Doom/Classic FPS Thread

Previous Doom thread was over 300 replies and at page 13. Let's keep the discussion going.
With ZScript implemented into ZDoom and GZDoom, how much more intricate would Doom mods and wads become? What mods do you want to be made possible?

Other urls found in this thread:!81kU2ApI!oWhZbhDgWUJRB-ZFXrGqaiOppCxfT48WOT-vwoGur-8!KwRAyRiR!a0SIuRwrlnPEfcCQRojElfkHL-_1c5KLLyGHNxgkv1k!kZNRVJpQ!Aah_t6a3x2TYXteTNu33PYUd2dOxoei_t8dFdqgg0nw!jR0zyDBb!oShq1mIaXYmc74L1Go3WJmb1UmMwfxgnecsfI-g0yBY!ZoFiTCjb!7MrFszcJjiJ6oEoeDF3svSZxpQkydEFMxwHIZyNDfic

Here's the obligatory recommendations macro for Doom. The link to the iwads don't work anymore, so use this instead:!81kU2ApI!oWhZbhDgWUJRB-ZFXrGqaiOppCxfT48WOT-vwoGur-8

Played this the other day, fucking impressive, too bad about the lack of mod support because it otherwise would have blown the competition out of the water.

Who here Redneck Rampage?

I think I remember owning a CD case of that game, but I never got the chance to play it.

It's on GOG for a few bucks right now.
A port of Quake 3 was started for the 3DS but it looks like the dev abandoned it

Same lad who ported Doom to the 3DS. Wish I knew how to program so I could finish this shit


I just want it for the sheer novelty of it. Maybe use it to test maps out and shit. But I'd never be retarded enough to play online on a handheld

It's a procedural standard for Quake and Doom to be ported to any type of hardware and software. Embed related.

I know, i played Duke3D and Quake on my PSP nearly a decade ago. It was horrible.

I have "Skynet" on a cd somewhere, I remember being blown away when I played it.
Driving parts are nightmare, though.

Reminder that Doomguy is canonically a virgin with rage

reminder that mods are considered canon, and therefore hdoom and imp encounter are both canon

Too bad hdoom is absolute fucking garbage that only underaged faggots like

nobody's disagreeing with you

Does that mean even terry wads and uacmn are canon?

I can guess who's the underage here

You are missing the point.

yes, mods are canon as of nudoom
some line from the hell levels confirms that doomguy basically travels through all dimensions and timelines and whatnot to kill demons forever, de facto confirming that mods are considered canon

How does Doom play on the 3DS anyways?

Found the underaged

Bravo, Zenimax.

Daily reminder that johnny doom is best doom.

Does anybody know of any large, possibly outdoor levels with large, interesting architecture? I'm looking for something cool to play Guncaster with and I want to be able to fly around and look at cool shit. Also I'm not a big fan of slaughter maps but if the map itself looks good I'll deal with it, Guncaster is pretty OP anyway

Sunlust is pretty schway for the big arenas stich, just beware the monstercount.

Hmm is there a mod for ZDoom or Skullcrap that adds a translocator weapon like in UT99?

I am asking this because I cannot make a proper bridge deployer to function. t. modder

That's pretty cuhrayzee.

Come on you spineless blobs, still whimpering at the feet of your (((ZDoom forums))) overlords?
Praise be to SgtMarkIV, the saviour of Doom!

Not a translocator weapon, but there's a certain weapon in the cod:mw mod RGArefined called tactical instertion that teleports you into the spot you place it when you respawn. You could look into how it teleports people and make a version that can be trown and instantly teleports the user.

Forgot to say, RGArefined was made for zandronum, no idea if it works in zdoom.

Get your false gods out of here.

Ahh right this RGA mod had it alll the time, thanks for reminding me I hope I can salvage that code and put it into a good use for muh mod.

Calm down, you insecure redditor.



Oh but i get it

No mod community as based as the Doom one.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R/C&C are a close second though

My favorite modding communities are always either ID or Valve related because they're two of the most important.

I'd be pretty impressed if you could port quake onto a nigger brain.

Strange. Every time I try to play that, my hud never shows up. Only my crosshairs. Music doesn't seem to play in maps either.

I'm playing BloodCM. There's some bugs like no reflection when you look in the mirror.

Found another underaged

I'm sorry that your christian father caught you playing hDoom and threatened to cut down your internet with an axe but maybe you should stop being so jealous of people who can enjoy pixelated demon tits and ass.

Pretty sure the people who complain about HDoom complain not about the fact that it exists but the fact that the demons have anime human faces instead of demon faces. First-person sex when?

You just need 50 bucks user


The Doom Cybermancy
Never ever

We're not really sure of the upper limits of it yet.
People are still doing crazy shit with ACS and Decorate, and those have been going on for years.

Is it just one user on here that can not stop talking about metadoom or are there multiple? I keep coming across somebody always posting this exact same youtube video.

Try using the newest GZDoom version, and just hit '+' during gameplay or something, as for music, i dunno, try messing with music options in GZDoom.

Someone posted it in the last general which was slow as fuck compared to this one and was up for several days.

I made a little sound .wad for doom, based off of madness interactive. I call it…

So I've played through Doom 1, Doom 2, both TNT and Plutonia, as well as Plutonia 2, and I'm looking for something to spice things up and play something else instead. What do I need to get started playing Quake? I heard that Darkplaces is generally preferred, but what else do I need and how do I get things running?


If you're wanting interesting architecture and you're good with Quake check out Arcane Dimensions.

Darkplaces is ugly as sin and incompatible with some mods, get Quakespasm. Here's an archive containing Quake, its expansions and the 20th Anniversary episode, music included:!KwRAyRiR!a0SIuRwrlnPEfcCQRojElfkHL-_1c5KLLyGHNxgkv1k

To play them just unzip the archive into the same directory as your Quake executable, then type "game #foldername" into the in-game command line to select what you want to play. After that the best site to find user-made content is Quaddicted.


Is that Street Fighter music in the video?

Holy shit, ID is now 26

Yep, Bethesda didn't think that through.


I think you need to lay off the sauce.

Id as in Id softworks, the company who created Doom and is now 26 years old (the person you responded to erroneously capitalized both letters; the name is taken directly from Freud's theoretical structure of the human psyche), not the abbreviation for Identification commonly known as ID that Holla Forums displays in the upper right corner of posts. Most people have made that mistake at some point, but I think it's important to know the distinction.

It plays it as well as any device thats had Doom ported over to it does. There's also a Quake 1 port for 3DS


can someone explain how the brutal doom hell on earth starter pack works? from what i understand it only contains 30 fan made levels, is that correct? is there a way to play the doom 1&2 campaigns with it with the updated graphics and stuff? i'm new to doom modding

No, by playing the fan levels, they will overwrite the original Doom 2 campaign.
It won't work in Doom 1.

First, you will need to install Gzdoom (google it, really easy to install). Secondly, I haven't downloaded the starter pack for Brutal Doom, but I'm assuming it came with a file named brutalv20.pk3 or something to that effect. Drag that onto Gzdoom.exe and it should let you play Brutal Doom using the original campaigns.

Seems like I can't connect to mega, the connection isn't secure.

that's your problem

i figured it out. for some reason if i have the hellonearthstarterpack.wad in the folder with gzdoom it will always run it even if i have other wads in the folder and select them when gzdoom starts up

Is it possible to play Project Brutality multiplayer online? And how? Never played doom multiplayer before. Seems like it could be really fun.


I'm confused. Do I run gzdoom as I do usually and just load zandronum as a mod?

Or is zandronum now responsible for loading my WADs and mods? The default directory it said to store the WADs in also doesn't exist. I can only find 'zandronum' in /usr/share/. There's no '.zandronum' or anything .config.

I have a question about Zscript. Does it mean that we have things like a persistent save file that can track statistics across several WADs?

It's a separate engine based on (G)Zdoom. You use it in conjunction with Doomseeker to find servers and download the required wads.

Nope. For that you would need to store stats as cvars.


or you just gzdoom and windows+r

Not on windows. Arch linux variant. I drop .pk3s and WADs into a .config directory and then launch gzdoom in command line from /usr/bin/ with launcher parameters (for the .pk3).

This is the extent of my experience with playing vanilla doom and modded doom.
It applies to gzdoom as well.

there are launch parameters for multiplayer like user said

Grab zandronum2 from the AUR. There should be a folder named .zandronum in your home directory after you install it or try to run it for the first time, can't remember exactly.

So close to not looking like shit.

moonman doom is a masterpiece!kZNRVJpQ!Aah_t6a3x2TYXteTNu33PYUd2dOxoei_t8dFdqgg0nw

Anyone have any idea what the issue might be here? I'm running Quakespasm, only noticed this recently but entities and some map geometry tend to be visible through walls and water when they shouldn't be. A similar thing happens above water where I can see entities that are underneath the water clearly when I shouldn't be able to.

It only seems to be happening in the Scourge of Armagon expansion, didn't notice it in the base game or Arcane Dimensions. Is the expansion just janky? I've noticed some other bugs unrelated to this one in it too.

That was the first thing I did.

Got it. Dropped in the WADs and mods.

Can launch zandronum from bash. However, unlike gzdoom, it doesn't seem to load the mods I give it. Returns an error Script error, "Project_Brutality_Final.pk3:melee.txt" line 2211:"projectilekickback" is an unknown actor property

So are you saying I don't even need zandronum? I specifically want to coop with Project Brutality mod and that has so much particles and shit that I'm worried input only multiplayer won't sync well (if that's even how any of this works).

Sorry for needing to be spoonfed, I just generally suck at this kinda thing. If I can get some coop modded doom on my machine I think I'll be content for vidya for the next few months, though.


Whoever told you to use Zandronum was rusing you.
Zandronum has better multiplayer, but can't load as many mods as GZDoom, and this is one of them.


well I'm going to bed. might try again tomorrow.

Actually, Project Brutality is compatible with Zandronum 3.0 devbuilds if I recall correctly. You may need to configure Doomseeker to download test build cores to a folder if you want it to work.

Why is it that this one particular HUD mod is so damn finicky? Most other mods just werk and then suddenly this shit happens. I've only gotten it to work ONCE and that was when I had to drag it into the same folder as Brutal Doom and launch the premade starter pack. Is it just incompatible with ZDL or something?

Oh, my mistake.

It's working for me. You are probably using the hud made specifically for Brutal Doom to work on something else. Try downloading a different version here.

Was this updated?
I didn't even knew.

Thread/archive link to the previous thread?

All classic FPS games (Duke, Doom, Blood, etc) are shit with no exception. Is there a classic FPS that isn't shit? Something slower paced and more tactical rather than all twitch reflexes?

I have a particular liking to games like STALKER, Battlefield 1942, Delta Force, and Joint Ops btw.


Then go make thread about those kind of games instead of shitting up our thread.
BTW, those aren't bad games, I just hate "stop liking things I don't like" faggots.

Play Hideous Destructor if you want Doom to be a tacticool shooter.

You have no taste, you dumb shit. None of the pixelated demon tits and ass look good. None of the designs are good and above all the entire mod is boring as fucking shit. Wow big deal, you get to see the same few sex scenes over and over again. This is how you out yourself as an underaged faggot. For enjoying low effort garbage that only appeals to retards.

That's wrong.

Can anyone recommend a level pack similar to Hellbound? I really liked both its artstyle and how enemy encounters are handled.


I've never played it, but if you're looking for a good level pack Winter's Fury is my go to. It changes the art style of the terrain and some of the monsters from fire and brimstone to an ice-based theme. It also includes boss battles, so there's that too.


Faggot retard. Rogue Spear, Raven Shield, SWAT 3, OFP, and Hidden&Dangerous are all good tactical shooters.

Looks well done


I like how Moon Man Doom has the loud nigra sound, i just can't get enough of that scream.

they play it when you kill them with fire, isn't it?

Does anyone have the link to Moon Doom v1.3? The link posted here leads to v1.1.

Didn't someone post it earlier in the thread?

You may be thinking of the previous thread. The only link I could find in this thread is from and that leads to v1.1.

Has anyone ever made a procedural generated map for Doom/Quake?
I know there are Windows utilities for making random maps but having random dungeons for Doom sounds so fucking cash
Would such a thing even be possible to make?

There was a thread on the ZDoom forums for a randomly generated dungeon project, but there hasn't been an update for months.

Call me blind but I don't think there's a link to a WIP build of this anywhere, shame

It's on GitHub apparently as well, but there's nothing under "Releases"

Is there any where I can get assets from this game to put into doom? Or at least textures for cars?

There's two procedural map generators out there:
Slige, which is ancient and
Oblige, which is fairly recent.

None of them are all that good. Slige is very primitive and basically just strings a bunch of hallways and rooms together whereas Oblige can make proper outdoor areas, has more connectivity and occasionally tries to liven up areas with features like monsters on pillars and such.
You should still expect both to produce butt-ugly designs and they're not all that good at item/monster placement. Oblige makes a much more honest try at it, but the levels it produces tend to be either piss-easy or annoying due to lack of proper weapons/ammo.

ZScript seems so amazing already.

I have it, but you're better off with v1.1
The only change in v1.3 is that they properly made the sprite for the sheboon (mancubus) enemy.!jR0zyDBb!oShq1mIaXYmc74L1Go3WJmb1UmMwfxgnecsfI-g0yBY
But there a weird bug in it where if you use the chainsaw weapon (boombox) while playing as moonman your start repeatedly getting damage and die and the messsge "Player got melted by player's plasma gun" pops up
Also the music doesn't loop properly while using the randomizer
So, I say you should stick to v1.1

Stay salty, losers.

I could see why it would have been added but considering how it might be the most popular DOOM mod, some people already heard about it before even knowing whether or not DOOM had a community in the first place.

just saying

Everyone knows Brutal Doom. Honestly, I'm more surprised its branches like Sperglord Edition, Project Brutality, and Johnny Doom aren't on there.

I fixed the damage bug for the boombox. There was a flag in A_Explode that harms the user, so I removed that. Don't know how to fix the looping music, though, and I noticed a bug where blood stains appear on a wall right behind you when you use the boombox. Probably an effect of A_Explode.!ZoFiTCjb!7MrFszcJjiJ6oEoeDF3svSZxpQkydEFMxwHIZyNDfic

Im surprised no one made h-doom with demon faces and bodies yet.

also, the monstergirl fandom is more autistic

Thanks man, I appreciate your contribution even if it ain't much

Project brutality is godtier if mixed with the hell on earth mappack.

Well. so far maybe the engine doesn't allow it. But i'd want a mod that has HR monsters. Not completely different sprites. The same sprites but with more details. That'd make the HR textures look more fitting

Reelism 3 is good too.

Imagine a tboia+ port to doom, with first person view and randomly generated levels, and persistent items, and a minimap on the right corner.

Trailblazer is a fun wad, same guy as Russian overkill.

Too bad that, aside from slaughterwads, there's not really anything map-wise designed for the kind of power those mods give you.

Oblige with max monsters and give all.

I would like to see a first person Isaac made in the Doom engine. How would current GZDoom handle brimstone lasers? Regular lasers would be possible, but coding an authentic curving laser would cause some problems.

It could be done with a bunch of projectiles, like in the lazer staff from reelism, the one that shoots some kind of red thing. As for technology 1 & 2, it can be done with visible raycasts.

Has the Vinesauce contest pack been released, yet? It's been around half a year, now.

So are there any good map packs out there? I would really like to try them with Russian Overkill.

I'm still working on spriting Shihong for DemonSteele, I'll finish her eventually.

Why is it that it's the character who isn't a cyborg that gets a henshin?

No thanks.


Is Samsara dead?

I guess that's because Hae-Lin is the only one who watches toku.

Yep. Faceball 2000 addition never ever.

The goyim doesn't deserve good games, for they are an animal in human form

Just got kicked from the only available Project Brutality server listed on zandronum.

some of them are in BD.


So you're telling me, that the Doom modding community spends months making weapons mods that get tried for just 5 mins using IDKFA… and still hasn't produced a decent HD replacement for the enemies?

What for? It always ends up looking shitty because it clashes with the art style.

This looks really freaking sweet, cel-shading really takes some years off from a game.

Sorry but no. That looks like eye cancer.

I think some of those cunts might attempt to add sprites version of Doom 4 monsters by screen capping them or so, since funnily enough there is now at least 3 Doom 4 themed mods now.

Anyone hosting anything mphere?

Mp here*. Can't delete it because it says wrong password for some reason

Cause those HD sprites looks like filtered shit most of the time
That is why no good HD textures have been made for Doom
Also, if you want new/more variety of monsters then there are plenty of wads out there for that

literally no, there's no need for HD sprites in a game like Doom, there are many attempts at doing HD textures and sprites to this game, all look fucking horrible and the ones that look like they had potential all flopped or never were worked on again

Besides if you are playing Doom in the first place, graphics really aren't a concern anyway. IMO anyway

Yeah, but you can't really do much more to the gameplay really, with brutal doom, Russian Overkill, vehicle mods, and of course lots of maps. There are already tons of music and texture mods. and im kinda suprised there is no a large ammount of people modding HD sprites. And yes, i say sprites because that time some people tried polygons it looked terrible.

There is nothing for me that hasn't been done on doom.

You have no imagination.

It's the video quality but trust me it looks better when you are running it, the outline shouldn't be so thick that's all and it canbbe changed.

To be fair, all attempts to make HD sprites for Doom monsters look shitty so far.

You're saying that Moon Doom made you love the sound of a black man ejaculating?

I knew what the sound was before the mod, i just think the scream sounds funny and never gets old.

it also plays the "oh jesus, get the water nigga" sound when you burn them to a crisp. It's pretty fucking funny.

Always have a look at console variables and settings before playing.

What is the worst Doom gameplay wad aside from Brutal Doom?

In terms of gameplay? That one that makes every gun useless or usable but terrible as a joke. It's funny while you discover exactly how each gun is useless, but actually playing it is no fun.

So pretty much any weapon replacement wad then?

In terms of pure gameplay, Extreme Weapons Pack, definitely. It's just not fun to go through.
I get that the joke is "weapons are now useless!", but it's not fun to actually play.

I mean a serious one, not a Terry.
Shit that breaks balance and ruins the game, some stuff is meant to do that like Russian Overkill, but I'm thinking of Brutal Doom and Project Brutality and the like.

Please stop with that meme. BD has poor balance and technical issues, but it isn't awful, and its spin-offs do a lot to fix its issues and expand on it.

Anything made by Doomguy2000. BD is competent compared to the garbage that flaming dickshuffler puts out.


He isn't wrong though, BD is terrible gameplay-wise.
Though another contender could be Complex Doom, which is just a copy of Hard Doom but instead of monsters being moderately harder, it just makes every monster instakill you, gives railguns and BFGs to zombiemen replacements and removes health items around the map because "FUCK YOU". I don't understand why it's one of the most hosted gamemodes in zandronum on 1 life no ammo respawn servers, it's like they're masochists or something.

At least Hideous Destructor makes you and the monsters be on equally brutal grounds in terms of firepower due to an appeal to being a realsim tacticool shooter, Complex is just cheap without reason.

Oh, there's always Classic Rivalry.

Swan Fox is a classic awful wad series.


Is that Quake on a vector display? Need sauce.

Yeah, BD is still acceptable for singleplayer, but bad for >multiplayer, specially for deathmatch.

Those servers are cancer. Most of the time, you're spectating two assholes slogging through the map, and as soon as the level ends and you finally get into the game, you get fucked by a legendary enemy as one of the first enemies you encounter in the map with barely any ammo or weapons to counter it. The only fun I had with Complex Doom are those cooperative invasion game modes as they have a somewhat better difficulty progression where the cheaper monsters appear on later rounds instead of it being randomized and you don't go into spectate when you die, but those servers are a rarity on Doomseeker.

No it's Quake on an oscilloscope. Clever little hack.


Actually that embed sucks Use this one.

This thing
>MAP07 is modified in a way that makes it absolutely horrible and unbeatable without jumping hope you fucking like hunting for yukkuris for 5 minute or get raped by them because you ran out of ammo
>some enemy replacement are very hard to read and a bunch will instadeath you or damage you heavily (from full health and armor which is 500 + 300 armor I think) unless you know what's coming the 86 is coming etc

The one thing this hack does better than DOOM2 is the Icon of Sin level

Basically Warsow

Is it supposed to be so broken that Youtube can't even play it properly? All I get is a black screen and audio.

Youtube bungled that one. Change the quality settings. youtube-dl -43 works too. All I can say is, wow. This is chaos. YU YUU YU YUU YUU YUU YUUU YU YUU YU YUU YU YU YUU YUU

Stupid edit persisting.

somemong confirmed for final boss in D44M DLC
can't find another quality level that works and don't have what I need to reencode it before the next millennia to post it here



What are you talking about? That's the greatest Doom mod of all time.

If I hated it that much I wouldn't have played through it in it's entirety now would I?
I just discovered there's a PWAD version but I can't find it to reignite my love for vidya self abuse

Fun fact: when you explode in MetaDOOM, the camera spins to imply you've blown into pieces and you can't cheat to resurrect because the game states how your head is disconnected from your body

That's because it's based off the sprite, and not based off the art. For example Barons have a pig head, but the artwork of the Baron shows it's head is actually a skull and it's also one of the same giant skulls used on the walls it's muscles are also XBOX HUEG. Even just doing a proper model of the actual claymation model used to make the sprites would lead to better results.


I have an interesting question. If you were to take a game series, say, Legend of Zelda, and try to make a Doom mod based on it, should it simply try to take the property and try to make it play like typical Doom, or should they try to make it play closer to the original series, like having a higher emphasis on puzzles and exploration in a Zelda mod? I find it a difficult question, because both are interesting concepts.

It might be hard to cram Zelda into Doom, given Zelda's dungeons often have you changing their environment with tools and such.

I don't see the point in taking an established ip just to make a run-of-the-mill tc. There's more that you can do with the concept than a mere thematic shooting gallery.

That's not exactly what I meant. I'm talking more GMOTA versus Nocturne in Yellow (which I know is technically an independent game). The former takes fast paced action through typical Doom levels and modifies it to be a fresh but familiar experience through familiar territory. The latter goes for something almost entirely different from standard Doom fare. That's not exactly what I'm meaning, but it's the best analogy I could come up with. The topic came to mind when I was watching a video of the Lost Woods wad made for the vinesauce mapping contest. I was thinking a mod where you used Zelda weapons and items in standard doom maps, with or without enemy replacements, would be an interesting new way to play through them. But, I also realized that an attempt at a more FPS-like take on the standard Zelda fare through Doom would also be really interesting.


Post Wolf3D mods. I personally love this one.

Anyone know any good Hexen mods? I remember having one that subtly reworked melee so it wasn't so boring.

In case anyone else had this problem, it's caused by having r_wateralphs set to a value lower than 1 on older maps that don't support transparent water.

r_wateralpha rather

I can name Guncaster and Brutal Hexen beta. Not sure about their quality, though.

Hexercise or whatever it's called is pretty great.
There's also Q (quake in doom) and Necrodoom which work in hexen as well.

Isn't that the mod that just places Doomguy in?

Yeah that's the one! Thanks.

Nevermind, I was thinking of another one.

I can't play Doom with my brother and I've tried everything, HALP.

what do I do?

ZDL and IDE aren't sourceports, they're a frontloader for wads and a server browser each respectively.

G/ZDoom is terrible at multiplayer due to peer to peer, don't use it.
Zandronum had new versions recently, are you making sure you're BOTH running the latest stable version (2.1.2)? Also some mods don't work with zandronum, make sure to not run ZDoom-only mods with Zandronum.

I know that. I tried using IDE to connect to the server and it gave me that error. I made sure that both me and him have the same mods and the same version of zandronum and that the mods are compatible with it. Hell, I play them in SP all the time.

and before you ask, no I don't have anything in skins folder and I'm not auto-loading anything (that's why I was using ZDL in the first place, so that I wouldn't need to autoload). So typing connect while in-game gives me the "Protected Lump Authentication Failed" error, even though we are using EXACTLY the same wads, and IDE doesn't ignore the decorate errors and doesn't let me start the game. What the fuck is going on?

Are you sure you both have the right skulltag_actors.pk3? Also, make sure the md5 hashes of the wads for both of you match. Something may have gone wrong with a download.

how do I check the md5 hashes?

Maybe the wad you (or your brother) downloaded is corrupted? Wadseeker tends to stop downloading wads midway and still let you connect, with no indication that it did which leads to protected lumps failing auth.

Is your DOOM2.WAD the BFG edition one perhaps? There's different versions of it and most servers use the retail version instead of the one packaged in the BFG edition, it can cause errors when connecting to servers. The BFG edition is known for the censored health kits (they have green pills instead of red crosses) and that they fixed one of the shotgunners on the second half of MAP02 being stuck in a grey wall, which causes map errors.

You can check for filesizes instead, servers usually have sites with the wads in lists like in for TSPG servers. You can check if your file has a different size than the one on the server and if it does, it's most likely corrupted.

It seems like corrupted wads is the only possible explanation, since we have the same IWADS too. I'll check it out, thanks.


His UDV 1.85 was 28.975 kb while mine is 30.629 kb. I'll re-download and see if it works then.

It's probably his that's messed up.

Yeah that's what I meant. his PC is right across the room and he's busy right now so I'll have to do it for him.

Wait. His PC is across the room, and, instead of just transferring the wads from your pc to his in the first place, you had him download them himself. All of your issues could have been avoided had you done this the first time.

I'd do it if it didn't give me an error every time.

Also Hexenhanced and Trailblazer.

So it worked, but I noticed that the game spawns triple the enemies when you're playing coop and they use their nightmare difficulty speed and agression when I choose normal difficulty. Is it supposed to be like that or are the zandronum difficulty settings getting fucked up by the PB difficulty settings? Or maybe the server is automaticaly setting the sv_fastmonsters flag to 1 and if it is that then I don't know how to change it.

Skill settings are set and changed by the Skill cvar on either the in-game console with the RCON parameter or in the actual server RCON console. The Skill goes from 0 (i don't want to die) to 4 (nightmare!), setting it to 3 and resetting the map through the Map command will set the difficulty to Ultra Violence.

Nightmare enforces Monster Respawn and Fast Monsters, you server must be on Skill 4 for those to not switch off when sv_fastmonsters is 0.

how do you think the project brutality difficulties and the default difficulties interact with one another? If I set it to 4 will it be "brutal" or "nightmare" for example?
also how can I change RCON parameters and where is the RCON console?

sorry meant "man and a half", not brutal

forget it. aparently there's a bug where if you select skill 2 in zandronum it gives you skill 4 instead for some reason. I put skill 3 and now it's working like it should.

You'd have to ask the mod manager or experiment yourself by going to single player, selecting the difficulty you want and then going to console and typing Skill without any other settings gives you the current skill set.

There's 2 actual in-game consoles and an external RCON (remote control) console avaible.
The first two in-game can be accessed by pressing the Tilde (~) button on your keyboard by default or going to options > game console. The normal console lets you input every command avaible as long as you are on single player, however you need to enable the 'second' console to be able to input commands and Server Variables (prefixed with sv_) on servers. This can be done by sending the server's rcon password with the command Send_password, after that you can input any command as if you were the server itself by starting every command with Rcon [ex: "rcon sv_isuckdicks 1", instead of just: "sv_isuckdicks 1"].
The other rcon console is accessed by rightclicking the server in Doomseeker and selecting Rcon cosole or selecting the server and pressing the letter R in IDE. After inputting the password you are flung into a text prompt that acts exactly as if you were on the second console in-game (everything automatically prefixed with rcon).

What's a good metal music replacer mod for Doom? I remember having one that was absolutely perfect, it even had the instrumental Walk from Pantera instead of the original.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Nevermind I just found it. I should stop doing this.

Instead of asking for shit, you could post the cool stuff you find to contribute to the thread.
And yeah that music pack is actually quite popular, demonsteele pack isn't it?
Fucked up prev post

I'm hardly an expert, and I'm guessing whatever I find is old news to you. In this case it's a mod from Sgt. Mark.

How about you tell the rest of us about this find, my dude.

I'm surprised there's no graphical wad that adds tits to the demons.

Delete this.

Every fucking time.
Futafags have the worst fucking taste.

That's fuckin neato

Need more games that look good at 640x480 and 800x600.

Have a somewhat late model CRT that produces an absolutely amazing SCANLINE  AESTHETIC

A whole game in a swf in a chatboard, still amazes me

Was playing Project Brutality and rescued a marine with a plasma-like gun that fires purple bolts instead of blue, anybody seen this before?

Im still on the lookout for someone crazy enough to port Zero Tolerance over to the Doom Engine, because as much as I love that game Jesus Christ that HUD.

Maybe one day.

Olive oil has the least estrogen count out of vegetable shit you can buy.

He ALMOST looks like Doomguy.

Fuck that cuck modder

I was playing Doom in the 90s and have no inferiority complex like you, to hold that old graphics are better like some sort of political dogma. Had there been a way to have HD graphics back then, they would have been implemented.

Of course this would require redrawing all sprites from scratch, without them looking like shit. Even just the design would look stupid if ported 1:1. Some comic book artist would have to be involved, it's evident that all the retrofags can do is ruminate old work and create nothing really new.

Doom is for fags stuck in the past.

I never understood the appeal of futa. I can fap to gay, lesbian and straight like no problem, but when you mix the genders, the act becomes an abomination. It isn't healthy.

Also, why isn't there a homosexual hDoom type game? It would be interesting to try such. The tone wouldn't have to be butchered as much as well, considering that most of the demons are quite masculine. Makes me wonder why the traditional media displays malehood as something untamed and vile, huh.

Because men are vilified by bluepilled women and betas out of jealousy.

That said the imps are fappable.

True. They're also amongst the most intelligent demons.

The bluepilled women of old Id Software?

Nah, I think he meant recent depictions of men.

I know that this guy is working on a Zero Tolerance mod.

I'm more into futa on female (or vice versa) whereas futa on futa and futa on male are pretty fucking gay to me
Usually I prefer happy sex over rape, so two girls getting it on involves more LOVING which I like (yuri is great in this regard too). The same can be said about straight couples, but when too much detail and focus is placed on the guy it can feel pretty gay to me, so futa can override that boundary of requiring a guy to fuck while still maintaining a dick to dish out the pleasure and cum

Note that things being 'gay' is more or less a personal impulsive reaction of disgust than it is a definition. It's not like I really care about my own sexuality when the chances of me getting laid are next to zero. I can't really explain futa on futa or futa on male, perhaps to some people it's hot because of aforementioned reasons or for other reasons.


Holy fuck, this looks really fucking awesome. Zero Tolerance was my favorite fps when i was a kid. I see a lot of job was put into this.

Been playing the Return of the Triad total conversion for Doom. Shat was in development for like 10 years and now it's done. That shit makes me cum buckets. Have there been any good custom DM maps made for it yet? There has to be with the quality of it.

This is cool as shit, gonna give this a try since I've never played Rise of the Triad



its shit

fuk me

do what I do, just make em after Super Metroid/Metroid Prime levels of complexity.

Though you gotta have a feel for it. Your shit looks like some weird space prison colony, like that shitty one from Alien 3, but I mean it was shitty due to the fact it was dank and derelict which is cool.

I've been digging Metadoom but I don't like how the assault rifle took the place of the chaingun. It's too rare now.

What i find weirder is how the shot gun and SSG are separated while pistol is 1 and melee weapons are 8 in terms of number keys representing the weapons

Also, have you turned on Content Locust on the options?

That affects the randomization of items, weapons and enemies, i wonder if that could lead you to the chain gun sooner.

Either that or try to find the chain gunners.

I get chaingun drops far more frequently than assault rifle drops whenever I play Metadoom. You're probably having some bad luck. I prefer the assault rifle more since the chaingun drains ammo really fast.

How the fuck is Doomsday Engine so popular?

Yeah it's a bit clunky, I pretty much never go for the melee so it doesn't really bother me. I've noticed that the enemies are spongier as well. At least on ultraviolence.

I only ever got the chaingun at the end of E1.
Haven't turned it off so it could be.

Speaking on MetaDOOM, i think there could be some sort of updating next tuesday

But user, you can play Doom in 3D™! The 3D implementation is also shit. I've seen mods in GZDoom that did 3D models better than whatever is done in the Doomsday Engine.

It's so shitty that it's actually adorable.




That was chucklesome reading, thanks.

Does anybody has a link for Armageddon Invasion? I can't find it anywhere
Warning, only works in Zandronum version 2.1.2 and earlier, needs Skulltag actors and data to run.


I don't remember the direah volcano starting weapon

Doom 1 > Doom 2
better levels
better arsenal
fite me

Doom 2 had exactly the same arsenal + 1 more weapon so that point is shit.
Doom 1 did have better level design overall and doom is all about level design so yeah.
Doom 1 is better than 2, only thing it lacks is agitating skeletons.

Doom 1 definitely had the better levels, no doubt. The Super Shotgun also made things too easy at times and shouldn't have just been given to you right away.

Doom 2 does have some fantastic additions to the enemy cast, though.

Also, Doom 1 doesn't have any Arch-viles. Fuck arch-viles

Doom 1 didn't have the super shotgun and thus you had reasons to use everything besides the super shotgun or chaingun for longer range shit. Th Super Shotgun, in my opinion, is everything wrong with Doom 2's arsenal. It's nicer to have stronger weapons to deal with the harder and stronger enemies like Arch Viles or Mancubuses, and allowed for more varied monster encounters, but the Super Shotgun just completely breaks the weapon balancing like I said by being better at most things (up close damage, crowd control) than other weapons.

The rocket launcher and Plasma are better for crowd control, additionally at mid-range it can be better to use the shotgun as you end up wasting a good chunk of SSG pellets due to its spread. When it comes to ammo concerns it also makes more sense to use the shotgun when taking out imps and zombies unless they're very clumped together.

I only find myself using the SSG for bulkier enemies in low-moderate numbers and massed chaff. The rest of the time shotgun is a better use of ammo and Plasma/Rockets shred groups more quickly. However i'd agree that the SSG should have more spread than it does so that using it effectively entails getting very close to your target.

The shotgun still has plenty of use in ranges where the supershotgun justs starts bleeding your shell ammo inefficiently or in early stages without the stronger monsters where using the SSG also leads to a net ammo loss. It IS the better weapon in CQC but it can't match the DPS and splash damage potential of the Rocket launcher nor the constant long range heavy hitter that is the Shotgun.
The same argument can be said about plasmagun vs BFG, since you're looking at a 800% potential damage increase with the same amount of ammo than if you were using the plasmagun, it still has its uses and is better than the bfg in certain situations despite of that.

Since this thread is slow, I might as well ask this here: why did a demon design Doomslayer's armor? What sort of relationship did they have?

It doesn't break the balance if the ammo balance is right. You are meant to conserve ammo in core Doom-loop by default and regular shotgun is better at mid-range than SS while you should want to conserve bullets for sniping, not spam shit recklessly at an endless horde in some slaughtershit map.

That said, SS should be treated as a power weapon for later maps IMO.

So somebody made an addon for Trailblazer when run in Heretic & Hexen, and dropped it on halfchan /vr/. It has new monsters and a metric fuckton of options to change how stuff works.

He fucked her silly and she had to make him wear more protection.

Doom 4 lore is all over the place. Demon scriptures say that a demon designed the armor, but the armor seemed to be manufactured by "1/0 Logistics Manufacture" which is found on parts of the suit.

Bumpan with a platformer made in GZDoom.

Fuck. Well, whatever, thanks for the link anyway.

How is this possible and why the Doom engine instead of something else?
This is a multiplayer mod for zandronum. Yes it works in multiplayer, no it doesn't have input delay unless you're lagging to shit. Same dude also made a remake of RE4 Mercenaries and ported Donkey Kong Country with just ACS hackery. He's currently working on a port of Killer Instinct.
can't embed because mobile, fucking codemonkey fix this reeeee

I'd fuck an archvile if you know what I mean.

MetaDOOM update is finally out

After playing and beating Doom 4 and going back to the original for the first time in years I have a much greater appreciation of the game.
There was a phase in my life where I liked brutal doom over vanilla but after playing both on ultra violence one after another I think vanilla is the best between the two.

I consider Sft Mark IV to be the Shadman of the DOOM community

What could this mean?

Anybody working with ZScript?

I don't think it was ever actually stated that the armor was made by a demon, just that it was made in Hell by someone the demons weren't too fond of.

Since the canon is so fucked, I just prefer to believe that the 2016 Doomguy is the same as the 1993 Doomguy, he spent millennia in Hell after the end of Doom 64, during which time some dude in Hell upgraded (rather than created) his armor, and then he was caught and imprisoned in stone, and eventually when shit goes down in Doom 2016, it's in an alternate universe (as trans-dimensional travel was a thing from the very first game) where the events of the first set of games never happened.

It's really the only thing that makes sense.