Games that did low-poly right

I have a soft spot for games with low-poly graphics, even more so if the games are good to boot. What games got it right in your opinion? Post 'em.
Crash and Spyro are easy mode

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I always thought the original Everquest had this weirdly mystical vibe to it, especially the lighting and sound, than no other game has been able to recreate since then.

Not games with shitty, cartoony artstyles that's for sure.

The Spyro and Crash Bandicoot (especially 2 and 3) games on the PS1 still look pretty damn good for 3D PS1 games. Crash 2 and 3 in particular made use of some neat loading tricks and angles if memory serves to be able to get around how much detail could be shown on the screen at once if memory serves.

Had this idea a while back about an Earthworm Jim 3D styled game with a tentacled alien trying to take over the universe by comically absorbing the economy of each planet until he was so rich he buys the universe from god (played by weird al yankovic)
It came to me one night while I was mulling about how all these hipster indie devs just made pixel shit since its what they grew up with. I thought, hey, I grew up with low poly action platformer collectathons. I should make one of those.
Unfortunately, I got a real job and I can't do it anymore.
If someone out there is listening, do me a favor: make my dream a reality.

no, they make pixelshit because it's easy and because that's what was hip at the time. none of them played video games until the Wii came out at the earliest.

ayy my nig

Also gifs related. Made for a future game by the same guys that did Dustforce. You know that game with a really simple but pleasing artstyle? It's right up their alley.

I will not forget this, capped for future reference.

Well I can't say that your idea is bad, but asking people to do it for you when you're at some point in your life going to have time available to do it yourself shouldn't be the go to thing to do.

I just don't know what video games will be like in say, 10 years when I'll change jobs.

Hitbox Team seems to be the only modern dev that can do low poly properly.

Didn't reply to the right post

Threads of Fate

Now we can get back on track
this one is debatable

Isn't Tomba 2.5D? Tomba 2 was the 3D one afaik

You sure?
We could replace it with 2 then, still looked nice for a ps1 game

ignoring the sprites, the backgrounds are decent low-poly. The sequel's is fully polygonal and often meets with some disdain over that, but it looks pretty damn good

The expansion pak actually did some wonders for the shitty hardware. Only a slight improvement over OoT graphically, but the textures and 3D environments did it a huge favor.

Better than SM64 at least

Now that's you're talking about Threads of Fate you can say Musahi too because it was pretty similar.

a damn good game, but comparing its graphics to Threads's I felt Musashi to be the weaker of the two

It was ugly in the right way. That comfy feeling you get when you play a muddy game like Gothic II or Deus Ex.

That's true. It's just that the low poly was believable and it was from the same developers (I think, it might be a different team). I guess Gurumin and Zwei II is closer to Threads of Fate?

Oh man, that gave me 'nam flashbacks about the PS2 sequel

Turok has nice looking skies and fog effects


Cartoon games and games from when low poly was the only choice, all others got it wrong.

Why the fuck does everyone ever that does low poly art think this looks good?

Please don't remind me.

because hipsters love dumb shit. Even better is low poly with no textures. Just solid colors. Thats really fucking original.

But you can do low poly solid colors.
I mean they don't, but still

It always looks like shit tho. Especially when they do that hipstershit "flat shading"

Star Fox 2 looks fantastic and so does Virtua Racing


How about you fucks define "low-poly"? What's the cut off between low-poly and high-poly?


Because they didn't play games and therefore don't know what made low poly look so good back then. Same thing applies for when they try pixel art.

They did that back then too, but on certain things. Such as how the only texture on Crash Bandicoot is the spots on his back.

ate my image, smh

does suda 51 count?

I can take some screenshots of 1080p killer 7 and dump it here if anyone wants.

How the fuck did they cram all those little details into Tobal 2 is beyond me, lt even had facial animations.

Less polygons than a face modeled in the last 4 years.

Also the shoelaces, and his eyes in 3.

is that fun?
Because it looks like fun


Actually Suda51 purposelly choose low-poly graphics for Flower, Sun and Rain so they wouldn't detract the players from focusing on the story and characters.

good meme :^)

Well, the textured meshes certainly give the solid colors some favor there, user.
Also I personally don't like that aesthetic. Color palette looks kinda metrosexual

No clue but I hope so. It's Spire, the upcoming game from the Dustforce devs (and the guy that made Devil Daggers in a couple months). It's apparently a FPS-speedrunning-parkour-roguelike-thing about ascending an infinite tower. They haven't shown much gameplay and I'm not sure about it having procedural level generation but I'm cautiously optimistic given how much they've complained about bland procedural levels in other games like Minecraft and how different they've said their methods are (something about the fundamentals of architecture and building levels with physics).

They do seem to have quite the dream team. It consists of Sorath, the guy who made Devil Daggers by himself from scratch as a side project in a couple months, Lexie, who has redone Unity's lighting engine and nearly doubled performance, Woodly, who is responsible for most of the art for the game which looks great, and Terence, a programmer whose first attempt at music was the Dustforce OST which was 10/10 and wrote this article on why "muh story" in games is shit:

Apparently it will have a Q4 2017 release and they've done almost nothing but work on it since Dustforce. They expect to have proper trailers and gameplay by this summer.

I doubt it

Cap that post, because the sys reqs are going to be bloated as fuck for Spire.

What makes you so sure?

It's not even low-poly. I thought at first it was just a case of really good bumpmapping, but you can see the edges of the wall in some frames.

I really wish Western indies could show at least a LITTLE bit of technological competence.

Pac Man World - PS1

The first Crash Bandicoot used almost nothing but flat colors for Crash, and that looked leagues better than everything else at the time.

Oh fuck yes, patrician taste user. It was also one of the very few PS1 games to support widescreen mode so it looks neat on a PSP/PS Vita.

It looks fine on cartoon characters, but hipstershits use solid colors on shit like trees, landscape, houses, etc. It looks like hot garbage. Basically imagine if every game looked like Godus.

which is how much

I completely disagree, the point of the walls having detail is so that the level of detail is more consistent between characters and the environment since there are no technological limitations anymore.

speaking of pacman
the guy who made pacman just died at 91

the ost is also very remarkable

There was a game based on those two?!

Well it's not consistently low poly then is it?

It was a stealth game and fucking awesome.

you guys are cute.

because it does work but you only notice when its poorly done, like when some retard thinks its a good idea to just place an hd texture from google images on the model

No, the guy who founded Namco died. The guy who made Pacman is still alive. Quit eating clickbait articles.

Toru Iwatani didn't die, you fuck

The walls don't have more polys than the characters though.

my bad

The physics were kinda shitty at times, but fuck me did this game leave an impression.

I'm going to make an estimate
The tiles look like they have about maybe 10 triangles on average. Let's reduce that to 5 quads.

I looked at just one wall in the background. That wall in particular looked to have dimension of 7*20 tiles. 140 tiles. All with 5 quads.

700 quads, that's 1400 triangles. And that was all for one wall. In a square room, that'd be 5,600 triangles and 2,800 quads.

There are about as many triangles on one wall as there are on the characters. The environment in any game is supposed to be geometrically simple anyway. Not to mention all those plants and vines popping out everywhere.

I don't think my PC would be able to handle that game, and that doesn't bother me but I wouldn't call it "low poly".

It was a ton of fun but the reviewers gave it fucking 2s and 3s out of 10 for sone fucking reason when it was a solid platformer. That speaks tons of the current quality of vidya or maybe that journalism has always been shit.

Also the game was filled with details, like how as you progressed the overworld theme would get more conplex or the guy seemingly saying gibberish that was in fact cheat codes for the pause menu that matched the sounds of the buttons you pressed.

They have 5 people working on the game. One of them is autistic and actually spends time on his engine so it functions for people who don't have a PC less than 2 years old.

I was interpreting it more by polycount per unit of space, like if you counted the number of polys in a 5x5x5 box of wall versus the amount in a box of a character the character would have more than the wall since the character's polys are smaller.

Posting some more Devil Daggers


Amazes me people thought this game was shit. >tfw hearing about the trophy secret that shows giant fucking hardcore metal trophies designated to whoever holds the top 3 spots in the game.

Unjammer Lammy


More accurately, it was a game they assembled from the Lost in Time engine. Bugs Bunny and Ralph have the same proportions and similar animations, to the point where there's a mission in Sheep Raider that allows you to disguise as Bugs.

And actually this game is pretty difficult and intricate, too. It's not a Stealth game so much as an elaborate Puzzle-Platformer.

no poly doesn't count

minimalist=/=lowpoly, PCuck.

not low poly. Learn what polycounts are.

because its a paid demo. of course its shit.

for a low poly count 3d model
it suprisingly looks well done

each letter counts for two polygons, the background is 2 polygons and an spu effect, and the system is spending the rest of its resources on sonya. not very impressive all things considered


TWW is low poly though

it usually seems like cartoony models and textures go better with low poly

So tetris is shit because there's one level and one mode of gameplay?


Hi millennial.


What about liquid games you statist.

Git gud casual
Plasma games never ever

Why the fuck is this game $60-70 dollars today? That's the same price as fucking conkers was, and that game at least is rare and has legendary status with 90s kids.

Is there a reason to play the PS1 version over the N64 one?

Tomba is a fucking classic and the dev responsible for it ever only released like 2 games before dissapearing.

Better music, rubs better on emulators.

arcade games like cotton and gunbird 2? Devil Daggers isn't an arcade game, it's a shit modern PC game.

Well let's hope that they'll put some effort in it this time instead of throwing good looking characters into grey placeholder environments and calling it a day.

No it's not. That's why it's $5. Are you going to complain that Pacman should have had different color dots or more ghosts? It's perfect for what it is. Not having more content isn't a good excuse if the extra content isn't needed.

The characters were just as detailed as the environments and the most grey you get is in the later levels of the Forest and the concrete ones in the factory and they look fine.

Unless you're talking about DD. In which case the lacking enviroment is made up by the sound design. Also it's hell. Hell is probably pretty void and dark. The enemies express the tone well enough anyway and from >>11837125 what I can see they look pretty good. Art's subjective though. If you don't like it you don't like it. I see the talent though. Both in design and animation. They know what their doing.

Low Poly isn't a specific upper limit on polygons or anything like that; It's more a matter of design practices. You want few polygons as necessary to convey the artistic idea and accommodate any animation

Terrance's OST was good. Dunno if he's gonna keep it up. Also musicians are the first to go full kool-aid. He did work for the Double Fine Adventure documentary if I recall. I mean I guess you gotta get work when you need it but of all the fucking places.

Bumping for video games.

I think they all live in Oregon which is dangerous territory, at least if they aren't in a small town. I do follow all of them on twitter since they update there much more often than the site and I haven't seen any signs of infection.

Would you say that an average arcade game had about 20 quarters worth of gameplay? Devil Daggers is $5 and was never sold for more.

Oh good, that contradicts what an user said a few years ago about them on twitter. Do they just post updates or something?

Also have an interview if you havn't seen it. I never finished it when I found it though so I have no clue what's in it. I think they just talk about how they run the development, and how hellish their lives as developers are. From what I remember they had a refreshingly pragmatic approach to it and they actually spent the time to make a fucking business plan like anybody with half a brain would do if you set up a business. If they're SJW's, at least they seem like their more capable of holding their own which isn't a common trait SJW's have. That's why Patreon exists. I try not to bring up these guys to often, as I actually like them and when you start posting an indie dev to often, a lot of Holla Forums starts shouting shill and kills discussion of it whenever it's brought up

It's been a long week.

Thanks I'll give this a watch tomorrow. They each use twitter very differently. 99% of Lexie's tweets are about showing off his progress on the lighting system (which is intended for people that understand how lighting works), Woodley mostly just posts WIP art assets like the ones in this thread, Matt and Sorath just retweet tweets about Devil Daggers, Spire, and Dustforce, and Terence tweets about his spiritual interpretation of quantum physics which is exactly as insane as it sounds. If you can understand what the fuck is going on here then good for you:

From what I can tell it's a collection of poems and correlations quantum physics have with human life. Like making a poem out of math terms only it's likely that the correlations are incredibly abstract or there's more meaning behind the terms if you actually understand the subject material to some degree. It sounds pretentious but given the subject material at least it's a clever kind of pretentious. He might be a bit of a pedant… Or maybe he's just shitposting in an incredibly odd way, which I can respect. His Quarks bit seem to tell me something. Tits are life, ass is hometown

Actually maybe it's just a way to express how quantum physics can be expressed as an untapped science. Like what if setting up theoretical equations in certain coordinates could reveal a bigger picture? Might be promotional or just his dump to sticky note ideas.

Jesus fuck you weren't kidding when you said it's insane. I usually can get a vibe and stick with it enough to use as a key to decipher shit but I don't know if this is just pretentious shit or high form art.

So much care went into making games back then.

Well whatever it is that guy is clearly some kind of genius. I'd expect nothing less from the motherfucker that had never made music before doing the Dustforce OST.

That's how most N64 games were, since the system couldn't handle textures very well.

and that's why PS1 games look better, despite being technically less powerful

You fucking what m8

Low poly =/= simplicity or minimalism
It's just the lowest poly count you can get to achieve your creative preference. Though once you get to a certain level it becomes questionable if you don't just want a modern looking game.

ur retarted


GTA 3 is the only answer. Sure it's low poly, but the texture, lighting, and atmosphere in general are absolutely impressive. This shit actually ran well on PS2.

if you call constant sub-30 and wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much motion blur "running well" sure.

Tue XB version was better

60fps 3d fighter on the PS1 was fucking impressive.

Rayman 2.
Its textures are amazing. They all have this timelessly cartoony yet subtly Burton-ishly twisted look to them.
Especially the polluted water.
I love Rayman 2. Hands down of the best 3D atmospheres in games.

It ran relatively well for the hardware and graphics. Lots of games ran sub 30 back in late 90s - early 2000s. Mafia on PS2, now that's what running like shit looks like.

I especially like how you can notice 'stetching' on many textures.
Usually that would be a detriment, but it somehow compliments this game's style and makes it even more weird.
It also still looks great if you get a GOG version with 1080p.

The GOG version is a shit port of the even shittier N64 version, Dreamcast or go home.

The GOG version is not a new port, it's the same old 1998 PC port only on modern hardware.
What's wrong with it? It's bacially like a Dreamcast version.


You have never played the DC version have you?

Ps2 has missing content and shitty redesigned graphics, sonnyger.

The original Hall of Doors is far superior IMO and greatly contributes to the game's atmosphere, which is why I don't like those newer ports.


Is this still the greatest fighting game ever made?




you reminded me I'm still stuck on Tomba at the map that blows wind your way. I'm too autistic to use a guide I'd rather not play at all then.

this is a god awful representation of low poly then:

Looks fine to me



