The next 8 years video games will be filled with constant quips and "witty" mentions about Trump


why do you keep making this thread
go back to halfchan already

You're the guy who made the "Gwyn's fiery bolts peeled apart their stone scales." thread aren't you?

I want to force cheshy's face down into my hairy taint.

Good, I like being reminded of libshit asshurt.

she would break you, neet.

Eeww shave you ape

What are you, a fucking faggot?


also OP you're a massive faggot for playing western vidyas, or as I like to call them yidyas you know, jews and shit




Nigger proofread first ple… oh wait…

Go home Holla Forums. Youre not welcome.

im not his biggest fan but even i think you are a giant fag

You're already a faggot why not be a good looking faggot.

1. End your life
2. You spelt Revolucion wrong

Fuck off Holla Forums

Why bother shaving if you're not fucking anything?

Who am I gonna show my beautiful shaved taint to? My girlfriend?


Because I don't engage in sodomy.

top lel, why do none of you leftards have qualms with Japan's strict immigration policies?
really gets the neurons firing.


Nigger I havent showered in 3 days and i've been to the gym twice in that time. Unless you got a mouth to shove your dick into, whats the point of shaving it.

not everyone posts their balls on /cuteboys/

Sorry, no. You have hair in your nether regions for a reason, taking a sharp blade to those areas is neither healthy nor safe.

What if i am latin /lefty and i enjoy it?

I don't know what your definition of "sodomy" is but I mean anal. I don't let shit near my ass and I'm a filthy bastard.

Fucking this, if I'm not going to fuck anything why not revel in my own filth? At least I'm still taking showers and semi-regularly brushing when I smoke a lot

I still get immense pleasure from watching those montages of libshits saying how Trump will NEVER EVER win, and then going apeshit when he does. Schadenfreude is a great feeling.

wanting to be the little girl. What are you, a faggot?

Then hope they put them in good games?
Why do you want your vidyas to be political at all? Get your shitty reality out of my hobby.

Ever notice how the best games aren't fucking political commentaries and the only reason we have this bullshit is because of FFVII's environmentalist undertones and Postal?

I am latin /lefty, Vidya is my reality when the whole continent is dominated by populist

real world references are rarely ever something that doesn't dumb down the game. Memes doubly so. How hard is it to understand that?

Exactly. Let that filth simmer in.

I'm a man, baby.


stop playing only AAA pliz

That shit made it "cool" to put political undertones in games, this has been subtly bubbling up until gg happened and it switched from covert(ie multiculturalist themes in XCOMM that nobody who isn't actively looking for it would notice) to overt(ie games about dykes rummaging through their childhood belongings)

That makes no fucking sense, if vidya is your reality then why would you want any bit of the real reality making its way into them?


are you fucking drunk m8? Indieshit is even more political and meme'd up than AAA shit especially considering most of the better AAA games recently have been from Japan.

gas yourself

Like Hugo Chaves?

i know, no one likes it when political ideas are explored in narrative heavy "interactive games" that no one likes but everyone plays, also, i don't remember shit memes in my indie games choices
i digress, japan is stuck in ps2 era hope we will stay like this of game production
Also, i like to have a sense of reality in middle of my escapism, that is a personal thing

Like every single LATAM president i blame Peron also Chavez is ded

What the fuck are you on about? Nobody plays that crap, maybe like two Holla Forumsirgins who pirated and a bunch of paid-off SJW and journos. Those games all sell horribly and only get good reviews from biased sites.
Objectively the best era, I'd rather have more smaller but content-heavy games like Yakuza, Silent Hill 2, SSX, and Tony Hawk 3 than the modern "cinematic" and "open-world" bullshit we have now.
Kind of defeats the purpose of escaping, doesn't it?
Why would you want to escape into a reality that mirrors the one you're escaping? This is genuinely the main reason I started disliking GTA when it stopped being all ridiculous and arcade-like.

Fallout series before 3 including NV has the best pop-culture and political references.
Prove me wrong.


Personally, I thought fallout 2 had far too many pop culture references. Brought me out of the immersion more than once.

straight up the only reason I voted for the guy.

True, I'd forgotten some of the more over the top ones like the Dr. Who phone booth.

there are tons, TONS of gaming circles you didn't hear about, for example LATAM, we welcome all games, not because we are "cucked", but because we have a totally different mentallity respecting games
we all get it
i said personal, also, because i'm /lefty and is my prision, all vidya is related to the creators situation, and i find myself disecting every gameplay and narrative decision from a socio-political persective, it's my thing and i'm happy with it

Tbh I love to shave my legs and crotch and then moisturise it with lotion.
I love the feeling of smooth soft legs, but shaving gets tedious so I'm thinking of either waxing or getting an epilator.

Which is a pretty shit-tier mentality to have, games are about mastering a skillset not
Is all leftism just based around a victim mindset? fucking mindboggling, your entire ideology is based around getting off on being oppressed you masochistic fuckwit. Why not adopt an ideology like libertarianism that promotes self-actualization?
Consumer products cannot be art.
And that I can respect, I sort-of do the same thing, especially with smaller games like cave-story, 2hu, or recently bob's game.

not "having an experience"


if u want ur ass looking feminine…
well…. ok..

Only if you play western AAA trash and indieshit, and if that's the case you only deserve terrible things.

Do not fucking do this. Use a comb+scissors or if you really must be smooth as a baby then wax. Shaving will lead to ingrown hairs which will fuck your shit up something fierce. I shaved my pubes when I was a teenager and was in itchy pain for a week. I also remember reading someone post that removing your ass hair feels horrible because sweat gets trapped there, stinks something fierce and feels greasy.


thats cool, who gives a shit


If you play trash games, that is.

Why do you play trash games, OP?