Good Trailers for Good Games

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Bravo Vomition


that was pretty nice

I'm not a huge fan of RTS games but I may give this one a shot.

I unironically liked LIMBO's trailer. A lot.

I forgot about this trailer. Sure does bring back some fond memories of DmC threads as it was tanking and MGR hype that actually paid off.

Didn't really show off that much gameplay, but I really found the use of the typography and animation to be attention grabbing and great for building interest.

This trailer always gets me pumped.

Also funny how this trailer had English audio (admittedly not the same voice actors the official English release later saw) with Japanese subtitles, and in retrospect made for a bit of a neat bait and switch in terms of who the protagonist is.

I was gonna post one for MGSV, but you said good games.
This trailer is great because it lies, like many often do, but in a good way.

MGSV was the reason behind that. Great trailers, but at the end of the day it was a mediocre game.

I figure it's best to post trailers that will hype people up and not leave them hanging if they haven't played the game yet.

and speaking of MGS2, I finally got around to ordering the Legacy Collection. Can't wait to play it again.

I was about to post this
My niggest of nigs

RIP Sierra
RIP Massive

May Ubisoft and Activision burn for their crimes.

Kingdom Hearts.

OP said good games

man did JRPG's used to be cool.








Fund it

Does anyone else get fps drops on the PC version when cutting larger enemies into a bunch of pieces in blade mode? It isn't horrible but it definitely drops a bit.


I had a pretty mediocre pc when playing it and didnt notice any drops, it had a nvidia card but for the rest im afraid that all I can say is worksonmymachine.png

Yeah, back when I had an Nvidia it wasn't having any issues either, but now that I have a better AMD card than what my nvidia was it's having a bit of frame issues. Oh well I guess, I need to upgrade my computer soon anyways.

Can vidya trailers be kino?

