Other urls found in this thread:



One smells like freedom and the other one smell like falaffels and old used condoms.

No, the other one blows up but it's your fault.

Justin's candle smells suspiciously like Castro's.


legit advice when playing Paper Mario 2.



spoilers: finale

At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if 2017 ends like that

2017 is going to be a very interesting year all around the world



Does anyone know what this shit is exactly? Not the first time I've seen it.

While I'm enjoying mousou telepathy, I do wish there was higher resolutions of it, as it is prime for reaction images.

... its as shit as you would expect


But who's the fag next to trump in OPs picture?

I actually don't know

Check em.


what the fuck

Jeb is a degenerate monster


We could avoid of lot of this shit if we went back to teaching kids that silence is acquiesce under English Common Law.

A beaner with a jew nose?

thats rayciss



Call me cynical, but if she wanted to bait someone into actually forcing her into a submissive romance, she would have adopted the very same look and attitude.

Is pic 1 real? Did you say that and put a ban on germany because it was full of muslims? That's glorious if so.



Excellent bait.

I'm not sure I understand whats going on.
Was she legitimately raped or is she so mentally ill that having sex with a man was enough for her to call "rape" and become a feminist?

Hey, that's pretty good

It seems like she dated a guy, but for some reason didn't resist his advances, or just regretted sex with him, and made him breakfast after so she is now triggered by breakfast.

That's the thing, you don't know and asking is taboo.

Bitch says he made breakfast for him

I think that unanswered question adds a level of depth to it that was otherwise unintended.

Liberals love to tout that "death of the author" theory to insert their own agendas into stuff. But you'd probably get lots of salt to sprinkle on your breakfast if you were to use that theory against them by asking that question.

Feminists are just mentally ill cunts, plain and simple.

I assume the Trudeau one smells like muslim and nigger cum.

I wonder if Baneposting will ever save a life

It already killed some people tho.



Remember to use a condom

yeah mordum was garbage, the first august underground was at least alright, and it had a cameo of the dude from Necrophagia

To be quite honest, the Prequels weren't that bad compared to the Nu-Star Wars movies we have today.

This shit has really poor composition.

Dubs of truth, because TFA is just Episode IV all over again, but with shit writing.

Go watch them again and see if you still think so with the horror still fresh in your mind

Strongly disagree. I marathoned 1-7 a few weekends ago and can say without the slightest bit of doubt the Jew Awakens will always be at least watchable compared to the abomination known as the Phantom Menace.

It seems you are not very sophisticated if you can't differentiate between jokes and baits.


1-3 were bad movies. There's no argument here, but the simple fact is that as bad as those movies were, they still felt like Star Wars movies. Nu Wars just feels like any old summer action movie with a Star Wars coat of paint.

Ep. 7 was pretty much " writes Ep. 4", complete with painfully obvious Mary Sue protagonist.

and this is how you know the artist is a chick

I think its a guy

proofs or it didnt happen

user I….

I think it'd be Hinamatsuri-tier with only a little larger images

Your containment board:

>>>Holla Forums


Shouldn't you be at an airport protesting someone's 3 hour delay. Oy Vey, it's anudda shoah.

The name is adam warren


He even gives dudes dick sucking lips.

It's hard to believe he hasn't changed a bit in nearly 15 years.

I thought that was a chick on the right with how round those pecs are.

What the fuck is up with that guys pectoral muscles? It looks like he injected oil in them.

Anons, I've recently downloaded va11 hall-A. When I run it, the game doesnt load, instead I get glitched graphics between black screens, while hearing background sounds and music. Does someone know how to fix it?

i keep telling you to get a 1920x1080 monitor and take a screenshot of it for a nice wallpaper

My, this is relatively entertaining

Gets me every time

I'm another user. Dont have the size you requested.
Is there anything I can do?

>mfw that was my highschool
>mfw I had classes with the girl
>mfw I had a class the coach taught
>mfw I see coach Wuchae working at Food Lion, because the school canned him

Some of these read like liar town posts.

I always read it as "Man forced to eat bread".

was she hawt?

How do I beat this game?

Sorta. She ran track, so she was pretty fit, but she wasn't really all that much to look at

cmon fucking answer

wrong thread you stupid nigger

No, that thread is fokin ded. Anser here

Look at this stupid nigger. Look at him and laugh.

nice dubs

So she would have dick crushing hips?
Makes sense a couch would want to lose his job over such a thing.


Those are thighs.

I dunno, maybe. She had a real willowy build.

the one on the right looks like a miscarriage


kill yourself disgusting vermin. You dedicate yourself to feed your superiority complex, by insulting people in an anonymous comunity about videogames. You are disrespecting the effort of thousands of your ancestors, that made you not only able to post in here, but also gave you life and built the world around you, by spending your worthless, pathetic life in an imageboard, insulting people over ironical typos and then mentally masturbating about how you BTFO'd them. You live a lie maintained by constant gratification provided by fictional stories you ennact virtually, and fool yourself, feeling superior to those who not only suprass you on every aspect of your life, and triumph on it.
No you are not superior to them, you are just a piece of shit, a cockroach, compared to them. It is only a self garificating lie you made up to not have to deal with the list of fails your life is. You not only have no actual value, nor mental, as a philosopher or content creator, either phisical, as your deplorable state of health the insult to human glory that is your body can prove, you have lost all value as an individual, as you constantly fail to realize the putrid state of your mind and body.
You try to establish superiority over me by signalling an irrelevant spec on the message I published, to sustain said fantasy you live in.

So no, disgusting piece of shit, WE point and laugh at you



why laff?

So the theory would be that her pussy would make a minor squese to the head. Which makes a person cum really hard.

Nurses have this gift, if they are the ones that has to walk a shit-ton.

Will you reply to me with a poor shot at upping my bantz or will you help me nao?

/r/'ing the furry being jacked off in the middle of a gay pride parade




Pixelshit indie game. That's all you need to know.

Indie Fags who made a shitty game with Xer pronouns.

The makers of a game that literally asks for your preferred pronoun

Is that a face swap on the coach marries student photo?

That's the best part of it. Not only are you pulling the old "Ah yes, my grandson's name is a faggot," you're also pissing off people who actually thought their shit game was art doing it. It's the closest thing to fun indie games will ever get.



my sides have exploded.

Every time.

You tell me when you grow wings, cunt.

I don't want to make a thread shitting up the board about it so i'm just gonna make a post here

Why the fuck is this a thing? Or this thread for that matter?

Isn't the entire god damn reason we hate SJW's is that they are shoving their personal politics into video games? Gamergate is and was fine because it's countering that back, but this notice and this thread isn't doing that, it's just posting shit political shit that's even less related to vidya then the stuff anita and her followers bring up.

It being right shit instead of left shit doesn't make it any less annoying. Fuck off, or if this is condoned by whoever the board admin is these days, can you publicly explain why this shit is here and allowed? I've seen you post in other threads

If you don't like it then make your own imageboard


It only counts if you did it before, or if it was established beforehand that silence would be considered acceptance.

Fuck, I can't tell if you're supposed to read this left-to-right or right-to-left.

Bullshit. No way this is unedited unless there's some gag to be explained somewhere.

The rules say threads have to be about video games or video game culture. There's essentially none of that in this thread.


Just noticed this

there's some gag to be explained somewhere

You're dead

So, where are the lizards?

Why is this turning me on?

Left → Right

These are literally just watermelons, i have noodle arms and i can do that with them.
What the fuck?


But monstergirls are supposed to be good-looking

Complain about it all you want I've tried Mark and the admins won't listen and refuse to listen to their own rules when convenient.
It's part of the "board culture"

Who the fuck is that guy on the third pic? Mind giving me a quick rundown?

I could really go for some Waffle House now.

They have really good burgers if the cook is any good.

I got yer lizard right here

The best burgers are, objectively, the ones that you make

also have this I guess

Well, yeah. You know your own tastes better than anyone else.

Ah, the Galapagos Islands. One of the few places you can find this species of iguana, if not the only place you can find them.

I'd post more video games but the last time I did that all my posts got deleted

I giggled


Where da vidya gaems?


That's kinda amusing, but Trump knows exactly what he's doing.


True, he does seem to know what he's doing. For example: he's throwing so much literal shit at the wall, we're barely even noticing the OTHER shit he's getting done, like killing net neutrality.

Go research what actually got passed and not what they told you. Remember it was pushed by google and obama

It's fucking bizarre how this chump still gets work


You can tell this nigger is salty about penny arcade getting all the success while he's been left to the wayside of internet history.

Man he must have been working on this since Trump announced his entry to have it up already


Ok how does Trump one smells like?
Trudeu is easy one it is cock.

Deal with it, redditor.

New fragrance. By Justine Trudeau.
"If you smelt it, you dealt it"

oh… around.

Not everyone can be good looking, user.



I should start a patreon, with so many rich sjw I could get some white guilt shekels

I wish i had a computer qt gf

I wish my computer was my gf.
Oh wait, she already is

We need some depraved drawfag to draw this character getting his asshole blown out with enormous manly cocks, ahegaoing and drooling semen from every orifice.

The triggering would be IMMENSE.

we're reaching levels of irony that shouldnt be possible




It would be more effective to simply continue with the Ben Garrison treatment, it had proven to be effective before

Fucking sjws even ruined monster girls



I met "Sophie" Labelle irl
He had pink hair

Oh, you faggots want more strong independant montergirls?!


what the fuck nigger? Just post a youtube rip out of it instead of embedding it into an autistic swf-based player

why do the women he draw look like they have downs syndrome?


Because he's a hack.

It's not even a comic about him him having the moral high ground anymore. Now it's just drawing someone he does not like getting beat up. That'll show them how progressive and tolerant we are!

Did you at least make fun of it?

spoiler that shit, jesus fuck

Who doesn't like the smell of money?


good thing drumpf will be gone soon!

Because it's the face every proud independent womyn has on every libshit comic. Blank, expressionless and on the spectrum.

This is what SJW's think gamer are like.



Just a reminder that Collin's son decided to chop his dick off.


I like this.

His son is a tranny.

That doesn't make you a monster girl, that makes you a lazy narcissistic piece of shit

I think she uh, has enough in her.

That has to be the best comic that guy has made in almost a decade

Thats how bad vgcats it


Because the only women who don't immediately flee from his horrible presence are retards.



lol you have to go back
Just kill yourself, retard.
Because you support genocide.

Reported for not knowing anything about what you’re saying and for being terminally new.

Why the fuck is Trudeau such a fucking idiot????

Dropped in a vat of kool aid and hit his head on the side when he was a child

At my high school we had a faggot french teacher get caught fucking a 16 year old on his desk. Tried to defend himself by quoting Oscar Wilde.

Please tell me why you're bitching and griping is so much different than the left's, go on. The only difference I can tell is that it stays contained on this imageboard whereas the left actually gets shit done much to my disdain.

Shit meant your

Pretty good try but you had to be a tad more sublte

Pointing out that political stuff being shoved into everything is annoying regardless of left or right isn't horseshoe theory. But I imagine it's hard to make the difference when you can't give politics a goddamn rest.

Don't dodge it with shill, kike, Reddit etc. I want you to educate me, prove the horseshoe theory wrong. Not saying the left isn't cancerous, but you guys aren't helping by storming in here being faggots. So tell me, I mean what else are we gonna do in a fucking LOL thread?

Still pretty funny.

Is this some kind of flash game?

How fucking new are you? Fuck off and lurk moar

reverse image search is giving me nothing but archived /d/ threads, I'm slowly working through them, and one person says it is a flash game, but they didn't actually post it. Also found posters reenacting the soup store skit and this.

He only got the spot because his father was successful politically in Canada, Justin Castro himself is simply a liberal that tried to eternally stay in academia by getting a bachelor's in literature, a bachelor's in education and then tried and dropped out from a master's in environmental geography. Oh yeah and becoming a teacher in two schools

I remember always thinking Chipman had some kind of, er, chip on his shoulder from the way he always made sure to describe anything, no matter how unfitting, from the '80s as jingoistic/militaristic/patriotic/macho. That, and later on when the "what is/n't a game" debate arose he (much like Errant Signal and Extra Credits) fell on the "hurp derp don't be elitist"-side.

The one who stunned me the most was Jim Sterling. He went from one of the most blistering critics around against censorship, clumsy moralizing, fake gamers, corruption, and hypocrisy, to such a pathetic shill for all of them.

There was one warning sign I sort of disregarded, though, which was when he started randomly mentioning he's a fag. Later, when I learned he had married a crazed feminazi, who insisted they had an "open relationship" and that she was "bisexual", all around the same time, it all made sense.

Holy shit. He's arguing like a fucking back-alley lawyer in a case he knows he can't win.

wow, trudeau doesn't give a shit. He knows he can get away with it.

She has no evidence, she's just putting 2 and 2 together (it's obvious, but she has no tangible evidence as long as he denies). He knows he can get away with it as long as he just continues to just give an auto response like a GM in an MMO and refuse to get personal. She's got nothing and she's trying to bait, and Trudeau knows it so he gives her nothing.

Right, I've exhausted my current resources and avenues of searching, I might try again later tonight, but if anyone wants to try by themselves, the filename is supposedly "new_girl"

He does have a point though, Trudeau can only damage control in that situation. It may not land him in jail but it most certainly ends up being a heavy blow either way, which is why he keeps repeating the same line, he is hoping that she will eventually get tired of it.


Reminds me of Esteban Winsmore

bad bait

yfw Trump buys Canada and annexes it as a protectorate

That would be terrible, why would you buy a country full of shitskins and cucks?

I am severely disappointed.

Just take Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, The Yukon, The Northwest Territories and British Colombia. Then kill off anyone involved with the ministry of education in those provinces and ship all the hyper liberals in BC to Montreal.

Alternatively; Nuke Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Nova Scotia's ministry of education then temporarily import Sikhs to spook away all the Muslims.

this is the only thing i opened this thread for


You tried.png

Do the muzzies fear the arcane magical might of the Turban mages?

incorrectamundo buddy.

Too many sharp lines, women draw completely with round edges, and have a "soft" look to them.

I would give you an example, but I can't think of many, but there's ton of jap artists and the like whom are women, and they have the same "roundness" and "softness" and as my tenure as an artist, I believe it's due to the muscles a woman lacks, in-comparison to man due to evolution.

I can go into full detail if you really want to, but I'm not sure if a LOL thread is the time or place.

I really want to know how you come to that conclusion.

Not him, but go ahead.

Eggman also knows what he's doing.
He officially has an IQ of 300.

Well, being born with artist merit and talent is one thing, and two is having the eyes for details that people do not normally notice, I attribute it to my colorblindness, it intensifies shadows, shades, and lines for me.

You see, when I draw, or any man draws, the muscles that begin to strain are within the forearm, and for me, the bicep, more on the inner right side of my right bicep with the underside being 50/50. The majority of it comes from how the wrist is being used, and how much force you actually put into making a line or stroke. With that I'm not talking about pressing it down to the paper or tablet, more so the twisting and torque you inadvertently apply when trying to make strokes.

For a woman, due to evolution, from carring babbies and tending to picking fruit and berries and shit, their muscles and skeletal structure differs from the Hunter/Gather bullshit that males have, males have extra tendon strength, on top of muscle, and some people like mre are fortunate to be born with an extra tendon that's in the forearm to your wrist, that I believe controls the area between the thumb and pinky within your palm. That's another area for a man, where the force applied shows the inadvertent strain from sketching.

Now for woman, they have narrow shoulders, thin necks, smaller but tighter muscles in the arm and neck area. The majority of strain completely by-passes the wrist and forearm, and dwells near more of the upper area of the bicep, upper and lower neck, as well as the chest to their abdomen on the side of which they sketch with. Women will most likely feel a strange aching feeling within their chest/breast area of the side they sketch with, as well as a pulling sensation from the lowest rib like a yank, then a duller but more "reserved" pulling sensation from the navel, but more around the top set of abs I'd say about 45% percent from that top set, but more within the side of the abdomen and the back from where the muscles join.

You see that when they sketch, it's very minute, but the softness and more sounded edges is purely due to physical stature. It's why when you see tumblr shit art, everything is rounded blobs, then for more respectable female "artist" those blobs turn into very soft, smooth rounded edges that happen to find their way in everything, with little to no hard/sharp lines/strokes.

The way a man sketches and uses his strokes is extremely angular, but it attributes to not just physical stature, but I believe something to do with the brain and how it perceives the world, as how a woman does with their brain.

(Continued in part 2)

Trump has 156 IQ, so does that mean that his second term is confirmed?

Their religion was formed as an edgy rebellion against the muslim occupation, and literally obligates them to carry a weapon everywhere they go and use it to fend the attacker whenever someone is being jumped.

They're like muslim-antibodies of society.
While the concentration of muslims is low and confined to cultural enclaves, they lay dormant within their own Little Punjabs. Once muslims reach a critical mass and start to enrich their surroundings, street fights begin.

They don't integrate well themselves, however. Expect a chinatown situation if you import a lot of them into a european country.

Chinatowns are cool though.


Sikhism was basically created out of defiance against muslims. To be a Sikh is to be an islamophobe. One day a real khalsa will come and wash all the Sunnis out of the Punjab.

Reminds me of the fact that Holla Forums wordfiltered "Christmas" to "Holidays" out of butthurt

Cultural enclaves are absolute trash. They're bad for the surrounding area as the cultural differences lead to low trust and social cohesion, and they're bad for the residents, as the ingroup mentality leads to mafia-like arrangements where immigrants are getting fucked in the ass by other immigrants and have no recourse because they don't trust local authorities or general populace. Let alone the fact that it impedes integration by reducing incentives to integrate or learn the language.
t. russian who ran the fuck away from Brighton Beach the moment I could

It was also a hindu counterculture, what with the snubbing of letting go of reality and becoming one with the world in favor of going home and being a family man. Also fuck cows they ain't holy.

I think the most telling thing about the sort of place India is, is that the culture that was created as the antithesis of mainstream spirituality put cleanliness and washin' it up on the daily as one of its core tenets.

Holla Forums looks like a big scapegoat for everything and it invades every discussion at every time. It's goons 2.0. PANCAKEFAGS.


(Cont. from part 1)

For a man, colors are obviously present, but the usage remains more grounded in it being duller, but with more focus upon lighting as well as composition and perspective. Perspective being key, where the colors seen are usually colors that stick out, but don't pop. I for one do not like using color due to being colorblind (and it's not fucking I see shit in gray scale, I believe it's red/green colorblindness though green is my favorite color, certain shades either don't compute, look brown, and with red, I love a deep crimson red, any vivid reds look nice, but then the rest of them either look off, I can't identify, or just can kinda tell it's red, but not sure, due to the darker reds looking like mud. As for Pink, Pink looks grey, and grey looks grey, sometimes blue. Purple fucks with my brain, but I enjoy the color for some reason it reminds me of blood, like crustacean blood being the origin of such a color, but more so human blood oddly enough. It's a refined color, just like Red, Green, Grey and White and Cobalt Blue.)

Women on the other hand can see a wider range of color, some even fortunate, or rather unfortunate to be diagnosed with a strange hereditary condition where they see even MORE color, which oddly enough colorblindness is solely in men unless it's a rare case, but always comes from the mother's side. According to my wife when we saw how my color blindness looks through this weird website that sells corrective lens, she got all sad cause I cannot see the rainbow for how truly vivid it is, cause to me it looks nice, but I don't see the vibrancy or life in it, to her, she said it looks like the happiness was just sucked out of the entire picture, like muted. Which describes it accurately but I always thought i was like that till I had to take that shitty colorblind test and didn't see any numbers and got angry when the dumb balding kike nurse told me I was wrong, but I digress.

Art in itself is interesting, due to the premise that only those with artistic merit are the ones whom end up being almost forgotten, yet morons who slap shit, literal feces upon a canvas and mutter some typical kike garbage gets all the praise in the world.

Not only that, but women artists tend to use their own body as a model (If they aren't fat, or ugly, though butterfaces are exempt if they have bodies that aren't gross so they'll totally ignore their own face though all of this is done subconsciously from what I've noticed.) same for men when using proportions and the like.

Which is interesting too, since when the person in question does this properly, it gives a life to the piece in question that makes it feel real, only a few old greco/roman statures in my eyes truly have that "life" poured into them, with the agony, suffering, and contempt, and as well as pride and solitude.

Thus, that being said, guys can't draw girls too well, purely because they don't know how cause they're shit, or because they don't have a woman with the right body to thoroughly examine and pick apart with their eyes and other senses to truly get the idea of what makes a woman, though a woman is just merely an incomplete man woven from the rib of man their form still maintains a beauty that only compliments what man is and was a long time ago, the image of God made flesh.

Hope that helps you nerds out, if you got any questions feel free to ask and meme away. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I feel that I might be one of the few 'true' artists left on this planet, cause I realized at a young age art is more than just drawing what you see, or sketching what you feel, it's creating life on a dimensional plane that is apparently "2-D" even though we ourselves are "2-D" as well, that and how the mind itself, lets say a stone age man, or a tribal man was shown a picture of himself, he couldn't tell it was him, purely because perspective and perception are learned/acquired through experience If you get what I mean at all.

(continued in part 3)

(last part)

Art is something that people truly take for granted, and hence why I hate how art is now pozz'd Kike kabbalistic demon worship. Before it meant something more, so much more that I feel the cave drawings through out Europe have more emotion, more awe and wonder about them than most morons today who post their shitty pics here on the chans in draw threads will ever understand nor achieve. Though for myself, I actively seek out to find and truly understand the conceptualization of art, art form, and artistic merit. Due to it being something that I feel God himself knows the secret behind and more than likely hid it from us as a test to see if we were made right, but like in a loving way. I seek perfection, and one day I will attain it with my own two hands, I learn more and more everyday, and I feel only pity for those who don't feel the way I do about it. It's my livelihood, as if I'm using my own blood to create the images before me, not unlike a child but obviously I do not view my art as my "children" cause that's autistic. I view it more like a means more like a megalith, a monument to one's quest for enlightenment. (I apologize if I got too esoteric but it's how I feel)

Hope that helps you identify who's drawing what, cause once you see it, you can't unsee it. Though if you still can't see it, I guess that's a genetic thing if anything.

That's not how it works.

Post a picture of something you've made

You got it backwards. We changed it because we knew Holla Forums would get butthurt about it. And we were right.

Pretty much.

Uh yes it is. One is born with artistic merit, but not one person on this earth is an actual true 'artist'.

You obviously have no idea what I'm talking about, or how the subtleties between man and woman can be seen with those whom have such an eye for small even trivial details. I doubt you have artistic merit, let alone bother to think outside the box, have any real knowledge of what makes art. Art in itself is not just a philosophy, but mathematics as well. So many things make art what it is, "art". Something powerful and inspiring has much more at work behind the scenes rather than just the stupid garbage you see being pushed by kikes today.

Perhaps you have no soul, or just dim.

Ehh, the shit I've been working on recently is a private project that if I were to post, I'd lose my so called right to my intellectual property due to being a benis enough to want to post it, even though most of it is still conceptual, and I'm sure my business partner would kick my ass if I did.

Instead I can draw something pretty quick if you want, like to show an example. I've been low energy so don't expect a miracle more so a proof of concept. Plus I'm still trying to figure out different brushes and shit, I prefer charcoal and pencils more mechanical pencils with a nice sharp point, tablets kinda make that hard to achieve the little details you can make with a pencil that kinda gets lost in translation if you will. Though I'll look for something, if I can't then yeah.

Why would Holla Forums wish you a merry Christmas though? To me it seems more like the BO crying over the anniversary of the USSR's collapse

Is that guy real?

Try the Maple Harpy removing kebab because my draftsmanship is absolute dogshit and I don't want to desecrate her image any further.

What in the fuck is a maple harpy? I'll take a crack at it, but seriously, the fuck is a maple harpy? Is this some sort of meme?

Probably an attempt to distract people from rightfully calling it weed Peru

Just to emphasize Christianism. They're not particularly religious, but they value that Christian identity of Europe, especially nowadays with muzzies all over the place.

Besides, this happy holidays/merry Christmas slapfight is an old staple of the culture war. Conservatives were getting rectalragnaroked about it long before Holla Forums existed.

I think that's Jed Whitaker, and if so, yes he's for real.

There's something extremely Freudian about a tranny playing with a rubber chicken in a wet pool.

Draw a yelling 2hu

Anthropomorphic representation of Leaf Shitposting

She's a bird girl shaped like the maple leaf who hides automatic firearms under her downy feathers for kebab removal and my Oekaki skills are too poor to draw her faithfully yet.

You keep Trudeau's impostor out of this.

I'm not sure what part of what you said is supposed to confirm the possibility of attaining perfection.

I see art as a way to experience divinity and come closer to God. If his being is ultimate and infinite it is unreasonable to be consider it possible to contain his essence in any craft. Therefore, I see no way to attaining perfection as an artist without achieving godhood yourself. Even history's most distinguished masters had flaws while continuing to hone their skills until the end of their career. To realize there are people I'd be unable to surpass no matter how hard I tried is humbling, and even more so when you realize they only scratched the surface of the glory of God.

It smells like cuban cigars.

You guys are fucking reddit

fucking WEW

Oh, I get it.

I am speaking metaphorically, perhaps I phrased it wrong, or what have you, but what you said here.

Is what I was trying to say poetically. You can whine about seeing no way to attaining 'perfection' but I don't think you understand what God intends for his people or the fact that perfection is not what you think it is. Again, think outside the box before trying to go full autist because you didn't comprehend what I said, even if me trying to be poetic triggered you.

Perfection is indeed attainable, purely on the fact that God exists, and he is perfect. Thus perfection is certainly obtainable through him and only him. He is the Alpha and Omega, and I think you fail to realize where is perfection truly stems from. I'd give you a hint, but It'd fall on deaf ears I'm sure.

If I were unable to surpass people whom others believe are unsupportable, it wouldn't be humbling, more so a means to go further and go beyond them. Being humbled by God is a different story, but again he goes through different means that people don't quite comprehend why he does the things he does, when he's shown that he can legitimately show himself and push people's shit in, even so to where it's been documented on ancient Sumerian scripts of what's supposed to be God's "name", and how they described it as the only God to actually show itself, that he is like a God of War, terrifying but his followers, his worshipers were filled with pride and were confident with such a being on their side. Though they never said who were the followers, but they certainly weren't the kikes of yesteryear.

Now don't take me the wrong way or me being 'hostile'. I'm just saying that my definition of Perfection, and what Perfection means to mankind compared to what it means to God himself is vastly different than what's pushed out there. God wants us to seek him out, to learn as we travel that path, and if it takes us to go beyond our mortal coil, the journey starts with knowledge, the more we obtain, the little bit closer we become to him and his realm, his kingdom.

He's obviously not going to let us in, cause dems the rules, but he created us in his image for a reason, I don't mind if people mutter God's not real, "worshiping a dead kike on a stick and his imaginary sky daddy", etc cause I know they're wrong and aren't going to be saved by God you know what I mean?

TL;DR, that's not going to stop me, for nothing is impossible, far stranger things have happened, to be a perfect human being is not even close to other strange bullshit occurring if you honestly think about it. Don't limit yourself out of fear, push yourself out of respect, try to become the one you admire the most, but at the same time mold yourself into the man you were always meant to be, ya dingus.




I don't give a flying fuck about the argument you two are having, but that's easily the weakest strawman I have seen in a good while and I frequently lurk around lol threads just to laugh at leftist comics (which are 99% strawman).
Step it up, user.

i admit it, i laughed


The worst fucking board in the planet


You are so close yet so far from being pasta material. For all your effort you've failed in the One True Art. I'm sorry.


Does any one have screen caps of Holla Forums's BO going on to different boards asking "x and Holla Forums

Out of all the bullshit that picture has I gotta say that this is the most niggerist of all.

nope, but I got this gem

What about smugpats?

It's clever and disgusting at the same time.


WEW, they are too triggered by us LMFAO.


Two out of three ain't bad

You’re right; you don’t give a flying fuck. You obviously don’t, because you have no fucking idea what we’re saying. Fuck off, retard.


How's ess spee doing by the way, you guys rooting for the Falcons?


They even admit all the time that Communism can't exist in the same universe as Capitalism. Making it theoretically and practically impossible to implement in reality.

Not sure what this means.

Pretty accurate.


Just noticed Suicide Cum and Meme all in row.

i'm not entirely sure what to make of this

I'm really at a loss

Are you for real?


The Press Cum

wait a minute…. that picture….

Surprisingly accurate.


I am okay with this.




That's not an example of anything, you're hyperbolizing/exagerating and extrapolating something out of it's common field of use in an attempt to make it look bad just for the sake of supporting your polarized stance. It is literally tumblr

Also, if you're going to post unrelated shit, at the very least sage, you fucking impolite le reddit pill immigrant.

Why do Holla Forumsmblrinas get so triggered whenever the horseshoe theory is brought up?

I think that could describe basically everyone here.

Good luck getting that one to stick, faggot.


It's true



Both reddit/pol/ and Holla Forumsreddit are fairly popular… outside of Holla Forums, of course. Surprisingly accurate too, it is clear that a vast number of the new Holla Forumsacks come from reddit, probably due to gg. That would explain the overly preachy attitude, the annoyingness and the hive-mind mentality.

Whatever you say.



He's a big baby.

when new thread?


Was posting past the bump limit part of your plan?

You feeling alright there?

I want to dump a comic I made in a new thread

Wait, what?

Apparently, the little big guy lived on.

Well what's the next step of his master plan?


Going to flight school when he's older.

Not going to lie, that sounds like a bad idea. With no survivors

Your newfaggotry aside, if you watch popular Holla Forums boards over several months or years you'll notice new alternatives for Holla Forumsack pop up, see a brief spike as Holla Forums actively pushes them, then fall back into obscurity as they fail to catch on. Several weeks after their creation, I never see these alternatives at all aside from Holla Forums's drumpfposter (who quickly switches between them mid-spergout) and mid/late-thread Holla Forums damage control faggots such as yourselves.

newfriends, its a man with a penis. lurk more

I thought he was punching Dobson

58 post ago when I started saging the thread wasn't past the bump limit, when it got past the bump limit I had no reasons to remove the sage.
Now stop pretending to be an oldfag, my dear reddit immigrant.

You failed


I did not, the other faggot erased one of his post over some spelling mistake, proving once again he is a redditor that relies too much on the edit function and/or is afraid of having a spelling mistake or some other shit of the like.
You failed.

What the fuck is Holla Forumsyp meant to mean?

Some leftycuck tried calling me that as an insult and I was confused

do you know what a polyp is?

Given his question, I'd say he does not, user, it should be pretty obvious.
I mean, it's a shit way to mock someone, but it is obvious he is a clueless fag who can't even websearch shit on his own, not even out of mere curiosity. Herd mentality at its finest.

It doesn't seem like a great insult and I can see why nobody outside of Holla Forums uses this.



They probably started looking for words that start with "pol". That approach was never going to end up well, seems like something a grade school kid would do.

Think a little bit and you might just realize that you can make other typing mistakes besides spelling.
I didn't even read the whole post, not even once. I'm not going to compare them just to find the difference

well okay then


Kill yourself or learn some fucking English.

$12.50 is a pretty good price, honestly. So long as she isn't shit quality.

Secret Past Hate.
No idea what that means.

Might've been better going with words I saw but weren't actually there.

Well this is a good sign

Living lie detector bitches.

I really don't see the issue here. The fact that so many fags here got triggered by it is a good sign as far as I'm concerned.

That's actually pretty accurate.


Every time.


Quality meme

Secret hat memes, you say?

Sure thing, Holla Forums.

Laughing at people is getting triggered now, get with the times :^)



I've never met a Sikh who wasn't a super cool dude with at least on STEM/Medical degree- usually two.



When new thread?