Anthony Burch has been having a mental meltdown about not helping with the next Borderlands, hating Trump...

Anthony Burch has been having a mental meltdown about not helping with the next Borderlands, hating Trump, hating Trump supporters, and general sperging at magnitudes observable from China.

Other urls found in this thread:


He'll suicide soon anyway

Wait, doesnt he get off to listening to his sister get fucked by her boyfriend? I thought he was big into NTR? Or does he mean he'd get sexually distracted by the situation? Maybe fap to tiny tina more than he usually did?

when's he gonna kill himself?

Nah that was clearly how he denied the realization.

Just like the time he pretended he was gay.

Anthony Burch is a faggot and no one should give him any attention.

what's poly?

A scots favorite spell in world of warcraft.

What the fuck is with retards like this guy saging Anthony Burch threads? They're hilarious and make me feel better about my own life.

Holla Forums has almost a thousand members now user. Think about it.

a cuck

Nobody has said it yet? Alright then.

Why does he have to frame everything so grossly sexual like that?



Because he's thirsty as fuck. He's that one kid in high school who was obviously a virgin and probably gay and all he could talk about is how hot every female character in everything was. You'd be watching a movie and then a girl shows up and "Oh man I'd bend her over and rail her all night long look at those tits" etc etc. Anthony Burch never grew out of that phase.

Archive of the tweet or fuck off


Not soon enough

Never soon enough

I found the source it's weirder than that.


I love that fucking song, man. It has no right to be that catchy.

I'm pretty sure he's just always like this. He's mentally a teenager and can't separate things from entry-level pop culture references and sex.



The funny thing is that all the new people on Holla Forums were recruited from r/socialism. Holla Forums is literally reddit at this point.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

I wonder if anyone's been dumping smug Trumps at him.

I thought a lot of those were just Holla Forums going there to fuck with them.

Before reddit made the board their home, the majority of Holla Forums's users were Holla Forums there to troll. They were ban evading with proxies, further inflating the user count. It's a different situation now.

Am I the only one that feels that browsing Holla Forums just feels strange? I can't quite put my thumb on it but there's something weird about how everyone posts.

Rotk 13 has so many memeable portraits.

Wouldnt surprise me tbh. That or tumblr/twitter, come to fight Holla Forums.

I doubt they could manage those numbers just trolling the board, especially if there werent enough people there to troll.


They aren't composed of native imageboard users now, if they ever were in the first place.



So there's a chance it'll be good, you have my interest, best news I've heard all day


wtf is Anthony Burch?

Lurk more.


topkek, what's mostly interesting is that he's so unusually "tame" or nice while commenting about trump & co. Mental breakdown happening indeed



I prefer the nonstop sperging of phil fish.

This is your primer.

Sometimes, after a long, shitty day, it's hard to remember that at least I'm not Anthony Burch. Thanks for the pick-me-up, user.



Alot of them are, myself included. The one good thing I can say about it is that it's not a 100% echo chamber, they do allow dissenting opinions for the most part. The reddit recruitment has resulted in way more cringeworthy and retarded posts than usual, it did bump their numbers up a bit, but at what cost? halfchan Holla Forums is much faster than here, but most of the posts are worthless garbage so why bother? If they keep up with this quantity > quality belief due to desperation for posters than the board is going to go to complete shit real fast.

He injected 6 whole marijuanas

I think their goal is to flood the rest of the site with liberal reddit cancer to undermine Holla Forums. You already see them defending commies on Holla Forums and /a/ is basically Holla Forums.

I don't even really think this cuck faggot would even have the balls to smoke something as tame as weed.
He'd bitch out at fucking everything, the cuck.
Is it even possible to reach the levels of cuckoldry this faggots has presented to us?

Wait, wait, wait, for once he's mad about getting cucked?

while anthony is a despicable fool and weak faggot that believes his own lies, at least he has a lie to believe in


You foking wot m8

So doing what commies always do? Destroy the region they live in and then move onto the next?

Those are capitalists, communists never leave unless you make them.


It's not a theory, it's something that happened. /r/socialism had a meltdown because of mod abuse (in a socialist subreddit! who saw that coming) and arguing about Holla Forums was part of the shitshow. Immediately after the shitstorm, population on Holla Forums increased massively.

Doesn't matter how fucked my life is, how fucked your life is, or how fucked anyone else's life is.

I will kill you

He's right though.



that is so fucking full of shit, do you even know the first thing about anime girls?
they were make america great again hats you fucking dip shit baiting piece of shit, i swear the next thing you're going to say "lelelelle fuggen Holla Forumsack, i was le pretending to be retarted xddd" and that will be true because you're a fucking nigger


There will be a third BL?

Note to self: I am not Anthony Burch

is your Primer.


Original board owner was a tranny, he stepped down but the control has always remained within his circle of friends.

Pretty much.

You mean jews.

here they come

there already was a third borderlands.

I'm pathetic and I want to end my life, but the tiny shreds of dignity I have left prevent me from doing so before Anthony.

there is literally nothing wrong with being trans

Oh yeah.
A fourth?

I meant what I said but I'll concede how it applies to both.

Why are you chanting?


Polyamorous I assume. Where you are intimate with several different people and don't settle down with one. Like in the "free love" heyday in the 60's. Problem is that it doesn't work out if you go from mono to poly for very obvious reasons; which I assume Burch did. Seeing as how he refers to this other… person as a "partner." I imagine someone who sleeps around with multiple people wouldn't have a specific partner. Also because there was that whole debacle from before where his "partner" was sleeping around and he couldn't get any so he thought he'd try being Bi. Which also obviously didn't work out.
Now I imagine he says he's poly to obfuscate the fact that pointed out.

Captcha: lmdcow


stepped down
le funny meme memememm xddddd

Yeah, we don't know much besides some Battleborn Easter eggs, and it won't be on the Switch.

No seriously, baiting is one thing, but don't actually become trans. Stay a femboy, or twink at best.

Just for the sake of curiosity why is it just like Holla Forums?


Because I don't like them…!!!

At least I still have that.

The problem is that they attempt to impose their self perception onto others. Trannies are assholes.

Yes, spending thousands of dollars on self mutilation and cosmetic surgery to turn yourself into a Frankenstein's monsteresque parody of the opposite sex is perfectly normal and healthy.

Felt like carrying a tune, 'tis all.





They allow shitposting, especially rampant blatant shitposting. They do not allow explicitly different and serious posting outside of the ocassional containment thread for dissenting opinions. Also think about it. They have a containment thread for dissenting opinions. In that sense, it is very much an echo chamber, so long as the echoing is communist when you're not shitposting.

He's either lying, mistook what he actually smoked, or has the lower resistance then an infant with both AIDS and cancer.





There's nothing wrong with Gender Dysphoria, it's a rather typical mental illness.
There is a problem with telling someone with Gender Dysphoria they can "Transition" and fucking with their hormones.

If they also get rid of the rest of the SJW devs the game might have a chance to be decent.


Dude Randy Pitchford wanted to introduce an in game economy comparable to TF2 while also charging for further patches and maps.
SShits fucked

Reminder that Bitchford was so desperate to try to draw attention to Stillborn that he had his artists make porn of it and post it to Reddit.

Pounding off and lonely, 'yall.


>Sign up for twatter the other day to win free RAZER stuff

Yesterday was not his day.

Has it ever been his day?

Good ol' Burch always being there for me

thank kek

maybe when he framed a tweet from anita ?
I mean its delusional to us but that must of been a dream to him.

Seriously, if there are any depressed wannabee trannies lurking here, do yourselves a favor and wait until you're in your mid-20s or so. Your hormones will eventually stabilize and you will realize that you literally dodged a bullet.

You might have followed someone on the blocklist.


You can do better than this.

Canada will become the Sweden of North America in your life time
Funny how anti-theist liberal atheists always have a boner for islam.


/a/ isn't anywhere near Holla Forums. Their policy of keeping things about anime/ general weebshit and banning anything remotely political works very well for them, in my opinion.

Do you have any definitive proof that the tranny that got kicked out by the userbase around the time of the first exodus still maintains any amount of control over /a/? Genuinely curious. If you have some convincing proof, I'll be more cautious about the Meidos in the future.

You are mentally ill.

I'm not ashamed to say that the tranny was lynched, if that's what you want. Trannies need to GTFO, they belong in a bog.



That was embarrassing, after a meta thread they vanished for a few days and HW had to come in and intervene.

Were they actually lynched ?


Spoilering this for being off topic
I figured this meant more about how anime is being injected into everything, whether it wants it or not. Pic somewhat related, anime doesn't make everything better. In fact, I'd dare say much the opposite. If something HAS to be anime in order to make it work, it was shit to begin with. Anime seriously needs to improve…

If anyone wants to dig up anymore highlights of his tantrum, be my guest. A friend of mine who looked through them told me some highlights, like him telling Trump and Trump supporters that he hopes they're never happy, etc.


Pollymorph is a spell that turns the target into a sheep, any damage the target takes will interrupt this effect.

Underrated post.

I don't even know what that is supposed to imply. Most anime today is just adaptations of manga, LN's, or games. The shows are just used as advertisements for the source material and to sell more merchandise. Also from what imageboard is that from, because it is definitely not from 8/a/. Their post count is not even close to that number.

damnit everytime

probably Holla Forums

The tranny was nearly universally rejected as BO. This was at the hight of the SJW bullshit that we were going through with 4chan, and trannies who posted about SJW CultMarx shit were persona non grata with Holla Forums as a whole. e-lynching /a/'s original BO was perfectly just and necessary, not only by Holla Forums's strict standards, but as a matter of survival for anons who were banished from 4chan for not going along with moot's faggotry. If the Meidos are actually SJW tranny sympathizers, then I'll change my opinion of them, but only if I'm provided with some solid proof.

It's from 4/a/, probably.

I see that loss, you cheeky fucker.

But most anime has always been like that.

thanks for the summary.
I don't really visit /a/ that often so I had no idea.

I had a friend like that. He went insane and nearly hospitalized himself by chugging apple cider vinegar over a bet.

Will Burch end up doing the same thing?


polyphonic audio synthesis

Fucking die, redditor.

This happened so much I stopped visiting /a/:
The Barron Trump manga and someone pointing out a pink haired SJW collaborating with an anime studio for that Porter Robinson music video are two threads I remember this happening to.
You aren't allowed to criticize the moderation at all, board logs aren't public so you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes if you aren't watching really carefully to see things disappear, they are blatantly biased against anything remotely Holla Forums while letting fags blogging about tfw no bf slide, and if you mention this anywhere else on the site a bunch of them come out of the woodworks to claim that they're "just trying to keep it anime, we're actually redpilled :)" despite their actions and shill posts on /a/ itself directly contradicting that.

As for the mods identities, I know they're involved with r/a/dio, which is basically a bunch of Tumblr/goon/anitwitter SJWs pretending to be anons.






Losing /a/ is one of the most painful losses I've endured. I miss my fellow little girls.




If we could meme trump into office we could meme Anthony Burch in to being a man again.

We could do anything. I'm not saying he deserves it. But it would be a good test of the strength of our memes.

Who's a bad enough dude to turn this cuck into a man again?

Does this mean we can have a modicrum of hope for Borderlands 3 and that Gearbox has pull their head from their ass over their SJW bullshit?

It's the only thing we really lost coming here.

They're communists user.

He was never a man to start with. He was always an untalented cuck.

We meme him to suicide.

It was probably dunked in formaldehyde, too bad he didn't try to run into car.

There was a brief moment between his conception and his birth where he was a man.

If we could just invoke even a percentage of that it would be a start.

4a was shit, 8a is shit. Fuck all those faggots that pretend to be little girls. It's fucking abnormal and they need to stop. It's a whole board dedicated to avatar-fagging.

They don't respect the law of Jante. Google it.

I feel you but I still wish I had a place to talk about anime that wasn't filled with cancer, depressed fags, or liberals.

Here's hoping the ASSFAGGOTS cancer community will get him to kill himself faster.

I'm more worried about the women who pretend to be little boys :^)

Did you report the blogposting?

You could always make your own board. Be the change you want to see on 8ch.

That's a pointless endeavor. Most of the problem lies in the fact that western anime fans are pretty awful in general. 90% of them are toonamitards and shonenbabbys that have no idea how the industry works and know nothing about the otaku culture that drives it, but they all pretend they do anyway. There's also a surprisingly large amount of SJWeebs, which baffles the fuck out of me, they're like gun-owning democrats. Old /a/ had an elitism backed by mods to keep that shit to a minimum. Current 4/a/ uses elitism as a form of tryhard shitposting, and spinoff boards just emulate it, poorly.
It's basically impossible to start a community like old /a/ because most of the posters from back then are spread out thin in other places, or they're just gone altogether. It also doesn't help that the fansub scene collapsed and the only people still around are memesub SJWeeb retards like Xythar and the Commie cartel.

You are why /svidya/ failed


Guess BL2 on the vita didn't do well


That shit board deserved to fail. Over correcting to absolute rule cuck modding with arbitrary rules for discussion in order to curb shitposting is doomed to failure.

Eat some more cake Mark; you're getting cranky again.

Lol svidya cuck mad

Keep reposting those webms and edits of yourself Mark; you're slowly building your own JIDF.

Why are her eyes so wide? Is she trying to look crazy?

That's certainly what Commiefornia has done, given the amounts of liberal trash that leave and try to infect the states they move to with the same sort of shit that got them to leave anyhow, be it purposefully or inadvertently. it's like they want their new state to be similarly shit, but not AS shit, but over time they turn it towards being as shit.

Does cuckchan /a/ still have Troid as a mod?


The funniest part is that the original can be read in any order and still make sense.


I tried. is pretty much right. I'll always be a weeb but I'm liking and wanting to interact with the western anime community less and less with every passing day.
There's occasionally some good weeb discussion on Holla Forums and Holla Forums but for the most part I've disengaged from the "fandom"

/svidya/ failed because it was a dumb idea to begin with. Third pic related.


ill talk anime with you
i almost never watch seasonal shit tho
and i have a massive boner for anything cyberpunk related and im slowly getting through cyberpunk related anime.
currently watching key the metal idol and its some very different shit.

whats your favourite anime?

Shut the fuck up fag

If the brain is wrong in one way, it is likely wrong in other ways.

Subtle social clues drive 'wrong looking' people away by making them subconsciously feel like shit. (Micro-expression frowning before talking, adverting gaze, etc.) So now they have a giant chip on their shoulder and feel deep down others don't want to talk, creating a deeply adversarial attitude towards the entire world.

If someone hates how they look (by definition these people hated it A LOT) they isolate themselves into areas where looks do not matter and get desperate to keep their social life. Actions tend to be reeking of desperation, loneliness, and a ruthless need to secure strength.

They have, and will always, feel that their identity needs to be constantly maintained as they have spent so much time and effort to create it. This is adversarial to many internet boards, but especially to chan boards that demand everyone pipe down and remove all identifying traits.

All of these reasons create an individual not fit to own a pet, let alone an internet forum.

(Autism also forces people away in some of the same ways. However, to get happiness they focus on a skill or hobby to master, since they can't into 'time wasting' socialization/power grabbing and desire a satisfying routine.)

do you dare unleash the beast?

Activate it

i just want someone to talk to about old gook cartoons


What lowlife cocksucker threw that crap together. It is an affront to imageboards.

None of the images you posted were from old anime

I know this is entirely the wrong thread to say this, but technically you are still on the video game board.

they werent
i was replying to the user to activate smug images
maybe you needed that explained to you
I hope you improve your skills in deduction

hence the sage and spoilers
but yer i know, I swear its only gonna be this once

Yeah, I don't see that happening.

Don't get me wrong. You can't get any further off topic in this thread than it began. I'm just saying if you really want to talk about old stuff /a/'s a better bet. By all means, shitpost all you want, Holla Forums seems to enjoy that.

not burch

This happens here too, the flash mob incidents happen when someone else posts a link to the thread somewhere else like /lefypol/ or a discord and several "shills" come and shitpost the designated thread to death with anti-Holla Forums shitposting. Similar to someone using a term that may be from Holla Forums like "virtue signaling" and everyone seemingly freaking out.

Here's your (you).

Every day is a good day when you're not Anthony Burch.

Jake Rapp kind of ruined that meme for me. Another thing to blame the leftists for.

Wait, which one? george constanza or anthony burch?

Are you fucking serious

I really thought I couldn't despise the left any more than I already do. I mean, if you wish to exterminate them to the last man, woman and child, where do you go from there with your hate? Punish their families and pets too?

How can a group of people so thoroughly poison and destroy everything they come into contact with? How can they be so lacking in self-awareness to not realize what they do to the hobby and communities they ostensibly like with their behavior?

Why the fuck hasn't Holla Forums been purged from the board list and its userbase scattered into the four corner of the Earth?

If you look at trannies all of them suffer from additional mental problems, the most usual being maniacal depression, a history of domestic abuse, schizophrenia is another popular one.

Basically, (((psychologists))) should attempt to treat the outstanding problems before they recommend genital mutilation (because it would likely put them off from chopping their dick off), but the Hebrews have an agenda to push, so having these gullible gentile freaks butcher their bodies is a small sacrifice to pay in their eyes.

It's not just Holla Forums stuff, they'll attempt to shit up perfectly normal recommendation threads, or threads about games in general, the first poster will sage and deliberately try to derail the thread.

But yeah, it's most noticeable with the "go back to Holla Forums" spergouts, when they dogpile into a thread and it's suddenly full of (1)s all saging and trying to make it seem like there is a consensus on Holla Forums that Holla Forums is not welcome.

Holla Forums is a festering cancer on fullchan.

Anthony Burch. I mean, why would anyone say "At least I'm not Anthony Burch" when there's creatures like Jake Rapp out there? The bar has been raised, or lowered, as it were.

Not sure, but I imagine so. Last time I peeked in there was a shitstorm over banning DJT and buyfag threads because muh generals, and half the board was a mix of Flip Flop circlejerks and Flip Flop b8 threads. I'm glad I left.

Reddit please go.

Kind of reminds me of how some guy kept screaming about pol shit whenever someone made a warhammer 40k thread. I struggled to tell if it was ironic shitposting or what.

That was likely some /tg/ cuck butthurt people kept pointing out 40k got as pozzed as everything else /tg/ related.

They're the same as /a/ in that regard, they love to pretend they're redpilled until you look closer and realize they're really not, and then they go apeshit.

Containment, or at least that's the theory. Containment boards for furfags and what-not are good in concept but never actually work. It just gives them an echo-chamber to retreat to and an access point for others into the site as a whole. It's like fearing your space will become festering with flies so you keep a small pile of garbage just outside your space to attract all the flies that enter your space. Sure, a lot of flies WILL end up on/in the pile but a lot will also fly into your space, creating the very problem you hoped to avoid.

Or just because no one is actively going to take away their right to have a board. Let's face it, the biggest strength of the left is that the right actually values the left's rights whilst the left does not share the same dilemma.

Well, that would explain why they have a pedophilia-like fondness of underage girls since, as previous years has shown, the left endorses pedophilia. Pic related.



Burch you will never EVER fuck your sister.


You realize that Holla Forums is the pedochan don't you user? Or are you a redditor who came here last summer? :^)


Sorry user it's true, it's what helps keep normalfaggots out

Holla Forums raids are bad enough, but the really fucked up thing is that the /a/ mods are in on it and coordinating with them via IRC or IM. It is way too convenient how threads can be ignored for hours, then suddenly the squad shows up to sage and fling shit and create the impression that the thread was unwanted when the mods delete it and ban the OP 5 minutes later.

Very true. Nihilism and escapism are their core values.

Jim and Codemonkey don't give a fuck about the community, they're never going to ban Holla Forums or any other board that isn't causing them legal trouble. Hotwheels might have but he's as broken and powerless as his tiny little bones now.

The irony is the left supports actual pedos while trying to ban and censor 2D loli wherever they can.

I've never accused the left of being consistent or without hypocrisy.

To be fair, I think the only reason the left tries to harm weebs so much are all the pictures of anime girls with MAGA hats and how weebs, in general, sided with Trump. If the anime girls had all been wearing "I'm With Her" pins or some other shit, I'm fairly certain the left would be a lot more forgiving of weeb "culture". Or lack thereof. Remember, a LOT of the SJWs who actively hate on video games, shows, movies, and everything else mostly (if not all) claim to have been really into anime at some point or another, many actually actively capable of not only naming the anime they watched but also bringing up specific examples of how they *now* see examples of what makes anime problematic.

"Wrong side of history", or whatever.

Were you not here for GamerGate? Probably not, since you posted a fucking NeoGAF gif. Goon hatred of anime goes back a lot further than Trump.

I've been here since the exodus, and save for a couple of boards, I'd hardly call this place pedochan

Mind elaborating? I'm curious and love seeing 10bux fags angry at things

Not him and don't know the full extent of it myself, but I know that liking anime would get you bullied hardcore, and even mentioning it would get you outright banned sometimes. I'm mostly certain that's what caused Moot to leave and found 4chan, and the fact that it was so fixated on anime was the cause of a lot of goon raiding in the early days

underrated post


I'm starting to feel an almost Chris-chan levels of compassion here. Did we push him too far? Is he gonna become a tranny too?

Goons have always been the "self aware"/self-hating nerds. They play video games but hate the angry racist online gamer stereotype, they watch anime but hate the "pathetic perverts," they harass people that like the exact same fucked up shit that they like, etc. Where the imageboard user is the guy that keeps his hobbies to himself, the goon is the guy that makes liking video games or anime or whatever into his identity and then polices everyone else because he doesn't want to deal with the consequences of the negative association. They're one of the main groups pushing for "games as art" and other bullshit so they can be taken seriously in public and not just a bunch of fat nerds that spend too much time on the internet.

These people spent the past nearly two decades infiltrating the media and the government. They were flinging shit at weebs before gamergate was even a thing.

We really shouldn't. There is no point in tolerating the intolerant, and Holla Forums has shown time and again they have no wish to behave, let alone leave other boards and their userbase be.

They can't even tolerate the idea that most of Holla Forums is right wing and will get upset when some Marxist cunt decides to shit up a game for no other reason than they can. Hell, localizations have shown they can't even do their fucking jobs rights, they can't even translate into another language without "improving" the content, smearing shit on everything and pushing their infantile humor and stale memes.

They always have, for whatever fucked up reason. My guess is that they get so along with mudshits because both have a fondness for little girls and boys. Fucked up minds think alike and all that.

It seems that hotpockets tend to always turn out to be leftist cunts. Megalomania, intolerance, incompetence and pretending they have power by shitting on people online are the guiding traits for leftists.

I have no doubt they are in cahoots with certain elements of the userbase, their own little troop of NKVD cucks there to keep the proletariat on the right course towards communist revolution on the board. We'll live to see the day /a/ starts to praise censorship and demands trigger warnings in their anime.

We're seeing the death of the chans. Soon enough only reddit will remain and the whole internet will go to complete shit.

He not already?


The left hates what makes (white) heterosexual men happy. If we enjoy anime, tabletop, games, etc. they'll butt into the community and ruin whatever they can get their hands on, flood the place with their ilk and suck dicks until they gain positions of power. After that they will do everything in their power to make white males feel unwelcome, and once they leave and the community dies they'll call it mission accomplished and chase after those men to start the process anew.

They are a blight on everything they come into contact with.

And Anita claims she was always a gamer. Leftists only say they were always X because at their core their are posers and hipsters. They just mention games and anime because being a nerd is the currently "in" thing to be, and leftists are nothing if not completely conformist drones.

They'll namedrop whatever bit of information they've been fed from their sources, don't think they've watched half of what they claim to have. And all the examples they mention have been carefully fed to them through their cancerous networks.

Again, take Anita, she was full of shit, but you had a whole propaganda campaign around her trying to present her as a genuine gamer.

Never trust a leftist when he says he's genuine, that's a lie, they don't give two fucks about the hobby or the community, they're only there to fuck it up and ensure it adheres to their kosher guidelines.

to play the doubles advocate, some people really do trip from weed

post anthony burch webms pls

Not really a trip, but a semi deliruous spastic trance mixed with paranoia, sensory overload…not fun anyway.


Please, no. How did that shitty /in space/ one sell?

Most of the lefties I see claiming to like anime are casual fags that think dubbed Attack on Titan was the best anime ever. They also get triggered by ecchi and moe.

I recall a lot of backlash after its initial push, but nothing that really harmed Gearbox financially. Still, between that and Alien: Colonial Marines it really helped set up Battleborn for failure, especially since Battleborn's release schedule was pitted against Overwatch's release and Overwatch wasn't oozing with nearly as much SJW/feminism that Battleborn proudly put on display.

A brief look at Steam Spy says it only has 1/4th as many owners at BL2 did. That is with numerous sales and Pre-Sequel getting bundled in a Humble Bundle.

Maybe grandpa regrets fighting for ZOG.

To be fair I don't like ecchi and moe neither. I just find moe and ecchi to be bland, boring, and tasteless with a creepy helping of pedophilia, though otherwise not really offensive enough to warrant more than a "Nope" and moving along. I like my anime oozing with adult sex and violence, not cute and mundane.

Also note how people still reference BL2 but almost NO ONE references BL:PS. It's ONLY hook was being a Borderlands game, riding the success of the two previous titles.



I can't post it enough.


Why didn't you just post the image instead of a link to it, you fucking newfag from cuckchan?

What makes this even better is all the rapes not even reported or listed properly because the authorities don't want to seem racist.


If they could keep the lid on Rotherham for more than a decade, and if they attempted to hide what went down in Cologne, God knows what else they're hiding.


Polytheistic, worshiping multiple gods

You don't happen to have the caps of the 0 luck girl and rotherham systemic failure?

Short for poliomyelitis.

Is this it?

Absolutely disgusting

textbook cuck

Oy vey goyim, #NotAllMuslims.

It's the old Greek word for "many". It is used as a prefix to other words; poly-"something", e.g. polytheism, polymorph, polygamy…

My thanks, you know it's bad when you find leftists calling for prosecution against fucking mudslimes.


Goddam I can't find the original, If anyone has found the paper please share even though not videogames


Maybe he regrets seeing the bloody battles he fought in being reduced to cute anime girls for mass consumption.

Except GuP doesn't take place in WWII

But he doesn't mind his country getting flooded with niggers and mudshits, just so long as he showed them hated Huns who the boss is.

Fuck those race traitors.




Yes, /a/ is absolutely terrible and you, along with everyone else on Holla Forums, should never use it.

At least I'm not Anthony Burch.

Go away Jake.


you should get a permaban for even posting this

Okay, I'm sorry, here's some eye bleach as an apology.

Seriously, mentioning anything Muslim will net you a ban while shitting on Christianity or any other religion is perfectly okay.
To the /a/ defense force still lurking here, kindly explain to me why a topic in /a/ to discuss anime set in the Middle East is a reason for a ban? If you please.

Do the faggot mods even realize part of the Arab cultural tradition is dragging homosexuals to the highest point they can find and then throwing them down?

you mean the same normalfags that fight for tranny and faggot rights and write articles like ?

But what sustains the Burch? You'd think that someone whose every living day is a thesis on self-loathing would off himself more quickly. If you removed all the beta cuckness and self hatred from him, all you would hear is the snap of air rushing to fill the void his physical form left.


What was the context of the thread, from how you wrote it I assume you made it or contributed to it. Was it about a seasonal anime or more general.


Lurk moar

Pretty much.


This. Bad trips exist, doesn't make Burch less of a faggot for not measuring his fucking dosage like anybody with an IQ of >80 would do. I bet he tried edibles or dabs. Shit can take an hour to kick in and he probably had a ton.



He means 4/a/, you spaz! And its not a result of plebbit recruiting but the results of the deeds of a certain numale called Troid. Since he became global and Kusanagi, the old mod of that place had to go, it became pozzed in the neckhole.

The 2nd head volunteer of ours is actually Holla Forums as fuck.

1) Abuse of typographic functions is not allowed. Pure and simple.

2) Gone. /anil/ has been founded over that by the way.

3) Pretty much the same.

The mods are nowadays Tenicu and the owner of /a/'s bunker. Don't fall for bullshit.

It looks like someone was just tired of this shit meme. Burch is a faggot who should be killed, but thus thread is one of the worst I've seen on this board


no idea who that is.

Who even talks about halfchan. What's the point.


Its like "at least you're not anthony burch". Ocasionally they cuck even further and then you look back and laugh

At least you are not Anthony Burch.

Understanding of the overall situation. We have a shitton of crossies from halfchan on Holla Forums. /a/ and /u/ are sometimes beefing with their halfchan equivalents on desu archive. Also what said.

Lurk more! No, Lurk more! You can read, you have a brain. You are actually capable of learning new things. So lurk more!


Not everyone can be as pure and radical as us or our /a/ (99% halfchan crossie free)


you're like that faggot /jp/ mod who bans for using spoilers, do you double dip on board vol/modding?



we're only pedochan when masterchan is down, which is now, take a look at Holla Forums
6 months ago, it was almost clear of pedo shitposting, now even dysnomia has to keep himself to the lolicon thread for his own sanity
3dpd pedos are shite, they should stay on i2p

more like my bedroom hahahah

Hi, Holla Forums

The only people who think Holla Forums allows dissenting opinions are newfaggots and people who've spent less then 10 minutes on it.

I am convinced this board is ded and filled with newfaggots if ANYONE thinks that Holla Forums in its current state is any good and not Holla Forums with a political tint.

And funny Imkampfy has done more damage to Holla Forums then Holla Forums could ever do.
I love how you guys love the word cuck but you are the literal cucks for having a board where the top admin flatout tells you he wants to ruin the board and you still post there.

Oh boy, reddit Holla Forums arrived.

8/a/ is the worst board on this site, you're less likely to be banned from Holla Forums when posting natsoc stuff than you are to be banned from /a/ on a whim. It's almost impossible to actually post on 8/a/ without getting banned; to the extent that I'm half sure the /a/ mods are actually from 4chan and are just trying to drive people back there.

/a/ is the worse on every board 4chaims /a/ before the exodus had the worst fucking taste as well.

Any attempts to create a rival board to /a/ 'mysteriously' get filled with spam shortly after they start getting popular.

I want to eat grapes out of chaika's butthole.

Read the rules instead of filling up the anthony Burch thread with bogus conspiracy theories, retard! All political shit goes to >>>/weebpol/, period!

No its not. I wish retards would stop playing Holla Forums illuminati and trying to drive a wedge between boards.


I'm not talking about politics, I once got a day long ban for posting something along the lines of "This show's been such a disappointment."

The /a/ mods are literally goons, they're the same self-righteous hotpockets that run r/a/dio.

not wrong

I really wouldn't mind if he killed himself. If anything, he'd be doing us a favor. One less cucked, virtue-signaling faggot that works as a game developer.

Pic somewhat related.

I don't want him to die the same reason I don't want Cwc to die.

There truly is no better feeling in the world.

What is 4chan? You say they're "trying to get people to come back there". Did people go there and then come back here, and now they want those people who left here to go there, to go back there? But why leave 8ch in the first place? I thought everyone agreed endchan was the next port of call anyway, so what the fuck is going on exactly?

What is this post?

user posting Bullshit, because he doesn't like how /a/ is moderated. /u/ decided to face the same problem, namely that this place is full of Holla Forums, by not being as strict as /a/. The BO rightfully feared that the board would stay empty. /a/ has its own alternative site to go to if Holla Forums ever goes tits up. What does it say about the alleged agenda of bringing /a/nons Heims ins Moereich?



Ignore the first one



My parrot's name
