30 minutes of Horizon Zero Dawn


Highlight included. Couldn't WEBM because 30 minutes long. But Holy shit this looks terrible.

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea to put it up against Zelda?

Other urls found in this thread:


guerilla has never made a good game in their stuidios existence. Why would it surprise you that a le open world game by a studio with no experience making them has made a bad one?

Looks like fucking shit, but don't worry, Sonyniggers will eat this up, and the PS4 still doesn't have any games, and fuck that bitch Burch.

have you been in a coma the past week

So Death Stranding is pretty much fucked huh

The MC's face reminds me of autistic girls, helps that it's Burch voicing her.

No, I remember them hinting this game after taking a break after Shadowfall, they hired some guy who helped write New Vegas, and they kept hinting "Open-world storytelling" and it's a fucking shitty survival game.

wow… WOW!

It's really amazing how much worse AAA games are becoming. All the quality is dropping to obscene amounts. It's as if games are made almost entirely for trailers and screenshots now, with the actual game lacking any substance at all. Sure it has been this way for a while, but this is extreme right here. The animations are bad, the graphics only look nice in stills, the world is emptier than Breath of the Wild… I mean, it looks almost like an early access game marketed like a AAA.

Holy shit

Bioware animation in a Kojima game. Fuck

Video is unavailable but I only need to know one thing. Is it Modern Far Cry but with shitty robots? Because that's what I assumed it was going to be.

wow that got taken down fast holy shit

This just reminded me of the terrible combat on display for Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, that game by Ninja Theory. I thought it already released but I guess it hasn't come out yet. Set for 2017 with no specific date. They could probably fix that since they have months to hash it out but I'm not sure since it is Ninja Theory and they are boasting it as a Independent AAA.

He had plenty of people come to him and present their game engines, but Sony having a leash on him made him choose Decima, fucking looks like shit, but they'll have 2-3 years working on Death Noodle.

Just say its emptier than mgsv, nigger

new vegas wasn't a good game either, but guerilla has never made a good game. Nobody thinks they ever will.

I have yet to see Breath of the Wild have a rich open world. It looks pretty, but empty and uneventful, though MGSV falls under that category as well.

Using the same engine =/= using the same staff.
Catherine runs on Gamebryo but you'd never notice because Bethesda has total jackoffs working on GB games.

an open world game with an empty map? They are almost all like this.

Killzone could have actually been good if it hadn't been a PS2 exclusive.
Other than that you're absolutely right.

no, the design was outright bad. Porting a game to another platform wouldn't have fixed bad design and shitty mechanics. They have never made a good game. The closest they got was having another studio develop killzone mercenary for the vita, which is the only good game that franchise has seen.

and that's why a lot of people shouldn't be making open world games.

Help me Holla Forums. My sides are imploding

This was revealed last years E3, right? I seriously don't remember it.

I think we have to thank retards demanding non-linearity for that, I'd go as far to say every game is better when it's linear.

video removed?

Looks like tomb raider, same bland generic garbage

there are FF7 models that express more humanly than this.

yeah, you aren't missing out on anything. Bland open world, boring hit the weak point and dodge roll "shooting." Hilariously bad NPCs who shout the same 2 or 3 lines of dialog on loop until you go talk to them. When you do talk to them shot reverse shot dialog cutscene with god awful voice acting (and not just ashley burch) and incredibly stiff animations that do not belong in the conversation being had.

Fuck. I was too late. Already removed from jewtube.

Whoops, I mean, if Killzone wasn't designed around being a fucking console FPS on the weakest platform of thag gen then it would have been actually good.

I don't know if I'd go that far, but I would say that while a lot of people like the idea of open world games, it takes a TON of work to do them right. An open world game can't just be open world for the sake of it, that open world has to be there for a reason and compliment the gameplay. It seems most developers make open worlds "hubs" between levels and because of the you have these giant empty games with no thought put into the world level design and traveling throughout them becomes nothing but tedious.

If the open world isn't intricate to the gameplay then it should be scrapped for a more focused experience.

it doesn't matter of the team working on it literally doesn't know how to make good games. An FPS being on PC doesn't make it not shit. FPS games have been largely shit regardless of where they're developed and for which hardware for a very, very long time. Killzone 1 was no exception at the time, and paled in comparison both to other console shooters, and PC shooters. Stop being a platform faggot.

Yes. Also a shitload more fetchquesting.

E3 2015. I don't know why they'd spend so long working on a game and then release it against Zelda. It's like they went out of their way to pick a release date where it would get crushed.

if your open world is just set dressing for you need to walk a long distance from point A to B on your compass/minimap, scrap your game entirely. If your open world is elaborately designed and encourages the player to move around it in interesting ways, or has emergent qualities which react to the players actions (GTAs wanted system, gravity rush movement, infamous movement) then you are on the right course. Too many open world games are using the elder scrolls style of giant empty plot of land, points of interest, and calling it a day. this is the wrong formula, and elder scrolls games are trash for this same reason.

Yeah. I had it open in screencap converter window so here's some more screens.

No wonder Sony wanted the video pulled. Whoever capped it made the game look like absolute shit.

Yeah, no you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

it doesn't say anywhere sony pulled it.

You have very low expectations of "great gameplay ideas." It was a bad game, was always going to be a bad game, and never even got the basics of game design right. Guerrilla prove to us time and time again, they can't get these basics right.

yep, I completely agree.

It looks like the new Zelda just with muh realism. Both look like shit though.

video is private, webms when?

Russian Mirror here.

Combat looks like arse and so does the story, but the game is pretty. It will probably be IGN's game of the year.

Fuck. They captured with slim?

It went private.
How many dislikes did it have?

What is it with modern games and their models/textures?
Something looks so off, but I can't put my finger on what it is.
Look at HL2, for example. The models are old as shit and have been updated several times over the years, but aesthetically they look fine. I don't know what's wrong with the models on so many newer games, they just look wrong. Like they're lacking something.

it's the motion capture technique. If you saw the models independent of the game or its animations, you'd think they look very nice I'm sure.

it's really not.

They're lacking definition and detail, older games had less polygons to work with so they put everything in the textures. Modern game devs think polygons make up for a smooth texture, but it doesn't. There aren't many contrasting colours there. Look at Dr. Vance's face, see how his nose is considerably lighter than the rest of his face?
See how the wrinkles are darker than the surrounding skin?
See all the spots and blemishes on his face? There's a lot of contrasting colours and definition going on there.
Now look at the nigger's face in . It's all roughly the same shade of brown with a disgusting oily shine over it.

Not even ten minutes into the video and it already looks like fucking trash, and reeks of Marxism to boot.

I do also agree with the lack of detail. Part of it is many of these games use custom lighting for world and dialog scenes. I don't know why they go through the trouble, but this does create a jarring feel.

I'm playing Yakuza 0 right now, and the realistic qualities of the models are gorgeous. I believe it's also on PS3, but this is a game that will really stand the test of time.

It's not just videogames. Everything is getting worse. The age of western civilisation ended half a century ago, and we've been in a guilded age ever since. Optimism is turning not just to pessimism but to deliberate cynicism. Science exists not to discover truths but to promote political truths. Art has become the creation of ugliness and obscenity. Things are going to continue getting worse until civilisation either picks up again or dies out forever, and at the rate western countries are being colonised I wouldn't expect them to be host to a real civilisation ever again.

this is why the japanese games industry is superior

What's the obsession AAA developers seem to have with hideous fucking characters nowadays?

Why does she use a bow when she has advanced technology?

"muh hunger games" most likely.


it's some shitty primitive people/high tech robotics contrast they're going for.

It's a shitty, nonsensical contrast.

Blame! did it better anyway.

half life 2 was impressive for the time

Watched through the video. It looks nice. Envirement, background looks cool. Seperate patches of grass and plants, trees and bushes with great details. Vistas are stunning. Alloy's moves are decent and she looks like a duable chick to me (I know, I know she is not 2B or old Lara, but I would still enjoy doing her in some cave; waiting for 34 for her to appear). Enemies have seperate hitboxes for different aproach and strategies. No cover system for bulletsponging - you don't move you die. Their AI is fairly decent, but as always, some faggots will capture 1001 videos when foe get stuck or shit. Will defenitly buy this one. I'm convinced. Brom dialogue looks awful, but I'm not playing games for story. Probably will click through it as fast as I can. I liked fur details no that nigger guy at the gate (the one who never shout his mouth; looks like my friend who always have his fuckin eathole wide open). I'm sold. Please Guerrilla, take my money. Zelda looks like poor's man minecraft survival game on steam, next to it.

That's bizarre, you'd think they'd pretend to like it because its got a female pro-tag and its an exclusive.

is this cinderella's step-mom or baron ashura

Do not worry western друг.
Россия will come through for you.

You have bad taste. I implore you to reconsider.

but slavs are even worse

There's a ton of damage control going on and the people laughing at it are probably going to be taken out back and shot once they control the thread to have positive opinions only. But yes, Neofag were laughing at it. It's fucking hilariously bad animation and voice acting. So much the damage controllers are yelling "ITS JUST A SIDE QUEST. MAIN MISSIONS ARE SILL GOOD" even though they showed main missions and they looked just as bad.

Go away, marketer

You know the rules.

They're being made by hipster numales and tumblr special snowflakes, which not only despise beauty but are so incompetent they couldn't make an attractive character if they tried.

At least we're white.

slavs aren't white, they're slavs.

Only colonial mongrels value "whiteness" because it's the only thing they have left.

Wel, you and I have different tastes, then.

Nice m8. You discovered a shill! Let me award you with one internetz! You also got new powers to "send your foes to reddit"! Use it wisely!

That this webm exists is testament to the decadence of Western civilisation. No wonder we can't make good videogames anymore.

That's retarded.

Was the main character always so ugly?

That isn't going to be grating as fuck.

Our only hope really, is that the kikes have done us a massive favour in accelerating the decline to such an absurd degree, so that we may actually have the sense to do something about it in time (unlike the Romans).


The general gameplay looks very good compared to most AAA garbage I've seen. Looks like you can damage different parts of the enemies, most attacks aren't hitscans so you have a chance of dodging them, enemy weakens as their HP gets lower, melee combat seems DS inspired, enemy tackle knocks you backward, you can hop over things and climb small obstacles in a very open way (i.e. you're the one jumping, not a button prompt), enemies telegraph their status instead of being shown to you on screen…

Quests appear to be split into different categories (main, side, errand, tutorial, and some others).

The visuals look amazing, but that's to be expected of an AAA game. Although we've seen this kind of graphics many times from game previews that were then downgraded for release.

I also spy quest markers and guiding lines and compasses all over the fucking screen, NPC interaction is shallow as a puddle, muh strogn womyn, microtransactions, story forced down your throat, illogical laser light show and bow and spears and robots and forests and savages combination, typical AAA shitfest.

Frankly this gameplay (and I mean gameplay specifically) looks like it might be an improvement over most games of it's kind. I'll admit though that I haven't played many of the modern AAA games, I stopped sometime after Skyrim happened.

Horizon has a pretty cool world, mecha dinosaurs and futuristic cave men. Buts its ruined by generic beyond generic gameplay, hand holding and diversity.

Skyrim wasn't either, but people claim it's pretty.

Just stop, lad…

Why don't you tell me what you disagree with and why.

If "not being part of the Holla Forums samethink cult" is damage controlling, then so be it.

There isn't so much disagreement to be had with your post than "how the fuck is any of this supposed to be noteworthy ?".

true, but that's not saying much at all, AAA games are just trash in general because they focus on advertising and marketing rather than making a good product. It's why fucking Titanfall 2 is faster than the new DOOM. Either way there's no defending this trash even if it's a little less trashy.

The Video Games Industry needs a major overhaul, otherwise we'll just have another crash. Although that may be a good thing at this point.

Don't feed this troll.
He is accusing everybody who says something good about the game to be sony shill.

Also, gamplay vids are droping on youtube. In one Alloy run herd of robots into a trap, she setup.

In what way ? Executions ? Rolling ? Repetitive enemy attacks ?

current year + 2 and the best gameplay we can hope for is running through forest collecting flowers and shitty fetch quests, enemies that still don't agrro when you hit themm pretty graphics = lots flowers and wavy grass + faces have gone backwards

wtf aaa

You type like a poorly paid foreign shill, sorry.

it has melee combat, something other AAA games lack. Regardless it's trash and I'd rather spend my money on something good like Yakuza, Nier or Nioh

he's not, he's just a bit of a sony fanboy. I checked to be sure.

You just painted Bloodborne gameplay m8.

Yeah I'm not murican and I defend my "shit" tasetes against bunch of autists, who only hate it because it is Sony.
You forgot about telling me to go back to reddit/cuckchan.

I'll take that as "let me blindly hate what Holla Forums told me to hate".

That's kinda what I implied. To rephrase what I meant; It's a less shitty shit than usual. It's IMO an improvement, even if nothing to get excited for.

I think nobody can disagree with that.

As opposed to pointing and shooting? You actually have to (and can) dodge attacks, and can aim at weak spots on the enemy. My experience with combat in AAA games is attacking the enemy until they die, and running to cover to regen health if you get low (or running while sucking on healing items).

Are you legit retardet or legally blind?
There's a metric fucktonne of ACTUAL reasons why this game looks like shit, yet you try to make it all about "hurr they just hate the publisher"

Get raped.

This is not a bloodborne discussion. Executions are all over the place in modern games. What is so great about this gameplay ?

You seem to be talking of FPS more so than third person games. Dodging ain't exactly a new thing in 3PS.

I don't know many third person games of this type (e.g. open world levelup crafting quest whatever). Outside FPS games, I keep thinking of the likes of Skyrim and Fallout, which are in the exact same genre as this game as far as I can tell.

Mate, you're the one saying that differentiated quest markers, enemies showing signs of weakness as they lose health, and being knocked backward are improvements. Never mind bad taste or shilling or what have you, that's a fucking insane thing to take note of, let alone present as an improvement over other games.


Well you're reading me wrong then. I specifically made sure to mention that they're an improvement over the typical shit you get, not improvement upon what we've ever seen before.

Nigga please. Don't know what chan wizardry you use, but I shitpost at Sony too.

You all rushed to this thread to poke this game, cuz OP said "it is disaster" and I'm sure, that most of you didn't even watch the viedo. Hell, you are probably Zelda fanboys cringing how good it looks and plays.
I cannot get raped. I'm not a faggot.

Am I forgeting something that is in Bloodborne?

Making a lot of assumptions there.
Oh you mean I saw it on the frontpage and was slightly interested?
Nigger please, I'm sure most of your brain-cells are defunct by now.
Never played a Zelda in my life.

0/3, better luck next time faggot.

Seriously, what the fuck is up with that VA? How can it be this fucking shit?

Also, I'm still trying to figure out how this game is supposed to differ from every other open world turd that came out in the past two years. Hell, even AssCreed 3 had more going for it than this piece of shit.

I think they are betting it all on the prehistoric mixed with robots setting to sell the game

Am I the only one who finds these high tech laser shows to be an immediate turn off? Plus the whole concept of using bows and spears in the same setting as mecha war machines just makes me depressed. I can't stand ARK for the same reason.

If you want to do high tech science fiction, do what Halo does instead of putting the player into a forest with a bow. I've yet to see a setting where it feels believable and not just like it's trying to appeal to 15 year olds.

Like I said previously in the thread, Blame! had two separate instances of a technologically less advanced population living within the confines of a high tech environment and battling against mechanical enemies, and both instances were more artistically pleasing and interesting than this piece of shit game.

It looks like a bad mix between nuLara and AC3 with an overabundance of niggers just because.

They're really going to put fucking microtransaction boxes in a single player game, aren't they? Incredible.


Why not? EA already did with Dead Space 3 and SE fucked over costumers in Mankind Divided by locking pre-order consumables and items to a single playthrough to just name two of the more notorious ones.

All of this is garbage. Maybe there are more complex enemy types later on, but everything else seems like garbage so far. The game's graphical fidelity is nice, but it's basically just [generic_AAA_third_person_shooter]. It might be fun to run around and kill the robots for a while, but it seems like it'd get old quick. It's visually pleasing, but mechanically shallow, like so many games these days.

What the fuck went wrong.

Did they want to get sued by GW?

Everyone looks to be coated in vaseline, the characters are all ugly, some of them are niggers, the costumes are retarded and the robots look like shit.

Also, did I just see a horse robot grazing?

Early concept art is just that, a concept.
Doesn't matter how good it is if the people who own you want it to be more like something else.

Early concept art.

I hate this bow and arrow meme survival games genre didnt it die out in 2013?

getting a bit sick and tired of all fantasy artsytles either being "Warhammer" or "dumb cartoon" with no in between.

It was entirely marxist until Ghostbusters blew up in Sony's face and the parent company began taking stock of what their subsideraries were doing.

Go back and watch one of the early story trailers, she has the worse attitude with everyone, the men are evil, and the game is full blown SJW bullshit. Obviously another company killed by diversity hires.

The gameplay is literally shittier version of Monster Hunter. In fact this game looks like a bad copy of monster hunter trying to be AAA.

The gameplay style they're going for has been mastered in Japan and can be experienced in numerous games that are available for the PS4. Sony is absolutely screwed and there will be layoffs at Guerrilla.

Both those games failed so bad they killed their franchise though.

Sony let leftists manage development and thought virtue signally was going to sell well. Then Ghostbusters happened and they realized two things: 1) You can't insult/dismiss people into buying your product, 2) The average person hates this shit.

Given how the original dialog sounded, I'll bet money that all this was rush recorded in only a very short period of time. The new story is completely different than the original one presented, which means that most of the side quests and game probably had to be redone, taking away from development of other core aspects of the game, like AI and combat.

In short they royally fucked up their priorities and Sony probably said if it doesn't sell you're all gone. They already closed on Guerrilla studio, unfortunately it was the wrong one.

Wouldn't count on it. If that's the combat system early on, then if it changes later it will just be hit the obvious weak point till the part falls off boss.

Sony of Japan realized why everyone hates the Jews and started a purge of the upper echelons. Once Barbie tanks I imagine there's gonna be even more forced sudoku to be had.

Did Guerrilla ever make anything worthwhile? All I ever wanted was a Helghast FPS, and those stupid leftist cucks couldn't even get that one right, so nothing of value was lost.

Is anyone actually interested in this game? I know it's a Sony title so Sony fans will buy it because The Order sold over a million copies. The PS4 has around 56 million owners, I think releasing HZD opposite of Breath of the Wild is a great idea, Sony fans will see Breath of the Wild say it's shit and buy HZD while choking on their tears reassuring themselves that it's the better game.

Game engine is as good as the people working on it.

Both Zeldo and this will be shit though.

Yes well I don't care if you think that but Zeldo will be the less shit of the two.

The Studio behind Medieval and several other good games was renamed guerrilla games cambridge. After the failure of Rigs for the VR they were shut down. Killzone 2 was pretty exceptional, great graphics, killer gameplay, great AI that somehow got stupider in 3 and brain dead in Shadowfall, aside from the cliffhanger ending it was a pretty solid game.

The problem with the Killzone series is that by three it should have switched to the Helghast's perspective, but because no one thinks nationalism would sell, your forced to continue playing as the bad guys, the ISA. This is really bad in Shadowfall where Visari's grand daughter could have presented a good arch in being anti militarism to realizing that the Helghast people needed militarism because of how they were treated across the galaxy. Instead we got a game so bad I returned it. I've only returned under 10 games in my life.

I absolutely loved breaking it to people who asked what happened to the characters from 3 that they were most likely put to death for genocide and war crimes since their nation surrendered unconditionally.

It's like Breath of the Wild, but done poorly and by feminists.

But Zeldo will make back all marketing and development costs within a single week.
Doesn't matter whether it's a good game objectively, it's a good game for a console launch.

It's open world with characters people know, has a design that's both cartoon-like and realistic, meaning it appeals to both kids, adults and Nintendrones, and actually looks like it might be fun, while HZD looks like a shitty open-world game for the sake of it being open world.

MonHun and Zelda, and maybe a Pokemon game. Switch will be banking on those 3 game.
Sony was banking on Bloodborne and No Man's Sky.

Funny how the WiiU sold like shit, but software-wise its biggest sellers thrashed the PS4.
Sony have 4, yes 4 fucking games that sold more than 2 mill for the system. The Wii U has 8. 10 if you count 2 games at more than 1.9 mil.
Sony hyped people enough to sell consoles, not to sell games.

PS4 is a multiplat/3rd party machine for normalfags to play FIFA and Call of Duty on it.

Mostly great points but estus flask healing is great what are you talking about? Any healing system that doesn't encourage grinding for items or sitting behind cover with regenerating health is good. Ideally you'd have degenerating health so you'd be encouraged to go fast but we can't all be DMC can we the style system is essentially degenerating health.

I know. Was just pointing out that normalfags aren't even playing CoD and FIFA on it in huge quantities.
When you've sold 53 million consoles and your best-selling game moved a little over 8 million copies, most as part of a bundle, you're not doing a very good job at keeping your console from becoming a glorified paperweight.

I mean, that's what happened to the PS2 as well.
Not many people seem to remember when it's brought up, likely because they were young because this site is filled with underage, but the PS2 had NO GAEMS for quite some time after launch. It was only alive because it was a cheap DVD player, after which Devs started making games.
PS3 was sold on being a BluRay player, too.

So while Sonyggers tell you how great Sony and their consoles are, just remember they're only alive because people wanted to watch movies just like The Order.



She doesn't have Tourette's, but whatever it is is definitely genetic.


But the PS2 provided something people wanted, a DVD-player. You basically needed one in the early 2000's. The PS4 provides nothing you can't now get on a pc, tablet, phone, smartwatch or fucking fridge. Without games, it has little to no unique selling points at all.

people didnt buy a ps2 because it was a dvd player

The PS2 also had a lot of great exclusives though. The PS4 has Bloodborne and possibly Nioh, the XBone has fuckall.

It was cheaper than most DVD players, and they could give it to a kid with 1 shitty game at launch to shut them up.

Again, those exclusives were only after so many people bought them with no gaems and Devs wanted to make lots of money.
Surprised PS4 hasn't been the same, actually.

Not exclusively, but it was a major selling point. I know a ton of people who jsut used the ps2 for dvd's and didn't have any other dvd players

Xbone is even more shit than the ps4, but my point was that the ps2 even before it had its exclusives that were worth playing, or if you didn't have any of those was still a dvd player. Modern consoles aren't even useful for that since no one watches films on physical media any more except hipsters.

Honestly the way she babbles it's as if the sound team took their insparation from the BBC's tourette's programme.

Christ, its like someone took The Witcher and smashed it into Breath of the Wild.

Its an abomination.

Lol, every single time one of you retards says something like this it makes me laugh. You dipshits have been wrong every time you accused (and I mean accused in the lightest of terms since it's not like you ever have any real proof) a game of having micro-transactions.

just looked up dvd player prices from best buy in 2001 (nov.) Prices ranged from $125 to $200 for common models. PS2's were $300 at the time.

You are a dumb faggot and don't know shit, kill yourself.

Nobody said "I really need a DVD player, AND I need to play the latest MGS!" you fucking dunce.

Wonder if Guerilla will survive if this is a flop. Decima is practically complete and their tech based subsidary got closed after their VR game failed.

But then a lot of eyes on Sony this week regarding their financial quarter and if there is big news

May not even be Barbie that does it since they have to rely on the Emoji Movie for a hit as they got skullfucked by Marvel in that deal for Spider-Man. The big question on Sony's financials this week is if they are going to sell the film division to CBS or one of the chinese companies willing to take it off their hands or are they going to take the Sudoko option of folding Sony Pictures into Playstation and have both run by Andrew House.

Interesting times

Ready At Dawn said it sold less than a million and they tried to buy the IP from Sony so they could release it on PC and try get some money back on it. Sony wouldn't sell at all.

But there's been a lot of notable games where Sony have claimed numbers but the leaderboards or companies say otherwise like Driveclub (The Bikes DLC had less than 20,000 on the leaderboards a week after it came out and the mid game content had less than 500,000 users on it).

It's hard to get a read on what the actual numbers are.

shit I didn't know buying the non-DRM version of something made me a hipster. I guess physical CD's and DVD's are outselling non-psychical copies again because hipster's and not people finally discovering DRM

shills and fantards out in full force for this game, it seems.

they are already here, some faggots writing fuckin more than 2 paragraphs explaining their shit taste in a reddit format and callin people trolls because they dont like the game already, Holla Forums truly went downhill after its first year.

Casual cunts will eat this up, not only the likes dislike but those comments.

These people are truly cancer.

I need source on that picture

It's poorly drawn zoophilia art how the fuck could you even find that arousing



Oh wow, a game that looked like shit during the last E3 looks like shit now. Quelle surprise.

Looks like fucking Skyrim.

Have you ever been outside of the city? There's not a lot to do acre after acre in the wilderness. The real world has a lot of empty space in it with fuck all to occupy you if you're just passing through. I don't understand why people demand every square meter of have a quest in it or some monster of note to spawn and kill. The whole point of an open world isn't to go making room for a thousand thousand extra side quests on you , open worlds are about creating a world that at least seems realistic.

That, and the large distance allows people to extend cutscenes without the players realizing. But controlling the distance from the quest accept area and to the quest start area gives the developer more time to add flavour dialogue. See Red Dead Redemption for this, they did a good job of turning quest travel time into extended cutscenes by adding a 'hold A to match speed' to ensure players took a specific time to get to the quest thus allowing them to know how long/short to make their cutscene. To a lesser extent but still intentionally GTA does this with car travel times from objective a to b to c etc, etc.

kek It's got some nice designs in it but it looks poorly put together and half assed. Shame, it might've been neat for a few hours.

What is it with developers and not being able to make skin look at least semi-realistic. Skin shouldn't be that fucking difficult or complex that they can't even get to halfway decent instead of 'shitty plastic' levels they're at.

At least rolling has a point there and isn't faster than running.


Well this explains a lot.

seriously how many dislikes
why would have they taken it down otherwise


Damn. Wish she was sane. Those feet, man. That brownish skin.


It's the year of our lord; Rooster.

Don't reply to me degenerate. Filtered, you scum of the earth.

And yet you're here. Doing nothing but complaining with no contribution to do anything else.


yes because i so spent my entire day replying to this fuckin thread, why dont you go back to your let it die containment thread you fuckin cancer. you fuckin reddit sonnyggers truly are easily buttblasted when insulting your boring ass cookie cutter generic mind numbing flavor of the month movies, i mean video games. again this place when to shit after its first year.

America is the modern day Roman Republic, it's collapsing and will rebirth itself as the Roman Empire. Trump is the beginning of this.

It's made doubly sad by the fact that Western civilization is the only true civilization that's ever existed on this planet.

This footage has me thinking: a game like this might honestly be served by a lock-on targeting system, where the right stick is used to fine-tune your aim on a target's body parts. If they wanted to make sure there was more skill involved in aiming (lol), they could have the reticle be magnetized to the centre of a monster, so that you had to hold the stick at a precise angle while holding the trigger in order to get the shot you want. Maybe have the protagonist's actions react to the depression of the trigger and have the power of the shot increase if you slowly pull the bowstring back instead of snapping it, so that you'd be rewarded for picking the optimal shot.

It's a shame people stopped liking those aiming systems with the 360 (I think Tomb Raider Underworld was one of the last ones to have one, or maybe crackdown, but that was just a selection of your enemies' body parts rather than actual aim) since it'd make the combat snappier and your focus decisions more meaningful. Instead of the retarded enemies who stand still for seconds at a time to accommodate the slow swing of the analogue stick controlling a camera, you would be zipping in and out of focus on different enemies, prioritizing whichever ones were closer or more aggressive, and weighing that against other enemies who might be exposing their weak spots while backing off. Aiming would be almost like a little puzzle for each enemy and each stance (L1+up+right+hold R2+release, say) rather than the same shit we've seen in games like this since nu-Tomb Raider, which was also awful.

The more I think about it, the more I realize the traditional aiming scheme doesn't really make sense for a game like this, especially if all you ever use is a bow and they want to prioritize careful shooting as opposed to spraying and praying with a machine gun. I don't think it'd have to be a Sniper Elite game, or the sniper mission from CoD 4, but Guerrilla Games could have tried SOMETHING, you know? They had the opportunity to make something which mechanically stood out from the crowd of AAA open world crafting shooting action games but they just made another one.

I was honestly looking forward to it after the first reveal trailers, but this is awful. How do you fuck something up THIS much?


That would make a pretty interesting aiming system. Maybe they could've also incorporated different arrow types - fire arrows, water arrows, oil arrows, whatever - that each have their own attributes and that do more or less damage to an enemy give said enemy's type; maybe there could've been obsidian arrows that could easily pierce metal, which could be effectively used against the robot limbs, joints, or other presumed sensitive areas like the neck, and that could be combined with crafted substances for even more buffs or side effects. In this way, combat would be a combination of precision aiming and strategy that would involve choosing the best weapon for the current foe. I also think the game could benefit from more than one weapon type; maybe a spear with a rope attached at the end? It could be used as a projectile or as a standard melee weapon, and it could be subject to the same aforementioned crafting. Of course, this would all sort of go to waste if there isn't a litany of interesting foes to fight against, and that's another big concern for this game. Are the enemies going to even post that much of a challenge?

The game, as it is being shown in the video, doesn't seem to have any depth to its systems.

This is Bioware-tier, Jesus.

Remove yourself, faggot.

I think I remember the game having more than one arrow type, but that was a while ago and the UI was different, so I could be wrong. That's a cool suggestion, though, and I like the idea of a spear with a rope tied to it. When they first showed the game off, there was a net/rope caster gun which you could use to tether enemies to the scenery and ground, but it looked so damn stupid. Having spears (maybe with hooked tips, like in bullfighting, and attached to small anchors which caught on the ground) fulfill that purpose would be a lot better. Having a limited number would mean more strategic decisionmaking, too.

I was hopeful initially when they showed off the vaguely Shadow of the Colossus enemies and the smaller robots that made up a herd/pack along with them, since it seemed obvious you were supposed to climb up their dorsal plates and pull out their brains once you reached their heads. That said, this new gameplay doesn't give me hope: there doesn't seem to be a meaningful mechanical difference between the brawler enemies and the ranged enemies, since each will stand still for a few seconds before attacking you. Fuck, even the brawler enemies have this weird laser they can shoot out of their mouths - why?

Okay remove unironically design edrobot dinosaurs. Goofy 80's cartoom robot dinosaurs can stay.

Holy fuck, I didn't finish watching that cutscene, it gets even worse.

I don't follow.

Isn't the guy that wrote large chunks of New Vegas the lead writer on this?


M-maybe they have more than one writer? A scenario writer and a dialogue writer?

One would imagine they'd have to go through the lead writer to have that shit in the final product.

It screams of generic gameplay design approved by a committee of suits checking boxes on what's "hot" right now, from control scheme to game content.

Who knows what really happened on the development side. Maybe he wanted to write an entirely different story with what he thought was a genuinely interesting premise, and some executive came in and shut him down. Maybe this was a collaborative effort with some ghost writer who is not being named. Who knows, really. Point being, 1) we don't even really know how well the story is or isn't done at this point - even though it's fair to be concerned about its quality, given the evidence from the video - and 2) even if it turns out shit, that isn't to say that it's Gonzalez's fault alone. Who knows? Maybe it'll be a semi-decent story?

The best thing about this game is that it will be contained in the ps4, so less people will eventually hear her.

Damn it. Spelling mistake. "Designed robots"

If kikepedia is to be trusted most of the story has remained largely unchanged since the get go.

Even the reddit cucks are complaining. The writing and the delivery are both atrocious by today's standards, really money well spent on Ashley Burch.

My bet is that this is another case of a talentless hack getting by because he was surrounded by talented people. Avellone, for example, consistently delivers quality writing regardless of projects.

the witcher 3 fag

All the fucking motion blur, depth of field and fxaa blurring everything together makes games look like shit, finish it off with youtube compressing all that shit into even muddier mess and voila.

The only other reason I could think for these numbers is that there less total software for the Wii U (725) compared to the PS4 (1316), so Wii U owners end up buying more of the same games since there is a smaller pool to draw from (basically the game library of each Wii U owner would be similar to one another unlike a PS4 owner with more choices).

If it comes out for PC, I will try to get our mateys on /scurv/ to plunder it.



It looks like a game by a studio that's never really delivered a good game who overreached too much and no amount of story or lore can save it. The media trying to put a "Progressive and brave" spin on the previews reeked of pre-emptive damage control for "The game isn't good". Especially as very few talk about the gameplay which looks so bog standard open world third person shooter and the Robots don't actually have unique and puzzle ways to take down like an actual hunter, you just blow them up like any other TPS or poke the glow stick to take over the horse like one. It's insulting levels of bland and previews praised the environment and world than talking about the game itself.

But then I've never seen a greater disconnect between the comments sections and the previews. Of course there are console fanboys running damage control (There's some hilarious faggot blaming Xbox fanboys in every disqus section with an obvious upvote bot. How desperate do you have to be to blame xfags for Sony's game being shit ). But most youtube videos on it have either massive dislikes (Not sure if its shit or because the bad footage is being disliked by Sony fanboys with dislike bots) or a comments section saying how sht it is and someone running an uplike bot on it.

And yes its true. Console fanboys are so butthurt these days they buy bots to upvote their own videos and downvote their rivals or anyone who talks shit about their favourite company.

The media is totally fucked trying to sell this shit because Zelda comes out the same week. First one to try say "Horizon is better than BOTW cause Feminism" is utterly fucked.



How fucking entitled can you be? You make me sick.


Saint Cattle Cunt Avenue is over there, you missed it you audacious cunt.

look at his flag you shitheads

fuck the marxism, this is what's pissing me off the most



her face looks terrible in that cherry picked image, but animated in the final game it looks much better.

kill yourself

wow, check out this quality voice acting. although i guess since theyre not focusing on story/narrative than the main focus will be on the gameplay. roll shoot roll shoot roll shoot roll shoot


next you're gonna tell me its poorly animated. maybe you just dont know anything about animation?

mr chen, the quiver holds the arrows in place. dont let trivial stuff like that keep you from enjoying a quality game like this.



Mrs.shill pls.

youre the kind of faggot that didnt even #ridethebull

wrong webm

No one is laughing. pls go

they couldn't figure out how to make that arrow actually fire in their animation, so they used an animation that fires an arrow from the ground she was standing on aka, her character area.

Dragon age since Origins has been coded to essentially be a 2d top down game, where the actual workload for each character is being done by an invisible circle underneath what is actually the character's animations, not the character.

Essentially, it's a so shittly coded that every dragon age game is a 2d map with character animations attached to circles to give the illusion of an actual character. The 2D circles can never move from their track.

This means that when you want to do that sort of arrow animation that's separate from your character animation, you have to change the animation so that the arrow appears in the spot that it needs to (tip of the bow, or if you're lazy, center of the character animation, for the second one you have to change the x, y and z co-ordinates and test it til it's just right, most 3rd person shooters if they don't use hitscan weapons usually have a separate parent so that it moves with the tip of the gun) so that it fires right.

So, they didn't make a separate parent for the bow, they didn't even use a simple workaround by using a game ability in cutscene and placing an invisible dummy enemy inside the "arrowed guy" animation, they didn't even change the coordinates of the animation so that it wouldn't look like shit.

This is lazyness. This is just sad.

you're a faggot shill and you should be ashamed of yourself.

He's just being ironic :^)
Its still pathetic though

I thought your shitposting was funny, user.

It looks more like a Witcher 3 clone than a Zelda clone.

have more of those?

Look out boys, we have genuine fucking marketers with us tonight.

this is a bummer because the actual combat looks pretty enjoyable but i have little faith in the story and another needlessly giant open world

pandering to nigger = check
bad animation = check
literally the formula nowadays to be considered AAA

You know the rules, hop to it faggot

The lure of easy shekels is too great

what the fuck

All I'm hearing is MC Ride saying OW OW OW

The PS4 should've had backwards compatibility with PS3 games to tide over the nogames and then the pro would come out for all the people who want their nogames in 4k and with shitty VR. Ps2 had backwards compat with PS1 games and memory cards, PS3 on release had backwards compat with Ps1 and PS2 games. Sony are just too jewish now with reselling some of the old games on PSN.


Stopped there. It's amazing how these people lie so easily.


Someone forgot to texture a Zbrush sculpt?

I want you all to also notice the faces all look like plastic, since they didn't even bother to add texture bump map in the skin.

also notice how the hair looks like shit like its on a doll.


It would be nice to understand their thought process in getting rid of textures. I swear, games have never looked or played as bad as they do right now. AAA developers have taken so many steps backwards it's truly astonishing, especially when you consider the time and money they sink into these things.

Pretty sure it's an issue with the quality of the video.

You serious?


Good textures were used to hide low poly models. Since devs can use 1,000,000,000 polygons for every pore on a model's skin, no one needs to use textures any more, because there's nothing to hide. More polys = more detail, right?
At least, that's how it seems. I looks like greasy ass though, you're right.

Cool promo image, Sony. May I show you some E3 screenshots?

Be as retarded as you want, I can only point out where you are wrong.

Games still use textures, you're retarded, what devs don't do anymore when using a physically based lighting setup is paint in specular highlights and ambient occlusion to the diffuse/albedo textures, and it looks significantly better when done well.

Do you think they much rather be doing 3D animations over videogames?

hell, the """""tactical camera""""" in Inquisition is actually just an invisible party member you move around that can get stuck on terrain.

you're an idiot if you seriously think "getting rid of textures" meant "getting rid of all textures".

I recognize that faggot.

Sony marketing is probably using BRs.

Why does he sound like a white cuckold writing poetry about how his bull fucks his wife?

This game is going to get absolutely raped when it gets released isn't it?

That's not what I thought it meant suck my dick,

Pretty sure they're surrounded by buildings no more than 6 meters in all directions, shill.


I agree completely.

Maybe she's secretly a robot. What a twist.

looks realistic enough , don't see the problem

has anyone dressed as shia and gone there just to troll people.