Double Dragon IV

So this came out today… who's playing?

Looks like garbage, why did they use the NES sprites instead of the arcade ones? Why not use the NEOGEO style instead? Cheap nostalgia pandering like Megaman 9 and 10

Because the arcade ones look like dogshit
The best looking 2D double dragon was on the fucking gameboy advance but Double Dragon 2 on the NES was the series's peak

This is some low energy shilling

Eh, I was playing Hotline Miami earlier, saw this on the store cheap. Was a fun of the series when younger.

Yup. Not too far, but it's got that vibe so far.

Also, it's done by Arc, which also caught my interest.

It's a cashgrab.

I had no idea it was out and I love Double Dragon. Great work with that marketing. Maybe I'll pick it up after work.

Arc bought the rights a year or two ago, so they own this and the Kunio series now. That's why you're seeing new titles again after Million sat on the IP for like 15 years.

Play a good Double Dragon game instead of that piece of shit, shameless cashgrab.

Getting Arc System Works to make a game with re-used NES graphics is like getting Ennio Morricone to make a ringtune for a 90's cell phone.

Wasted talent.

Man, the default control scheme is shit for keyboard. ESDX? With keys mapped for diagonals even though you can just hold a vertical and horizontal? Also it doesn't recognize my 360 pad, but I'm not knocking it for that because it might be Wine's fault. First stage is retarded toddler level easy, that's all I tried so far.

Seems like it doesn't require Steam running, so a pirate copy should be up within hours. I'd do it myself but I know people probably don't want steamapi.dll running unrestricted on their systems, and the game doesn't start without it present.

The magic and mystery of Unity.

I miss the 80's. It wasn't all peaches and cream but it was better than now.


DD3 looks surprisingly well, and so does the SNK fighting game, still miles better than reusing NES assets
I wasn't talking about gameplay, why are you parroting what everyone already knows? This is a lazy cashgrab if i've ever saw one, Arc System Works has been doing nothing but zero effort rehashes since they got their hands on these old licenses, honestly this game makes DD:Neon look like a masterpiece in comparison solely because it actually had effort put into it.

Honestly, I can't stand the looks of that game. If we were going to reuse assets, Rage of the Dragons should be brought back.

Call me when they pair up with the Battletoads again, the only time Double Dragon hasn't sucked ass.

Street Fighter x Megaman had arguably more work behind it than this new Double Dragon game. Also, it was released for FREE. Can't believe Arcsys actually made Crapcom good.

how shit is it?

Does it have online co op?
A blasting sound track?
Some fucking hilarious story?
Can I use my modded snes controller?
If it has not all of these, then I will just replay Neon.

Just watched the trailer, looks worse then a fan made romhack or a shitty mobile game.

I like neon only for its soundtrack.

here's a magnet link if you think 7 us dollars is too extreme for what to most people looks like a lame nes romhack

No (neither did the originals, more mellow synth)
No, this is what ruined Neon

According to this review I'm watching right now (minute 5:20), nope.

This turd is super small and has no copy protection, why?

Thanks. Saves me money. Not paying 7 dollars for a NES romhack

Had time to play some now. Got up to mission 10, where I ran out of continues. Some observations.

The game's pacing is awful. I swear the first stage has less than 10 enemies, including the "boss". Around stage 5 or 6 it starts to feel about right, and then it immediately decides to keep going and throw more and faster enemies at you. Too bad the only crowd control move you have requires you to jump, and enemies immediately react by knocking you on your ass when you do.

Enemies are generally too easy to defeat, but also strike a lot faster than you. This means that you take a lot of unwarranted damage as the enemy stunlocks you and hits you with a six-piece for 75% damage on later stages, which happens a lot more than it should. As such there's not much reason to stand and brawl, jump kicks and spin kick into the kneel required for hyper knee/uppercut is always vastly more effective, especially as you get mobbed with half a dozen enemies later. One knee can knock back 3-4, making the fight much easier because all but two or three varieties of thugs are too stupid to duck or dodge. It's also much faster/easier than before to stun and grab an enemy, but since the stages from about 7 onward make them hyper aggressive you don't get a chance to use any grab moves.

As a side note, the special attacks are far easier to execute. The timing feels very loose compared to the NES games. This is countered somewhat by their absolute necessity, and the fact that enemies get their own special attacks that fling you across the room. Don't be surprised when you go down after taking two hits like that.

Remember those platforming bits that shat up the old games? You loved those, right? Now you get spikes from the floor and ceiling at the same time which hit for 50% damage. And disappearing platforms right next to the spinning one that throws you to your death. This is where half of my lives were expended. Oh, and conveyor belts. Hope you like those, you'll see them a good bit.

The music is good and the backgrounds are pretty decent, but it really does come off as a mediocre ROM hack. It makes me wonder if they really had involvement from the original staff, or if they only slapped them on the credits because they lifted almost everything straight from the NES games before butchering the mechanics.

It's painful to say, because I really liked the old games. This is very uninspired and the small number of added attacks doesn't make up for the glaring deficiencies. For what they were working with and what they were going for, they should have been able to do much better. Save your money.

I thought Mega Man 9 was pretty good. It came out a little before the hipster retro craze took off and it's one of the few retro throwbacks to actually feel like the original instead of just looking the part like this probably does. I'll give you 10, though. And this.
Isn't this series remembered for being arcade co-op beat-em-ups? Of course, arcades don't appeal to hipsters like the NES; and Arc would obviously rather just follow the money instead of making something good.


I had no idea this came out. Still not worth $10 imho.

fuck off, this niggers opinion is trash.

that looks cool.

River City Ransom: Underground is still coming. It's in beta right now.

You know what to do, user.

It gets worse in later levels.

Oh, and those sumo guys in the second picture? They appeared inside a box.

do they have a donation page of some kind?

It was kickstarted a few years ago. I'd imagine donations are closed since they're at most a couple months from full release now.

I shouldn't be surprised, but that's disgusting. Still, if you can land on top of the cross and get lucky with the timing of the spins it could be doable. Doesn't excuse the design, though.
The mob tactics continue to ramp up even beyond the absurdity I saw. That's almost impressive.

Just so everyone knows, you can continue from the last level you completed by pressing enter/start on the title screen (the mission number appears in the bottom right corner). Discovering this was quite a relief as after dying on Mission 12 the last thing I wanted to do was go through all that again.

The game really makes you appreciate how well designed the originals are. This one just feels like they couldn't be bothered to playtest it at all so they just give you a ton of lives and credits so it doesn't matter when you get screwed. The result is a game that's both really cheap and too easy at the same time. A shame really as with a bit more care I think it could have been a nice throwback, albeit an overpriced one.