I think we all agree it's a tie between this and E.G.G.M.A.N., but what's his best LEVEL theme?
I'm posting embed related.

Nah man.
This one is just pure "Sonic"


On topic, best LEVEL theme for Eggman has to be this, hands down.

I said best EGGMAN level theme, but you're right. That one's really fucking good too.

fuck yeah Sonic thread
Do you think the series can still recover (both the games and its perception) and become great again provided Mania and Project 17 deliver?


Sonic Generations was easily one of the most spot on Sonic games where they in my opinion finally perfected a formula. If 2017 is more of the same, it'll be 8/10 easily.
Mania is already delivering well with what we've seen and will most likely have an active modding scene given that SEGA is more open to ROMhacks/Mods these days.
I got high hopes for both.

Mania looks alright. Don't think they can possibly fuck it up but am still waiting for it regardless.

Generations 2 looks alright. Robot genocide in trailer makes it look like Robotnik actually became a threat for a fucking change.

Iizuka specifically emphasized that the game is not a sequel of any kind though. What do you think it means?

Don't get your hopes up for quality.

It means Classic Sonic is going to be in a lot more games.

Sonic is in a better position to recover ever since it embraced self-awareness and let a grade-S shitposter manage twitter.

Yes, and really, Sonic Unleashed was the first positive step in a lot of lackluster games. The day levels were heralded as the "right" way to do a modern sonic. The night levels were actually more of a modern take on Ristar and heavy platforming.

Colors took what was good and amped it up and Generations further refined it.

Mania is already Boss. no contest.

2017 looks to be another Generations styled game and if so, will be glorious.

Back on topic, this has always been THE final boss theme for me.

I guess it actually goes back to its roots in a way, since he was supposed to be 'cool and hip' from the beginning, and dank memes is what's in right now (even Colors had self-aware writing).
I hope da memez don't seep into the games, though.

Seriously, it's not even fucking close. I started the series for the first time last year and when I got to Adventure 2 I unironically couldn't stop listening to this shit for weeks.

Apparently the Sonic Boom games get better with each iteration as well. Sonic can certainly become good again, though it'll never be at the level it used to be.

Why not? I mean, it probably won't become the biggest thing ever, yeah, because now there's too much media and information so nothing ever gets a focus for too long a time. It could still become amazing, though.

What do you think of the prospect of Sonic Adventure 3? Is it even needed anymore at this point?

Who are root beer, Fanta, Sprite, 7-up, Sierra Mist, Mr Pib, and Yellow Mellow?

Sonic boom for WiiU only tanked because the devs had no fucking idea what system they were making it for and overachieved the project, resulting in the condensing being a broken mess.

Indeed, Sonic was actually aware of the 4th wall since sonic CD with the 5 minute game over and he naturally frequently talked to the camera all the time.

Sonic is indeed supposed to be hip and cool, but not "going with the masses", so him bringing up current events and never taking it's self too serious, that's the best way to go.

Sonic Adventure 1 is my favorite game in the series so if 3 could go back to that open world, loose styled gameplay with the refinements of 2 and OST of 1 is would be goddamn amazing. But it probably won't happen for a while since Shadow's game is SA3 and Sonic 06 is SA4.

Well 7-up is obviously Cool Spot
Root beer is Banjo-Kazooie
Don't know who Fanta would be.
Sprite would have to be something like Dew-lite: still cool-to-the-max, but a bit more chill.
Don't know the other drinks.

fucking hentaifags

How did season 2 of that cartoon go? The first honestly wasn't too bad compared to the other shit they're airing these days.

Season 2 had an episode directly poking fun at the autistic fans of the series, a little less then subtly Chris-chan too in specific. I hear it's good.

No shit. If there was something SA1 and SA2 did right, it was nail the soundtrack. Every character having a thematic tune to their levels was staggering.

Also, the best bio for sonic is the one in his SA2 theme song.

Okay just gonna level with you all for a sec.
SA1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SA2

Literal perfection

What he said, it's still all the tongue-in-cheek humor that pokes fun at the structures of fanbases and such.

Helps that the VA crew loves their work and they do such absurd work.

Hell, the episode that parodied Armageddon was fucking amazing.

I was speaking in terms of fame. In terms of gameplay, it can I suppose, but can the gameplay really be compared to what it was? It feels too different to me.

Sonic Adventure 3 was either Sonic 06 or Sonic Unleashed. Take your pick. In my opinion, the name doesn't really matter.

Well, if we're not talking about the name, then the only SA3 was 06 (maybe Shadow to an extent).
But since it was basically never finished and even erased itself, I'm inclided to believe true SA3 never came and is still ahead.

I think it can become really popular again, but not by the means of games, but rather by the means of multimedia.
I can see some Sonic cartoon really taking off and making everyone rave about the series again in theory (fueled by the twitter memes and good games).

amy is such a hottie. sanic should have taken his chances with her when she was a little girl

Mountain Dew is second only to Pepsi, so this doesn't make sense.


Mario is classic and timeless, so Coke.
Sonic is the hip, younger counterpart-direct competitor with an attitude and a reverse palette as a responce.
Crash is even more radicool.
Dr. Pepper is actually the best of them all and for true patricians, but grossly overshadowed by the others (although it's more popular now I guess).

I respectfully disagree.

Buttrock just works for this franchise.
And whatever the hell the genres the Jet set Radio guy works with.

They mocked a fan-fic?

I get sad and even a bit teary-eyed listening to this.
God, I am such a faggot.

Merlina is the best Sonic villain that isn't Eggman.

How on Earth would you count Shadow the Hedgehog as SA3 before Sonic World Adventure?

Why do you think SA3 was ever intended, or that it would bother to release after all these years?

I don't think the public conscious works like it did in the 90's. Do we truly have anything that's reached the level of hype and sustained itself for years onward instead of just burning brightly for an instant before being forgotten? Forgive my phrasing, my 82 hours sans sleep are starting to affect me.

Spyro is sprite

I think I'm doing myself a disservice by not playing Generations.

Because I don't see how Sonic Unleashed has anything to do with SA1 or 2 aside from the name. By that logic, there is also Sonic Rush Adventure and Pocket Adventure. :^)
That said, SA1 and SA2 are very different, too, and I don't even like SA2 or consider it a good successor to the (mostly unrealized) potential of SA1. So for me this is more of a question 'will there be an actual SA2?' rather than SA3.
Shadow, on the other hand, is MUCH closer in gameplay to SA1 and 2. The only thing it doesn't have is multiple characters, but it has different alignments, which are kind of a stand-in. So yeah, ShTH is much closer to SA2 than Sonic Unleashed ever was.

I don't know whether it was toyed with as an idea or not (although Iizuka said that he's aware of it and something he'd love to do someday, so maybe). I just think it still wasn't done and can be done. Whether the public at large needs it is another story entirely and that's what I'm interested to find out.

That's what I meant when I said that information is percieved differently now. But that works for everybody and doesn't mean that media moguls aren't still huge. Yeah, Mario isn't the sole focus of platfromers anymore (cause there is a lot of stuff), but it's still a giant. You don't need to sustain yourself every year – you come in, make a stir, go out, rince and repeat. Although if Nintendo were much better with communication and overall as a game publisher that could even make that work.
You just have to maintain media presense, and since you can't churn out a game every day it has to be with other forms of media, like an awesome new cartoon/anime series and comic books.
Now that I think of it – think of MCU. It HAS been sustaining itself for years now. The trick is that it's not one particular character or movie series that does it, but rather the universe as a whole. That's what it takes to always stay relevant in the post-modernist information-overload soft-cyberpunk world of 2017. And, theoretically, Sonic could really pull this off, his universe is very flexible and unique. It just rarely gets unitilzed correctly and when it does – there is not much resources to go around.

R.I.P. Deem Bristow, I hope that Adobe program will allow us to make your voice live on again



Apparently Mike Pollock tried to imitate his voice at first, before doing his own thing.

While he started comical, he can do more serious scenes surprisingly well.
He's also a great sport with the "Social Media Take Over" voice clips he does for the Twitter account.



Mike Pollock is great, but I just can't envision him as anything but comic relief. Comical Eggman is really fun to watch in animated format, but the thing about all those oldschool villains was that they were meant to be taken seriously, under that comical tone and those rather humorous lines you were meant to pick up a dark and threatening undertone, even if the character himself is a giant talking egg who names his inventions Egg Things.

I will miss the voice acting. Shadow sounds off at times, but amazing at others Mostly when he is angry

I want Adventure Sonic back. That gameplay style felt like a much more accurate and fun translation of the 2D games. But '06 was unfinished, so that must mean the basic gameplay style is bad, right Sega? Modern Sonic, with his boosting (or Dashing, in Lost World) feels more like a translation of Dimps Sonic. The key is that in Classic Sonic and Adventure Sonic, speed is something you can earn when you are good at the level, but you can also go slow and enjoy things as well. Advance, Rush, and then Modern Sonic just have you boost through empty corridors because GOTTA GO FAST, rather than having you actually learn the levels and earning that smooth sense of speed and flow through the level.

I still like Modern Sonic as well though frankly I thought Unleashed was the best one due to all the content it had, while the other Modern Sonic games are all very short, but I hope that Generations 2 ends up having Adventure Sonic as a third playstyle, even though I know that's hoping for too much.

Nothing. You play as Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic. That makes it Generations 2 no matter what he says. He probably just means that it's not another plot where you go back to old levels.

Robotnik only ever wanted to make Robotnikland, his giant theme park state. Even when he threatened to blow up the earth, this was always his end goal. And then in Unleashed he actually does blow up the earth and make his giant theme park state. Robotnik is not a threat, he is the leader we all deserve. Better than living under the murderous GUN, who, let's not forget, purged a bunch of scientists and their families for daring to save the world from aliens and work on a cure for AIDS.

In Sonic 1 he looks at you and taps his foot if you don't touch the controller for a few seconds.

If anything Heroes or '06 is Adventure 3. I don't see how you could say Shadow is. Either it's Adventure 4 or it's not Adventure at all.

Sonic knows GUN is evil and Eggman is right, but he doesn't care because he's an unthinking reactionary asshole.

SA2 has much better level design and a lot more content, but Adventure 1 does a very good job with a lot of the Adventure elements. Take the level design and mission/scoring system and the unlockables from SA2 and throw in Adventure Fields on the level of SA1 (Unleashed has good Adventure Fields but nowhere near the level of detail in NPCs and such that SA 1 has) and you'd have the ultimate game. But as of now, SA2 is already the ultimate game.

Spyro isn't a drink, he's a fast food chain. Eat Fresh.

It has Adventure Fields. Considering only three games have them, and one is '06, that's pretty significant.

Shadow is just the Sonic stages from SA1 and SA2 but without the other characters. It also doesn't have Adventure Fields, so I don't see how it could be more like Adventure than Adventure 2 is.

Also Shadow isn't a Hedgehog, he's a Tenrec, also known as a Fake Hedgehog. A creature that is mostly black but has yellow highlights, like Super Sonic. Shadow has red highlights instead because of Black Doom.

Actual best eggman theme coming through

This is autism, he's a fucking hedgehog.

SA2 by itself was apparently rather underwhelming as a sequel to SA1, but the Battle version they re-released had everything missing from it and then some. IMO if they ever wanted to make a SA3 they should combine both games - Sonic, Shadow, Tails and maybe even sometimes Knuckles and Rouge getting Action stages, the rootin tootin point n shootin aspect of the game could be retained for Eggman, albeit made much more interesting by either removing the homing missile gimmick and porting it all into first person, or doing away with the bulk of the platforming and concentrating on making feel-good stages that get demolished easily, or even make the levels very platform oriented like the joy that is Cosmic Wall, with maybe a pinch of extra forms and modes to the mecha (flying, walking, maybe even racing versions of the same mecha for different kinds of stages), plus treasure hunting as a mixture between the compact but extremely varied maps from 2 and the more accessible radar from 1. Finally, the platforming NEEDS to be 1's tier of floaty and forgiving, but with setpieces and actual action and speed sections that give 2's vibe.

We miss him every day.

Just a cool fan theory.

Battle is barely better than vanilla SA2. Most of the changes are meh, and they removed Big. SA2 is better than SA1 because it has way better level design and the missions and scoring system result it in having way, way more replayability.

If I were going to do SA3 I'd just focus on Sonic, not because I don't like the other characters, but because everyone else bitches about them, and Sonic stages are the best ones.

That's not how it is!

pls don't die

Best old school Eggman right here.



If you think the Adventure games were better than the Genesis games, you're most likely a retard or a furry.

Amy's Adventure design is better than her original design, though.

Am I the only one NOT seeing this?
No matter how hard I tried it's impossible.

the front plate/shell is removed

iirc Unleashed was actually called Adventure 3 early on in development.


Can't we like both?

I think it's a case of which Sonics you grew up with. I personally loved the 2D sonic games, but I think the 3D ones are cringey and poorly designed. People think Sonic Adventure 2 was the best Sonic game of all time. I honestly think it's one of the worst games I've ever played, and the series only went downhill from there. I've tried playing through it so many times, trying to wrap my head around why people like it, every time I have to put it down. You aren't even allowed to say SA2 isn't a good game, the fanbase is insanely obsessed with it. I think 90% of them played it as kids and haven't touched it since.

Genesis was the first system I really got into, and the Sonic games were always my favorite, particularly Sonic & Knuckles. I almost got a Saturn but the lack of Sonic convinced me to get a PS1 and Crash instead, and that was pretty close to 3D Sonic, which is what I wanted. Especially Crash 3.

But then the Dreamcast came out. Getting to play as all those characters in 3D was the best, and exploring Sonic's world was great. I appreciated the complex way the story was told, and how it seemed to continue logically from Sonic & Knuckles (though I did like SatAM when it was on, by this point I had pretty much forgotten about it). And not once did it cross my mind to think this wasn't how 3D Sonic was supposed to be. It's Crash Bandicoot but faster.

Adventure 2 streamlined everything. Got rid of stuff that can be done without, like the Adventure Fields (which I love, but don't need) and half the characters. While in retrospect it might have been better to make Eggman play like Tails, rather than the other way around, getting to play as Robotnik was so cool. I don't see any mainline Mario games where you play as Bowser. While Sonic Adventure got the basics of how Sonic should move, Sonic Adventure 2 made the levels much more complicated, which made them more resemble the playstyle of Classic Sonic, where you have a lot to explore, and are encouraged to do so with the promise of better times and better flow through the level. Then on top of that, it made scores important enough to give a shit about, by having actual unlockables, and a lot of them, spaced apart just right to keep you coming back.

The good part of Sonic Adventure 2 isn't the story mode, that's basically a tutorial. The game gets good when you go to the Stage Select screen and start trying to beat all the extra missions and get high ranks. The goal isn't just to win, it's to explore the levels thoroughly and learn all the secrets and shortcuts so you can get the best route for the best score, and when you do, playing through them feels awesome as you just fly through everything in one flowing motion, if you've got the reaction times for it. This also applies to the other characters, which are not nearly as slow as people say when you're playing them right. They're slow at first because you're not good at them yet, which is how Classic Sonic was too. Speed is your reward for getting good. And now you have extra rewards for going fast. Unlocking extra costumes, then characters, and then the best secret level ever, is awesome.

I don't think think Sonic Adventure 2 is a perfect game, I can see why some people wouldn't like some aspects of it (Eggman and Chao are perhaps too different from Sonic, even if still good), but I do still think it is the best one. 3&K would be close, except it's one game for the price of two, and Sega's ultimate jewry should not be forgotten.

Everything after Adventure 2 isn't as good as anything before Adventure 2 (except maybe Sonic 1). And everything starting with Unleashed is a completely different style of game, which ditches the translation of Sonic's gameplay style to 3D, and comes up with a new thing that doesn't feel at all the same as 2D Sonic. People act like Adventure and Unleashed are the same style just because they're both 3D, but they're as different from each other as they are from the Genesis games. That said, those games are all still okay to great.

And unlocking Green Hill Zone in Adventure 2, once you've 100%ed the game, shows what I mean about how it is the best way to translate Sonic to 3D. The level is actually the same layout from Sonic 1 translated to 3D, and it plays great. It's short as far as this game goes (since it's only Act 1), but what's there works just fine. Contrast this to Generations, which has to be a completely different layout when translated to that style, because that style doesn't actually play like Classic Sonic.

People who like Adventure are defensive because a lot of casuals and people who haven't even played them shit on them. They watched Game Grumps and heard Sonic 06 was bad and think these are the same game with the same problems, even though the problem with '06 was that it wasn't finished. And people thinking that it was the basic gameplay style that was the problem got that whole gameplay style thrown out after '06, and now instead of Adventure Sonic we get Modern Sonic, which people still think is the same thing but act like it's better, even though it's just less like Sonic.

SA2>S3&K=SA1>CD>2>S&K>3>4 Ep II>Unleashed>Generations>1>Heroes>Shadow>=Lost World>Colors>4 Ep I>'06

this image is stupid. because the power adapter doesnt even allow for the electricity to run all of those cartridges, so you'll start getting diminishing returns on the resolution gain from piggybacking carts.


Not to mention, SA2 started with Pepsiman level tribute.

Wait, the resolution would actually increase if you plugged a Sonic & Knuckles into another Sonic & Knuckles?

If you look at the thumbnail for this image, it shows more of the person holding the cartridges, but the full image does not. Strange, isn't it?

heh… goy

aside from the cringey dance off, this was sort of a sweet scene.

technically, '06 was adventure 3