Battlestation thread

battlestation thread
post you're battlestation below

You still playing DarkFall?

desk is a little messy but it's alright. You do have a CRT, don't you?

No, because I'm not a hipster.

CRTs can do 120Hz you dumb ape

no. when flat screen monitors became a thing I ditched those fuckers immediately.

His pic is not related in either way.


new meme?

It's pretty old really. That's why modern screens exist.

My point stands. CRT is outdated eye-melting garbage. And even if you get one that can output proper framerate, you're paying in picture size for it. It's shit one way or the other.

Shitty lighting. Shitty camera. You cant see my Snes, N64, Xbox, PS2… And a VCR.

Uh huh

I think hes more secretly triggered at your Trump hats.

You arent the guy with the CRT picture. Good one on me.

check yourself before you wreck yourself

your point doesn't exist, LCD is the only display technology that outputs dangerous radiation.

mine does 200hz.

I should clean up one day.

Hot off the presses.

needs more CRT

My desk are glass panels supported by metal frame. I don't want those heavy lumbering brutes to crack my desk and cover my cock and legs in glass shards because of a few games that might look better that I only play on occasion.
Would feel more comfortable with an Ergomart or something, but overall It's just not worth the hassle.

Why do you drink from a jar?

Poorstation coming through

Why would anyone use outdated trash?

Because LCD can't keep up

I don't have a camera, but my battlestation is just a simple wooden desk with a tablecloth and a laptop on top.

you're battlestation

Here's mine

I just have a tall fucking perfectly square table and a really hard and tall chair that's basically a stool with back-support.


Get your ass back in /a/ you faggot

Looks like a fucking gay bar

I need to update this.

What? No, don't you see the superglue bottle?
But seriously, I'd like to know why my cellphone turns my pics

yeah, you need to upgrade to a CRT

I need to clean up

Please don't out me as a crossboarder /a/ is my first, and main, home

I wouldn't know, I've never been to a gay bar user. The pics make the coloured lights a lot more intense than they actually are.

Doesn't the keyboard lights bother you when playing in the dark?

I don't play in the dark, I have a light on pretty much always
And I like having backlights on keyboards, I have trouble distinguishing keys sometimes

what's the dog's name?


My screen is kinda small…


You people disgust me.

no, you need to pet the doggo

I use a hobbycraft cutting board as a mouse.

Damn, nice ass PVM fam.




Closer to OKC area? Tulsa? Or Cuxas?

Keyboard is an ebay shitter, 20 bucks
And someone accidentally sent me a 402 I think it's a 402

No, I value my eyesight, thank you very much.

when i lived in OK it was tulsa then we moved to houston

what model PVM?

Vision impairment requiring glasses has increased steadily since the introduction of LCDs. There was no such increase from CRTs. You are very stupid.

Not a pvm, ikegami htm-2050R. I'm not sure what htm stands for, but high definition (t?) monitor. There's the tm and htm series for ikegami.

but how many people sat 10 inches away from their crt screen? tv's were tiny and people sat a long way from them. Obviously lcd belongs in the trash, sadly there don't seem to be many alternatives.(I use an old plasma tv now, I quite like it).

crt is the alternative, and there is no radiation that escapes the tube that doesn't die off less than an inch from the surface that isn't literally banana tier radiation.