Why hasn't anyone made a Zelda killer?
I mean, how hard could it be?
Why hasn't anyone made a Zelda killer?
I mean, how hard could it be?
I was gonna reply seriously but
nothing gets as popular as games for children
there have been zelda clones, but they weren't aimed at children so the popularity simply wasn't all there
Alundra > 2D Zelda
Okami > 3D Zelda
Why would you try to kill a series on the verge of committing seppuku
Brand matters and helps sell franchises
Companies can make clones that are better than the original, but normalfags don't pay close enough attention to notice and fanboys don't want to admit someone else can beat the original.
Blizzard is a company that survives off it's brand. Other companies have made superior clones of their games but most people don't even try them. I really believe a lot of their recent games(like Hearthstone) would have been dead on arrival if the Blizzard name weren't attached to them.
It's the same thing with Nintendo's stuff
Nothing can ever have the brand recognition that zelda has. Zelda sells on name alone now, not actual quality
Check em
Ys has been around for ages.
Not our fault you're blind as fuck.
Yes I'll admit SS was a bunch of linear handholding, but the fight sequences were still a lot of fun.
Ys is not like Zelda at all, next you are gonna tell me that Crystalis is like Zelda too.
SS was a good game, but it wasn't a good Zelda game. I know that's a debatable topic, it wasn't as full, challenging, or compelling as the other titles. The most brilliant things in SS were the dungeon designs, but they were still incredibly easy.
The worst thing is that I want BotW to be good, but I just can't imagine that. Couple that with the fact I no longer want to give console manufacturers money (and I was a diehard Nintendo fanboy) I just don't see myself getting it.
Oh boy, i can't wait for MGSV
Op needs to go back to cuckchan.
Zelda games are piss poor, it's always the name that sells.
They have; it's called the Ys series.
Darksiders is not a Zelda clone at all faggotron.
Neither is Okami and Neither is Darkcloud.
It's a desperate kind of marketing.
Because no-one seems to understand what makes zelda good
Nowhere near as good, and Zelda is for everyone not just children.
Why have these remained unchecked!?
Stop incorporating the memes the marketing Jews want you to have in your brain, user.
A good game that raises the bar of a genre has never ever negated the existence of other games in the genre. The exceptions are the shitty "Madden" multiplayer FPS annual releases, as the playerbases shift rapidly to fit as much shit in their mouths as possible, like a flock of coprophagous pelicans.