Action Platformers

Any more great action platformers like the Momodora series on Steam? Preferably non-Western (don't feel like having political stuff crammed down my throat) and no roguelike elements. Also Action Platformer General I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:

Rocket Knight Adventures is the greatest action platformer of all time along with Strider 2 in my opinion.

RKA was the shit, played the hell out of it on my Genesis decades ago. Have you tried the reboot? It was okay, but didn't compare to the original, the 3D looks awful in comparison to the classic pixel style. I still haven't played Sparkster yet, I've heard the SNES and Genesis versions are completely different games.

Valdis Story

Oh also Cave Story, but I assume you played that already.

Another fun game is Turrican 2 (DOS) which is like the son lf Contra and Metroid with huge stages to explore and stuff to collect.

Haven't tried the reboot, i'll check that out.

Universal Soldier for the Genesis is actually a reskin of Turrican 2. It's pretty good if you want to play T2 without the framerate limitations of DOS and don't have an Amiga, since it's basically the exact same game.

Tumblr artstyle aside, this is probably one of my favorite metroidvanias.


I'm guessing that the Amiga version is by far the best one, right? I've only know about the music being a lot better, not like i had an Amiga back then to know.

I was mostly shitposting, but yeah it is the original programmed by Manfred Trenz the legend himself and the music is definitely a lot better.

Is Rabi Ribi actually good or is it just mindless waifu shit?

Both. The main appeal is the lewd graphics because the level design and pixel art are shit. Also, it was made by the dirt Chinese.
The bullet hell segments are fun as fuck to play so I'd give it a go if I were you.
Pic related, fortune summoners is the superior pixel anime Metroidvania

Rosenkreuzstilette is getting released on Steam on Feb 3, sequel getting released sometime in mid Feb.

Came here to post this. It gets so damn much right. It easily has the best combat out of any Metroidvania IMO

But the West does it better.

Only two of those games are actually good.

Aside from bad level design on Demolition Man and Robocop vs Terminator, all of them are good.

Salt and Sanctuary, copy kitty, aquaria.
Also momodora is western

please don't compare this shit to contra.

But both Strider 1 and 3 are better than 2.
Even fucking nes Strider is better than 2.
The only strider worse than 2 is american strider 2 on genesis.
Also Osman is the best strider game.

Contra is an overrated mess tbh.

Shut your piehole, unless you explain me why Turrican 2 on the amiga (best version) is shit then get out. The game has tight gameplay, a fanstatic soundtrack and good graphics.

Did you miss the part where i said "in my opinion"?

Agreed on Osman, disagreed on PSX Strider.
Metroidvania Strider is really good.

Your opinion is shit and is objectively wrong duh, where do you think you are?

Strider 2 is still one of the best action platformers ever created, I agree on that, but other games I mentioned are even better.

couldn't get past the first stage in hard corps lol

I never said anything bad about Hard Corps and i'll repeat myself because you didn't reply to me

Not going to lie I play the Japanese version of Hard Corps because it has a health bar instead of one hit kills. It feels built around it and it seems like it was removed from Western release due to game rentals.

it's ok you couldn't do it, but get good before praising garbage like turrican which doesn't even get the basics right. incomparable.

What basics? Why is it garbage? I just said that it shared similarities to Contra and Metroid not that it was a clone of those or let me guess, you have only played Mega Turrican for the Genesis which has nothing to do with the first two (gameplay design-wise)?

m8 mario has similarities to contra, doesn't mean they should be compared in any reasonable sense.

I'm done with thid, it's obvious that i can't have a reasonable discussion with you.

enjoy the mediocrity of a shitty forgettable amiga game that history fortunately forgot


la-mulana :^)

The sequel is never coming out.

what excellent reading comprehension
just kidding, you have none

Okay but that's not hard, the get off me moves off bosses seems like a cheap way to keep them difficult

You didn't even address a single point made and just replied with low-effort bait, twitter-long replies and fedora snark. What happened to Holla Forums? When did we allow these bumbling retards to feel at home? I'm dissapointed with this board.

Turrican 2's ok, I like Mega Turrican more though. Plus Euros started shitting on Euro pc games once they realized most arcade conversions were completely fermented shit.

Fortune Summoners. Don't buy it though at least not the English version, the translator is a faggot and censored a scene.

Well, yeah the arcade ports were usually terrible like Dynamite Dux on the Amiga with its 10fps but there were a ton of great Amiga games made to fill the holes left by consoles as well that most people forgot.

What's even there beyond Bitmap shit and Psygnosis? Defender of the Crown? Lionheart? Euro CRPGs? A lot of these games have dos or console ports.

You aren't looking good enough, most multiplats that were both on Amiga and DOS usually looked and had better sound on Amiga prior to 1993 usually too. It doesn't matter though, none of this matters.

I'm asking for exclusives you twit, Test Drive isn't exclusive.

Alien Breed 3D II was pretty good but i mostly used my Amiga to make animations.


That's what a lot of people did, even in the states.

that aside I'm currently doing a second run using my 3d

Shame about the thread going off topic a bit but at least it didn't die. Anyway, how is Freedom Planet? Legitimately good game or autistic furry wankfest?

Cringy story so play the mode without it, feels pretty easy and the level design is amateurish.

I enjoyed it.

Better than most sonic games tbh

Lol nope

Ranger X has great music, huge detailed sprites for the genisis, and fun gameplay. Very cool game that should have gotten a lot of attention in the US but of course didn't because muh yoshi.

Just finished Bunny Sword Master Story, It's good if you need a quick action platformer fix. It's by the same guys who did Momodora, it's short, super basic (A to jump and S to attack) but well done for a game made in 5 days. Also it's free:

It's actually great. I was surprised. After pirating it I bought it for full price.


Just played the demo and had some fun with it, but said fun felt watered down in comparison to the classics. The level design does feel a bit unfocused at times and I hate how you don't take damage from running into enemies, but it does look gorgeous. I think I'll pick this one up, but only when it's on sale.


Gameplay outside of boss fights wasn't great, plus there was too much pointless dialogue. I got a refund after about an hour of playing it.

How else would you know that it's japanese?

but it's chinese

Same thing



How many IDs do you have?

Beat Shantae last weekend. Pretty fun especially the last area. Some annoying shit however, like finding all the dark magic on each island. Had to look up some of the ones that were hidden below hidden breakable floors and only appear when you run into a random wall. Love how everything moves to the rhythm of the music

All of them so you better sit your dickhole down, boi.

Action platformers on Steam? I'm a pretty good goy, let me see how many games I can find in my library.
360 degree run and gun game, you've got time-slowing powers and the ability to jump four times in any direction. Heavy focus on getting high scores, which means switching between weapons to avoid DMC-style score decay and making sure to dodge every single enemy attack. There's a sequel coming out soon, too.
Awwww shit. It's a Bloodrayne game, styled as a 2D spectacle fighter, with hand-drawn character graphics, made by WayForward. What else needs to be said.
Fucking no brainer. Don't get the HD steam version, though, get the version from Pixel's website that's free forever.
A hand-drawn furry game by a hardcore furry autist who did everything himself but voice acting and music. Metroidvania in nature, with more spectacle fighter style combat.
This one's less of a platformer than the others, primarily because it's more based on arena combat than exploration, but it's still heavy on the character action combat. I'm terrible at these character action games, but I just can't stop playing them.
A metroidvania with a strong focus on the Metroid aspect. Combat is primarily gun-based, and there are challenge rooms every-fucking-where with currency bonuses. Also there's a mechanic where you can leave your robot body and possess other robots, which is pretty fun in and of itself. Hide from a squad of baddies, find a big guy for you to possess, go to town.
Faithful and colorful Mexican aesthetic, satisfying punch and grapple combat, and
In the past, they've had the special edition on sale for as low as the original, if not lower.
Here's an interesting one that came out just last November. The combat is yet another character action affair, this time with a nigh-limitless air dash ability, but the main gimmick is that there's a narrator who you can fuck with Stanley Parable style.
It's pretty fair to say this could be the spiritual successor to Cave Story, what with the same guy working on it and them both having pretty similar gameplay. But this one's much less exploration-based and more of a straight line.
Not really fair to lump this one in with the rest of the action games, because this one's stealth-based. But there's still some pretty cool murders you can pull off.
This one's a special one. Picture if Brawl's Subspace Emissary was its own game, and instead of playing as different Nintendo characters with different abilities, you stole robot parts from your enemies that gave you different abilities. Drill arm for a drill attack, claw foot for a dash attack, gun arm for a bullet attack, you get the picture.

It's like Metal Slug, except instead of perfect SNK quality pixel art you get quirky Paul Robertson quality pixel art. Also there's gun crafting.
You might as well, I guess.
And here you get Konjak quality pixel art. Which is pretty good, don't get me wrong. Reminds me a lot of some old Treasure games in some parts, particularly Dynamite Headdy.
Indie darling extraordinaire. The good: great art, great progression, Ghibli-like story. The bad: made in Unity, devs are quite possibly koolaided.
It's like Castlevania, but with a somewhat African-like design, and with Ikaruga's color switching mechanic.
Quite possibly the best castlevania of 2016. I can't even put this shit into words. Play this game.
A pretty decent shooter built around the simple joke of "everyone is a bird". Some simple gunplay, with a bunch of tricky puzzles for anyone who wants to collect secrets. Sequel came out recently, and it comes with a free copy of the original for a limited time.
It's 2D Dark Souls. That's what it sold itself on, and that's how to best describe it. Some more focus on verticality, because of the lack of a dimension and all. You can check it out, or you can wait to see if Ethan ever finishes his PC port of Dishwasher.
Basically a classic Castlevania style title with a lot of gore and fancy pixels. It used to be absolute ass, but the devs gave it a complete remastering and now it's actually enjoyable. Still Unity, though.
Yes, the reboot from the developers of the Battleship and Green Lantern movie tie-in games actually made a good Strider game. I'm shocked too.
Basically Contra, except with a time travel gimmick where each life is played at the same time, so you can in theory kill the guy who defeated you before he killed you, turning that lost life into a power-up for you. Unfortunately, it's by the devs of Sword and Sworcery, so expect awful pixel art and possibly some quirky sjw-ness.
Liking this game is basically a meme at this point.

What are IDs

Huh, I never thought they were that hard to find. Pretty fun game, though. Great music as always.
On that, has anyone played the new one, 1/2 Genie Hero? Did they finally add the other characters or what?

I'll add my own too
Very much a Ghosts n Goblins inspired, decidedly arcade side-scroller. Based on some Spanish folklore and horror. Pretty cool.
There's a special extended edition on steam, but the original is free on the website.

Hey Turrican user.

Even though I've already played the hell out of it I might actually buy it.

The game shines in boss fights.

Pretty good, story mode is kinda cheesy though but I don't mind it.

If OP mentioned his wife's son, I bet you wouldn't think he was a cuck. Implications are the better half of comprehension.

It's only been a month, user. They released a Kickstarter update today that the Tinkerbat dance is finished and coming soon, and they're working on the Risky DLC right now.

Thank you for this.

Ever tried Blade Kitten or They Bleed Pixels?
Also, why not get the HD Steam version of Cave Story?

I knew I wasn't the only one who'd played it.

I've never gotten around to playing Shovel Knight since I planned to wait for the final version with all the extra content and shit, but given the price will increase soon I ought to buy it. Which version should I buy to get everything? I know (one of?) the Playstation versions have Kratos as a boss fight, but I'd rather have it on my PC.

you do understand that Momodora is directed by a Brazilian right?

Blade Kitten is decent in concept, but when I played the demo it was glitchy as fuck and ultimately I got stuck in midair against a wall forever.
They Bleed Pixels isn't a bad game, but it has Literally Who in the playtesting credits.

And while there's nothing mechanically wrong with the HD Cave Story, it all belongs to Nicalis and not Pixel. Besides, free is free.

None of the versions have *everything*, they all have different features. The Playstation version has a Kratos boss fight, the Xbone has a Battletoads boss fight, the Wii U has co-op and amiibo support and the PC has basically nothing (although they're getting co-op soon).

Sage for double posting.

Oh, wow, it's like back in the PS2 days when different SKUs had radically different gameplay features. I guess I'll pick up the PC version, then, if all I'm missing is a couple of boss fights. Thanks.

How the fuck did this ever happen?

Huh? I thought it was pretty good.

Holy shit that's pretty fucking cool

Do they hate money? Just throw that shit on Steam for like $10 or $15 and watch the cash rain down.

I would pay for this game. Why are they not selling it in a conventional way?

Turrican user here, if you mean me.

Gunlord, heard of it, saw it, couldn't play it, because there was always someone blocking the Dreamcast with it in the retro corner at Gamescom.

Well, basically NG-DEV will not make anything that isn't either for the Neo-Geo or the Dreamcast, because they are a freak company that has been founded for the sole purpose of making 2D shumps for these Systems. Emuparadise has the Dreamcast ISO. I will test it this weekend to find out if you can run it with an emluator. I have rekt my last DC's laser with playing pirated games.

I Use the opportunity to put my Stamp of Approval on a recently released game called Hive Jump. In this game, you play as an entire Army of power armored soldiers who fight against the wannabe Tyranids. In the map that is at the same a time a round based strategy game, you beef up your bases with cannon fodder, mines or a motherfucking giant robot and then eventually scan or nuke and definitely "hive jump" theirs. The meat of the game is your venture to the randomly generated cave levels. Very well done for what it is. Comes with all weapons you know from every other Jump'N' Shoot and some new ones, grenades and some extra perks. There are also optional challenge rooms that contain some buff you can collect.

Well done for what it is. Pretty much worth the 15 benis asking price.

They do so only in Japan. The rest of the world has to use their Mailorder.
On top of Gunlord you are also getting Last Hope and Fast Striker, their two first shumps.
Just found that out through their twitter feed.

That version is shit. Just download the Amiga Version and Kick.rom 1.3 from some seedy 90s emulator site and play the superior Amiga version. Look, Factor 5 itself has provided all 3 Amiga Turricans on their official site for decades.

Hurrican is also a pretty cool Turrican clone and it's completely free:

Pharoah Rebirth+
Metroidvania platformer with pretty good gameplay and witty dialogue. Someone recommended it in another thread yesterday, currently playing a pirated copy:

Having quite a lot of fun so far, might actually buy it.

I recommended it here this morning. Keep up.

Shit, missed that. Oh well, at least I provided a magnet link.

(Checked, Mein Fuhrer)

You're based as fuck, user.
Know some good levels for it?

Good goy here again: for an encore, I'm gonna fish out all the action platformers on my wishlist as well.
>Nefarious (game about being a villain and kidnapping princesses - not the must polished game, but it's got some charm, plus the soundtrack done by the Brawl in the Family dude also all the boss fights are set up where you're the giant boss monster fighting a tiny hero)



Best Megaman-esque game out there IMO. Any others you guys would recommend?

I just started playing Shadow Dancer today, it's fun as fuck.

The game needed a little polish and i hope the sequel delivers
I'm not into waifurrys but dat kimono makes me want to grab Lilak's horns as i would a bicycle handle

i dont discuss it because i didn't own a copy of it growing up

Really not feeling Legend of the Dark Witch. Am I missing something? I like the Gradius style upgrade system but that's about it.

you are not the only one i think it's pretty shit too


Best fucking Co-op game ever.

blatant lies

it's fucking sonic fanfiction, so it's worse than any sonic game out there.


Yeah, I played it on 3DS, and it's really a pretty sub-par MM clone. I've got issues with how horizontal the levels are with no verticality, how there's so little health available, how dying in the middle of a boss fight resets all your power-ups, how the bosses all just stand in one spot and use their attacks… I may have other complaints, but that's what comes to mind.

that's pretty cool.
Lethal Crisis
Dark Witch 2

the game is all about that balls to the walls true final boss battle. I really loved how the bosses go nuts with their attacks at red health, especially in the hardest difficulty mode.

The sequel improves the fuck out of it, too. The bosses don't just sit in one place anymore, there's trickier platforming, and more balanced weapons.
The speed upgrade is the only one you really need anyway.


Not really a top ten list but a few good ones that come to mind are Sonic CD, Rayman Legends, Ninja Gaiden, Earth Worm Jim 2

Yeah I cant abide by Strider 2 as best action platformer. Its ok but nowhere as good as the Original or Osman aka Cannon-Dancer.

Unfortunately Pirates Curse and the Original on GBC are the only finished games unfortunately.

There's these two games called Odallus and Oniken which are pretty good and generally go on sale for like 2 bucks for the pair of them, Odallus is like a Castlevania clone and pretty good and Oniken is a lot more arcadey and less good but still okay.

I've been somewhat interested in that for years when I first saw it on Desura, but have always been put off by the fact that its clearly pseudo liminations just trying to emulate aesthetics. Trying to emulate NES but not nailing it 100% makes me feel uneasy, like some sort of Uncanny Valley and instead of being nostalgic is becomes a turnoff.

does a better job but its still not nailing that authenticity. Old games can be a bit rough around the edges and I will love them because I can see that the developer was attempting to create with the hardware limitations and I am way more forgiving. However, when a dev, is merely attempting to emulate old games my tolerance for crude design goes out the window. Its a shame honestly, because I see what they are going for, games like Shatterhand and Castlevania are great and I respect that they are trying to be innovate something classic. But unfortunately it just nags me.

Might be a bit droll to say but Shovel knight is one of the only games that nailed the Fauxretro aesthetic. I am not even saying the above games are bad, Axiom Verge and Super Cyborg suffers from the same issues. I'd say Axiom is moderately good for a Metriod clone and Super Cyborg is very faithful to Contra. I just cant bring myself to actually want to play them when their are so many great classics like Kabuki: Quantum Fighter or Holy Diver that can be easily emulated for free.

When he's not in the restroom, sure.

Gave it a second go and realized there is a store you can purchase upgrades with the gems you collect. The game is more tolerable with the gem collection boost upgrade maxed out. Losing precious upgrade meter due to a bullshit attack was a big part of why I didn't like the game, with the boost it's not as big a deal anymore. Rosenkreuzstilette kicks the shit out of it though, especially in the level design and enemy placement department.

a big advantage Dark Witch has over RKS is that it's a lot more original, most of the stage, weapon and boss designs of that one are lifted straight from classic Mega Man. I also like the original soundtrack more and the animations are more elaborate too. And lastly, I like how special weapons have additional effects in boss fights rather than just dealing more damage.

You should give the second game a spin, it's amazing how much you can customize: jumping/hovering, airdashing (one of the few games that lets you choose between dashing by pressing a button and double tapping, thank Christ), combined weapon usage…

Can't you emulate half of those on PC?

Do you have to listen to that shitty narrator from release trailer in the game too?

Why was the music in this stage so fucking good
Why is the music in this game so fucking good

Choose one and only one.

Unrelated, but did anyone else appreciate the writing in Pharaoh Rebirth+? There was a lot of dialogue, which I normally dislike, but the jokes were all quite funny.

Just tried emulating the GunLord Dreamcast version. It's stuck in a tiny ass screen even if I'm in fullscreen mode. For fucks sake, I would buy this shit if they made a legit PC version, this is so frustrating.

Owned for the soundtrack exclusively.

I think I'll give it a shot if it's on sale.

I remember laughing my ass off at Ser Fernando's pre boss quotes.

What's wrong with Aswan High Dam? It gets you pumped up and it has one hell of a beat to it, especially how it mixes the traditional instruments with the electronic stuff.

Iji is breddy gud. I love how it completely blows any game that tries to send a message about MUH VIOLENCE AND MUH DEAD PIXELS out of the water solely by focusing on being an entertaining game first and then working in those elements later.

Any source on this?

As much as I agree with your other recommendation this one is just so mediocre and forgettable outside of the art I can't possibly see why anyone would ever go through the bother of finishing it.
It's basically 100hr (90% of it is gonna be grinding resources) of Castlevania 2 gameplay with guns.

It's okay. The game looks pretty but the action isn't anything to write home about. Characters are legitimately miserable. I hope you like hugging walls to find treasure.

WHERE THE FUCK IS THE DEMO. I liked Freedom Planet more than Pirate's Curse

So, I had a chance to try that game Taiker. As it turns out, it's completely mediocre and forgettable. Beautiful graphics, but the gameplay is just awful tedium.

As long as this thread is still here, I may as well mention N++. If you ever played a flash game between 2004 and 2010 you probably know what N was, and you probably know it had a sequel, N+, on a variety of handhelds.

N++ is the seemingly final instalment in the series, with the most robust feature set and the best original levels. All you can do is run left or right and jump (digitally, no analogue input), but there are a lot of small tricks within that system relating to controlling your momentum to jump higher or more precisely.

The graphical style is minimalist, but not pixelshit, which I appreciate because each enemy and obstacle is immediately identifiable, and it's fun to move around and jump because of how ludicrously floaty your character is. I have the most fun with it trying to complete each level, but if you're the kind of masochist who likes 100%ing things, then there is plenty for you to do as well. I didn't realize how lame the other N games' level design was until I went into the legacy section and started playing those levels - the controls are different, of course, but the levels themselves have a lot of empty space. Although some levesl might take only seconds to complete, there are plenty of others which had me legitimately angry, mostly involving the time travel dudes who follow in your footsteps.

Anyway, it's a good game. I don't think the humble bundle which had it is still running, but I'd say it's worth the price of admission. Can't speak to the online community still being around, but there are thousands of levels there if the base game bores you.

What's right with it? That level has more backtracking than any level except Andre's, and the plodding feel of the music doesn't help. There aren't any heavily defined segments like in the first level or in the nile's BGM so it makes the music sound less dynamic than it is. I truly hate that track.

As much as I dislike Iji's message implying the correct response to nuclear genocide is pacifism, I did like how the game will actually react to what you do in gameplay instead of dialogue boxes. The setting and opening story are stilted, but it was made in the early aughts so I can't really complain.

I just wish the controls were either less awful or rebindable; the game should have supported a controller, too, since the weapon wheel was the kind of thing I'd love to nagivate with the shoulder buttons instead of eight fucking keys or the number pad.

already played
dont mind play the sequel in english though

No. There are corny cut scenes with a Admiral leading the exterminatus is basically Madarame during a Sieg Zeon spergfit. After the first one, you know what is going on and can ignore the fluff and have fun.

Weird, I love how it's the largest and most backtrack heavy level of them all
Actually when I think about it there isn't really a level I dislike at all. Amshear is a lovely intro, Temple Sect is massive with all sorts of nooks and crannies and with in my opinion the best music of the game, Aswan High Dam is also nice and big with my only complaint with it being the scorpion boss being a pushover, Nile was a really fun stage, Luxor was baller because you got to play as Andre(and despite not liking the music at first it grew on me), the mine level was kind of long but I loved it, reminded me a lot of ride chaser stages in Mega Man X which I liked(and no one else seemed to), Cairo-Stewart is probably my favorite solely because of the tricky platforming, music and that one elevator area, Amarna had some really tough and fun enemies to fight and the final boss was neat, and Last Vegas was also really good.

By the way, do you happen to know who the secret boss is supposed to be? I assumed it was Fernando but he seems like he's from an entirely different game.

I went into Oniken thinking it was going to be another shitty half assed attempt at classic gameplay style that completely misses what made those games good, but I ended up pleasantly suprised. Then again, I did play several terrible indie games right before it, so that may have tainted my view into thinking it was much better than it actually was.

I considered getting N++ in the humble bundle, but ultimately I decided there weren't enough games in that collection that I actually wanted. What else was there, Shantae? Deadbolt? Vallhalla? Day of the Tentacle? It wasn't enough to justify.

Anyway, my main point here is, the N++ devs follow Feminist Frequency on Twitter.

I'll be sure to avoid those devs like the plague, thanks for that info.

I have no trouble with backtracking, honestly, but the music just makes me want to carve my eyes out with a spoon. Maybe it's because I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get to the basement floor before trying the elevator like a smart man, but I just have this unquenchable, burning hatred for the level and, by association, its music.


I had been meaning to try Valhalla for a bit, so the bundle was mostly just $10 bucks for Valhalla, Shantae, and a bunch of other Steam keys from my perspective.

This is what I get for trusting people who put numberwang in the options menu. Thank you for correcting me; I think the game is still worth the time, if not the money.

You didn't check the Ark in the bottom left part of Stage 1? Shame on you.

Hello anons.

I'm somewhat like OP. Since I would like some recommendations but Western please. Seeing as I played most of the more notable Japanese ones.

Age doesn't really matter. If I have to bust out some old emulator just to play the notable ones I won't mind.

Just take the list I made, >>11845859 but leave out the games you've already played.

Or if it's emulated ones you're interested in, well, I guess there's

The devs who made Oniken and Odallus: The Dark Call are pretty good.

you tell me, you fucking kike shill

You should know this by now.

Thanks you two.

Since Spelunky Classic is free, I think it's worth checking out
Everything about it is pretty rough compared to HD, and if you played HD first, good luck with fighting against your own muscle memory.

Might as well ask here, how is Steam World Dig?

I wanna fuck that rabbit and no not Tewi

It's a pretty good game for what it is. Just don't expect a complex metroidvania. Also the ending's kinda anticlimactic.

It's very meh. They stepped up on Heist but that isn't a metroidvania.

Do I have to beat each boss without taking damage in order to get their secret items and then unlock the sarcophagus or something? I haven't been able to turn up anything after some searching.