What's your favorite type of pizza model in games? I like to see the rectangular, sharp edge pizza models.
What's your favorite type of pizza model in games? I like to see the rectangular, sharp edge pizza models
sharp edge
have you gay
They are probably very easy to partition.
Pizza Mozarella of course.
I only really like the pizza that is human/humanoid, female gender and between 9 to 14 years old, If possible 3D, 2D is fine too
I'm not talking about 3D Fender/cgi stuff, IRL Loli is the only NPD form of 3D, that's a fact.
Look at this filth. Look at the shitty, mushy dough on the 3d pizza.
You can't beat the original
I remember that map. Man, how long has it been, 10 years? RP was never fun again and literally every server started hosting downtown exclusively. Uber fucking retarded.
Pizza is a meme, it's shit. Only greasy, obese, disgusting Italians and Greeks(read:Niggerkikes) eat pizza. It's too dry, gives you heartburn like crazy, and is absolutely unhealthy.
unhealth is only a problem if yours unhealthy already
Kill yourself
Make your own pizza or find a good place, most restaurants are only interested in making thick pungent chunks of grease, instead of a balanced ensemble of thin crust, moderate cheese, delicious tomato sauce and fresh herbs, no rivers of grease.
But other things that are unhealthy can taste good. Pizza doesn't, it's a disgusting calamity of a meal that serves as a testament to the stupidity of the Italians.
There is no such thing as good pizza.
Extra crunchy, almost like biting into a CD
Why do you type like a butflustered fedora wanker?
I've only had shit types of x because im American so x is shit
Don't forget to degrease it
oh shit, i remember that thread
Does he have autism?
Why is that house exploding?
No this is actual protocol of those fast pizza delivery places. They're supposed to do it themselves but a lot of places don't as it just takes up time and napkins. Nobody notices either so it flies under the radar
Not nearly as much as
It would be all moldy and shit by then.
The fuck is wrong with you.
Just thinking about what a 14 year old pizza would look like is actually making me sick.
Why don't they just make pizza with less cheese?
What are you talking about? All foods are perfect at about 10 years of age, pasta, pizza, sauce, you name it.
You can't expect me to know every ED-celeb.
I believe 12 gives you more consistent results when it comes to having a proactive pizza that actually takes the lead from time to time. The whole fragile qt doll that stays still while you do everything gets old fast.
He's a borderline superhero.
Nigger if you haven't at least heard of his legendary autism in passing on your hopefully years browsing Holla Forums you are blind or retarded. I never even so much as entered a thread about him but there is no way to not know who he is and still have browsed this board for any length of time.
No, he has crippling OCD though and besides his weird complexities hes an actual decent human bean.
I rarely browsed Holla Forums on halfchan.
I only started using imageboards predominantly after the GG cuckchan exodus in September 2014.
I knew about him before coming here however.
Ulililia has been mentioned several times for all these years, if you do not know about him you are really fucking new.
Ulililia was on par with chrichan in popularity but these days he sorta just faded away.
I wonder if rule 9 was really necessary.
It's because he hasn't done anything since he deleted his youtube account a few years ago.
Leave the kids alone grandpa.
Do all jews have lens flares?
imo sauce with 10 year old pasta is the best. I don't know how pizza can even take the lead, surely it isn't ready?
Some pizza is just aggressive
How much fucking yeast did they put in this shit?
You can even make a conceptual cake out of it.
deep dish is good as shit
the pizza in mighty no 9 is pretty good
You shouldn't even be posting until 2 years from now you fuck. I waited 6 years before I even started posting. I even browsed boards I didn't like just to get an idea of the overall culture.
I'll eat anything that looks tasty and not too fatty, must use your fingers. Make sure the cooks have the correct headgear too.
I like to think that mark payed some guy to shine his car lights at him just to pull that off.
mah nigga!
fuck you that loading screen made me hungry
Wow that brings up memories
I like the ones without rape dungeons hidden in the basement of the pizza place
you are subhuman
Stuffed crust is objectively the best kind of pizza.
I'm a bit surprised.
too bad its somehow copyrighted and other pizza joints cant make it
furfag detected
Meat, pineapple, and jalapeno is the best combination.
Of course the cuckchan transplant is a pineapplefag.
Looks like a dog toy pizza. Thick plastic crust with only cheap acrylic paint on top to satisfy the humans and make them think it looks like pizza.
Maybe in America
Man, where has time gone? Even imageboards have been shit for almost as long.
Hol up
How old are you nigga? Aren't you supposed to be hanging out with ww2 vets?
I'm surprised they didn't fuck up the game itself after all these years. The community is obviously FUBAR, though.
Autism is an unpredictable thing. I wonder how garry feels.
fuck off john
but why