At least it has diversity

at least it has diversity

I don't know what this is but it looks gay so I guess I don't care.



what's this, dong physics simulator?

Literally what?

Choke on a dick OP.


Zelda killer from the makers of the original Halo killer

People give a shit about this game?

Never heard of it. Looks like shit.

Are you the same retard who has been making shit-ass OPs since yesterday and responding with nonsense to other posters? You must be. Reported.

we wuz bravehearts

thought it was a new bioware rpg or something looks fucking awful

It's the great and mighty horizon zero dawn if anyone's wondering. You know, the game that made everyone go SONY WON E3!!!1!!

it may look like shit but I have to be honest – at least it doesn't look as bad as a bioware game. Mass Effect Andromeda looks like a 360 game.


I did until very recently, vids emerged which demonstrated sub-Bethesda tier animations and voice acting in sidequests besides the whole preorder for exclusive content bullshit, always a good sign for a quality game I could accept that shit in previous years as shitty animations and VA weren't so bad when everything looked and sounded bad, but now the characters look pretty lifelike but still animate like in gen6 and it fucking clashes hard. The uncanny valley is real, shit's creeping me out.

You could at least try, OP.
Anyway, the awkward way the redhead is animating is garbage.
The end.

Yes, it has all of the animals of the zoo.

Affirmative action even stretches as far as animation budgets these days it seems.

wow, how'd they fit so much FUCKING DROPPED into six seconds of footage?

So is this the world's first feminist action game with the world's first female protagonist and the world's first diverse cast of characters?

And if you put a white person in an African setting and everyone treated them like they belonged there and they'd lose their fucking minds.

I'm sure it will be a big consolation for the developers when they get fired because the game bombed at retail.

Someone should fucking do this.

Yakub: The Age of Kangz.

Lots of people already did, look up whitewashing.

Guerilla games has never made a game worth playing, no reason to believe they will start now.

You mean like South Africa?

>even though the Helghast are the good guys and the victims just like IRL
You can't cure stupid.

It's a post-apocalyptic setting where people dropped back into a bronze-age civilization while robots roam the landscape.
Of all the things to complain about, the fact that there might be nogs and slimes running around apocalyptic America or Europe isn't that off.

The point is that they keep shoving these disgusting animals in escapism when no one is asking for them.

Nothing has ever gotten better by adding niggers to it.


Oh shit I just remembered the Anziques. Someone should do a game with them and Blemmyes and Cynocephali and all those weird people set in Africa.


is this that robot dinosaur game? thats a bummer, what little i saw of it looked kinda neat.


We've been invaded for the past two days


Porn has objectively gotten better.

We don't care about gameplay here on Holla Forums.


its the HWNDU stream I think, someone mentioned its not allowed over at 4chan anymore.

instantly dopped.

Leftists are my quality control system. The more they like something, the shittier it is, the more they screech about something, the better it is.

It's how I know Trump is doing plenty of things right, the leftists haven't stopped screeching since he got inaugurated.

Waste of quads tbh. Only using other people to form your opinion shows you don't really know how to form it yourself.

Pretty good first line of filter tbh. Still produces lots of false positives and negatives, but less than most other filters.

Leftists like Video Games, clearly they are degenerate trash and you should do something else.

The Helghast are literally the only reason I played the original.

So smart and original. WOW!

Is the game set in future europe or america?
Because either way having whites there at all is what's unrealistic.

That's not true though.

I'm still waiting for Japan to make a squad based Jin-Roh FPS that lets you go hunting after Marxist vermin in the sewers.

Also, isn't red hair recessive?

if its post apocalyptic all niggers would be dead as they wouldn't have welfare to keep them alive.

You do understand that we've hovering around 2200 users, give or take ~20, for SEVERAL months now, right?

Just when you thought halfchan had already reached its lowest ebb.


It seemed more like doing the opposite of what the left says is just how he gets his recommendations, not his opinions.

Genetics are raycist, made up by the white heterocispatriarchy to keep down stronk independent wymyn of color

It's a matter of aligning tastes. If Holla Forums says a game looks like shit, they are very rarely wrong. If leftists praise a game, you can bet that it's nothing but shitty pandering.

those are some bioware tier animations

But since everyone but Holla Forums is a leftist, how does that leave you with anything to like ? I'm being called a leftist all the time here and I love stalker, killer7, EDF, thief, hitman and silent hill.

Yeah, and our PPH going from ~260 to almost 400 today is a coincidence?

Sure is, since if the active user count isn't going up, we can't possible be getting "invaded".

BG&E was released ages ago though

Yeah? Check the board log. it's like another shoah

Nice pipedream, but Africa is basically pre-civ/post-apocalypse now and it has plenty of niggers. They'd still subsist by propping up a trash-heap with rotten boards to use as a impromptu village and raiding/pillaging anybody who actually does manage to build or grow anything of value.

So one autist with a VPN spamming the shit out of the board = getting invaded by cuckchanners?

What is wrong with her face? she looks like a fucking alien.

I was referring to Europe being cold, of course niggers would survive in hot climates, they dont need to prepare for anything and can sleep anywhere and food is in abundance.


I guess the swivel neck is a feature of "shutting up" and letting black people talk first.

You mean unless they live in one of the many deserts.

Food can be found even in deserts

I'm not saying there isn't, but there sure as hell isn't an abundance there.

>What is Portal

In adverts and propaganda, reality don't matter. Especially when both of those come together.

a female protagonist doesn't make a game feminist
a 'feminist game' is required to hammer in its 'all men are literally hitler and wymyn are better at everything' message in the most unsubtle way possible

And people tell blacks aren't inventive.

Cisbusters of Vyda confirm
Can Sony please die already?

Please don't post edits, Holla Forums. You can't meme properly.

nice leftygames ya leftybutthead

Post the concept art. You people know not true pain yet. I think the setting is pretty cool. Doesn't have to make sense, just be cool and fun. But its ruined because of stronk womyn and diversity.

Leave it to progressive feminists to ruin great ideas.

When you have hundreds of millions of dollars to spend you can fit as much absolute fucking radioactive garbage in any game.

Because that has become the foundation of the video games industry!

Do games with this kind of fistfucked garbage ever sell? how well did Watch_Dogs 2 do again?

Why do they keep doing this?

Nice Quads my dude.

Is this going to help sales for this Hindenburg of a game?

We can't have things like well designed characters or good animation or competent voice actors or a plot that isn't ripped from some lunatics fanfic…. Its all racist or sexist or Patriachal or something like that.

If you like videogames then you fucking shouldn't because they ain't made for you anymore old man.

Your dubs are another shoah.

what is this garbage edit?

Like shit, Mafia 3 was supposed to sell eight million copies, didn't even manage a million, EA keeps mum on how (un)successful Inquisition was, the new Mirror's Edge is already forgotten and Tale of Tales had that delicious twitter meltdown when they failed to make money.

Also, Sony's movie branch lost a billion dollars this year because of Cuntbusters, and they're gonna lose even more in 2017 with Emoji (where Patrick Stewart voices poop) and Barbie (starring Hebrew pig Amy Schumer).

We're in for some fun times.

Oh fuck me how? see with the Barbie movie i can under why they would pick that loathsome jew pig Schumer for the roll; it's because Barbie is a garbage movie and Schumer is a garbage human being. but Patrick Stewart is so fucking beyond anything like Emoji that Sony must have just blackmailed him into the roll.

That's a shame, the game looked like it had an interesting setting that they could sell the game on all on its own as long as they didn't shit the bed.
But it appears they've decided to fill a swimming pool with faeces.

It's because Barbie is white, blonde, blue eyed and attractive. The Jew deliberately chose the ugliest kike sow they could find, it's blatant demoralization propaganda that will make Sony of Japan come at them with drawn katanas. I guarantee you Rothman will learn that the Jew fear the Samurai when he gets to experience his own personal shoah.

How the fuck is the setting interesting? It's just tribal niggers and robots pretending to be animals.

Barbie has been a thorn in the eyes of feminists for decades.

It was more than Cisbusters (Complete Failure of Passengers which was supposed to be their big Oscar bait piece likely did more damage) but the fact they put a billion write down and a profit warning on this quarter before their results are released this evening means that the division's in huge trouble. So much that Hirai himself said he's going to set up office in California and oversee pictures while they find a new CEO.

The big worry from a gaming perspective is that Hirai has now said the studio is not for Sale. But Hollywood insiders reporting on the potential bidders said that Sony was considering merging it with the Playstation division and making one big entertainment arm.

Now that would be a colossal trainwreck.


I'm sure you believe in We Wuz Kangz too.

I'll keep wondering what is up with the Left's fascination with muds.

Niggers in Africa get welfare. It's called foreign aid.

Go look at Africa's history and list all the remarkable Nigger Civilizations. Egypt doesn't count.

Next you'll be saying a Nigger invented peanut butter.

Maybe the Nips won't be so stupid this time around to put a bunch of Jews in charge.

Carthage. :^)

So when can Malcolm X get played by Justin Beiber?

Carthage was a Phoenician colony. It had as much to do with niggers as Greece did.

Fuck man, it's right there in his name. I mean, if they're going to lie anyhow…

Reminder that calling Niggers Africans is looting a term that was meant for North Africans.


I'm pretty sure Sokraykraytes and All-star of Macedon, among others, were black.



Niggers and slimes wouldn't survive the initial upheaval.

fucking britcucks get out this is an

Reminds me of how people got mad at having Chris Redfield as a protagonist for Resident Evil 5 because he was shooting black people in Africa, ignoring the fact that they were zombies and he had a black partner named Sheva. Context just seems to get lost when it comes to an agenda. Not entirely the same as accepting white guy in Africa but probably would still elicit the same responses.

Also, I get wary of people that trump diversity and just put a black person or woman in there. Never see many Mexican, Asian, Indian or Native American characters whenever diversity is concerned. When they do, it always has to have something related to mythology or culture instead of the usual second or third generations living here that don't really care much about their ancestor's culture. They may practice it but aren't literally tied down to it that they become walking encyclopedias in the medium they are shown to teach the ignorant white man.

The reason they choose a black character or woman character is really for striking difference between the norm in their perception. It makes it seem different when in reality, it'd probably be generic piece of trash when looked objectively. Not that different when the colors black and white is used often to signify good and evil. Basic color theory applied to the often described white male main character, makes the choice that a black and/or female character/s must be the exact opposite is not a huge leap in logic for many.

It's the reason we had such a huge deluge of strong female characters in movies, even though we had them before. With social media putting every little thing under the microscope, the bar is set too high that everybody just forgot how to make genuinely good characters in general. They've turned everything into a balance statistic when there is one area that is problematic, they have to create an equal number of counter-problematic ideas to offset it.

I guess that is what happens when you're forced to listen to all criticism instead of parsing out the useful ones. Taking advice from the loudest instead the smartest one in the social sphere has made professionals lose confidence in what they were made to do even more. We are just making things that are only good for the now (if it actually succeeds) instead of something good many years from now and has really killed the diversity of all mediums. Instead of good and unique, all we've got is shit homogeneous progressive drivel.

I'm hoping there is a entertainment renaissance because I don't think the crash that people are praying for will turn out the way they want.

No clue, but unfortunately some of them clearly do sell, Battlefield Kangz was one of the best selling games this year and i'm pretty sure it's the best selling entry in the series.

top kek, implying Africa's current demographics are self sustainable, implying all of Africa's food isn't importing from whitey, implying organizations like Doctors without Borders don't keep millions of nigger alive every year.
If the west/U.N. cutoff all foreign aid to Africa, the continents population would be cut in half within a few years.

thats because its battlefield, not because of what is considered diversity

everyone who preaches that hannibal=WEWUZ should be shot. its such a terrible distorion of the facts


pick one

Never change, Holla Forums.

You have any proof-a-doodle-do to that claim??

Reddit spacing

Looking at the nigger makes me sad enouth to enslave a whole race just to save them from themselves.



None of these game are feminist precisely because they have competent female protagonists. The core belief of feminism is that women are victims incapable of doing anything unless they adopt and preach the cult's beliefs 24/7 which is the last thing that happens in those games because the protagonists are too busy actually solving problems by themselves.

I agree


Is there somewhere to find old pre-poitical correctness athropology docs like this? Or what I can search for on youtube to find them? Also keywords to find 1900s-1960s anthropology books?

If i'm not mistaken, the premise of the Barbie movie is that she gets kicked out of Barbie-world exactly because she's a fat and ugly sow and then spends the rest of the movie in a run of the mill fish-out-of-water story where she roams the real world and learns that beauty is on the inside or some shit like that.

Essentially what i'm trying to say they either specifically picked Schumer because she kinda looks like a fat Barbie or they changed the story to fit her bloated body.

They couldn't even make her sexy-brown, huh? They had to make her look like a literal baboon.


No. Amy Schumer is a special kind of ugly that only thousands of years of Semitic inbreeding can achieve.


The game doesn't even give a good reason for it not to have guns, or why the robits exist

It's like somebody said "Let's have robotic animals" and then dropped logic off a cliff by having society drop back to the fucking stone age for absolutely no reason

This is just another prehistoric hunt and grab, except all the dangerous shit is now robots

I hate third wave feminism

Muds aren't attractive unless they have serious Euro or Far East mixture.