We will never get another retro FF made by the original team
Just wait for Unsung Story
there were
Yes, I do. Every FF has been utter dogshit.
Almost all JRPGs are bad but FF is a special kind of worthless shit.
No taste. FF5 is one of the best RPGs of all time.
Uematsu has been dead inside for years. FFX was when his soul just abandoned his body.
now there's a image I haven't seen in a long time. it's still cancer and the text is all wrong for what it was originally used for.
I didn't enjoy the story for FFXV, but i enjoyed the development between the characters. Prompto opening up, Ignis letting down his shield and Gladius basicly being a bro. When Gladius burned noxis about his dick size, i fucken loled, made me realize this wasn't a bunch of gay dudes going a trip, but a bunch of bros, fucking around, killing monsters.
Who cares Final Fantasy 7 and 9 are the only half-decent ones. And the gameplay of the franchise has always been fucking garbage.
He only did a few songs for FFX. I'm pretty sure they were the Hymn of the Faith, Someday the Dream Will End and the other major leitmotifs. The arrangements were all done by the secondary team.
For some reason I'm imagining some sort of Cup Noodle related comparison was made.
Nice dubs. Now I remember, it's from when they're fishing.
Leave it alone
SNES wasn't chiptune. It played back sampled PCM recordings at an incredibly low bitrate.
>tfw a good retro FF game can only be made by outsourcing to another company experienced with making good retro-style games
>tfw SE will never have the brilliant idea to make a game called Final Fantasy Zero, despite having the infinite wisdom of naming shit like Kingdom Hearts 2.8 or Final Fantasy XIII-2
Don't forget that "Final Fantasy X-2.5" book where Tidus gets his head blown off.
Basicly when your fishing and noctis keeps catching tiny fish. Gladius will be like ,"That one looks like the same size as your dick."
Pretty funny moment , i love the interactions between the guys.
pic unrelated, p-pls don't click
How blatant is that said? I mean, do they pussyfoot around it but still make it clear what he means, or does he come right out and say that?
Now why would I do that?
The history of Final Fantasy II and III is hilarious.
I have a YouTube channel for old Jrpg history stuff, and a fag ass voice. If anyone wants to watch I can post it
Elaborate. You mean the NES games, right?
No. Do it anyway.
Shit that's you? I binge watched all your videos a long ass time ago, no clue how I found them but they're good shit lad keep it up.
who cares FFXV was the best FF games sense FF6. Yes I am implying FF8-12 was garbage.
Bookmarked since I think that might be interesting to watch later, but I do hope you're joking about your voice, considering these seem to run anywhere from a bit over twenty minute to over a fucking hour per video.
Out of curiosity, how many of those episodes do you plan to make anyhow? Are you just covering the basics/earliest JRPGs, or do you plan to steadily work your way up to fourth gen and beyond?
oh yea ff13 was garbage too.
also forgot to remove the flag
I just want Ivalice. Or make a FANTASY game instead of a Lightning IV.
You sound fat and boring/monotonous . I haven't seen the whole video yet, but that honestly what your video sounds like to me.
wew lad.
is this an undertale thread?
I thought you were joking.
Haha, nice meme my man!!! XDDDDDD
15 is the best.
The fact that viera are not real is like a physical pain in my chest.
sweet mother of jesus I was in love
Shit laddy are you sure you didn't take a wrong turn when you tried to go to cuckchan?
Wew I need some sleep