Why do their proportions and faces look so bizarre?

Why do their proportions and faces look so bizarre?

In the future, everyone has the tism

Don't tell me they have unisex costume like the one inquisitor always worn in DAI?

Either its because of the angle or that woman is flat, like really flat no tits whatsoever

Is that the best pic you have?
Because it's a a really shitty one.
As for your question, it's because everyone with any talent left Bioware years ago.


Wouldn't that be a point for realism? Unless her tits are enormous they shouldn't really show with armor on

The armor seems to be a form-fitting bottom layer with a few plates laid over top, and judging by the thickness of the components we can see on the male version, the female version would not obscure her breasts.
If anything, they'd look bigger, thanks to the size of the breastplate compared to the gutplate.

Either mash her tits or mash his dick, that costume does it all

You can be Will Wheaton or Anita Sarkeesian with braces. Great.

SJW cuck devs.

Holy fuck her face

I just know there's a Hillary joke in there somewhere.

Why is it never a brown female and a white male?

I know how you feel

Also the half shaved head on a female meme, cannot forget that

Doo doo
Pee pee
Bioware modellers are bad

That doesn't look like a half-shave to me, seems more like a shitty combover.

I really wish this Skrillex-hair bullshit would die already.
Jack is the only Mass Effect character with the right style to make it work, but nobody has ever made it look even remotely good.

Yeah they always have one of those vomit inducing, empowering hair styles.

I see they still haven't figured out where breasts go, after 3 games.

For people who hate Hitler they sure love his hairdo.

I don't even know why, but something always fucking rubbed me the wrong way about those suits as well. I always found them ridiculous, since the first trailer

What's wrong with her face?

She has shitty posture.

She's 80 though so it's accurate

That woman looks like the villain from NuDoom.

because liberals don't know what a healthy human body looks like


Because statistics show that marriages between a white male and a black female have significantly lower divorce rates than every other combination of races and genders. All those poor divorce (((lawyers))) gotta make a living somehow.

Because Bioshit. It really is as simple as that.

because they are characters designed by bioware.

Take a guess.

The resemblance is uncanny.

They look so fucking generic I actually thought it was these two.

Non-bizarre proportions and faces are sexist against fuglos and hamotrons.

Fucking hell user, it's like you can't even into privilege checks.

What do you think Bioware is going to do? Design a game with characters that look like normal well-adjusted humans? Do you realise how offensive that is? What if a half-dragon genderless 400 pound cripple trans-religeous brownskin plays it? They could literally die!

Don't worry, the writing for this game will be something quite unique and will guarantee the game a place in the history books. I have every reason to believe BioWare has reached as yet undiscovered heights of leftist idiocy with ME4.

Actually shitlord she's breastfed a dozen babies so it's accurate.


Breastfeeding is literally rape.

The writing is so good the core concept makes absolutely no sense whatsoever when viewed through the lens of all the lore and setting established in the previous three games.

You know it's a sign of quality when a fourth game in a series requires you to completely abandon everything you know about the previous games before you even attempt to try and work out the internal logic of the plot.

Truely they are the Shakespeares of video games.

Do you think IGN/Kotaku/Polygon have allready written their 10/10 GOTY articles? Or will they wait untill the checks roll in?

I was going to take a jab at how their animations are terrible too, but after going back and looking at the "quality" of work that went into ME2 & ME3, I realized that their shitty animations and modeling actually are an improvement over their past games. Not much of an improvement, but still. They're only slightly better than your average Bethesda trash, without the benefit of having an army of cucks waiting in the wings to fix their shit for them.

And the reason for that is that BioWare decided to remember they were "artists" and had this thing called "artistic integrity" right when everyone just wanted them to unfuck the ending. It's kind of hilarious that this one decision poisoned the whole IP and turned a massive number of previous fans against them.

Only BioWare is stupid enough to stick to their guns at the worst possible time despite a long history of shitty and pointless retcons and getting prissy about them when mentioned by fans.

They're gonna want to see just how much virtue signaling the game has, and whether there is a not-so-subtle parody of Trump in it.

But maybe BioWare is keeping that one for the DLC.

I wish I could be as progressive as bioware

Nah, that's liberals in general. They are really bad at picking hills to die on.

Were those babies black though?

They haven't decided yet. For a time some identified as that, but they've changed to green and purple. Ask again in a week or so.

His snarky redefinition of retcon got me heated fam, what a petulant little cunt it has nothing to do with the story going places you don't want it to and everything to do with it being logically incompatible with previous canon.

Please end yourself

Why are his legs so short?
Where is her neck?

There are a lot of direct comparisons to be made between Bioware and George Lucas with regards to the prequel trilogy.

Both created something good years ago, but largely as a result of working with people who they no longer associate with. Both shat all over their own works in an attempt to "update" it in some fasion. Both went from making fun adventerous things to dry, dull and boring things. Both tried to heavily rely on extremely-badly written "romance" in an attempt to add some level of pathos to their characters and failed miserably. Both tried to make their new works "darker and edgier" in all the worst ways, missing the fact that their earlier works were orders of magnitude more mature and nuanced. Both completely ruined everything good about their original creations by retconning them to mundanity and completely breaking the internal consistency of their worldbuilding.

However for some reason the shiteaters at places like IGN and Kotaku have no problem shitting all over Lucas while defending Bioware for the same things. I mean we all know why ($$$) but it's really wierd.

No one called Star Wars fans entitled for being upset about Jar Jar, or midochlorians. No one said Lucas' artistic integrity was being attacked when people pointed out the "it's like sand, it gets everywhere" line is offensively bad. People were more than willing to point out that the original Star Wars trilogy was most likely largely a success because of non-Lucas people who worked on it, who now have nothing to do with the franchise.

Makes me wonder if EA will pass the Bioware name and franchises off to another studio, ala Star Wars to Disney, so they can shit out rote safe re-treads of the old games. Maybe we'll get a new Star Wars KOTR game, with a bland boring subtitle like "the rebeginninging" which will just be a remake of the first KOTR game with new names for everything and everyone but other than that the only noticable difference will be a markedly drastic drop in quality for everything except graphics. At least it would be better than what Bioware is now.

back to Holla Forums with you.

Holla Forums has embraced the prequels as eminent examples of kinomatique, though.

The prequels being bad isn't a meme. It's an objective fact. You can like them personally, I enjoy watching terrible films myself sometimes. But they are not good films, nor are they good Star Wars films.

My guess is that no one at Bioware has ever seen a human being in their life. They're just guessing what humans look like.


Holla Forums is a chesspit of retards playing with shit. Every imbecile too stupid for cuckchan went there, pretending to be oldfags while spamming the same template responses over and over again. Epidemic autism, fuck that board.

wtf i love Holla Forums now

Someone get this hothead out of here.

What's with >her facial expression? What the fuck kind of emotion is she trying to convey?
Constipation? An aneurysm? Remembering she left the stove on back on earth?

Terminal schizophrenia treated with psychopharmaceuticals.
Dealing with that will be part of her romance and/or loyalty mission.

PTSD from Twitter.

Because BioWare can't model their characters properly. That's what happens when your diverse team of Pajeets and Mohammeds is being paid 10 bux an hour for a supposed AAA title.

short hair = no tressFX
weird face/ratio = body was designed first then head was added, remember early shots of MEA was all about an N7 guy with a helmet (the Halo type), so the face came way later it just doesnt fit

It's what happens when you hire by quota and not by merit.

apparently waito males know better

lol merit, are you from the 50s?

EA games are designed for feminists now, it's the current year you primitive racist.

Current year is so last year, I can't even.

Their legs are too short and it looks like they're hunching their shoulders up for some reason.
the guy has no dick bulge


That armor looks REALLY fucking familiar.
Oh wait, it looks like low-level Destiny Titan Armor.

That's because low level Destiny armour and Bioware armour are the same thing:

uninspired generic vaguely sci-fi armour.

I'd fuck Taneesha.

her smile looks pretty charming in other pics though tbh
At least she looks fine and thin if only for that hairstyle

But you will forever be a neverfuck.

There has to be a technical reason they can't have long hair but they hide it behind their tumblr culture.
Also I hope the PC is customizable because I don't like playing a chad

Reminder that the first Tomb Raider had Lara with a long ponytail.

And it might very well be that they consider long hair a patriarchal symbol meant to keep womyn down. Leftists so love to champion all that is ugly and cancerous.

The first tomb raiders Ponytail was wrapped up so it wasnt even shoulder length and didnt animate or move in any way at all. It was just a static polygon sticking out the back of her head.

It did in 2 or 3, can't remember which, and those were a year and two years apart.

Also, Heavenly Blade. BioWare are just lazy shits.

You misspelled incompetent.

There is a brown female a white male in OP's image you fucking retard

Not incompetent, just plain out lazy. Does anyone have that pic that shows every retarded thing they did in ME3, like Tali's pic, where they just edited fingers and slapped some filter on a real life model pic?

Pic related is my favourite btw, they didn't even try

Why not both?

Don't forget "deluded". They honestly think they are doing quality work with their games.

I carry these sins everywhere I go.

Not like being cheap hacks is anything new to BioWare.

yeah, but Matt Rhodes already had THREE versions of a maskless tali ready (with the one he designed for ME1 as his favorite).

Now I remembered how ME3 also happened the same time these two sites were flooded with retards

kys retard

no lonely nerds would want to fuck that version of tali. its far too diverse.

Is there an infographic talking about how Andromeda is fucked and makes no sense according to the previous 3 games lore? I remember some user explaining it but ive forgotten and a guy in work wont shut up about how groundbreaking this new steaming pile of shit will be

yup, and if they fuck it up, well, that's just your fault.

C'mon OP, you know this one.
Because they are hacks

I just use the leverage to say "remember how the FUCKED me3 so badly that they had to jump ship to a new galaxy, but instead of banding together to survive, the plot is about petty drugloads and transgendered empowerment?"

I'll never forgive what EA did for damage control when ME3 fucking tanked.

We live in a world that a pig mom from a animated family movie is more fuckable than 88% of western Devs female characters
Holla Forums Let's be honest. Most of You would rather fuck Bacon Milf than any recent bioware girl. This is how bad SJWs ruined character designs in any medium. Hell anime probably not safe feminists soon.


You should have just posted "I'm a huge cancerous faggot please rape my dumb ass face" that would have had the same effect really.

I'd hit it tbh

It's been five years and I'm still completely fucking mad at the whole ME3 fiasco.

I would also rather blow my own head off than fuck your "bacon milf" you fucking faggot.

WHo the faggot again?

No I'm not a muslim.

You are user. You are.

Muslims fuck pigs? I thought they just fuck goats, boys and British children and Swedish refugees takers daughters.

The furfag who wants to fuck a pig from a shitty children's movie. If that's not clear enough, it should also be stated explicitly right next to the number of the post I quoted.

But pigs are ultra haram to muslims, are you implying one pig is haramier that the other or what?



Without a doubt, you are.


Stop posting ugly kikes.

The fleeing civilians in the first level are very low-res sprites using Jack's ME3 model

What is this, EDF 2017?

Granted, those were supposed to be far background scenery. They only fucked it up by making them obvious and the animation Lode Runner tier.

Personally I'm surprised that Bioware has any white characters at all. The setting does the naive Gene Roddenberry post-racial-singularity thing in its canon where humans are all a light shade of brown with brown hair and brown eyes, but neither the games nor the books reflect this.

Nigger what the fuck? Have you ever watch Star Trek? Most of the cast were thin racial stereotypes.

user, TNG had white people planets and black people planets


Im glad life still has surprises

Viconia was hot tough, so was Morrigan in Inquistion.


Jesus how lazy can you be? They could have just as easily used generic male/female NPCs (one of each so it's not so painfully obvious that it's just the same sprite used repeatedly, even from a distance) but instead they opted to use just one sprite, and a sprite of one of the main characters no less.
God damn, it's just unbelievable. It's like the developers were in competition with each other to see just how much retarded shit they could get away with.

She looks like the villain from far cry 4

You're overdoing it.

well it's a game well known for the gay sex and gay protagonists, go figure on which side of the track they are on


Because BioWare Montreal (and BioWare in general nowadays) are complete, talentless hacks.


Bioware knows their audience



That's fucking Sheldon.

Don't worry, They scientically screwed up the proportions.


Thanks for the science. I'll appreciate it before someone calls you autistic.

Japan deliberately distorts female proportions with Bayonetta and it turns out fine, BioWare tries to make realistic body proportions and ends up with two escape circus dwarfs.

Long limbs are a sure way to make someone look sexy and larger than life. Bayonetta is pretty much regal with her legs.

Therefore: Elves >> Dwarves

Great work user

God, I hate this shit.


Fuck that shit. Ugly is ugly no matter how you look at it. Only beauty is acceptable.

That female protag looks… actually kinda cute for once. The male is still a joke with his plastic hair.

plebbit is that way.



The biggest joke is that they're supposed to be twins.

This is what an actual cute military woman looks like. This is the standard Bioware should be held to. Not the disgusting shit they've given.

Do you have a midget fetish or something?

Are you into women with fetal alcohol syndrom as well?


They both look like democrats.

Not to say the proportions are ideal in the models, but they aren't completely abnormal. The proportions given by the 'ideal' artistic models are just a baseline, whereas in actuality humans have longer legs, shorter legs, longer arms, shorter arms, longer torsos, shorter torsos, ect. If there was no such variation, may as well throw evolution out the window.

You misunderstand. She looks sort-of-cute in THAT picture. Every other picture, ie, ones that aren't at a stupid angle with soft lighting, she looks like

Not really the argument. They are not inhuman. However, not all variations make someone attractive. And that's the point

But they didn't scientifically screw up the proportions. They aesthetically did.

Why WOULDNT you be. Its as bad as the shit Capcom pulled with DmC, where its a bad game but more offensive because they shit on series fans.

I could even forgive that much, I know 3D modeling is pretty hard from experience. The problem is it's not a screw up, they do it on purpose. And specifically for the women because making idealized or even attractive women is sexist.

So curry thunder keeps complaining about too many white people and he makes the main characters white anyway?

Watch the video where the dyke goes "That's me I'm blah blah blah" you can see a point where the animation totally skips a bunch of frames and snaps back to her idle pose. It's a huge glaring error.

That's because Japan distorts body proportions by exagurating them. Bigger tits, shaplier hips, for women. Broader chest, thicker muscles, for men etc. They make females more feminine, males more masculine.

It's not just Japan that does this, it's artists since the dawn of time.

Bioware doesn't do this. They instead distort men into boys and women into boys.

Beacuse being sexually attracted to fully grown men or women is discriminatory. Being attracted to underage girls is gross. And being attracted to underage boys is… Well that's just Bioware.

So if you squint at her from a distance, she's sort of cute.


That's just leftists.

And all right-wingers are the Amish.

Is that Cenk?

I don't think of myself as a technological Luddite.

You should though.

Because I mention the left's obsession with trying to legalize fucking little boys in the ass?

And I don't think of myself as a pedophile, but apparently the worst aspects of either side of the political spectrum are now representative of everyone on that side of the aisle, so I guess we're both screwed?

Oy vey!

Oh yes, false equivalence. Meanwhile, it's not the right wing that has an MSM portal advocating for child fucking.

No, for your long term wellbeing.


Says the guy who doesn't like being called amish. ;)

Only someone high on leftist pozz could come up with a claim this retarded.

Nice smiley, bro

real talk, though their forms and faces are bizzare because the "artists" hired are not only new, but inexperienced.

Even covering up the form with armor straps doesn't disguise it.

I genuinely think they make them ugly on purpose, or at least they do for some of them.

Elfpig was no accident for example, and neither is Peebee. BioWare knows the audience they chose, I'll give them that, if only because they're that audience and pool their "talent" from such a cesspit.

They know the leftist tumblr freaks will go apeshit at the sight of a pretty female, the blobs with vagina because they are perpetually insecure sacks of shit, and the ones with the penis to not lose whatever chance of a pity fuck they have with the vagina blobs of fat.

Men are fine though, gotta give the Marxist filth something to masturbate over, either by having them fuck the ugly female protagonist or by engaging in gay shit.

holy SHIT you have the lowest standards i've ever seen.

if you paint her hair black and give her glasses she looks like that one feminist that got PTSD from twitter

What's wrong with being Amish?

You'll have to narrow it down some.

didn't expect that tbh

i get that the longplay of this is to make people who succumb to peer pressure easily change the zeitgeist for laughs but it's still transparently retarded.

Mass Effect 1 had no ethnic European nose shape available in chargen. You could have a broad flat african nose, a broad concave asian nose, or a hooked semitic nose.

There was no straight narrow European nose option.

So you couldn't actually make a white person in Mass Effect 1, you had to pick between sambo, rice nigger, mystery meat, or kike.

The Prequels are only good in comparison with TFA and Rogue One.

That being said they do have good some good points. Unlike with the Jew made trash they don't recycle the OT, the planets are all distinctive and easily recognizable, they introduce new ideas and concepts to Star Wars and can be visually pleasing at times.

Where they fail is in the story presentation, because at the very least they're more ambitious with the narrative than Jew Jew and his Hebrew rage at the Nazis.

The prequels are much better than the originals.

No breasts. The woman is shorter than the man, but the man has shorter legs than the woman. The man actually has really short legs and a really long torso, giving him a bizarre, buglike look.

It's 2017, the male gaze is verboten

Ass Erects were never good.

Let me guess, baldur's gates?

But Black Isle is the only reason BG 1 and 2 weren't complete dogshit.

But they were.

Check Smudboy's videos on youtube.

Has the Curry in a Hurry of bioware made any new non-racist comments about crackers?

He's overthinking it. MEA is a soft reboot of the entire setting.

Its marketed as a sequel


She might be trans actually, wouldn't surprise coming from Bioware

Why does nobody have a memeism about the shape of the dykes nose from this picture.


It doesn't occur after ME3, though. It's functionally a soft reboot, ignoring everything from 1-3 because the Andromeda Initiative won't fit within the original trilogy, and also because the lore needs to be quietly rewritten.

I mean the foundations of the Andromeda Initiative don't fit within the original trilogy because they take place circa ME2. The events of the game take place around 600 years in the future in another galaxy.

I think everyone here can spot a shit reboot or remake but they are marketing it as a sequel and that comes with certain consequences.

It's just a side effect of the "right side of history" mentality. They're not breaking lore, they just rewrite it to something new and that is the correct lore. "We're the devs. You don't get to decide what is or isn't lore."


i think muricans just like to label everyone they don't like as a pedo, since it's the worst they can think of. Coincidentally the US has the worst jail times for them with 9 years as a min up to 30, meanwhile in yurop you get like 5 years max for watching and there is this one guy in london who just got a slap in the hand

Mohammed please

Dis nigga serious?

The fragrant pedo accusations is part of the shaming process to prevent men from going after women in their sexual prime. The culprits to perpetuate this are of course old women past their prime and ugly land whales.

You mean women aged 22? Because that's the optimal age you can have a child at.

If you look at registry records of England in the 17th and 18th century you'll see that most marriages (and subsequent childbirths) took place when the woman was in her early twenties, and the groom wasn't that far off in age either.

This moronic pretense that women are in their sexual prime in their teens needs to stop.

Humans are a pair bonding species though and the female capacity for pair bonding drops off a cliff once they taste any kind of sexual variety.
In a society that keeps a womans capacity for pair bonding intact the optimal age for partner choice is equal to the optimal age for childbirth minus 1 year.
In a society where womens capacity for pair bonding isn't preserved by restricting their access to sexual variety, getting them young is essential for a longlasting relationship as it's the best way to be the first and therefore the one with a realistic chance for successful monogamy.

Sounds about right

That still has fuckall to do with the biological truth that women in their early twenties are at the optimal age for childbirth.


The optimal age for childbirth is secondary to the optimal age for pairbonding in the shaping of sexual selection by evolution in pairbonding species with high parental investment. We're neither Bonobos nor Gorillas.

Yet we should emulate niggers and mudshits in their behavior and fuck little children.

And you leftists fucks always wonder why people want to put a noose on you.

I'd wish they'd fire their modelers and animators, they're all terrible.

Niggers aren't a pairbonding species, humans are.

They should fire everyone, especially the writing department and whatever fucks call the shots.

Blue-haired SJWs hiring blue-haired SJWs fresh out of college. What could go wrong?

got the feet right, SJWs arent that bad afterall

Why is bioware obsessed with making their characters as ugly and unpleasant as possible?

Ugly is the new beautiful, shitlord!

Yeah, she looks like the type to think that letting demons in her ship sounds like a good idea.

Bioware was never good.

Cite your sources nigga
Any motherfucker with office can make a bar graph.

Is it really that hard?

Women have this weird trait where they can only empathize with people who look or behave like them, and all the women who work and Bioware are ugly and unpleasant.

Looks like they tried to model Mal Malloy and failed in every way.


They're siblings

back to cancerchan with you

Second from the right is cute.

Only because she's surrounded by people uglier than her. If you put her next to someone who is actually attractive she'd look like a foot.


tumblr hates Sera though.


Too close to truth for comfort?

Your image is shit

About the only thing you can say for sure is that her shoulders are too wide / her hips are too narrow. Everything else in that image you posted is just bullshit.

They probably took the male model and dragged it into a female shape by hand or some shit.

Doo doo
Pee pee
Bioware are lazy and bad

Makes you wish you were an asian.

Her disliking you if you're an Elf, though she'll still fuck you for starters. And if you're an Elf who refuses to denounce her religion after a certain mission, she breaks up with you. I think. It's been a long time since I wasted time thinking about DA:I. Here's a video.

That's what genuine social stigmas will do. People act like societal standards are some scourge of the earth and not a natural mechanism to foster a healthy society.

Will it have Denuvo?