Alright Holla Forums, tell us about experiences you've had with lackluster or just plain shit PC ports of console games. This game definitely counts despite it being a pretty decent game overall.
Bad PC Ports
just play with a keyboard+mouse
dont see the problem, amigo
I know that some Raiden games got some bad PC ports, looking at the GOG reviews.
I also wish in re-releases that some of the PS1 collections for Square Enix's SNES library would be fucking fixed. It shouldn't be that hard to correct the loading times so people have a decent version of the game to play with the added cutscenes and ability to play on their PS3 or whatever. The Final Fantasy Origins set Squaresoft released functioned just fine cus they actually did a proper re-release for those games, then when we actually get stuff like Final Fantasy 6 or Final Fantasy whatever else on PC we get shitty mobile version ports to PC. What a waste.
Inputmapper is better.
i remember playing ass black flag on my old pc at 17 fps and beating the game at said fps
good times
Can't argue with those trips, I'll try it out.
Dark Souls pc port was pretty bad from what I remember. Capped at a low fps, xbox button prompts even when using keyboard, and I don't think you could change the terrible keybinds.
It's actually what DS4tool became, just a newer, more feature rich version that is still in active development.
I needn't say anything…
The first port of Resident Evil 4, it was shit (and it's still shit).
Fuck off with that. Black Flag hasn't been out long enough to be nostalgic. How the fuck has it been almost half a decade already?
It still needs dsfix as well
works on my machine :^)
Funny enough I'm playing through this game right now it's ok It's shame no one will take the sailing part and attach it something like Mount & Blade. I've mostly been ignoring the story Yarr Harring and stocking up on rum & sugar
On topic GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, & 4 are pretty terrible on PC. Stuff like missing effects, props, texture, & IV's case just terrible performance. Thankfully missing features can be modded back in.
Now i am not that big of an ac fan, but ac worked pretty fine on my machine back then, and I pirated it back then day one. If we talk about port quality online I'd say that ac 2 was worse.
a very sad series. Every game in that series has it's own problems. Saints Row 2 is a very bad port. Saints Row 3 fixes it but introduces a new problem, multiplayer gone and on top of it you got shit humor and overall weird balance.
You brought it onto yourself
This is true
I tried running it with my gtx1060 and opening up the map the framerate skips. Everything can run on the highest settings but the fucking map is too much.
It actually run almost perfect on my computer back then, you know, the closer your cpu speed is to the xbox 360 one the better it runs. My only problem with the game was driving was crap and so was looking around.
I quite enjoyed Black Flag for the non-Assassin parts, namely being a fucking pirate. Game could have been so much better if they'd taken the bullshit out and left it as a free-roam piracy game.
Reminder to filter tripfags
Same, it was very fun to play as a pirate, and even more fun to be the selfish guy. Edward was not a nigger with a code, or a asshole who justifies his actions. He said he doesn't give a shit about morals and just wants a good life for himself. I loved that about him.
Yeah, honestly I loved the assassin part and real life shit back in the earlier days, but BF would have been way better without it. For two reasons, being a pirate was just to much damn fun and the assassin shit ruined it. Also, bf is the one that fucked up the real life part, the future should have ended with ac3.
seriously whats next? are you gonna complain that after installing a game and starting it for the first time you had to go to the options menu and set the graphics according to your battlestation?
The Batmobile puts a stop to that plan.
It was the coolest thing in the game! I wish there was a stand alone tank game with those mechanics!
Because it overstays its welcome to the point that the tank bits go from fun to tedious.
How's 2.0?