Hideki Kamiya is a X

what word describe him?


Using a single word to describe a person is too limiting, though I suppose all you can be summed up as is a faggot.

Sexist :^)



pretty cool guy
anyone got a screenshot of that thread with a bunch of Anons larping as kamiya
that was hilarious


tit lover.


Hideki Kamiya is a cuckchan template thread



a nigger?

His hairline's not that bad for someone in his 40's. I don't why he's so insistent on shaving his head.


he can use head as big penis


Mental patient

bald looks good on skinny asians


whatever your feelings for him, it cannot be denied that he reacts more strongly and emotionally than the average lad, and often/publicly enough that it's a defining featuer

No matter who Hideki Kamiya is, at least he isn't this poster



I assume it means he's already waiting in the bedroom :3

That being said, while Holla Forums respects him for his balls, the man is too directionless to be "based" per se.

He is, in essence, just an angry man who makes video games. He's probably old-fashioned, dude doesn't realize that taking and giving shit means next to nothing online.

That only works when you have followers or an arbitrary karma system that regulate your "success"

He's only ever angry towards Westerners. Imagine it's because you're spending energy trying to read something in a foreign language, and then you finally get it and it turns out it was some garbage post you wasted your time on.

He says he almost never blocks Japanese people.

Someone should link him this thread, just for lols.

you should, namefag