4 AM

plus 4 minutes edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Sangria can fuck off.


in b4 no fun allowed squad show up

Feels good whenever that happens.

You mean that one mod who doesn't now they should only bumplock?

Stop deleting the thread just to remake it sangria. Its pretty obvious what you are doing.

Whats good user?

I take it Sangria deleted the thread?


4 am not found
hahahahahahahaha i get it monica

I think it's my fault

I don't think they are even here tonight. Its just sangria being a dumb ass like usual. At least lime seems to not be this much of an idiot. He just bump locks it.

Whats that?

Had a reply to an user in the previous thread, but it was deleted before I could post.

I miss documentaries too. Hell, it's not just History Channel, but Discovery Channel and Animal Planet pretty much went to shit too last I checked.

For what purpose? Shitposting?




I made a 4am thread 2 hours ago as I was out of whack and thought it was 4am at that time

Got any good links to history docs on kiketube? Always looking for new ones to watch.

I prefer weebshit history

And I haven't watched tv tv in years honestly. My family cancelled it when they got netflix. They cancelled that too eventually so its all online now for me.

What is the point of this post?

So, Sangria.
Are you Regalia with a name change after you sperged out and said you made mark your bitch. Or are you a sockpuppet account for other mods to do the shit that would get others pissed off at them if they did it on their main administrative accounts?

Still dont get it. What's he doing.

Check the filename

donut question me fam

I deleted it because im actually Sans

Sangria is a jealous bitch over posting a dumb thread.

Question from old thread was "Whats your favorite grand strategy game?" by the way.

Ohhh nah that ain't it. If some anti 4am shitposter creates a thread around 4am then sangria deletes the one thats on time in favor of the other one. If theres no other thread he just deletes the real thread and makes his own sometimes. Not your fault.

Wouldn't surprise me with this top shelf moderation

hey fams
everyone at work is getting the god damned flu except me apparently because despite getting little sleep because I moved recently and me not getting flu shots, THE OTHER NIGHT AUDITOR GOT SICK WITH THE GOD DAMNED FLU AND I'M WORKING TONIGHT FUCKING CHRIST

have a super cute little girl I found on Holla Forums

I havn't played a grand strat I could get into but I liked Civilisation 2

ye ye fam dat nigga


What if it's Lime with a name change

How can we possibly lose?

Not really; certainly not that youtube user. Have something Holla Forums found about dumbass abos burning their continent down.

He posted a picture of Sangria Wine, which is probably Sweet
Which is a jab at the mod Sangria


I fucking miss old history channel that wouldn't shut about WW2 and shit youtube.com/watch?v=JDz-z92Qc4Q

I want to take my cute daughteru hunting some day.

Whats good in the hood monica?

Kek is on your side user, stay strong

I don't know much about alcohol, sorry.

It's a bit worrying that mod abuse of power like this is allowed tbh. It'll be interesting to see which way Holla Forums goes with actions like these allowed by those in charge.

Gotta admit, they both have that pretentious sounding name a faggot would make. Like someone fashioning themselves as a "cultured" person.

Hence, the sockpuppet account bit. It's pretty common for people in positions of power to use fall guys or new accounts on forums to do things that would have backlash otherwise.

Its not. A couple of days ago Lime deleted the off time thread while regelia deleted the on time one at the same time. They don't even communicate with each other it seems.

Ayyy thanks I'll throw it up after the thread to watch.

Isn't Holla Forums ded at this point?

Same I'm just guessing

We are both dead and one of the most powerful forces on the planet

Nah, Holla Forums is declining, especially in pph those user I.Ds have been steadily going down. Holla Forums and Holla Forums are steadily increasing though.

I blame shit vidya


I mean any mod here is just sucking off mark anyway, hes not going to throw a friend of his off the bus.

shieeet u kno still goin thru odin sphere on dat slow shit monica readin summa dat damn ole manga monica how bout'chu monica

Blame the election and cuckchan Holla Forums's quality staying the same. It's gotten to the point where 8/v/ is just as bad as cuckchan's.

Who else here is getting ready to live off their backlog from now on? My PS2 Memory Card with FreeMcBoot just came in today, so all I need is some blank DVDs and I'll basically have the entire PS2 library waiting for me.

nobody cares about the liberals

you need money to get your robo waifu first fam

funny thing, the other night auditor is super shit at opsec and saves shit to the download folder without deleting it

I blame shit moderation and favoritism.

Essentially. I cant remember if it was a month before or after, though I know Regalias leaving happened very closely around Sangria showing up. And they both tend to do the same shit, and have gay ass sounding names. Wouldnt surprise me one bit.

I should learn nip knowing that the nips will keep all the good games for themselves from the SJWs.

Been trying to do a "blessed" run of the Gungeon you only get one gun, it changes at random periodically, and you can't get extra guns but I keep getting fucked over.
fug :DD

ps2 had so much shit n it was bak when da tech n da innovation was rly crossin w/ each other too monica. I doubt anyone could even get thru dat catalogue tbqh w/u monica

Patiently waiting for next monday for more gabchan and gang. God damn I fucking love this show. Might just rewatch the first 3 episodes today.

Might play some "zombies ate my neighbors" later, ain't played that in 20 fucking years.

What manga you reading?

If the tech gets here I will. Until then I'm good.

Though I did put in apps places yesterday anyway.

like applying for a job or you're making android apps?

Trips of truth.

If Vidya was good we'd have something to talk about

I don't really have a "backlog" really but I play almost exclusively older games.

Pretty sure it was after but I didn't pay as much attention to the mods until recently.

Applying at places.


i heard dat lil witch academia is pretty gud if u into dat shit seem like it all ladies too if u were lookin for sumn to fire up next fam. artstyle kinda look like steven universe tho oddly enuff.

galaxy express 999 but almost done at least w/ what's available to me atm may have to do sum diggin cuh, no way dis whole thang ain't been translatin yet fam

Wouldnt surprise me. Things are starting to come to a head, and with Shareblue on the horizon as well as Holla Forums and Holla Forums fighting it out on the site, things are only going to get worse on Holla Forums, and current moderation does not seem up to the task whatsoever. I honestly have no idea how this is all going to end, but i'm definitely interested. Feels like were heading to a climax.

Holla Forums hates almost everything, with good reason nowadays. Besides, its not like there was all that great vidya 2 years ago when we first migrated over from halfchan. We mostly talked about vtmb, stalker, anime, waifus and other shit.


I ain't play that weird shit fam. Stupid magic girl shit turns me off fast. I just want cute girls doing cute things not cute witches doing witch things etc

This, we at least brought up a lot of topics.

good luck hitler-kun

I'm tempted to bomb the interviews on purpose so it at least seems like I'm trying to my folks

Looking at nippon budgets and doing math makes this seem too impossible for me to do.

Which is why 8/v/ died from the get go
It's still ok

Well I went into two interviews with that Idea Because I was offered a 4 week Job trial at the interview before and ended up doing ok in both of them

I really meant "backlog" as in "every decent game up to the end of the seventh gaming generation".

Really liking this vidya music track I finally found the name for.

I don't really buy new games that much anyhow, so that's mostly the case for be aside from my Vita and the very tail end of PS3 games that have been coming out, like Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.

Word of advice though: You might want to do some research as to how big some of those PS2 games are, as well as what sort of discs you might need. Mostly saying because some games used DVD-9 and I'm not sure how readily that burns. Also some games still had multiple discs of actual content, like Shadow Hearts: Covenant.

Tried to rework the PS2 images I'd seen in the past into something better before.

Hitler Channel was preferable to [CURRENT YEAR] History Channel. At least before it had tried to have some semblance of a historical bent to it. Now it's like every educational channel is just reality TV shit 80% of the time. Probably because that actually gets the views from the masses.

Might mention that that's part two of apparently episode 2. Look up "01 Eternal Frontier" if you want to start it from the beginning, or "01 The Burning" if you want just the start of that particular episode. Again, the main reason for Holla Forums having linked to it was abos being dumber than niggers in the context of a documentary.

My friend claims that's the case. Apparently reason enough for him to stay on halfchan, combined with he higher speed. He's a night owl though and has some claim that "the quality gets much better at night" for halfchan these days.

kay (' 3 `)

My Neo geo Cartridge boxes came in today. I think they look pretty good in my display case.

I don't visit cuckchan only to remind me how bad it was, well it got to the point where I couldn't tell the difference.

How hard did you try to fail? Like if I bring up waifus and shit I feel like I'll definitely not get it.

Ahhh yeah I hear you. Then yeah same shit here really. I'm trying to complete all the good games I can find on NES and PS1 primarily first. Then maybe gamecube.

Yeah I've read about how dumb abos are before. Like forgetting how to make fire and shit. Should be fun.

u dun like feel guilty about bein a undue burden n shit monica?

What was the last game you played that you actually enjoyed?

I replayed Shadowrun a month or so ago. It was just as comfy as I remembered it being. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a games setting as much as I have in this game, and the character customization system is still one of the best and most flexible in any RPG. The grinding, which there is plenty of, is comfy enough that it doesn't get boring, and because the matrix is like a totally different world it's like you're playing 2 games at once.

It makes it hard to find new anime honestly. It sucks.

Not really. Its better than me committing sudoku several years ago like if I had been working


I don't understand what you mean by this

Just the boxes? That's pretty cool.

Super spy hunter about a month ago. Still need to go back and beat it.

Only reason I had motivation to get a job was because I planned a trip to Tokyo for later this year. But now I realize I won't be able to go unless I work like 8 months.

I'm missing 5. It's rare, & I have to be a god damn forensic investigator to tell which ones on eBay are bootlegs & which ones aren't, which is important because it's a $300 game, cart only.

Some of them have games inside too. I ordered the boxes first since I thought they would go out of stock soon. I think they look pretty spiffy.

I guess having over board be vocal (and justified) dislike of recent games/systems/industry as a whole, and general shitpost/template threads is preferable. Sad thing is that I can still kind of remember when Holla Forums (half/v/ at that; been lurking imageboards since '06 at least, maybe earlier) didn't have the stereotype of "Holla Forums with a vidya angle."

Unfortunately here it's like there's no room for video game boards aside from Holla Forums. Any attempts at doing so either start dead or die off eventually with everyone coming back to Holla Forums as the decay spiral sets in (people leave for the more broad board/s because there's not enough people left to discuss with, causing more people to leave). Even /vr/, which you'd think might at least have "legacy board" status (like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /a/, and Holla Forums that have made people flock to them as some of the more popular boards) is pretty damn dead.

I don't get it, did the NeoGeo require installations from the cart, the way the, say, PS3 tends to require disc installations?

Good luck. I'm missing my own white whale in collecting like that too.

Does literally any other cart based system require installations?

Megabits, not megabytes. The higher the meg count, the more data there was on the cartridge. The bigger ones are usually the later releases. Fatal Fury for example is 55 megs, but Fatal Fury Mark of the wolves, which came out right before SNK went bankrupt is 688 megs. They made these from 1989 to 2004 or so, meaning the later cartridges just have a shit ton of chips on the motherboards to make the games bigger towards the end of the system's run.

I wish they never went bankrupt, we would have gotten a fatal fury mark of the wolves 2.

Been liking Odin Sphere Leifthrasir lately. Though I will say that I'm not fond of the Valkyries. Prior to that it was Shadow Hearts: From the New World. Not quite as good as the prior entries in the series overall, but still pretty enjoyable in my experiences. Helps that the combat was the most refined.

Pretty sure the Vita does some amount of installing when you pop a new cartridge in for the first time. Thankfully they don't seem anywhere near as bulky as the PS3 ones.

Ah, I get it. So it's more like how there were different sized SNES carts then?

What. I've never looked into the neogeo really. How the hell did it have such a long life span?

well' you could make a smart investment like I did with bitcoin and sit on that for like a year

clsoe enough

Every once in a while I get really depressed realizing that if I had bet on Trump on those election betting sites really really early on in 2015 you could have gotten really insane pay outs.

Hell, not even the 3DS required an install when I used it during the launch of it.

I know what you mean
I had like a grand sitting around doing nothing and I would have loved to bet it on him
but oh well, learn from it by keeping track of those gambling sites others used and use it as foundation for the future

tl;dr learn from your mistakes to do better next time

odin sphere is pretty gud fam. i do hafta say da amount of mats n shit is pretty ridiculous but I just try to blow thru a chapter den fuk around w/ da mats n put it down for awhile tbh. jap audio pretty gud too monica.

u play snes shadowrun too monica?

Exactly. Resident Evil 2 on N64 for example is a 700mb PS1 game squashed into a 64 megabyte cartridge if I remember right. I miss when games were optimized to hell, but I guess there's no reason for it anymore. I think conker might be a big game too.

Brazil, Mexico, Italy, & china kept them afloat. The advantage to the neo geo was that you could have a new game in one arcade cabinet, so all these shithole third world countries kept buying new games for their arcade machines & just swapped out the old ones for the new ones. Some Neo Geo machines supported up to 6 carts too, which saved these places money instead of having 6 separate arcade machines. They're also built like tanks. You can still go to Mexico & regularly find Neo Geo Machines.

and….that's why there's so many bootlegs too. Third world SNK fans bootlegged the shit out of them.

Congratulations, you passed the autism test. 9/10 people get triggered by the file name of that image.

Am I dreaming of you?

Or are you gay dreaming of me?


Doubt theres going to be a really obvious dark horse candidate like Trump like that again.

Ahhh ok that makes sense. How much one of these machines cost anyway?

checked but it's close enough because both shows are similar in that they are loaded with fun times and sad feels

you're thinking too small fam
you can bet on other things besides presidency
and I wouldn't even do presidence, more like smart long term investments

dat is trigun ryt? iz been so long since i seen eitha

I play mine in a colonized arcade board, but most people just buy a supergun.

Purposely misnaming files is the best way to get free topic bumps. Ancient Chinese Secret.

yeah, it's shit

Not hard at all
And if you brought up Waifus to me I'd probably hire you

I'd rather just save up for nippon.

Alright how much that cost you then?

no, its not the best way

yee, is trigun

not as good as genesis fa sho i wouldn't say it's shit tho tbh

I'm not sure how much is actual game data being installed and how much is it setting up trophy data and simply creating a skittle for the game. And again, at least it's fast, whatever it does.
I don't know if I should be worried for my PS3 or if maybe the disc just needs cleaning, but it seemed like it was chugging just to install.

Sadly probably true, especially when systems have their own internal storage and you can just require a game to have a 10+ GB install from the disc. I still have no clue why some of these games require it. Is it the entire game that's being installed? Is the total game file too big, that it's got a huge chunk of it zipped that has to be unloaded and decompressed to be playable?

Unless Trump does something big to the party system, that's probably the case. Establishment most likely won't EVER allow this sort of thing to happen again.

Speaking of the election, maybe some older user can explain something to me. With Trump having declared intent to run again in 2020, would he automatically be the Republican candidate, or would there be another Primary where he has to send another 16 or so cuckservative stooges packing? Just something that I've been wondering about, as Obongo had already filled two terms and thus couldn't run again, leaving both parties to have to pick a candidate.

you could be doing both

Best timeline.

The PS3 is slow and loud, you just have to deal with it.

if no others run it's just gonna be him really
if others run you'll get to see him stomp them assuming he doesn't pull some shit and drop out before it even starts

Trump has to run again in a primary but the incumbent is very rarely seriously challenged
Though I could see Cruz or Graeme have "Serious" crack that fizzles out after Iowa

They tried to fuck over anti establishment picks after ron paul and it only helped Trump really. And Trump only managed to win because he had billions of his own money to play with.

And yeah he will be the Republican candidate. Though expect the cucks to run someone 3rd party or take over the libertarian one or something similar.

Not enough money.

cosplay can be fun

I wouldn't call buying video games a smart investment, I would call it an investment in rad times

also i think ps3 internet speed is capped off of wifi by default, not sure if u can change it or w/e but pluggin dirrectly into internet fountain is best best tbh monica

Or you just post something bizarre like this and people drop in simply to ask questions about it. Either way though, better than a faggot OP that opens with something deliberately inflammatory to the point the bulk of posts aren't even on the topic, but more just arguing against the part made to incite anger. Like how 80% of PS2 threads made seem to get made by the same faggot OP that always posts the same pasta opening text.


I think he means installing game data which takes a while especially if you have a 12gb ps3 as you have to DELET shit first

Hey 4 am, anyone else here still cringe at any past things they've done? I find that everyday I take brace and scream softly to myself or punch my own head remembering stuff that other people probably don't even remember.

Or just post a crop from an h-manga to get people to ask what it's from.

I used to think about shit like that all the time, too busy doing productive shit that actually makes me proud of my self these days

but here is a short list of shit that I did that makes me cringe
I was a regular RP fag on gaia online

All I know is Wind Jammers & Fatal Fury mark of the wolves were $60 each 2 years back, & now they're $200 each, so I must have done SOMETHING right.

If you can somehow combine the two you would be unstoppable. I remember on halfchan I got something like 50 replies on one post by saying:

"I don't play old games. It feel weird playing something made before you were born"

Now they would just shadowban you.

There's literally nothing wrong with Gaia.

Thats why you should never ever leave your room or talk to people. Then you won't have any memories to think about.

Just saying, I'd rather have fun with the money now. I ain't living forever.

can you give me the name without a link?
cant get to it from here

morning view

What the hell is that gif

There are quite a few memories I am unable to suppress that I'm not proud of. They don't really bother me anymore, but I was haunted for years by some of the shit I've done. I have cut off contact with pretty much everyone I knew back then, except for my family members who one can never really escape. All we can do is learn from our fuck ups and try not to repeat them in the future.

If you worry about cringey stuff, why did you post Ilmia?

Instead of using a normal plunger, you purposefully overflow the toilet so you can use the pressure generated by pushing on the water to unclog it. It's pretty fucking simple m8

Patrician taste fam

ritsu you know damn well how near sighted that is

thanks fam


I could use something like that.

What I mean is that this time seemed abnormally slow and loud. I didn't notice it chugging when I installed Odin Sphere Leifthrasir recently, for example.

Also talking about installing from the disc, not downloading a patch or game from the PSN.

I see, thanks. Guess we can look forward to more "[X cuck] is a low energy mess" come 2020.

It wasn't just him campaigning with his own money. More that they couldn't just treat him as a nobody the way they "some other guy"ed Ron Paul.

I think I remember that post.

The funniest things would be when an OP forgot probably the most important rule: Never post an image (or general attachment here, I suppose) more interesting than your post.

there is a shit load wrong with gaia but it's honestly one of the least cringy things I did that makes me cringe



I don't think there will be many memes coming from the Republican Primaries, though there may be a couple jabs here and there
The Democrat one might be fun to watch this time if Kanye is in it

man I didn't even think that far ahead
this last week has been too intense with too many happenings for me to really keep up, plus I'm busy with life shit on top of it

Meh maybe. I wouldn't be NEET for 8 years if I was good at thinking ahead.

Yeah that too a little. Honestly if anything his whole persona hurt more than anything. Though it was good that he was already famous. I honestly think he did the apprentice partially to get even more famous leading up to his run.

I'm so used to large ones that I feel wrong when it's smaller poop.

The drive is going bad.

Gaia is a good website for good people.

oh i ain't notice nuffin like dat only shit made mah shit squeel was bayonetta tbh but i got a mid gen slim n it seem lyk u twerkin w/ sumn else mah nycka

I bet you're fine at it, you just don't do it I know why, but you have to grow fam

I'm not a good person and neither are you

I apologize to anyone who is upset, except ritsu, for deleting these threads for the last few weeks. Today was the last day as I managed to trigger ritsu finally.

Frankly I don't care if you circlejerk, but I lean towards the opinion that you shouldn't be doing that here. Anons posting about their lives is one thing, namefagging, tripfagging and avatarfagging is another.

On top of my personal opinion, as a volunteer with the responsibility to keep the board as clean as possible, but I (and the other mods) have these gray area threads in which I am not supposed to enforce some rules and also depending on who's posting. If I do enforce the rules, such as no avatarfagging rule, you ban evade and keep posting, and I have to keep banning you and deleting your posts. I am not autistic enough to be deleting penis spider for an entire morning, every day. This is the main reason why I started taking over the 4 AM threads / deleting ritsu threads. As I said before I will stop doing it and ritsu can go back to being uncontested queen of 4 AM.

There's 4 AM, waifu, LOL, WEBM, rabbit, that's a lot of exceptions to the rule and this is making more anons upset as time goes on because they are not video games and people are using them to circlejerk and avatarfag and so on. They also put some stress on me because I need to decide whether I should act on reports about anons involved in drama specific to those threads, or if I should be really applying the rules and making everyone upset in the process, because apparently "board culture" and oldfags trump the rules in the minds of some people.

I am going to ask Mark to take a permanent (for the near future at least) stand on all these gray area threads, to either remove them or some of them, or/and make them completely lawless. I already treat them as so, for the most part, but something set in stone would be better for everyone.

I joined the hotpockets a few days after Regalia, we're not the same person. Ask Mark in the coming monthly meta thread (this weekend if I can get mark to do it) about it if you want more info about Regalia.

Enjoy the rest of your morning.

Is it bad if you just take one huge long coffee induced emergency poop a day?

tldr faggot


Nah fuck that. Manchild for life. Give me games and anime or give me death.

Well, Holla Forums did find a page in a book he wrote back in 2006 or so telling readers to look to 2016 in the future. He probably had it planned out at least a decade.

Kind of doubt it, I bought it new a few years back. Maybe I ought to try a few other discs and see if it's got a similar issue. Main difference is that this disc I was installing is a bit smudged on the back; normally I'd have taken it in for cleaning, but the local place I go to for that doesn't do that for blu-rays since "they're hardy anyhow". I suppose this is what i get for buying at Gamestop, but it was that or pay $25 more elsewhere locally.

160GB slim here.

People honestly haven’t cared about what the mods do for a while, we ignore you guys mostly these days and carry on with a new thread as if nothing happen as we don't really care now

this tbh monica

user you say that as though I've given up games and anime and imply that they are good right now

This was a better get tbh.

You did nothing wrong. Mark's going to back on it in 10 minutes no matter what you do.

That's why we're here and not there.

It may just need to be cleaned.

I just don't want to have to plunge in the first place. Unfortunately my shits are so huge I could use them to squash a nigerian village.

I'm an alcoholic so I've usually just got the liquor shits. They'e almost as bad as when I don't have them. The worst I remember was being so plugged up it felt like I was being stabbed. Sat on the toilet for a good 45 minutes, and finally managed to strain a single pebble out, followed by what can only be described as a torrent of asswater. It wasn't even shit anymore, it was just brown water. Sounded like fucking Niagra Falls in there.

Fuck, I don't know. My shits are either these rock-hard behemoths you could kill a man with, or just a nasty sludge that smells like something died in my intestines.

pic related

dem iz sum fine ass numbahs tbh monica

The fuck do you eat?

oh you misunderstand
good people are shitters

nigerians don't have villages, your statement is false

Somehow I'm not sure how readily he will. He seems to have abandoned doing those for a while. Most I seem to see him show up is when enough people scream in a thread for a banner or sticky to be made.

wut is dat comic ne way monica?

I wish I would shit once a day.

Get a book or handheld and a gasmask nigga.

I was slightly upset the site broke when I posted because it didn't locally register the (You)

Stop hating good people.


Bumplocking them and letting them be lawless is what he should have done months ago. The constant mod intervention have only served to shit up the thread for months.

Theres usually a good anime every season or two. Of the strict rules I set for anime at least.

And theres 1000s of good games out there. Unless you've played every game released 10-20 years ago.

i dun remember makin dis video

Mark is busy hanging out with Sam Hyde and telling off Shia Lebouf

It depends, man. I eat one meal a day and how early I get hungry determines what I eat. A couple days ago I ate a bowl of ground beef, with spices and chilis and salsa and cheese on it. Today I made a beef roast, rice mixed with cream of mushroom soup, and peas.

I've got a handheld but goddamn that smell. It's even worse when I actually eat well. If I go heavy into veggies for a while and cut back on the bad stuff it gets unbearable. It's like something crawled up my asshole, died, was overcooked, came back to life, died again, was covered in bad cheese and barbecue sauce, and was then cooked a little longer. Then there are days where it's just a big fucking shit but doesn't smell any worse than is normal for shit.

I find it funny how one of the supposed shitholes of the internet has been doing their best to try to help clean up the western world (at least via spreading awareness of shit through memes). Holla Forums might be right in the idea that when the entire world gets scummy, the best way for the original "scum" to become contrarian gain is to actually do good stuff.

meg mog and owl or some shit, I forget
shit is dark some times but its worth reading

X Gon' Give It to Ya

aight i'm finna check it aight monica i suggest u do da same tbh monica

I could use it to crush a small mexican village then

If a gasmask helps with US MRE shits, it'll help with you.

good people are drones
they are not worthy of my love or hate, only my disdain

uhhh i think u wrong fam


I don't need a gas mask, I need a priest.


There's no G-d in there.


You can play a lot of games living NEET life for 15 years ritsu
and once you get that far you pick up how shit most games are just by looking at the gameplay


Hilarious as it was, "Hackers on Steroids" was fucking cancerous reporting that only served to bring further attention to halfchan. Hell, wasn't that event in 2007, the year everything started going to shit?

**I'd love to see a big ass engraving of "Border's Closed Due to Cartels" with Trump in the "Pool's Closed" style. Just put it too high up for any of the taco to easily get to, but big enough to be seen from a good distance.

do so



You were NEET at 15?

I've been trying to find a place to actually read this and I can't. I still don't get the point of the rape room one, either.

you're late

I used to think this to, but then I played related. The vid makes it look like absolute shit, right? But when you're playing it it's actually really fun, especially the boss fights, or in the harder modes when you die in 1 hit.

Not yet. I need Trump to put his wall up first, so they don't cut my head off after or something.

You'll find the sweet release of death soon.

I got this. I wish 2007 never happened.



they were fucking around rewriting titles with one word replaced with rape
then they decided to cover the room with sheets of paper with the titles on them

I attended school but I didn't actually do the work to be honest
in fact I made most of my anime and torrent connections at community college, and learned to pirate games over torrent there too

Thank god.

Somehow I thought there was something more to it, like a comment on fucking rape culture or something. Didn't realize it was just exactly what you see.

That's when it gets worse.

How's it gonna get worse, exactly? The same as being alive but I never get dubs again?

no actually it looks good with lots of different combos, limited animations on the enemies is fine to be honest I finally got around to playing DMC4 and I'm liking it

actually on second though I would probably get bored of it quickly

Everything gets worse.

But in what way?

if your shit crushed a village nobody here would care, but if enraged mexicans started attackign because of it the wall would gather more support

ye ye fam tell dat nigga

Don't you complain about not being able to game lately? I swear you said that not 2 threads ago

APATHY that's a great pic tho

you should read the comic tbh

Worse than you can imagine.

The video gives you that impression, but it demands a mastery of technique, like the timed blocking on its own is mandatory for the higher difficulties, and the way to unleash those yuge blitz moves is dependent on a number of factors that I can't remember. Anyways, I had a lot of fun with it despite its video looking like Dynasty Warriors or some mindless button masher.

Yeah but I don't want to get my head cut off.


Like I said, I don't know where to go to read it.

I can imagine pretty bad things.

Worse than that.


Can you imagine worse than Hillary Clinton x Julia Gillard

Hillary Clinton x Julia Gillard x Nicola Sturgeon
and it's all about Hillary cucking Bill with them

Bill doesn't care, just as long as he gets his loli

gootttt eeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmm

But this is in a worse universe, where Bill cares just enough to make it cuckold-themed.

that's because I moved out on my own recently and all my free time was taken up by moving shit and getting shit in order
right now I'm house sitting at my dads and playing destiny because the kid of the woman my dad is dating keeps leaving his PS3 there and he has it
I also bought the kid DMC4 but he isn't there so I played a few levels of it, pretty good
got like 10 or 15 game hours in this week and before the move I was playing survarium a couple hours every few days

I most'y don't chose to play as much as I used to, over 40 hours a week according to steam alone, because I would rather use my spare time to work on linux and other cool computer shit
my real problem right now is the lack of opportunity to sleep due to getting settled in from the move and fuckers calling in sick keeping me from my recovery nap day

tl;dr I play vidia still I just don't want to as much but I really want more sleep right now

Fuck, I'm going to bed. See you.

night fam


Night user!

ok, why?
ok, but why? if I sink a shit load of time into the game do I get a special ending or anything? where is the Carrot?
Dynasty Warriors is dumb fun once in a while

you won't, California allows public street shitting

what are you gonna do about it?

My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fuckin' hate this shower. And the people that wash in it's carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter shower shitting. And I always wanted to shit in these showers. This is the time of shower shits and now shower is worth keeping clean. And I will shit in as many showers as I can. It's time for me to shit. And it's time for me to dirty showers. My shower shitting crusade begins here.




honestly man I'm having trouble sleeping as it is, and you can't play that much and shitpost this much without missing some sleep

sounds like a shitty shower



Just do it

Don't Fund Mexicans

then elaborate


The carrot is the game itself. Remember when we played games for the sake of playing games? Remember when we just liked having fun?

Don't fund Pakis

Start shitting in other showers

Who's to say I haven't done that already?
Fuck off pedo.

And yeah you unlock new costumes n stuff

Why the fuck would I want to fuck a Paki you homo

Shit in Jason Alexander's Shower

He comes to shitters anonymous.

he's not hitler but keep at it and you'll get your wish

honestly buddy, without the novelty that comes with new things games get boring really fast for me these days
my filter is strong
and that game is nowhere near as FUN as donkey Kong Country or old Street Fighter

if the game itself is the Carrot then it's a very bland carrot
when I was young, me and my brother both wanted Kirby Super Star after renting it
so our dad went out and bought it but told us we could only play it after we payed off the 32 dolalrs it cost for it
our allowances were 2 dollars a week assuming we fulfilled our responsibility of waking ourselves up every day, or 1 dollar a week if we failed that
2 fucking months and it was ours

and it was fucking worth it, the game you are showing me? that's no carrot, its no candy treat reward
it's a flavorless rice cracker
it's cake without frosting or sugar
it's white bread

so don't try to tell me this shit about remember when we played games because they were fun, compared to back then, playing Kirby Super Star with my brother, your game is shit








The monster.




I need to start watching these fucks

They're great.

its islamic news right?

you should probably kys then

I just watched it on the memri tv youtube channel.



with a barb rusty poll you do

I wish there were more caps from it floating around because I'm too lazy to make them.

Oh shit, that wasn't an edit?

don't sass me

The original is him complaining about Albanians.

I assumed canadians
whats the connection to albanians

you sass yourself

They're Albanians. Is that not enough to hate them?

hey it's sass grass or gas in this thread

sure, but I don't understand why they called an Albanian a leaf


Are you retarded?

no, I just don't know the context and assumed it was merely pulled from a conversation

is it an edit to make albanian into a leaf?


I liked everything but the singing

sorry, sleep deprived and not able to focus well


buggin out, have a good one

Nice to know Mark has decided to hire SA mods NOT Regalia/Sangria. You're fooling absolutely no one, faggot.