Yesterday I've beaten undubbed version of Cenorblade on cemu

Yesterday I've beaten undubbed version of Cenorblade on cemu.
Ask me anything.

How's performance?
Any significant glitches?
Was it worth it?
Are mechs cool in that game?

You're not special for using an emulator. Go to reddit if you want recognition for nothing

If you want recognition for having Pee U you can go to neogaf.

No one cares

Kill yourself

Pretty shit. On i7 and GTX760 average framerate was 15-20. Game is locked at 30 at that.

Textures frequently get fucked up and resolution switches to 720p once you trigger cockpit mode.
Sound is fucked completely.

I was desperate for my open world mech JRPG but my principles also prohibit me from supporting censorship and jewtendo, so I don't regret sinking 120+ hours into it, as it was my only option.
I won't go for 100%-ing it until Cemu works flawlessly though.
When it happens I'll probably start anew rather than continue from where I left off.

If you're not desperate you probably should wait until it works well. Or at least have multi core support.

Super fucking cool. They can transform, they can fly, they have super cool weapons like laser scythes and giant drills, you can customize them both gameplay-wise and visually and there are super weapons and unique mechs in post-game. Every weapon is properly displayed on model too. They also turn shitty wow combat onto its head and make it super fun and compelling.
Mechs were there reason I played it at all.

Yeah my tripcode will go down in fucking history as the biggest attentionwhore of them all.
Oh wait, I don't have one lol.

is there a female character who doesn't look like she has downs?

Did you try turning off texture compression faggot?

Fuck off with your consolewar shit. AMAs are just pay attention to me threads. This is the second thread about this exact thing he's made

That's terrible to force yourself through it. Could had waited few years before emulation will get better.


Probably irina too, but once I put glasses on her I totally forgot how does she look like.
Some of female faces for player character are decent enough as well.
But MAJORITY of girls in game are downs sadly.

Yes. For some reason it murders my RAM. I have 16 gigs, and in 20-30 minutes cemu just locks my PC down. I tried fucking with different options, but the problem persists. I was playing on 1.7.0, maybe it's not like this in previous versions, but muh 1080p.

Or maybe some people just want specific not-easily googlable info before downloading 20 gigabytes of shit.
Either way you're giving me the attention I want so much, and I thank you for that.

I couldn't wait, I'm sorry.
Combat is not hitbox action based either, so it's not like framerate affects it too much. But I just love robots too much. And the idea of freeroaming seamless open world game with transforming mechs sounded like the best thing ever.
and it is

Nope. Remain on standby.

You are not a native English speaker, are you, user.
I'm not criticizing or looking down on you at all, just noticing a specific speech pattern that I've seen a lot in several webcomics.

Best endgame doll?

Yeah I'm not. It should have been
Irina is boring ass character either way. Probably a dyke too.

I managed to beat last boss with level 50 urban and level 30 medium and 2 heavy ones. Fuck remembering their names though. Laiah? Amduscias? Horned one? You know them.
I haven't done anything past that.
Apparently Ares series is something everyone wants, but there were also three locked slots in development page, so there are probably more unique mechs.

Was the game good enough to warrant all that horseshit + the undub on top of it?

Nigger take it to emails and /metav/ if you want to police Holla Forums, I'm fucking sick of self-appointed guardians dictating what the board is and is not. Hell, I'm fucking sick of Mark dictating what the board is and is not, let alone you self-important pissants that kick and scream about Reddit and board-quality.

Personally, I'd have gone with
But you know what they say: There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.
If people know what you're saying, fuck it, say it colorfully.

For me? Yes, since I'm huge weeb, fan of Xenogears and absolutely love mecha in general. I also like open world as a concept and gameplay mechanic, even if it's usually poorly implemented.
100%-ing it in this state? Absolutely no. But when (and if) it will run good, I will absolutely go for doing every fucking thing out there.

I'd play it if we could get an english text patch for the jap version.

Even without censorship it's far worse of a game than its predecessor. Story, music and characters all pale in comparison.

Yeah, translation is cucked as fuck and breaks some characters.
For example Lin grows to love and care for potato dude, but in english subtitles she keeps hating him till the end.
I mean I can deal with memes and shitty irrelevant jokes, but rewriting characters is unacceptable.

But realistically I doubt anyone will bother to retranslate it from scratch. Game has absurd amount of written text too.

Nice opinion man, I respect it.
I hated every single thing about Xenoblade 1 though, easily one of my most hated games out there. Shouldn't even have a Xeno in the title imo.

How much did you get memed on?
Can you play as not-KOS-MOS?

Oh and would you recommend it? It looks like the same type of disappointment that was White Knight Chronicles but with a Xeno skin.

voluntarily playing through a game at 15-20fps
It's like I'm a poorfag child again

Not much, but shit slips through now and then.
Usually when something lighthearted is going on.
Reminder that Xeno games always had shitty outdated memes in their translations.

Yes, but your custom character should be in the party at all times. You can leave it AI and just run as her.
She's the main character anyway, your dude might as well not exist.

Really depends on how you like mechs and anime sci-fi that tries it hardest to not be just space fantasy.
Basically if you hated Xenoblade 1 you might like X and vice versa.

I only played WKC on psp and it was weird power rangers game with some really shitty designs, stupid jokes 100% of the time and I don't even remember what combat was like.



True, but I'll wait for a re translation patch to clean up that stuff, such as the SMH line.

Just like WKC, but at least this time around you have a likeable character as the protag

Alright, you have me interested, I'll be sure to put this on my backlog. Because I really didn't like Xenoblade, but I loved Gears and Saga.

I could go on and on about why I hated that game. But pretty much it was a game too ambitious for the PS3 that ended up with a rushed story, a grindfest for online and a clunkier, slower version of FF12's combat.
And the least likeable member of the cast is the protagonist.

Thanks for answering my questions. Your pretty cool for once, OP.

I tried to start lifting and to learn moon runes.
I failed at learning moon runes.

Why do you think this will happen? Does anyone work on it?
I can't imagine anyone getting at it, when you can more or less understand story with cucked translation. It would be a god's gift of course.

Just keep in mind that on foot combat is the same. Mech combat uses the same principles as well, but due to how customization works it is just so much better.
When game sometimes forces you to fight on foot again it's very jarring transition.
People claim that human party is stronger than even unique mechs though

Try harder.

I just don't have enough time in life to sit there and learn their fucking hieroglyphs.
Leave me alone!

I played a bit then dropped it because the sound bugs me. I'm an audiophile and buy soundcards in this day and age so when I say it bugs me IT REALLY BUGS ME.

ANYWAY can you spoil why not-kosmos is important? When I met the officer in charge of s.h.e.i.l.d. he said "we wouldn't know about the invasion if it weren't for you" and she said "well it's my fault anyway".

Tell me so I don't have ot play the game to figure it out please please please. I don't want to have to wait months for Cemu to update when I would normally figure out the mystery in a day or so of gameplay.

still looks butchered to me

just learn japanese you idiot, instead of waiting on some sjw fan translation group to save you

I would, but Kanji and the lack of spacing is what's killing me.
Why don't you translate it yourself for us if you think your so much of a master at nihongo!?

Polite sage for off topic.

I have the opportunity to be given this game for free.
Does the poor translation ruin it, or is it playable?

Excuses, excuses. If you spent just an hour of your time each day you could be fluent in 5 years, tops.

Don't pay for it. Don't make someone else pay for it. Don't support censorship.

Can you provide the download of the version you used?

Dude answer my question. Why is not-telos important?

All my textures are upside down and the game won't go past main menu screen.

I don't know. If it's actually supposed to be the real Kos-mos it could be that she either accidentally brought the gnosis with her, or the fact that she can make the gnosis not be immune to everything.
I don't know jack shit about about Xenoblade since I quit after the first 4 or so hours and I haven't even touched X. They can't use any of the old Xeno terms because of how Namco and Square still own Saga and gears.

Yeah, I guess I'm retarded for not learning a language where they use 100's of symbols that have multiple meanings and some of them look the same.
But anyway, why don't you translate this for us? If you know nihongo like you say so, then prove it to us.

You didn't actually answer my question

Oh I thought you were OP. I'll have to look it up.
I played the US version, the translation doesn't ruin it. It only bothers you if you know what they changed. The biggest problem isn't the translation it's you can wear the bikini costumes.

Should I pirate the nip version to play on my Wii U?

also, what i7 were you on? might run better on my setup if I decided to try CEMU

CEMU is more GPU heavy than CPU heavy, I'd say the minimum CPU to expect decent frames is a Haswell i5. I can run the game fine with my Skylake i7 and GTX 970. The ONLY limiting factor is the shader cache generation and the fact that its still only single core. I'd say go ahead and try it, you really have nothing to lose but your time

The fact that they changed something is what bothers me. Even if they made the story a thusand times better, it wouldn't be what it was supposed to be. Would you be okay with someone slowly poisoning you if you didn't taste it in your food?

I've got an i5 3570k @ 4.2GHz, and an R9 290. Is it worth trying?

Not sure how well Ivy Bridge stands against Haswell and up, but I don't see why not. If you can run Dolphin at 1080p with AA than you can run CEMU, as a general rule. If you can't play Xeno at full speed there are other less demanding games you can emulate like 3D World

Why are you a cocksucking weeaboo.

If playing at 1080p with AA on dolphin is the metric, I should see if I can get it working laptop with a i7 6700HQ and 960m.

Japanon, if your too lazy to translate the game for us, then can you at least translate this image?

sage for off topic.



Unfortunately my 2500k isn't cutting it for Xenoblade X, so I'm stuck playing the Wii U version, and I can't be assed jumping through all of the hoops to uncensor it when I'm selling my Wii U in a month anyway.

Seems Cemu really needs a pretty beastly CPU for anything more demanding than shit like Mario Kart 8 (which runs fine once shaders are cached).

Where to I get Wii U ISOs which is not some shady as fuck website?

At your local shadyfuck website.

How many cocks have you sucked?

are you stupid or something? its just a xenoblade thread

How many cocks do you suck at any given moment?