he's worked for a hell of a long time. Why jump from one corporate ship to another just so you can be worked to death for another 20 or so years?
You don't belong here.
Cause nips.
I probably should have mentioned that I wouldn't care if it wasn't Kojima that finished it. I understand that he wants to put the series to rest, and I respect that, I just want MGSV to be the game that it could have been.
He probably actually likes making movies videogames so he continues, and I can almost guarantee that his working conditions will be better in his won fucking studio than the konami pachinko mines.
As of right now Kojima Productions is still a private company so they're not tied to any publisher, as long as they stay private it's all good although i'm surprised he didn't move to movies given how much he loves them.
That's only for kikongo though, there are plenty of other chocolates to chose from.
Everyone in DD seems to be ok with this, why would it bother you?
Implying death stranding wont dwarf the metal gear series in both quality and depth.
It wont be a huge game, bu the content will be strong.
If you didn't watch the whole thing, you'll never know.
We're going to meme Kojima back to life.
They never did put BNB suit into the game, did they?
i thought Holla Forums had grown out of its Holla Forumstarded, trump-loving, racism phase already. Nigger jokes are boring come up with fresh material
Holla Forums pls go.
Any group is going to be heavily represented by it's stupidest members because of the bell curve.
We cant all be natsoc, some of us are just rednecks unfortunately.
I watched it user, and I got the first part about porn controlling you, but then the fucking cripple kid comes on and it just bewildered me. Why was the cripple kid relevant to porn?
It's called artistic juxtaposition. or simple contrast.
You put something pure and traditional next to something filthy and modern to highlight the differences.
You weren't supposed to go "LOL this is SO randum."
You were supposed to cry seeing how far we've fallen as a species.
I'm sad I had to explain that to you.
Was the cripple kid supposed to be pure and innocent? Was he supposed to pluck at my heart strings? Because it didn't work. And what the fuck do you mean "how far we've fallen as a species". That kid wouldn't even live to 5 if he was born 50 years earlier, and even then he'd probably be shunned and beat by the other kids.
She's perfect.
BnB suit is based on parasites apparently. And parasite is in game. So it's anti-derivative is in game user.
1983 is also when the aids outbreak happened. Isnt it coincidental people with kikongo kept dying nonstop and the language only comes from africa. On top of that it's the easiest to learn and one of the african languages. And theres no actual cure, just medication that helps the infected men?
Are you capable of comparing two separate video clips?
If I showed you the girls shaking their asses, and then showed you the kindly old man telling the kid that people care about him because of internal factors more than external factors, which would you rather your children watch on television?
It's not about the fact that the kid is crippled, it's about chastity and morality vs. unrestricted hedonism. Mr. Rodgers isn't on television anymore. Sex is the order of the day on modern television and you havent been paying attention or are underage if you cant determine that for yourself.
In the words of the fat cheeto man: "You have to go back"
you know what you are doing. this thread is not a smoking ruin yet. don't make it one.
It was a shit comparison. Mr.Rodgers may not be on TV anymore, but he was children's programming, so compare him to modern children's programming like sesame street. You wouldn't compare some scandalous drama programming to barney. Also those girls were not boradcasted on TV as far as I'm aware, compared to mister fucking rogers. Although the fact the little kid didn't get to me is probably because I'm just a cynical asshole. And wouldn't you want to make the comparison at a place other than the end of the video? Because when you end with Mr. Rogers telling a cripple kid he's gonna be ok and that people love him it's more fresh in my mind than some dumb whores shaking their asses while two men discuss the ethics and morality of porn distribution.
why even talk about society, its gone.
Remember when I called it artistic juxtaposition?
It wasn't done to drive home a point user. It was an open ended gesture to make you think. An aesthetic contrast.
Not everything perfectly serves it's function, user. Your relationship with your parents is proof of that.
When hasn't society been dead?
You said yourself the point of it was to show the gross difference between "chastity and morality vs. unrestricted hedonism", so it wasn't very open ended. And like I said before, the clip leaves you with good feelings, whereas feelings of doubt and disgust would be more powerful, and make more sense within the video to leave off on something making you doubt your future and security, in this case the idea that you and your children are being controlled through pornography. If maybe the contrast was shorter and more relevant it wouldn't be so jarring and nonsensical.
I explained it to you and all you have to say is "no it wasn't good enough."
You're looking at John Sargent painting and complaining about the brushstrokes and bitching that it isn't photo-realistic.
Nonsensical things can be done for aesthetic purposes user. Please stop being so autistic.
I'm saying the aesthetic purpose made it nonsensical.
Good to see you are just as annoying here as you are on Holla Forums.
Consider that someone else came away from it with meaning. Consider that the creator perhaps even had an intended meaning.
Aesthetics don't have to make perfect sense. They just have to be pretty.
But now you're talking about something completely different, splicing in a few minutes of Mr. Rodgers talking to a cripple isn't the same as having weird but beautiful aesthetics in a painting.
Well, guess were not talking about Metal Gear Solid waifus no more. Yay.
on to the next thread.
I don't know how far you expected it to go honestly.
Further if you werent around.
Well go on then, post about metal gear waifus, I was just having a side conversation. I'm just saying there's not a lot of mileage to get out of this topic.
It's not my fault that you don't understand the definitions of words so I'll break it down for you.
The beauty is in appreciating the contrast itself, not the individual clips.
Take this picture for instance. It's aesthetic quality relies heavily on the bright ass colors contrasting against the dark background.
If you washed out the colors it wouldn't be as aesthetic. It relies heavily on both dark and light contrast, as well as saturated vs destaturated contrast to appear interesting to the eye.
In the case of the video clips, you aren't just comparing two motion pictures but the IDEA of two things themselves. Which I'd like to think is a form of aesthetics. An idea can be beautiful as a concept.
I don't really know if I can explain this any further because I haven't put thought into it much farther than this.
So, any way to get good skilled qts in this game? It's too realistic. Also, fuck that morale mechanic, who ever thought that would be a good idea needs to be taken to a back shed and shot.
The difference is a picture is meant to be pretty which for the most part is abstract and apolitical, but that video most definitely had a message and by including the kid it ruined the flow, tone, and message. Also juxtaposition needs to be fast, in a picture you can see the whole thing at once so it works very well as you can glance back and forth and then view the whole thing, whereas the video forces you to watch one thing then the other, so juxtaposition does not work well. You're comparing apples to oranges with two different mediums.
There's one spot to "farm them". i think in the backup back down mission there's a prisoner who spawns in the middle of the desert and is always female.
Well one thing we can agree on is that the clip dragged on for a little long.
But that might be a generational thing related to having short attention spans.
You might consider the idea that not everything should be made to appeal to you specifically.
In all of your posts you've thrown in an insult while I haven't, why is that user?
If the video is trying to sway me to its ideas it should be trying its hardest to appeal to me, and on top of that, "it's just not for you" is a shitty excuse, the same could be said of gone home, it's not made for people like us but does that redeem it at all? No.
It's the vernacular here, you faggot. It's always been.
Look man don't make me argue for relativism, Because I hate relativism. But the fact is, some people find different things more appealing than other things.
Humans cant judge things objectively because we cant see all factors at all times. Only gods can do that and none of us are gods.
Eat shit you spineless whiner.
You know that aids started in USA right?
This was one of the worst parts of it for me. I miss the mess that was MGO2.
What game?
Well then, I guess I can't stop you from liking what I don't like, so we're done here.
Has anyone just run skull face over and over again til their base is exclusively xof guys?
I want to try it but not before I finish brennan line
Man I wish modding this game was easier.
Literally all I want to do is replace Quiet with Paz, but I cant figure this shit out for the life of me.
Look at the languages the XOF guys speak when you recruit them.
They're all ruskies.
Read a tutorial maybe? I mean if modders can make d-dog ocelot and birds whales, you can make quiet paz.
So, it's a survival sim with fishing or something?
All the tutorials make reference to using a certain tool and when I go to use it in the way the specify it simply does not work.
pretty much.
I'll sim you by making your waifu suck my balls.
what tool? Is it the unpacker or something, because I've modded MGSV before, but only with mods other people made. I can't imagine why it wouldn't work? Try reinstalling?
The more interesting question is what would your Mother Base codename be?
Ocelot died for Diamond Dogs' sins.
Sounds comfy.
Look user, I appreciate that you have a cuckoldry fetish but I don't roll like that.
Nowhere's comfier than mother base
I'll never stop feeling the pain. All I really want is some more of the game I enjoyed, they were already going full kike, why not at least add a couple of missions to the game instead of this garbage derivative shit.
Apparently there was going to be 5 entire chapters, with the 4th one being located in the Soviet Union. The map was completed, but the PS3 and 360 couldn't run it so they scrapped the whole thing. It doesnt matter in the end, Konami managed to get away with this incomplete mess, with normalfags going as far as to say
You made me curious, so I looked up what you were talking about and holy fuck, all of the cut ideas were pretty much the direct result of forcing last gen ports.
The empty open world, the lack of content, the lack of enemies, everything. Kojima couldn't get them to cancel the last gen versions so everything was butchered to make it fit.
Goddamn. They planned on having dynamic battles, the assault on OKB zero was supposed to be a massive staging event where your forces get deployed to fight against XOF the same way the sides would duke it out in MGS:4.
A whole map cut because they couldn't get it to run on 360/PS3.
The pain, it never stops.
I'm surprised the info still hasn't made it out there yet. Mission 51 alone stirred up a lot of angry fans, imagine what would happen if all the other shit that was cut out got blown open.
You’re a retard. QTP2T is the greatest force we have against the forces of Cipher.
Has anyone else playing seen the FOBs operated by a guy called Outer Harem and Outer Harem 2?
They’re pink FOBs staffed with NOTHING but women soldiers. Their stats are shit, so I haven’t been able to Fulton any of them, but fuck, if they were better I’d clear them out completely.
Literally not how genetics works.
Being Snake is suffering.
I'm still fucking confused
Was Paz really alive or not? Did Venom just hallucinate her just to give (((Tara Strong))) more voice lines?
Did somebody actually put my shitty screenshot on DA?
Oh no, it's a play on that olive garden meme
Side effect of Big Boss shrapnel is he sees hallucinations and shit thats not there. On top of that it's heavily implied hes got schizoaffective disorder which means hes pretty fucking crazy. By the end in the mirror cutscene you see he has pills on his sinktable, which look similar to pills for psychosis and schizophrenia. He's also got ptsd, which is one of the reasons why he's always fidgeting in the ACC. Not only is the paz scenes fake, and the cassette tapes hallucinated, but most likely skull face death is also a hallucination, a staged moment or both, considering huey can wak without being connected, skull face already escaped, and theres C4 on the radio tower that falls explodes and falls down on skull face.
Are schizophrenic protagonists just excuses for being lazy when it comes to continuity?
Really just depends on how they're used. Waiting until another piece of media in the franchise is released that is contradictory and/or retconning older things in the series and saying it was all a dream is bullshit. It worked really well in Alan Wake.
Is this a joke?
I want Holla Forums and normalfags to leave.
Well, at least you see reason with the niggers.
The women have to go too though. Women shouldn't be soldiers.
That outer harem stuff is pretty funny though.
Came here to fap, left redpilled, t-thanks pol
Venom made Paz his waifu
MGO3 was cool for a time
it had fat titties at least
Your characters all look slavic, what gives?
Those uniforms basically guarantee youll get malaria
You still haven't accepted your phantom pain? You still don't get that it was done like that on purpose? Didn't you listen to the tapes?
Fuck you Adam. You defend Sodomites and Kikes. You are dead!
Who the fuck is Adam?
You are right though, people should not consort with faggots and their kin.
Adam T.C. Wallace is the poolboy from TRS who got famous for sucking millennial woes cock. same soulless "civic nationalist" who made the NOBODY™ video cancerous e-celebrities like him deserve to be publicly executed in the most painful way possible.
I don't follow e-drama.
The video is still valid I believe but obviously that doesn't excuse faggotry and such.
I was wondering what this whole Holla ForumsTRS thing was. I felt like it was instigated by some leftypol retard though. Why waste the time and effort on TRS?
I still listen to TRS. I really don't think they're some sort of plants but I definitely am glad that I never got involved in the forums or anything like that. You know, just in case they do turn out to be that.
If you do the above you are the e-drama you dumb dirty kike. The video is not "still valid", its just pretentious bullshit. I am going to fly to England and cut Adams fucking head of and shit down his neck. The fucker is DEAD!
I won't fall for your bait. Genuinely made me chuckle. Pretty damned good.
Who is The Boss then?
Bitch-ass nigga doesn't even gucci mane.
A tranny. Also fictional.
you know this is why people hate you Adam.
Trannys cant have babies.
Best girl indeed
I only play as her TBH.
what did Ishmael do for 9 years in a hospital?
your mom
And thats how MGSV unintentionally gave me some of the best faps I've ever had
One job, and you fucked it up.
Didn't they just put him in the hospital like a few months before the incident happen?
Do you guys want a girlfriend?
Do you want a dog girlfriend?
Well you can't have one! Nobody can have a dog girlfriend! NOBODY!
user, please. I'm a recovering gurofag. Don't do this to me.
>>>Holla Forums
we memed a real estate reality tv star time traveler into the white house, don't tell me I can't have a dog girlfriend
Oh hold on, that reminds me of this!
There are too many implications, user. Think about how hard it would be to clean her. Does she sweat, unlike real dogs? Clothing could suffocate her. Can she think or does she have instinct? Does her pussy cut the circulation to your dick when it swells on to you?
So many questions…
but you can have a dog boyfriend.
she can do that herself fam
if she couldn't act and think like a human it wouldn't be a girlfriend user it would be a pet and that's degenerate :^)
I am mad that that exists and that I know the video it came from, and that I have this shitty fetish and was turned on watching it
do you have a micropenis you fucking nerd
Should get the black retexture for the sneaking suit fam.
Theres a mod that lets you model swap dd soldiers to quiet, and the skull girls outfit is one of the options for quiet outfits.
If it's big benis, then it's a lot of tightness, dingus.
do you know how dog pussy works friend
Should I?
Hey dude it's still better than liking cuck porn
>tfw I love MGO3 despite the occasional getting shot through walls by metal gears and Demolition Lv. 3 but no one talks about it
pls give me your thoughts, even if you think it sucks
You're not actually trusting satan, are you user?
I thought it died out on pc?
I tried really hard to like it but the peer to peer made it laggy as hell and it dies so fast I lost interest. I think we should organize a Holla Forums plays of it but that keeps getting said with nothing coming of it.
why is everyone talking about literal actual dog pussy right now
Moving away from the dog pussy theme.
I like it. It's more fair than exploit based MGO2, but I hate it at the same time because it's too generic, too safe, too small and just like MGO2, TOO DAMN LAGGY AND GLITCHY!
Stop bringing it up!
why aren't you, are you gay?
I swing both ways
Spreading degeneracy, as usual.
haha funny man im not gay though haha
so what's the source then?
plus I prefer mare pussy
Oh boy. Guess we better change the tittle of the thread to LOL now.
to each his own I suppose source
nigga das a horse
You're supposed to be into human pussy.
Is this right? I just want the uncropped horse, don't really feel like going through this niggas whole gallery.
Why do I want to fuck that horse?
Except mare pussy is infinitely more aesthetically pleasing as well as a range of other advantages
Because you know whats good for you
thanks my dude
But what if that's a baby butt instead of a pussy?
But what if it rears and kicks?
A girl saying how all girl's should fuck dogs and describing her and a friend making out and getting fucked by her dog.
Does she look like she's going to rear and kick you? No. She looks like she's going to push back against you and pin you to a wall and grind all your cum out of you
This is what happens when you're young and can't get a girlfriend. You take it out on other anons who are young and can't get girlfriends and you all get boners at the same time.
You got sauce on that horse there?
How often do you make your basefu shower?
Started as a waifu thread, ended as bestiality thread…
I fucking love this board and it's people!
So is this a high fantasy game?
what the fuck is wrong with you all!
…….. I am never letting my children watch modern cartoons. Fucking never. Holy shit.
you need to calm the fuck down, that's just 1 episode and the elephant was always a slut
because horse pussy best pussy
Remember Treetrunks was originally going to divorce him because she got bored
She'd be so fucking hot if it weren't for that receded chin.
That chin is so she can deepthroat better, user.
Jesus christ
Don't forget this
i want to fuck the cuckquean
No you don't, never fucking crazy.
tl;dr the (female) creator is a cuck who made a cartoon about women stealing her husband
She's a qt, i would totally introduce her to monogamous relationships with the power of my dick.
Why do I find cuckquean infinitely more acceptable than regular cuckolding?
because woman can surf mountains of infinite dicks just by existing
Because being weak, submissive and wanting a stronger partner that can fuck anyone - are feminine traits, a woman having such a kink is comparatively normal compared to guys - who should aim to be strong and dominant, rather than take some sick pleasure in wallowing in their own failure.
Because that's how anime harems work.
neato, decided to play the game today and after doing that mission again I got 2 soldiers Gold Fox and Amber Fox. I'm guessing it was from buying GZ when it went on sale. Anyways, why do females sound like they can't breathe after jogging 5 feet?
Shit is ridiculous
Prisoner extraction 3&9 in afganistan are guaranteed female with good chance for skills.
To farm nr9, clear out the snipers, go lay down and cuddle you new waifu and start the Cloaked in Silence mission.
Abort the mission and a new prisoner will be there.
She generally has the same rank as soldiers in the area.
Do not fulton her, this will complete the side op.
Same applies for nr3 but you need another route to do it with any speed.