You make fucking Video Games.
This year is going to be hilarious for video games
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cant make a webm right now
you fucking suck dick, every god damn time everyone breaks a cell for your fucking stupid retard bullshit
When was the last time these fuckers even made a decent game?
They were never good games.
low tier trash, deport yourself
Fuck you
Then don't post until you can you fucking failure of biology.
I hate jews.
Jesus fucking Christ, get a job.
Why do they give a fuck?
Wow, shit taste all around.
Why do companies feel like they should have an official stance on social issues in the last few years? I remember when companies were smart enough to shut the fuck up and not alienate anyone.
I don't get this.
First Palmer now this? They can eat a bag of dicks.
Funny, Insomniac's games over the last decade have been very forgettable.
guys, i heard trump doesn't eat potatoes very often
you know who does?
the irish
eat your ironic statement
Remember when these fucks went with the bandwagon controversy of AssCreed Unity not having female protags because of the "We would have to make custom animations and it would pile up our workload" that bullshit went with their game Sunset Overhype with that shit trailer "if you want to play as a dude, you can, if you want to play as a dudette with a voice of dude, that's cool"
Fucking bullshit
PR departments are fucking retarded, they attacked Palmer Lucky during the Gawker bullshit too.
It's Holla Forums, they either share your views so you can suck their dick or it's haram
Gotta virtue signal bro
God damn it. I can't even watch this shit. Just.
I didn't know that, makes me regret getting the new Rachet and Clank on sale.
I never would have guessed.
Because they need to hire programmers. America's educational systems are too fucked to produce good ones.
I brought the laptop to show a movie, and yes I have parents. You can fuck off now back to Holla Forums, no one wants you here.
Every fucking time. I don't understand, what sort of brain gymnastics do you have to do in order to justify this?
If they think they're in the right, why are they always so afraid of people arguing against it? How much longer can they blame ebil internet trolls and still think they are somehow doing the right thing?
Naa Mr Holla Forums, it's because the countries not yet banned is still business partners with Mr Trump. Now keep chanting 'MAGA' while we discuss vidya shit here.
Sunset Overhype wasn't a system seller as they tried their damn hardest to sell a SanFran hipster game turd
Goodbye Ratchet. You won't be missed.
The list of countries was made by the Obama administration you retarded fuck. He used their list.
Furthermore, there are over 40 countries that are heavily or majority muslim, only a fraction of those got banned. The ones that got banned were because of their status as terrorism hotspots.
Kill yourself.
I'll miss Ratchet
How is /vcollins/ doing anyways.
Go back to redditpol you misinformed dumb fuck.
Ratchet is dead because of that terrible movie when the game is much better than that, Sly Cooper is next.
I'm not from Holla Forums though, i just hate SJWs. Suck a penis
Fuck off already. Unless you're a politician, nobody gives a rat's ass about what you think on politics.
You're right the Obama Administration loved protecting the Saudis, hence their list. I guess Trump should have updated it.
tell that to the people following all of those eCelebs on Youtube and Twitter
Nobody follows ecelebs for political opinions. They do it so they can pretend to have friends.
Did you forgot how video games became the main supporter of globalism recently? Video games are no longer video games, they are political messages.
They are the scriptures of false god called "equality".
I wish it were that simple.
The crash can't come soon enough.
Stop being a bitch and grow up. If you needed to make this thread you could have waited till you were done spending time with your fucking family to actually engage in the thread you made yourself when you were fucking ready you fucking manchild. You were better off not replying to begin with and leacing it at the OP, at least then you could have saved the thread from your shitty posts.
least no one is gonna support them anymore
i mean fuck just look at what is happening to starbucks who has fucking money what this shitty game company gonna do that hasn't made a good game in almost a decade
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but the crash isn't going to happen.
It happened the first time because heaps of shit was pumped out to a tiny audience where as now we have heaps of shit pumped out into a huge audience that is big enough to adsorb it.
It also doesn't help that many people will eat shit with a smile and claim it's great.
Also reminder that literal pedophiles control the narrative in your video games from the shadows.
The Ratchet Future games were fine, I really enjoyed Into the Nexus too despite it being shorter than the others. Resistance is crap, FUSE is unspeakable, and did anyone even play Sunset Overdrive on the XBone?
You are a fucking video game developer.
It is not your professional imperative to make your stance on every political bill known to the public. What are you going to do? Make an embarassing youtube video about it? Great. Now please fuck off back to actually making games. What a fucking waste of time.
Would you?
Shitty humor and writing by some hipster who watched The Warriors, gameplay that is just grind and shoot without any depth, forgotten after 3 months without fanfare, and DLC that didn't get that much shilling, it was a fucking bomb for the Xbone.
Muh Current Year.
Yeah, especially seeing she looks like she has been forced into this rather than wanting to be there.
Because the news keeps calling it a "muslim ban", so people think that's what it actually is.
That's like another way of saying "we employ illegal immigrants" and "we like cheap pajeet labor".
It's cali.
of course it is
people surprised by them being SJWs cunts after Sunset overdrive pushed Tranny propaganda
I'm more surprised they're still in business after Sunset Overhype and selling Ratchet and Clank to Hollywood.
Not going to destroy stuff I got that they already made, but they sure won't be getting anymore money from me.
I honestly wonder how much of the old guard is at some of these longish-standing game companies anymore.
Rip spyro. Here's hoping that the people involved with him already left a long time ago.
I remember when it was twice as big and the image was replaced by a spooky face. The fuck happened?
no u nigger faggot
Just hang in there, anons…
I will make vidya great again.
Or at least die trying.
I lurk in agdg threads, but have been hiding my power level.
I can't wait to break into this industry and start subtly dropping ideological warfare into seemingly innocent kids games to usher a new age of nationalists.
To be fair, none of them look like they want to be there.
Hope your SocJus brown points are worth it, faggots. Wall's getting built either way.
How many employees from Somalia do they have exactly?
I'm surprised Activision didn't buy R&C
Even if there's no crash, there will be a slow, painful death. Shiteaters are the only ones left in the console market.
Fuck, everybody has a PS2 but me. Now I have one, but I never use it. Also, funny how the PS2 is the most popular but it has the worst emulator.
It seems Nintendo has the strongest autism.
You also need to remember that PC has been making a comeback and the fastest growing vidya market is mobile.
I know it's not real vidya but it is real money and that is all many devs care about.
Ps2 was shit along with the Wii. I dont care how many faggot sonyfans defend it.
Your opinion man. Not worth much either.
Given how Insomniac and Naughty Dog have traditionally been friends, it wouldn't surprise me if ND ended up spreading their cancer.
What am I looking here?
I'd say that crown belongs to N64 these days.
Wii U is the best console right now, only due to to versatility and HUUUUUUUUGE backwards compatibility.
It basically supports every single fucking Nintendo console, and THEN some. I think the PS1 is supported via emulation? It's insane.
Why not both? At least PJ64 doesn't have you fuck with the region, and the settings, to make your game even look right.
the wii and the wii U have exactly the same amount of good games
Well I emulate PS2 games in software mode so I don't really have any settings to mess with.
Now we know the Switch has paid online the WiiU is the only console worth considering.
When the Switch releases I'm going to pick up a Wii U cheap.
Backwards compatibility nigga, the Wii U has the Wii U library + the Wii library.
Not only Insomniac games, but also Zynga, EA, "Kate", & GDC throw their hats into the "Muslim Ban" ring
Doesn't Project64 have malware?
what a fag
The version you get from their website has some shitty bloatware along with some finicky to uninstall programs. There's plenty of downloads of the program without it though. I usually post my version which runs fine on the vola whenever people ask for it.
You're right, and everyone moving to mobile is what will save video games. All the trash devs, publishers, and shiteaters will fuck off to mobile, consoles will become niche again or disappear entirely, and people who actually want to make games can get back to making games instead of pumping out souless cash cow titles for paychecks and tiptoeing around twitter politics.
Or I'm wrong and video games are trapped in a perpetual state of hellish mediocrity.
Well that explains it.
Which is Zero?
Just kidding, I still enjoy some games from Nintendo but will not give them a fucking cent, Other than Robobot, but that's HAL, not Nintendo
I will buy a used switch to live up to my promise
Mine was cheap, it had Super Mario 3D World, Art Academy, Nintendo Land, Mario Kart 8 DLC (Not the full game), Mario Maker, Smash Bros and Art Academy Studio. A 32gb model. All for $200
Sadly, the cunt deleted his accounts and half the games I had on the system became void, then I had to redownload some of them via USB Helper and use Haxchi, then coldboot. Which is how I actually found out I HAD Nintendoland in the first place.
You didn't even read my entire post! You go back, you meanie fucker.
Not sure about "best console", but this user makes a good point about the great access to software this console gets when you take the time to hack it.
Wii is covered by vWii, Gamecube is covered by Nintendon't.
The PowerPC architecture allows it to play three generations of Nintendo home consoles with ease, and Virtual Console emulation covers the rest.
Unhacked, the Wii U is easily the shittiest console in Nintendo's history.
But hack it, and it at least becomes slightly less shitty. Slightly.
Eh, Video Games are going the way of Hollywood/Music industry aka fucking garbage.
Or just use a fucking computer.
The last console I ever bought was a Sega Genesis, when it first came out.
So you are saying the Wii U doesn't have one good game?
burden off proof is on you faggot.
I agree, Dolphin emulator works great nowadays if you want GCN/WiiU stuff, and there's other good emulators for older Nintendo consoles.
But if you want to play comfy games in bed with Wii U gamepad, hacking the WiiU might prove easier than patching your Linux kernel and sacrificing your PC's 5GHz wireless card to get the WiiU gamepad working with your PC.
Mario Kart 8
The fuck you think you're implying nigger?
What's going on here fellas?
Jesus Christ fuck this I'm off to bed.
Wii has the best shovelware games
What seems to be the problem user?
Sometimes I wish every single person working in this industry, down to the fucking janitors who don't even know shit about games, gets dragged out into the streets and shot so we can start start over.
be the change you want to see in the world
Fucking racists.
not true
there's one waaaaay in the back
Good point. They seem to be mostly asian. Why even complain ?
Is insomniac still relevant? What was the last game they made that was actually good? As for their political stance, who fucking cares. They should've just kept their mouths shut, honestly. What did they think their little video was going to accomplish?
Joining the industry itself is pointless. You can't take a loan out and start a studio these days because the only way it'll pay off is if your game gets meme status with normalfags. Most indiefags have rich parents or solo-devs in babushka's basement. I've been trying to /agdg/ for a while now, hence why I even discovered Insomniacs powerpoints in the first place. It was a pretty big boost to my motivation, this company even was a source of inspiration, and then they start bitching about diversity like it has anything to fucking do with games. I know the PS2 era company is long dead and most of the worthwhile people are long gone, but I didn't need to see this.
I haven't played the new Ratchet Reboot, so I'm sticking with my previous post about Into the Nexus.
He's got his finders crossed you autist.
THE. FUCKING. WORST. THING. about this is that people are lazy and do just as much work as they need to get by.
All these retards think adding a popular political message is a '+10 g00d gaem' modifier. So they stop actually designing in other ways because the political message is easier and they "already put enough work in".
This fucking trend is happening everywhere; in all arts, movements, and businesses. And I hate it, I hate it so much. I just want people to do the best they can, but they refuse to even risk anything in the face of an easy pass to success that this signalling allows.
Ah, for some reason I couldn't make that out before. I see it now. Makes sense, fuck shillary.
What, really? Since when?
Lol all I was thinking as I scanned through the crowd of cucks and foreign parasites was 'even these pozzlords couldn't find niggers intelligent enough to make the coffee'. They're basically all white, with a few East Asians and sand niggers. Obviously they would have pushed these individuals, as well as any women, to the front.
How ideologically pure does one have to be to even pretend that keeping low iq foreign groups out will harm your business?
Well in terms of emulation accuracy, N64 still has a shitload of problems. Thanks to Vulkan we are only just now starting to get pixel-perfect rendering at full speed, but it doesn't work well with all games yet. PS2 on the other hand seems to do very well these days especially if you are in software mode like me.
How many of those employees voted for trump and have been forced to be part of this video?
It's California, so probably not many.
probably this guy, top right
look at his body language, shoegazing etc
Okay, so they're completely irrelevant already and have nothing to lose by in-group signaling to liberals.
video games