Dick and Ballsack physics

Every technological development was made to achieve this.
This is the peak

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not gay but i can appreciate a good cock, noice.

I wonder what /hgg/ and the developers behind lewd games are thinking, especially Illusion.

Truly we are ever closer to memeing vidya great again.



i love journalism

Didn't Dante's Inferno have dick physics on Satan's big floppy cock?

I think the game has actual breast physics but they glossed over it and just said it's just bust size, it reminds me a bit of "rainbow mika v ryu", which is a big meme


That was the nier automata thing right ?
Wasn't that a hoax ?

GOTY 2017

tfw no tiny cock healslut

This is what sexual equality feels like.

Yes and yes.

Of course the journo is some bald numale who jumps at the opportunity to write enthusiastically about balls just to virtue signal.

Pretty sure hes a massive gay, whos fapping to the gifs he made.

So the dick's not censored?
WebM where?

yeah dude

I mean this is pretty nice

So when can we expect a crack?

So it was fake? Goddammit.

PORN SFMS when!?

More. I can fap to this.

Right above your post :^)

The crack's right there nigga

Its Politically Correct gamer, what did you expect?

Do you think we can do penetration? Do you think his ass jiggles, does he leak pre-cum when teased and stimulated? Do you think mods will allow stuff like this?

I want a AAA game where I can see high quality cock and cunts. Why does this get me so hot

The game has Denuvo by the way

So, crack in 5 days?

Kinda reminds me of Xavier now



Resident Evil 7, darling.

This is evolution of people who like to play as male characters. Not only you had to look at the ass, but now also you will experience view on balls and dick too.


So what about gameplay?

This is the gameplay

The balls look too droopy, I hope they have different options for that. My balls and dick do NOT do that.

Well does it at least have pussies?
Post pussies.

Do you still have a high pitched voice?

It's not like they won't make the women look like men as well, to "downplay the patriarchy's standard of femininity".

user, thats going way too far. shame on you for subjecting children to that.

Nigger this is fucking Conan not Mass effect

No, I'm just not an old cunt with his scrote dragging against the floor. My skin is fairly tight down there, so it doesn't sag when I kneel over.

It does have pussies!



When puberty finishes it will user. Dont fret.


Your pic is male character.

no please, I'm already chubby and my crotch looks terrible,pls no

Traps are male, user.

That's a puffy ballsack

wait was res 7 cracked?
ive been licing under a rock for awhile

*Slitching, under a rock? ',:)

Where's the full?

You have to go back.

Where's YOUR full?

so when are we all gonna get together and stomp a server in this game?

I've wanted more casual nudity in games for years, people try and tell me that games are for adults all the while the most "mature" games rarely have the same kind of nudity that you see in films rated for teens.

I can already see the headlines of people being "virtually raped" on this game

Anemone having a penis is only a american degenerate fantasy. It was never stated it was a penis, but a horn or tail.

I'm right here. I wanna see that full .gif of Isabella you posted.


Dont worry user, one day you'll be gorgeous, im sure of it.

Older games always had nudity. Look at elder scrolls: Daggerfall. Titties everywhere.

Get hype




But that was before games became "mature" funnily enough, Diablo had it, Mother 2 had it and probably more, you don't see newer Beth games with it, which is strange because it would be fitting for the game. Actually looking at lists a few games actually do have nudity nowadays.

vid of gameplay from some cancer
twitch tv/videos/118508278

No, the game makes it clear she had it before the shade possessed her. In one of the dream stories, one of the bullies tells here "Why are you acting like a girl? We all know what you really are."

Take your delusions of traditionalist grandeur elsewhere, sport.

Wew, this is what I like to see.
This is going to be good only for the sex mods, which now only need animations, not new models and skeletons.

I have been looking forward to "Ark 2: Age of ConRust" for a while now (it has full mod support, sex mods in about a week I'm thinkin)


Back into a better exercise routine, yes.
I was so cute when I was thinner, loved my butt!!

I'm already gorgeous, just a bit chubby. Might need surgery for my loose skin though.



Stop attention whoring or post dick get out


…for once, I might roll a girl in this game.

A game with female sex slaves? Ya, should be good

You only get this.

Oh, my balls do droop.

Ick. I knew it was coming but ick.


I'm not here to adhere to your standards user, I like men that like other MEN that look like MEN. Not pussified twinks. Traps are shit tier.

Ball hair simulation when?

I prefer women. I click spoilers because I've been on this fucking boards so long I developed a bad habit of clicking everything.

user, why?

Was that really necessary?

Ohhh, that's totally fine then. I respect that.
At least you like actual women. Not "women"

I'm too comfortable with my body it seems.

You click everything do you?

I don't belive for a second thats you.

Is that you, wolfspider?


It is though. I don't wanna post more.

I feel genuinely offended that you would compare me to that fucking attention whore.


I don't have a tripcode and the thread is about drooping balls, what the everloving fuck would you expect?

More trap balls, obviously.

Sorry, user. I am not a trap. Just a hairy guy trying to obtain a nice ass.

everything. You could have had one of those call me an idiot and I would have laughed.

To be fair. There is nothing trap balls about conans balls. That man is mega hunk and its his testicles that was originally being talked about.

Would be fine with traps attentionwhoring tbh.

That being said, is wolfspider really that notorious? I saw him a couple of times

It's fucking Holla Forums, man, I expect trap balls fucking everywhere.

So good, finally a next gen Conan game where the boob and benis sliders are technologically advance, but.
It's like they don't want my fucking money.


Same, live performances even better. Also–
I don't want to talk about him, give him NO attention, fuckers eat that shit up.

Send me a virtual fug


That's pretty gay user.

Thats really fucking gay

Well consider it garbage until it gets patched out in a week because someone will crack it in that time and apparently if it gets cracked too fast devs can get a refund of the Denuvo license as long as they patch it out which is what we saw with nudoom and Inside.

I don't mind it gay, as long as you don't go around spreading diseases like a disgusting piece of human shit. That fear keeps me from rawdogging/bareback, or sex at all.



More than willing to accept gayness when I get to fuck cute traps.
Issue being cute traps are incredibly rare.

Yeah, don't gays have incredibly high HIV rates?

Oh baby.


I've seen that gay shitposter in several threads, he's really going for gold.

Yeah, sadly. It's good though! I can just be faithful more! That way, I'll also be happy in a monogamous relationship.

Woah, one of my friends looks like that. He's a weirdo, but has a cute body.

As lewd as it is dangerous.

You can always tell when we get halfchan refugees because the amount of trap/grown men in dresses/furry posting reaches an all-time high

It's always been this way
No need for halfchan.


Condoms remove way too much feeling on the dick from sex. Whats the point of sex if you dont even feel it?

Doesnt help they usually have a very short shelf life as well.

This has always been like this user. Way back in 2014 we used to have husbando threads as well.

Shit, I didn't even notice those stopped getting posted. Fucking time, man.

Get thin ones or make sure your partner is clean then. It's best for /me/ to have a partner instead of a fuckbuddy. The emotional aspect of sex is very important to me. Something a lot of men unfortunately don't feel.

Post 'em

You've seen his body? Does he pose in panties for you? Does he think your cock tastes nice? Tell me more~~

Not on Holla Forums Holla Forums you filthy fucking kike.

This board was always full of faggots

before Holla Forums had to go and ruin it /cuteboys/ and Holla Forums were very close

You've only fooled yourself, user.

You realize you're in the site with the /cuteboys/ board right?

I dumped it on /d/ two years ago.

I came from 2014 to laugh at you

Oh no not pocket sand.

Tell them of trump, and the great awakening.

Yeah, I miss em. Hunger games went the way of the dodo as well.

Good luck getting a monogamous partner in a gay relationship user.

You sure about that fam-pai

In 2015 when the faggots invaded, sure.

Yes, here. He doesn't like to cross dress, he wants to taste it and take it to our hearts content, but we don't live in the same state.
He's super anti-trump
He's great at drawing
He's a huge tumblrite
**He's more into fat guys
I may be the thinnest guy he's lewes with

He doesn't go on kik anymore and I never got his tumblr, my Snapchat doesn't work either, so I don't remember his username. I think he got caught.

Thanks. Will download later.

wew lad

Yeah nigger.

You could have prevented it.

What thread happened every thursday back then user? It was like waifu wednesday but on a thursday. Do you remember?

Thanks! It already happened, but If we meet with a cute girl we'll have a threeway

Thyroid Thursdays? Good times.


Is your boyfriend the deported mexican? That's a hell of a long distance relationship. And you'd have to scale a wall as well.

Sure, that one.


webm related

Is what I think happened, he may have just gone on vacation. It happens sometimes.

He's or >she is pretty far gone, so I'm not TOO sad, but it was nice saying lewd things, yet at the same time, fucker was a polycunt, so I didn't want to be cucked by a bunch of fucking fat guys.

No. He's full white.

As long as it's with a different woman every week, I'm good.

You american do nothing but fantasize about traps and homosexuals. Your games are full of progressive gay lovers.

If he waxed I'd pillage his boipucci happily.


When do you think everyone figured out that Mark was gay for twink link? Or are you so new that you don't even know of Mark's deviant homosexuality for chosen fuccbois?


The thing is, he wants to get fat, and hairy, like his other lovers. Fucking Dumbass.

I think he isn't into it anymore.

So wait, while you're flirting with some mexican you also have a boyfriend. And want 3-ways every week. But you want a monogomous relationship? That's pretty contradictory user.

As well as the switch now.

What a shame.

Casual nudity has existed in games for years, you just need to know where to find it

No, this was about a year or so ago. You're still right about the threeway things, It's rad to tag team a woman.

Indeed. he's lost potential.

Why would you post that

Remember filter all namefags and tripfags, don't reply to them.


What a fag


Posting pics of your ballsack and butt is also not very monogomous imo. You wouldnt like it if your boyfriend did that would you?

It would be cute if we did it together!~

If you have so little feeling on the dick, the problem may be that you lack a part of it.

that's about as monogamous as homosexual couples can get


Alright. I got this shit. Will report back on if it's good or not.

Hope your boyfriend agrees. Otherwise decisions like that are relationship enders.

Nah, the sneaky jew never got near my manstick. I still have my turtleneck.

Im sure there are gay relationships with full monogamy.

Memes aside, I hope people don't actually like Mike "The Kike, I'll Shock a Dyke" Pence. The Israel trade-off won't be worth it.

He would.

Time for bully


monogamous gay relationships are like moderate muslims: a myth.

Mike only exists to counter Trump's high energy tbh. Pic not related, but Israel reminded me of their favourite goy.

I'm surprised Twitch allows this game to be streamed


my greatest dreams have been realized, I'm shedding tears right now


Can't we have a thread about cocks and balls and boipucci without it descending into degenerate vaginas?

Only anime deserves to be banned 9

You have to go back.

Kill yourself kike.

user, your boyfriend is imaginary isnt he?

One must always hold on to hope user.

No, we haven't met in person yet

Any plans to meet up?

Fuck yes!!!!
When we do, then I'm not gonna do anything risky, not that I do anything risky anymore. I'm very excited to meet him!



He likes being pozzed in his neg-hole.



Indeed! He's very sweet and loyal, I wouldn't ever want to betray him.

I'd fuck pence.

Mike Pence always wears an electrified buttplug and crouch cup in case of faggots. Pence is always prepared

It's Rust. It's just fucking Rust.

I'll just put on a rubber then, It will absorb the electricity then the jolt will hit mike right in the prostate, making him shake violently, and moan like a little submissive bitch. Pre-cum will shoot bigly!

yeah but SO CAN YOU get to play as a TRAP or a GRILL with roast beef in the best RUST SIMULATOR

I hope that penis inspection day will become a monthly event

Penis taste test

Sounds like a doujin title


That game The Forest has mostly naked enemies, some have a little loincloth but most are full nude
There's no lower genitals shown (except for on the Virginias) but the female enemies often have bare breasts shown
This nudity is fitting considering how primal the cannibal enemies are

It's time to stop posting Cris



Oh my god, you're here. I am so embarassed.

who could have predicted this?

Just noticed that the vagina is animated too. GOTYAY


You fukin faggot


It's okay if it's pure love between two men though.

Yes. It is I! The one and only.

I want to shoot some feral niggers with you

How's your new pussy doing? Have you gone to a doc to check it out?

It bleeds a lot! I think that's pretty normal for a period, I'm a real woman now. This is how a real woman works. It's turning a bit green, it's normal puberty though.

Thats good! Get a lot of periods?


Lots of them, every day!!! I get very light headed and wake up on the floor sometimes. I can barely stand up, I look cuter sitting down anyways.

This is accurate, and then some.

Do you like my drawings?


What are the lines and circles supposed to be representing and why does it go off frame..?

So is this a singleplayer game or is it another "open world survival crafting basebuilding multiplayer" game?

Early Access Rust clone

Chakra and many different energies, it's the harmony between two lovers and how they combine into one during the beauty that is climax. It's quite inspiring and romantic.

Oh, so it's literal garbage then. Thanks.

I feel no remorse for any Jewish person.

Multiplayer survival game like Rust with stuff like dungeons, NPCs you can take as slaves, and religions whose worshipers can summon big ass avatars of their gods to stomp around as.

Into the trash.


Don't worry, you're not the only one that got botched. 05938e would have had such a great foreskin too

what the fuck

This rustles me something fierce.

Game is getting mixed reviews, so what do the normal faggots do? Organize a mass downvoting of negative reviews.

Normalfags are ruining my slave teabagging simulator reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

It's fake.


This thread went from kinda gay to gayer than that fucking ice skating anime, in record time.

boppin boypenises

Well, is there any proof that it's real?


too tall and skinny

Anyone actually play it yet?

It makes me happy that my boyfriend has thick legs. I feel so lucky.



faggots and degenerates, beware. Day of the rope is coming. Wallow in your faggotry all you want, for it won't last forever

Lazy effort.

This is a prime example of why I hate Steam reviews. People just go around and downvote wrong think. Its why you have to take to reading the negative reviews separate unless a game lacks popular attention.

You want more?


I'll rape you

I wanna be able to dribble lots of pre.

>implying that's real :^)

I leave for 30 minutes and you all go full gay. Stop this. The last thing we need is one of you fags posting your unspoilered cock.





I know, right? 2D trumps 3DPD any day.


Finally someone gets it

The thread started out fine….

You're the biggest troublemaker of the lot.

Arnold wont be happy about this.

Would you?

Why is Flandre in the sun?

Why are they boys?

Yes. Also more proof of 2D>3D

Flan's out for dick, and the artist is interested in drawing that sort of thing I guess.
Genderswapped 2hu traps are a guilty pleasure of mine.

I don't know how I thought this thread wasn't going to be gay.

I like how this thread isn't even about that Conan game, but some closet Holla Forums homos become open about their degeneracy.

1. Spreads AIDS
2. Reduces child birth
3. Affects morals of society
4. Ruins male friendship
5. Slowly enables worse degeneracies
6. Emasculates men
7. Degrades women into dykes

Homosexuality enabling was one of the methods used by jews to reduce child birth of whites and destroying european culture, along side feminism, abortions and slut culture, which is proven by planed parenthood memo documents.

There should be an ass slider for both.

There's easier ways to ask for images of cocks user.

tee hee
o hohohoh

genitals are still funny

It doesn't work that way at all


They better fucking fix that. Also, the vagina being animated is a plus but realistically there should be more surface area in the pubic region. It looks like her pussy lips are grafted right to her inner thigh. There ought to be more space between the leg creases and the vagina. A for effort for sure though.

I don't know what was I expecting.

I was expecting someone to mention that one shitty """arena""" shooter that also had dongs and floppy grandma titties in it so they could capitalize on shitty vidya journalism like this.
I was also expecting 2D traps, not these god-awful failed men.

Why bother developing a separate single player mode when you can just have people make a private local match? If it's the same game, what would that add? Local games aren't online so it's not DRM (or it shouldn't have to be).



It's fucking stupid. The red chakra is the root chakra that's associated with basic survival instincts. The orange chakra is the sacral chakra that's associated with sex. The woman's root chakra is kind of in the right spot but the man's is on the end of his dick. The chakras are supposed to be along the spine more or less, with the root chakra near the tailbone or your asshole. I'm not even that into this stuff but I can tell this pic is way off.

Closet Holla Forums homos. Every board that isn't Holla Forums is just Holla Forums when they stop roleplaying.

So are you mad he's against lesbos, or is there something I'm missing?

>>>Holla Forums

You got it backwards, you fat c/u/nt.

Hurr durrr

This allows for a whole new level of teabagging.

I just want to play a game that goes from Conan's life as a child, adventurer, vagabond, mercenary, thief, pirate, woodsman, and finally king, with his skills and experiences growing outside of pure combat. Sure, he's one of the greatest warriors in the world, but he has so many other skills and abilities that it's a shame that every Conan story devolves into the same thing.

It'll happen, it just won't be Conan game.

It's the same problem that Howard faced. You can't sell it unless you have DUDE SEX AND VIOLENCE LMAO. Not that there's anything wrong with sex and violence, but yeah it would be great to have the subtler elements of Conan. But it won't sell games. Even if a game has that stuff, it won't be the selling point. And it's not likely a game will have that stuff, since it won't sell. Developers have to make money to keep existing, instead of being able to just make games a labor of love.

Hooray capitalism.

They raped Lovecraft too and have been doing so for a long time. Something about these 20s/30s pulp writers seems to attract clueless GenY faggots.

Reading one of the short stories for the nerd cred is easy.

What the fuck he is doing?

So how's the game itself? I just checked the game on steam before I saw this thread and I'm seeing some obvious paid reviews. "open-world survival" doesn't help its case.


Short answer, no
Long answer, there's a definite possibility

About fucking time. Now we can have true shemale ballsack sag, action slapping, firmness and the individiual testicles rolling around in the flesh as they slap tranny ass.

Like, TK17 with mods comes close, but it's most reliant on animation.

This will revolutionize the industry and allow for true crossdressing trap porn in 3d vidya

Cock'n'Balls Mocap Tech done by Brianna Wu

Alright alright, that's great and all, but how's the actual game?


Also, holy fuck this thread, man. You're all a bunch of gays.

dissect them to study the cause of their un-human behavior?
sure, why not

that wasn't me

Homosexuality predates Jews (indeed all religion except paganism) by thousands of years. Also:

Maybe, but only among each other. Bisexuals spread AIDS to the women, too.

Earth is massively overpopulated; anything that reduces the birthrate is a good thing.

Like video games…?

Sex makes friendship even better.

[Citation needed].

If the bottom is emasculated, the top is hyper-masculated; that's a net result of zero. On the other hand, men in straight relationships that get emasculated by women not only lose out on their own masculinity, but the woman gets empowered; that's a DOUBLE LOSS.

Women are dykes anyway.

Just because it predates them doesn't mean that they're not pushing it to erode western civilization. Infidelity and indulgence predates Jews but that doesn't mean they don't advertise it in every medium they're involved with.

Politicians, feminism, consumerism, religion, disillusionment, the destruction of the middle class, classism, elitism, apathy, etc. are the things that are eroding Western Civilization.

That some guys choose to shove their dicks into the assholes of other men instead of bringing more screaming shitballs into the world and thinking this a grand accomplishment does not.

nu-Holla Forums is a magical place

The only way you could see those things but not homosexuality as damaging to society is if you're a faggot yourself. There is no possible good result from homosexuality, especially when it spirals out of control in a society that's already on the decline.

You DO know that Indians, Chinese, and niggers are the ones causing overpopulation, right? White people reproduce at a stable rate.

nu-Holla Forums is magically, flagfaggots like you cuck up the place like the big fagcunts you are.

Big boys call it an orgasm, maybe you'll grow up and have one one day.

Neither is there any possible good result from video games, hamburgers, and television sit-coms, but I don't see you up in arms about those. You're just using "b-but muh birthrate!" as an excuse to be a racist. Personally, I hate racists. Not because I think mudslimes and niggers are better than white people, but because I find it supremely arrogant that white people think they're better than them just because they happened to be born in Country A instead of Country B. In reality, all humans are equally fucking garbage. Red ants vs. black ants. Both are going around eating shit off the dirt and fighting to the death over that shit and that dirt. Big fucking deal. Get over yourself.


Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The 2000's era Alan Moore nihilist anarchist club's two blocks down.

I was ready to buy this but Denuvo is a no-no. Which is a shame since ignoring it being early-access this looks like a solid Conan game.

And Holla Forums is just down the hall, so you can go over there if you want to be coddled and praised like your mother used to do, just because you have pale skin.

Ah yes, you failed high school, you don't have a job, you're a shut-in virgin loser; but because you're white, you're STILL A SUCCESS!

Jesus fuck you autists, calm down.

Not a single post you've made in this thread has been video game related. It's almost as if you're here to shill a certain political narrative from an outside source instead of videogames.

I guess it would be impossible to ask the developers to remove Denuvo?

Also, is the game fun?

The devs are active on leddit and people there were using the fact RE7 was cracked in a week to convince them to drop it, but I don't think they were convinced.

Looks better than Age of Conan, at least.

It's utterly adorable how every time you fail to counter my arguments, you try something different, and when you're out of ideas completely you throw on your /tinfoilhat/ and scream conspiracy theory.

Yes, as a matter of fact, I AM A SHILL! I am the leader of the Illuminati, itself, here to praise Fallout 4 and Undertale and faggotry in order to strike down THE MOST IMPORTANT GROUP in the world, you guys here on Holla Forums. Yes, you are so very worthy of our time that we have dedicated massive resources to personally fucking up your video game experiences and attack you, directly. I am unmasked. You're an amazing perceptive genius for seeing past our masquerade. I applaud you, brave warrior for the legions of Holla Forums.

Seriously, get over yourself.

You're not fitting in as well as you think you are.

Theres dozens of audio novels of his books now. They dont even need to read.

Do you know how I can tell you're just here to start shit?

Unlike you, I'm not trying to.

I see. Is a shame because I would always do some barbarian adventures.

Can you make fuckhuge barbarians?

That's obvious.



Wouldn't be Conan if you could not.

This game isn't any more a fag for having a dick than you are a fag for having a dick. They even have an "endowment slider" so you can live out your fantasy of having an absurd 8" flaccid dick slapping around everywhere, while you live out your fantasies of being a musclebound ubermensche with an exciting life.

>All people, black and white, are trash except the jews.

Dear god. I haven't seen a Moshe Goldbergstein Rabbi this pissed since Trump didn't mention jews in his Holocaust-did-not-happen memorial day announcement. It's like we're hitting judaism levels that shouldn't even be possible.

The jew admits that we're a threat to him - Let us laugh at him in unison, Holla Forums.

No! Oh, ouch, it hurts! The more you refer to me by my true identity of TEH JEHW, the more my power wanes, like Rumplestilskin called by his name. Oy vey, at this rate, you may very well topple out entire globe-spanning organization! Lord save us from the mighty Holla Forums, ahck *cough* ugh!

holy shit dude.

Can I be a powerful arian barbarian while I make a harem of inferior women and fuckboys?

Dude stop shitposting or you're gonna get fucking banned

Aw, but daddy, poking at the retarded homeless people is fun…

Makes sense a fag would be butthurt.


I fucking hate homosexuals.


growers are cuter than showers


condoms don't protect from STD's only pregnancy

Why is this thread so fucking gay? I just wanted to see some realistic cock and ball physics.

When has Holla Forums ever not been gay? Why is this a big deal suddenly?


I have literally no reason to ever turn gay. 2D semen demons alone remind me to love tits and ass when I'm not making kids either way because I hate them.


So they obviously put a lot of work into the genitals. That will encourage modders, but to me that suggests that maybe they're planning on putting sex in the vanilla game. Retailers generally averse to sexual content in games (which gets an AO rating in the states pretty easily). I don't know how Steam approaches this, but the trailer says this game will be on the Xbox as well. I doubt MS will be OK with pornographic content. The nudity is already pushing it probably. It is the sort of game where extreme sex and violence is in line with the concept though.


too bad it's shit

There's mod support and workshop.
