Webm Thread: Of SteamWebms & Magicka Obscura edition

Post webms/mp4 here. Try to make it as vidya themed as possible.

Other urls found in this thread:


That sounds like a challenge.

Post comfy vidya music









oh i'll keep it Holla Forums related alright….




Whenever I hear Drakengard 3's OST it makes me want to pick it up and finish Branch B, but when I think of the gameplay it makes me more interested in starting up Nier.



Anyone got some comfy music from the Original Sims game?








atleast i can always share these videos with anons that dont even give me any (you)s. just like real life.



nice, but does it work on Hardest?

Whatever do you mean user? This is a video game imageboard after all.



if you have a powerful weapon, yes. i've even flown inside the giant dog and blasted it to death within a few tries.

drop ships are easy. fly on top of them and rest. fly to the highest one and start there. in the back theres a place you can stand even when your jetpack is empty that you can rest in. when you hear the opening, drop down, fly inside… dont fire the last round, switch weapons, it can close with you inside giving you a chance to recharge and reload.


















My motherfucking nigga.

this stll bothers me.




It amazes me that they thought it was a good idea to do away with cool start up sounds.

why do they all have the same face

Nice, I didn't have the PS2 one.




because you have autism.

Yeah I think you might have autism


no u











I once again request that one webm of some 2hu neet song.

Is this game still alive or not?


forgot to spoiler?

There's a decent sized group of people who still play like once or twice a week, but I haven't jumped on in forever so I could be wrong.

What the fuck was that?

Dog played with grenade.
Grenade won.

bomb sniffing dog, went after a bomb

I just wanted to share a cute cat webm.

the inevitable




Why'd they arm a grenade in what looks like a backyard?

Pretty sure it's a firecracker actually.

Have one then.


Made me chuckle.

I was wondering about that. Sure, it killed the dog but a grenade should've blasted its head off.
I guess they're pyromaniacs.

I can't believe bethesda thought we were all stupid enough to fall for that.

Forgot pic



According to the original video, it was an M-80

No it's because the models aren't as well made as the art itself. All the work went into the tits, nothing else.




Postan most comfy vidya song

It's weird seeing a HDD video that isn't pure shock value garbage.



"Engine does not support vehicles"


"Engine supports vehicles, but if we put them in you could cross the game world in a minute and you would see how small it really is"


user where have you been? Bethesda is notoriously bad at making games, even the most powerful PCs have problems on occasion.

Oh and forgot

GTX 1080 minimum!

So you need a $2500 PC to run a 2 year old game

Mein Nigger







Whenever i listen to the japanese version, i keep getting reminded of how great the spanich version was.

that's a dragon tho


and they say GTAV has no detail















Weren't trains and shit in this game just a person with a train for a head running underneath the map geometry?

Come on. I made the resolution small for a reason. He's an ugly ass motherfucker and I only want to listen to his redneck ass, not watch him. No need to waste the bandwidth.




For what purpose


The story is his GF cheated on him and the hamster was a gift from her. He also thought hamsters were amphibians, so it sounds like she dodged a bullet.

That's how they did the train in Broken Steel at least. I think Bethesda couldn't figure out how to make the player move with an object nicely (go try jumping on the moving bridge at Rivet City, it's janky as hell), so they opted to just attach the vehicle to the player and make them run fast in order to give the appearance that they were riding the train.

Obsidian, on the other hand, seemed to actually figure it out, since there was that whole elevator fight in Lonesome Road.

Why'd you have to splice it in with that gayboy?





I had a car crash listening to this soundtrack before.

That video is millennial ADHD garbage.



Well, yeah ?



At least it's not 0 button gameplay like that one Final Fantasy game.

Core had the superior ending. Arm is just the Core commander getting its face stomped in.


You know those amazingly "satisfying" or "unsatisfying" video compilations, and 1000 degrees knife cutting videos they make nowadays?

This still tops them all by creativity.




isnt spaghetti already western?

Sleep tight pupper


cripplechan eatin webms again







Tachikomas when? Fugg, I need some Tachikoma webms…

I had to watch that like 3 times before I got it, fucker. :)

Splice that with some girls giving hand jobs and cupping the balls.

so once everyone let's their guards down, your going to post this filename with actual gore right?


Usually parliament sucks. But that was pretty funny


That's a girl with mutated ears.

This was one of my favorites of his old school flash stuff back on newgrounds. too bad animators are basically stuck doing parody stuff if they want to get views.



Is Hitman piratable/complete yet?

The comfiest


user why did you have to make me relive those sad moments.






Toonami should have stayed dead.

The current lineup is marginally better but I wish Naruto will just get dropped already.

Is Nuruto still going on wtf?

All i know about sword art online is rom the webms here and the porn

Mah nigga

Good. Don't read/watch it. It's trash. Shallow waifus, poor action scenes, garbage attempt at a daughterfu, predictable story, and literally the worst protagonist until re:zero came out.

I loved that game so much, but going back to it now, everything feels too slow, even with fast forward on.

I wish anyone gave this IP another shot. If they had even half the amount a regular Pokemon game has but kept the fusing mechanic I could get lost for days.


I can listen to this for hours.

The Mexican Hat Dance, actually.



This thread has been really slow the last few days. Anyone know why?


What did he mean by this?

What game?

What anime is this from?


I would have assumed that people are actually trying to post vidya and quickly running out of material but that is clearly not the case. I blame liberal shitfits over the travel ban disrupting people's jobs and just lives in general.

The game is Dragon's Dogma. there are Threads about it all the time.

This is what happens when an SJW tries to act like a gamer.









where are the nudes



right next to me :)

tfw browsing shitchan with 3D waifu drooling on my shirt





it freaked me out when I realized how similar i look like this israeli soldier





Is he surfing in a sea of piss or something?

river outlet (waves come in at an angle), it's soil n shit

oh shit is that from the rerelease that came out a couple months ago. i wanted to see that in theaters but i couldnt make it

This man is my hero


why does a robot need to sleep or dream?

That's a really good one.

No idea, sry. All I know is that's Piper Perry

I'm too lazy to convert the embeded video, but fuck these hacks.
Why is it the unfuckable ones that insist the most on trying to model and shape sex in culture?
Some people genuinely feel that the possibility of losing or being unsuccessful is failure on part of society rather than a part of nature. To me those people have more damaging views on competition than anybody.





Is that some amiga?

idk, i just like the song

Not sure if you are stupid or something, but that is sediment and shit being churned up by the waves which gives it that color.


Now this is just frustrating.
It does, but the supply stays the same, now you have a shortage.
You can see it in her face, "Fuck, I already said higher wages."


Actually the supply also goes down, because then it's to expensive for many companies to provide as many jobs for the new cost. Especially for really menial jobs.
Those menial jobs also become more long term for those who have them instead of being transitional, like they're supposed to. That means high school and college kids are even more fucked when it comes to finding jobs to support themselves.


What is this from? Looks interesting.

what a shitty game lol








i would never pull out





that guys got to be intentionally retarded

He's not, that's why it's so amazing


fucking hell

he could've been a been more on the nose with it and just turn up the cringe factor up just a tad to really help him drive the point home because now it's virtually indistinguishable from satire :^)


hey if Venti turned out to be such a master troll then who knows?i certainly wouldn't rule out anything at this point , this timeline is full of surpises



Now that's fucken funny.

how the hell did you even come to that conclusion?

what is really funny is that Holla Forumstards from cuckchan actually fell for it back in the day and donated money to "troll" her now they're salty

can't blame them though, she does put up a convincing act

That first one is especially funny because every bad thing that happened in the plot/lore of DaS2 came down to women manipulating/scheming and lying to obtain power or drain the lifeforce from powerful men.



just like real women

Source, friend?

Fucken awesome I love this shit.


A great example of over engineering. What a fucking mess for something so simple.

why doesn't this asshole just mod it so its replaced with metal pipes instead.

What the flying fuck?
Please tell me they go on to show how morally fucked this is and don't try to normalize cuckoldry to children


the elephant has always been a slut, she got into a huge fight with the princess because she wouldn't marry them because she is always getting married and getting divorces.

well, if no mans sky did anything, it proved Evolution is false.


That camera has been a gift to the world.



She could slide down my pole any day



Think Mankind Divided was ripping this guy off with their radio guy, sounds remarkably similar, except pc-ified?


Are you implying that Right Wing Populism is Fascism, or that liberals are retarded?

Give me a week as supreme leader and I would show those faggots what Fascism really is.


source on this webm, already search "paidbits" and google gave me nothing







no it's a dragon

read the manga

I wonder if anyone knew there was a Jade Cocoon 2 for ps2…

The gameplay is a bit simpler and there a bug preventing you from ever getting the best heal-over-time spell, but the story is… fuckin amazing and made my views on the world and immortal beings flipped on it's head.

Levant… had a hard life.







From what I remember of the series, I think most scenes with Tree Trunks is how awkward event surrounding her is and how oblivious she is to everything. So I don't think its promoting anything, but then again, I recall most of the original "heavy hitters" staff on that show have long since left the project.




thanks fam

Fucking newfags

Too bad Destiny is a cuck

My negro

I was shocked to find out where the song was from.

Why? It sounds extremely GG.




I didn't think they made good music.

Shows how shit__ your taste is.
