What does Holla Forums think of unity and game maker?

What does Holla Forums think of unity and game maker?

japanese devs are gods with them, western devs lol

Holla Forums isn't one person

Unity is a serviceable engine for small teams that can't afford to build their own 3D engine from scratch. Unfortunately since it's so widely used, it has a lot of shit games associated with it. Game Maker is a piece of shit.

Explain I Am Setsuna then.

use it once and drop it in your next game, it's a clutch more than anything

it's a top down RPG

What an abysmal idle animation. Who bounces on their toes like that when they're just standing still? Whoever made this is fucking retarded.

Game Maker alright, and is a major step up from actual babbyshit like RPGmaker and Novelty.

Unity is a learning tool, not an engine for AA and multiplayer development.

Hey Holla Forums, Holla Forums here, and I declare all of your favorite games to be shit :^)


Probably some weeb trying to imitate old fighting games sprite art.

thats acutaly not a bad way to think about it.

I think that they don't look at as cool as unreal 4. Why is that?

But that'd mean that yours is shit too. You didn't think this through.

Why does her hair sway during her upwards movement? Shouldn't it be when she stops going up or when she goes down?


Holla Forums thinks you should make better threads you fucking leftist parasite trump hating nigger faggot kike piece of shit

Shit developers



I haven't seen Arcade Bumstead in a long time.

Unreal still looks better, I dunno what it is, is it the assets? Is it the shaders?

better shaders, many more features out of the box, better lighting engine
basically you have to do a lot more work to get the same results in unity that you can get out of ue4

I mean it's shitty performance. Sub 10FPS in battle very frequently.

if you don't want photorealistic graphics, unity can look great.

have you seen Ori and the blind forest?

You're way too hard to fit in

ori and the blind forest has some really poor performance.

I think OP is a faggot.


They're a godsend for porn games.

I believe you, I do!

It begins.


Can be good on the right hands, the problem is that it is accesible and easy to learn, so it became very saturated with developers that dont know what they are doing.


This was made with Game Maker

How shitty is live2D?

It looks like it was pout together with duct tape and lit with an orange desk light.

Uh, sure thing man.

So is it just faces right now? When is this live2D going to have full body support?


Here's what I think. haha

Unity is a decent engine but the people behind it are kikes. Most of its bad rap comes from low effort garbage made in it because it's easy to learn.

GameMaker on the other hand is irredeemable garbage made by final form ultra kosher soul devourer jews. But the nips use it to make porn games I guess.

I dont know

Too much grass, he could of cut that back by two thirds and extend the draw distance. The trees are right fucked, and you can actually see the shadows break down and start to be too perfect in line with the objects. Some of the texture work for certain objects is significantly worse then others which also causes a mild feeling of dissonance as if it doesn't belong. All in all he made it look good at a distance but the quality suffers the closer he gets, not bad for amateur work but I wouldn't praise him for it.

Game Maker made Hotline Miami, so it's alright.

It also made Spelunky which is also good. The license is shit though.
I think Godot is the better choice.

I've had some really split experiences with unity games on my computer. With a game like Ori, I don't experience much lag, but it does audibly tax my rig, to the extent that I can hear the disk spinning. Also some visual glitches when alt-tabbing.
But then when I try a game like Anima: Gate of Memories, my hard disk just screams. I could never get through one minute without the game crashing, and that one minute is basically just a hallway. Not even any combat.

The idea that Unity is a learning tool makes the most sense to me, but Anima is proof that people think they don't need to learn how to make shit work. It's like, the PS4 can render a kajillion objects in Unreal, so it should be able to handle whatever spaghetti code we've made, right?

I just… I honestly don't understand how an indie game on a Kickstarter budget can run so badly that it lags and crashes in the opening cutscene, but a game like Dead Rising has 60 zombies on screen without even a whisper from my hard disk.

How's Godot on loonix?

Drooling imbeciles

it works

It works without exploding.

unity is complete overkill for most of it's use cases in indie gaming but on the other hand game maker is way more primitive with C-style "objects" in GML (you can't even access basic shit like arrays without using designated functions to initialize and manipulate them)

Giving access to game creation to plebs was a mistake. See also: Steam Greenlight for letting plebs publish their flashgame-tier shit.

Construct is a good middle ground in my opinion, although leaning closer to the gamemaker side of things.


Absolute garbage