Rainbow Six Siege


It's the only good game they made in a while and will be for a long time, it's a fluke and nothing more.
Each character has a specialization in a squad of 5v5 matches, death is fast, it's not a MOBA.
The DLC is free it's just the season pass gives early access to DLC a week earlier and the characters are free, DLC ops for non-pass holders are 25k.

Velvet Shell comes out on Tuesday, map has been revealed which is a mansion by the rocky shores of Ibiza, new operator is a Moor named Jackal, can see footprints with his gadget, weapons are a Canadian AR, a shotgun, USP Compact in .40 S&W, and a machine pistol in 9mm. Mira hasn't been revealed yet but she can probably reinforce windows with steel walls making Castle noid.

For beginners buy Rook, Sledge, Thatcher, and Thermite as your first operators. Rook lays down armor which helps a lot, Sledge makes holes in walls, Thatcher & Thermite are PBJ and will in most matches be useless without the other. The most useful is Mute who lays down electrical disruptors that guard the objective from drones, place them down at the start of a linear path and try to use two at most for guarding then two on the walls.

Also don't bother with Ultra textures unless you got an 8GB card.

Other urls found in this thread:



check the catalog, dude. the old thread is still on page 8


Doctor Doc, I'm Recruit.

Look what we got here

Wait, so you buy the game but then you gotta keep paying for overpowered characters? No thanks

Well Mira looks pretty shit and fuck the vector.

Yep. It's pure pay2win bullshit that cancerous faggots keep making threads for. At least Overwatch kept the microtransactions purely cosmetic. Siege should have just gone f2p instead of demanding full price and locking off half the operators behind a paywall

You don't have to pay real money for in-game content at all except some of the cosmetics. You can buy the R6 credits with real money to skip the grind by just straight buying the ops or buying renown boosters.

Did you even play the same game?



OP delete the thread, we already have one up, and this one is already getting bombed by shitposters.

It's in-game money you fucking fag.

5 cents have been deposited to your Battlenet wallet.

Posted this one old thread
Best match I've ever lost.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Also, none of the DLC operators are behind a paywall, and almost none of them are as good as the original ones.

>downloading the game for the free weekend through UPlay

Does it have Uplay?
What do you mean "buy Rook, Sledge, Thatcher, and Thermite as your first operators"? Micro-transactions?
Does it have adjustable FOV?

Uplay is required but Uplay isn't confirmed spyware like Origin and this game doesn't have Denuvo, microtransactions are only for cosmetics and most can be bought with in-game grindbux, FOV is adjustable from 75 to 90.

I feel like this has some meme potential.

Unlocking by grinding game money. The regular operators are pretty cheap, but the DLC ones are ridiculously overpriced and don't go down in price over time.

Thanks guys, I'll give it a go but hate grind based games.

It's only grinding for skins and new operators to avoid paying real bucks. The basic operators and weapon attachments are just a matter of spending some time enjoying the game; especially given that the tutorial mode gives a hefty amount of starting renown. I honestly can't find much wrong with the system and I have no love for ubi.
On that note,

You need in-game currency to unlock characters, however you get 600 by watching the tutorials, and 6,000 if you complete the challenges in the tutorial missions. Each CTU's op start at 500, however once you unlock one their price increases by 500. You gain 300 currency by completing a casual match and winning and 120~ by doing T-Hunt hostage rescue.
FOV is 60-90 vertical.

Trailer for Mira just got uploaded.

So basically she's Hibana in reverse? Can you close that hole?

It's not a hole it's a window.

So what, it's not even a window, it's just a hole ? What the fuck's the point ?

I don't know about Mira, it looks like you're just doing hibana's job for her.

It's a window, you can see cuts on the glass.
Website says it has an article explaining her ability more thoroughly, but Ubishit can't design one worth a damn so it 404s if you try to read it.


The Jew fears the Conquistadora.

Articles works for me now.

Gee Mira, how come you get two shotguns?

Mira is an ash counter then?

That'd be Smoke.

So if I get a few friends together and none of us have played the game before, how bad would be get destroyed? Or would the noob rush be enough to make us actually "competitive"?


Match making is fucked so you're either gonna get matched against other new players or people who've been playing the game since Alpha and know everything.

proper communication still won't save you if you don't know the ins and outs of the game
there is the element of beginner's luck by more veteran players not expecting you to just rush in or to be lost in places they wouldn't expect you to be in at all

Don't be surprised if you get killed the moment you leave the spawn point

So it IS just a window in a reinforced wall. Not sure how useful this is going to be.


Maybe it's a pun about reliefs on buildings?

How big is this game? Not very tempted to download a free weekends thing if it's 20+

Pretty sure it's something like 26gb. There's a fair amount of maps.


I was expecting more but I'll just have to skip out on this.


Well I guess I'll be continuing my trend of not unlocking defensive DLC ops because that looks fucking boring and useless.


I have enough botnet with steam.

This game is terrible. The guns feel like peashooters, the shotguns are terrible, there isn't a very good variety to choose from, the netcode and hitdetection is shit, the party system doesn't work 9 times out of 10 and it's just not fun. It tries too hard to be "hardcore" and to be the next CS but at the end of the day it fails miserably at it because my only options are 5v5 unranked, 5v5 ranked and halfassed co-op mode and it can't even compete with CS gungame, deathmatch or DM surf.
The entire game feels very clunky. The movement is stiff, there isn't even a jump button and balance is terrible.
Thank god I didn't pay for it myself.

No, you have to grind renown aka bullshit in game currency for around 15 hours to get all the normal classes, then maybe 50 to get all the DLC classes.
Or just pay up with real shekels, goyim.

I'm really struggling to find how it could be useful.
Reinforced walls are really nothing more than a dead zone that becomes active again when Thermite or Hibana hit. They're the least likely area to give you intel.
Intel for both teams, probably more useful to the attackers.
I could see the use then, but you'd be lucky to score a kill since everyone's gonna avoid the panels like the plague. I think it's likely going to be this though, I recall seeing something about a one-way bulletproof glass technology and that could have influenced the devs.

Still, when you have Jackal whose ability is both elegant and self-explanatory, this shit is pretty strange. It's like a major producer has decreed there must be a spaniard chick called mira and good luck coming up with a gadget that fits the name.

You have no right complaining about botnets unless you're running a custom-compiled Gentoo Linux build with manually configured firewalls and equipped with 7 VPNs, a freshly formatted HDD to remove all the factory default spyware, and homebrew hardware

from what
stop trying to compare all military multiplayer shooters to CS just because it is the most popular one on the market, the reason Siege has caught on despite having a horrible start is because it explicitly DOESN'T try to be CS, but rather its own thing
Siege is not about slick movement systems, much like how Classicvania is designed around its own 'stiff' controls. What's stiff about it? I wouldn't call it unresponsive in the slightest.
There is no jump button because aside from vaulting over stuff a jump button isn't necessary. I'm not too much of a fan of context-sensitive actions either, but they work well enough in Siege to warrant their inclusion.
if you're talking about weapon balance in terms of 'how come this operator gets to have a shotgun and a sidearm mini-SMG useful at mid-ranges whereas this operator gets to choose between a regular SMG and an obviously superior automatic shotgun with only a pistol as a sidearm', then I strongly suggest you carefully consider your next words

Wait, when was Origin confirmed as spyware?

Are you just memeing? I hope this isn't your real opinion

Really the only thing I can think I would ever use it for is putting it at ankle height next to doors so you get a little extra warning on people approaching doorways without them being able to easily peek in through it but you can generally use footsteps to figure out when people are approaching anyway and if you really want visual confiermation then Valkyrie cams are about a million times better for that. If you can place the windows in non-reinforced walls I guess you could use it as partial reinforcements for your killholes but it seems kinda shit for that since it would just make your killholes super obvious.

I hoped the tryhard attempt at sounding like Holla Forums would give it away, though there is some irony in refusing to install Origin because you don't want to install any botnets, if you already happen to have Windows 10 installed.

Anons will call any client like steam malware or spyware

Oh geez, I don't know, considering I was speaking about weapons in the last sentence, maybe I was talking about weapons?
They all feel the same, sound the same and work the same.
It tries to be a fast TTK "high skill" shooter, but 90% kills aren't up to how well you know the map and how good you can aim, but instead lucky headshots.
You're comparing a FPS game to fucking castlevania you dumb shill.
No, class balance. Some classes are quite obviously better then others. Unlike say Dota 2, the pick screen doesn't matter, you just pick whatever is your favorite. Countering a pick with a pick doesn't exist, because you never know what they have and neither do they.

The guns have a lot of bass to them compared to other AAA games and are accurately modeled for a AAA game, if you wanna see peashooters play GTA V.
What did he mean by this.
That has to do with your own connection, I can join people's parties fine and they can join mine.
This is a matter of how the game is marketed and the only cancer in it is eSports which only eSports fags care about.
This game is better than CS and is more realistic than CS, CS doesn't require any strategy to it and you don't die as fast, even CoD is a harder game than Counter-Strike. This also doesn't have the cancerous fanbase as CS, at least nowhere near as cancerous.
Just like real life.
You're just retarded, the game is info warfare and mindgames and you can kill someone easily with a few body shots.
Thank for showing everyone you have no taste in anything and none of your words hold an iota of value.
Every class has something to offer and are divided into attack and support, if you knew what they had then the matches wouldn't be as fun and unpredictable, and the game doesn't focus on their gadgets, how long did you even play this game.

I don't really get it either.
Do we know how long those footprints stay visible yet?

Now you're just baiting.
So, which is it then?
In one sentence you say some classes are obviously better and in the next you say "just pick whatever is your favorite". Make up your mind, nigger.


I'm not sure if it's better that they don't last or if they're permanent, because on the on hand if they go away after a while you just have to camp harder and stay still longer, but if they're permanent or last a long time then it might be better to just try and clutter the map with footprints.

how the fuck is it questionable? the netcode and hitdetection is downright awful
the fact that the ubikikes cheaped out on the servers makes it even more hilarious

any user remember ubishit tried to tell people they upgraded the server tickrate to 60 but people found out it was still 24?

The reason why Jäger gets picked so often despite having a rather weak gadget is because of his 3-speed and being the only defender to have an assault rifle, with assault rifles being more effective at longer ranges than the SMGs other defenders have. Most main weapons (SMGs/ARs) are not even the deciding factor in combat, information gathering/peeking/positioning are.

It sure feels that way at first, doesn't it? And that's when you should learn how to pay attention to sound, cameras, destructible walls and drones. Again, information gathering is key. Having top accuracy in instagib servers doesn't mean shit here if some roaming rando can get you from behind at any time. Getting the drop at an enemy means more here than being able to score headshots all the time. Knowing where the enemy is, even just approximate positions, mean a helluva lot more once you have good map knowledge and can predict the routes they'll take to the objective.

Similarly, many maps, such as the rooftops on Club House and Favela feature faraway opposing windows through which a defender can flank attackers from behind, and map knowledge is important if you want to be half decent at roaming.

The reason most people don't refer to Siege as a class-based shooter is because most operators still play largely the same when it comes to the basics, with only different gadgets and minor statistical differences. There are no explicit counters in Siege because everything still comes down to getting the drop on others. A Bandit can deny a Thermite from placing thermite charges on reinforced walls, but when involved in a shoot-out, there's little in terms of class advantages which ends up being the deciding factor in who wins. There's nothing preventing useless ops like IQ getting aces or even just recruits with shields (something I have actually witnessed firsthand). Note that 'useless OPs like IQ' are only useless in comparison. Her gadget is more of a hearing aid, but there's no reason to expect an IQ to be completely useless when it comes to actual performance (aside from Tachanka who is literally a meme pick).

works fine for me™, though I had to switch to a datacenter closer to my place as default considering I was for some reason thrown into the SA datacenter when I first started playing the game, dunno if you've already done that

I can't really find anything about this that has been written after August

Yeah if they were permanent it'd be easy to make hallways a mess of footprints not being able to make out much. Depending on how long it takes for them to fade out it'll give roamers something to be afraid of.

Gonna try first mp match
I've got only rook and thermite
Wish me luck..
And ok
We are only one left and one got banned

I don't know why, but all the new guys tend to pick Thermite. I don't get it.
Even I did it and I always ended up dying first because I'm a fag.

Pretty shameful, but even theoretically knowing how it works and getting a few kills here and there, I have yet to pull off a successful thermite breach.

nice ass, but tough to tell if that gadget is a good idea at all, if its just a hole in the wall it doesn't seem worth breaking your reinforcement for, if its a window it better be bullet proof or something only defenders can see through? Jackal looks way more versatile and useful already

I hope whichever female ops come after her do it like Frost and IQ and hide the lower half of their face.

As for the windows, I hope they're bulletproof. I can see use in that.

Can I play with you guys if I pirate the game? Steam and uPlay can go get fucked.

Are you serious? The only games that works in are at least 5+ years old, so sadly no.

lots of people will vouch that thermite is essential but not mention the fact staying alive as thermite is more essential and to get the most out of him you gotta have some one watching your ass

Whats wrong with insta kill head shots?

it's only 9mm
9mm through a thick ass helmet

wtf i love ubisoft now

holy shit, she seems fucking worthless

Me too fellow memer.
In all seriousness, one must not forget that ubisoft is a huge, bloated thing, and has many different branches, even within ubi montreal.

That pistol is brutal. God damn.

How big of a mistake did I make listening to my dick ?

Try her type 89


I've almost grinded together enough to buy a DLC op as well. Gonna wait to see how the new ones are before I get anyone though. I'm not sure who I should go for anyway. Maybe one of the leafs?

I picked up Blackbeard. His DMR with ACOG is amazing if you can actually aim.

I would play if it wasn't for my stupid young ass making an account with my name as the username.

I would make a new account but I'm always met with this shit.

Can't you use a more compatibility-oriented browser ?

Holy shit, fucking infuriating.

Wow, worse than IQ. Where do they get these fucking ideas from? Also that accent is annoying

Now is the fucking time. Lynch mobs right now.

Hibana's top-tier. She's light armored, her Type 89's really strong, and she has a machine pistol.

Wow dude telling him to use a browser that actually works is not okay, he has every right to be a special snowflake with deficient software.

I mean, I get it, I use an "alternative" browser too, but if a site doesn't work, I suck it up and bust out one of the big ones.

dont touch ash

I dont think you did anything too bad user, you just gotta find a way to make the operator work. This game seems really balanced (I think Montagne's shield should leave his feet more open though?), but in class based games its about getting things to work out for you.

Just get Cyberfox.

Alas, do you guys play with or without music? What are you listening to? Embed related, I am trying to refine keyboard playing with this.

You can change your name in uplay whenever you want. I've already done it, it works like steam.

I tried, but it's impossible to listen to music while playing this game. There's too many things you need to listen to.

It does? Never knew.

Tried changing my name.
An error occurred while trying to send your request

The names that are taken or don't meet proper format give me different messages. So this means that it's a name I could take but they won't change.

I changed mine through uplay, try that.

I didn't want to have to download that but fuck it

Why would you deliberately avert your earballs away from the game?


Oh fuck off, i could've done it from there all along?

Because its rock and roll. But yeah, sometimes Soundgarden takes second place to knowing enemy whereabouts

I'm not seeing it.


Click on your name, top right corner, in the uplay client. account info is in the popup.

God damn it shotguns are so ridiculously inaccurate when firing from the hip. I've been able to get at least some kills while aiming down sight, but forget about hip firing those shits.

Figures. Thanks.

What the fuck, this rarely ever happened to me before but now I'm getting it all the time. Is anyone else getting this too?

If the name change via uplay doesn't work you can send an email to Ubi support. I did that when Far Cry 3 refused to show my new name (for some reason the website and uplay worked fine).

Can confirm it took 50 hours to unlock Hibana winning most of my games>>11841440

I just got a booster, and I'm ready to throw it.
Looking for some big strong men who I can share this blessing with.

I got a free booster a while back for some reason. Are you supposed to get them once in a while, or is it a marketing tactic?

They are reparations from the longer server outages

i sometimes listen to genesis when im feeling confident

oh boy I can't fucking wait

Leaked images confirmed that Mira's ability is a one-way window.

Not listening to superior talk box muncher

that's indeed much more useful

So they are one-way after all. Guess that's a little better, but I'm sure the enemy will be able to see that a window is placed from the other side and avoid showing up there too much if possible.

You guys realize it's a one way window that's bulletproof on one side and the other side people can shoot through, right?

"Comes Alive!" has 8x Plat, "Invisible Touch has 6x Plat. He has some nice tunes.

not genesis



Why do you like Genesis so much? or Holla Forums in general?

Well, time to try this game out for the first time.
I sure can't wait for the horrors to unfold.

since I am gonna be new to this and I dont wanna be a shitter, tell me what to play as that would benefit my team.

Source on that that is how Mira's window works you fagit.

phil collins's drumming makes my dick hard

Thank god she isn't that ugly.

Do the tutorials and situations that teach you jack shit, buy Rook and Thatcher.
Rook's gadget is that he can make teammates take more shots by placing armor plates at the beginning at the match, even if you die immediately you've already helped your team immensely. Most people recommend Thermite, but Thermite's too important to lose if you die. Thatcher's EMP grenades can help thermite, but even if you die someone else with frags or is Twitch can help Thermite as well.

Figured as much, it's still going to be ridiculously situational though.

Attack: IQ if you want to get to know where the cameras are, Ash/Sledge if you want to pop things open on the way to the objective, Montagne if you want to help your team clear on the way to the obj, Thatcher if you want to help your team breach the objective (warning: you have to actually survive to make it to the objective and throw your emp grenades) etc.

Defense: Rook is optimal, drop your armor instantly and mark it with z or whatever you have your marker set to, let people take their armor, you've done your job. Jaeger, Mute, Bandit, they can all set their stuff down and not worry too much about dying.

Rook sounds like the way to go then, thanks user.

I will take a brief reminder that in most places, the best prog drummer is considered to be **Neil Peart*

Also, way too light. Rush has some riffs that give me a hardon.

he's pretty good but i like phil better

I usually dont listen to prog. For me its just like hearing continous noise. I prefer listening to heavier things or songs with some good groove.

here have some brand x instead nigger


fucking jewtube

I just wanna know what kind of ass we're dealing with.

I have no idea what I am listening to.

thats because you're a pleb

Don't be sacred to ask a teammate to give up the guy you bought if thats all you have. Just tell him that's the only guy you have. Make sure to lean and learn how to peak. I only really started to understand peaking a few months ago and it's made me a much better player. Get ready for people to be mad at you though for mistakes. For some reason this game thinks its a good idea to put a bunch of ranked level 100+ players with a mismatch of new players and high double digits

This guy has a lot of good low to play videos. Just ignore the highlight reel stuff if that's not your thing and watch his guides on how to be a better player and his rundowns on how the Ops all play and the best ways to play them.

We should really make a file of things for new players to help them out if we didn't yet.

I Cant Dance is the only Genesis song I can stand.

i bet you main ash too faggot


I think she is very pretty

fuck off kike

Fuck off faggot

you first nigger

Make me like your dad on tijuana prison

ur mom lol
atleast you posted animals instead of the wall or dark side of the moon

The talk box solo on that one gives me a stiffie

its the only pink floyd album i really liked tbh

It saddens me to see normalfags pretend to like pink floyd without knowing any albums other than those two.

Really? I mean, I dont like Dark Side of the Moon either but they have some disco/funk undertones sometimes that are really hot. Do you even like hard rock, or anything hard?

I dont like prog rock too much outside of Floyd and Rush, but I know PF's albums

Stop spamming the thread with music you fags.

I like where this thread is going. Also DSotM and the wall are still good, it's just people go around wearing shirts with the prism and they only know Money because it's the most normalfag palatable compared to something like echoes.

These threads are slow as it is, we can go off topic for a bit.

I, for one, welcome the musical discussion.

i get the same feeling when normalfags ignore 70s genesis apart from follow you follow me, with a trick of the tail/wind and wuthering and specially trespass being completely ignored all together, and the fact that a shitload of songs from 80s genesis get credited to phil when he barely wrote any songs for the band

im not saying i dont like them or anything, i just couldnt get into them that much tbh

Ash is cute. I'd feed her something non kosher if you know what i mean.
I mean sausage
it's non kosher and a euphemism for penis

A slow thread anyways. At least I appreciate them for posting prog rock and not something way too retarded

Gilmour's solo in Another Brick In The Wall is just fucking amazing. I can get my rocks off to that all day.

I am apathetic to the fact she is jewish, I find her extremely pretty to be honest

Forgot my embed, something more extreme

Why is iq such a qt I want her to fuck my ass

When the new characters get released do you guys think the old ones will have the renoun price reduced? I've been saving up for a new release but I also want frost and buck.

i wish there were visor-down options for some of the characters headgear, but mira seems like she came out alright

i dunno, seems pretty useful if it lets you see down a hallway without peeking or camera checking, but it depends how easy the enemy can see it/how it becomes destroyed and other stuff i haven't seen yet


Naw, gotta get the goyim to pay for them. Lowest I've seen a DLC op go for is 20000.

You have posted this before, I am sure
Ash and IQ are beautiful, I wish I had them in my life

Literally not gay, choose another insult m8


I think ash looks like a man too much tbh

fuck off faggot

I think she looks stronk. And soft.

I mean, in personality, she looks hard from the outside but looks like pretty fun.

Hmm true

Your still using the wrong definitions to describe things :^), try degenerate or some other form of insult that actually applies.

Why is dad rock so good?

fuck off you effete degenerate sodomite

Now we're getting somewhere, but also no.

To Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple? Really nigga?

I want to bury my face in the jew's chest

stuff like Led Zeppelin and AC/DC are the definitions of dad rock, unless I've been using it wrong all this time.


only faggots say dadrock unironically tbh

You probably have. AC/DC couldnt be even more far off the mark. These things trascend generations. Its a retarded term for people who cannot into rock.

I mean, I dont care if she is jews.

I was using it ironically, smh fam.

Gonna be off for a bit, remember to pet the cute jew.

This video is still awesome regardless

As much as I don't main Ash, when I DO play as her I generally do really fucking well and I've NO idea why. Clutched 4 times in a row and ended with an ace as Ash on a one-day Ash-playing-spree.

Game's shit netcode and hitboxes makes light armored operators zipping around OP as fuck.

Because Ash is the most perfect thing in the world this R6S/music thread comes close, however

How is the game if I have no mic?

It makes it a little harder, but unless you're playing competitive (which you shouldn't be) it's not extremely important.

Doesn't comp give you like an extra 100 renown?

Beginner's guide to R6S: die until conditions improve.

I don't intend to play ranked. Just wanted some MP game to play once in a while.

Starting to really hope Ubisoft don't patch the little areas you can hide in with vaulting in specific areas, you'd be surprised how retarded people are to not see you :^)

They've patched specific vault areas before like using a deployable shield to vault into the boat on House, but some things are arcane enough that they either don't find out about them or care about them because they take forever to get to / trap you.

Somewhere around there, but the matches are also much longer since they're best of seven instead of best of five, the individual rounds are shorter by a minute which means you're going to have to rush a bit more, the queues take longer, and there's generally more hackers.

There's a difference between regular jew and full blown israelite fighting for the most legitimate army in the world™ tbh

furries fuck off

What are the different versions of the game on Steam? Like Year 2 Gold and Complete?

Anyways, I'll download this and give it a go.
If I like it, I suppose I can give some shekels to Ubishit for once in the past decade.


Situations give you enough to buy at least five operators. And you should play situations - if you were going to jump straight to multiplayer, you were absolutely going to be useless.


Well I ran into my first free-2-play weekend fuck up
My friend is ash and blows the hatch to fire into the train
We lost. That's the 2nd time a fuze has fucked me. Now I understand why people TK low levels all the time.

You know what, keep the game uninstalled.

played against that guy yesterday, surprise surprise he's Swedish

Is there a single player component that can be played to unlock content? I always enjoyed terrorist hunt but I don't like playing with other people if I don't have to

terrorist hunt is lame, there are the scenarios but there's only like 10 or so of them. and after you get 3 stars on all of them, theres no reason to play the scenarios again

wont bother then

Any yurops here wanna group up in a couple hours? I'm still a shitter, but I don't wanna run into these rookies blowing games all weekend.

I need those last 5000 renown.


God damn it, I missed the comfy music discussions.
Well I like to have some music that just fades into the background while I'm playing, embed related does it for me.

I'm really enjoying the game so far.

fucking rookies man.

I love customizing the dildos Zarya uses to fuck the cis white gendered scum's asses with

I can kill people when im glitched into non-playable areas

Oh wow what else can you do?

Since it's free weekend I have it downloading, I'll try it out and if i like it i might buy it thru g2a since i have some friends that play it.


You can play Terrorist Hunt by yourself.

I wish the Nordic countries were not so degenerate


I feel like i'm learning precisely fuck all from playing.

Free weekends are a magical time.

don't worry, it only took me 15-30 hours to actually get good at the game

Good morning.

Quality work jewbisoft.

Literally all my MP matches have been business as usual for me. Some real retards in terrorist hunt though

I just played a match with a literal 10-year-old Danish kid who blew up our own hostage with a remote charge

God I hate little kids in siege more than any other multiplayer game, because they always manage to fuck up. Every time I play with a kid who talks on the mic they either get carried by the rest of the team or we lose and they just keep shouting how bad we are.

You sure it wasn't an arab?

Actually he wouldn't stop apologizing for it and kept saying "please don't leave guys" after every round.

It's hard to tell nowadays. Thanks Oma Merkel.


god shes so fun

shame her main weapons are fucking weird

She's very fun. I hate when I fuck up and miss the target, then they see me and destroy me. I'm still learning her though. It feels good when you spot someone, make them talk then sprint to the next one to do it again.

wait til its installed all the way you moron

Her main weapons are perfect man; that shotgun is for rushing corners or getting multikills, and it will kinda force you into playing a much more ambushy game. It's actually super fun trying to use cams/sound/hiding from drones to try and set up the perfect ambush - favelas is awesome for doing that too, and with the recent update on silencers, shotguns with silencers are fuckin' amazing. You can get off half your clip before someone realises they're being shot at and you don't even have to aim properly - actually kapkan's shotgun is pretty viable now because of this, and now I've started to him as a close-objective roamer to get beside people or pop them through walls.
Her smg is great for consistent headshots, or spawnpeaking, but it tends to make me play it a little straighter than using the shotgun… If you like playing slow, use the shotgun and keep the pistol out for your ranged kills, but if you find yourself run n gunning a lot, or getting into mid range firefights use the smg with a red dot and extended barrel.

Thanks Ubi, you fucking mouthbreathers

I'm a mouthbreather too for originally posting in the wrong thread, on an entirely different board

this game is going to be a lot of fun. The only thing holding me back from buying it at the moment is the lack of a server browser.

as it's loading or?
if it's loading then alt-enter

I just realised you can't silence cav's shotgun, I'm a retard disregard that bit

Been happening a lot to me too. I keep filling in for leaver faggots while a round has already begun.

Drawfag here, taking any shitty requests as long as it's related to Siege

the suffering never ends

an Wyatt Man Jew edit of Ash, with 9/11 being reflected on her shades as two +10 Breaching Round score pop ups are shown on the right side of the screen

Anyone else got shoah'd from the servers? Looks like they finally died this time.

Please do something with this.

Draw IQ cyberbullying Twitch

Draw Bandit and another male defender chinging a glass of beer while in the in the objective room.

Draw cav doing the little boy spotted face

Maybe you fags should just stop using stupid 4cuck/mu/ meme terms?

But it already has.

What if they one day decided to include two new Operators who were Ghosts? Or one Ghost and one from Splinter Cell? (Can't recall the organization's name in Splinter Cell)

Third Echelon

Wouldn't surprise me. Ubisoft likes to integrate universes. I still have no idea why they made watch dogs and assassin's creed share the same universe.

Wait, AC and WD share the same universe? They have an ENTIRE universe centered around massive failure?

It would be cool, but how could they integrate a Splinter Cell agent without stepping on the toes of operators that are already in game? IQ has the detect electronics ability already, and Cav fills the role of the sneaky roamer. Only thing I can think of is to give the agent a non-lethal dart gun that takes 2-3 hits to knock an operator down

Far Cry 3-4 are in that universe as well IIRC


I tried this guy's advice out a while ago. Mixed results, but that's to be expected.

Yup. They haven't really done anything with that, though. I forgot where they confirmed this, though but I know for sure i've seen it.

>enemy is all

post the chart with character picks and what they mean

this one?

For Honor's beta did this shit too, what fucking retards don't think to make a way for you to get to the quit button when the game can't launch due to server issues?

Reminder that this game is SHIT since its the first of the series to be online only. Fuck you for buying it!


Maybe 20 seconds for all of that, possibly a new record for going from queuing to losing.

Any game with "Tom Clancy" is in the Clancy-verse. Expect this Clancy Verse 1 ended at the game "End War"

Currently we are in Clancy Verse 2 so basically shit like Vegas 1+2(I think),Splinter Cell Blacklist and Ghost Recon Future Soldier.

Remember in the beginning of the game when you played all those missions and that black lady says "Its Time to Bring back Rainbow" you see sometime after Vegas 2 Rainbow got disbanded for a while and then come backs.

I played the Wildlands beta and in the intro the lady asks the squad "So were you guys behind the up rising in Moscow" that was basically Future Soldier remember that mission where you defend the Russian president?

Also yes The Division is in this universe aswell but its canon not canon. Since basically the game is a "what if" situation if the Division ever needed to be activated.

No one played Future Soldier

im a huge Tom Clancy fag so thats why I know this

it had good multiplayer and was better than Wildlands

dude gross

Installing now, can't wait to operate operationally in areas of operation.

What are the basics that I need to know?

You know the lady that looks like Amanda Waller

good dubs

1. shoot the arabs
2. the arabs are disguised as whites but you can still tell they're terrorists because they'll use suicide vests
3. only use Fuze and dont' be afraid to put the grenade thing on any and every surface because it can't hurt hostages or teammates

mad cuz bad?

Get the french guy with the shield. He can't be killed

Jesus Christ did they accidentally enable the console version autoaim on the PC servers or some shit? Never have I seen a higher ratio of headshots per dumbass spray than tonight.

How decent is the game without having a dedicated friend group to play with?

I had got it on the PS4 awhile back, but everybody flaked out after a month. I'd love to grab it on the PC if it still has an active community, and people you can just do a group with who actually communicate or at least banter.

I've had no issues finding games, but then again this is a free weekend so I'm not sure how much that's worth

The community is active but people are generally pretty quiet outside of ranked, presumably because everyone who talks makes their own 5 mans or talks through discord or skype or whatever.

You can see the daily concurrent playercount here from steamspy, note that that's only for steam and not the combined steam+uplay stats. Obviously the big spike at the end is the current free weekend.


Auto aim is enabled on controllers

Well shit, maybe I was playing with and against controller users all night.

I fucking hate this game

okay real talk, do the situations, it will give you a rundown of some operators and some maps, and give you enough money to buy good bunch of starter ops

solid start ops choices are as follows
for attacking
-sledge, all around solid, has frags and flashes, useful as a roamer or in a group, won't compromise the plans if he falls
-thatcher, pick him if your team has thermite or fuze, he can disable bandit/mute gadgets from safety and allow thathcer/fuze to use their gadgets, but he's more valuable than sledge so don't go roaming with him
IQ- a tricky pick, because she isn't that good BUT her gadget will help you memorize enemy camera locations faster and common places for traps to be placed. also a hard counter to valkyrie and echo but not hard enough to crank her pickrate up since her armor is shit.

once you've gained confidence as an attacker you can get ballsier and pick people like thermite, fuze, or montagne who requite more team communication and map knowledge to be useful to your group0

-rook. you can't go wrong with picking rook if you're unsure about what to do, just drop his armor at the start of the match (in front of a drone hole if its within eyeshot) then you've done your job and can focus on reinforcing walls and finding a place to wait, since he has 3 armor it's smart to stay near objective with him
-mute, he's a little trickier to be useful, ideally with mute you place your gadget at the top of stairwells and outside the objective room/ in front of drone holes, then before set up ends, kill any drones you've killed, grab your gadgets, and put them back near objective room in front of reinforced walls or under castle-windows to prevent thermite/fuze from using their gadgets
-frost (if you have her, she costs lots of grind dollars or a few real dollars) she's like kapkan without nitro cells but her traps are more likely to work, place her traps under windows and behind deployable shields and place one somewhere in the objective room but not within eyesight, her traps don't kill but they down, so you worst case scenario you slow your enemy down, best case scenario you get two birds with one stone when an enemy tries to revive their downed teammate with your trap

when you become more confident with defense you start picking people like Jaeger and pulling cheeky kills from opposite rooms with his karbine, or caveira (DLC) to sneak up on roamers and expose the enemy team.

if you're ever unsure of the bet plan of attack, stay behind some one else and watch their back and try to be a bit vocal on coms and it will be more valuable than going off on your own

kill any drones you've JAMMED**

sorry about the messy post m8 i had a few to drink tonight

I got three kapkan trap kills yesterday, and probably more injuries if the explosion sounds weren't all Ash. Going out during the prep phase works wonders, though it only exposes how little sense it makes for the guy to have 1 speed.

I got a lot of kills with him too. The trick for kapkan is to place one in the objective room to negate the entrance and the other two on random doorsmore useful if are entrance door they don't usually check far and main entrance door so it's an easy pick to do it

Holy shit, this game is actually fun once you get over the initial "What's that? Where am I? Who's that?" phase.

Do you think that the person playing as her would actually use her special ability?

You have way too much faith my man.

Fucking clanfags, think they can get away with wallhacks because they have two others backing them up.
fucking posted in the wrong thread at first

Actually I would think IQ players would use her gadget too much. But I guess I'm overestimating waifufags. Her voice isn't even cute

Nice free week end ubisoft

Jesus fucking christ

Muzzle Break seems to offer overall better performance over the other options, is there any reason not to go with it?

And now everyone's a fucking no-fun-allowed faggot. If I pick recruit, I get teamkilled. And there's fucking cheaters everywhere.

Applies to both casual and ranked.


yea same here. shits fucked


Nigger, it was a fucking addition to what I said.

pretty sure that was an addendum

Are the SAT operators any good, or should I just spend my ingame credits on regular operators and more attachments for my guns?

12:45 EST is when they'll talk more about the new ops.

I haven't seen one in a while. Maybe you should git gud.

Hibana is breddy gud, as her AR is top-tier while her gadget lets her make killholes in reinforced walls. Something Hibana can do that Thermite can't is deploy and activate multiple charges at a time to fuck with the enemy even harder.

Echo requires a lot of communication on everyone's part to be effective, and may not be the most suitable for pubs. He has a drone which can stun people and fuck with their aim, but you have to know when to use it properly.

I'd probably unlock the regular ops first though.

Some of the fucking people I go up against…

Also all the free-weekend kids…

For those who want Velvet shell info

So Jackal is basically Buck + visor? Seems a little unfair to Buck.
I really don't think anyone is going to be playing Mira after the new operator shine wears off, much like Echo.

How the hell am I supposed to play the free weekend if it just keeps giving me connection errors? This is just like every other shitty Ubisoft game I've tried on PC. Refuses to work because their servers don't function for shit.

did you try turning on and off your PC?

The muzzle break is a bit deceptive, because it shows your recoil pattern being lower than anything else, but if you read the description it's meant for single shot firing, so if you have an automatic weapon you want a compensator as it'll reduce muzzle climb for sustained firing, but things like buck and twitch's DMRs are great with a muzzle brake.

Anybody got that there MS Paint operator chart with all the pros and cons of every choice? It was in a previous thread but now I can't find it for the life of me. Castle was represented by a watermelon, if that helps.


fix your fucking shit ubisoft

Honestly I have no idea what they're doing. It wasn't this bad last free weekend.

This one?

Yes thank you

But why?