What the heck is up with these devs? I played the first game since it was free and seemed pretty interesting from the screenshots (being into strategy and visual novel style games). Was decently good all things considered, but then I looked at the other 2 games recently after remembering how the first game ended and was just trying to figure out what the hell went wrong with this series. Dev incompetence at work?
I'm a bit baffled by what the Sunrider devs did to their series
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English voice acting is shit
Is it shit because you can understand, hear and it's sub-par making it shit or is it genuinely shit?
Both, and it's also expensive. Arcsys dropped English voice acting for both Guilty Gear and Blazblue despite being way higher profile games than Sunrider because it just wasn't worth the money.
Are you really this big a dipshit or are you just pretending?
I don't remember the details but they had a falling out with some of their kikestarter era associates over the sekai publishing. Also jap voices give them legitimacy as a VN. implying of course their hope that a proper weeb and let alone a jap player will touch this shit with a ten foot rubberized pole :^)
fuck this game. I needed something to jerk to and wanted to see that blue haired chick get railed. 5 hours later I'd done like 6 space battles but not a single anime tiddie in sight
I played the first game because it was free turn based space game. The story was alright, the two sides fighting the war and their leaders were interesting, but they went full retard with the whole WE ARE LEGION! main bad guy
The girls were ok I guess if you like that kind of shit, ava best girl, to bad they dont give you choices about the girls, but at least they gave you a choice on what to do with best girl
Gameplay was ok, separate missions, pentagon map, weapons like missiles, lazers, gun and melee, main carrier/battleship escorted by mechs with different styles and abilities. To bad you could abuse the carrier main gun to blow shit up, but because I was so damn paranoid with the whole "you need command points for story decisions" I only used it once per mission.
I liked the english voice acting, if you are going to play the game, one of the girls while firing lasers, she says "Im firing muh lazers" maymay
I didnt play the school/dating second game because no space battles
I havent played the secondthe game because im waiting for a discount like a good goy, but I read they locked the choice to one girl and I think the gameplay wasnt ass good? Anyone can confirm? And the story went even worst.
Also fuck those legion mechs, they are a fucking pain to fight.
I think there is only ONE sex escene with ava, in the whole game, of course you need to install the uncensored patch for that
Why give me a ship full of hot bitches if I can't nail any of them?
The bigger problem with the voice acting in the third game is the cost. Japanese voice acting isn't as cheap as some English amateurs. That's probably why the game is shit, they wasted their budget on something most people won't even understand.
Academy is the only good game anyway. You can pick any girl you want and it has nice sex scenes.
They should have made a mini expansion for sunrider with more missions and stuff with the sex scenes, between the first game and the second one, instead of wasting their time with a school setting
Professional Japanese voice acting isn't as cheap as English amateurs, but amateur Japanese voice acting can be really cheap. They may be banking on weebs who don't actually know Japanese just going with the flow while trying to sell the games to the Japanese market as well.
Either way, OP, it's pretty clear that buying English voices didn't work out for them, so take it up with the devs.
They kinda did in a sense although since it's been a bit long since they released their game it's a bit easy to miss.
To summarize, it started with plain of "Sunrider" which was the free game then on that, they added Mask of Arcadius. Then I think after that was when they made Sunrider Academy and THEN after was Liberation day, and then after a while they added the [Re]turn storyline to Liberation Day which I think ties up SOME of the loose ends and Let's you fuck a girl of your choosing save for [spoiler]Blue hair girl due to REASONS.[/spoiler]
Overall though , IMO the devs are "ok" if anything a bit inexperienced which might have been the reasons of OP's complaints and their management.
You have to go back
So is Liberation Day worth a pirate? I played Mask of Arcadius a couple of years back and enjoyed it, but was disappointed that I couldn't dick the pirate loli.
High school slice of life is the most boring shit ever. And even if it wasn't, why would I play that when I could play one of the hundreds of Jap ones that are out there that are probably better?
Crazy can be cured with careful application of headpats.
This is how you know the devs are niggers.
Still annoyed that pic related didn't have one. It's a rare example of a game where the harem route would actually fit in with the plot.
She said that shit in the first one too, only then it was voice acted and she said it every time she attacked so it was even more cringeworthy.
I remember an user dropping the first game because of that
The worst part isn't that they put a shitty meme in the game, it was that the meme was already years old at the time. I just don't get why they would bother.
Maybe its his favorite meme?
Good thing I dont remember other ones in the game
Nope, it ain't got shit on related.
Still the only good VN turned series, mostly because the staff noticed what a steaming pile the VN was like most VNs and made a comedy series out of it. This was the best thing that could have happen for it.
Forte is best girl.
Like there's any contest.
>there are people in this thread right now who don't like both loli and ara
Guess we won't know what could have been then. Sounds like some petty stuff though unless the first game being available for free caused people to butt heads.
Many VNs and dating sim type games don't even feature voice acting at all. Heck even a number of great RPGs back in the day didn't have voice acting or had only limited voice acting (PS1 Final Fantasies didn't have any voices for characters at all).
Whatever the case it's not so much having Japanese voices that bothers me, it's more so changing from one to the other especially with the fact this was marketed in the west as a sort of western made VN (if I'm remembering the crowdfunding correctly). They even featured the fact it had voice acting and showed off some of the actors as part of their crowdfunding info, it doesn't make sense to later ditch that. Gross miscalculation on their part and they spent in all likelihood more time and money on the Japanese voices compared to the original english actors reprising their roles. Plus with shit like combat commands and banter during the battles it's nice to not have to worry about not knowing what the characters are saying, cus I'd rather not worry about having to glance at subtitles during those spots in the game.
So I downloaded Galaxy Angel but when I run the hack for windowed mode I get this message, which google translate tells me is saying the game is not installed correctly. Anyone know what the problem is?
I should probably mention that the normal game .exe works fine, I just don't want to play it fullscreen because it gets stretched.
Installed or prepackaged? If you got the fuwa version you better add the registry entry yourself. Alternatively get the jap disks, install, and apply the patch (and the font) on top. For best results don't use windowed mode on GA - it really doesn't play nice
Some gook games are kind of bitchy when you dont run it in a gook pc
I'm carefully optimistic about the next game, although I have to wait for them to finish a fucking space idol game for them to start on it.
and I was glad they put english voices back in with the [Re]Turn expansion. Because I hated that the mercenary banter was reduced to beeps and boops. I liked how jewy the mining guild was, and the battleship VA was cool too.
A shame I also had to suffer the tsundere chicks awful, awful fucking voice.
They did? The Steam page still shows that Liberation Day has Japanese audio but not English.
yeah, it was added in as well as the old ship navigation screen.
My niggers.
Are you for fucking real, you make it sound like 10 bux is almost crossing the line, you think the devs want to do it for free and live on noodles all their life or something?
Solely? Who the fuck in their right mind want anything else than jap dub in their animu games?
I always find it wierd when they remove shit from the next game instead of keeping everything the same or added more stuff
This happened when Bioware went from Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2. And even though Mass Effect 2 was a pretty good standalone game, it wasn't a complete game nor was it as good of an RPG as the first one was. They removed a lot of things (inventory management, customizable weapon upgrades, The Mako vehicle, planetary exploration, etc.) instead of just fixing them. And they made some things worse than before (like the codex) while focusing more on the action, the shooting, and linear events.
They also fucked up some things with characters as the series went along, and changed the voice actor of a party member from Mass Effect 2 for Mass Effect 3 when it was great as it was. To be expected from Bioware since they were leaking good talent from the company after EA's acquisition, but I wouldn't expect it to happen with smaller devs who can't afford to be hemorrhaging parts of the dev team.
In this case at least the devs realized some of their mistakes and listened, but it's as I mentioned in the OP, really baffling why they'd think some decisions were a good idea in the first place. You can't expect to get by for too long as an indie dev if you make big mistakes with your game.
If anything it'd be better to simply write out and get rid of bad/unneeded characters who were in the previous game (Like for Sunrider, that lady doctor who isn't even a doctor. If you're playing a character in the role of captain, you should be able to tell them to get the fuck off your ship if you wanted.). Instead of deciding to get rid of some features that were in the previous game at least do something that might be useful for the next game. If you play a character who has control over things or some rank which gives you command, then the game should give you some control to tell people to take a hike.
I find it funny that you pointed her out for being pointless, considering how Liberation Day ended.
I was talking about the first game. I haven't played the 2nd one yet cus I was holding the wallet based on the issues I've seen mentioned about it.
Main problem with LD is that it's very linear, and your railroaded into chigara route because of story reasons (And the story also ends on a fucking cliffhanger more or less). There are also a lot of bullshit missions where you can get ganked by missile and torpedo spam if your flak is shit.
also if you like the loli pirate, you need to more or less play through MoA while choosing pirate friendly choices or else she dies in the prologue mission.
she maybe be shit, but she is still part of this god forsaken team!
Like what?
off the top of my head, do the pirate merc mission early in the game and choose the less asshole option, don't be a smug asshole when Grey tries to nuke the planet, things like that. and to be safe I went with mostly anti-federation options. If you do it right, then she'll surrender at the end of the prologue instead of getting ganked by Asaga
But the pirates tryed to fucking blow you up
Spoiler actually works on fullchan for doing spoilers within spoilers. You just have to know when to use it.
Ah, that's probably it. I couldn't find the Jap disks on nyaa so I just grabbed that version, registry issues so rarely come up with preinstalled VNs that I always forget about it.
I ended up forcing windowed by adding -w to a shortcut and you're right, it really does run like shit. Guess I'll need to find a way to get it to pillarbox in fullscreen.
fuck you
Each game is a progression of the devs into the ultimate entitlement. Or the ultimate in trying to pinch every penny they can.
If they were pinching pennies I doubt they would have gone the route of Japanese voice acting which would be harder to obtain for a primarily western made game.
LD did a few things to improve the gameplay (Command point changes, Paladin taunt) I find it hilarious how they tease that there's a traitor. because over half the cast betrays you at one point or another
[Re]turn was pretty good after how the main story ended.