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Thinking of spamming macros in C++ instead of inlining

made game

I have no idea how the world works but tried to make an ecosystem and simulate weather in my game. I ended up just randomly choosing the weather because I have no idea how that shit works. With the ecosystem, there are only 3 animals (deer, rabbits, and wolves) and they reproduce at set times during the month, occasionally dying due to old age, starvation, or being hunted (by wolves). Wolves are limited by starvation and infighting (when their population is greater than 25% of the total population)

The eco system is extremely fragile and I doubt it'd even survive more than 1 or 2 years - especially if the player kills off the wolves or a large amount of rabbits. But I came here to ask if anyone knows how to simulate weather more realistically than randomly choosing a weather type (currently just rain, clear, cloudy, and snow) based off the current season.

Hmm you could maybe make for the rain part so that clouds get heavier over time due to water getting heated or w/e the actual mechanic is and when a cloud becomes too heavy it will start raining, for thunder it is due to electrons I think that are starting to "touch" each other at a higher friction

Generate noise, then the higher the value, the heavier the rain/snow/whatever or the clearer the sky. Then shift the noise map slowly over time to make weather move around.

There's no way you can create a "realistic" weather ecosystem unless you're both a genius and a programming god.

forgot pic


Well, first off, we combine snow and rain in a way and say that if the season is winter, whenever it would normally rain, it snows instead.

What I would do is set up a weather entity/system (depending on what the architecture of your game world controllers is) that contains the current state of the weather, and updates every so many seconds (probably through something like weather.update() ).

weather.update decides if the weather will change or not based on a set of factors. The more factors you include into the 'simulation', the more in-depth it will be- but if weather is pretty binary, meaning, for example, it can't be raining heavier or lighter, or maybe there's no temperature tracking in your game (as in, animals can't freeze to death) then there's not too much point in putting a whole lot of complexity in your weather simulation seeing as the player will never be able to tell it's there.

At the very least, I'd have this variable:

Float cloudiness (goes from 0.0 to 1.0)

Whenever it's not raining, cloudiness goes up every time you call weather.update(). How much depends on how often you call it and how often you want it to rain; you could probably randomise how much it increases by a bit, if you like.

Then, after incrementing cloudiness, you roll a dice weighted by it to see if it starts raining. Basically, the cloudier it is, the more likely it is to rain; maybe you could just get a random number between 1 and 10, multiply it by cloudiness, and round down, then have it start raining if the result is above 5 or something. If cloudiness reaches 1.0, it starts raining no matter what.

If it's raining, then cloudiness decreases every timestep, and you do the same roll-a-dice-weighted-by-the-current-cloudiness thing to see if it stops raining, except this time you're checking to see if the result is smaller than some number, so the less cloudy it is, the more likely it is to stop raining. If the cloudiness reaches 0, then it stops raining.

This simulates clouds building up and breaking into rainfall when they get too thick. If you wanted, you could add a whole load more variables: if you already track temperature in your game for other reasons, you can decide whether it'll snow or rain based on that rather than the season. If you implement lighter or heavier rain, then obviously you can decrement cloudiness based on how heavy it's raining- but also change the heaviness of the rain based on how heavy the clouds are. So you could have rain that starts out heavy, then gets lighter and lighter towards the end, and so on. Hell, if you wanted, you could say that in warmer weather, more water vapourises, so cloudiness increases faster. You could track the amount of water on the map, and change cloudiness' rate of change based on that- more water means more can vapourise and make clouds, right? I don't know anything about your game, so I don't know how useful any of this is to you, but hopefully the first part could be a bit helpful.

Or do this if you want localised rain.

need some help here.

What type is sprite?
What type does IMG_Load return?
Because it doesn't look like they're the same.

I checked the documentation, it needs to be a pointer.

Good on you user

Find a textbook on meterology. Implement the simpler models. Making a system that accounts for elevation, moisture, convection, heat, sunlight and such should be entirely possible. Do some 2d fluid dynamics simulation and run it with coarse enough elements at large enough timesteps that it's easy to do in realtime.

I should have mentioned that this game is a turn-based text-based game so things should be a lot easier than a real-time 3D game. I'll look into some of these suggestions but I'm not going to pretend I entirely understand what most of you are saying.

If you describe what you don't understand, we can explain it more clearly.

Is it text based as in Zorg or as in Rogue?
If the second, does it include z-levels (height) or is it all 2-d?

Stuff like a "noise map"


being stuck on this lads.

The error says you're converting a float to an unsigned int or a signed int, try a typecast.

What degree of realism are you looking for? Do you want to simulate the physics of the world?

not really, is the IMG_Load not indetified that is troubling me.

What's on line 32?

I've found that but I'm not sure it's going to help :

How is it managed? Is it a tile based game but the player only detects the world by text descriptions or it works with rooms, like in zorg?

Not the user who suggested it, but a noise map is a 2d (or, in this case, 3d) map of… noise. Noise is interference in an artificial signal caused by the natural world. Usually, you don't want it, but if you want to make 'natural-looking' procedurally generated textures, etc, you use a noise function.

Basically, you generate a grid the height and width of your game world where every tile would have a value from 0 to 1, where 0 is no cloud and 1 is total cloud cover. You could use a noise function to populate this grid with 'natural-looking' values- so, batches of close-to-1 values that sort of look like how clouds look. This user's picture

is an example of an output of a 2d noise function, probably perlin noise. You can imagine that every pixel could be a tile on the grid of your simulated gameworld. Now, if you want the clouds to move 'realistically-looking' over time, you can generate a 3d noise map- like the one you see in this picture, but in 3d. Then you 'slide' it through the screen over time, so what the user would see would look kind of like how clouds move.

Of course, if your game is text-based, this is probably useless

Maybe it's in SDL.h?

So, is this the best way of going about it? Every "character" have their own contained list of spell instances that are duplicated and brought into the game world upon a spell cast? Something feels incredibly not right about this but I can't think of any other alternatives.

dunno, moved back to game maker and did more progress in five minutes than in several c++ hours

Don't make the spells objects that make effects themselves. Instead, make them lists of effects (give every effect an enum) with position coordinates and a direction attached (and any other relevant information), and have a 'spell coordinator' object that has a list of spells to cast. To have a character cast a spell, have them make a spell object, give it all the data it needs, and then shove it on to the back of the spell coordinator's list/vector of to-be-cast spells. Every loop, the coordinator goes through the list and applies all the spell effects to the world, then clears the list.

This way, spellcasting isn't limited to characters- anything that has access to the spell coordinator can invoke one.

You could go a step further and make spells just be vectors of enums. That way, you could have dynamic, user-made spells that string a bunch of effects together.

Are you saying do away with making the effects objects, too? So should I make the effects enum and then run a loop to see which effects are triggered and execute based on the effect ID?

Like so:

foreach(Effect e in mEffects){
if(e == fireball) CastFireball;
if(e== heal) HealPlayer();
if(e == fly) Fly();

In that case would it still be a smart idea to make the spells their own instantiated-per-character objects?
also I'm using Unity, so I have C# limits and a component system I can take advantage of

I know a lot of you fags recommended Godot for 2D platformers and shit.
So, as a complete "ideas guy" I have started to grasp the basics. Barely. But I guess my question is, considering you can make fuckhuge levels with low memory with tile-mapping, what would constitute good level design? I don't just wanna copy-paste shit straight from Castlevania: aria of sorrow, but I'm looking for that same kind of replayability, and a good control scheme.

Depends on your game's mechanics. There's no definite answer for "good level design," if you had to ask this question maybe you weren't quite ready to make your own game.

Just make your level and make it fun.

Different ways of overcoming the obstacles and enemies.

Good levels make good use of the tools given to the player. Mario is about jumping, so the way you kill enemies, destroy blocks, collect coins, and get past obstacles all require good control over jumping. Refine the movement of the player first, then build levels that cater to that movement.
Once you have that down, you can start giving the player other tools and building levels around those tools.

I'd rather have all the basic shit out of the way and then decide how progress from there.


F-Zero Mars Edition when

I'm working on expanding movement for my FPS and I want to add in wall sliding, wall jumping, and ledge climbing, but I'm not sure exactly how controlling this should work. Sorry if I seem to ramble on but there's a lot going on and I want to get it right.

For ledge climbing I have it so that when the jump button is pressed in air, a ray trace goes down in front of the player, and so long as there is a ledge there it will kill all the players momentum then give the player an extra jump that puts them high enough to get on that ledge the ray trace hit. This feels fine. If your wondering why I kill the momentum, it's because
1) I want it so that the people who like going fast will use more creative ways of gaining height, like hitting steep slope at high speed.
2) If I don't kill momentum it feels way too slidy.

For wall sliding it's a similar detection method, but on each side of the player. If the player is moving above a certain speed while next to a wall, and they are in the air, they press space to wall slide. Vertical momentum is completely replaced by a mini-jump (but horizontal momentum is preserved) and gravity is reduced as long as the player doesn't start falling too fast, land, or move away from the wall.

Here's where I start running into issues. I have wall jumping, as in, jumping away from the wall, handled by the jump key again. If the character is wall-sliding and jump is pressed, you jump away from the wall you are wall-sliding along. I feel like I'm crowding too much contextual functionality into this one key. I'm wondering if there are any other games that did this well. Should I just copy Unreal Tournament and add in dodging with a double tap of the directional key, then let the player dodge against a wall? Only allow double-tap wall jumping when against a wall? Change other parts of the movement to make room for something else?

You may want to look at other games that implemented similar things, such as Red Eclipse and Titanfall.

GPU marching cubes

I would personally prefer to make spells all the same class, and have them contain just data instead. Also make effects structs instead of enums; after all, the spell manager needs to know what the spell is targeted at/where/when/etc. Also include an enum so it knows which effect to use, though.

Yo, why are you using VS 2010? I was using it for most of my project but I switched to 2015, and there's a lot of neat tools and usability shit they added. It's also free.


drawfags are becoming unnecessary or more productive if you will

Same class or same instance for the spells?
Sorry for all the questions, I feel like I've got this down but I gotta make sure. I don't want my project being yet another unoptimized Unity shit

Now teach it to paint this

I am utterly disgusted. This is an insult to life itself.

just make inherited classes
class Spell{protected virtual void Effect();}class Fireball:public Spell{protected override void Effect(){//shoot fireball}
and do that for all other spells
they'd have to be hardcoded though

I felt bad for the developers in that video. I mean, obviously the first attempt at "life" is going to look like a disabled person. It doesn't mean they think being disabled is funny. I mean, Miyazaki is the one I'm most offended by.

what are you talking about, deepart is the coolest shit out there

There were a couple of issues that make me think that the developers were in the wrong

Overall it was a pretty impressive tech demo, but Miyazaki's an animator, not a programmer or anyone who would be using tech like this. They showed it to the wrong person.
polite sage

I don't understand what the point of showing it to him was in the first place.

It's an AI that uses random limbs to move on ground. It has no practical purpose to anyone other than programmers who are interested of similar things, it's not even developed far enough to be interesting to people who create dynamic vidya animations or Boston Dynamics style robots.

Oh thats actually a great way to do that

I think what's funny is that you talk to any artist about what inspires them and you'll hear how their peers, or their childhood, or the environment, or how they wanted to ape drawings or paintings that they enjoy. People pull from all these things when being 'creative'. It's extremely rare anyone simply plucks a completely unique idea out of the air with no influence at all.

Yet the potential that a machine could do the same thing they find insulting and threatening.

Anyone know whatever happened to this project?
It looked pretty comfy

what the fuck why is that feature disabled now?
Fuck you Jim

you dun goofed

thanks user

What point are you trying to make?
Technology should not replace humans, but aid them.
If you dont follow that rule then you get a terminator scenario.

I am not saying that you shouldn't relpace humans with machines to do repetitive work, such as making bottles, but you shouldn't seek to replace human imagination or ingenuity. That is atrocious.

machines lack a soul, they're uncapable of doing creative visions.

I recomend to seek a lecture called humans need not aply on youtube where a professor explain why terminator BS is BS.

I think the point is that the people making the machine are just as creative as the people doing drawing.

My point was the majority of imagination isn't imaginative, it's derivative.

even if you get human level creativity and intelligence into a computer the terminator scenario is complete bullshit
It is so far removed from reality that it should never even considered anything that could actually happen.

What's a good software for creating graphs like this?

I'm trying to design quests with a lot of options (for an open world game) to see if it would be fun, but I don't know how to actually lay it out on paper. If I want to change something, it's a huge chore to start cut and pasting things around in a graphics program.

we had to use this garbage for a group project in uni
ibm rational software architect realtime edition
it's shit
use this instead - mindmeister.com/

Is it possible to disable the Brush scaling relative to the Camera zoom in Blender? It is very annoying to work it that way.

if it's for texturing, you mind as well just use substance painter instead

mhm I had it before but I didn't really like it so much, the fact that this program wont let me simply hide a single mesh piece is a deal breaker for me. If they finally fixed that then I will consider dropping 3D Coat. Yes I am aware it is possible to use multiple materials for that but for me it is just awkward to use and it creates for each material another "layer group" or whatever the right term for it is which is for me harder to keep track of things.

How are you gonna use that in games?

It was an example. I should have given something more realistic.


computers already do all the real work in art. that's why people use them

Why is javascript the standard for webdev? Is this a case of "Guy knew someone"?

Are there any other public domain/free content sound libraries you would recommend aside from pdsounds.tuxfamily.org/ and Freesound? I'm mainly looking for samples for tracker music but sound effects would be nice too until I can afford some field recording equipment.

Unlike some other resources (such as software libraries), good instrument patches tend to be made and sold commercially, and a lot of the good stuff isn't technically free.
Sound effects, maybe you can get by with some more free stuff or your own recordings.

If you're looking to invest, you can find some good, mostly DRM-free sources from the below links (although for instrument patches you'll have to learn how to rip AKAI disc images into something you can use, such as SF2 soundfonts)

How is this different from something old like the gmic colorize filter?

Im deligning a roguelike. Is it a good idea deligning everything before programing?

Pics are some pinups i did to help me imaginate the concepts.

Is my pixelart good? it would replace the text art in the left of the first image. The text art on the right would be also replaced but im too lazy to actually do it.

It was the first way, and for a long time the only way to create dynamic content

My question is, why did the browser devs latch onto it rather than making a new standard or ironing out all the quirks?

it took like a fucking decade to get the most popular browser to follow its own guidelines. they aren't agreeing on shit.

They're agreeing on making webassembly right now.

They didn't jump on it immediately and groups of people have been trying to replace it with something better for a while now. The world of web development standards is less like the knights of the round table and more like the wild west. You can't just magically get all the major web browsers to accept a new standard or iron out the quirks in a preexisting one.
Also the issue of "this standard works now so even if that other thing would work better switching will take too much work".

And it took them fucking forever to do so.

You mean they're going to make my browser run machine code on my computer ?

Short answer: It's bytecode

Long answer: You can already compile C/C++ to the web and it'll be wrapped in a script called asm.js. This does a ton of shit like disable garbage collecting and such that makes it way faster. Unfortunately, it's fucking huge. Like 100s of kb's for a "Hello world" app. So they're going to shrink it down to bytecode and call it webassembly.

Also you literally have to use 3-4 compilers for this shit
C or C++ => emscripten compiler => wast compiler => wasm compiler

That looks like an even bigger mess than normal javascript.

Just make a spell a List of Action

Honestly the problems with javascript are things like

At least C and C++ are standardized and you can use a makefile to run the compiler chain. The problem is that for pretty much anything in javascript you need to use some random javascript object, and currently the only way to use them in with emscripten (the way you get C/C++ to asm.js) is using these weird ugly objects that make use of shit like template classes. It also forces you to use C++ objects even with the C version of the compiler, which is really inconsistent.

I had an okay experience with VioletUML but its probably not quite what you want

this sounds fantastic, how do i use it.
maybe now i can just make sure people run a browser instead of writing one piece of garbage for windows and another for mac.

Meme's aside, you'd be better off with Java. Unless your game wont change much through a browser

You need to go to about:config and turn wasm on.

For compiling, the easiest way is to just use emscripten with the flag "BINARYEN=1" and use its built in wasm compiler, which does all 4 stages of compiling. Although, it's very finnicky.

The other alternative is to use emscripten, one other compiler I can't remember, and then binaryen. But I've never gotten it to work doing it this way.

I think I'm getting closer.

I don't think I've seen a woman who has thighs that are thicker than her ass.

Yeah, I might need to tone it down…

Please don't.

The eternal stuggle between dick and reason.

The eternal struggle between myself and proper spelling.

No more reason, only thick.

it's ok user at least you get trips


Don't sculpt with smooth shading on, her arms are deformed, her posture looks off, her shoulders should be more back, not really at the centre. Don't sculpt the heel as part of your character, sculpt your feet as if the heel of the shoe is there, separate the hands and sculpt them as a separate object, merge them back in ones you are happy with them, I would recommend against sculpting the breasts in anything but a natural rest position and spend a lot of time looking at large breasts in a natural position. the thighs are too big for the butt, your anatomy is pretty good overall.

I find it preferable to put my arms into a much more relaxed pose instead of straight out like your ones.

What resolution are you sculpting at?

What kind of plebbeetrey is this.

Thanks, that helps. The final model is gonna be very low poly so I don't mind the details that much. I'll probably do the hands and the boots seperately anyway. As for the thighs, she is supposed to have a bit of a Chun-Li look to her but I want her butt to be toned and not too big.

In any case, this'll require a lot more work until I'm satisfied.

Fluidsynth m8

way better than the shite default soundfonts Windows and Linux come with (embed kinda related)

Reason never stood a chance.

Best robot


That's the wrong mindset.
You have to tone the ass up, not tone the tights down


Shiny ammunition tbh, there is 3 more to go and I need to make a proper render and textures for the MG boolits.

Fucking hell, how long does it take to learn C++? I want to move away from UE4 blueprints which I'm currently using.

That's what you have us for, I've got social phobias too but on imageboards I'm always fine.
I don't think you'll ever stop learning, especially as they add new shit to it. Basc usage can range from a week to 3 months depending on previous programming knowledge and if pointers "click" and memory layouts make sense to you.

At the very least post errors you can't figure out on here, I'll gladly help.

I would say learning c++ in an online course is a waste of time and money. you've mentioned yourself that it isn't an effective learning environment. I think the best way to learn is to get a copy of a c++ textbook, some online tutorials, and start going through the tutorials, referencing the book until you can experiment on your own to look up what you need to do.

One day

Off the top of my head, the major 4 differences between C and C++

You can make the same class and tweak a few things. This lets you do shit like, put all your enemies in one array instead of having to separate all the enemies into different lists based on their type. In C you have structs, which can't be overwritten like this.

Like inheritance, except you can change what variables it works with. If X class is mostly int based, and you want one like it that works with floats instead, you can use this.

Since C++ has extended functionality it uses different libraries than C. In C you have printf("Words"); In C++ you have std::cout

Finished my blobs.
They're seamless and lightmapped now.
Unused sectors can be culled.

Don't cut yourself on that edge faggot.

Can someone tell me why it's so hard to even find a decent IDE? The topic never comes up and I have no idea why. Eclipse needs more maintenance than the code I want to write, Visual Studio needs license and shits all over your system, Xcode seems alright but is OSX onlyalso a maze and using gcc on its own is a chore.
I just want to git gud at python.

Because the programmers who want the "perfect" IDE just customize the shit out of Vim and Emacs.

Well I obviously don't need a perfect IDE or what veterans throw together on their own but the popular ones either have some fundamental hoops to hop through or require a full setup before you can even do anything.
Maybe I am just horribly unrealistic but it doesn't seem too much to ask for an IDE that simply makes the writing a bit easier and can throw the code into the compiler and any error back into my face.

I generally find the more IDE-like an IDE, the less suitable it is for people who are actually looking to learn programming.
Something like Geany, Vim, Emacs, or maybe even just gedit, which (with the exception of Emacs) are really just text editors with a few extra features such as syntax highlighting and line number display, is really all you need.

gcc on its own is a "chore", but the knowledge of how to instruct a compiler is necessary as a programmer, and a simple Makefile (or osme other more sophisticated build system) takes any part of that "chore" that isn't related to becoming a better programmer out of the picture.
*Not sure what to make of 's satanic digits.

I should have mentioned, what I actually use is Geany, with a terminal window opened on top of it.

Hmm I see, this seems to confirm my growing suspicion that IDEs are more of an added obstacle instead of an aid if you want to start out.
So you recommend using gcc and a more or less text editor but is there any way to link it together for quality of live improvement?
I tried this a while back in uni but of course no one gives a shit about anything but VS and Eclipse


What does the last fourth K stand for?

10/10 very noice.
sorry I fugged up the posting.

It could be "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan"

I'll take it

Mark Brown on youtube. You'll have your answers there

Got a webm?

You have the right idea- IDEs do tend to get in the way between you and your compiler, and ultimately you're still going to have to spend time sitting on the command line getting your compile command to work before plugging it into your IDE.

As far as "quality of life", Linux has a way to make certain windows always stay on top of others. And I'm using a terminal emulator that can display a transparent window.
To me, there's not really a setup that would work nicer than this.
Geany has functionality for integrating compilers like gcc into it, but then you lose all the other functionality the command line gives you, and if your build command breaks because you're introducing some new element (library, folder, source file, etc) into your program, chances are you'll be right back to fiddling with the compile command on the command line.
The idea of integrating a compiler into a text editor isn't all that great, to be honest.
You tend to lose more than anything you gain.

Or just add more to the butt.

What kind of faggot makes an sample library entirely out of a man saying "the end of the world" while playing musical instruments? It's been several hours and my ears haven't stopped hurting yet.
Next time I'm testing audio samples, I'm using speakers instead of headphones and turning down the volume. There's no point in making tracker music if I'm fucking deaf by the end of it.

on a pleb phone because of work, I would if I knew how to do that via phone.

Taking a look at Geany + Terminal then, looks quite different from your screenshot but I assume you just changed the appearance in the preferences no?
Any other resources I should look at to get into working without one of those mammoth IDEs? makefiles are on my list.

What are some good programming books for people looking to get into programming? I remember some people recommending a book.


Yeah, I just fiddled with Geany's settings and gave it a dark theme.
There's a number of toolbars (sidebar, message window) that can be toggled under the View context menu.
Makefiles are definitely worth learning- start simple, there's a lot of more convoluted Makefile setups out there, but all you need in a lot of cases is something much simpler.
Learning basic Linux terminal usage is also worthwhile. As I've alreadys aid, learning the various compiler flags and arguments for gcc as you go is also well worth your time.
Beyond that…gdb for debugging, valgrind if you want to go hunting for memory leaks.
If you're programming in C/C++, that's really all you're going to need to cover your basics.
A lot of people may tell eventually tell you to learn how to use a bigger, more sophisticated build system than a plain&simple Makefile, such as autotools or CMake.
If you are the only person compiling your software, a plain Makefile will suffice. I would just stick with a Makefile for now.

Python is a condenser (code is interpreted in real time, rather than pre-compiled), so instead of using gcc/gdb/valgrind and Makefiles you use python/python2/python3 on the .py file containing your code from the command line to execute what you've written.

Sorry half-way thru it hit me that you might be new to programming and explained some obvious stuff just in case.


bought, what else should I get?

some time to read it :^)

I've heard "learning python the hard way" is a good book. It teaches you some of the fundamental lessons that all coders should know.
When it comes to what language u should actually learn first… well, it changes from person to person.
If you want to go down the purist route u should go for C or better yet, assembly!, and then C++ or C# (depending on which engine you're going for, or writing your own); this is more of a bottom up approach.
You could also for something like a higher level interpreted language such as python, and then move onto something like C++ or C#; this is more of a top down approach (high level, to lower level language).
Which imo python is pretty great for complete beginners (instant results, easy to use, no archaic errors), but can make you too comfy with automated garbage collection n such.
The other side of the spectrum is those who say C is the best for beginners; as it's a stripped down version of C++ where u learn all the ins n outs of a lower level language while becoming comfortable with manual memory allocation, and learning the difference between the stack/heap n such.

It really depends on your end goals, and what type of shit you want to learn right away; in addition to how much beginner's frustration you want to endure.
If you decide on wanting to learn C# later, I'd recommend the book: "C# in Depth".
Also, a neat book for some fun game dev related programming challenges is: "Nature of code".


Ok…? Cool story, I guess.

Alright so speaking of weather, I've been trying to think of an autistic way to handle it like anons have said (just as a challenge).

So far my best approaches have been either a byte[] with NxM semantics, or else a float[]. The idea was that instead of making an object to track elevation, humidity, etc., you'd just use several byte arrays of the same size and your own comparison logic to make changes (eg generating flow based on pressure). The advantage to this is that bytes are generic - all you'd have to really do is change the semantics of the byte array, rather than creating an entirely new object.

The weakness of this is that you don't get decimals, and only a limited range of values, but it should be very fast, essentially a lightweight cellular automata. For example, you'd only have 256 discrete values for an elevation or temperature. One way around this is to treat the bytes as a 0..1 lerp within a min/max value range. For example you could have an elevation range of 50 to 80, and the bytes would correspond accordingly. You don't have a lot of decimal accuracy with this approach, either - it might be better suited to use floats or 16-bit ints, but this would "appreciably" increase the size of the data

SICP of course

Sorry I went bed after I posted that.
I'm going to complete the course but fuck the project, I'm going to learn the things being taught individually rather than trying to work it into the project.

What books would you recommend?

that's pretty much my story

briefly considered killing the dog but decided against it

deserved it

This is misleading, an IDE isn't just a text editor with highlighting, outlining and a compiler front end.
Type highlighting, full auto completion and auto formatting are the main reasons to use something like VS.
Nobody writes vim/emacs/npp plugins to replace VS because it's a dick ton of work and VS already exists.

Maybe it's my own fault for putting those two sentences in the same paragraph, but read what I actually wrote.
I didn't say IDEs were just text editors with a few extra features, I said a text editor with a few extra features, is all you really need to do good programming work. (There's just not a strong need to integrate the compiler, debugging tools, etc. with the text editing program.)

>Geany is a text editor using the GTK+ toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment.
So, primarily a text editor. This is the only editor I mentioned that has any features to integrate build systems and debuggers into it without any plugins, and those features are- as described- basic.
>Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient.
>An extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor — and more.
Also called a text editor, not an IDE, although you'll note I declared it an exception to the rule amongst the programs I listed because of the sheer amount of alternative functionality it has as a Lisp interpreter.

local nigger detected

Just failed algebra exam for the third time
Fucking kill me already
They actually made the exam harder than the last time, it's like they want me to drop out

The only way to learn how to code IMO is to literally just start coding. Think of what the first step is, google the things you don't know how to do it, repeat. If the step is too big, you'll just naturally break it down into smaller steps. The only thing it doesn't help you with are non-functional things. Like passing a pointer rather than copying shit.

What was the shit that fucked you over?

looks brilliant. nothing much to say. needs a proof of concept, program it first and show it to us. reminded me of nethack.

i actually studied for once
exam is 2 questions where you write as much as you can, and then a teacher exams you in person on other shit
i wrote 3 pages for my two questions and if the exam was just that, i'd have passed with a 3 or 4 (on a scale of 2-6)
but then when i have to actually talk, they ask me about rings and some minor shit that i just don't know, and because of that i failed
all the previous exams didn't have an oral part, but now they have to fuck me over with that
i swear, i knew less on calculus, and they still wrote me a 3 there to let me pass

Locked doors are now significantly more obvious in showing their status as locked.

Which one of you ordered 240 FPS?

The 'all you need' part implied that there's nothing an IDE does that your text editor can't, which is wrong. Real time parsing, formatting and library crawling is too useful. You could make plugins for those things, but nobody is actually willing to write and maintain them for every language, so in reality a plain old text editor still makes you waste time on things that could be automated. Nothing wrong with that if you're trying to learn things, just like there's nothing wrong with learning assembly, but there's no reason not to use the best available tool if you want to get something done.
I'd like to ditch VS for a few plugins that replicate its editor alone but those plugins don't exist.

What are you doing this in, and what's your target hardware?

Poison the bitch.

Some dork reminded me of Holla Forums's /agdg/ and that I should get back to posting more often here. So how about I do that right now

I finally got sounds implemented for the wind sword attack, I need to tone down the vacuum effect because as you can see, lighter enemies go a little apeshit, ignore the blinking fireball you see in the tornado, that's a debug thing to make sure the invisible actor that forces flinch spawns correctly.

Next up is to make the shield throw into a boomerang attack, and the dork I mentioned earlier is probably gonna help me with that to make sure it works smoothly.


Sheit that sucks user. Why can't niggers raise a dog properly? Or anything for that matter.

Niggers can't maintain a damn civilization that doesn't collapse as soon due to corruption, killing the people that feeds them and well how do you think that Niggers would be able to properly raise a dog? Protip: They don't, they can only chimp out, claiming they wuz kangz and blaming the white men for practically everything.

this tbh.

Feels bad man.

decided to just make one myself.

he was fucking six months old. When we contacted the veterinarian, they said that he probably died of fear. He didn't have any wounds when my mother found him.

I'll post pics if someone wants.

Why were you relaxing around black people?

No you dont understatnd. I live in a semi rural area with my mother and my 10 year old brother. It still hasn't got pavimented streets. It a mile away from the poor part of the city. The shitskins that live there leave the dogs unleashed. Sometimes in the night said dogs get near here. One of those dogs jumped over the fence into my backyard, where my cat was playing. My cat hides between two piles of bricks and dies of a heart attack becouse he was scared.

Anyone here have some tips for worldbuilding in a fantasy setting? I've got lots of ideas but I always wind up not being happy with stuff like names or locations. I always make things seem to random or not random enough. I never get things to feel "right" the way that stuff like Lord of the Rings, Conan, The Elder Scrolls, etc feels.

Better concentrate on what you want the setting for instead trying for something gimmicky OC crap. Tolkien wanted a world for his languages, Robert E. Howard wanted a world with interesting locales for adventure that didn't require too much explanation and Bethesda wanted a egenric setting for the shit game.

You need to grow a autism.

First of all, quit sucking mainstream dick. You shouldn't worry about whether or not your setting induces the same "feeeeeeling" as LoTR, Game of Thrones, TES, etc. In fact, fuck that Western garbage. There's plenty of Medieval Europe + Dragons settings out there, what's gonna make yours so special? Nothing, because they've all been fucking done. If you're thinking about doing some green grassy field with knights, dragons, kings, etc. in it then you seriously might as well shove it up your ass because everyone and their tech-illerate grandmothers are sick of that.

If I were you, I'd worry about the gameplay first. Design that, then ask yourself why the game functions the way it does.

What is there to understand, son? You played lottery with your cat's life and lost. You are lucky, also. Most fuckheads like you never get to know what happened to their cats, since they tend to hide when mortally wounded. At least you won't be wondering if your cat got mangled by a dog, triturated by a car engine or maybe kidnapped and tortured by a nigger. Now stop looking for pity, learn from your mistakes, find a couple of kitties to take care of, never a single one, and fuck off.

I actually do have the basis down for a turn-based strategy game a-la Fire Emblem or Brigandine. It's on the backburner right now as I'm involved with another project.

I think I'm my worst enemy at the end of the day. I'm primarily a writer, and I've always hated my own writing. I've started making progress recently, and the biggest step forward was just writing things down that I thought up on the fly and then refining them later.

Look at Morrowind. Imperial legion forts are usually named __-moth, such as Frostmoth. Dunmer lands were basically Hindu, so you get a lot of Sanskrit sounding names. Cultures. Themes.

Why are you reacting angrily?

Also, the cat was safe. The only way he could die inside my backyard was to climb to the roof and jump. How could I expect a dog to jump over a two and a half meters tall fence, in a neighborhood in which every dog is tame or tied up?

That is what I refered to when I said that you dont understand. I wasnt around nogs.

My 3D game engine is one year old! Here's what it looked like roughly a year ago, and it's current state (powering Speebot).

Because I see it happen constantly and it triggers me. It's current year and I wish people understood "outdoors cat"=bad. Also young cats are completely retarded and clumsy. At some point between 6-12 months they will suddenly learn to jump like a nigger, which means your fence isn't worth jackshit, and they will also learn to mimic humans and turn door knobs, opening them, slide small windows panes, open desks, etc. Cats have lots of ways of getting themselves hurt and they will make use of every simgle chance they get. Next time don't be a moron, unless you live in a 30m^2 shack, get two or more kittens and keep them fucking indoors, having each other is the only thing they need to be happy. Also remember where the fuck you are, I tell you how it is comrade, the hugbox is this way >>>/tumblr/

My cat always insists on running outside every day so he can sit on a rock for about 15 minutes and then scratch at my bedroom window.
I don't like him being outdoors but there's not much I can do about it because he always darts his ass outside every time I open the door.

At least I don't have to clean his litterbox as often anymore.

Why have multiple cats?

I haven't seen you post in a while, user. Seems like most of the good devs are too busy working on their projects to make any posts these days.

I'm Ball Fighter user, I had to cancel my project because I realized it was fucking boring after 11.5 months worth of work. Luckily, I'm reusing some of the assets and scripts into my new project. I think most anons are gonna like what I have in mind.

Can you post progress?

I've had 6 cats since I was a kid, 5 of whom were outdoors cats, and barring some scratches from fighting other cats none have ever been injured outside. Maybe your problem is living in a city/country full of nogs.

the fuck

what, you don't know 8 different rules for linear spaces? who cares if you managed to do your written exam just fine, if you can't recite the mantra you're a brainless fuck, go do the exam in september for the 4th time
t. female teacher with a mustache bigger than mine

I don't have much progress to post about these days because I'm mostly practicing music. When I manage to make a few decent tracks I'll compile a demo of the game and post it here. Meanwhile I'm mostly lurkin'.

Indoor cat + only having one = depressed cat. Not always, but often.

Yes, you can usually have outdoor cats in rural areas. Not in cities though.

Is there any way to tell when a cat is depressed?

Is anybody here skilled with drawing? I could use a replacement for the freedoom face, preferably of a Waffen SS tonk crew, if not I guess I need to do it on my own somehow then. I can pay in return a model or something.

I can upload files for the doom face if needed.


Don't scale down your idea, just learn how to execute it. If you're not gonna ABSOLUTELY make the game you wanna play, then what's the point?

Similar to humans really, lack of appetite, lethargic (obviously cats sleep most of the time but you can generally tell if they've completely given up) unwillingness to play or interact with humans or other cats, so on, so forth.

Describe what you want in detail. Upload images that resemble what you want if you cannot put it in words.

Sleeping more, sitting around lethargically, not taking care of their coats, eating less, refusing to use the litterbox, hiding a lot, etc.
Basically, when your cat behaves like an /r9k/ user.

While I'm glad to hear your cats are OK we also have two people in this very thread who lost their outdoors cats. Via dog, mind you, which is not counting cars, other cats and pretty much all subhumans ranging from Asian to niggerkin who have absolutely zero empathy for any animal.

Another cat is basically a toy that will never get old. Assuming they are siblings, they will sleep, eat and play together, and ensure they don't feel alone or neglected. Also, as a rule of thumb, where is place for one cat there is place for two. Once again if they are of the same litter they will share everything which means the costs won't be much higher. Obviously spaying and vaxxing will cost twice, but many vets are bros and will make discounts if you bring them multiple pets. It is also very cute to see them sleeping right on top of eavh other, licking each other's ass, etc.

Well if you have an already grown cat it's probably a bad idea to bring a new one. Cats learn to socialize from interaction with siblings, a cat that has grown alone won't know "cat language" or the difference between play and fight, resulting very likely in the cats shoah'ing each other badly. The good news is you can give them toys and attention, food and a cozy place to sleep and they will be just as happy.

They don't care about anything around them, not even new objects, sounds or smells. They don't groom well enough resulting in a messy look, like an enemy from Bloodborne. Generally you don't need to ask, a depressed cat looks pretty sad.

Generally the Jew has no reason to jew the truth about cats, outside of "OMG SPAY THEM OR THEY WILL GET CANCER AND FERAL KITTENS GOY", so Google is generally a good source of info for anyone interested in knowing more.

I can draw but I have no idea what you're talking about.

Right, I'll come back in 12 years with a demo. I'm not a good programmer.

Well then you should get on that ASAP or find someone else to work with who DOES know how to program.

I'm 19, and I started learning at 11. If 15 year old me can load up a shitty SFML project in C++, then you can probably learn enough C# to get you by in about a year. Look at some open source projects and see how they do things.

Trying to think of an appropriate inventory system for a Blades of Avernum clone

Thinking of giving containers and items a weight and bulk value/capacity… Castle of the Winds did this and I think it worked well enough. You have a small container? Load it the fuck up with scrolls and gems. You have a large container? Great, toss your weapons in it. I could also make specialized containers that have increased capacities but only allow for certain items to be placed inside it.

Strength could affect max weight and damage, while Dexterity could affect max bulk and accuracy, making them both important.

Where I live you'd have to write them down. The oral part just sounds fucking nonsensical.

I haven't checked the download link because I haven't read the book in a while, but that book gives you good info on commonly used syntax for video games.

please describe what you want. I want to draw shit.

Hey faggot, if you're learning C#, take these and learn every operator and keyword.


This will move you from being a complete dumbass to being competent with the language itself. A lot of these concepts are highly transferable to other languages, too. Plus, it will give you some direction.

But still follow a tutorial or whatever

Here you go m8: www72.zippyshare.com/v/YANGkeKG/file.html

If you can I would prefer that those images are scaled in 30x30 or maybe do it in double the resolution in 60x60 if possible.

Either give that dude the hat + headset (driver dude) from the first pic or like those 2 crews in 2nd pic I am not so picky about it. I can be contacted at the IRC channel: #8/agdg/ on rizon.net my name is Boris_user or you could e-mail me.

"all you need" doesn't imply a text editor (with some extra features) has everything an IDE does, it means these text-editing programs have only what is actually required for writing programs. (And no, bullshit like real-time parsing isn't necessary, nor does it even speed up your workflow significantly.)
Learn. Fucking. English, and maybe at some point pull your head out of Microsoft's ass so you can actually fathom a world where a good chunk of programmers aren't actually reliant on the functionality that you, as a programmer, cannot live without.

VS is pretty solid, though. I know I couldn't live without it, even though Notepad++ is pretty good too.

What a joke. I started on Visual Studio to. I use to think using some gigantic IDE like it was the only way to program at the time, and never understood why it always spat out my program in a mess of 20 files. Then I learned otherwise and dropped its bloated ass.

Are there any libraries similar to SDL/SFML but for Java?

I use the express C# edition, and I don't even use half of its features. But I enjoy it's debugger, autocomplete, and auto formatting. They're crutches I just can't do without anymore.

Honestly, while I know C# very well, setting up a dev environment is scary, compiler settings and outputting files and setting up batch shit. I don't know how to do it and every time I've tried ended up in massive failure. I'm happy to just install it and have it work

There's JSFML which is an SFML binding/wrapper for Java



Well, you're right, it's basically a meme language at this point. C# isn't perfect, but it's made Java absolutely moot these days so there's no reason to use it.


Isnt C# a stylization of C++'s name?

no. It's closer to Java than it is C++.

NOW we're memeing!

It is, but they're completely separate languages with very different approaches to programming.

It's a fucking clone of Java.
Microsoft straight up copied all the syntax and shit to poach Java programmers into using their language.

So just pixelart a helmet over the original sprites?

Meant for

Yeah you can do that, since it's resolution is breddy low.

Choose a place on earth that is similar to your game biome. Then check that place weather archives or university studies on weather, choose a month "or all year", and check percentage of clouds, rainfall, wind, temperature in specific weeks/months/days and daytime, then calculate the average for said times. Once you have the numbers, feed them to your weather system, and combine it with your day/night/month system. For example check how often it will be foggy in February in the morning in the real world place, and then look up that percentage and use this percentage as indicator for your biome, and write into your code in February from 3 to 7 o'clock the possibility of fog is something something percent.


you mean you don't want to look nice and thin, with gorgeous long hair, and beeg american teetees?
trannies are still mentally challenged though

How's this sound?

Speebot dev! Good to see you back.

This is your brain on /agdg/

You're going to have a great time trying to convince us to learn ASSEMBLY aren't you?


Honestly I'm just giving him a hard time for trying to give people shit for using a language he doesn't like

Haskell puts the fun in high functioning autism


I'll try to post more often from now on!

I've seen that girl on the right before… pics related

Make the gameplay the focus and build a mythology around it.


Talk about spilled spaghetti. Do you also cry when someone calls you a "faggot" on Reddit?

Polite sage.


Tolkien invented multiple languages and all the names are meaningful in those languages, so they all sound like they make sense in relation to each other even if you don't understand the language (because elf locations all have elvish names, dwarven locations all have dwarven names). So I guess your first step is to invent a whole bunch of languages.

Or just stop being the wrong kind of autistic and focus on gameplay first. Names should be the last thing to concern yourself with.

This user is right. The logo is priority #1.



Looks breddy gud, but you missed those ear pieces/headset. Oh well I am going to use it anyway thanks user, how should I credit you?

If you can't do that for any reason I am going to edit on my own then since you provided those 3 base images.

Does anyone know of a good tool to create some reference for drawing difficult poses?
Trying to find photos for specific poses is not feasible and I have no idea how I'd be able to photograph myself doing airborne poses in a cramped room.
I've been trying to find a well rigged skeleton for this purpose, but I've only found unrealistic and paid ones.

Shit. Do I add the headset? It is fairly easy.

If you want to credit me directly, my nickname is Velgar. If not, just say "thanks to the anonymous comunity of Holla Forums"

If you can, buy one of those wooden mannequins. pic related

I always found that those were a pain in the ass to rig. Then again, I was like 11 but still.

Yeah it is a part of it else it would look like a regular grunt instead of a tonk crew.

And done, on this issue page and on one of my credits file buried under the /Misc2 folder.

i disagree, these things can hardly bend their joints
you'd be better off doing the same thing in some 3d software

Ah, I have used one of those and it was extremely limited in it's flexibility. It's knees didn't even bend 90°. Might have been shit quality.
If you're happy with yours, where did you get it?

Just going to leave this here since it's somewhat relevant to the conversation.
If you need more flexibility, these sort of action figures ought to do the fix.


thanks m8 it looks much better now.

No, Java truly is shit. C# is Java done right

I don't get it.


I think the head looks too small for the frame. Either make the head bigger or the frame smaller.

How do most of you record gameplay footage? I just installed OBS and set up NVENC my aging AMD APU probably isn't enough for recording videos at a decent size or quality, but that doesn't cover stuff like making little gameplay gifs.

use shareX. It also has a lot of other useful things.

ShareX doesn't work on Linux, and I found github.com/leafo/gifine for making GIFs. Thanks anyways.

I have a hardware HDMI recorder, but Open Broadcast Studio will probably do you the trick if you're looking for a cheaper solution.

There was a time when we used to talk about cats in this thread. I miss those times. Nerds ruin everything.

Maybe we could talk about the 3D topology of cat models.

Why is his head so huge compared to the body? If I wanted to increase cuteness I would give him slightly bigger eyes instead.

I'm sorry the thread doesn't go off topic exactly how you want it anymore.

Finally managed to replace the old voxel crates with models.

Turns out I was using the wrong exporter which screwed up the textures.

Is there any place I can download this?

Did that help performance at all?

Look in the upper right of the screen.

GZDoom counts every voxel as a seperate model so if someone uses voxels, then they should only be used sparingly.

There is a reason why nobody uses them anymore.

Publicly? No, I'm just helping the dev out.

Wow that's a massive improvement. Nice work there man. Term's gonna be stoked

Yeah, it's a great step towards improving the game and learning new skills for me.

I should probably finish the character model for the moth next.

I was happy to see my favorite editor have the biggest share, but why is Vi so small? What is this sampled from?

Do you have some new gameplay videos to share with us ?

This isn't Term.

My bad.

I want to create an open world FPS game. I know how to code in Game Maker. I have a bit of C# background and really mediocre OOP knowledge, which is best not be utilized right now.

Where to start?

Just get the player to move and shoot properly and start thinking about the open world that you want. Also find a good tutorial on C#, make sure it has exercises.

Literally just get started with the basic shit (moving around and shooting) and build off towards your larger goals. Only focus on OOP for things you're going to have versions of, like enemy types, or things that you plan to swap different versions in and out of, like gamemodes.

OOP as the silverbullet for everything is a meme, a lot of people tie themselves into knots trying to force OOP where it doesn't belong. Ogre3d devs are an example of this

I know how to do that easily in 2D, but I have zero 3D experience. I don't have any experience developing with an engine other than GM either. How's Game Maker's 3D?

The point is I'm trying to evade OOP.

No clue, I have never used it.

Pick up SICP and learn Scheme

I think you should will have to use it for enemy types. I'm just saying don't get too hung up on it otherwise.

I do. I combined the cool energy shields and the locked doors together.

That game is going to be really good, I hope you make some shekels with it or end up getting a job as a gamedev somewhere.

Something seems off here

Yes, but game maker provides ease in regard of OOP. What makes GM great is the lack of programming of the object creation itself, programming is reserved only for creating the objects' functions.

Big time cat owner. Owned more than 4 at one point back when I lived with my family, but never when I was living alone like I am now. There's only so many areas your cats are safe outside. I'm against them being outside in general but what am I gonna do? If you want an outdoors cat go for it, just don't wine when they die.

I grew up in the country and we went through more fucking cats than I should have allowed. Keep in mind wild animals carry straight up aids in their teeth and claws, and if a single one happens to slightly scratch or bite your cat in an area you don't notice it infects them to hell and back. We spent hundreds on these fucking animals in the vets to try and cure them with medicine but 90% of the time it was terminal despite being pretty early on the catch. Don't fuck with wild animals kids. View them from a distance or learn about them enough so you don't get hurt.

Another thing for faggots who think country cats are safe, is that hawks are fucking everywhere in many areas of the US and aren't picky when it comes to small animals. If you think your cat is safe because it can climb trees think again. And if you think their safe when they reach adult size, certain hawks can pick up shit their own size. We lost many kittens and a few cats to them. The second time they did it that was actually the last straw and I told the family I'm bringing the cats back to the pound if they keep letting them outside. Keep in mind we never had more than 3 at a time, two was the usual. And every time I would start to like one, somebody would let them out in the morning and they would die before nightfall. That or just never come back, you can safely assume they were killed though because animals don't ditch sources of food. They'll wait months for you.

Seriously don't let your cats out unless you won't miss them. They are much more likely to die and if you're ok with that then go for it. I actually recommend (safely) getting a stray/wild kitten in the outdoors if you find one. They're harder to train but they usually can be tamed, but still retain more instinctual survival skills than most indoor raised cats and are much more likely to know when shit hits the fan to use their best instincts The one we found is 13 years old now, a perfect survivor, and is built like a fucking ox, It could seriously kick the ass of most dogs twice its size and bite the head off a squirrel if it wanted. It only stopped bringing us "food" when we stopped feeding him for the day when he did

In general city cats are "safer" but only if you live in a good neighborhood. And especially if you're neighbors aren't fucking spics with a cat that could rival mine. We stole that fucking cat and drove 20 miles out of town and dropped it off in the middle of a farm field I hope the farmer found it shot it in the fucking head with explosive rounds, it killed our puppy Beagle when we let it out to use the bathroom. and I was only 6ish at the time so I loved that fucker

Polite sage for offtopic. I just know a lot about cats from growing up with them.

heh thanks, you'll see. Game ON boys, Game ON.

Long time cat owner. Owned more than 4 at one point back when I lived with my family, but never when I was living alone like I am now. There's only so many areas your cats are safe outside. For those who don't like to read here's the TL;DR: I'm against them being outside in general but what am I gonna do? If you want an outdoors cat go for it, just don't wine when they die. Simple.

If you really wanna know though I grew up in the country and we went through more fucking cats than I should have allowed. Keep in mind wild animals carry straight up aids in their teeth and claws, and if a single one happens to slightly scratch or bite your cat in an area you don't notice it infects them to hell and back. We spent hundreds on these fucking animals in the vets to try and cure them with medicine but 90% of the time it was terminal despite being pretty early on the catch. Don't fuck with wild animals kids. View them from a distance or learn about them enough so you don't get hurt.

Another thing for faggots who think country cats are safe, is that hawks are fucking everywhere in many areas of the US and aren't picky when it comes to small animals. If you think your cat is safe because it can climb trees think again. And if you think their safe when they reach adult size, certain hawks can pick up shit their own size. We lost many kittens and a few cats to them. The second time they did it that was actually the last straw and I told the family I'm bringing the cats back to the pound if they keep letting them outside. Keep in mind we never had more than 3 at a time, two was the usual. And every time I would start to like one, somebody would let them out in the morning and they would die before nightfall. That or just never come back, you can safely assume they were killed though because animals don't ditch sources of food. They'll wait months for you.

Seriously don't let your cats out unless you won't miss them. They are much more likely to die and if you're ok with that then go for it. I actually recommend (safely) getting a stray/wild kitten in the outdoors if you find one. They're harder to train but they usually can be tamed, but still retain more instinctual survival skills than most indoor raised cats and are much more likely to know when shit hits the fan to use their best instincts The one we found is 13 years old now, a perfect survivor, and is built like a fucking ox, It could seriously kick the ass of most dogs twice its size and bite the head off a squirrel if it wanted. It only stopped bringing us "food" when we stopped feeding him for the day when he did

In general city cats are "safer" but only if you live in a good neighborhood. And especially if you're neighbors aren't fucking spics with a cat that could rival mine. We stole that fucking cat and drove 20 miles out of town and dropped it off in the middle of a farm field I hope the farmer found it shot it in the fucking head with explosive rounds, it killed our puppy Beagle when we let it out to use the bathroom. and I was only 6ish at the time so I loved that fucker

Polite sage for offtopic. I just know a lot about cats from growing up with them.

I kek'd

Blame the site, I think. I have sage in the field and only posted once.

I thought it was some type of new shitpost enhancement mechanism.

I think that's a bit far even for us. Though I might have thought the same if I were in your position These memes are getting to advanced for me

We're tampering with forces not meant for man

I have a cat like this, they are the best cats. She fought off two foxes at once on multiple occasions even, it was a bit of a fighting retreat but she got out without a scratch and the foxes couldn't say the same. The second time this happened she even saved my retarded indoor cat who was just discovering the outside world and didn't realize that he is food, he learned that lesson pretty quick and it was hilarious to see how suddenly he stopped fucking with her after that. Also yeah be prepared for the "gifts" they will drop right into your lap, possible with still flapping wings. She even got a bird into the house once before it slipped her grip and got feathers all over the god damn kitchen.
She's starting to get old now and can't walk like she used to, barely even goes outside anymore ;_;

Thanks. We still have a long way to go, but it's been a fun ride so far.

Kek. I live in a pretty chill neighbourhood, but several nights a week I can hear horny female cats yowling and male cats beating the shit out of each other on the streets. The "just a few scratches" meme needs to die, to be honest. If there is lots of bodyweight difference the loser should fuck off soon and mostly unscathed, but if two horny males with a similar powerlevel start fighting you can be sure both of them are going to end pretty fucked up. I feel like a majority of people who let their cats outside really… "could live without them", so to speak. Most people would be thrown off at the idea of a loved kitty dying alone and scared in some dark and cold place. And in my experience, unless horny or bored to death indoor cats don't even care that much about outdoors in the first place.

forgot relevant pic

I didn't realize this would be so sad before I typed this out but I started to realize this shit gets pretty dark. God damn. Remember I grew up near farmland. Animals of all kinds dying is nothing new to me. But this one hurt for a while.

Our ghetto cat (not the tough one, we had another more nimble cat called Flinzy that we also found outoors when pretty young). He got infected from a scratch right between his shoulder blades, Before we realized it was there he crawled under the TB stand to hide After we found him and took him to the vet and brought him back, he went blind and he wouldn't stop panicking and running into walls for days It was our badass cats best mate too, so he tried to calm him down by grooming him, which helped a little We had to put him down when his teeth started falling out for some reason (probably the high amounts of the medicine needed to keep the shit from spreading (which it did anyway)) Our tough cat did the same thing Flinzy did after he was put down, and when he realized he wasn't coming back and crawled in a corner under our TV stand and didn't come out for weeks even if we tried to play with him We buried Flinzy in our garden where he liked to zen out for hours. He was wrapped in one of my old beatemup shirts I used to like when I was younger that he would lay on top of pretty often

Random image off Google, not something I made. Although I want to model a kitty at some point.

Source is here:
Could just be a matter of the culture at that university, who knows.

You don't let a six month old kitten outside you fucking moron, I just got done skimming through everything to find this fucking gem of a post.

The fuck is wrong with you? Only dumb fucking beaners/mexicans put fucking literal kittens, six months old infantile kittens outside to "play". I swear to god, this is why mouth-breathers and shitskin should be barred from have animals, I don't understand how it's such a simple concept is just so foreign to people. Riddle me this, did your mother leave you alone outside at six months to play in the dirt by yourself?

It's bad seeing people suffer, whether it be good to honest people who don't deserve such horrible things, like during the 1990s in Yugoslavia, or what the kikes did to people in Russia and Russian satellite nations within WWII among other things, but letting a kitten that young, let alone any kitten outside and alone is fucking stupid.

I don't like hearing faggots talk about how they'd rather kill a person to save a cat type of autistic shit either, but you're just plumb dump, and it's irritating to know that people like you are on Holla Forums, lacking self-awareness to understand that a pet isn't just an accessory, it's a Life, a life that you have the upmost privilege to shelter and care for as if it were your own child, and at the same time bonding with it doing something that is by far amazing in it's own right the trust between a man and animal. And you shattered that poor animals trust over you and your retarded family.

Listen, If you're mentally incompetent, lacking the self-awareness to see what's wrong with what you and your family did, refrain from having children, for you'll end up to doing the same to whatever miserable children you end up shitting out. Cats aren't toys, neither are Dogs or Birds, I don't want to sound mushy nor get off topic too much, but the intelligence of these three species, and the fact they evolved with man throughout millennia should show you that such creatures should be respected as if it were your own life, your own flesh and blood purelyu for the fact said animals you care for, the ones you domesticate view you as one of them, just bigger.

I am disgusted by how you're carrying on about it like it's something to laugh about. No better than a damned nigger, It'll come back to bite you in the ass one way or the other buddy, wait and see.

you ever consider eyebrows to make something cuter? Adding emotive characteristics tends to make animals much more likeable. Just don't go full on human face with cat body or something. The Uncanny Valley is best left unexplored.

must be the haskellers

Spot on advice. I hate to blogpost, but I cannot believe the audacity of this idiot thinking what he did was okay. All the cats I've ever owned all stemmed from one feral cat, that a feral cat actually left no joke, near my fucking doorstep when I was a kid because , god knows what but the mother had these horrible lesions/tumor welts around its legs and hindquarters and I remember my mother having such anger in her eyes seeing that poor cat trying it's best to run around and play when it's clearly in pain. We fed it, but whatever happened to it made it weary of people, again, thanks to shitskins being disgusting sub-animals that lack compassion or self-awareness to understand that such things are heinous crimes. Turns out that poor cat was pregnant, and since we were trying so hard to reach out to the mother to hopefully nurse it to health, I remember always watching it from the window or outside and how it'd just stare me in the eyes like it really wanted to come over but was scared, only once I got close where it sniffed me, and I like made one little movement and it pranced away.

I guess it sniffing me was enough to leave just one kitten at our door where we normally leave food for the strays and raccoons and possums and stuff. It was really disheartening seeing from the corner of our yard the mother, it's welts/sores looking worse staring at me and my mom as we picked up that kitten and I remember taking off my own shirt to cover it and keep it warm so it wouldn't die and how I held it close to my heart. Thinking about it makes me want to fucking cry, The last time I ever saw it's mother when it locked eyes with me holding it's baby I guess the only one that survived then after like a year later when out of no where it was back, but the welts and sores were still there, but not as bad, but still bad where I was desperate to catch her. Turns out, the mother was playing with her kitten, and was I guess trying to say good bye, cause it looked weaker and like it didn't have too much energy but it was playing and running around with her baby for the last time and that just makes my heart literally ache. Now I'm fucking tearing up over this shit.

A life is a life, the fact that massive idiot squandered it angers me and reinforces how I feel about the state of society today, no one deserves to die in fear, cold and alone as their life is literally drained away. Where's the fucking compassion anymore? I'm not saying having compassion for shitskins, but at least for the animals that chose to be domesticated and live along side us for so many years, I have so many stories of dealing with strays, injured birds and the like. That guy is either underage, or like I said, a dumb spic who knows nothing about cats and their well-being. I can only imagine what was going through that poor kittens head fucking hiding behind those bricks till it's fucking little tiny heart burst from fear.

Fuck this gay earth man, I fucking woke up my wife cause of that dumb nigger. I just wanted to check up on you guys today, but I just got a reminder that there was just one cat that I couldn't save. Thanks nu/v/. Thanks a bunch. Doesn't fucking help one of my cats went missing 2 years ago due to some fuck breaking in and scaring the scrawniest of my cats away, and now I'm in another town a good 2 hours away. I keep having nightmares that she's screaming for help and her siblings, or that she's still with the rest of my cats, or worse, that she's dead and rotting and it's my fault for not being home cause I'm the one who decided to make everyone go out that night. What's worse the dumb spic who broke in lived next door and didn't even steal anything cause my fucking cats went nuts knocking shit over and my parrot mimicking my voice. Can't believe this bullshit. I hope she's alright, but I fear the worse and it fucking makes me more depressed than I was already. I'm going to go pop a couple oxycodone/oxymorphone and get a cigarette, that fucking faggot really soured my 1 am. I just wanted to get a lil inspiration for my upcoming project, not this disgrace upon Holla Forums.

My apologies for blogposting but holy shit that really threw salt into an old wound that only started bleeding recently, my apologies fellow devs, my sincerest and deepest apologies

Amateur Pet Care General

Most of us are doing a good job saging so I guess it's fine if we're off topic for a bit. I would love to play a stealth game as a Punished Metal Gear Cat though

It's okay user, pets are the truest of partners in life. I have had 6 dogs in my life so far, having to put them down due to complications from old age is never a fun thing.

Holy shit, nice spergout, my autistic friend. Although I actually agree with you. I have seen lots of animals and people die and I have also witnessed this curious phenomenon where the majority of shitskins/niggers have a total lack of empathy for animals, having no problem beating/torturing them as if they were vidya characters or something. Now what makes me feel better is that all life was, well, made to fight and suffer to prove itself worthy of survival. So, all the millions of happy kitties who spend their lives on a warm and cozy sofa, that is all just an extra, it's not how it should be. They are made to hunt for scraps of food, almost always on the brink of starvation, they are made to fight almost to death just so they can fuck their catfus. Considering that, all those millions of domestic cats around the world are little extras of happiness, never meant to be. Of course you may not give a fuck, but this thinking makes me feel better about certain stuff I have seen and heard around.

I'm really sorry to hear that user, life is a fragile thing and pets can drive that home like nothing else. They really are an essential part of life, especially young kids. My outdoor cat was actually first adopted by my German Shepard. He used to like to sleep on the garage floor in the summer since it was cool concrete so he would be in and out often. Turned out at some point that cat had snuck into the garage and had been sleeping there. My dog found her eventually but instead of barking or anything a normal dog would do he decides to smuggle mouthfuls of food out to her and keep her a secret. Eventually my dad caught a glimpse of a tail one morning and the secret was out. We got some cat food and left it out for her for a couple days until she trusted us enough to actually show herself and eventually get baited into the house by treats, she ended up running up to my dog and acting like old friends so we caught on to their secret and had a sudden explanation for his constant going in and out. That dog eventually grew old and had to be put down once he got cancer, the cat has been sleeping in his spot at the top of the stairs ever since.

God damn animal stories ware on me. If you ever feel down remember that most Cheeta's in zoo environments are usually given a dog as a friend which usually cheers them up enough and motivates them to reproduce and reduce the chance of them going extinct.

Certainly not cats, their eyebrows are already awkward enough, I would exploit what they already have, a smile shaped nose and mouth and their big eyes.

Sorry, there is certainly lots of forums full of crazy cat people, I still prefer talking about cats with anons. I didn't start the derailing, but since its already a thing may as well make use of it. The other option is starting a cat thread in Holla Forums and getting outed as a CTR jew sliding shill :3

These threads tend to be slow burning and hit page 13 before 750 posts, game dev is a long-term effort so I'm honestly not surprised to see people get derailed every once in a blue moon.
It's probably fine as long as we don't enter a perpetual state of derailment like 4chan's agdg threads or at least what I hear about their threads

Ohh this is the worst feeling
They know

I feel sorry for you, but I've lost plenty of cats due to complications or aliments that seemingly came out of no where even though I personally took the time to care for all of them.

Sometimes I feared my vet was just killing them off for the money, which angers me more when I think about how it always ended up being one my favorites magically getting so damned sick that it needed it be put down the same day on it's check up. Fucking the head vet was suspicious of who he hired, it was some dumb paki/curry nigger bitch who had hatred for animals but somehow was a fucking vet.

Far from being autistic, and I wouldn't call it a spergout. Perhaps when you grow up and realize that life is precious when you see it and actually help give birth to it as a child, and how those feelings and experiences grew and grew as you grew.

As I told the other user, the majority of my animals died from strange 'natural causes', or the literal shitskins of the neighbourhood would fucking try killing them, and some succeeded when I was a child. One nigger whom was an illegal from I believe Haiti, poisoned canned cat food (something of which my mother would buy as a treat, but not the staple food), due to the fact he simply didn't like us for being 'white', and that cats are 'the devil' according to his unga bunga mumbo jumbo. This nigger was in his fucking 60s, and yet he felt the need to murder 5 of my fucking cats, some whom were freshly turned adults after catching them as spry babies from outside, the only two that didn't die didn't like canned food too much and slept all day.

Now we never let them out, cept one male cause he sprays and likes to fuck, that nigger left his poisoned cans next to our window sills, and even bothered opening our fucking window when we were either gone, or when he'd be trying to fuck with our cable box, crossing the line from whatever shitty run down house he was illegally squatting in. My mother almost shot that nigger dead, glad he was illegal or you know it could have turned out worse. Nigger got popped once in the leg after my mother found out what happened, magically next day, the old rotted up house was boarded up and his little nigger jalopy was gone. He tried leaving some weird little voodoo coconut thing next to our yard, but that didn't go anywhere.

Cats aren't made to hunt for scraps, they're made solely for the purpose for what they choose. You can say that it was their life to literally suffer outside when they're too young to fend for themselves, and the neighbourhood beaners and niggers killed their mothers/fathers off for no good fucking reason outside of being below animals on the food chain in my eyes.

Cats choose when they want to be caught and life a quiet life. It's pretty damn obvious too, purely for the fact they're quick and nimble. They may not like being around you, but I have what I call a talent to gain an animals trust, animals have the same wants and needs as any human being would. They didn't choose to live in a world where niggers and spics are running rampant where their lives are constantly in danger. I would have agreed with you if it weren't for that sole factor that only makes anger well in my heart. Again, I feel you're too young to understand the true purpose for why Dogs, Cats, and Birds are pets of choice, and why they were domesticated in the first place. Even scientifically, we share more genetics and such from Cats, Birds, and Dogs than any other animal previously thought. I cannot remember the article, but it certainly explains out of the majority of animals that Canines, Felines and Avian are what I can safely say without a doubt, extremely intelligent no matter the breed. The way you make them out to be, is like how some autistic chink/mongoloid child views any animal equal to that of an insect, trying to over-glorify the miserable lives these animals are forced to live due to third worlders mucking about in countries where they don't belong, and were never wanted.

If that's how you cope, that's how you cope, but it's safe to say you're the autistic one here if that's truly how you feel, and I feel pity that you lack the self-awareness to understand the pain an individual goes through losing a little bit of you. Same situation goes for people, but again, nothing hits harder than seeing something weaker than you suffer. It's far different than someone dying by suicide like a weakling, or someone dying in a drink n' drive wombo combo, or gram gram hacking up a lung as she queefs a new dust bowl from under the hospital gown. It's not the same.

Well they make good games so I can only assume that the last thing they want to talk about after spending hours fixing a minor bug is video games. :^)

No really though the fact that quality anything is coming out of that site is like a foreign concept. They must be pretty secluded from the rest of the community or something.

I should probably add that that story was the last straw and when I warned my family about bringing them back to the pound if it happened again I took initiative and did it. Surprising everybody apparently. There was a fight that got heated that I should have kept my cool on, but to be fair I had been telling them for years and I was so fucking pissed after Flinzy went. but eventually they knew their only choice was to kick their 18 year old son out on his ass, or to stop killing our fucking cats before their domestic time They agree with me now that it wasn't a good idea, my parents were hippies back in the day so they thought everything should be free and natural, I've had the pleasure of redpilling my mother on a lot of subjects since then Last blog post I swear. Unless you want me to talk about my cats

m8 the cap is 300 or so.

Kinda sad though tbh. I know if we could summon up the autism we could all probably power through our games and have rapid fire progress so much so /agdg/ the board would be alive. I think it has to due with the fact most of us are solo-devs. I can get a bunch of shit done when I'm on my own, but if I have to work with a team or community of people, then some part of my brain unlocks and that's when I go nuts.

Both instances I can remember where for 2 separate reasons to. One was when I modded for a gmod community. I don't know why, but having a group of people who where at least semi-interested in testing out the shit you where doing was a huge boost to my work ethic. The other, I was on a team for a club developing an AI system. We had an EE, ME and I was the CS guy so we all had to do our part. There as a sense of urgency you just don't get when solo deving on projects.

They always know. Even if the animal is another species, like when my oldest cat who we found fixed already was sick and dying, my parrot would break out his cage to sleep with her and groom her the best he could, cause when she was better, she'd fuck with him, and he'd bite her tail and ears, and she'd let him ride on her back as she waddled and pranced around as my parrot gleefuly screeched niggers as loud as he could.

Her favorite spot was on the couch where no one would ever sit, cause she'd get pissed if you did, I remember she was too sick and we left to to you know, my parrot when we were gone got out his cage and just sat in that spot with the other cats, cause we had some of my clothes for her to sleep in, cause she wouldn't sleep unless someone was with her cause she was scared and couldn't eat. I tried staying up but I was sick with some shitty fever. That bird I swear stayed in that spot the entire night and even said her name a couple of times.

He loves all the cats I have, the cats I have now, he terrorizes them all the same. I do catch him saying her name sometimes though, or if he hears her name, he starts to squawk and shake his head looking around for her till he realizes that well, she's not there and it was out of context. Poor guy.

How in the fuck did you do that? Are all the hexes individual entities?

Well they make good games so I can only assume that the last thing they want to talk about after spending hours fixing a minor bug is video games. :^) No really though, the fact that decent quality anything is coming out of that site is like a foreign concept. They must be pretty secluded from the rest of the community or something.

I should probably add that that story was the last straw and when I warned my family about bringing them back to the pound if it happened again I took initiative and did it. Surprising everybody apparently. There was a fight that got heated that I should have kept my cool on, but to be fair I had been telling them for years and I was so fucking pissed after Flinzy went. but eventually they knew their only choice was to kick their 18 year old son out on his ass to fend for himself, or to stop killing our fucking cats before their domestic time was spent They agree with me now that it wasn't a good idea, albiet not with a bit of pettyness. my parents were hippies back in the day so they thought everything should be free and natural. I've had the pleasure of redpilling my mother on a lot of subjects since then

Last blog post I swear. Unless you want me to talk about my cats

It wouldn't actually be difficult to become a "real" game dev and make games and lots of progress if you stuck with it for several years and kept working hard every day. All you need to do in practice is to keep doing it until it's finished. But "motivation", at least to me, is the real obstacle. I lose interest way too easily, and get incredibly demotivated if I get stuck on a problem and feel like I've combed through the entire internet for comprehensible answers without any results.

That's kinda what I'm getting at. If you have a team of people it's way easier to be motivated, at least for me. The thing killing me is responsibilities. I don't want to dev because I have shit I need to do, but I don't want to do the shit I need to do because it's ridiculous, so I waste time lurking here.

how do I stop my indoor cat from being bored to death?

I catch moths and release them in the house so she can catch and eat them. It usually only keeps her entertained for a bit.

Have you tried not talking to your cat like it's a retarded baby?

speak to it like it's a little shit eating little guy, second, give it bottlecaps, my cats fucking love bottlecaps from either the big thick ones from script bottles to the ones off milk gallons and the little red tab, they fucking play with that shit all god damn night making noise and running into shit like they're playing hockey. Which when I think about it, I think they are playing some weird fucking sport with one another, cause they pick sides and shit, they even play fetch with me, but then again my specific breed are like ragdolls and like I forgot what it's called but it looks siamese, but it's not tokanese? I don't fucking know, shes got an attitude but likes getting her excess skin yanked and massaged, other than that cant touch her or pick her up with her doing that stupid shit cats do when they don't want to be held like they're going to snap their spine cause they're fucking stubborn. The other cats just slump and act like dead fish when I pick em up, they melt. I mean she melts too, but that's if she wants to. She also is the one cat that steals my fucking money and my fucking socks and has a nest of my used socks.

Other cat likes stealing boxers, her body reminds me of sock but she's like dumb, she'll play with petrified shit if she doesn't have her specific bottlecap. Also if you have string, make like a little pendulum that has catnip inside it using your sock, and a string and leave it where the cat can barely get it, and like they have to have effort to play, but not too much. Obviously show it where it is and shit. I also recommend a cardboard box that's big, make a little doorway and windows. I mean my cats are tards, they make little houses out of 24 pack beer/soda boxes, sometimes I like to close em inside, and they fucking try swatting at me from the inside, and then the fat cat I have just tries crushing anyone who's inside so they can get in.

Also, this might be a strange suggestion, but with how tvs and monitors are today, Cats and Dogs are now able to see what's actually happening on the screen with clarity. If you want, you can play cat vids on the TV if you're that desperate. OR, play video games with your cat in your lap when you have the time, they'll watch I promise you. My cats watch if it's something that's flashy, cause they usually come up to try and get some catnip, they stay for the action and the fact I normally have a food they like nearby. Also try to play with them often, like kinda horseplay, but don't fucking smash it on the wall like a nigger. You know, do shit to annoy it like touch it's toes to make em sperg out, or scratch their belly and yank their ears a bit, they get all riled up and then you'll end up with either shredded socks, or a shredded hand. But they look happy, and obviously have restraint don't fucking meme your cat to death.

It's hard to get the right people together and hold them accountable over the Internet, I think.
Suppose two incredibly talented artists meet.
If one has a distinctly western style and the other eastern, well…Your dreams of collaboration just hit the brick wall of reality.
It doesn't even have to be two artists.
A programmer heading the project might have a vision for the art style that the artist he encounters can't do to his satisfaction.

And then you have to recognize that my entire discussion up to this point assumed all members are highly skilled. And I only gave lip service to the issue of accountability. Gaps in skill result in gaps in quality, and between quality and style, reconciling these inconsistencies often requires even more people and more development time.
(An example of this that is stuck in my mind for whatever reason is the credits for Pokemon Sun/Moon, they listed an individual whose job was working with the 3D modelers to keep the style and quality consistent.)

Working in a group can actually make things progress slower, depending on the task(s) at hand and the number of participants.
When it's a small group of 2-5, the risk of the group's collective efforts proving slower than working alone than working alone is at its highest.
From that perspective, either working alone or in a larger team of 10-15 is, at least in theory, at a lower risk of being slower than working alone.

If you do want to work in a small team, it's best to have individuals work on separate tasks that are not as problematic to execute in parallel. For example, music composition is something that is relatively easy to offload to someone else- it doesn't affect gameplay as much as the listener's emotions and mood.

All that said, working alone is certainly not working at 100% efficiency- there's no slowdowns due to group coordination, but there's the human factor- loss of motivation, procrastination, illness, making something that goes unused, plans going awry, etc.
Game dev is an all-out war against time, and the key to winning lies in figuring out how to better control yourself and all the elements a game is made of.
So, covering lack of motivation briefly.
One unorthodox approach of addressing the problem is letting yourself procrastinate all-out and have as much fun as you want to- watch anime, play some games, take a walk, whatever you want.
If you're anything like me, you'll get the urge to go back to game dev before too long if you let yourself go do other fun things, but if you deprive yourself of non-game-dev fun you'll die from boredom (or worse, start getting all depressed about your lack of motivation).

I'm just going to cut this ramble off here, it's late here so I might have jumped around a lot and maybe half of what I said didn't make sense, but oh well.

I know perfectly the value and fragility of life, and the pain of seeing a loved one being unfairly taken away. I wasn't simply talking about cats and niggers. The whole purpose of life is being put to the test, suffering and pain. If you fail the test you die, if you pass you get a few instants of gratification before going back to the pain and suffering part. It was and is like that for bacteria, dinosaurs, reptilians, cats, dogs, niggers and jews. The fact that a thing like a "pet" exists is a miracle. I can take care of my cats, I can make sure they always have food available, and a warm cozy place to sleep and that their only worry for the rest of their lives is going to be which of my filthy socks *and cumrags** are they going to bring me next as a trophy. That is a miracle, and there is millions of them in the world. Even in a world without niggers, cats and ALL life is meant to be a struggle. Even if their mating fights didn't end with one or both opponents fucked up. Wild cats and bigger felines are almost always starving. And how do they feed themselves? Hunting down and slaughtering small, cute animals, except when they aren't hungry and just play with their broken, still living bodies. With or without niggers and dead cats, this world is hell, mate. But my kitties will never know that, they will spend the majority of their lives with a full belly and sleeping on my balls. So I will try to remember that miracle while I wade through the crap. By all means keep hating on niggers, they certainly don't make a favour to anyone by existing, but it is also important to remember there is good things in the world, and they are not a given or a right, they are a miracle for lack of a better word.

I've made progress, it's just the progress I've made doesn't make for interesting posts (or I don't think it makes for interesting posts). When I'm ready I'll be making a movement demo for the player that I can post here and get feedback on.

I agree with you about the issue of working with other people. When I'm working alone if there's something that needs to be done I do it, but when I'm working in a group I find myself waiting on other people to finish what they promised to do.

Instead of releasing the moth to a swift death, get a small bottle of transparent plastic and leave the moth in, eventually the cats will lose interest but at least they fun won't end in seconds. I personally do this with the giant dragonflies that somehow manage to get into my house and my kitties like it. Throwing around coins/bottlecaps/paper balls tends to do the trick, the problem here is you will get tired before the cat and they will also lose interest eventually. This is why I always try to get people to take multiple cats in. You can always try to get another cat, sometimes they turn into best bros, but sometimes they really, REALLY hate each other. It'd be the best way to avoid their boredom but you don't know how are they going to react beforehand, things could get very violent. It is a gamble.

All in all remember cats are not humans. There is few worse things for a human being than boredom or a purposeless existence, the feeling of wasted time. Cats really aren't like that, as long as they have food, your love, and like their territory they shouldn't get depressed. This boredom is a chance for them to save energies for some crazy hunt they may need to do afterwards, of course it won't happen but they won't know. Also a good time for grooming themselves. All in all a person thrown on a couch, blankly staring to the ceiling is very likely depressed, a kitty is probably just chilling and waiting to eat or sleep again. As long as a cat has apetite, grooms herself regularly and has a good-looking coat and has at least a little interest in insects or shit you throw around for her, she is almost guaranteed in a healthy psychological state.

This is a sure-wire recipe to get stuck in a depressive loop of doing nothing if my experience is to go by. I start lamenting all the time I could have spent for progress and learning and there's a good chance I don't "see" the passion anymore that I once had for a particular project.

Ok well i guess america is different but i live in a rural area in Europe and there are no dangerous wild animals to speak of this goes for most of western and central europe
So the only thing I need to worry about is cars and dogs and since there is no way dogs can get to our yards and our cats won't cross our bridge to the road there pretty much outside all the time
I've had several cats most of them predominately outside cats one died of some unknown illness one disappeared probably hit by a car.
And right now i have 2 cats who I've had several years ones a stray one we bought as a kitten neither of them have ever been injured. Also interesting side note the cat we bought initially couldn't hunt at all, but a while after we adopted that stray who is an excellent hunter the other cat started occasionally actually killing mice and shit so gotta figure he picked some stuff by watching the stray hunt. Also even though the bought cat was already like 9 months when we adopted the stray who was probably 2 they get along pretty well.
no sage for offtopic cause i feel it's pretty pointless given how slow this board is.

pretty sure it's like 450 i've seen threads go over 300 so it's definitely not that.

Any animal that has claws or fangs is dangerous to your pet. Disease is incredibly common and the unknown illness was probably an infection. Also there's getting run over, and being harassed by larger animals to death. Reread my TL;DR segment. If you don't mind your cats dying more easily then go for it. You can't effectively say you're acting in the best interest of its health though and are essentially putting it in danger because you either don't want it in your house because you're to lazy to clean up for it or you think that their "domesticated outdoor animals". So it's up to you. I can't say it's not irresponsible though. That's just my experience talking though. And if I sound passive aggressive at any point in this post. It's because I am.

It's still using up space that's better spent on discussion. Offtopic should remain saged. And unless the bump limit was increased recently it still remains at 300.

Confirmed it's still 300.

Probably has to do with readability, since cats tend to not take up a whole lot of screen space if you play as a human in third person.

Some of us don't live in the US, worst animal a cat can encounter in the countryside where I live is a deer. Cat we had did get scratched up occasionally from rival cats and had a permanently bloodshot eye, but he died of old age. The US is just a lot "wilder" I guess.

Post limit is 750, but bump lmit is 300. This thread will not go to page 1 anymore, and will likely die before it hits 750. We make a new one when this one hits page 14.

i suppose you are right but we can't house train them we tried but they simply refuse to use the litter box and I guess I don't care enough about to let them shit and piss all over my house I mean fuck if one dies ill be very upset but i will just get a new get and probably get over it pretty quickly

Reread what I posted in your cats are likely safer statistically than the US, but still much less safe than if indoors for many reasons. Do what you want though, I'm just posting from experience. If I excluded the amount of cats killed by hawks at my place it's still a damn high number gone from infection alone. But I won't assume my experiences on my property are the same in Europe.

And why are you spoonfeeding somebody imageboard terms? Let them figure it out on their own while we bully him you fucking melvin.

Yeah it was on my todo list for a while because there a few things on my HUD that needs proper scaling but I cannot figure out how to do that on the SBARINFO, hmm maybe I have to change the graphics itself in that case.

If you get a new one start training it to shit in a box right away. Usually it comes easy if you throw their ass in there when they start looking antsy. Otherwise just stop getting cats and get a simpler animal or one that can handle outdoor environments much more easily. While I generally tolerate people who have outdoor cats, people who just keep getting new ones are no worse than niggers if you're just starting a production line of dead cats and animals while you do nothing to actually maintain them.

I mean i've had these cats for over three years now and i don't expect them to die anytime soon but yeah if we get a new one i would house train it properly and keep it inside ofcourse you don't really get this option with strays

Alright it looks like I have to modify the image itself, mognify -scale 60x60 *.png did the trick. Yeah looks much better now.

Cannot you read you fucking sperg? It wasnt outside. It was inside a backyard which is fenced with 5'6" walls. He was killed by a dog that jumped over it. There are no feral dogs in my neighborhood, so it was safe. The situation in which he died is extremely strange.


At this point it's obvious noone is going to tell you what you want to hear, that it's not your fault and fuck shitskins. At least not the "not your fault" part :^)

Not like it matters. The cat will stay dead and you will still feel bad. If you really want redemption you can adopt another cat, maybr one of those noone sane adopts, saving his life. Or maybe help in an animal shelter.

I remember a story that really touched me, I read it in a derailed thread just like this one. A fag got a kitty as a gift, but as he brought it home his whore mother threw a temper tamtrum and told him to get rid of the cat. So that's exactly what he did, he abandoned the kitten in the middle of nowhere. Apparently it was eating him from the inside, so from then on he started working on animal shelters and adopted a couple of fucked up dogs to save them from being sacrificed. Of course anons unanimously shit all over him for doing that to a kitten, and the story is probably fake but two things remain true: first, someday there will be a movie about this story with Will Smith as user and second, you can learn a lot about it.

Also I thought you were going to post pics of the kitty. Go ahead. I'm in the mood for some feels.

I am going to texture all of my rendered sprites so that it looks at least a little bit more detailed then a plain solid color.

Anyone know how to decomplie a game maker 8 game properly? I found a decompilier that works but upon compiling it doesn't work because the dev probably used some packages that I don't have and I can't find out which ones I would need to make it work.
Any ideas?

This is my shit. Need less feels though.
Don't have a cat but I want one, can't have one since I'm living with parents
I've tried a different course from and things are way better, this tutor actually explains what things are and comments them in the code so when I load up my project, all the information is there if and when I need it.
Unfortunately I haven't done much game dev these past few days, had work which tired me out and not really sure what to tackle next with my game. Part of me doesn't want to get too much into it since I'm using blueprints, I'm trying to move away from it and use C++. I may try some 3d modelling again, haven't tried that in a while.

You work better in a team because you have some obligation to the other team members. I wish I could work in a team but I simply don't have the skills for the time being.

here's a program used for rotoscoping pixel art. might be of interest to people here


Fucking hell.

Welcome to anything

there's your first mistake

Actually I did try to reverse engineer something one. I figured out with a hex editor how Castlevania COTM's save file was structured, including stats, map data, inventory, as well as the checksum. Pretty cool.

Also new thread soon, I hope.

here's your (you) ->