Warhammer 40k must be fur-free
In the grim dark future, there is only war, but, more importantly to PETA, apparently too much fur. According to PETA, the fictional warriors of the year 40,000 should eschew anything resembling animal products from their gear. They believe that the current depiction “sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable.”
PETA going after Video games again
Why do i feel that these morons only exist to detract from real problems?
who fucking cares? geedubs doesn't listen to its own playerbase much less PETA.
for once their inability to listen might actually be a good thing
That just brought to mind those ancient halfchan "Yiff in hell" images of Cockmongler, Suiseiseki, etc, in Warhammer gear slaughtering furries.
What if GW decides to listen to PETA?
Good thing the last thing from GW I bought was Vermintide.
Because they don't know how to deal with real problems. They want to stand between being an activist without having to deal with the consequences of getting hurt in the process.
Did this movement ever start out with decent intentions before going to absolute shit? I've always known they were retarded but it seems like they've gone from a group of angry parents to a fucking joke to laugh at and subtly remind you how depressing humanity can be sometimes.
PETA is a meme at this point because of how much more aggressively they fight against perceived fictional animal cruelty than anything else.
funny comeback when
GW doesn't even do market research. They aren't going to start listening to anyone.
PETA exists in a world where the Onion is real.
PETA have always been low-level terrorists.
The question is were they book burning overly emotional fuckwits who jumped on a movement before realizing how incredibly stupid it was? Or were they always this incredibly stupid? Peta used to seem like dipshits with good intentions but retarded logic. Now they just seems like they're so out of PR only the most radical statements will bring them back to relevancy.
The 2nd one. Remember, they are liberals.
>retards fall for it every single time
Not videogames. Also kill yourselves.
Liberals we're never a topic on Holla Forums until they invaded our hobby. and even then they were as much liberals as they were morons.
Yea a whole lot of PR recognition from Holla Forums newfriend. Learn to laugh at stupid shit from time to time.
Thankfully PETA is a totally toothless organization with no sway anymore.
If GW listens to them it's because they're totally dickless.
You can take my furs when you rip them off of my cold, dead body.
Cancerous fanbase
40k doesnt have good video games for that matter either
I always forget PETA exists and then they do some stupid shit like this so they claw some attention to their fossil of an organization that serves no purpose.
Also, good fucking luck at convincing GW, one of the most bullheaded companies, to change anything.
Wew, first time I've seen PETA go with both a decent joke and a smart angle.
Here you got pal
All hail our spiritual liege.
So I take it that PETA play Dark Angels and Thousandth Sons
Hey now, the thousand sons are beta uprising, not faggots.
Do you know the faction that the Thousand Sons hate the most
Holy fuck, he actually does something right for once.
Butthurt space furry detected, don't be mad that GeeDubs decided to massacre the Space Corgis for Gathering Storm.
Underrated post.
I actually play DA
I was making a joke
I know, but implying that PETA ever plays TS or DA is fucking heretical.
Oh crap, sorry user, the flu has me on a mental slowdown.
Technically they're going after /tg/ this time.
Still though, it's fucking PETA, the only people who haven't figured out that they're retarded are moralist vegans with their heads so far up their asses they eat all their plants twice.
Fair enough, they probably play Tau or are Sigmarfags if anything
Age of Sigmar is probably the only game they can actually wrap their heads around.
And probably only Sigmarines at that
Nothing they say will make me stop wearing fur in real life, and hopefully not in the virtual world either
Send them a picture once in a while, I am sure they will appreciate it
Im suprised they havent protested monster hunter yet when they've already done pokemon. That game is as brutal to animals Fictional or not as it gets.
This sounds pretty realistic.
I am not sure what to make of this.
On one hand I agree that furrys must be purged.
On the other hand, PETA can suck a pig dick.
If any fellow Austfags want to join me in really pissing them off come shoot some horses with me, we get to help the environment by culling an invasive species and anger retards at the same time.
Yeah cause that worked out well for you last time didn't it?
>4th time, emus, great success, ~50% removed civilians this time
We have a pretty good track record when it's civilians doing the removing.
What I'm reading here is not "culling an invasive species" but "overestimating the number and damage of a species". The news articles cites a 60% margin of error on the number of horses and I couldn't find any report providing evidence for either number.
What does that matter? It's an introduced species and should be hunted to extinction.
Most species around the world have been introduced there, that's not an argument for extinction.
True but the vast majority of the world is on two landmasses, Europe / Asia / Africa and The Americas. We are a fucking huge island and as such have maintained a pure ecosystem until very recently.
Most Aussies want to preserve that and will kill all the rabbits, frogs, foxes and horses we need to keep it this way.
Actually this was during the old CEO. Ever since they finally changed leadership GW's been going in a better direction, they're actually interacting with people now.
Don't Aussies have a problem with cane toads?
Yep, the north is full of them because it doesn't get cold enough to kill them off here.
I thought australia never got cold. does australia have any native farm animals by the way or do they just make an exception for cows and sheep and chickens.
Depends on where you are Australia is fucking huge so ranges from tropics to something akin to the UK.
Some people farm emus, kangaroos and crocodiles but most of our farming is cows, sheep and chickens. Sheep and chickens are easily contained while we have special fences to contain any cows that escape their paddocks.
Emu's are native not an invasive species
Wearing fur is acceptable, and what are they going to do? Boycott a product they have never bought anyway? Fuck them and hopefully no one bows to some PETA fuck, who should be focusing on something like animal cruelty in Asia instead of some fur on a 40k figure.
True but we changed the ecosystem by introducing crops which lead to rapid population growth.
It's impossible to have civilization without having an effect but we try to limit it.
Or alternatively their own, since PETA kills all of the pets that it "saves" from cruelty and then stores them in a freezer, which they do because they consider having a pet to be oppression against the animal
Can we meme furfags as animal abusers/shaggers so that PETA goes after them?
It would be really fucking funny if that happens
Fantasy is still gone and replaced by AIDs of Smegmar. They've learned nothing.
I suppose PETA figured they could play the Gimmedat game if they complained about something that doesn't really exist, just like feminists. PETA just switched non-existent sexism of fictional characters with non-existent murder of fictional animals.
These people think they're so 100% right that they demand someone cater to their needs because they're so sure that their opinion is the only one that matters. Fuck them.
Doesn't PETA euthanize hundreds of thousands of animals yearly?
why are they triggered by imagery?
So fucking stupid.
remember when these silly go-nowhere publicity stunts were the worst threat to our vidya
now how's that war on cane toads going for ya
Dawn of War was excellent until the Sisters of Battle expansion.