Space Thread:Dandy Edition

Welcome to another Space thread Commanders, Captains Admirals and Emperor.

Other urls found in this thread:!-The-Definitive-List-of-1-7-2-2-Compatible-HUD-Colour-Color-Configs-(please-add-yours!)

1st for Best Ship

Any games were I can have a ship full of qt girls?

There was that Jap space game from the Creators of Rance but translation have halted on it.

Space Dandy was dogshit. That is all.

Sins of a Solar Empire has a faction with female voices but that's not much.
also Chigara a shit

If you must make an Animu space thread, at least make it about Cowboy Bebop.

At least the is no ponyfaggotry this time.

I've been noticing that most of the fucking OPs don't even contribute to the threads and don't even talk about any space games. Don't know where the hell these niggers are coming from.


The user who mentioned the co-op roles forgot to leave out a very important bit.
Hope they change it to be the same for wing-mates too. Full post here
Shame it looks like they've dropped the power managing role in the concept art and spread it out to every other co-op role.

All they need to do is let crew members control mines and doing bombing runs in planets would be more fun. I'm already planning on engineering some mine launchers on my anaconda and head to the ruins for some bombing action.

this sounds pretty fuckin dank

That's gonna be a big deal. Especially with the recent missile buff. A lot of silent running builds just got a hell of a lot more dangerous.

Suppose it makes up for no power management role which honestly many might of found boring.

inb4 forumdads demand that you have to both go to the same station to pick up and drop off players

I've got a hankerin' for games along the lines of Escape Velocity, EV:Nova, etc. Recently went through Endless Sky, which is free, and along those lines, but now I want moar.

Anyone know any good ones? Or have y'all whippersnappers moved on to space games that are in 3D?

Since they say you can randomly join a crew via match-making I'm not sure how they can justify having players need to meetup.

Literally the first reply on the dev post on the forums.
Fuck, this is gonna go the same way as the shipment timer isn't it.

God, those forums are filled with cancer.

Because after "seeing" Jacques station there is no reason to play the game.

So we said about transfer delays.

Quads of truth

Hahaha holy shit there's fifty-six (56) pages of forumdads arguing against instant multicrew joining.

It looks like some are asking for both physical and the telepresense so you can play with people anywhere but also transport/rescue cmdrs.
I doubt the devs have time to implement it if they're locked onto the mechanics enough to start talking about them openly. Considering that a lot of people want to play with friends quickly I don't think they'll be enough numbers to push for a repeat of ship timers.
Still a shitton of dumbasses.

These are the same fucking people that said having fuel for the srv will make it "immersive" and if you run out of fuel while exploring, people can come and rescue you but I have never seen or heard of that ever happening. The closest was that some guy went out of orbit in the srv and got push back to safety by a fuel rat but that had nothing to do with fuel.

The telepresence shit is retarded, and I'm annoyed they applied it to SLFs. I would have preferred a simple "it's a gameplay mechanic" explanation for getting onto SLFs.

Trying for a 100% simulation universe doesn't work when the economies are not real economies.

There was another instance where a cmdr got stuck down a canyon when his ship crashed on the recall. Cmdrs came down and dropped him commodities but since you can't trade materials or fuel to srvs it's kinda pointless.
Besides a fuel limpet to the srv which I'm not sure works there are no methods to rescue the SRV which makes that whole argument pointless. Fdev didn't have enough time to implement a rescue method but could simply add fuel to please the autists. SLF don't have any fuel requirements funnily enough.

The devs use telepresense as a catch all to please the fucktards on the formus who only care about inuniverse explanations rather then the mechanics themselves. I doubt many of the dev team actually care about the lore unless it's convenient.


I voted no because I want to see what Frontier will do if the forums want a delay for yet another feature. I bet they'll add it. I swear to god I bet they will.

It's not an official poll anyway.

Yeah but if Fronties sees the forums kicking up a fuss about this too they'll probably add an official poll as well.


I'd rather they make enough terrible decisions that they finally snap awake and fix all the terrible decisions they've made so far than to wallow in mediocrity forever and never fix stuff like the asinine speed cap or the delay on ship transfers.

user, FDev has no self-awareness. They will never wake up, no matter how retarded their game choices


Anyways the game is basically dogshit right now so if they don't realize their mistakes and it just dies, nothing of value lost.

I'll be invading a planet sometime this week in aurora. I've been stuck exchanging missiles with this fucking planet for over 2 days now. The game need multiprocessing for the next update or I'm fucking gonna take it up the ass and keep playing knowing that my life is worthless.

Frontier has been bowing the knee to forumdads since the beginning, would surprise me they don't now. Seriously, the game is boring as fuck, if at least multi crew is not a chore to play it would help a little.

Don't want to stop the depression and despair but the community poll has the majority saying yes.

Thanks, OP.

I'm amazed they even finished it, i beat it, it's mediocre

If only that game was good

they finished it by removing 80% of the content that made it fun and giving all races the same railroaded story

There is zero chance they listen to the retard section of the community again and go with a timed travel to do multicrew. It won't happen, and you'd have to be as retarded as people upset over this to believe Frontier would once again shoot themselves in the foot.
I'm so fucking confident that if by some autistic meme magic miracle they do somehow fuck up and put in some transfer delay bullshit like with the ships I'll self destruct every ship in my fleet with it's engineering mods and all and swap it to a freewinder until I run out of credits or ships. Ya'll motherfuckers are overreacting.

we all know that ava is best

It hardly matters. Multicrew as it stands is barely a feature at all.

Im amazed they are still working on it, even though all new features are pointless shit.

>Forumdads moaning about "le magical teleport ruin muh mmersion" AND ALREADY TRYING TO GET FDEV TO ADD POINTLESS TIMERS AND DISTANCE RESTRICTIONS
reeeeeeeEEEEE fucking kill me

Go bugger yourself, Space Dandy was a fun ride and managed to be unique on its own merits. Even the dub wasn't terrible enough I couldn't watch it.

Also big band/techno stuff and even a disco track.

Hope you're prepared to eat those words user
You'll see

Forumdads will use "realism" as an argument whenever it suits them and discard it when it doesn't.

At any rate, I don't think playing as a turret gunner is all that interesting to begin with. It's still the same old boring largely pointless combat.

It even looks like quite a few people don't want MC anyway:

All the time they used to figure out a simple multiplayer feature could have been used on bug fixes and actual content.

What do you think the interim update was then.

Pointless shit.

Multicrew may have life in it yet. Apparently, they won't be splitting the bounties between the crew.

Also don't assume only combat players will get a use out of this, the devpost mentioned turret operators can also trigger modules and suggested the use of scanners. If this includes limpet controllers and Fdev add a turreted mining laser there are other uses for this.

Every update has brought a shitton of bugfixes. Instancing works for me fine now when at the start of the season I had to use a vpn to connect with overseas players.

its been a while, spess thread

Oh yea, multiplayer mining. Riveting.

C'mon now, you know how this will turn out and you know it won't add anything worthwhile to the game.

I'm pretty sure multicrew will jut another half-assed barely working feature nobody asked for. Even the big FD shills on the forum are sceptical. It will end up like cqc, dead in the water a week after it's launched. Meanwhile the game is still in serious need of deeper gameplay mechanics, preferably some that don't rely on RNG. FD seems to be in dire need of a real gameplay designer.


Normally I'd be somewhat civil but every time I see people saying no one is going to use multicrew I can't help but think they have no fucking idea what they are talking about or they have no one to group up with.
If the later is the case, I'll be your friends angry space anons. Assuming the feature works properly.

It says, do you expect to use it. A no here could just mean none of their friends play the game and there is no NPC multicrew so…

The only reason I can think of using this feature is to quickly get money for a friend who just got the game

At least it has mecha mod.
Overpowered one and I cannot decide if it is good or bad. From one perspective it is fun to rip and tear, from other one you are missing on the content that might or might not be good.

You assume greatly, their netcode sucks so hard it wouldn't surprise me it just doesn't work for the first week.

My friends are still angry I made them buy this screenshot simulator, I doubt they will come back. I just grind mission foe the 8th now.

starmade serb y/n?

Man fuck mining. I really need to get something other than a space truck


I got the giant rail gun one
it's great for mining because you can just blast straight down

I bet starsector is going to hit a full year since its last update before the new one is out.
I just want to try out the new fighters

Are there any other CMDRs trying to figure out that alien ruin just picked up?
Just got to IC 2391 Sector ZE-A D101, and haven't gotten around to working on the puzzle.

Wasn't the second ruin just a carbon copy of the first one?

yes, but the third ruin was marginally different.

So long as the stuff involving the ayys is just ruin puzzle solving shit, I'll leave it up to the reddit autists to figure that shit out. Call me when I can actually do something with the ayys instead of watch a cutsceen of them scanning me

Slowly making my way back to the bubble. About 3,900yr from wheemez.

I'm finally invading the planet. I took out their shipyards 20 game days ago and have now sent in the soldiers. 1st fleet will be providing missile support.

New report to come.

Combat Drop ETA 5 minutes.
First thing to be attacked are those PDCs that are giving my fleet a hammering. 1st Fleet exchanged missile fire with enemy PDCs in an attempt to distract them from the incoming dropships. So far so good because my dropships have not been attacked. The dropships are now making there way to the planet undiscovered (They are 'stealth' dropships, so this was expected.) in order to drop off the quarter million soldiers in their cryoholds.

Apparently if I land my troops on the planet I cannot attack the PDCs. They better not fucking bomb the shit out of me.

Fucking everything to hell.

I envy you user. I wish I had the required level of autism to fully engage with a game like this.

I've been planning this assault for over 2 weeks, putting 8 hours a day into the fucking game and it has fucked me over more than you could imagine.
No one told me you can't attack PDCs when you land on the planet. They said you could attack PDCs and enemy ground units but fucking shit they didn't mention you attacked them differently. I'm going to fucking cheat and destroy those fucks before my units are destroyed.

I'm still at Stellaris-tier when it comes to strategy. Aurora was absolutely beyond my fathoming when I tried to play it. I couldn't understand what I was doing or even what was happening on screen.

I made some tutorial a while back. I'll post them here. I'll get back to making them during the summer break maybe unless if get a gf

I won't get a gf




Thanks user
Maybe I will give it another go soon

I Just finished watching LoGH and it was a fun ride and the ending had me near tears and was one of the best anime I watched in years would have been perfect if not for the plot armor for the alliance 8/10

Congrats user. We can all agree the Yang plot armor was a serious problem

Hell I think they lost more main characters than the imps.

Yup. Who was your favorite character user?

Hence why their plot armor was so annoying

But it never stop them from coming out on top in almost every situation

I seriously doubt that

I'll have to answer with favorite combos on each side. On the imperial side, the Reuenthal/Mittermeyer combo was the best, but I'll give a fair shoutout to Oberstein, who did nothing wrong. For the FPA, I liked things best when Yang and Bucock were together. My alliance shoutout goues to Schenkopp. I hated the Yang plot armor, but I had no problem with Yang himself. In terms of which side I liked more, I preferred the more friendly bro tier alliance characters, but the empire wins in aesthetics.

Stay mad space nazi

I'll have to answer with favorite combos on each side. On the imperial side, the Reuenthal/Mittermeyer combo was the best, but I'll give a fair shoutout to Oberstein, who did nothing wrong. For the FPA, I liked things best when Yang and Bucock were together. My alliance shoutout goues to Schenkopp. I hated the Yang plot armor, but I had no problem with Yang himself. In terms of which side I liked more, I preferred the more friendly bro tier alliance characters, but the empire wins in aesthetics.

Some great taste user, Though my favorite was Oberstien hands down, Bucock was my favorite alliance character.

I'm not mad about that stupid you are, now shut up user and don't remind me of that ever again before you get even more angry.

You know, aside from the two times they completely defeated.
While Yang had all the writer bias and plot armor of a fanfic selfinsert OC just look at how he took over the single biggest, most heavily fortified and closest guarded fortress in the universe, twice, with next to no casualties none of that rubbed off on the alliance, which got brutally curb stomped on a lot of occasions.

Do you even need to ask?
Who gives the best speeches, kicks Obersteins smug ass when he gets out of line and takes shit from noone? Also his fleet is the only one in the entire series thats so awesome they get custom ships with custom paint schemes.

Rozen Riters and ground battles made me so mad almost no matter what they almost never took any damage but also the imperials that kept falling for the same tricks drove me up the wall

Bittenfield was also one of my favorites because he was a big brute but so very far from being dumb and anytime the Black lancers came you know the first thing they are going to do is charge in no matter what.

I also wished they would show more branches of military like when these guys appeard for all of 10 seconds before never being shown again.

Forgot pics

Let me post Josh 4th time trying

Forgot pics

Let me post Josh 5th time trying and taking away one image

Suck my benis Josh

Bittenfeld is a fucking idiot who loses all the time and never learns. Everything Oberstein said in that scene was completely true and long overdo as well.

LotGH is really whatever overall. It's decent, but I've easily seen at least half a dozen animes which are better than it and I'm not even big into the medium.

What was the Alliance thinking?

Lots of small guns instead of few big guns.

I guess a lot of characters had plot armor

Im surprised some autist has not made a chart with deaths of main characters


It has come to my attention that the Wheemez Prison Colony has been gaining influence to our detriment. I feel it is possible someone may be attempting to sabotage our work. In case you did not know, since the syndicate does not currently have control of a station in Wheemez, turning in bounty vouchers and potentially cartographic data only benefits the station owners and harms us. Please refrain from doing so until we have control. Since solo mode is easy mode for people who want to fuck with us, I don't think we will be able to find a saboteur if one exists.But be vigilant anyway. We are so close to our goal, now is the time to grind as autistically as you can to keep our lead in influence. The best course of action is to destroy any ships that are not with the syndicate in our system.
it doesn't. I just want to see if anyone is interested in UA bombing this [current year] agenda.

Because he had others die for him

More like Imperial tech is far superior to alliance tech, but imperial ships are designed more for aesthetics and the comfort of the officers than for simple utility, like alliance ships.
So alliance uses compact ships with lots of guns to compensate for their guns simply not being as good as the imperial stuff.

That and id imagine building a load of ships without atmospheric re-entry/launch capabilities or corinthian pillars in the command deck cuts to the cost of those ships significantly.

Do you want to ride in style or do you want a dinky little tub that's going to fall apart in a stiff breeze?
All that shit you need to survive atmospheric flight, large engines that can thrust in multiple directions, structural reinforcements, extra armour or thicker shields to withstand atmospheric friction during atmospheric entry and high speed manoeuvres in an atmosphere, you know else this shit is neat to have? In a fight, where you can now dodge and move more erratically and have structural reinforcements, armour and shields to take more of a beating and so on.

Good luck, im behind 20,000 battleships!

That reminds me of the Valkyries, Almost anytime they appeared in the show they were slaughtered by the dozens. I think there was one Valkyrie ace and he left after blowing up a few enemy ships and that annoyed the hell out of me that Valkyries were just fodder and no actual threat against the alliance.

There was tons of shit mentioned offhand in the series, like having to resort to carrier pidgeons and messagers during ground battles because EW/ECM became too effective.

Do you guys know any games that has ships that utilizes loads of point defense guns? Only games that come to mind are Point Defense Systems mod for Homeworld 2 and Sword of Stars 1.

It just irritates me quite a bit when you build a multi billion dollar interstellar warship and designers either haven't bothered, or you just cannot put point defense weapons on it that would actually do something useful.

Or what's even worse. Ship not being able to engage multiple targets simultaneously despite that said ship having been fitted with multiple turrets.


Best ship coming through

Also I'm fucking railing the enemy ground units now that I'm not being obliterated by nuclear hellfire from above.

Got bugs to kill.

I'm sorry that's not an Interdictor

Have you played nexus jupiter incident and freespace for the point defense thingy? I think I saw them there

Not sure what you are looking for in a ship, but I seriously doubt anyone would count a ship that gets taken out by a planet side cockroach infestation.

Ugliest Imperial ship. Even worse than the giant space dildo.



NazBol's will truly Make Leftypol Great For Once.

I've done it! The planet has been conquered.

Unique doesn't make it good. The Imperial has some good looking ships, but the Interdictor certainly isn't one of them. I liked the original concept of the Cutter though, before they changed it to a dildo. The Cutter does look good from the rear at least. Clipper, iEagle, and Courier are really nice.
Of the Fed ships the only really good ones are the Farragut and Corvette. FAS and FGS are ok, and the FDS sucks.

How man casualties did it take user

Was it worth it?
Aurora streams when

From nuclear bombardment because they didn't mention you couldn't attack PDC's from land in the changelog?
Nearly all.
From cheating because the fucking bullshit creator fucked up and decided not to do his fucking job?
Relatively little.

I'm starting to doubt ED will ever be good, X4 soon anyway, they can't fuck it up worse than Rebirth.

I got it when 17 Draconis charity missions were still cheap. Got the Cutter when surface assault missions were still effortless with dumb-fire missiles.

Well I missed the early exploits since I was playing other games with actual gameplay waiting for Elite to be good. Oh well, I'll multicrew with some of you guys with Corvette to get the feeling.

Now to grind some more for the 8th.

I can understand that user, good luck on your campaign.

Streaming a 1280x1024 screen is awful. Maybe one day when my monitor fails and I have to hand over my shekels.

I've only wiped out one race in my entire game and have conquered the rest. These last aliens broke through my jump gate blockade and annihilated one of the planets I conquered earlier. This is my best campaign since Monerva v. Feadog Mhor

Resolution of the Gods.

Space Dandy is legit, m8

Here is my newest Missile Frigate. I removed the large lasers and added more missile launchers. I've updated the missiles from size 2 to size 3 in order to increase the warhead strength because the size 2 missiles were not cutting it. I increase the range by 100m km in the process, but I reduced the speed to 160,000 km/s from 240,000 km/s.

Torrenhendre class Missile Frigate 10,000 tons 204 Crew 2754 BP TCS 200 TH 2000 EM 0
10000 km/s Armour 4-41 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 7 PPV 30
Maint Life 1.39 Years MSP 1205 AFR 114% IFR 1.6% 1YR 675 5YR 10123 Max Repair 1000 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months Spare Berths 4
Magazine 1680

2000 EP Beam Core AM Drive (1) Power 2000 Fuel Use 13.98% Signature 2000 Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 3,000,000 Litres Range 386.3 billion km (447 days at full power)

Riley & Peacock Size 3 Missile Launcher (10) Missile Size 3 Rate of Fire 10
Advanced ASM Fire Control FC1152-R10 (2) Range 1,152.6m km Resolution 10
Size 3 Advanced Anti-ship Missile (560) Speed: 160,000 km/s End: 30.3m Range: 290.9m km WH: 25 Size: 3 TH: 1493/896/448

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Here is the old design:
Sgarlets class Frigate 10,650 tons 202 Crew 17549 BP TCS 213 TH 2400 EM 0
11267 km/s Armour 2-43 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 1 PPV 35
Maint Life 0.11 Years MSP 1030 AFR 907% IFR 12.6% 1YR 9403 5YR 141052 Max Repair 10500 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months Spare Berths 6
Magazine 558

Mccarthy-Oconnor 1200 EP Beam Core AM Drive (2) Power 1200 Fuel Use 24.8% Signature 1200 Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 5,250,000 Litres Range 357.8 billion km (367 days at full power)

Vaughan-Lynch 30cm C25 Far Gamma Ray Laser (3) Range 1,400,000km TS: 25000 km/s Power 24-25 RM 12 ROF 5 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Bishop-Herbert Fire Control S08 700-100000 (1) Max Range: 1,400,000 km TS: 100000 km/s 99 99 98 97 96 96 95 94 94 93
Vaughan-Power Beam Core Anti-matter Power Plant Technology PB-1.5 (1) Total Power Output 96 Armour 0 Exp 35%

Mills Weapon Systems Size 2 Missile Launcher (4) Missile Size 2 Rate of Fire 15
Mills Weapon Systems ASM FC3073-R10 (1) Range 3,073.7m km Resolution 10
Size 2 Anti-ship Missile (279) Speed: 240,000 km/s End: 13.5m Range: 194.9m km WH: 16 Size: 2 TH: 800/480/240

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Might have something to do with most of the scene's they show up in being centered around an alliance ace.

This guy?

Yeah the one with the Helmet markings.

Poplan was a good character but man did an tension or likability on him go away when he was in a Spartan and was replaced by annoyance.

Of course is going to be good!

Does anyone know about the "13th legion" people surrounding the CG?
So far I've been randomly threatened by them, including a fer-de going kamikaze at me with rockets blaring 20 feet from the station

It's because they're making money.

It's not that difficult.

They're a pvp player group, one of the rival pvp groups might be aligned with the CG in some way.

pvp group, apparently they're making a blockade and attacking fed players on site and threatening other commanders from doing the CG because the cargo that the CG requires is a little fishy and believe it's a maximum security prison for Imperial prisoners of war disguised as a "refugee centre".

In other words the CG is going against Imperial law and must be UA bombed.

That's great and all, since I'm imperial, but a little more explanation than "This place is blockaded, fuck off" would've been helpful.
On a slightly unrelated note, does the FSD boost from neutron stars actually work or is it just a weird thing they put in?

They're not a very good PvP group. Most of the time they won't attack or will run away if they don't outnumber you.
Most other and all Power Play Imperial groups have disowned them.
While the cargo is fishy, it probably has something to do with the aliens, since Hasley went insane and is obsessed with them.

ED PvP in a nutshell.

Eurobeat makes everything more fun

Care to post your color scheme user? It looks comfy.

Different fighter doctrine maybe?
After all, we see most of the time ace pilot Poplins flying circus perform attacks in groups of three or so fighters against singular fighters.

13th is a bunch of fairly average to bad players who claim to be far more prestigious and important then they actually are. Just another group who hid in private and solo claiming to be awesome and cool while doing so. They aren't Adel's Armada, but thats only because AA isn't quite so full of themselves.

Cobra best small ship
Can't wait to fuck around with my buddy in co-pilot seat

nice vid user, makes me want to get a Mk. IV as my first fighter.

Unless you have access to engineers with dirty droves I'd highly recommend the mk3 or a viper first.
The stock mk4 cannot turn at all.
Can't have a limited time ship being good or people will complain.

5th site has been found
Synufe ZL-J D10-119 9 B; -23.3821, 178.9094
seems to be a coypasta of the third site found.
Funnily enough it was located by dropping down to the planet and seeing if the loading screen took longer then usual.


How do you think?

holy shit I fucking called it when the second site was found. They really are too lazy to bother making each site unique. At the time I said something along the lines of 'after all, they got away with little to no variety in orbital station designs and no one complains'
watch those fucking forumdads defend this lazy shit with discussion about how hard it must be for FDev to shit this stuff out

oh shit nigga, its happening! (please use

Oh no…


The trigger discipline is worse than the whole ad.


Nicked it from this thread here!-The-Definitive-List-of-1-7-2-2-Compatible-HUD-Colour-Color-Configs-(please-add-yours!)

he is about to shoot something, user.


A few threads ago I joked about this, now I regret it.


Gameplay! FD should fire tha Sandro hack.

It's fake brah

With just under 100,000 dead in my last alien encounter, I have high hopes for this one. I added in an alien enemy, gave them shitloads of research and minerals, and will have an epic battle in 100 years.

I found out how to make powerful enemies in this game finally. I always wondered what that check box did. They have nearly the same range as me.

Also if you do score some bounties from ships in wheemez, sometimes the bounty will be in the empire or have parts in another system. So just jump to another system and cash it in without giving the Prision Colony a boost.
Now I've just cracked and I'm pulling over anything with a Prison colony or public partners name on it and shooting them to bits.


you memed irresponsibly


It's more fun then I thought it would be. Gonna try to engineer it do a little of that bounty CG and see what I can do in wheemez. If there's nothing to grind in wheemez then I'll just take out some long range passenger missions and head out into the black again.

Why are there spade dandy and jojo threads on Holla Forums? Isn't this cuckchan shit?




I had so much fun in this game before they tried adding a story and shit

I want to go back

What is this?

I didn't want much from the game just a way to build a cozy home on a winter planet start a town and get a waifu and also optimize the game so it ran better on my latptop. But that was to much to ask


I didn't want much from the game just a way to build a cozy home on a winter planet start a town and get a waifu and also optimize the game so it ran better on my latptop. But that was to much to ask


Jesus christ the optimization in starbound
it was so fucking BAD

If anyone was up to it we could do like a fresh start kind of deal for Starbound, because a bad game is always fun with friends

Even if I wanted too I can't because my computer is busted


Caution, rampant destruction of security ships/system owner ships can cause a lockdown that will turn off the mission board for all.

Naev, not sure if it's finished. It's literally "Not Another Escape Velocity": Open source boogaloo. I assume you've also done Star Control 2?


I'm moderately new to E:D, and have been just exploring recently. What is Wheemez, and how do I get there?

To be fair the cockroaches are capable of shitting huge balls of plasma with enough force for escape velocity, that shit is fucking horrifying.

It's a system (you can search for it in the galaxy map)
Our "player faction" is in the system called the 8th imperials syndicate. Atm we're trying to make it the dominant faction in the system.
It's really just another faction in the game added by the devs after asking nicely, you influence it by doing missions and other stuff in system.

no, the faction is in Wheemez but it's called the 8th Imperial pilots syndicate


came across Avorion yesterday, early access but it looks like it has a pretty decent voxel based space ship creator in it where you can scale the block grid in increments of 0.05 and scale the block "unit"
some people have said that it's a mix of eve online, X3 and starmade
has anyone played it?

what the fuck did i just watch?

Fdev just acquired a movie license to make another game. Great.

What Game user?

They haven't said yet.

Thanks for the link user, What's the chance of it being a good space game?

I really haven't kept myself up to date with tjhe latest Hollywood movies but I doubt they would another space game to compete with their own game.

Harry Potter? That's the only thing I can think of really

About a thousand really well known franchises that have lasted a while and the only thing you can think of is Harry fucking Potter?

EA has that, unless it's expired.

What are they even gonna do with it?

By the quote, it has to be both enduring and possess world renown. I don't really know of any other movie series that possess those atributes aside from Star Wars, which EA has on lockdown, and Lord of the Rings. But I really don't watch movies at all, so that is the limit of my knowledge right there

I bet its the enders game
Cant wait for the qt waifus porn

Literally off the top of my head before Harry Potter even entered my mind
Even never minding all that, Warner Bros has that franchise on lockdown

Xeno loving filth
You will burn alongside them

I never read the book it was based on but the ending of the movie triggered me so hard

The books are way worse.
The first one, Enders Game has little if anything to do with the rest of them as anything but background story for the main character as he's a traveling psychologist who speaks on behalf of the dead and tries to work out misunderstandings with aliens that somehow always lead to killings and war.
Kind of like the buggers not realising that humans where individuals instead of a hivemind like the buggers themselves, leading to them attacking humans thinking its no big deal.

Second book has anthro pigs who can't understand that people die when you kill them, I kid you not.

reeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE purge it all
I literally started seething with anger when he rescued the alien fucking queen at the end, for no reason except that he is a massive pussy and felt bad. These bugs are an existential threat to the species and he's like nah, I'm gonna be a fucking species traitor heretic. Disgusting.

Really makes me think…
FUCK YOU!!!!!!11

EA has the license to the movies game, not the book inpired one I think.

I came here to comment about how the mandate is shit and you shouldn't have hyped for it like i did

==FUN YES!== 😂👌

Who is the John Paul Jones of space?

>he doesnt want to start an ant colony inside your own ship and explore the universe with qt ants
Pleb, I would pump that princess ant full of semen and breed a new xeno species
I still dont know how that whiny faggot manage to hide the ant egg, get a ship and escape.

Bases soon

Is anyone else excited for the new No Man's Sky Update?
It looks great XD
writing this physically pained me

they look shitty, I guess its 2D only movement?

You mean a useless hack who fucked up damned near everything he did except for one battle that made him famous for fighting an enemy his fleet had outgunned and numbered, to a standstill while someone else won the battle for him…
I don't know, Zap Brannigan?

is that a doujin or a manga?

To be fair his drunk crew did the fucking up.

Those alien bastards have longer ranged missiles than me.

What is up with that movement?
It's super janky

sadly, its a short doujin

not gonna ask you to spoonfeed me, but could you give me a hint?

I think the Artist's name is Z-tan

Im going to bully you know, nerd! insect

The one that's gonna get bullied here is you
thanks dude

XRM or Litcube's Universe?

The dev is porting aurora to c# instead of continuing to work on the VBasic version.

faster pew pew with personal involvement and kitchen sink
more stable pew pew with less personal involvement and shitloads of automation and QoL

How exactly are you supposed to start in LU? I see tons of people talking about Universe Traders but the wiki says that these traders don't even work without Player Property in the system

UTs are uniquely worthless in LU
sattelites count as player property
what you wanna do is buy and salvage ships and floatsam, repair and resell, while you do combat missions

then you get a TL and do combat and station missions until you have 50m for an SCHx10 producing a low-tier weapon of choice and escalate from there

some of the missions realy suck ass and what the fuck is up with the mission to Kalam Camp in HIP 2841?
that station/outpost doesn't even exist

Was it a planetary outpost? You won't see them if you don't have the data for the system.
Fly down to the nav beacon an scan it to get the system data.

Ruins are bugged and won't be fixed until 2.3.

gg fdev

it was a planetary outpost, but I checked EDDB and they didn't have any conclusive data on it either and I didn't feel like flying back to the nav beacon since it was compromised
I scanned the moons and according to the system map the only moon with a settlement is the third one, but it's not the right settlement

Also noticed something new today around the mailslot for large stations
have that been there the entire time or is it something new?

Does anyone need the latest version of Pulsar?

That's always been there

The only big change for entrances in empire stations was them swapping from Bask in his glory to her glory when the last emperor got murdered at his wedding. Your current Emperor is this crazy ass motherfucker.


Funny enough they did a statement essentially saying she considers herself Emperor like Thatcher considered her a Prime Minister. People really wanted to call her Empress.

But the female version of Prime Minister is in fact Prime Minister as well.

Advance Discovery scanner or scanning the local nav beacon or else your stuck doing it the old fashion way and eyeballing it while honking.



All this fucking time it's taking me to actually find any I could have done a dozen missions, goddamn.

did you scan the system's nav beacon?

Yeah, all they told is that they couldn't get any data and that I'm fucked ad have to do it the old fashion way. I need 16 targets, which I have 4 from nearly 2 hours of hunting. 2 from interdicting in super cruise and 2 from a high res site, I only got those 2 but logging out and logging back in and they spawned, stayed a good 30 minutes just scanning and doing regular bounty hunting and nothing.

Picked up Rebel Galaxy last sale. Disappointed there isn't z-axis movement but the comfy soundtrack makes up for it. Also disappointed you can't customize ship colors. Flying pic related because reasons.

What happened with star command?

That game introduced me to a whole new genre of music
A new world full of wonder


I should have really thought about this.

Yodenmod is probably the greatest dumbest mod for Empire at War I have seen yet, it's just so amazingly crap yet amusing at the same time.

A FDL with only 10ly range? What kind of crap is that? I figured the top-of-the-line ships would have top-of-the-line stats.

Pure 'combat' ships tend to have shit jump range. 10 is still low, FDL a fit is around 15-16ly if I recall correctly.

Game made me rediscover a lot of music from my childhood. I hope the dudes behind rebel galaxy do something bigger and better.

Fdev thinks giving combat ships horrible jump ranges balances them in some way.
Truth is in combat it doesn't matter and only makes it take fucking forever to get anywhere with a combat ship because that stop's griefers somehow.

I've seen people with fully pvp fitted FDLs with a 7 ly range, of course I can get my up a higher is I put grade 5 fsd but that would be no point since I just transfer my fdl while I travel in my anaconda or asp. I was thinking of getting the faster fsd boot in case things get messy.

I'd call that a serious fucking waste of credits but considering you can make 60mil in a half hour I guess it doesn't matter after a certain point.

It's about like 1.2 million tops around the bubble. Which I only transfer it to engineer bases or in case there's a combat cg going on.

Anybody else notice traces of Goons starting to take root in Elite? I dicked around in EVE while the goon problem was at its worst, and would hate to see something similar pop up here.
I hear there's a "goonfleet" group in the Frog system.

frigates aint shit

If anyone wants a Walküre model to fuck around with.
If you don't have a sketchfab account

I'm not proud of myself but at least I saved 10mil credits

Clearly you're gonna need to know something better for the next one.
Also if you boost past them and have a star ready you can high wake out easy before they kill you.

it was a federal corvette with missiles and lasers, by the time I could charge my FSD he had knocked off my shield and was fucking me in the thrusters

should grab point defence or ecms then.

I have 2 point defence turrets and 2 chaff launchers and the chaff doesn't do shit against fixed beams

Yeah if they are using fixed you're generally screwed.


Isn't that some mobile game now or something?

I played that some time ago.
At the time that I played it it felt incomplete.

Battles were sort of Rock Paper Scissors
Crew members just had some 3 stats
Typical Star Trek stories
No point in changing ships, so might as well get the best one
Enemies just teleport all over the place it got annoying
Not difficult, you could finish it in a day.

was sort of fun, pirate it at least

I don't think there's much they can do, since there is no player driven economy and they would end up competing with already established player groups in the BGS. The worst they can do is UA bomb stations but that can be easily countered if you can outautism them with Meta Alloys. I guess they could probably influence fdev but the dads already covered that. Besides I'm sure as fuck halfcuck ED players are furfag goons since they share the general with SC.

nothing free world about it, you just go to planets to recruit some Liara, humans or some orange race.. Liara race is mental, obviously, humans are balanced. The other race is physical.

Battles happend when you choose to. Battles are a 'location' on the map.

Just got my first "First to Discover" exploration message, made it out to Hillary Depot from that Latugara Community Goal in the Diamondback that I bought using the money earned from that same goal.
Now I just need to take the neutron highway back to the bubble.

Wait what game is that?

Take the long way back and you can easily net a a good amount of systems and planets for first discovered.

It's Elite.
Screenshot Simulator, honestly.

Aw, what garbage, it sounded like fun. Exploring cosmos doing jobs for shitty companies out in space. When you said Neutron I recalled a book with a title like that and I got excited.

Cowboy Bebop is shit like your taste.

I was just meme'ing
Honestly, the game is a bit slow and grindy at times, but you can do shit like passenger missions, bounty hunting, trading, etc.
It's a sandbox pretty much.
The game has had an issue with being kind of shallow through its development, but even as janky as Frontier is, they're always adding new shit.
true multicrew soon

That's what you do actually, Be a Space Trucker or Screenshot Explorer.

Remember kids: When they give you a valuable mission that's just one jump away, it's probably to one of those 200.000 lys away stations.

it allways is
I don't get why they haven't added how far away the station is from the star in the mission details
oh, I know why, they're fucking retarded and lazy as shit

Oh well, at least I managed to down a clipper and an anaconda, but the conda left me at like 50 hull, gotta love the couriers speed.

Third and supposedly last layout has been found
System: SYNUEFE TP-F B44-0
Planet: CD1
a couple of other sites have also been found that are variations on the first two sites not exact copypastas of them.

there should be a space game that has somewhat realistic scale and physics but focuses on a lot of gameplay happening on the long boring trip. a god engine creating encounters along the way, or mechanical problems on the ship, crew management, etc.

That one actually looks like a city, but damn shame that we have all that technology but no one knows how to dig or excavate. Also, who ever the fuck is taking those screenshots, how the fuck is he not blind?


Well to be fair almost all our stations and settlements look the same although according to the lore Empire and Federation have completely different architecture designs but the Guardians didn't have split factions so I'm sure they would all use the same type of structures, that and they were pretty religious according to the data recovered from the sites.

shameless bump before we hit bump limit

Anyone still in wheemez or did you all give up?

Kind of reminds me of Cate Blanchett.

yeah man, I'm still grinding. last week was a busy week so I haven't put in as much time as normal, but I should get back to daily grinds soon

Was doing some missions today and tried to do a Wetwork job. didn't go as I planned since I had to do a comm relay scan and the base was Empire aligned and had a Cutter protecting it. Tried doing it the old fashion way by scanning every ship in supercruise and ran out of time.

What happened to the ss13 threads?

The Type9 is an oddly comfy ship to fly.
Fuckin miserable jump range though, I've spent over an hour just to get it boosted at Farseer, although I did go the long way round to pick up some parts from my Beluga.

I hate that smug fucker Jeromy, changed my mission from delivering at Bradfield Station in Wheemez to fucking Littrow City in Damona

That bastard seems to really enjoy changing delivery destinations for me too

We really should have Littrow station burned.
At the very least they're making them optional in 2.3.
Also an image of the new camera system just dropped.


Please note, don't run from pirates. We are your friends. If we can not take your cargo, your rebuy will suffice. But the video is indeed quite helpful and following it will save you from the vast majority of situations involving people strait up trying to kill you.

The 'I see you just got back with that tea I wanted, actually take it to Damona' mission rerouting bullshit.

doesn't explain anything
do you mean that we can take the shit back to the station we got the mission at and not get the bonus rewards?
because if that's the case it's a welcomed change and it should've been that way from the beginning

Yeah all the rerouting stuff becomes optional so you can just take it to the original destination.

Now we need mods to make a skimpy space suit

the ED faction has somehow lost 1% influence in the last 3 hours
I've also spent the last 3 hours trying to find the prisoners for a mission and I've only gotten 2 so far, would have been 3 but I got too close to the rings around a gas giant and dropped out of super cruise

I have been flying in open since I got the game last year and have literally never been pulled over by a pirate.
Every single interdiction I've ever had has been a tryhard trigger happy moron.

Hah! You'll never get my cargo, because I live in Australia and the game never instances me with non Australian players in open.

You should probably not bother with the longer more difficult missions. If you switch from solo and back to open it should give you a different set of missions for each mode. Also try flying to the outpost they should have more syndicate missions there.


I'll try to make a new thread now

New Thread