Soul Worker: Rabbit Edition

I never see this game talked about here, which is strange because it seems like it would be right up you guys' alley.

It is a free to play (and not pay to win) MMOARPG. Right now it is only available in Japan and to Japanese IP addresses, so you will have to use a VPN to connect.

Are you tired of clicking once and mindlessly pressing numbers to attack mobs or play PvP? This is an MMO with real time combat. You have to dodge and aim and time combos in a way that shitty boring western MMOs apparently cannot fathom. The gameplay is very engaging and in late game, fucking hard. Every dungeon has five levels and each of those levels has three difficulties, so you can play for quite a while before even reaching the second town.

First, use your VPN of choice to give yourself a Japanese IP address.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off shill.

Are you actually this retarded?

Might try it out later tonight, thanks OP.

Shut up, cuck.

Might end up playing a 2hu then. Any decent unarmed/hand-to-hand combat?

The classes are chosen by picking a certain character. The only hand to hand character at the moment unfortunately is male, but he is extremely fun to play. All of his skills have alternate triggers you can stack together to make your own Tekken-esque combos.

Ok, I'm interested, but how exactly does it play? What "classes" are there if any?

Well there goes playing as my waifu at least. Still gonna check it out.

Your classes are actually different weapon types, each with its own playstyle and combos. They have added two new classes since this video came out and they plan on adding more.

To use an example, my main character is Stella, who uses a guitar to summon demons who attack for her. Her special ability is to right click to change stances, which gives her skills completely new effects. If you get advances with your combos you can change stances between attacks and it looks cool as shit. In contrast, Jin is the hand to hand character. His special ability is the ability to branch his combos into many different types by picking how his skills end and flow into another one. It is very deep combat for an MMO and a Japanese one at that.

Horse shit. This game is Korean. Don't try to pretend it's Japanese just because Koreans copied the style of modern anime. Regardless of the game's quality, you're already souring my perception of the game by lying like this.


Shit, you're right. Straight from OP's first link:

My bad. I must have missed that. But I don't see what that has to do with how fun the game is.

This looks really bad. I don't need to jerk off this badly.

Yawn… when will someone remake WoW?

Because koreans are worse at making games than japs.

Well since Japs are playing on a separate server, it might be alright. Better than playing with the Koreans themselves.


Those environments remind me of S4 League :'( ;_;

I probably get stuck in the captcha anyways.

Don't worry my dude. is the one I use. It works perfectly.

i am actually bored and want something to play but too lazy to go through the process of doing all that

casual xenophobia from dity nips. fuck you, nips. I'll play what I want. I'll play this game in a VPN and I'm gonna fucking SPEAK ENGLISH and THINK IN ENGLISH while playing your stupid nip game


It sounds nice but the shitty moe-artstyle and modern setting are offputting.

But can you undress them? What kind of pantsu do the girls wear?

Actually, yes you can. There is an entire section of your avatar dedicated to underwear.

Then post pictures.

I'll do you one better.

sage because double post



I was kind of ambivalent about the entirety of the game before, thinking "oh, that sounds kind of neat," but this has rocketed my interest right on up there.


I see. Despite my first assumption she was not a chuu2, but a desu wa. This is only very slightly worse.

Is the game all instanced rooms and a central hub, a la Vindictus?

There are also post game raids, but yes mostly. There is tons of new content being planned though.




I was actually thinking Holla Forums wasn't talking about it because it is good, but I can see your point.


i'd think having a vpn is just plain normal for people who pay $80/m for internet

Why would you get a VPN unless you are chinese or live in a country where there is actual danger involved in pirating?

my vpn is cheap and lets me use shit from britain and the us with ease.

You have to use a VPN for this game because they don't allow any IPs that aren't Japanese to connect, in order to save server space and cut down on Chinese farmer faggots.

trailer is interesting.

can you play with a controller?

Yes actually, it even has a premapped XBox 360 controller control scheme. However it is not translated in the English patch so you might want to either look at a guide or fiddle around with the buttons until you figure out what does what.

I don't want a fucking ugly moeshit waifu

You might be a shill, but this honestly looks like something I'd like to play so I might give this a go. Are there any clans in Soul Worker so we can make a 8/v/ clan like we did for PSO2?

You guys crying shill are fucking morons. OP is talking about a game that you can't even buy or play anywhere outside of Japan. "Shilling" it to a bunch of broke ass neckbeards is pointless, you are not nearly that important to the world stage of videogames. Get over yourself, holy shit.

Why are you so upset? It's not like I'm not going to try it.

You're absolutely right, my dude. I get paid every time an American downloads this game for free. Living the life tbh.

Thanks OP, this game is pretty fun.



I am glad you like it. I sent you a HEMS mail. You are a lot braver than me for posting your name here. Please feel free to make a Holla Forums guild when you hit level 20, you are actually closer than me.

It looks ok for an mmo, Vindictus except less gay and more anime.

Got it done.

Guild name is 8ch everybody. I tried 8ch/v/ but it doesn't allow special characters.

You /thread'd your own thread, retard


Thank you very much. Now all we gotta do is climb the ranks.

Right up the most hardcore weebs' alley, maybe. This looks like shit.


oh shit, its got a guitar class, weeb vindictus is alright in my books. Japan seems to be ahead of the game when it comes to mmoarpgs. I know kritika off the top of my head, and there's a few other random ones.

anyone remember Rakion? it was the first mmoarpg I played. You evolve mid battle and the pvp was pretty good. Back when people weren't afraid of pvp

Man i fucking miss Rakion, i loved the knight class and the archer always gave me a boner.

Good luck getting past the first dungeon, kiddo

same, I used to always get wrecked by pro blacksmiths, good times. its sad to see that the western mmoarpg market is so stagnant.

user, you seem like you'd be well versed in this so let me ask you a question.

What are the differences between this, and Closers? And what are the differences between both of them and Dragon Nest?
They all seem like pretty much the same kind of action-based 3rd-person waifu dressup game. Not that it's a bad thing, I liked DN but not enough to play something similar through a VPN, but there's got to be some more nuances that I'm missing.

Well, here's the big question

Because I dropped DFO (Until recently), Kritika, Vindictus, and Dragon Nest all for that reason.

Fuck that

Unfortunately yes. But it is very forgiving. I can get in hours and hours of playtime every day, and the items to add more fatigue every day are super cheap. It works perfect for me because I am not a NEET.

Well, at levels and difficulties that matter, that becomes a vice instead of a regulation.

Not one MMO got it right. DFO did, but then they raised the cap to 90 and everything's wrong again.


I never understood this argument but maybe its just because as I said before, I am not a neet. Five hours a day of playtime on any game is more than enough for me and anyone who is not autistic.

Current DN is different from 2010 DN, for instance.

Also, do I need to launch the vpn always to play the game? never done this shit before.

jesus christ got out one hole and right into another.

goddamn IE wont let me download this shit. goddamn fucking microsoft.

God damn it user

Yes, you need a jap vpn at all times to play. You can rejoin parties if you dc tho. Also, you can close the vpn after the download starts.

Lag isn't much of an issue, and i guess you're already used to some if you want to play a mmo.

Yeah I don't see this even being worth the effort.

I would expect you to actually play a game before talking shit about it but, I forgot where I am right now.

I might be able to help with your problem but you'll need to be more specific than that. You only need IE to download the patcher. Once you have that downloading the game you cab turn off IE (and your vpn) but you need to be on your vpn every time you play after that.

you forgot the fatigue system

it's still fun, would be even better if you joined us.

btw, are you using the lonlife booster?

I am not sure what that is.

On OP's first link

"Players need to VPN to get access to Soul Worker JP Online cause this game IP block. Moreover, a online game ping booster is necessity for great gameplay experience, Lonlife Booster could help players bypass packet shaping, restrictions with low ping from anywhere"

seems dubious tho

Personally I have never had ping problems with no booster. You just have to choose a vpn with low ping, it is that easy. I have played with people all over the world (Canada, Australia, Mexico) with absolutely no problem.

Isn't this just Tera without lolis?

This is my problem. I disabled all security options to the point where ie wont stop fucking nagging me about being unsecure, disabled the "enhanced protection mode" bullshit in advance settings and I keep trying to click "run control" but nothing happens.

Stella is a loli. Also unlike Tera, this game is fun and not dead :^)

(Polite sage for double post) Perhaps this can help you. I never ran into this error myself.

Yeah, I got nothing. Went to that site to check if activex was running and it just told me it wasn't supported even tried the 32bit of IE. Damn japs and their use of shitty browsers.

have you tried run as administrator

Any europoors playing this? I get ~300-400ms from here to japan. Is it worth playing with that kind of lag?

Too high.

What the hell kind of vpn server are you using? That shouldn't be even close to your ping. Even if it is, it's fine. Your solo instances are clientside so they will be fine, if you play with others they have compensation they use.

Let's not say that unless we actually played the game, okay? Especially since its a bold faced lie.

I honestly have no idea what your problem is. Every single person I have spoken to hasn't had to deal with this at all, it was quick and easy. I think this is just a you issue, bro. Is your IE all the way upgraded? Are you still on your VPN? I can't t even think of what the problem might be, because it seems impossible to fuck up.

You don't have a f2p game of the week and then make people pay. The fuck?

Who is making anyone pay for anything? "Ping boosters" are fucking scams, and they aren't even necessary for this game.

It's IE 11, tried everything to make it work, clicking it just does nothing. I figured it might have to do to the fact that I removed several telemetry shit and anything having to do with windows 10 on my version of windows.

n-never mind the quality guys, my pc isn't that good!

300+ ping for an action game is too high unless you're admitting that this game isn't as action paced as advertised. Even for normal MMOs it's barely ok.

I don't know where you keep getting this made up number. I play perfectly fine with a friend continents away and our hits register instantly. Get a VPN that isn't shit.

Now you're full of shit and you know that.

I can not for the life of me open IE, and so I can't download the fucking game from hangame. Send help.

Get a VPN that doesn't suck shit like they said. We can play together perfectly fine. There are people in the guild enjoying this game right now while you are crying.

Why can't you open IE? You have to be more specific.

Don't know. I might have nuked it in the distant past and forgotten about it. I can't open it, I can't install it. I can't reinstall. Nothing seems to work.

Here is something I found after googling for two seconds like you should have done.

Wow good job retard, but I've already tried that, mutliple times, from that exact page. I can't reinstall it. None of the "repair" options work either.


Holy shit I couldn't laugh any harder if I tried.

Nope. None of that helped. Apparently I don't even have windows features.


I don't care how good your VPN is. Connecting to japan from the US even without a VPN is going to give you 100+ ping easily.

I am reading online that someone found a solution by installing IE10 first and then upgrading. You can try that. Otherwise, lmao what the fuck did you do.

>You can try that. Otherwise, lmao what the fuck did you do.

Don't mind. I fixed it, somehow. Got IE going and installing now.

well mate game is easy as fuck untill you're lvl 25 or so, which take 2 days, by that point you should already be used to any endurable lag.

i'm playing from a mud hut in brazil and the delay vary from 1sec to 0,2sec, depending on the vpn. If you can connect to the low ping ones, you're set.

also, i got around 277-360ms when i pinged japan, so, you should try and see for yourself how much lag you really get. please

Alright, against my better judgement I jumped through the hoops it took to get this running. Installing now at 1.5mb/s, so it doesn't seem that bad at all.
Hopefully the game doesn't suck.

Tip for those who don't have a japanese IME installed. I believe the captcha is entirely hiragana, so you can just copy+paste shit from this one page.

Feelio when the toaster starts chugging at medium settings. Here's hoping low will work out fine.

Here's my qt. I don't know if I'll end up sticking with the game, but I'm giving it its fair shot.



I was getting the same shit, just speed through character creation and once you get in-game it will stop showing up.

Same. I was getting disconnected near instantly, but it stopped when I turned my VPN off. I was able to character create easy afterwards.

Its a bug with character creation. This is a Hangame issue not on your end. Google Translate says they have the typical "we are working on it" blotter about it. The game has been out for less than a year so they are still ironing things out. Thats why there is that "unstuck" button in the menu.

although i got that ping, i played with low delay, that's why i said you should try. is it hard to understand?

you just wanna complain, don't you?

No, I'm starting to understand HUE logic and why the 'free' MMOs are fucked thanks to you lot. Enduring lag in an action game due to high ping and VPN? Thanks for fucking up the group and teamwork. Also doing my best in warning potential victims of brs

Everyone in the group will experience some lag, not just me. I get 0.2s delay when i'm connected to a low ping vpn, that's almost nothing.

pretending to be retarded is your best?

You could have saved yourself all that typing.

Naa fuck you

Well decided to give it another try and go at it again. Had to completely remove IE 11 from my computer and use IE 8, now the game is finally downloading.

So does Iris just not have any cosmetic shit or what the fuck?
There's a total of 2 listings for her in the auction house

well she was the last class to be added, so i guess her items sell quick.
also bear in mind that you get many cosmetic items' blueprints via "memorial" and some aren't locked to an especific class. here's a list

already a guild applicant?

You can get cosmetics in tons of places. The S Coin shop has a full set for each character, and it also has blueprints for another full set. You also get cosmetics for reaching a hundred percent completion rate in each town and for doing some quests. And as said, there is hidden items in each stage and when you gather all three you get a blueprint for a clothing piece. Rocco Town is a construction outfit. Candus City is a mercenary outfit. Grace City is a military outfit. And I haven't gotten to Ruin Fortress yet.

This game looks neat, gonna try out all the classes later on and see which one will be more fun.

please apply to the guild when you're done.

also, scroll lock hides the HUD

maybe it's because

PSO2 is only available in Japan and we've had quite a few threads for it.

nah dude, it's because the english patch just recently got to a good completion rate.
IP block isn't even that big of a deal.

Gonna have to get used to using the patcher before starting the game. Always forget and have to close the game.


pso2 has no IP block, I play unfiltered/novpn from texas

Please, please for the love of God, keep that contained to the pso2 threads.

rude! (・へ・)

but I won't post again in this thread, since it's offtopic. polite sage for OT

We still had them while the IP block was active.

Gameforge was supposed to release a global server last year what happen to that?

It got delayed.

Never used a VPN before so im not sure how to set one up to start this game

Any guides online?

Took me a bit to figure it out as well, but it ended up being super giga mega ultra easy. Just download Softether+public VPN relay server thing (linked earlier) and that's about it. Then once you want to teleport your IP address to Japan, you just connect to one of the nip clients and there done. Once you install the program you'll find out soon enough. It's really simple.

Alright seems simple enough, DLing it now

don't forget to aways use the vpn with the lowest ping available, it's what matters most.

Pretty sure it doesn't. You can just turn your VPN off once the game starts loading.

what are you talking about? you can't play this game without the vpn.

Yes, you can. You only need the VPN active while you boot it up. As soon as that weird square loading thing happens, right before the game launches proper, you can just turn the VPN off.

motherfucker. I've been playing with higher ping because of the VPN and didn't know this.
Though, won't they ban you if your IP is from the US or some shit?

I don't believe so. It isn't in their TOS, I checked.

also, we're almost there lads

I got the game and patch to work but I keep getting d/c from the server. It shows up with few bars on it on the server screen so im not sure if its me or the server

I was hoping it were like Grand Chase Season 3 but if it's just as bad as Elsword I'm not even going to fucking bother

If you are getting it during Character Creation that is a game-side bug. You just have to finish it as fast as you can and after you're done with that, you're free and clear.

It's not bad at all. You can play for hours and hours, every day. And when you run out of fatigue you can get items to refill it for super cheap with in-game currency. I've squeezed 6 and 7 hour stretches out of this game easily.

If it's not that restricting then why bother giving a limit?

It's to limit you from the higher content in the end

Actually, I think it's to keep them from having to be responsible when nip neets overplay to literal death. It has happened multiple times so I assume they introduce this system so when they die, they can't be sued. The current government in Japan also is focused on cutting down people's playtime, they have introduced a bill into law that actually takes two days out of the year and makes it illegal to play any kind of video game during that time.

I am at endgame right now and it isn't stopping me at all, not from the moment I started this game have I ever said "aww man I ran out of fatigue but I want to keep playing."

Seems that was the problem after all. Im working on getting some levels up now before joining the guild since i can't seem to open my guild tab to join it just yet, which probably has to do with my low level

Scratch that I just had to talk to the soldier

Yeah, that's how you have to join. There isn't much of a guide for the game because it's fairly new and fairly untranslated so feel free to ask here if you have any more questions.

I had more fun with the mindless hacking and slashing than I thought.

Not to mention fatigue is character dependent, so you can just swap over to another character if you really want to keep playing.

Also friendly reminder that switching to another character earns you more guild EXP as well.

New English translation patch is out. More endgame and beginning of game content is now in English, and there was a directory issue that was fixed if you launch straight from the patcher.

Remember seeing this game a month or so ago to bad my computer's psu died and waiting for the replacement.
If thread is still kicking days later i'll give this game a try

No "guide for retards" after a bunch of searching too, so I guess I'm out.

Otherwise I'd play Despite being too low a level and probably soloing even after the guild was joined. On second thought, never mind.

Can you be a little more specific about what your problem is?

Well, I download Softether and can't exactly get to the point in which everyone else seems to with it.

I'm missing the blatant "click here to go to a gate" option.


I'd click it, but that option to double click ISN'T FUCKING THERE

I ran into this problem a few days ago when I was trying to get this shit running. Probably should've posted about it.

You need this software:

VPNGate, not the Softether Client or whatever you downloaded.
VPNGate is a plugin you run through Softether to be able to connect to a public VPN Relay server.
They are two different projects by two different teams, operating from the same location. I could see how it would get confusing.

Installation is very simple, though you may want to uninstall Softether first, as the VPNGate download comes packaged with it.

So VPNGate for dummies is essentially:
0. Make sure Softether is uninstalled
1. Download and install SoftEther VPN Client + VPN Gate Client Plugin from the link provided

's instructions

This solves the issue. Now I guess I can get started…

Was in it to win it and I'm out again.

do what
did if you can't start the downloader. I believe recent versions of IE 11 removed active x support not too sure but that what it seems like.

Downgrade your IE first. Once you get the English patcher set up you can log in straight from there and let IE collect dust again.

So how do I apply to the guild?

Speak to the Guild Head marked with a G on your minimap. Then you click on the option that isn't "create guild." Then search 8ch, and wait for the guild master to approve it.

Got this error after supposedly finishing the download and having the launcher close on me. Pops up every time I try to relaunch it, any solutions?

That's what i get out of that message with my limited knowledge, but it seems like a generic data corrupted warning to me. Try clearing your file directory/cache or however this game works (haven't tried it out myself yet)

How would I go about doing that? I can't even find the original files to uninstall so that I can do a clean install with a different directory.

Nevermind, found the directory. Gonna try and do a manual install and see if it works.


Found a solution for anyone else who gets the 7001 error. You have to install the game in a different directory than the default one. For example I changed its install location to a folder I created on my desktop named SoulWorker. Make sure to also delete the old files from the default directory, probably in a folder called Hangame or something similar.

The Valentines Event has started!

You participate by beating bosses and raid bosses to get boxes of chocolate. Save your chocolates and when you gather enough, you will earn rewards like exp boosters, S-coins, titles, and avatar pieces. The ones they are showing on the site right now are this sleeper's cap and bear backpack. There is also new chocolate-themed outfits with an emote that makes your waifu give out a box of chocolate. Based on how many everyone collects, the entire server gets rewards mailed to them as well.

Don't forget that there is also three fatigue-restoring vitamins being given out for free every day in the HEMS box.

Is there some level requirement, or can level 1 nerds fresh off the boat participate? Or is it all just end-game bosses/raids?

It is every boss in every single dungeon.

Excellent. Are there bosses that give increased drop-rate or something? Or is it fine to run the level 1 babby dungeon 9999999999999 times on easymodo to grind it?

There are six different colors of boxes as you can see here. You get different rarities for doing different raids and dungeons, the first dungeon will only give you the first blue box. You have to progress a little further to get the bigger ones.