Not sure if you guys saw it but news is going around that the Nintendo Switch's Paid Online is 2 dollars a month...

Not sure if you guys saw it but news is going around that the Nintendo Switch's Paid Online is 2 dollars a month. It's still bullshit, but the price isn't terrible.

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At that point, why have it paid at all?

Multiplayer = faggot tax. Stop supporting multiplayer or you deserve to get buttfucked.

Shit player detected

Remember that it is your fault that video games have become shit. Secondaries like you invaded and co-opted my activity.

They are also adding VR to the Switch

Well they're experimenting with it, it remains to be seen if they'll actually make it a thing.

Ah yes, I can remember when people complained that Tennis for Two was shit because it was based around multiplayer.

Please stop breathing.


That's so fucking low it makes my head spin wondering why they would even bother adding it in the first place. Are they going to do a bait and switch and outright remove it later to seem like the "good guys" or some shit? What's the Jewish trick here?

Fuck off normalfag, you don't have a single argument beside memespouting a variation of git gud to justify your cancerous existence

I think it's some metashit. It puts a wall up that basically makes it so they only need to host servers for people who are actually locked into the system.

It's not two it's twenty, you nigger.

You mean online or coop as well? I don't get why you don't want it, as finding someone to play obscure anime fighters it's kind of required.


Maybe that's an inherent design flaw then and developers should stop gimping games playability by making you dependent on the existence of other people in order to play them.

You're a very good shitposter. Is that how you deflect being such a faggot who came into someone elses hobby and ruined it?

durr hurr

I guess I missed "annually"

You guess?

I'm sure someone would still defend $20/month, somehow.

Ah, so you are pretending to be retarded, gotcha.

I've been playing highly competitive multiplayer tournaments since it was on fucking radar equipment. Then we got these fucking atari shitstains who literally can't play a fucking game unless it's again brainless AI that they can just memorize the attack patterns of.


It was already inferred.



That's a lobster you faggot

Please go back to cuckchan

Nope, its still terrible

That can't be real.

its do

after nintendo's servers were used as a free download server for piracy on the 3ds maybe they think paid online would stop piracy
they'd be totally wrong but

Wouldn't it be better to just make the servers more secure?


once a year; every year.
"the prize is awarded annually"
synonyms: yearly, once a year, each year, per annum, per year; every year
"we renew our membership annually"

its 20 bucks a year which is 1/3 of the cost of microshaft and 2/5 of psn.

so it isnt hard jew but, still jew.

lol they can literally make more through ads if it's only 2 usd a month

They might just do both.

way too fucking expensive, no way!

kind of hard to avoid paid online these days, people will say PC doesn't have it but clearly they don't play MMOs.

it's hard to even call 20 a year a jew move. It's hard for me to even complain to begin with since I don't play many online games. It doesn't make sense but it's far from some outrageous sum.

2 dollars/month is like 10 maple bux

still not gunna consider getting a switch until more shit gets announced. WiiU zelda 4 mii

I can see them doing that. How many Splatfests were there before they started being sponsored?


that's not a real game


your visual novels are not real games



If that's the case brace yourself for

Nice try, Kojima



If it's not on PC, the price will always be terrible.

In the eye's of executives some money is better than no money.

im certainly not paying to use the internet on my ps4 or my psvita, or to play games that have online content.

whats your excuse nintoddler?

Wouldnt they want positive PR over a small amount of money, im sure PR is harder to get than money.

Shareholders don't care about PR, though. Shareholders care about money. "We've started to charge for our online" reads better than "Online is still something we're giving away for free"

Good. Even if people hate the company, they wouldn't give half a shit if they got MORE money out of it. But it's nintendo, it's okay when they do it.

The PS4's online is not free. If you want to play games online you need a PS+ subscription

Somyggers are worse than Nintentoddlers.

How the fuck can you nintentards defend this blatant judaism?

Once they have you on a subscription service, they will raise the price every year and justify it by saying costs have increased. Which isn't necessarily a lie.

Every group of people is an organism with a will to power. That organism will do anything it can to expand it's power because it is in competition with other organisms that are doing the same.

The big fish eat the little ones user.

Life is agario.

when you consider the console will probably last between 5-8 years, it's an additional $200 over its entire lifetime, it's negligible if you consider the accessories and games you will end up spending on the thing.

kek, you manchildren aren't baller

which games?

Actually, there are some games on the PS4 that you can play without a PS+ sub. Like you can play Let it Die without a PS+ sub

All console fans are cancer.

as far as I know, any game with online multiplayer, like an FPS or Bloodborne. Perhaps I'm wrong. I don't own a PS4 but I remember watching the PS4 revealed and they announced PS+ would be required for online multiplayer.

It's mainly just Free-to-play games and MMOs with a separate sub like FFXIV where you can play online without paying for PS+

and no, you don't have to pay for bloodbornes online. i mean shit, if you're gonna banter at least use facts, outright making shit up makes you look pathetic, well, more pathetic than you look owning a nintendo product beyond the SNES.

enjoy paying for internet twice.


That's actually a pleasant surprise. I really didn't expect that.
It legitimately gives the impression that the cash is purely for maintenance and quality.

If they were smart they would advertise this against their competitors.

It's like newfags don't see the giant fucking targets sitting on their backs.
sage for off topic

What did he mean by this?

I was wrong about Bloodborne. Good for you. But like says, any online game except free 2 plays and MMO with their own subscription model will require a paid PS+ to enjoy online, just like Microsoft's Xbox Gold.

still making shit up fam? deal with it, you lost, the switch is shit.

it don't be like it, but it do

Nintendo shill pls go


here's the source:

So I gotta read the whole thread to find the fucking source. It's not even op, and you faggots are still as butblasted as ever.

I'm not defending it, I'm just saying the source is there. I'm not getting a switch, Unless it is used and cheap, and hackable

it was the fifth fucking post you mongoloid,

2 bucks a month is doable, but I'm more concerned bout all this smartphone integration

Where's the batshit user shitposting about Nintendorks when you need him?

Literally go to Fightcade and get your ass some obscure fighting. Go.

It's a game of balancing. Paid online is a drop in PR, but low-cost paid online is a less substantial drop, and in a way it is a gain. The system had low PR from the get go, so to make amends they're gonna do this kind of stuff to try and maximize profit.

The price of paid online is at least better than was expected (I think many were expecting $5/month, and this is at least half that price). Even still, that's still not free like their Sony competition and the vast majority of Internet websites/servers out there, and I think many are going to be left dissatisfied with their Switch purchase whether they're paying for online or not (and have a nerfed console as a result), especially if they purchase games like Splatoon, which at least on WiiU was hardly anything but an online experience.

I just can't imagine the Switch not selling well at launch with the new Zelda and an OK software lineup for the year.
Despite several red flags, lots of people are going to jump on the new Zelda, and lots of people are going to jump on Splatoon, despite the paid online.
However, I wonder just how many people will be satisfied paying $360 plus ~$30/year for just Splatoon. Many will make the investment, I think, but I seriously wonder if those people will think it was worth the purchase afterwards.

I think many of them will decide Nintendo isn't worth the money, and either stop buying from Nintendo altogether, or at least become much more reserved and hesitant in their purchases.
Nintendo is headed down a dangerous route where their obsession with making money in the short term will lose them more money in the long term.

They could have advertised no paid online and have that be a major selling point.

He was saying multiplayer is shit. I was just giving him a reason why you may need it. I know about fightcade already. Though months fees are still stupid and I still don't see a reason to buy the switch other than splatoon. Buying a console for one game isn't something to do.

PS4 has paid online with exceptions like MMOs with their own subs or F2P games. Unless we're including the Vita and PS3 in the "competition" than it's not free.
Worked for Sony and M$ so far. There's clearly a shit ton of retards willing to pay to use the internet, that they've already paid for, just on a specific device.

They determined that it's more profitable to do this. $24 a year doesn't sound like a lot, but given that there will be a sizable chunk of Hardcore Nintendo fans that will do this for a couple years, and each of them pays $24 a year, it adds up.


$2/month is better than I thought it would be, but how many games will actually need online multiplayer? Why not just slap an extra $5 on the price of the game? Why not use a one-time online pass system, specifically for games like Splatoon 2? It sounds like they're doing a subscription for the sake of having a subscription, and trying to justify it with "You can use your phone" and "You get a free 30 year old game for a month".

what are you doing on computer switch? come wrap yourself around my dick right now or you're going back into the box.


I'm just saying I'd rather have the price of the online service come as some small, one-time payment instead of having a subscription sapping my money over time.
I never had a PS3/360, how bad was it?

I wish we could remove the consolefag gene.

But think of how many sales from parents seeing "NO PAID ONLINE". Paid online is a huge reason why i didnt buy a next gen console until i got a ps4 for my birthday

Nintendo is fucking retarded when it comes to online, so when I heard that they were making online less shit I expected it to be paid online. That having been said, if you notice their little chart on their site, during the free period none of the extra stuff is available. What that says to me is that they're making you pay for all the extra shit, not necessarily getting online in and of itself. I would gladly settle for Nintendo's crappy old online service if they'd offer me it for free. Instead, I'll probably just bug my brother to pay for the online service since he's a Splatoon addict and will probably be using it most anyway.


Other way around, kid. Video games were founded on multiplayer.

Bad, on top of the game you buy from EA you had to buy a $10 to $20 online pass to play multiplayer, non-refundable.
This is how Nintendo has been doing it, technically, with online services being subsidized from the prices of hardware and software sales.

Does this mean there's hope for Nioh?

With the prices of the Switch controllers and dock I don't think that's the only thing being subsidized.

I haven't brought a console in a long time 15 years so I have some questions about all this newfangled online bullshit.

Can users run their own game servers so that when the dev pulls the plug you can still play MP?
Do the consoles have to be online, can I run it without any connection? What functionality will I lose?
What if I don't pay for online, are there community run networks?
Anything else I need to know since everything has gone to shit?

In order;
No, Yes
Not really

Unless they changed stuff, you do have to pay for PS+ for Bloodborne.

Thanks user, I'll go back to pretending consoles don't exist now.

well, apparently im a huge raging faggot and you DO have to pay for bloodbornes online

just ignore my shit up and call me a massive fag, i deserve to get laughed at.

Depends on if their servers and stuff are worth it this time around or not. One could argue they sucked ass before because Nintendo didn't put money into it before.


dark souls 3 is also paid online on the consoles. while the online is free on PC.

i dont understand how Let It Die can give you free game, free online, and more gameplay time than all souls games combined, and be free on the console, but memesouls and delayedattackborne can't.

Are we being invaded by a Sony marketing firm, wtf is going on ITT?
You most definitely have to pay a subscription fee online to access multiplayer on the PS4
And "many games" is marketing spin for every game that isn't free to play or an MMO with it's own sub.

yeah, if nioh has any sort of online thing, it will be paid.

piracy can't come soon enough.