Non Avatarniggers thread

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hahah asreli from le aundelrtale is rienabow six sege hostacfge and pheil is fuze and he use cusmeter cahrge to kill the hosartge




save us, g_d collins

buy a noose

No u.

Sangria, you were doing so good for a second there.

we have to gas the plebs first

Morning everyone.

Just woke up feel like crap. Need something to do so I stop being bored and sleepy. At least I have booze and weebshit later today.

Played some of that lion king on snes cause of dmx. Was a lot worst than I remembered.

I found a couple bottles of Smirnoff Ice in my front yard so I guess I'm going to drink them and watch Homeland while I play Oracle of Seasons. Thinking I might pick up Vermintide before bed, too. It's on for about $8 on Green Man Gaming.

I have insomnia, shoot a gun my way.

I finally beat Muramasa Rebirth. The game got a little tiring at the end, so I just youtube'd the true ends.

It was a damn pretty game though.

ill kill your waifu you nigger

Drinking random shit you found seems like a terrible idea.

Whats vermintide?

How long you been awake user?

Whats your final verdict on the game?


as long as it's without you, it's great

Very pretty.

When you still like Phil, you'd be gassed as well.

I got gifted a copy, it's 30gigs because they refused to compress anything and it doesn't work. The only advice I could find to even fix it was 'try restarting your computer' and 'verify the cache and restart your computer'.

The night before I fell asleep at 7 or 8am and woke up at 2pm and still up. Stucki n a loop, my sleep has been like this for 2 months now.

fuck off showershitter

It hasn't been opened, so it should be okay. Vermintide is a Warhammer (not 40k) game where you've got to fight off a tide of rat people. I hear it's fantasy L4D2 with RPG elements.

I'm more concerned it won't run and I'll have to actually get around to fixing my PC.

How about I teach you about how great vaporwave is?

Muramasa is good, but Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is the much better game. 7.5/10.

Hooray for being poor what to buy what to buy

Like pottery.

When can Mark add forced user?

how about you stop shitting on the showers pajeet?

Buy 11 grand worth of videogames.

he swings in because his shit got deleted, hilarious really

We talking 4 hours a day or 4 hours every other day?

It ain't that hard to make a glass bottle look resealed I don't think. Could be piss!

Shit's carbonated too though. Too clear to be piss. Tastes like lime cola, kind of. It's alright. Not gonna complain about free alcohol, even if it is vodka.

The game looks alright from what I've seen, but I lost all interest when the only way to get it to work was praying and maybe jumping around video card drivers.

There was forced user for all of 5 minutes, but then people started screaming about how they couldn't type sage into the email field.

I'll shit on you instead~

Still playing Yakuza 0. Super fun.

Some days I sleep for 12 hours, others less.

Someone end my life.

Buy one of those 20 foot long miia dakis.

If those are the smirnoff things I'm thinking about they ain't got vodka in them. Just some kind of malt booze.

go back to africa and take your dubs with you

It's 2017. Alternative shitting is the hot new way to take down the cishet white males who oppress everyone by forcing them to use toilets!

>tfw no bf
I just want to be held, just once. It feels like I'm carrying a heavy weight, and every year it gets 50 pounds heavier. I've never even hugged anyone.

My college semester starts up with today. I should probably sleep.

I'm poor I probably make 11 grand a year lol

I would do that but I live with family so that'll be a definite no

It runs okay for my brother so I'm more inclined. DLC's expensive though.

It says 5% by volume on the bottle. Basically a fruit soda, but it was free. One of the benefits of living on a popular local trail, and having a little wall out front. Sometimes people sit down and leave things behind.

Marxist indoctrination.

assuming you're a fag
do something worthwhile, you don't need your ass filled by someone to feel needed

Is it really insomnia if you are sleeping 12 hours at a time sometimes?

Hit the gym faggot.

Night user! Good luck

It may have just been one instance of 'doesn't work on my machine, it's garbage' tbh.

whatever they both like to shit everywhere except on toilets lol

that was correct in the former current years, its the current year+2 now and you will be deported to your designated shitting lands

…Then fucking sleep.

Twas referencing a thread a few days ago, nigger for 11 grand back on taxes and made a thread on it, he wanted to piss it all way on videogames.

I read symptoms and have troubles falling alseep and mind racing are a few symptoms. I'm not sure why I manage to sleep for so long/

ayy bae wat good?

Stop being a bigot you shitlord.

At least buy some weebshit figs. I've been having a hard time picking out my next couple myself. Been sitting on 100$ for it for a while.

Thats a weird spot to live sounds like, though also sounds comfy as fuck.

And yeaaah I've had those before. Not too bad. Wish I had that over super cheap rum today.

Go trawl local multimedia places and see if you can score something good on the cheap like I do.

Nah, lots of people live on it. Goes right through town in several parts, and runs through the whole county.

not really

its 2017, if you're not a bigot you're behind the times, learn that huey, g-d its like you're stuck in 2015

If you want to go the shit route, try booze or weed to help falling asleep.

Or try exercising a couple hours before bed and cutting out soda/coffee if you want the good way.

What state you up in fam?

I could stay a virgin until the day I die, I just want a hug man. I have almost no sex drive, I just want some emotional fulfillment.

If you're spider, fuck off.


you say that now, but fags are all about their sex drive
that's all they do
you're better off with a tulpa or a stuffed animal
at least they won't give you the poz

It's like you're stuck in medieval times. Why don't you care about us strong independent womyn of color?

Spider did nothing wrong. There is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo.

I'm in Canada.

My condolences.


They have walking trails in canada? I thought it was a frozen wasteland where if you took your gloves off for even 10 seconds outside you'd lose a finger!

Hey at least someone took care of business up there today.

Burn the leaves, rake war now?




Spider has posted benis before, that's plenty wrong

Most of them it seems. Everyone just wants the boipussy, not feels.

stronk independent wxmyn of color are from the last year, this is the current year, stop being such a cuck stuck in prehistorical times

I'm pretty far south. It's warm-ish here.

It's my curse.

Woah, hey. If you insult me, I win.

that's why you shock the gay away like Mike 'Electric Fence' Pence will do


I'll pray 4u. Will western entertainment get their shit together?

He did nothing wrong.

It's like you're a member of the alt-right or something.

Only if you're not a white male.



But he has a small benis

Not really all that far south though when you think about it.

Do you post in the thread after your nightly thing?

white makes right

I'm pretty white looking but legally I have native status because my grandma was somehow a white native.


I'm about as far south as you can get in Canada. Detroit is north of here.

I would do the same thing tbh except I'd probably add a couple dakimakuras and a fluffy bed

Weeb figures you say, I honestly don't see the point in those they cost too much and I don't really know what to do for them other than stare at them when I'm drunk. I guessthat's the point, but still seems like a waste of money

My only interests are video games, anime, and history though. I might buy a sword or something stupid

Deplorable Bitch. I've lived in five different countries, traveled and conducted research in over 40 nations around the world, lived in numerous cities with loads of diversity. I lived in one of the most violent countries on Earth, Honduras, with a diverse range of people where I chose to do my doctoral research in a conflict zone. I grew up in North Tulsa, Oklahoma, the 98% African American side of town, in my early life. I then lived in West Tulsa, the setting of S.E. Hinton's the "Outsiders". We lived with a wide range of diversity of blue collar folks that worked the oil refineries, welded and lubed trains and machinery in West Tulsa. We lived in a lower socio-economic group with people in poverty; including hispanics, vietnamese, african-americans, native americans, ect. My mother's side of the family is half Cherokee, my uncle is a full blooded Cherokee. I grew up with my older disabled brother who suffers a rare form of ataxia called SCA8 that's in the same family as cerebral palsy. My wife, and her entire family are Colombian. So, I live with loads of diversity in my daily life you dumb fu=%k! But, to get to your ignorant ass post loaded with assumptions; here's my answer. I moved to Canada from Washington D.C. where I lived in both SE D.C. and SW D.C., both prominent African American communities. I moved to Canada to heal due to illness. I eventually was diagnosed with a rare form of blood cancer and had a 15% chance of living when diagnosed. I'm in remission due to the excellent treatment I've received at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center and now have a 85% chance of living and continue to heal. What's your story Deplorable Bitch? You probably want to delete your stupid ass post now; or are you to ignorant to realize what you were saying to me with no context? And, go fu$% yourself, you white trash, Ku Klux Klan racist. Suck it, you f%^k! And, if you have a problem, step up and I'll handle your raggedy ass with an explanation that's based on facts and not false projections and assumptions. You don't know me - so go waddle in your cesspoll of right wing extremism in America like the loser that you have revealed yourself to be. There's no place for your ignorant bullshit in America, or in my life. So carry on, go yourway, and I'll go mine. You may live in America, but you dn't belong there; not unless you get a time machine and head back a couple of centuries. Adios amigo; que tenga un buen dia y que les vaya bien por tu vida ignorante!

Are you implying that there isn't health at all sizes?

You mean white makes genocide of native culture.


Yeah, and a multimedia place should have vidya and anime. Though whether prices are good or not, I suppose depends on the place. But who knows, maybe you can do what I did and manage to find Yakuza 2 for $12 or something.

it's called being a pioneer

What? You get free gibs from that?

Its nice having a dozen or two of them on your desk. Just makes life more comfy.

Plus you can get cheaper ones. They all don't have to be 100$. Whats some of your favorite shows?

Only 3/4, goy :^)

im an spic who's been oppressed by ebul whitey donald drumpf :^)
check your white privilege

I get a discount at most stores and the gubmint will chip in if I ever go to college. I don't get the white native thing either.

So, what corner will you guys be crying in?

gonna cry white tears into your mommy that night

Jesus christ canada.

You should do the college thing. Rip em off good.

Me and the gf are gonna get comfy, watch some super cheesy 90s movie, eat choco, and maybe pop open some wine that day most likely.

fuck you beat me to it
i guess ill have to do it inside your mom instead

gonna be asleep in bed probably

Yeah. A pioneer of racism and bigotry.

You're still a white male.

I'm a MtF transotherkin who identifies as a black muslim. Check your heteronormative privilege.

I'm going to do the same thing I do every Valentine's Day. Forget it exists until I'm handed candy from a parent who picked it up that day because it was cheap.

hey everyone

Turdeau was a mistake. Liberalism was a mistake.

I hope Trump manages to get Trudeau to cuck out and pay for a great Northern Wall.

Why are you here?

guess what faggot
i am every transmexiblack and part of every single religion in the world and i identify as every single gender that has and will ever exist
check your privilege niggler


Sh-shut up.

It's ridiculous. Most of our abbos are too busy drinking to use it anyway.

This way predates Trudeau. My mother used it to go to college.

Just how new are you buddy?

What you up to today user?

By Girlfriend he means his 2d Waifu
You should know this by now

sounds good


Because he needs the attention.

Oh yeah? I'm races, genders, and sexes that don't even exist.

No you piece of filth. You're the reason everything is terrible.


Had a couple interveiws and now in a few weeks time I'll be starting a 4 week job trial, in which it'll be the longest time I've spent away from home
Going to be good

they can't help it
it's bait they simply cannot not bite

What is the point of even living anymore.
we all die in the end

I'm sorry I'm white and male and cishet. I was born this way.

Well, guess again nigger, i am you
all me tbh

Monster, LOGH, Space Cobra, some gundams, Berserk, NHK, Initial D

There is one of those stores near me, too bad I don't have any of my consoles because I moved and my sister has them and she's 1000 miles away

Puhlease, I've tried my chances with 3d and realized I love jerking off to hotties like this than some annoying cunt that'll nitpick and judge you over the dumbest shit


Do they get discounts on booze? That'd be pretty funny.

Why are you staying out of home for that? Do they provide room and shit?

Could buy some little initial d model cars. Almost picked up some vintage ones from the 90s myself a couple months back.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting fuck off.

Waifus and physical pleasures like food, booze, and wanking it mostly.

Because there's still tobacco to smoke and alcohol to drink. If we stop producing those I'll have nothing left to do.

Do the world a favor and end yourself.

Guess what. I'm nothing.

BUT IT'S 2017

Love you too bae~

Not sure. Never checked. I think it just cancels out the 8% tax.

its all me tbh faggot
all of it
including everything and nothing

So you understand why vaporwave is so great now?

isn't it great?

Shiiiiiiet I'd be all up in that. Do you have a special like card saying "shitskin gib card" or aything?

It's called a certificate of native status or something like that.

I do get a hardon for a r32 skyline

But user that is GAY

I will only find fulfillment in life living in a small cottage in Wyoming with a comfy bed and nice dakimakura and fast speed internet

The job is over 400km away

It's not the inclusive world we were told it was going to be.

It's gotta be bait, it has to be bait but if you're not baiting and actually being legit fucking end yourself.

yeah things are certainly looking up

it being all me tbh doesnt mean vaporwave isnt shit, it still is shit, i should probably stop shitposting as you with a proxy because holy shit that persona of mine has shit opinions, habits and overall taste.

Neat. Kinda jelly.

Well at least you'll have a nice change of scenery.

Why not just find a stable cuteboy neet to have instead of a daki? Then you could both neet it up.

It's nice enough I guess. Gotta be at least 1/8 to get one and the parent you're native through needs to also have the card.

holy shit shitsu some actual good taste coming out of you

I'm not "baiting". I'm not trying tot roll anyone either. You sickos need to be more inclusive. Take a trip down to Holla Forums and Reddit to see how to be more inclusive.

There's literally everything wrong with the current world.

You mean you should stop saying Phil is anything other than cancer?

except that its starting to improve

no i mean i should stop posting as you.
fuck i hate samefagging but i just cant stop it

yeah I should probably stop

It's actually getting worse.

But I wouldn't even postironically do anything ironicaly while pretending to do it unironically.

fuck off me

yeah it's gonna get real bad for our enemies

Sup my nigs?

I'm trying to finish watching the original yugioh series to get ready for the new movie that I'm going to see in a couple days. I'm never going to finish it all, I'm horrible at binge watching.

No u

Gotta leave the house today for the first time since November. It's gonna succ.

I dunno, the r32 is pretty amazing, don't get me wrong I love the rx7 fc but only the later models, the early ones backs were pretty shit, it's right up there with e30 for my favorite cars thoughs

I don't like being around people is why

I never knew social conditioning was a thing until I heard one of my online friends dad come into his room while we were playing games complaining about how Steve Bannon was trying to seize the press and how trump was actually hitler for being against abortion and temporary banning muslims from 3rd world shitholes that have ISIS cells in them

Not until I learn to have better taste.

So we're going to become the best of the best while you die off completely? Got it.

Would your kids be able to get it?

Ayy been a while.

I don't think you could possibly binge watch all of that in a couple a days if you did it 24/7. Just not enough time. Skip some of the dream matrix world filler shit.

watch the abridged version then


I'm about halfway into season 2. What is the dream matrix world filler?

I guess I could do that. Not really the ideal way to watch a series though.

I learned about peer pressure a long time ago fam

Yeah I'm looking forward to the american reich

you could always immigrate legally fam

Yeah, I think so. It's either 1/8 or 1/4 to get it.

all me tbh

why is that my neet life friend?

also me

You mean Shiara Law will come into effect in the US? Even better! It'll show how we're more inclusive than those bigoted Sweeds.

I disagree since it's kinda funny

this is also me

Yeah was just shittin anyway. r32 is pretty damn sex in its own right. Those never got sold state side right?

About half way through the blimp season they fuck off into the matrix for a while. Or after? You'll know when it happens. Just skip it. Its fun and silly but has nothing at all to do with the main arc of the story with ancient egypt shit. You can just watch it later anyway.

you got trips so I believe you

I'm looking forward to that as well, it will be great when all those jobs become available for men when womens rights are revoked

I don't like being around people that much either but if you find someone you do like being around it's really nice. It really sucks if/when you lose them, but having that even for a little while is the best.

Too bad the only person I ever felt that way about couldn't stand me after a while.

every post made in this thread is mine
i am every single poster in the entire internet
its all me tbh



I learned about the best cultures when I was young


But what if it was actually all me instead

White culture is the worst culture. Don't even think of trying to copy better cultures because that would be cultural appropriation and is racist.

I knew peer pressure was a thing, I didn't know that they just believed everything that the media told him, he tried telling his son that CNN was pretty conservative

Just don't walk into niggers, I was shopping and looking at the aisles seeing if anything was on sale and I guess I glanced at this nigger for a second and he just asked me what the fuck I was looking at, I just walked past him and kept shopping but still that nigger didn't know if I was packing heat or not, they just want to be murdered sometimes

Yeah none of skylines got sold in the states, but GTRs are being sold now, honestly they're one of the only cars I like on the market besides mustangs and a couple others

shut up me

DAulaire made some great stuff by the way

don't worry, our culture is so rich we dont really need other cultures

Is Aborigine Culture the best culture

No all me

I dunno, I've never been intimate with people and I don't think I ever will be, it's over rated and for the birds. I just want a quiet life of solitude where I can play video games and slowly vegetate away in peace

You mean all shit copies of better cultures?

I don't want to say one is better than the other because that would oppress the rest, but I know white culture is the worst.

I bet MSNBC is conservative too
>>>Holla Forums8988571

well it's hard to perfectly recreate rome and improve on it

Rome was the worst though. Don't you remember when it failed and the better "offshoot" that you shitlords keep calling it did better?

that didn't happen
user I'm really tired tonight

Same here. If I won crazy money in the lottery that'd be the only modern car I'd actually buy.

Sup, 4am, is it normal that I've begun going on Holla Forums less and less, to the point where I play more video games than even lurk? What the fuck happened?


no not really, the board is shit and so are the people who post on it

y-you too

Yes it did. Why haven't you wrapped yourself in really nice fuzzy blankets that feel incredible.

You're having something called fun, and the board is fucking awful due to how Mark thinks moderation should be done. Get out while you still can.

But I thought the Japanese were also Oppressive, but not as Oppressive as the west

I can't even talk about video games anymore online, Holla Forums was the only place for that shit. Now I don't even disagree with people here, it's like I'm not even playing the same vidya.

Only the males are oppressive.

nah, rome never died
at work, didn't get enough sleep because the filthy fucking mexicans kept yelling their spic speak outside and coming and going during the day, gonna report their asses to trump

stop spellin dat shit different fam gotta put a lil space up in dat shit monica makin it hard for a nigga u heard fam?

It's dead and your kind killed it. Get a fan or something and use it to cancel out noise like I do.

you would have to play vidia first

It was bad, I just can't believe that he thinks Steve Bannon is making the modern gestapo, if anything it's just silly. I didn't know people were so fucking dumb, my brother will come home and say "DID YOU SEE HOW SMALL THE CROWD WAS" then I'll show him a picture with it being filled to the back with all people there, and he'll say I dunno that might jsut be angling. It's odd. But good news he got trump pilled when he realized that since he's an engineer and his job will boom under massive construction projects he now loves Trump

is thaat sum bovine w/ it's hoof ripped off monica?

I think it's dead.

just getting bitter and bitter here, sorry

I kinda agree with you there, last talk about video games I did, I made my self look like a fool against the oh so end all end all argument "if you haven't played it then you can't say it's bad"

I don't think the fan would help man, but I should give it a try
it doesn't help that the fucking beaners blast their fencehopping music wherever they go

Why don't you join them in their festivities?

Are Black Males Oppressive

this year has been awesome but I'm tired as fuck myself so no big

what the fuck I love trump now

No, because they're victims of oppression.

I'm trying to fucking sleep and I Hate them also they only talk in taco

jewish oppression

Well, maybe you should learn the better language.

You mean white oppression.

I don't know that it is


Thing is, the vidya I play isn't really discussion worthy, or at least I can't get a good thread going for it. Only game I can discuss well/ stay interested with Holla Forums on is Doom.

I just want to live a quiet life

ss13 doom wad when?

jews aren't white

why not?

I like platformers to be honest, simple games are best

You need to stop.

i feel it monica Holla Forums gets all riled up ova da wrong thingz usually 2 me. dey rather b rejoicin in sumn bein shit than talk about shit dat dey like u kno


I got all my Pokemon through Bank today, but a Groudon straight up disappeared.

I pulled all my legendaries off Bank and they're all sitting on my Sun.

u get sons in pokemon now?

Are you pretending to be a Holla Forumslack, cause you're doing a terrible job at it. Can't say I expected better than a guy screeching no avatarfags/trips ever.

It's pretty clear what your agenda is.

hey guys i just ignored the whole thread and started posting based on the fact that i dont give a fuck about u.
thats a link to the gayest shit in gaming, dont click on it fgt itll melt ur brain

it cost five dollars so i can buy a bump of coke

i'm tryna get my dicc wet, hit me up wit them chats

god tier post, KYS if u disagree

is 4am getting smaller and smaller each day?

Why are there so many avatars, tripfags and namefags in these threads?
why can't you guys just use the default name like everyone else?
Seriously wondering this, as your indentity has nothing to do with the discussions you are having. There is essentualy no point in you having a way to identify yourself.
Why do it?

got distracted because food came and had to talk to cops about a card fraud guest

have a good night fams

also you're a faggot

No (you) :^)

Most are either completely leaving the thread, or just running off to the cytube/irc and not bothering to post in the threads.

It's to "prove that banning them for having an identity shows that there's a slippery slope in the moderation". Sounds like bullshit to justify being an attentionwhore.

What's up niggers?
Are these threads still full of autists screeching about threads they don't like but yet they can't stop posting in?

Yes. And he still gets ass blasted every time I poke him for being too retarded to fuck with the irc because he'd rather spam the board only 4 people even used and pretending he is specifically going after me because I exist.

that's your inferiority complex kicking in
no matter how much I tell you that I don't have particular reasons to do it, everyone of your thoughts runs back to yourself
you're a literal jew because it was real in your mind
that's about the only reply you get from me today, make it last
print it out and jerk off with it because I mentioned you, you seem to like it a lot

You keep screaming about how the threads are cancer, but you go to the place literally nobody goes to spam it because you know nobody will do anything. Keep thinking you're in the right buddy, it's quite cute.