Other urls found in this thread:


Nice template thread OP. Check em.


And this is why Holla Forums and Holla Forums go hand in hand.


But you can still travel into the US as long as you're a citizen.
Libs just can't fucking stop to lie and twist words around.

lmao what the fuck does that have to do with their website, pokemon, or even video games? Their database is a piece of shit and inferior to the alternatives anyway.

I wouldn't chalk it up to lying. It's just they are too stupid to understand the laws in place and look it up for verification. We have to tools to just instantly search for the relevant information and all they really use it for is memes and cat videos. That is the current generation we're living in.


Great, now this faggots can't even have an pokemon wiki without inserting their politics.

How long until we have an SCP that has to eat illegal aliens every day or he blows up the earth ?

I wonder why they felt compelled to post that. Did they worry that if they didn't they were going to be accused of supporting it? Or did they feel the need to reassure their user-base that they didn't agree?
I have to question whether or not a Pokemon encyclopedia is the place to get political or express one's political viewpoint.

It gets even better when you read the thread for this update. Two pages, and only three people think it's stupid to talk about politics on a pokémon forum.

It's less that they're lying and more that they're being willfully ignorant of the situation so they have another reason to shit on Trump.

My roommate told me about the immigration ban and he described it as "Trump randomly threw darts at countries in the middle east". Fucking idiot doesn't know the countries were specifically labelled as the most dangerous countries by Kang Nigger.

every single website is doing that. it's good to know which is to be avoided and will soon collapse into SJW

welcome to virtue signalling.

If it's written the page and the writers will treat it as horrible as an event as Procedure 110-Montauk, or even worse.


I hate virtue signaling. Why bring politics into everything? Not only just videogames, I can't listen to music or watch movies anymore without some idiot trying to shove an opinion down my throat.

Because there is a major happening coming


What are you, a cuck? Now as a pure Aryan myself I must study the jewish conspiracy in these images.

>>>Holla Forums

What is with all the asshurt over Holla Forums on Holla Forums recently?


Do you even know what a template thread is? Hint: this isnt one.

politics is "in" now, because of how intense media coverage has been and how popular the american election got, everybody is talking about it.
Give it a few years and maybe everyone will revert to cat videos and reality tv.

Will the ride ever end?

>it's against my politics so it's LOL
Webcomics, nigger.

>>>Holla Forums

I always had the hunch that Bulbapedia was directed by a bunch of faggots

Do you know why most people are browsing on Holla Forums right now? It started a long time before the elections and its not a problem that will just go away sadly

Is Serebii a decent source for Pokemon related information these days, or has Joe cucked out too? Haven't been there in a long time.

Wouldnt exactly call it shit but this is ridiculous. Like said, what about serebii or other sites? I've been using solely bulbapedia all this time

Lying is intentionally saying untrue things that you are aware of. This is just straight up stupidity and drinking the MSM's kool-aid.

Your first mistake was thinking pokemon are good games.

Of course, cowards

yeah serebii is pretty much the best database on the games from my experience, the only downside is the 2004 esque website design

Agreed. Has nothing to do with the site or Pokemon, yet they have the gall to call themselves a leader of the Pokemon community and then go do the whole virtue signal act.

Thanks, I assume the forums are probably fucked to a ridiculous degree (as forums tend to be), but if the main site's fine, that's fine with me.

I kind of miss that one Pokemon fan site that had random Pokemon music play in the background. Can't remember exactly which it was.

Is there a good site or downloadable archive of Pokemon data for the series? I prefer to be able to archive things locally instead of relying purely on it always being there online (that and I never know if my internet will bungle up at random junctures down the road).

Thanks, will switch over to Serebii now then.

As a side note, their virtue signaling facebook post:

I stopped paying attention to SCP when some interactive story 'game' with xir pronoun werewolves that din do nuffin was top rated for a month.

Really hoping the people that made the original Spyro and PS2 Ratchet and Clank aren't there anymore, or are at least the people in the background that don't look particularly happy that their company is cucking like this (or more professionally, wasting time that could be spent making vidya to virtue signal).

Funnily enough, Jews apply to both cases.

The only thing that comes to mind is mobile applications. If you type in bulbapedia or serebii on the mobile app stores you will get neither, instead you will get apps which do more or less the same but aren't as complete

Holla Forums has been advertising on Reddit to get users so they can have the numbers to raid the rest of the site.

Not sure. Would be neat if maybe some non-cucked guy at bulbapedia forked the site though, the way some guy that got fed up with certain kinds of shit on TV Tropes made a fork into Allthetropes. That way at the very least the old information could be retained without giving the old site clicks, though anything from that point on would have to be newly written.